#smug weiss
goldenamaranthe-blog · 9 months
Married with Children
Qrow & Yang: (walking around Mantle)
Qrow: Sooooooo, I've noticed you and that emo partner of yours have gotten pretty close lately. What are your thoughts on the little mystery femme fatale now that you two have "kissed and made up"?
Yang: (blushing) Qrow! We havent kissed! Made up, yes. Kissed? No.
Qrow: Oh, but I can tell you want to, kid. It's written all over your face.
Yang: (blushes deeper shade of crimson) I- I don't know? I mean. I like Blake and all, and I'm happy she's been doing better after everything in Argus. And her new haircut looks absolutely amazing. And-
Qrow: (whimpers like a little puppy) My little Firecracker has a bad case of puppy love. (Swiftly brings an arm up to block Yang’s backhand while laughing)
Yang: Okay! I like Blake! So what?!
Qrow: (ruffles Yang’s hair affectionately) You and your dad have the same taste in women. Only difference is that I think this one is the healthiest relationship anyone in the Xiao Long family has ever had. Now, I can only hope Ruby doesn't take on the family curse...
-Back At The Atlas Academy Dorms-
Blake & Weiss: (laying on the floor while looking through Blake's new notebook)
Blake: (dragging her pen across the pages as she spews word vomit excitedly) And this is the house plans I drew up. I'm not a builder, but I feel like this is a good start.
Weiss: (glances over the notes impressed) Wow, Blake, you've really put some thought into this. I take it you really like Yang.
Blake: Weiss, in my fantasies, Yang and I are already married with half a dozen kids. I don't just like Yang. I love her.
Weiss: Uh-huh (props her head in her hand cheekily) and is there any plan to confess this love to Yang anytime soon, or are you going to have imaginary children seven and eight before you even consider it?
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lily-cmdier99 · 2 years
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juanarc-thethird · 5 months
Learn to lock the door!
Blake: *Enters Jaune's room* Hey Jaune, have you seen my... book?
Jaune is naked, with his cock deep inside a girl on all fours who looks just like Blake. But seconds later she transforms back into Emerald.
Jaune: We can explain.
Blake: *Horny* Fuck that, I'm in.
Moments later
Ruby: Hey Jaune have you seen... Blake?
Blake is on top of Jaune, balls deep, while Emerald is putting on her clothes so she can leave.
Jaune: Is not what it looks like!
Ruby: I don't care what it looks like, I'm in!
Moments later
Weiss: Hey Jaune, did you...
Ruby is fucked from behind by Jaune while he holds her by the neck with a bit of pressure. While Blake is fully dressed putting on her shoes.
Jaune: *red* Blake is a bad influence!!
Weiss: I'm next.
Moments later
Yang: Jaune, did you eat my…!
Jaune has Weiss in a Mating Press and hitting her little pussy hard like a piñata with his big cock. Ruby, on the other side, is dressed, recording what is happening.
Jaune: Your sister dared me to do it!!!
Yang: And I have another one for you~
Moments later
Pyrrha: Jaune, it's time for our tra- Eh?!!
Yang is on all fours while Jaune fucks her from behind while he pulls her hair. In the corner of the bed, Weiss is putting on makeup again to look presentable.
Jaune: She is came to me first!
Yang: *Giggles* Yes I did~
Pyrrha: Your form is wrong, let me help you.
Moments later
Nora: Jaune, have you seen- HOLY MOLLY!!!
Pyrrha has Jaune lying on his back and pressed against the bed without him being able to move, while she bounces on his cock like an animal in heat. On the other side Yang is sitting on a couch, watching what's happening while she touches herself.
Jaune: Help! My pelvis can't take it anymore!
Nora: Oh I give you a hand~
Moments later
Neon: What's up with the noise? Are you guys having a par-TYYYYY!!!!! *Shock*
Nora has Jaune against the wall while she fucks him using her big ass. Jaune can only hold onto her hips. Pyrrha, on the other side, is brushing her hair.
Jaune: This is not a party!!
Neon: *Takes a pic on her phone* It is now~
Moments later
Reese: Neon, are you here? What do you- HOLY SHIT!!
Jaune is sitting on the bed with his back leaning against the wall while Neon moves her hips slowly and sensually while they fuck. Nora is still naked talking to someone on her phone.
Jaune: Reese, what are you doing here?!!
Reese: *Smug* Duh, I came for the party~
Moments later
Arslan: *Ready to fight* Reese, I'm here! Why do you need... *Wide eye* Backup?
