#kirsten doesn’t deserve this
counsellormurdock · 2 years
when is marvel going to take matt away from zdarsky. the previous run was so good but this one is just going down hill so fast. imma read it, cuz it’s matt, but i want it on record im not happy about it rn.
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sophfandoms53 · 11 months
Reilly talking about wanting an unanimous vote for Kirsten to go
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pinazee · 1 month
Rob-a-bye Baby
Finally some focus on Chief Vick! Kirsten nelson did a great job on the first real ep where she gets to play a more substantial role. (“Head detective my ass” always makes me chuckle) i only wish it had been more. She was more of an obstacle than part of the plot, though i guess technically her character kind of grew at the end. She does admit she was overreacting with Shawn but this realization was done off screen. I’d have loved to see her try to run over her husband, and having a little breakdown. Something that gave her more depth. I want to know who she is as a person. Was she a runner who wanted to get back into it so she can finally have some time for herself? Does she struggle with who she wants to be as a mother? Was the baby even planned? Was she concerned it would affect her job, or her ability to do her job? Idk, just something that added a bit more color to her character tapestry. I think theres a lot to explore here is all.
Perhaps im biased, but i feel like Shawns reaction is a bit out of character. Like yeah, he’d find it a boring assignment but i also think he’d understand how important it is to the Chief and take it seriously. Plus, Gus is right, she gives them cases, it’s pretty important for their business that they remain on her good side. And in the end he didn’t help her at all. The nephew just came back and that was the resolution. i think i would’ve preferred if Shawn had been struggling to find them too. Like every nanny he came across he could find something wrong with them because Chief Vick deserves the best. Or he had a nanny picked out all along, she just couldn’t start right away but he somehow needed the excuse to look into the nanny burglary ring? Idk. I guess its not really that big a deal. Perhaps it was to introduce a flaw in Shawns character. Like they were saying he needs the thrills to make the job worthwhile. Which is fine, i think that aligns with his overall character. In fact, i wouldn’t be surprised if he fucked somethings up later just to bump up the challenge for shits and giggles (which is such a weird phrase btw). I just think in this one specific case, he would have handled it with a bit more care.
Gus’s blimp dance! He’s so excited! After the last ep, i just want him to be happy
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I just wanted to point out the lady who plays ada was in a movie called Wolfcop. Theres an actual movie called Wolfcop.
Chief Vick’s power pose is so strong, it possesses her when she sleeps haha
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Did she just spit her pastry out on the ground??
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This always makes me chuckle because, like, why? Why would they have them go down those hill lol
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I think this is another case of Juliet getting way too into undercover work. I don’t think thats any of her actual wedding or birth plans even if the show made it look like such.
Im so confused why they were at a pet store instead of a pawn shop. What did that guy sell to him? How did the pet shop guy know it was stolen? Unrelated, but it was a nice touch that Shawn immediately spoke in a way the pet shop guy understood, even if it was just for the haha’s.
Gus’s nickname Schmuel Cohen is a real dude! Why does Shawn have the name of the composer of the Israeli national anthem locked and loaded?? The guy died in 1940. When/ how would he know that???
Awww poor Tim!
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Juliet agreeing pivots and divots is fun to say lol
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I wish they could have expanded on Nanny Henry! Like he was going to refuse to keep helping out but Chief Vick broke out her mommy voice and also kind of pleaded with him for help. Then we could have gotten some scenes of them, maybe talking about the past, or Henry asking her to look out for Shawn since he doesn’t have the police as part of his squad and therefore no backup, which Chief Vick explains that he’s practically a member anyways and would be treated as such, not only because of who his dad is but because he’s practically one of her own anyways, so of course she has his back.
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curator-on-ao3 · 2 months
Hey, Curator. I wanted to do this by ask instead of by comment on AO3, because I have *so* much respect for your work on Autobigraphy of Kirsten Clancy. Your creation of Martian culture? Exquisite. Your depiction of a healthy relationship between two peers striving to be part of the same organization they love and also raise a family? Fantastic. Your depiction of grief and trauma? Amazing. So since my question feels a bit critical, I wanted to emphasize that I'm not trying to start an argument or score points - I genuinely, privately want to know.
