#custum dress by Off White
ladygreytea76 · 4 months
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2024 SAG Awards
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The Perfect Halloween Look - Gerard Way x Reader
Summary: You are attending the college Halloween party, not sure where you are standing with your friend Gerard, when he asks you to do his make up Reader: should be gender neutral (no pronouns used, Reader wears a dress and a hairband as a custume) Word count: 4 177 A/N: This didn’t post on Halloween for me and I don’t care what, it makes me fucking angry, because nothing since I got up went right and this is just the last straw. Take it or leave it. I’m off for today.
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With furrowed brows you looked at your reflection in the mirror. For the past thirty minutes you had worked on your face paint for the college Halloween party. You planned on going as a dead cheerleader, already dressed in the short, red and white dress, which you had splattered with fake blood. You had applied a thin layer of white make-up all the way down your neck, giving your natural skin colour a sickly touch. Your eyes and hollows of the cheeks were powdered with black, green and blue eye shadow, making them look fallen in. All in all, you really did not look very healthy anymore. Maybe it was a bit too much though, not natural looking.
But who cared? This was not costume make-up for a realistic movie but for a college party. Nobody would care if it was a bit too much. It looked good.
You just hoped Gerard would think so too.
Gerard and you had been friends since your first year in college and had somehow ended up sitting next to each other in almost every class you took. You knew he loved dressing up and playing around with make-up, but much to your surprise he had been rather hesitant about answering your questions as what he wanted to dress up this Halloween until he had finally confessed that he just didn’t feel like dressing up at all. You had offered to help him with a bit of spooky face paint if he wanted, but he had turned down your offer.
Honestly, you did not have a lot of experience with make-up at all, but you had worked out some techniques by now, and any excuse to spend more time with Gerard alone was good enough. The way he had rejected your offer had just sounded a bit too annoyed for your taste, and now you were not sure if he even wanted to hang out with you at the party at all.
It was fine, you told yourself, as you applied a bit of blue eyeliner as lipstick, coating it with lip-gloss, and contemplated the result. You had other friends to spend the evening with, other friends who you could laugh and have a good time with.
But the truth was that it was not fine. None of them understood you quite as Gerard did, none of them made you feel as accepted, as noticed as Gerard. Your heart ached at the thought of him maybe not wanting to hang out with you. You had known for a while that you had developed a crush on the cute artist.
The way he was so passionate about his projects, be it for art school, comics, or music was enthralling and contagious. The way he talked about certain topics, you could just relate to him. And maybe that was what had prompted him to be more open with you recently. He had begun talking about more personal stuff recently, stuff you really hadn’t expect him to ever share with you. But maybe he had felt the same, and instead of feeling good about having confided in you, he had pulled away, drawn back.
Or maybe he had noticed you liked him and tried distancing himself in order for you to not get your hopes up.
Either way: his behaviour these past weeks made your stomach churn. With a sigh you grabbed the small tube with fake blood and slipped it into the box with the rest of the make-up which you planned on taking along to the party since you had offered a few girls from your class to do some low effort face paint for them. More white powder, black, green and blue eyeshadow, black lipstick and the fake blood should be enough. But you didn’t dare bringing up your hopes that maybe Gerard would ask you to do his make-up.
You were one of the first people to arrive at the party. It was held in one of the college buildings, a whole corridor of classrooms unlocked with each room offering different activities. One room had mostly snacks and drinks, one karaoke, and one even beer pong, even though the party was rather small and intimate, since it was only off your department at college. That meant about fifty people max, plus maybe a few friends and acquaintances. It also meant that you knew almost everyone there, and as soon as you had stepped foot into the building you got pulled into conversations.
An older student handed you a red solo cup filled with coke as you were discussing the new professor you both had, and how he seemed rather overwhelmed and unprepared for his classes, when the first of your friends arrived. Like promised, you helped them with a bit of face paint.
It was strange being so close to them as you tried to apply the different products to their face. You could smell their perfumes, and a few of them seemed to have had coffee not too long ago, since you could still smell it on their breath.
The task of getting your friends touched up made you forget about Gerard temporarily, and only after about an hour you noticed that he still had not arrived. You could not help but feel strange about it. You had noticed he had kept his distance recently, obviously you had, but that he would not even turn up the Halloween party because he would meet you here? The thought stung, and you bit your lip hard to hide its quivering, quickly reaching to a bowl with crisps to distract yourself.
That all your friends had left you hanging once you had done their Halloween make-up, and decided to get as drunk as possible in the first hour did not help your mood either. You didn’t feel like drinking. You didn’t even feel like being here at the party anymore, now that everyone had migrated to talk to other people, and not even Gerard was around. It was ridiculous really, how all of a sudden you felt lonely, even though the room was semi-crowded with people looking for snacks that were lined up on the table underneath a window.
