#curse you - sevi-fuk - for giving me a double whammy idea!
goldenamaranthe-blog · 9 months
Married with Children
Qrow & Yang: (walking around Mantle)
Qrow: Sooooooo, I've noticed you and that emo partner of yours have gotten pretty close lately. What are your thoughts on the little mystery femme fatale now that you two have "kissed and made up"?
Yang: (blushing) Qrow! We havent kissed! Made up, yes. Kissed? No.
Qrow: Oh, but I can tell you want to, kid. It's written all over your face.
Yang: (blushes deeper shade of crimson) I- I don't know? I mean. I like Blake and all, and I'm happy she's been doing better after everything in Argus. And her new haircut looks absolutely amazing. And-
Qrow: (whimpers like a little puppy) My little Firecracker has a bad case of puppy love. (Swiftly brings an arm up to block Yang’s backhand while laughing)
Yang: Okay! I like Blake! So what?!
Qrow: (ruffles Yang’s hair affectionately) You and your dad have the same taste in women. Only difference is that I think this one is the healthiest relationship anyone in the Xiao Long family has ever had. Now, I can only hope Ruby doesn't take on the family curse...
-Back At The Atlas Academy Dorms-
Blake & Weiss: (laying on the floor while looking through Blake's new notebook)
Blake: (dragging her pen across the pages as she spews word vomit excitedly) And this is the house plans I drew up. I'm not a builder, but I feel like this is a good start.
Weiss: (glances over the notes impressed) Wow, Blake, you've really put some thought into this. I take it you really like Yang.
Blake: Weiss, in my fantasies, Yang and I are already married with half a dozen kids. I don't just like Yang. I love her.
Weiss: Uh-huh (props her head in her hand cheekily) and is there any plan to confess this love to Yang anytime soon, or are you going to have imaginary children seven and eight before you even consider it?
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