Reese is on her tiptoes leaning against the wall while Jaune fucks her intensely. Neon meanwhile is taking selfies with them two in the back.
Jaune: Wait, this is 100% completely consensual!
Arslan: In that case, I also consent.
Moments later
Velvet: Jaune? Nora told me to come see y-y-y-WHY?!! *Angry*
Arslan is hanging onto Jaune with her arms around his neck and her legs hanging in Jaune's arms, supporting her ass while he fucks her. Reese, meanwhile, is on a video call with someone showing how Arslan is getting fucked.
Jaune: Velvet?! Why are you angry?!
Velvet: I gave ya all the bloody signs 'n ya fucked her?! That Dick is mine!
Moments later
Coco: Hey Jaune, is Velvet here? She said she was going- HOLY FUCK!!!
Velvet is being bred with her legs hooked around Jaune, who is on top of her fucking her like there is no tomorrow with cum coming out of her. Arslan meanwhile is putting her bandages on her arms and hands.
Jaune: It was her idea! I swear!
Coco: Whatever her idea is, I want it too~
Moments later
May: Jaune? Nora told me to come her of- *GASP!!!* I-I-I!
Coco looks a mess, her makeup ruined, her hair messy, all thanks to Jaune. He is fucking her with her on top of him, close to his body, while his cock is hitting her insides in all the right places, giving her great pleasure. Taking this opportunity, Velvet uses her camera to take photos of all of Coco's lewd expressions.
Jaune: Wait! Please don't scream!
May: *Red* I WON'T LOSE!!
Moments later
Penny: *Smiling* Hello friend Jaune! I came here to get fuck!
May is bouncing on Jaune's lap while he sucks on the nipples of her huge tits. Coco, meanwhile, is taking some selfies, liking the new look.
Jaune: You what?!!
Penny: *She removes her clothes* I'm sex ready!!!
Moments later
Ciel: Penny, I know you are here! General Ironwood is calling- WHAT THE FUCK?!!
Penny is on all fours with her hand pressed against the bed while Jaune puts all his weight to fuck her from behind. Meanwhile, May is sleeping next to them in the bed covered with a sheet.
Jaune: Please don't tell Ironwood!
Ciel: If you convince me, maybe I won't do it~ *She licks her lips*
Moments later
Ciel is curled up with a pillow while lying on her side with her ass on the edge of the bed where Jaune is fucking her hard. Penny is currently on a video call with Ruby talking about her recent experience.
Jaune: *Panic* Prof. Goodwitch! It's not what it looks like?!
Jaune saying her name made the two girls panic as well.
Glynda: You girls get dressed and go to your rooms immediately!
The two girls do what they are told and run out of the room.
Glynda: And your Mr. Arc…
Jaune: *Worry* YES!!
*Click* Suddenly the sound of the door being locked is heard.
Jaune: Prof. Goodwitch?
Glynda: Now you're all mine~💕
Moments later
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yuri-alexseygaybitch · 6 months
"Jumblr" freaks are some of the most smug arrogant condescending bastards on this site. They found one iota of oppression they could claim to justify their vicious white supremacy and fragility and cling onto it for dear life. All they do is alternate between fandom-brained Heckin Smol Bean explanations of Judaism/Jewishness like the "fighting God in a Denny's parking lot" thing and whining about "leftist antisemitism" but being too bitchmade to announce their Zionism with their whole chest because they're Steven Universe adults who break down at the first hint of confrontation they can't claim a moral high ground on. They've somehow managed to combine the worst aspects of your average fandom racist and Bari fucking Weiss. Exhausting people.
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rocknroll7575 · 16 days
Guardian ghost au
Jaune: Hmmmm chat how do we think about this
Ozma: Jaune don't call the-
RCZ: We should attack from above
Weiss: They are all so dumb yet they somehow know exactly what the others are thinking
Arslan: For once I have to agree with you
ARCZ sharing one braincell:
Yang: ...What are you four doing?
*Jaune with Reese on his shoulders and Cardin with May on his shoulders*
Jaune: Reese and May like to feel tall!
Cardin: Guys, everything fine, Dr. Peach said the bleeding's internal, that's where the blood is suppose to be!
Reese: Oh good!
May: Fuck him up! Get him!
Reese: Come on! Knock him out of the ring!
Jaune: Go! Go! Go!
Cardin: Stop moving you bastard! Go down!
Arslan: *looking at the four with confusion* What the hell are you four doing?