You were just about to reach for the bowl a second time, already chewing on the salty crackers, when suddenly you spotted Gerard. His hair was black and dishevelled, just like always, and he wore his normal everyday clothes. One of your classmates walked up to him, doubtlessly commenting on the lack of Gerard’s costume, but Gerard’s eyes flickered through the room, until they landed on you. Quickly you sent him a smile and lifted your hand in greeting, your heart hammering in your chest. Gerard nodded at you, and – without taking his eyes off of you – made his way across the room to where you were standing next to the table on which your friends had sat while you had done their face paint.
“Hey,” Gerard greeted awkwardly, running his hand through his hair. A nervous gesture of his. “You look great.”
You felt your cheeks heat up as Gerard’s eyes skipped over your body, the tightly cut dress, your exposed legs, the white sneakers, and back up to your face. A smile tucked at his lips as he saw the red bow you had tied into your hair, perfectly matching the red of your fake-blood splattered dress.
“Thanks,” you mumbled, fidgeting around with one of the eyeshadow pallets you had used on your friend a few minutes ago.
“Your make-up looks really good too,” Gerard added, as if he wasn’t sure what else to talk about.
“Took me long enough,” you joked, rolling your eyes. “You didn’t dress up?”
Gerard shrugged. “Didn’t really feel like it…”
His eyes wandered from the eyeshadow palette between your fingers to the other make-up products you had still spread out over the desk besides you.
“Is there a chance I could still get a make-up appointment though?”
Your heart missed a beat and almost you would have dropped the palette you had been fiddling around with.
“I mean… I know I said I didn’t want to. But seeing everyone else with this cool Halloween make-up on…” Gerard pulled up his shoulders, slipping the sleeves of his hoodie jacket over his hands insecurely.
“Uhm, sure,” you quickly, answered, trying to calm down your racing pulse, and gestured to the desk. “Sit down.”
Before this evening, when you had imagined doing Gerard’s make-up it had all been nice and cosy, but after having done the make-up for about half of your friends, you had realised how close you sometimes had to get if you wanted to get the details and everything else right. You had stood between their legs, sometimes leant in so close that their breath had fanned over your face, or spread some of the make-up with your fingers, since that had worked better than with sponges or brushes. It had not been weird with them, because they were your friends, and you were not interested in any of them romantically. But with Gerard…
Following your invitation, Gerard hopped up on the desk, letting his legs dangle like a little kid.
“What do you want me to do?”
Gerard furrowed his brows for a moment and looked across the room for inspiration.
“Just a skull, or something like that. Or what you did for yourself. I like that a lot. I can just be dead me.”
You laughed quietly at that, before you grabbed the white eyeshadow. You had experimented with theatre make-up, but the eyeshadow had worked best for your limited experience. And it made adding other colours easier.
With shaking hands, you dipped a little sponge into the eyeshadow (the cheapest you had found) and moved close to Gerard. You had wanted to stand beside his legs, positive standing between his legs like you had done earlier with your other friends would give you a heart attack, but he already had spread them for you to stand between them, so you did.
You could tell he was watching you closely as you began dapping the white powder all over his face. He was pale already, but the additional white made him look sickly. He was leaning back on his hands, drumming along to the music that was playing from the other room.
“Okay, close your eyes,” you demanded, and when he did, you gently dabbed more of the white eyeshadow over his lids, so you had an even foundation. It was tempting to use the moments in which he had closed his eyes to study his face more closely. His dark lashes were incredibly long, framing the curve of his eyelids perfectly. Quickly you focused back on the task at hand, and gently dapped more eyeshadow onto his skin.
“Whoa, why is it so bright here,” an older student, who had helped organise the party, suddenly exclaimed. Indeed, all the ceiling lights of the classroom were on, making the room look like a normal evening, instead of a Halloween party. “Let’s make this a bit more spooky, shall we?”
And with that he turned off almost all the ceiling lights, immediately covering the room in mysterious twilight.
Gerard was about to protest, that they should turn the lights back on, so you could see, but you shook your head.
“Let’s look for another spot, and let them have their fun,” you suggested, and he nodded obediently.
Quickly you gathered your make-up products and shoved them into the little bag you had carried them in, before stepping out into the corridor. The party spread along the whole hallway. The room you had just left was illuminated only by a single lamp now, the next room over by the reflections from a silver screen on which a few people were singing karaoke. Further down the corridor were more rooms, all comparatively dark, and probably swarmed by a few couples making out in the dim lights.
The only room that was probably well lit and empty was the bathroom for the disabled. A few doors down were the normal bathrooms, but this one was usually not used by regular students because most of the time it was lacking toilet paper. Which meant nobody would be bothered if Gerard and you occupied it while you finished his face paint.
You pointed to the door, and Gerard followed you into the small room. Inside were no booths, instead a toilet with a handle at the side, a shower, and a low sink. You had never understood why there was a shower in here, and your best guess was that it was due to the fact the building had been a residential building before it had been integrated into the campus of the college.