I could say nice things about the story all day. But one thing in it that I felt disappointed by was the decision not to just challenge the moral attitude of Picard and the Romulan relocation effort, but to actively change the facts of it. I think the question of whether the Federation should be allowed to break up over saying a billion lives or more is a serious one, and one that deserved the argument between Picard and Clancy. Having a narrative that says "Well, nobody really died because the Romulans evacuated them using their own resources" seems to really gut the whole moral concept of the argument - as if to say Clancy can't win it on those terms so we have to change the facts, when frankly I think she *can* win it.
Do you mind me asking what your thoughts were behind making that change? Is it supposed to be the product of unreliable narration on Clancy's part, or are you describing a different universe?
Anyway, thank you again for a wonderful story.
Oh my goodness, @ruckafangirl, your praise for that story means so much to me — and the elements you mention are quite close to my heart. Thank you, thank you! ❤️
I welcome questions (I feel like it’s an author’s dream to be asked why they made writerly choices), though I must admit I was confused at first by yours. The narrative in that story is 100% in our universe with those millions of Romulan deaths happening. Clancy’s argument with Picard following the destruction of Mars and Utopia Planitia — and her view that the Federation can save either itself or the Romulans, and the Romulans should have the resources to save themselves — is meant to be in light of readers knowing that Clancy won the argument at the cost of the future of the Romulan relocation effort since the Romulans did not turn out to have (or use?) the resources to save themselves.
I went back to the story to try to figure out what could have given you the impression that the Romulans didn’t die. Because you’re exactly right that Clancy is an unreliable narrator. She doesn’t lie whole cloth, though, and she’s painfully aware that most of her life is documented via official records and logs. I therefore worked to make her omissions both visible and sensible (e.g., she only reveals the extent of her closeness with Edward Jellico in the acknowledgments because, as she explains, he didn’t want her to talk much about him in her book). I wonder, was it Clancy’s press conference following Picard’s TV appearance that suggested the Romulans didn’t die? Because the journalist’s question, “What is your response to Picard’s critique of Starfleet’s decision to cancel the Romulan rescue?” is a fair one. And Clancy’s answer, “Starfleet is proud to have successfully handed off the Romulan evacuation to the Romulan government, which ensured the safety of its people,” is truthful, yet glosses over what “its people” means. Not all people. Not most people. And what about that handoff would have been proud in any way? I attempted to show the unreliable nature of Clancy’s glib, soundbite-oriented, political theater press conference answers by immediately having Clancy reflect on her training for press conferences from both Admiral Brand and her mother. Clancy, per her explaination of that training, focuses her press conference answers on what she views as “relevant information” while knowingly avoiding mention of deeper, uncomfortable truths — including what she perceives as Picard’s erratic behavior and his need for a brain scan (begging the question: Does Clancy know about Picard’s Irumodic Syndrome diagnosis or are her instincts that good?). Clancy correctly believes that the Romulan government took over the relocation. She possibly incorrectly believes that Starfleet therefore has no responsibility for the relocation’s failures. So she doesn’t mention them.
I hope all this makes clear that I wholeheartedly agree with you, @ruckafangirl: the moral concept of Clancy’s showdown with Picard requires those Romulans to die. And they most definitely do.
Note because of the times we live in: The Romulans die due to canon consistency. Their deaths are not a statement on my personal beliefs, their deaths are a fact of the Trek universe.
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andicareaboutyou · 12 days
Here is another short fluff piece around Amy Silva and Kirsten Longacre. This is for prompt #88. Thank you @missmilla 💕
You may want to listen to this lullaby before you start reading, just to get a sense of the atmosphere.
They sit on the sofa after putting Poppy to bed, talking work over wine, reviewing the week’s achievements and final results. At the end of a long day, Kirsten’s eyes soon grow heavy, but she refuses to end the conversation just yet, insisting she still has wine to finish and points to make.
Relenting to Kirsten’s excellent arguments, Amy puts her legs on the coffee table with a smirk and takes another sip of her wine before gently pulling Kirsten to rest her head in Amy’s lap. And as Amy had expected, the conversation slows as she begins to play with Kirsten’s hair and run her fingertips along her features.
Soon, the only sounds Amy manages to evoke from Kirsten are low hums and soft sighs. Amy has long stopped talking when Kirsten’s drowsy murmurs are far and few between, and are instead replaced by fleeting, startling twitches and small, breathy gasps.
