#cuz elektra still has yet to mention to matt that
counsellormurdock · 2 years
when is marvel going to take matt away from zdarsky. the previous run was so good but this one is just going down hill so fast. imma read it, cuz it’s matt, but i want it on record im not happy about it rn.
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simplylove101 · 6 years
Matt & Karen ;)
Okay, finally answered this one. lol Didn’t meant to take so long with it.
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1) when they first intrigued me
Naturally like Matt I was intrigued right away about Karen. I needed to know how she didn’t commit this murder that definitely looked like her doing even though you knew it couldn’t have been. Since Matt using his heightened listening could tell she was being sincere. He knew she was innocent. He then lets her stay at his apartment & there’s something really beautiful about how they put that scene together. I also noticed they had chemistry. I was ready to ship it if they went there.
Matt & Karen 1x01 Scenes
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2) when I started to ‘ship’ them (sometimes this is different if you think about it)
For the first season, I think it took til this moment to fully ship them because they didn’t always share as much screentime as you would have thought they would based on the pilot. When Claire came into the picture, it started to seem like that was the ship the show was pushing. I really liked Claire tbh, I just didn’t ship her with Matt because I didn’t feel the instant spark like I did with him & Karen. I liked that Karen showed up to his apartment in 1x11 & tried to get him to open up. It’s with this moment in 1x12 tho that my heart truly melted once again for them & I let myself ship it because Matt has a real moment where he’s opening up to Karen. And it just felt like, finally! Matt never opens up & he did here by choice. Big character growth moment for him.
I Can’t Do This Anymore
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3) when I knew they were OTP status (as in there was literally no other ship for them I would want)
To be honest, I knew it before this moment. I enjoyed their scene in 1x13. It felt like obvious foreshadowing that they were happening in S2 & I was totally ready for it. That all said, this scene made it clear that 1. Karen wanted Matt to realize that she’s not an idiot & knows there’s something going on with him & 2) that she was there for him if he needed her. Also aww that hug when she comes in. They’re still keeping things from each other (she almost told him about killing the guy!!) but they’re getting closer & she makes it clear she cares about him. I was so ready to see them get together soon.
4) Favorite quote
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“It’s over your face, you can’t hide that. You love him. […] You sit here & you’re all confused about this thing, but you have it. You have everything. So hold onto it. use two hands & never let go, you got it?” - Frank Castle, 2x11
It had to be this quote. I just love this scene so much. Frank is all about the no bullshit about stuff, especially with Karen, which I love. He is such a Matt/Karen shipper. hehe
Karen & Frank at the Diner
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5) Favorite scene
A tie between their two big kiss scenes because omg. they were both just so well done. The first one in the rain is all sorts of sexy & you can just feel the sexual tension between them. When he trails his finger up her arm & you can tell she’s totally turned on in that moment & he hasn’t even kissed her yet! Honestly though, I can’t blame her. lol Also, she’s so adorable when she instantly agrees to go out to dinner with her. Girl had clearly been waiting for it. XD And their date kiss scene! Matt is so presh when he says he doesn’t want to go inside her apartment because he didn’t want to ruin a perfect evening since he tends to ruin things. Everything about that scene was just so adorable & gushworthy. I can’t. Their whole date was cute too.
Rain Kiss
Date Kiss
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6) Scene that made me cry/sad
I feel like I gotta mention their scene in 2x11 because while I do appreciate Matt showing Karen concern about being shot at & wanting her to be safe, I can’t help being like Karen thinking “Uh… where was this concern before? Oh, I forgot, we were too busy kissing Elektra’s ass.” (I’m sorry but the way they introduced her & onwards made it so I didn’t like her) Karen doesn’t always do things in a very level-headed way but him chastising her made me make a face. Since she only did cuz she had to try & cover for his ass not helping with the case. Him not caring enough is why Karen got so close to Frank tbh. I get why she told him that she wasn’t his to protect. That tension was rough to watch. That said, I do love angst & that scene certainly fit the bill. I realize by how I described this this should probably be under what made me angry since it did but it was also really sad to see them so distant. Also I didn’t really know what to put here. lol 
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7) Scene(s) that pissed me off
Okay, scenes that piss me off are specifically in 2x08. I get it that Elektra got hurt (people who ship them I’m sure are gonna be like “Hey now! Don’t blame her!”) but the way Matt was progressively doing a shitty job as a lawyer & letting down both Foggy & Karen in the process makes it so I can’t be okay with Elektra entering his life again. Karen comes by his apartment to get him to come to court & who does she see in his bed? Elektra. We know it’s cuz she’s hurt but poor bb Karen sees this as her sorta boyfriend possibly cheating on her. I think she handled the situation with grace. It’s when we get at the courthouse & Matt pushes on a big show that ultimately loses Frank’s case by making him snap, that’s when things really blow up. And honestly? I don’t blame Karen or Foggy’s reaction. Yes, Frank is a criminal. He’s a killer. But they were trying to do what they felt was right & Matt basically didn’t give a shit until he made it about himself. The breakup felt justified.
8) Favorite underrated moment
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I had actual underrated moments in mind like when they’re being all coupley & cute but couldn’t get the screencaps so I’m just gonna say this - Matt finally telling Karen that he was Daredevil feels like it’s something worth mentioning on here. He’s truly opening up to her in this moment by letting her know his secret. I still haven’t caught up w/ The Defenders stuff so I don’t know how things went down between them there but regardless this is still a big moment too.
Matt Reveals He’s Daredevil
9) Song that makes me think of them
I actually made a video for them once to Can’t Pretend by Tom Odell because I think it’s perfect for them so that’s pretty much my answer. lol
10) Favorite video of them
(purely because this is one of the first really good videos that I’d seen for these two & it just always stuck with me. I love this song & always have)
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