“Sink or toilet, where do you want me,” Gerard asked after he had turned on the lights and locked the door behind you.
Quickly glancing between the two options, you pointed to the sink, and Gerard hopped to sit on its rim. In the back of your mind, you wondered if the sink would break, since it certainly had not been made to be sat on, but when there were no suspicious noises, you relaxed, and stepped closer to Gerard again.
In the small bathroom the light was better than it had been in the classroom, and you could see just how spooky Gerard already looked with the bit of white make-up.
“I’ll add some green, blue and black around your eyes and to your cheekbones, so your face looks more fallen in,” you let him know while grabbing the first colour, making him nod.
“Sorry for not spending so much time with you lately,” Gerard suddenly blurted out, just as you began adding a thin layer of black to around his eyes.
“Don’t worry,” you shrugged, pretending like this was not exactly the conversation you had feared for weeks. “We’re all pretty busy right now, I guess.”
“No- I mean yes, but… I could’ve made time, and I didn’t.”
“It’s okay. We don’t always have to hang out if you don’t want to. Don’t worry about it.”
You could tell Gerard was shivering slightly, as you kept working.
“Everything okay,” you asked worriedly, dapping more colour onto his skin.
He just hummed in response.
“You’re shaking. Are you cold? Did you have enough to eat? Low blood sugar?”
“I’m fine. Sorry if I’m making this harder for you.”
“That’s not the problem, Gee,” you pulled away from his face, taking a look at your work. “’s just that I’m worried.”
“I’m okay. Really,” Gerard assured you, opening his eyes, when he noticed you had pulled away from him.
He looked sad, you suddenly realised. Sad and a little lost.
“Okay, if you say so…” not really believing him you packed away the brush for the eyeshadow. “We’re almost done, the last thing missing are the lips.” Suddenly self-conscious you pressed yours together, noticing how Gerard mimicked you, his eyes shortly flickering to your colour-coated lips. “Do you want to do them yourself? There’s a mirror behind you…”
Gerard couldn’t possibly feel comfortable with you applying make-up to his lips, with your bare fingers no less.
“Uhm… could you do it? If you don’t mind…”
You shrugged. “I don’t,” you lied, “but I’d have to do it with my fingers…”
“That’s okay.”
You shrugged again, and motioned Gerard to scoot a little, so you could quickly wash your hands. Once you had dried them well enough to be able to handle the colours again, you stepped back between Gerard’s spread legs. So far you had managed to stay a safe distance away from his face, but the lip make-up was a delicate matter. With the lips the whole look could either look great or absolutely terrible.
Taking a shaky breath, you dipped your finger into the colour, and brought it up to Gerard’s lips. They were warm and soft under your touch, almost plush. As you ran your finger along his lower lip, leaving a faint shimmer of blue, you concentrated on keeping the colour on his lips, and not accidently slip. But the intense stare with which Gerard was watching your face contort in concentration made focusing difficult. You pretended not to notice it, the way his eyes skipped over your face as if he tried to memorize every little Halloween make-up covered crease and pore.
It was only when you reached for the last colour, that you couldn’t take it anymore, and for a moment your eyes flickered up to his. That was when you froze. Your face was only inches away from his, and his eyes were taking you in with a sense of wonderment and…
“Your pupils are huge,” you whispered, not sure if you had meant to say that out loud.
Gerard blinked a few times before he answered, speaking just as lowly as you. “They are?”
You nodded with an affirmative hum. Somehow it was impossible to look away. It was as if Gerard was pinning you in place with his stare.
“Did you know our pupils dilate up to 55% when we look at someone we love?”
His words were but a breath in the silence between you. There was the humming of the neon tube of the bathroom lights, and the hammering of your heart in your ears, and Gerard’s stupid little fun fact, that almost made your heart stop as you wondered how wide your pupils were right now. Certainly dilated beyond normal. He could absolutely tell you felt attracted to him just by looking into your eyes alone.
But before you had time to realise that the statement was true for him as well, that his pupils were dilated because he looked at someone he loved, and the person he looked at was you, he had already closed the last inches between you, and pressed his lips to yours.
A quiet sound of surprised escaped you, before you dropped the eyeshadow pallet you had been holding into the sink, and wrapped your hands into his hair, kissing him back.
How often had you dreamt about this moment, of kissing Gerard? Far more often than you wanted to admit even to yourself. And you had certainly not imagined it to happen while you both were wearing layers and layers of carefully applied Halloween make-up.
His lips tasted powdery from the colours you had used, but when he kissed you deeper, a note of coffee and indescribable sweetness overwhelmed your senses, making you dizzy. As if Gerard had felt the reaction his kiss had on you, he brought his hands to your waist, pulling you closer to him, and kissing you harder. His body was soft and warm against yours, his clothes smooth under your hands. As you ran your fingers from his hair down his neck, you could feel tiny goosebumps rising underneath your fingertips, and he shivered, before he kissed you even harder.