Oblivious to Amy’s loving gaze, Kirsten is about to fall asleep and Amy is overcome by a sense of wonderment of how she just can’t get enough of Kirsten in any way. She enjoys watching her in the intimacy of their personal life and she gazes at Kirsten with admiration when Kirsten stands up for herself in the work space and confidently presents her findings. Amy loves listening to Kirsten’s ramblings at home where she talks a mile a minute, often in competition with Poppy, and she is fascinated by Kirsten’s brilliant mind that so easily seems to grasp complex connections. There are mornings, Amy doesn’t want them to leave the bed because Kirsten feels so good against her skin, and there are entire nights where they make each other laugh so much that they struggle to breathe.
Kirsten shifts under the touch of Amy’s fingertips tracing her contours, and she nuzzles her face into Amy’s stomach while her arms wrap Amy’s waist in a loving hug. It makes Amy wonder about the things she’s done in her life to deserve this wonderful creature snuggling up to her. And she reminds herself, once again, how lucky she is to be loved by Kirsten Longacre.
Amy can tell she might sit here all night if she doesn’t stir Kirsten awake, but for the moment she doesn’t mind being stuck at all. The house is quiet and she sips the last of her wine while putting her head against the backrest to savor the moment.  
And in the silence of the night and the comfort of their togetherness, a song comes to Amy’s mind, a lullaby she used to sing to Poppy a lifetime ago. It starts as a faint melody in the back of Amy’s head and it feels as if her fingertips are discovering the words on Kirsten’s skin. The song soon fills her entire being and begins to gently escape from her lips.
Lay down your head and I'll sing you a lullaby
Back to the years of loo-li lai-lay
And I'll sing you to sleep and I'll sing you tomorrow
Bless you with love for the road that you go
Kirsten does not stir and Amy sits with her eyes closed, letting the melody fill the room. She feels a light come alive within her, spreading through her veins, and she wonders how something so definitely lost can so easily return.
May you sail far to the far fields of fortune
With diamonds and pearls at your head and your feet
And may you need never to banish misfortune
May you find kindness in all that you meet
Kirsten moves ever so lightly in Amy’s lap, a motion drawing Amy’s attention without breaking the song. And when she looks down at her sleepy girlfriend, they lock eyes with the beginning of the next line – the words a promise exchanged.
May there always be angels to watch over you
To guide you each step of the way
To guard you and keep you safe from all harm
Loo-li, loo-li, lai-lay
Kirsten’s sleepy eyes do not flutter shut, but remain fixed on the woman who amazes her every single day in a myriad ways and who now fills their space with the most beautiful sounds reaching Kirsten’s ear and heart. Never in a million years would she have figured Amy a singer, but here she was, mesmerized.
May you bring love and may you bring happiness
Be loved in return to the end of your days
Now fall off to sleep, I'm not meaning to keep you
I'll just sit for a while and sing loo-li, lai-lay
May there always be angels to watch over you
To guide you each step of the way
To guard you and keep you safe from all harm
Loo-li, loo-li, lai-lay Loo-li, loo-li, lai-lay...
When Amy grows quiet, both of them remain still in a warm silence, Amy with her eyes closed and Kirsten watching her in awe. Carefully, Kirsten raises one of her hands to cup Amy’s face and at the sensation Amy opens her eyes to shyly glance down.
“That was beautiful, Amy.”
“It’s nothing, … well, it’s just a little something,” Amy says, trying to hide behind a veil of modesty. And Amy knows it’s not nothing. She used to sing all the time, but hadn’t produced a tone since the night before Iain died. And she also knows, with deep certainty, that the redhead wrapped around her midsection has everything to do with the return of her voice.
Kirsten lowers her hand from Amy’s cheek to place it softly on Amy’s heart. “Every little thing you do, makes me want to hold you forever and never let go.”
It is moments like this that make Amy’s eyes soften and her brows knit together in disbelief at the depth of their connection. Kirsten always knew the right thing to say, and with neither of them being overly romantic, it more often than not was a witty comment that made Amy laugh. But every so often, Kirsten surprised her with a profound comment straight from the heart.
“What else do I do that has such an effect on you?” Amy asks, curious if Kirsten could come up with anything and ready to see her tease and deflect with humour. But Amy grins when she realizes that she should have known better.
