#custom bionicle parts
wjbs-bonkle-au · 2 months
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It is now Bionicle Day in my timezone, so I'm releasing my 8/10 pack! This pack contains 5 of the 6 weapons from the DS version of Bionicle Heroes, and also Hahli's second-level weapon from the PC/Console version because her weapon from the DS version is probably one of the worst models I've ever seen in a game and it makes no sense.
Get it here!!!
More images and stuff below.
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Limb connector
Axle-hole "barrel"
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Limb connector
Fingers attach with bar-clips
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Axle connector
Bar-hole barrels
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Two axle connectors
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Axle connector
Blade attaches to the base with a half-pin
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Limb connector
Barrel attaches to the body with a pin, and has a hollow-stud on the end
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cha5otic · 6 months
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Oh hey, a custom Bionicle/Hero Factory head pack
(cannot seem to find any on the web, or I'm bad at finding things, so)
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There is mainly two head types in the pack, Matoran Universe head and Agori/Glatorian head. Had to differentiate them cause apparently they have different eye heights and the latter type is a lot less forgiving in space
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The Matoran Universe head is compatible with Mata, Metru, Okoto connections (except Hewkii Mahri's Garai, rip, also prolly Teridax's Kraahkan). The Agori/Glatorian head is compatible with Agori/Glatorian, HF Breakout, HF Brain Attack (screw HF 2.0 and 3.0 heads)
(Edit) Things to note about the models:
-Garai is incompatible due to space needed for the Okoto's mask connections, may be revised soon
-had to cut a bit of the bar from the HF Brain Attack to make the head fit into Agori/Glatorian helmets
-Agori/Glatorian heads are smushed to make sure Brain Attack visor+helmet fits
-the heads are a little bit taller (half an axle/pin taller) for light pipings
-will prolly edit the models soon so the light pipings will work better, especially for the nyan head
-idk why but stud.io seem to make the parts ricochet wildly when inserted
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Also bonus torso piece and foot, its articulated (why haven't they thought of this)
Also apparently every rendering software I had broke when I tried exporting the stud.io model for render
File is here, idk what other free anonymous file hosting sites there is, remind me if you want it reuploaded since PixelDrain only hosts it for a few months
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orc3dprint · 5 months
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A little test for Bio Day
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toa-kohutti · 1 year
it's 8/10nicle day officially, time to advertise
download your 8/10 celebration Stud.io parts from @valtarshol, Galva_Nize, Rothanak, @nattarthetimedragon, OhluCG, and SomeoneKiri here!
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Happy Bionicle Day, and happy building!
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toacaldoric · 2 years
So, Bionicle side of Tumblr, help me out here: I'm looking for something I know I've seen before, but can't find again. Here's the details...
So, sometime in the last couple months, I saw a custom 3D-rendered Bionicle part someone was working on (probably for Stud.io, but I can't remember exactly), and it looked really cool. It was partway between the old Metru heads and the G2 heads, and was designed to take G2 masks. The lower part of the face had an opening mouth, and if I'm remembering correctly, the creator was in the process of adding some kind of functionality that would trigger once a G2 mask was knocked off the head... I think it had something to do with the brain piece popping out? Not certain. Anyway, I definitely remember having a conversation with the creator about it.
The real kicker is, I also can't remember if this item was shown here on Tumblr, over on Twitter, or Reddit, or in some Lego/Bionicle Discord server so I'm super lost... So, if you know what I'm talking about, (or better yet, if you're the person who actually made it!) then please hit me up with a link/directions to information regarding the item...? Thanks!
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0m3g45n1p3r4lph4 · 4 months
Normal people: "I had the red one!"
Normal Bionicle fans: "I wanna put my favourites on a shelf and keep the rest for moc parts!"
Me: "I wanna connect one of those garden fountain pumps to a custom sculpture built into a shelf so I can have the back wall of a Ga-Koro shelf be a legitimate flowing Naho Falls"
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✨Bionicle crab !✨
It was, originally, meant to be just another arthropod. However, someone reblogged my previous rahi, along with this comment :
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Well, guess what ? Yes, absolutely. I’m glad I saw it because it gave me the inspiration for this monstrosity (and it made me laugh more than I would admit, too). Thanks.
I must recognise that if I compare my rahis, there is a clear pipeline. I don’t think it can go much further in this direction.
Anyways, details/closeups/weird illegal technic I just found out, below the cut !
Front (smol Visorak for scale) :
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Because it’s really big. It’s also a good excuse to show off my really fancy and glittery Kanohi. No clue where it comes from but it’s beautiful !
I’m really happy with how mean this things looks, overall. It’s most definitely the bad guy for Toas to fight. It has a really good scale to work with my larger customer Toas [here], but it could also act as a really large rahi for my smaller space-based Toas [here]. Why a large crab stealing Kanohis in space, you may ask ? No idea. I’d have to actually think out a lore for that.