He knew exactly what he wanted, you realised, as you let him take complete control over the kiss. He moved as if he had planned every single moment of this, as if he had imagined kissing you just as often as you had imagined kissing him. Both of his hands were placed at your waist now, pulling you in as close as possible, until your hip was flush to the cold porcelain of the sink he was seated on. His legs were on either side of you, not quite wrapped around you yet, just pressed to your side, warm, strong, stabilising you on your wobbly knees and keeping you close. You did not stop kissing until both of you were out of breath, but eventually, your lungs aching for oxygen, you pulled away.
Only then it really hit you, what had just happened. Gerard had kissed you, as if his life depended on it. Confused and shocked you stumbled a step back, taking in the man before you. His eyes were wide as he nervously tried interpreting your expression. A soft blush shimmered through the white powder, and the colour you so carefully had applied to his face was smeared around his lips in a mixture of the eyeshadow you had used for him, and your lip-gloss. He really did look like a Zombie who had just made out with someone with blue lipstick. If you could have seen your reflection in the mirror behind Gerard, you would have found you did not look much different.
With his feet dangling in the air, a few inches over the ground, Gerard watched you closely, as you blinked a few times in irritation and surprise before you carefully spoke up.
“What was that for?”
You could still taste him on your lips and tongue, the coffee and the sweetness, something so typically him and at the same time so much different from what you had imagined him to taste like.
Gerard gulped audibly at your question and averted his eyes embarrassedly. Fiddling around with the sleeves of his jacket, he took a deep breath, before looking up at you again.
“I know I hurt you by trying to distance myself from you recently,” Gerard suddenly blurted out. “I tried to convince myself that I wasn’t actually in love with you. But I am. And I’m sick of pretending I’m not.” His voice shook slightly as he talked, his still darkened eyes, pupils blown impossibly wide, staring at you, pleading you to understand. “I’m sorry if it makes things weird between us, but I can’t pretend to be someone I’m not. And I just happen to be someone who’s totally, head over heels, helplessly in love with you.”
His words took a moment to register for you, took a few seconds for you to understand them before you could reply.
“It doesn’t have to be weird,” you told him, stepping back closer.
Slowly you brought a hand up to his face, careful not to destroy the make-up you had made such an effort of applying. Immediately he snuggled into your touch, his eyes not leaving yours, until you moved forward and pressed your lips to his again, shorter, sweeter this time, but with just as fast beating heart.
Gerard’s eyes fluttered closed at the contact, and his lips pulled into a smile. When you leant back again, you took a closer look at his face once more. His cheeks were pink underneath the white make-up, making him look more alive than he was supposed to look.
“I’m in love with you too,” you whispered into the narrow space between you, making him smile. “So, so much.”
You weren’t sure if you had ever seen Gerard smile as brightly as he did in that moment. His face was all crunched up, teeth showing, eyes glimmering happily. With a quiet, almost disbelieving laugh he nudged his nose against yours, before he pulled you into a hug. His arms around you, his chest against yours, his nose buried in your hair were so familiar, so well known, and yet at the same time something entirely new. Before, when he had hugged you, it had been quick, casual good-bye hugs. But now he lingered, deeply inhaled the scent that clung to your hair as you tightened your arms around him.
When you eventually pulled away, you brushed your finger over his lips, spreading the colour which your kiss had left a little more evenly, before you gave him a nod.
“You’re all good to go,” you let him know. “The perfect Halloween look.”
Gerard grinned and shimmied off the sink he had been sitting on, watching you as you put away the products and utensils you had used. From the corner of your eyes you could see Gerard biting his lower lip, and almost you would have scolded him for endangering the face paint you had applied so carefully, but he spoke up quicker.
“Is it too bold to ask you to be mine?”
Surprised you looked up at him, before you smiled again and stepped closer to Gerard. Immediately his hands came up to your waist, and you could not help but feel like it was a motion he had waited for ages to be allowed to do.
“It’s not,” you whispered and softly pecked his lips again, intertwining your fingers with his.
Together you walked over to the door, and as you unlocked it, you couldn’t help but think about how about thirty minutes ago you had stepped in here, thinking Gerard might have enough of you. Turning around to him, it seemed as if he had read your thoughts, because his eyes met yours and he lifted your hand up, pressing his lips to your knuckles, the expression on his face an almost dreamy, happy smile. He didn’t have to put it into words, with the way he was looking at you now, to eradicate all doubt, but you could see it in his eyes: the promise to never pull away from you again.
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@alexstyx​​ @jayloverthe3rd​​ @robinruns​​ @lookalivefrosty​​ @butterflycore​​  @omgsuperstarg​​ @fivelegance​​ @deadlovers​​ @casmustdiee​​​ @cmtryghoul​​​  
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shizukateal · 5 years
Judging Magia Record’s Outfits [Part 6]
The last part. The 3 rules.