*ARCZ kneeling around a plastic Bayblade arena with four Bayblades spinning*
Jaune: Alright! on the count of three!
Reese: One...
May: Two...
Cardin: Three!
*_RCZ pushing Jaune down Beacon's stairway while he sits on his shield*
*Fire alarm goes off*
Summer: Alright class, just say calm and-
*Window breaking*
Jaune: Every team for themselves! *Jumps out window*
Reese: Wait for me J-Man! *Follows after him*
Cardin: *Jumps after Reese* Hang on! I'm coming too!
May: Wait for me you assholes! *Leaps out of Window*
Jaune: We're just saying you can't be sure it wasn't you
Weiss: Ridiculous! Of course, it wasn't me!
May: Marijuana is a memory loss drug, so maybe you just don't remember?
Weiss: I would remember!
Cardin: Well how could you if it erased your memory?
Weiss: That's not how it works!
Reese: *smug* Now, how do you know how it works?
Weiss: *glances from side to side with a confused look before shaking her head* Knock it off! I'm interviewing you!
Jaune: No you said we'd be conducting the interview when we walked in here! Now exactly how much pot did you smoke!?
Weiss: O_O
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zexapher · 30 days
The Queen's Destiny
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Here’s a fun new meme comic! This one was inspired by a comment that Akumu_Oukoku put up on the ol' Discord the other day, where they wished to see the Pyrrha/Cinder destiny exchange brought back up in a climactic showdown with Weiss/Jaune about to die only for the other to come to the rescue and save the day.
I’m pretty happy with this one, especially that flashback panel. Drew Winter a sweater for her little sleep over and story time with Weiss, and I based that sweater off of the sweater TheWestphalianGwent gave to Weiss in his meme. It was a lot of fun editing that panel, giving Winter her smirk knowing Weiss is enamored with the Rusted Knight, shifted those eyes over for that side-eye, set the eyelids down to emphasize that smug look, drew up the book and some minimalist cover art of the best scene in the show, edited out Weiss sitting in her chair in the background as well as the reflection in the floor, replaced Weiss with her adoring Adrian version. It all turned out really good.
Some of you may have caught my early reference to my own Taking Out the Trash meme to start things off. Threw in the ol’ chibi Ghost Pyrrha, for those with a discerning eye. Added another reference to one of my own Therapist Ozpin memes, Cindere is always a good source of fun. Panel 5 reuses a really beautiful thinking Weiss asset that I used in my Culmination in a Kiss meme. And we cap things off with a Fist of the North Star reference. Honestly feels like I’m building up my own cinematic meme universe with all the references and the interconnected plots. I need to get around to my Agent Zwei continuation of that Taking Out the Trash meme, feels a little funny that I skipped forward past that one’s conclusion.
Anyway, hope you all enjoy!
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howi99 · 6 months
Ruby: *seeing jaune manhandle Yang and Blake in a spare* Whoa, Jaune really got better at fighting in the ever after.
Weiss: *taking photos* did he just caught Blake by the legs and use her to beat your sister with?
Ruby: Damn! And you fought him every day?
Marie: *smug face*
Lewis: She got her ass kicked every day.
Marie: ! *Kick Lewis in the tibia*
Weiss: what about your other sisters?
Lewis: Jeanne is the closest in power but she is far too rash. Elizabeth wasn't interested in training, so are the twins.
Ruby: And the rest?
Lewis: They were made to help him run The Shop. They have no combat capacity whatsoever.
Weiss: *still looking at the spare* God i wish i was Yang right now.
Yang: *currently getting shocked by Jaune's legs* h-help!
Jaune: *smiling* Ah! It's like training with my oldest! But you both lack stamina!
Blake: *on the ground in pain* I miss when we were stronger than you!
Jaune: You both should try fighting Penny! Her Maiden power is far harder to deal with than me punching you!
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fanstuffrantings · 2 months
Thinking about JNPR so have some fun headcanons (canon will be coasted but not fully adhered to):
Ren is the best cook in the group and periodically gets woken up by his peers for midnight snacks
Jaune is a mediocre cook most of the time but has one specific dish he cooks so insanely well that everyone is actually baffled
Pyrrha cooks mainly high protein/healthy foods and doesn't care about flavors of things. Though she doesn't enjoy sweets much.
Nora isn't allowed within 10 feet of a stove anymore.
Pyrrha is considered one of the most terrifying leaders in Beacon due to her rigorous schedule and bootcamp like training. Over time she does start to learn that everyone should he focused on as an individual and given training that works for them.