I started the conception with the frame (which does make sense, in theory), then the legs, and finally the shell. This was only partially smart, because that meant I did not account for the shell's mass when building the legs. Essentially, this poor thing can't stand on it's own, so I'm using two technic bars underneath to keep it up right (which are hidden in editing, of course).
Top/Hind (shell) :
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I think the shell was pretty decent. I tried to use as little pieces as possible to keep it light, but it's still a lot. Among these pieces can be found one Visorak claw and three Mantax feet, which have a nice texture for organic feet. There is also another foot at the front which comes from an Inika set which I can't seem to find. I'm also using some of these large technic panels, which cover a lot of surface without being too much of a pain to set up (still quite a lot, since they're connected to the feet at at an angle, feet which which are also connected to the frame at an odd angle...) Speaking of Mantax, I alsu used the black-pearl shells, because these, too, have a really organic vibe, and it gave a small touch of pearl which was missing on the body.
I tried to keep the back relatively slick, to avoid something similar to an abdomen since it's not a spider. Still I had to extend it a little bit using the rounded cubical cover, to hide some socket joints, but it's okay-ish.
Neath :
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Truly a mess, I must admit. As I started with each side separately, I tried to somehow connect them with the large grey technic frame (in the middle). On either sides, I have a whole bunch of axle connectors, both standard and angled, which allow for the thing to appear rounder than it could have been. The two leg sockets peices at the front are used for the eyes, and the pieces abov (barley visible) is a classic Bionicle shoulders piece clipped backward as a base for the pincers arms.
Pincer :
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Or mandatory unusual feet usage. These really works well as any kind of claw or armor, in my opinion. The black arm pieces used here (Hordika leg piece) were particularly good for the job as they technic pin holes in there allowed me to add ad additional socket practically at the same level at the original one (even if I would rather have used black technic bars instead of the light grey ones, but i couldn't find any in my supplies... It's likely the Space station's fault.
Legs :
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Or equally mandatory foot out of not foot pieces. Here is a cursed homebrew way to make legs : one Bohrok head part (bricklink call these shoulders ?) to display the piston-like element and serve as structure, linked with Toa Metru legs (which slots above nicely. And then comes the magic trick, for the Rahkshi shells (silveragain, because I have many of these) have a small attachment point toward the end, that is meant to hold the back blades in place; but it also perfectly fits right on the small ledge in the middle of the leg piece ! Granted, it's not a very secure connection, but these two pieces don't need anything else but that to hold. I actually loved this one so much, you can notice two additional Rahkshi shells held similarly on the tope of the crab's shell.
In order to connect the legs individually to the frame, I am using Vahki legs for the exterior limbs, and Pihraka arms for the central ones (these arms have the particular property of having the restrictive sockets on either sides, which makes it good to keep the leg's shape.
The middle sections are made using two simple axle-socket pieces connected by old plates, usually found in technic sets predating the Bionicle them.
…And obviously, I had to make another makeshift studio (I actually really like this one). Have a look at all these terribly assembled elements !
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bobthedoctor27 · 1 year
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Onua Mistika STARs
I always loved the BIONICLE STARs line. Here we have Onua Mistika in that minimized scale.
Able to adjust his wing tips and fire his Nynrah Ghostblaster, I’m very happy with the end result. I’ve often been criticised for simple builds, especially when it comes to my STARs creations. This is my attempt to use alternate parts and the broader style of Av-Matoran/Agori torso on one of my creations.
It seems my collection of Adaptive Onua custom figures is growing!
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Toa Chiara - Duckbricks Yesterday Quest Fanon Competition
This is my design of Toa Chiara, from Bionicle's last unfinished serial the Yesterday Quest, for Duckbricks' latest Fanon Design Competition.
This concept of Chiara plays up her personality and role as a lone hunter - I wanted her to come off aloof and fleet of foot. Her feet have hinge cylinders allow her toes to flex back and forth - I imagine her having a digitigrade gait by default. Her torso is my own original design, but generally speaking I went for design cues from the Glatorian era of Bionicle - the era in which her story is set. That said, I did give her a 2001-style hand with taser elements, mainly because I thought it was cool. The spear lightning would ideally be the transparent-purple version of the part, but white works too. Most notable among Chiara's design is the manica arm-guard on her right arm, made from stolen Vorox armour pieces - I envision this as her triumphant escape from captivity, claiming the armour of her erstwhile captors as a trophy.
All parts are canon-compliant, though I did need to get custom models for the Stud.io renders of some parts.
