#cuz TRO makes videos that are like 3 hours long
astranauticus · 6 months
shoutout to the experience of watching the new hbomberguy video, a bit like being at a party and having fun until about exactly halfway through when someone shoots you in the stomach
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delphineera · 4 years
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. Spread the positivity! 💖
Naja did you send me this on purpose 😭😭😭
I'm gonna talk about what makes me happy recently cuz a lot of things make me happy
1) HANGING THE MOON my god this fic is literally my entire life right now I love it so much and feel so blessed to be able to read it ❤️ mega bittersweet that it just ended but I'm ready to print it out and keep it forever and read it to my future children as bedtime story
Highly recommend to anyone who wants to read the perfect finnpoe post-TROS fic
2) video calling my friends! I haven't seen my friends that often anymore even before the pandemic because I moved to another city an hour away, and technically I can still drive to see them but it definitely is not as convenient. But the pandemic got everyone doing video calls and I really missed chatting and laughing and being stupid with my best buds
3) being able to play a new song on my guitar! I stopped playing guitar for so long that I was afraid it'll take me a while to pick it back up, but so far it's going great and I'm learning different songs everyday and music makes me happy 😍
4) Butterfinger omg 😭😭😭 I've always loved Butterfinger but I don't really buy candy bars so I've only had it during Halloween? And then recently I saw Claire from Gourmet Makes recreating it and I was like omg I would love to have some Butterfinger right now, so I went to buy it BUT THEN realized they don't sell Butterfinger in Canada? Mega rude tbh but I ordered some on Amazon and life is good again
5) being able to see my improvement in art is definitely a very rewarding thing and it makes me so so happy 🥰🥰 like I'm more confident with different poses now and I'm starting to feel better drawing hands, and the likeness of characters I'm drawing is improving too!!!
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