“You always make sure we have enough cookie dough ice cream in the house. I never ask for it, you never mention it  – it’s just there, magically.”
Amy tips her head and smiles. “You like it.”
“Aye. And apparently I never have to buy it again. Because of you,” Kirsten says in a sleepy voice tipping her index finger lightly against Amy’s chest. “And you read the most amazing good night stories to Poppy.”
Amy raises her eyebrows in surprise and wonders aloud “What’s amazing about them?”
But Kirsten’s eyes are closed and her hand is slowly drifting down Amy’s chest. Amy’s thumb gently stroking Kirsten’s cheekbone stirs her, and she instantly resumes her train of thought in a sleepy mumble. “You read all the voices and bring stories to life. I think there might be an actress hidden inside of you.”
Amy smiles at Kirsten’s sleepy ideas and suggests they make their way to bed.
“But I want to hold you forever,” Kirsten says as her arms wrap around Amy’s midsection once again.
“I look forward to that, my love. But for now, we need to get you to bed and you can hold me there.”
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wonderlandmind4 · 11 months
i've returned to talk about daredevil AHA, i swear to fucking god i WILL SUE I WILL SUE FUCKING KEVIN FIEGE I WILL SUE THE WRITERS omg i just needed foggy and Karen back AND THIS IS WHAT I GET OMG IM NOT BELIEVING IT FOR A SECOND BRUH
Hi friend!! I’ve missed you.
Okay so. I am holding onto hope that:
1- The first half of the season (if that rumor of the first part being episode 1-9 are true) will be when the blip happened and during the blip, which would give the excuse and reason for Foggy and Karen NOT being there. It’s now seeming like Matt never got snapped away- which I would LOVE to see how they do that with his senses cuz that shit would be so so tragic in Matt’s pov having no idea what’s happening and nothing he can do to do stop it- so Matt doesn’t get snapped, but Karen and Foggy do- so their firm….is also gone. It would be too painful for Matt to continue that business without them.
Due to these reasons and pain and guilt and PAIN and Matt, because he’s Matt, will somehow blame himself for not helping in a battle he had no idea was happening and stopping it. He may go into a depression again, maybe this is where and when he meets Kirsten or something. But during the 5 years of the blip, he decides to work for/with another firm, or start a new one again.
2- Again if the rumor is true and the second part of the season is episodes 10-18, maybe that’s when End Game happens and everyone comes back. (I don’t think Born Again was even close to finising that first half of filming before the WGA Strike so reaaalllyyy, maybe there’s wiggle room here once selfish studios pay writers and actors what they deserve and more and filing starts again whenever that will be)
But my theory and some other fans theories, that the second part will be AFTER the Blip, and they can do a little time jump if they want or flashbacks or something idk. Let’s not forget in She-Hulk Matt actually looked and seemed happy, in a good place, at times lighthearted and having fun and THE SAME WITTY CHARMING ASS (i say fondly) HE IS (that didn’t change) with Jen and he even says “we” talking about his firm and Matt has always kinda been against bigger/giant law firms because most of the lawyers that work at those places tend to be more corrupt and not have the clients best interests at heart. Maybe if he joined a bigger firm during the blip there would be some conflict there.
And after, this would be A great reason and opportunity to bring back Foggy and Karen and could potentially start up their business again, or at least get Foggy to join the firm, OR they have a little branch under the bigger firm. The point is, they could use the second part of the season to bring back Nelson and Page.
And Matt’s words to Jen sounds more like he has Foggy back in his life and he’s still in a pretty good place. You don’t think Foggy would get an absolute kick out of Matt having a one night stand with She-Hulk!? He’s be so proud and cracking joke’s because “she literally spanked your ass twice” 😂 (Kevin if you’re reading this…)
3- After seeing Charlie Cox at two cons and meeting him twice, I firmly and 100% believe he has somewhat of a voice in some decisions for Born Again. The studio KNOWS this show or “reboot” or continuation wouldn’t be possible or the same without Charlie. Kevin knew that. And the reaction Charlie/Matt got in NHW PROVED how much the entire fandom loves him as Daredevil. So, I feel like his input and opinions are valued. Which makes me hopefully guess/theorize that Charlie has at least spoken to someone about bringing back Elden and Deborah. And I know Vincent really loved Deborah as Karen too, and I feel like he would also have a say because you just can’t change him as Fisk either. Same with Jon as the Punisher.