Pyrrha is very good at slipping away and getting alone time because her popularity and status as a cultural icon means she rarely gets any peace.
Nora takes bets from classmates that entail her sticking forks/metal items in electronic ports to see if she can handle the charges. She has gotten detention several times for blacking out a classroom.
Ren is top of the class next to Weiss and Pyrrha. People do try to track him down for notes or study sessions but he's always miraculously gone when the bell rings.
Jaune may not be super smart or skilled at fighting but he has an insanely high level of strength and stamina from working manual labor jobs for his family and neighbors.
Jaune is the only one of the group who has ever gone on fun outings with friends and even though he doesn't instantly know what everyone would enjoy he does help pyrrha plan team bonding field trips.
Ren keeps a window garden in their room at beacon and spends a lot of his free time with Professor Peach learning about other plants and how to care for them.
Nora enjoys pulling heists on teachers. She's managed to steal things and will bring them to class like a smug cat. Professor Oobleck thinks it's hilarious.
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fillmargarin · 11 months
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Smug Weiss
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smokestarrules · 5 months
Yang has a bit of a reputation for sometimes pushing a little further than she probably should, and Weiss would be wincing if it didn’t seem as if Blake was enjoying this. There’s no real annoyance in her tone, gait light and clear as she argues back and forth, now going for a shove of her own. Actually, she looks—well. Happy to be arguing in the first place.
They’re partners—of course they’re bound to be close—but this suddenly seems different in some way. Weiss thinks, huh.
Yang dodges the counterattack and adds, “Plus, you’d miss me if I stopped.”
She might have won after all. Blake doesn’t seem to have a reply, and they continue on in silence. Weiss catches the barest glimpse of Yang’s smug smile as she turns her head, warm and far too pleased with herself to be healthy. Blake never denies it, and as they continue on, Yang’s smile only grows wider.
Huh, indeed.
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palaceofpassion · 18 days
Can we get a prompt of someone looking at Jaune's phone, and seeing something that they shouldn't? Maybe Nora. Maybe Yang. Maybe Oscar. Whoever it is gets an angry Weiss, since that is for Jaune's eyes only. She has embraced her horny side, but still wants only her love to witness it.
She could feel her eye twitch. She didn't know HOW but they had gotten a hold of Jaune's phone and passcode. Now the two girls were giggling mad about what was currently on his phone.
"How." She narrowed her gaze, focusing on the orange and blonde haired women.
"Weiss, Weiss! I know everything about Jaune, things you could only dream of!"
She wasn't jealous...
Okay she was very jealous. Though she knew it wasn't meant in any sexual manner.
That didn't stop her from being frustrated though.
"Of course I know his pass code!" Nora giggled, before leaning in. "Its your birthday~ Don't worry, I didn't tell Yang."
Her mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water, obviously she wanted to say something, but what that was eluded her.
"Fine, so what are you going to do?"
She was ready for any blackmail, and though she had gotten far more comfortable with her body, that was for Jaune's eyes only.
"Nothing." Yang shrugged before taking the phone out of Nora's hands, closing it and then handing it back to the smug bomber.
"Yeah! It's just, that's so CUTE!"
Weiss blinked, "Excuse me?" The bluster gone in a second.
"Come on Weissy! You, the prim and proper princess... whose been kinda finally relaxing lately, sent nudes to her himbo blonde! That's a step up! Congratulations!"
Nora giggled, "Yeah! We were just trying to find out what Ren was gonna get me for my birthday, but apparently Mr. Tall and Handsome had been fluttering hearts over pictures of you." Nora giggled before holding her close, "Thanks, you're doing a lot for him."
She blinked, paused, but still grabbed the phone. "Thank you... though." Glyphs formed beneaththe girls, "You need to respect his privacy!" before they were suddenly sent out of the room.
She rolled her eyes, before... looking into his phone to see the pictures herself. Only to note the name of the folder they were in, a smile crept on her lips.
Ma Petite Fleur
"I'll have to remind him to hide his things better."
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juanarc-thethird · 5 months
Got you, Dork!
Jaune and Bleiss are enjoying some intimate time with each other in bed.
Jaune: *On top of her* Oh, Bleiss! I'm about to...!
Bleiss: Yes!! Give it to me!!
Jaune: Oh fuck! I'm Cumming!~ *Kiss her deeply*
Bleiss: Mmm!~💕💕
Jaune: God, that felt amazing.
