despairsgyaru · 3 years
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@cursedfortuna @kxragari-blog @kinsushixgyaru-blog @incivilis @rubyobscura @pericharis-blog @anomalxs 
My friends, if you are interested, go and have a look. If you share it with 5 friends, you can enjoy 90% discount at most!
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Send me a " ¿? " and my character will have to speak to yours in a different language.
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famemonsteronpa · 10 years
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Congratulations your application has been accepted! Please make your account within the next 24 hours and send it back to the main page—- if there’s any problems with this please inform the main page ASAP. Welcome to the runway!
Pj who applied for Komaru Naegi
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cursedfortuna · 10 years
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snakefumes · 10 years
Looks: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10   SERVANT IS UUUGLY
Personality: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10   SERVANT IS BAAAD
Attraction: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10   I DO NOT LIKE SERVANT
Would they date them: yes | no   EWWW
Favorite thing about them: They died in the game before mine! Ha-haaah!
Least favorite thing about them: EVERYTHING ELSE
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dimidiaeus-blog · 10 years
Send me “⊗” and I’ll generate a number
27 = Both are actors playing in a movie who are a couple but actually hate each other.
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[[ L O L
I am so on board for this. do u feel me. ]]
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ayatsuri · 10 years
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"Pretend to know you?"
Pekoyama’s glare brought that quote ‘if looks could kill’ to life. If he were to make one false move, he knew he’d be easy prey to her for sure. Pretend to know her? No, he knew nothing of her at all. But he could guess. And he could ask questions. And he could answer questions. And then it would turn into a matter of connecting the dots. Although in the meantime— 
"You’re right. I don’t.” he smiled "But do I get a chance at learning, Pekoyama-san?”
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There's that smile once again-- as though her glare had done absolutely nothing to deter him. Exasperatedly, she looks pon his features in hopes that she might pinpoint his intent-- his reasoning for speaking with her. Carefree in these moments, he seems harmless. Albeit, she isn't quite sure whether or not that's the case. Thus she insists inwardly to keep her guard raised. Twas best for her to be prepared for anything. Steering towards the prospect of getting to know her-- she was taken aback. Because how would anyone really benefit, sparing their moments with someone who lacked the personality, the opinions necessary to hold simple conversation?
"If I am to be truthful... I've forgotten who I am." She crossed her arms firmly across her chest, staring directly at him as not to translate her unease, "Therefore I don't see the point in trying." 
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famemonsteronpa · 10 years
heyy could I reserve Komaru Naegi?
Komaru Naegi is now under reserve until November 27th!
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tragectory · 10 years
10, 11, 13, 20 c:
The first thing Mun notices about people.
(Hmm. Not sure, actually. Noticing any specific trait about people isn’t exactly something I specialise in really…)
(Maybe hug-able quality? :D)
Last movie mun watched.
(Still PMMM’s Rebellion movie. sighs quietly.)
Muse that Mun is most like. (if applicable)
(oooo this is hard… There are a few muses like me.)
(one of my OCs sort of counts, but she began as something of a self insert so it’s kinda expected. For more canon-ish muses, Rhyme from Twewy is sorta like me, but it more or less hinges on if the portrayal agrees on the fanon of her entry fee being her dreams.)
(Which leaves just one other character from Twewy, and it’s (a kinda pre-game mostly) Joshua. His personality hardly matches with mine - and his behavior sure kinda doesn’t - but his mindset isn’t exactly a rare one. I understand it - quite nearly agree on it even now, honestly. 
(i could probably rp a canon josh half-asleep maybe.)
What does Mun really think about my muse?
(She needs to get some friends to teach her the meaning of life and friendship is what I think. :T)
(Like seriously sweetie I can see how bleak your life is I get it but that doesn’t mean you have to push everyone away u g h please become friends with more people heck I don’t care if you become friends with a certain shark noise or even a canon Enoshima Junko seriously. okay just sort of i would be very a bit concerned but yeah.)
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dimidiaeus-blog · 10 years
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       ❝ So it only matters that you "stand out"? I've never really cared much for being noticed, but whatever keeps you going.  ❞
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"And miss out on such a great opportunity? Even trash like me can recognize their time to stand out."
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affluxnt-archive-blog · 10 years
mun vs muse, 1 & 2
1: Which one is the most stubborn
[[★]] Probably Togami, though we're on equal ground depending on the situation. The thing is that he has more of a spine than I do.
2: Which one is the most practical
[[★]] I would say we're on fairly even ground here, really? When we want something done, we do all we can to get it done. Even me, and I'm a lazy ass. uwu
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candystripemikan · 10 years
(( I love magical girls and magical girl anime/manga, like a lot. )),
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cursedfortuna · 10 years
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