Konoha Shizumi
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First, if her weapon is supposed to be some kind of double spear then the designer has a skewed sense of priorities, because that’s just putting aestethics over function, which is something that magical girls have to make a careful balance of. About the outfit itself, I think it’s another perfect representation of what these bad designers get wrong: they choose an aesthetic, but they ruin it because they think that a magical girl outfit has to be different than a regular outfit with the look they chose. So they add all this crap trying to make their character more distinct but they end up throwing them into the forgettable bin because no one would follow an unappealing design no matter how “original” it is. 
The dress itself is ok, although I would get rid of the gold chain on the skirt, but then the designer decided to put that weird leather collar with the strands just hangin there because making them part of the vest was too normie, I guess. It also has an awkward hipline transition, the skirt puffs like a tutu and that just doesn’t really fit with the sleek formal wear look the top is going for. The problem is that if we get her a less poofy skirt then the blue and white on top will become the awkward part. Same goes with the sleeves with the blue design, and they are made worse with the other straps on top of them which are there for no reason. The gloves are passable, but I don’t know is I would keep them if I were to correct this outfit. They are there to add more color but, again they don’t really fit with the rest, what with being fingerless and all. The socks are ok, they seem to be going for the same effect that Homura’s boot-stockings have, although it’s diminished by the fact that the skirt is the same color as them and also for some reason the designer picked those shoes... Like, they certainly look comfortable but if you were gonna go with those you might as well just make her a normal schoolgirl. I’m also not a fan of the hairstyle. Oh, it looks alright here, but in any other of her sprites it’s just weird to see the braids just... appear above her fringe and dissapear around her head without being sure if they break into another braid or ponytail or whatever. The fact that the big flower pin is on the side also doesn’t help. I’d put it behind it to give the braids some sense of closure but I’m not sure it would help with the shape it has. Conclusion: another outfit that could be saved with relatively simple edits.
Hazuki Yusa
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Seriously, what are those boots? Who does the quality control for this game and why haven’t they been fired. This is tied to the Madoka franchise, I know that it’s gonna make some money no matter what, but for god’s sake try to save some face. Why does she have two garters on the same leg? Oh Lord, the gloves are as mind-bogglingly stupid as the boots. That weapon looks like that joke post about the toy that let you custumize your own light-saber weapon. I don’t ever understand what her aestethic is supposed to be. What even is the point of the dress showing off her boobs if you’re going too undermine whatever erotic appeal you’re trying to give her with those goddawful boots?! The only good things I can say about this is that her hairstyle is good and the dress is reasonably cute, what a pity that it’s buried under a cape with lapels but no jacket or sleeves.
Characters Ruined by the Male Gaze: 9
Ayame Mikuri
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Her aestethic is more consistent that the previous too, but that doesn’t mean it couldn’t improve. She reminds me of Cirava Hermod from Hiveswap and I guess that’s partly of why I actually like her hairstyle, minus that random triangle over her fringe. It’s weird, but at least it’s weird in a consistent way. The flower on the ponytail is ok, but it’s kinda pointless since it’s the same color as the hair. Then we look down and once again this artist exibits their weird obsession with lapels just hangin out, but this time the cape is reasonably cute. The gloves are also cute, but when I compare them to the socks and the hairstyle I have to wonder if they should be there at all. Then we have the main dress on top opf the skirt wich is just... whatever. Get it? She’s random XD so of course her dress opens up wherever. Yeah, it’s kinda hard for me to buy all the bare skin spots are an expression of her personality when the rest of her outfit suggests a weird lolita look. The skirt and socks can stay though, especially the socks.
Midrift Count: 10
Characters ruined by the Male Gaze: 10
Aimi Eri
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Oh Thank God. Truly this is a sight for sore eyes. No sexualization. Varied and balanced colors, with a bonus of sensibly used patterns. Consistent aestethic. Cute hairstyle that is not afraid to be simple. Frills that don’t overimpose. This is worthy of being one of the protagonists of the show, worthy of being side by side with the Holly Quintet itself, can she please take Rena’s position? Everyone who has followed these posts take note: THIS is an ideal magical girl outfit.
Karin Misono
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See what I mean? It’s not that hard to make a good magical girl outfit. Pick a look, then choose some cute clothing items that go with that aestethic, add some accessories without going overboard, and try looking up some actual fucking hairstyles before you invent a new one. I am a bit weirded out that the sleeves don’t connect to the top, but I’ll let it slide.
Midriff count: 11
(the next part)
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lemmyexotic · 4 years
England New Forest Gothic
The bus is early, you sprint to get to the stop in time, the bus driver smiles at you. He never smiles at you. He shakes your hand and let's you on for free. "Weird " , you think but continue upstairs.  You hope to catch a glimpse of an open field somewhere down the road. There was a storm last night and the townfolk whispered of an opening in the 20 feet tall barrier hedges . You hate hedges and wish someone would burn them all down. You read a government sign out loud : Hedge vandals will be prosecuted.