Bleiss: It's good that you like me because...
She tosses her black hair, revealing her silver hair underneath.
Weiss: It was me you fucked!
Jaune: *Confuse* Weiss?
Weiss: *Smug* Happy April Fools' Day, Dork!
Jaune: *More confuse* But it's May.
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gorillageek27 · 1 year
Jaune: “Can I have my hoodie back?” Looking at Weiss wearing his oversized hoodie on her petite body.
Weiss: “Can I have my virginity back? Fair is fair.”
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Sorry, adding onto that Weiss post I sent, eve n though you will likely see this one first XD
But one of the interesting things about the Schnee family is that each of the kids and Willow all subtly embody one of the four main trauma responses to abuse as a sort of underlying character trait that showed their overall trajectory and what they needed to overcome.
Willow Schnee, (The mother) embodied freeze, she had long since given up combatting Jac and fallen into an extended depression and addiction to wine. Though (Spoiler) she did begin planting cameras in the house to spy on hi, to gather evidence but didn't quite have the where with all to act on anything she had herself.
Winter Schnee, (One of the most elder sisters ever) Despite her intensely stern disposition and aggression, she actually embodies flight, going out of her way to avoid him whenever she can and quickly losing any semblance of self control when he's around as he still has his claws in her so to speak. She also unwittingly recreated the dynamic he wanted from her with General Ironwood. IE, she followed the general with utter devotion and loyalty until he was basically in the lowest depths of his descent to villainy. This is something she herself has become aware of since then.
Weiss Schnee, (Middle Child Syndrome) I already covered her, but she is primarily fight, though her leaving for Beacon & struggles when dragged back to the manor do show signs of flight and freeze. These latter two were tinged heavily by circumstance, IE needing to get away from him to build her own reputation & trauma from the Fall of Beacon. & also clearly took a lot of effort for Jac or a situation to bring out. While fighting comes naturally to Weiss, hence her being said to embody defiance.
Whitley Schnee, (Bratty baby) He is very much fawn, to the point where Jac clearly starts low key treating him more like staff than he ever did Weiss, cos that would just lead to fight. Whitley acts as door man, kind of a secretary and generally was expected to just follow Jac around, when he was wanted, and offer silent support and then disappear otherwise.
He was a bit more contentious with others, especially his siblings who he resented for leaving him with their parents (The show doesn't blame them for this, they were abused teens as well; its just made clear this is why he's so distrustful) but it was made clear he acts as he does because he thinks defying their father is a fools errand.
I would say Whitley is probably the closest to Chloe, fawning on an abusive parent, smug and even sharp tongued with others when he can get away with it, but clearly unhappy and when given the chance to do something worthwhile, does very well.
I guess if you fused Adrien & Chloe you'd get Whitley and if you mixed some of Gabriel & Andre's worst traits you'd get Jac Schnee, while the other Schnee family members feel a bit too distinct to easily draw such a line too.
Fascinating and low-key reminds me of my analysis of the Todorokis. Which is funny because the ice theming is with both.
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elliesgaymachete · 3 months
Bees?? Your choice between 1, 20, or 30?
1. Good morning
It’s still dim, but the morning sun peeks in through the cracks in the tent. Yang has been awake for a while, sometimes she just has too much energy to sleep. She always has too much to do, too much to worry about. She starts her day before the sun because that’s what she’s had to do most of her life.
But this morning, the arms wrapped loosely around her waist give her a reason to stay in bed a little bit longer.
Blake’s eyes are closed, and soft snores emit from her mouth. Yang indulges for a moment and just watches her as the rest of the world stirs around them. The tent doesn’t block out much noise, so scattered conversation and laughter and birdsong slip through, and every so often Blake’s ears twitch as she catches some of it.
Yang traces the skin of Blake’s arm, feeling it warm under her fingertips.
There’s a crash outside and some muffled yelling— the sudden noise startles Blake awake with a hiss, her nails digging into Yang’s skin.
“Morning,” Yang chuckles under her breath.
Blake relaxes when she sees Yang and remembers where she is. Her claws retract and she nuzzles into Yang’s neck.
“Morning,” she says with a yawn.
“Think we should get up and see what that was?”
Bake shakes her head. “Don’t wanna,” she whines. And Yang isn’t one to object when Blake is curled up against her chest so adorably.
“You know,” she muses, “it was really nice of them to give us our own tent. I know space is a little tight here in Vacuo.”