So again, I am holding out for being hopeful and not truly believing anything until it’s in the actual episodes I watch. It’s marvel, we have to remember that, they lie and gaslight fans all the time and try to convince the fans what’s not true and what is. So a twitter account from “sources” is a little harder to believe.
I have nothing against Deborah Ann-Woll or her as Karen because I actually loved Karen. But 99% of the heart in Daredevil was Foggy and his relationship with Matt. To not have AT LEAST Foggy be in the show at some point is utterly ridiculous. Matt’s not suddenly going to have a new best friend who truly gets and understands every single side of him and knows his past and martyr tendencies like Foggy. Matt isn’t just gonna straight up trust others and tell them he’s also Daredevil (Jen literally just ripped his mask off but he had no intention of telling her know)
And honestly, just as no one else but Charlie Cox could play and be Matt/Daredevil, no one else but Elden Henson can be and play Foggy. I just don’t think that amazing heart of Foggy’s can be the same without Elden.
Wow that was long and it’s 3:45am so I’ll step off now.
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betterboxd · 2 months
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IMAX Early Screening of Civil War directed by Alex Garland and starring Kirsten Dunst, Cailee Spaeny, Wagner Moura and Stephen McKinley Henderson and distributed by A24.
I just saw Ex Machina for the first time last month in IMAX at the same theater which included a teaser for Civil War. Turns out it was the opening scene to this movie, which makes sense and it establishes a bleak, dystopian near future where America is going through a civil war with several states attempting to succeed and overthrow the US government. While little information regarding the actual war is provided in the movie it sets a backdrop for an intense and jarring film about bipartisan journalism. Watching these journalists travel 800+ miles for the story of a lifetime while dealing with their disjointed and disconnected view of society. We see a war hardened journalist played by a spectacular Kirsten Dunst whose detached and distant from everything going on around her which cracks and fades through out the film and we see a newcomer played by Cailee Spaeny whose own journey mirrors Dunst’s. The heart and soul of McKinley Henderson’s Sammy and the enthusiasm of Wagner’s Joel are shining spots in the movie. Although Alex Garland isn’t American he captures some distinctly American tropes, men who have just been waiting for some chaos so they can live out their power trip fantasies and those who would rather just “stay out of it” or “pretend it doesn’t exist”. The actual politics are vague and tip toed around without making any actual stands but the story remains intense and jarring regardless. The use of cameras, photography and sound/music to create the most tense moments is masterclass. Rob Hardy deserves a nod for cinematography.
In theaters everywhere April 12th.
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86 Thoughts while watching The OC season one episode 4: The Debut
1. I love that these early episodes really focused on the Cohens+1 as a family, and established these really deep dynamics.
2. Seth is such a shitty kid and it’s so funny in these early eps. It feels more endearing than like...shitty in later episodes.
3. Ryan getting adoptedddddddddd what a good lil math nerd.
4. Anyone who thinks Ryan is a bad boy I feel like you miss the point of the character. He has terrible luck, and a bad temper, but also, he is a MATH NERD who says whole sentences with his eyes.
5. “You steal a car? You burn down a house? You beat up the captain of the water polo team?” Let’s be real, Luke won that fight. Ryan isn’t a good fighter lol.
6. Kirsten is not a hugger.
7. Brody’s little groove walk is fun.
8. Califoniaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa here we cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmme
9. underpants!
10. Seth rolling around on Ryan’s bed like a puppy. Sir what.
11. He doesn’t have any things.
12. Poor Ryan, he does not know how to deal with this debutante thing.
13. Peggy deserved more than two episodes, she’s so salty and I love her. Where did she go???
14. Jimmy and Sandy are such strange frenemies. Like Jimmy so clearly still has a thing for Kirsten and Sandy knows. He knows, and he knows they have to play nice (for now), but he is not thrilled. He’s a friendly dude mostly, so he’s not gonna start shit just because, but like. He knows it’s bad.
15. My big quibble with this episode is that the girls’ dresses look incredibly cheap. At least for the main three girls they could have gone higher end. Or maybe it’s just that 2003 style.