Duckbricks' contest announcement video:
Link to Google Drive with Stud.io file, instructions pdf, and renders: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rDF6dtXcUWlGDRGdY0uGNcR_3tSOip6m
Vorox armour pieces from Tammycalamity's Digital Constraction Collection: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1IJyAHHGeeMkKCyhR39vl42MGvrDsQPxV
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cryptid-cuisine · 3 months
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My Turaga Nuva. These are fully buildable bar the custom masks, but you can print whatever you’d like.
Breakdown below the cut.
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^ These are the shared parts for all of them. The colorful pins and axles are also available in black.
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These are their unique parts. The staff heads are weapons from the Bionicle minifigure playsets. The particular masks I used were made by Galva, but feel free to use whoever’s Noble Kanohi Nuva you want.
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utterentropy · 25 days
Heart and Mind are at peak iPad kid age in my AU (they both spawned in December of 2013), and despite the fact that their species ages RAPIDLY once they're civilised (they're fully mature at three years old, both physically and psychologically) they spawned at a time where it would've been much easier for Cameron (Whole) to hand them iPads and be done with it.
…And he's right. He did give them iPads. Though they had strict screen times and also he restricted the websites they could go on, especially after the fact that while Mind's search history was just seventy Google searches of the same sentence with slight variations about Bionicle Heart's erm… lemme just show this meme drawing I made a month or two ago
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Anywho, Heart and Mind as idfants were dumb and impressionable and would probably be extremely easy to kidnap considering they were so full of love they would run up to a random stranger and immediately place their hand on their shoulder and stare into their soul (ha I just capitalised "soul" instinctively) and Cameron would have to rush over frantically and go "STOP NO!!! STOP TELLING EVERYONE YOU LOVE THEM!!! I'm sorry that's how they tell people they love them they're very weird–"
As a result, the idfants played inside for the most part or at a relative's house and were always supervised when they played outside.
However, once Heart and Mind reached juvenid age, per an id's life cycle they developed mouths! And now they could talk and more importantly bite people.
Cameron decided to start letting them walk around the neighbourhood on their own (well, with each other) and would hand them about forty or fifty bucks and let them roam free and go on little adventures. This meant that while Heart and Mind were definitely acclimated to technology and associated phone screens with curing boredom, most of their childhood memories were spent walking around town, eating at restaurants, playing in parks, walking through malls, having fun at block parties, hunting small animals (they still have instincts), exploring forests, going to friend's houses, helping around the neighbourhood, etc. and they became very well known around the community for being total sweethearts that were unusually docile and polite for being little kids.
Cameron would regularly get calls from local businesses that they were some of the best customers they've gotten, and Cameron was very awkward and nervous about it but it had to have felt good to know he raised them well.
And yes this is a Chonny's Charming Chaos Compendium AU, it's seriously canon-divergent but these are HMSW still. Heart and Mind in my AU are anomalous wild animals that became sapient upon being raised alongside humans, and Cameron (Whole) raised them after they spawned from him… …well, at the very least this is the SEPARATION AU of @nkgrimmie and my's CCCC AU, technically speaking in the Main AU they live in a mindscape per usual but I personally prefer the idea of HMSW just being strange nonhuman weirdos going about life in a sleepy Christian town in semi-rural Australia.
Yes I will explain my AU in every CCCC post I make I GOTTA LET PEOPLE KNOW THAT THIS IS BARELY CCCC
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wjbs-bonkle-au · 6 months
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Mata scope pack! Features 5 of the 6 Mata masks, with scopes!
Get 'em here, and check out my other custom parts here!
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cha5otic · 5 months
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About a month in and 21 parts later
Contents include:
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Kanohi Good Guy, mask of hope and perseverance, based on the legend himself and the Metru head
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Kanohi Lossus, mask of Great Anger and Distress, and the Lossus Sword
(Also yeah, that specific hand model got phased out cause it was impractical but I was too lazy to re-render it)
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Also new Toa Mata Weapons for Kopaka, Lewa, and Onua, in line with 2015 style. All weapons have secondary forms.
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Parts pack also include my previous head models (hopefully the models are fixed this time). The previous torso and foot part from my old parts pack are discontinued, haven't got any idea to integrate gear function, waist articulation, and neck flexibility thing
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(As good as it gets rn)
Also parts still ricochet wildly when inserted or rotated in stud.io, idk how to even fix it
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orc3dprint · 8 months
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toa-kohutti · 1 year
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it has come to my attention that, oops, some of the masks in the galvapack were broken! i can officially blame stud.io for this one, but i should've vetted them better and for that i am sorry. they're all fixed up now, and there's something new in the pack too! as always, you can download the new, non-geometry-scrungleified version at https://linktr.ee/vootcaboot!
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sepublic · 9 months
Remember how Bionicle once had parts packs and different colors for masks, as part of the collect-a-thon? I understand why it phased out but I really do wish they continued doing that, and even went out of their way to release Kanohi and other pieces in exclusive re-colors for greater customization.
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