“I guess there are some perks to going missing for a few months,” Blake mumbles, her face still buried in Yang’s chest. “Imagine if we still had to share a room with Weiss and Ruby.”
“Then I couldn’t do this.”
Yang tilts Blake’s chin up. Their eyes meet and there’s a moment to share a quick smile before Yang kisses her and realizes she loves kissing Blake first thing in the morning. They share lazy kisses for a while, until Blake deepens the kiss, rolling on top of her, their legs intertwined, her thigh slips between Yang’s and—she breaks away with a quiet gasp.
“I mean,” Blake says, only a little smug, “you could do that, but Ruby would be traumatized and Weiss might throw something at us.”
Yang rolls her eyes and leans in again, but stops short at the sound of another crash and some loud cursing from outside the tent.
“Sounds like a fight’s breaking out,” Blake grumbled.
“We should probably—“
Blake rolls off of her and climbs out of bed. Instinctively, she grabs Yang’s prosthetic from where it sits beside the bed and hands it to her. Yang stops mid-stretch, takes it from Blake’s hands, and fastens the arm. Her lip curls up in a small smile.
Mornings with Blake are so natural, peaceful, and Yang knows she can easily get used to this. And for the first time, the thought doesn’t scare her. She wraps her arm around Blake’s waist and pulls her in for another kiss.
Whatever’s going on outside, someone else can deal with it.
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zexapher · 4 months
Art Imitates Life
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Had this idea in my back pocket for what must be a few months now, but after Akumu_Oukoku’s wonderful ‘Weiss is silly’ meme,  I thought I’d finally put this one together. That, and I wanted to make a little something to celebrate White Knight’s glorious victory in Ship Wars 8! The hordes of r/fnki well and truly descended upon the tournament, and all the better for White Knight!
I think there were a few folks on the regular sub that hadn’t quite realized just how popular White Knight had become within the community, but fnki itself has turned into something of a fortress for the ship, and the results of the tourney speak for themselves. White Knight really wound up dominating, becoming champion by an overwhelming margin, and with just Lancaster and Nuts & Dolts putting up strong competition in the previous rounds.
I’m impressed, and super stoked. It’s really something special seeing White Knight come out so strong after so many years treated as a pariah, having never before made it past the first round but now becoming the champion. The stars had aligned, really. The final round taking place on Weiss’ birthday, White Knight winning the championship being the perfect gift. Volume 9 had given the ship strong foundations to stand on. We can see that expressed in not only the various memes put out over time, but also in the A-Jaune-da alliance and numerous comments inundating the polls in order to promote the ship. White Knight shippers really had an incredibly strong messaging campaign this tournament, I might say no one else came close, and we always kept it positive. Everyone involved should feel proud.
Now, as for this meme, I chose these six characters (and Weiss) because I found it rather appropriate that they have all to some extent shipped White Knight in canon. Jaune, of course, is an obvious one. The story is littered with examples for him all the way through. Similarly, Weiss has been growing fonder of Jaune throughout the show, but Volume 9 saw her interest revealed in a very pronounced manner. Nora has the most tenuous claim here, having shared few moments with Weiss. However, Nora has a moment in Volume 5 where she teases Weiss about liking Jaune’s nickname, going on to tease the Ice Queen about her thawed heart.
Oscar, of course, gets his absolutely stoked look that he throws at Jaune when Weiss accepts Jaune’s invitation to the movies. Like, Oscar is just so happy for his big bro. Blake has a moment or two over the course of the show, notably her happy little glance between Jaune and Weiss at the Argus reunion, her smug look at the ~mature~ line, and how she perks up at Weiss’ giggle with Jaune about his restored youth. No real surprise there, since Blake is actually Jaune’s offscreen super-secret best friend. Yang herself throws a little dating advice Jaune’s way, and gets her ‘one day’ line, when our boy was down in the dumps following a rejection or two. She points out to Weiss that her harshness rejecting Jaune is the sort of thing that earned her the Ice Queen nickname. And, like Blake, Yang gets her own smug look following the ~mature~ line. Then there’s my most controversial addition to this list, Pyrrha. After all, she did walk Jaune through how to ask Weiss to the dance.
Yes, this was all an excuse for me to make a post about every little scrap from the show suggesting the characters ship White Knight. If anyone can think of any more, feel free to share. Maybe Cindere killing Jaune’s rival love interests, yet her attempts on Weiss’ life seem to have only helped Jaune and Weiss grow closer, hmmm. Well, I hope you all enjoy, I had good fun making it!
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