16. I know Luke is like “bleh Ryan” but I can’t help thinking of it as a lil bi panic.
17. Summer trying to bang Ryan. Ryan like “I mean she’s hot but...but...but...”
18. Ryan and Summer should have banged.
19. Like not a relationship. But just. Boning.
20. I’ve warmed up to Marissa as I’ve gotten older. She’s very sweet in these early episodes.
21. That is so much wine Sandy just poured Kirsten. SO MUCH. BRUH YOUR WIFE HAS A DRINKING PROB- we’ll talk about next season.
22. I love all the comic books just lying around as set dressing.
23. Ryan’s favorite comic is Justice Society of America, and I love that for him. It’s very classic superhero, but it’s not one of the BIG ONES.
24. Poor Kirsten, finding out about Jimmy’s dumb shit.
25. Sandy is in full lawyer mode. “We have to tell everybody this dude stole from them.”
26. I wish I liked these dresses more.
27. But god the music cues are so on point. The soundtrack for the OC is just top notch, all thees years later.
28. And ask the world to stay away please....
29. Ryan is so sweet. He just can’t say no.
30. Fucking Jimmy.
31. God damn, Julie just spending every last cent. She doesn’t ask ever about their finances. She just assumes. But Jimmy let her believe they were more than fine.
32. Jimmy is such an idiot. I wish I liked him more. He’s supposed to be charming. I love Tate Donovan. But god. That character.
33. Try to enjoy this, please! I love Peggy. Justice for Peggy.
34. The dancing. Poor Ryan.
35. Who let Adam Brody out of his feral nerd cage? Whoever it was, I’m grateful.
36. Summer is such a douche in these early episodes. Her character arc is amazing through the series. Truly. one of my favorites in TV history.
37. i still don’t quite buy Ryan and Marissa’s chemistry. Part of it is that Misha Barton is so young, and she hasn’t had time to develop as an actress. I feel like if she’d been like two years older when she played Marissa it’d hit harder.
38. Annaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. God I love Anna. Again. She has such good chemistry with Seth and Ryan. Again. Ryan should have been allowed to date Anna.  The two with the most common sense in the whole bunch together? Power couple.
39. Kirsten, stop trying to save Jimmy he doesn’t deserve it.
40. Oh Holly. I would have loved for her to get a redemption arc. Like still kind of brainless, but more mature. Less shitty. She comes back in s4 and has learned nothing.
41. Ben McKenzie eye acting choices.
42. Jimmmyyyyyyyyyyyy karma said “hey hi how ya doin”
43. Barbecutionist.
44. Marissa watching Luke’s friends and feeling just so done. Girl I get it.
45. Poor Ryan. He just wants to go home and hide in his pool house and read comic books and not deal with this dumb crap.
46. Luke’s weird toxic masculinity is pretty rough. He gets a nice redemption arc later where he just turns into a golden retriever. I love that for him.
47. Yep. There’s the JSA issue.
48. Julie really wants to be a good mother, but she puts so much importance on appearance and image and perception. And dumping all of that on her very sensitive daughter is cruel.
49. I love Julie’s eye makeup.
50. Melinda Clarke is such a heavy hitter in this series. Julie Cooper, Urban Cougar was such a thing.
51. Sandy not going either. Sandy said fuck that.
52. Again, these dresses...they’re just not...great.
53. lol Sandy and Ryan just....”Nah.” “Yeah, me neither.”
54. THE BONDING. THE VIDEO GAMES. I love this dynamic so much.
55. Sandy serving truth. “They’ve all got secrets and they’re all terrified that the guy nextdoor is gonna find them out.”
56. It’s such a sweet moment, and then “You just stabbed me again.”
57. Summerrrrrrrrrrrrr.
58. lol Anna and Seth spewing comic book stuff.
59. YOU’RE A GIRL. Bitch I have been reading comic books since 1991.
60. The birth of the Summer/Seth/Anna triangle/almost thruple.
61. I just tried to liken them to Roy/Keeley/Jamie but there is no grumpy asshole.
62. But if it were Summer/Ryan/Anna, we would have a Lasso Thruple sitch.
63. But not really.
64. Sandy is the best. I swear.
65. Jimmy and karma doin that dance.
66. Luke is, in fact, an idiot.
67. “Stop hitting a dude who didn’t actually do anything to you.” “I AM LEAVING BECAUSE YOU MAKE SENSE!” Oy.
68. Anna is so charming. I love her.
69. Julie just dislikes Ryan so damn much. Christ.
70. “Confidence, Cohen!” Ugh. So cute.