The top deck of the bus is full of elderley people wearing goat horns and masks, your hands start to sweat.  You were warned not to go to the top deck. The elderley start into a slow chant , one man falls over , he is thrown out of the emergency exit window by the Leader .He falls at half speed onto a shrubbery. Hmmm , you think,  the gravity generator must be playing up today.
There are holiday makers everywhere but you know it's all an act. The townsfolk have begun a strange custum of dressing in baggy holiday clothes and wearing disguises. You recognise them immediatly as the people that work in the library and local butcher shops etc etc , but they always tell you they are from out of town
You end up in the forest , animals are humping but you never actually see them , you only hear the noises they make. Silly ,  animals dont really exist you think.  A shadow flashes past you. You remember an Australian friend telling you to watch out for drop bears in the forest. "Drop bears are only in Australia" you think and stride on confidently. Everything goes black, you wake up dazed and confused. Something just attacked you! When you regain consciousness , you see a policeman waiting neaby  . He tells you he caught the suspect in a cage and asks you to identify him. It was badger wearing a koala skin coat. You slowly whisper the name "Henry Miller " ,  nod at the officer and walk off. Your head is sore and you have contracted  Chlamydia. Typical, you mutter.
There is a man carrying a duck under his arm. It has a human face and quacks rudely at you. "I can help you " a voice says as you brush past . You spin around to find out more but the pair are run over by a white van.
The local plumbers are practising Interpretive dance in the park , you spy on them for a while. A rival gang of school teachers starts cat calling them and harassing them with yoga matts , in the ensuing bloody violence , you hear a mechanical shriek from afar. You have to leave now. The amber siren has gone off.
Finally you meet an actual holiday maker ! A man from New Zealand tell's you he is a vampire. He does a sexy dance but falls over . You go to help him up but his wrists are already limp, you check the pulse , there is none. You find a government stake in his back. You carry him to the local recycling center but they tell you that he is classified as "builders waste" and will have to charge you 15 euros . You urinate onto the floor in their staff toilets.
0 notes
bangtan-spells · 7 years
Yoongi Scenario: Tainted Love - Part 9.
Request: Could you make one with Yoongi being some sort of demon/vampire boss that every one is super scared of but then there is Y/N, Yoongi is in love with her and everyone is always super impressed how Yoongi always surrenders and softens when something is about her? He’s super protective and wants to please her in his own way, thank you for doing this i love you
Summary: Demons are merciless, demons are ruthless, demons can’t hold nothing dear to them. Yoongi is the leader, the king of the demon world. He is feared as he is respected, no one expected him to bring a human girl as his lover, you. You fell in love and now you are in the midst of adjusting to the demon world, its custums, and its dangers. But everything is worth it if is for him, the demon king that lives between shadows and that would turn hell apart to protect you.
Demon AU. Featuring all BTS.
Genre: Romance / Drama
Part 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13
Yoongi appeared in front of your eyes startling you, but instead of the relief you expected to feel with his return you felt the fear escalating, you stared horrified at him, his hair damp, all his clothes dirty, torn at some parts, and the blood, black and red blood stained his pale skin wherever your eyes landed.
With a gasp you jumped out the bed and rushed to where he was standing, and only then he acknowledged your presence, his eyes going all over you to prove you were ok, like it wasn’t him who had blood all over his body.
-Yoongi, what happened?- you asked staring at him from up close looking frantically for wounds -Are you hurt? are you ok? Yoongi-
You lifted your hand to touch his face but he slapped it away and his eyes before expressionless were now angry.
-Y/N, get away-
You frowned as you registered his words, confused, but your worry for him was bigger, the metallic scent of the blood was concentrated, he looked like a mess, he had been fighting or killing, most probably both.
-No- you said touching his face making him stiffen, there was a warning in his eyes, but you stood firm, you didn’t want to be scared of him, you weren’t. You slid his fringe away from his forehead to confirm the blood dripping from it wasn’t his. It wasn’t, your eyes went down to his neck and chest, you opened his shirt and noticed how the fabric was torn at some parts, his white skin was smeared with fresh thick blood in some parts, already dried in others.
He grabbed your hands and pushed them away trying to dodge you but you stepped on his way. -Y/N, stop-
-No- you repeated. -You come here so late, looking like this and you expect me to walk away?-
-Yes- he answered venomously through gritted teeth.
You glared back at him, but your heart still beat fast with the fear of him being hurt. -Are you ok? are you hurt?-
-It’s not mine- he cleared and you sighed in relief. -Don’t get close to me now- he started walking to the bathroom and you followed him getting inside with him.
-Why not? Yoongi talk to me please-
-Y/N, I’m fucking soaking in blood-
-I don’t care- you retorted even if you had to concentrate to not let the strong odor get you dizzy.
Yoongi sighed tiredly and you got closer to him again, he still wore his lightweight jacket that was sticking to the fabric of his shirt, you touched the flaps of it and then your hands went to down to hold his. He stood still and didn’t pull away his hands when you intertwined your fingers with his, neither when you stepped closer and skimmed his lips with yours in a subtle kiss. -Let me, please-
Yoongi lowered his head and you nodded, going to the tub to set it up.
While that was ready you came back to him, peeling the jacket from him, letting you see that under it he was unharmed. Yoongi just stood still, staring at your every move with attentive yet heavy eyes as your hands went around his body, carefully undressing him.
First you made sure to take off the majority of the blood in the shower, most of it on his chest and arms and the upfront of his body, Yoongi let you do all the work but his eyes didn’t leave you, you noticed, he was very aware of you cleaning him. You had bathed together before but this was entirely different, it wasn’t lewd or sexy, if anything you felt like he was vulnerable and you needed to take care of him.
You led him to the tub, which was gigantic and Yoongi’s rather skinny body accommodated in it with more than enough spare room for you if you had wanted it. But for now you remained out only in your underwear. You had added a few oils and bath scents to the water for him to relax but Yoongi still was tense, you grabbed a big sponge to massage his shoulders but as you moved to be behind him he turned his head to keep looking at you from the corner of his eyes.
-Just relax- you whispered starting to rub his shoulders.
He scowled so you lowered your body until you could put your chin near the side of his neck. You stayed like that for a few seconds before posing pecks on his skin making him shudder. -It’s me babe, let me do this for you, ok? will you let me?- you whispered softly. You waited there for his answer, just hearing him breathe, your nose grazing his cheek and you leaned your head up a little. You felt him nod, he was giving you his trust, you placed another peck on his neck before returning to your earlier position.
-I’ll just rub your back a little, ok?- Yoongi nodded again so you put your hands to work, you massaged his shoulders, seeing the old scars on his skin occasioned in ancient battles, some parts of his skin had still traces of the dry blood, you didn’t know what had happened, but he looked like he had been on a killing spree, of both humans and demons, what could had brought him to it? Who were the dead?
Hearing him sigh again, feeling his shoulder blades relax under your touch, you discovered that didn’t really matter, you were more relived to have him here by your side. You scrubbed and massaged, gently in some parts, more firmly in others, but you could tell his body was appreciating the treatment.
-Could you… could you come?- he said suddenly. You moved from behind him and went to the side looking at him curiously. -Here with me- he specified looking down at the tub to make it more obvious.
Silently you got in, the tub was profound and the water had a pinkish hue denoting the remnants of blood had been washed away from his body, paying no attention to it you sat on the space he had made for you between his legs letting your back rest over his chest, only that Yoongi pushed you a little. You turned to know what was it but then you felt his fingers unfastening your bra so you allowed him to take it off and this time he dragged you closer.
Yoongi nuzzled your neck and you felt his hands caressing your tummy softly, you had missed this so much, feeling him wrap his arms around you and smelling you, which you often teased him about, but you loved how much he loved to do so, your hair and neck being his favorites parts for it. You stayed like that for a while, just resting and feeling each other until the water turned cold, so he stood up holding you still and helped you out of the tub, you washed away quickly under the shower and then went to dress.
Going out of the bathroom you remembered it was morning since Yoongi had gotten there at dawn. You thought he was going to get to bed with you but you saw him putting on regular clothes instead of just sweatpants.
-Where are you going Yoongi? I thought you were coming to bed-
-I have things to do-
-They can wait- you said trying not to raise your voice too much. -You need rest-
-No, I’ll go, you stay here and get some sleep-
-If you are going somewhere then I’m going with you- you retorted obstinately. -I’ll get dressed-
Yoongi huffed. -Y/N, please, let’s leave this for some other time-
-What other time? You have been distant with me this whole time and I don’t know why, something is happening to you but you just shrug me off every time I ask about it-
Yoongi massaged the bridge of his nose in a  tired gesture but stayed silent. -Yoongi, why are you acting like this? please talk to me, I’m here for you, before you’d tell me if anything was wrong, don’t shut me out now-
-I’m not shutting you out- he remarked and this time it was you huffing.
-But you are, and it doesn’t make any sense, you always say I’m yours, and I am, yours to talk to, to support you, I don’t know if demons do these kind of things, but if you say that I’m yours then don’t let me out- you bit your lip, you didn’t know how to formulate your words correctly, all you wanted was him to know you were there, alive, breathing, that he wasn’t alone.
-What? You don’t say anything?- you sighed when he stayed silent for more than a minute.
-What would I say? I told you we’ll talk about this some other time, but you are the one who wants to do it now-
-There’s is no some other time- you snapped back. -I’ll go back to my apartment, what if I go back get ran over and I die- his eyes fired a glare at you. -What if whoever is stalking me gets me and kills me?-
-Y/N…- he drawled warningly, his voice was angry but you saw the panic in his eyes, both possibilities appalled him. -That won’t happen so stop it-
-I hope that won’t happen, I don’t want it to happen, what I’m trying to say is that it serves nothing you being like that to me, changing so suddenly, isn’t it better to try and figure it out?-
-I am figuring it out!- he spat raising his voice, groaning with regret a few seconds later. -In the meantime don’t go around saying some fucking bullshit that you are going to die, I won’t allow it-
He wouldn’t allow it? You ran a hand through your hair trying to calm down your anger, because he was angry too and you knew this couldn’t end with you back to normal, there was a risk that you were just making it all worse. Yoongi was growing impatient and for a moment you wondered why he wasn’t gone, but then you weren’t done talking, he knew there was still more to be said. You didn’t want to do something impulsive so you tried to gather your words and then the answer was there in front of your eyes. Russia, his parents, you being stalked, he wouldn’t allow it.
-It’s ok if you don’t want to talk about it today-
He squinted his eyes slightly as he sharpened his gaze at you trying to figure out what you had in mind, what had changed.
-I know what is happening, I understand, so stay here with me, we don’t have to talk about it, just don’t go yet-
-So you claim to know what is happening to me- he asked tilting his head to the side. -Whatever you have in mind, you are wrong-
-I am not- you replied instantly. -I know I am not-
-So what is it?- he asked letting his arms fall by his sides with a sigh. -You are a little manipulator Y/N, I have to give it to you, we weren’t having this conversation and here we are, so tell me-
-Call me manipulator all you want- you said taking a few steps closer to him, not hurt by his words. -But I won’t allow you to push me away anymore, even less because of this- your voice was firm and sure, Yoongi stared at you with intensity, waiting. -You are afraid- this time your voice came out softer, way more than you’d expected, you knew this was going to have an impact on him.
And it had, Yoongi’s shadows that had been practically absent before now started to grow off his shoulders and and feet.  -Afraid of what? I don’t fear anything Y/N-
-Yes you do- you pushed back for some reason feeling your emotions sky rocketing, your heart beat faster, your throat closed and opened like you wanted to sob, you were sure blushed and breathing quickly but that didn’t matter at this moment. -After what happened in Russia, the lizard, someone breaking into my house, after what happened with your family… - you swallowed when you saw the hurt in his eyes and you knew you were right. -You are afraid the same happens to me… that you… that I die- Yoongi exhaled like you had punched him and you swallowed again to not start crying. -Please don’t push me away Yoongi, we can do this together, I know I have to have the protection around me, I know that there is danger, I won’t be stubborn about it anymore…  we can make it all better, you and me, just don’t leave me like this-
Yoongi had been staring at a point on the floor until now, his breathing was heavy and fast too, his hands were in fists and he was hurt, so much in pain it was written all over his expression. You started at him pleadingly and he exhaled again, this time going to you. 
Yoongi placed his palms, big and cold over your cheeks pulling you to him slightly. -You drive me insane, hear me? Crazy, insane, mad-
You looked up at him leaning to those hands. -I know- you whispered just before his lips met yours.
He let one hand on your cheek as the other pulled you to his body, you grabbed his shirt tightly to then sneak one of your hands around his neck, his lips moved on top of yours with just enough pressure, you opened your mouth for him letting him ravage you. You hummed feeling his tongue caress yours at the same rhythm his hands were doing around your body. You were wearing just a short silk night gown so he found access to your naked skin immediately, one hand went up and down from your hips to your breasts and the other before on your face had found its place over your ass, squeezing and pressing you even more to him.
You unbuttoned his shirt as you felt yourself delighted with pleasure, you had missed this too much. You bit his lip making him groan, you were slowly walking to the bed, not breaking apart for anything, you worked his pants and gasped when you felt him playing with his fingers. He smirked in the kiss and took you to bed.
You got ride of the clothes and kept kissing, caressing each other with adoration because this was exactly what you needed, the shadows before menacing were now surrounding both of you, the strings of smoke-like matter going around the bed made you focus just on each other.
-I’ll go crazy if something happens to you love, I won’t know…- he puffed, biting your neck making you pant -I’ll go crazy Y/N-
-I’m here Yoongi, I won’t go anywhere- you assured stopping for a second to caress his cheeks. -You don’t have to be afraid- you whispered a bit nervous that you could spoil the moment but he had to know.
His lips grazed yours as he put your foreheads together, your voices were breathy and your bodies were craving each other but this had to be said, this moment was probably one of the most vulnerable moments he had ever had in his whole life. -I’d die with you Y/N, I’ll die for you-
You whimpered for his words and his body on yours, taking a hold of his back as you hugged him -I love you, I won’t go anywhere-
-Me too, you’re mine ātashé del-am-
He had said it, it was his way of saying I love you, but then those words, they were foreign to yours, but the way he said them, the way he was looking at you, you knew they were those words with which demon lovers referred to each other, you wanted to know all about it, but that could wait, for now you were going to delight yourself in the arms of your lover.
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