71. I love Seth/Summer but Anna/Seth was also so so fun.
72. “We’re gonna go this way.” lol
73. We don’t see Summer walk by herself. I think that was a missed opportunity.
74. Peggyyyyyyyyyy! My beloved!
75. The sweetness of this scene lasts all of three seconds before Jimmy gets slugged in his face.
76. I love that they were never afraid of the fact that Marissa was just a lil taller than Ryan. the visual works so well for the show.
77. Here we go.
78.”Bad accounting.”
79. hot damn y’all this old man fight lol.
80. Julie’s shaking fingers is such a nice touch in this moment.
81. I guess Sandy figures karma has done its job on Jimmy and now he can be supportive. lol.
82. Seth and Annaaaaaaa. Jesus so cute. Even though they’re kind of the same person lol.
83. Another great music cue. To Sheila, by the Smashing Pumpkins.
84. I just. I want to like Marissa more. I’m still not sure why I can’t get there all these years later.
85. LOL Luke. With the weird sneak attack.
86. And that’s it. A last shot of Ryan alone, who should be heading home to avoid the police.
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rcubens · 2 months
A courier arrives with a letter marked with Mrs. Tristan’s elegant cursive. With a sense of foreboding, you open the letter and read the devastating news: Richard has passed away, leaving behind Woodrow House and its vast estate.
Adams Morgan was an interesting neighbourhood. A sort of party spot— or as lively as Washington, D.C. could muster. He was used to sidestepping the contents of someone’s stomach and abandoned pizza boxes as tired eyes trailed a copy of the morning paper and tired limbs dragged him to the local coffee shop with the cute barista that looked a bit like Kirsten Dunst. A door jingles as he enters and a few bleary eyes look up from iBooks before returning to their screens. Today she smiles, beams at him actually, and is chatty and cracks jokes with her male coworker— today is going to be a good day.
The purple Sharpie smiley face on his coffee cup makes him stand a little taller on the walk down Columbia Road. He skips up the steps of his pre-war building and comes face to face with his doorman.
“Morning Alphonso—”
“Mr Sharpe this came for you this morning, said it was important I see that it got to you directly,”
The older man looks nervous as he hands Reuben an important looking cream coloured envelope. Reuben’s job occasionally (very occasionally) had important elements that required his attention. Concierge Alphonso didn’t want the fall of the country to fall so squarely on his shoulders so he made sure Reuben’s important mail was delivered personally.
“Oh cool, thanks,” Reuben takes it without much of a glance, tucking it under his arm with the post. Waving nonchalantly at Alphonso as the elevator doors shutter closed. He drops his things at the little table in his doorway, maybe if it’s an invite to the Hill he’ll be able to brag about it in the office.
His lobbying firm was in an old limestone building. A place that commanded a presence, it felt like the kind of place you’d conduct backroom shady deals that doomed your constituents. Though inside, it was renovated into a sleek, modern, amalgamation of glass, leather and light Scandinavian wood. It commanded a presence in a different way, a way that said they were ready to lead the charge into the new political landscape.
As he drops into the chair, a secretary sets a stack of papers on his desk and rattles off things he should be paying attention to but all he can see is the brown strand framing her face that bounces as she speaks. He thanks her with a smile and sends her on her way.
He opened it in the office. What stupid fucking idea that was. A paper cup of coffee hits the sleek glass desk and a sweet espresso-y stain blooms onto documents that definitely shouldn’t be covered in coffee. “Fuck,” he says quietly at first. The heavyweight card stock feels like it might fall through the floor. He’s blinking back tears. Richard Woodrow was a sick old man for doing this. Of course weeks after Reuben saw him and yelled and ranted and raved and behaved like he was thirteen again. “Fuck,” He says a little louder this time. Throwing the letter down on his desk. He would leave them all. The 16 of them all messed up in their own unique ways, in his stupidly massive house, acting like some sort of real world version of the X-Men. Hopefully Reuben was Scott Summers. They didn’t deserve this, they’d already lost so much already. “Fuck!” This time he’s shouting. The secretary pokes her head in and Reuben snaps at her to shut his door. This was all his fault. If he didn’t go this never would’ve happened. He upset the 70 year old to death. Well if there was anyone to ever do it, of course it’d be Reuben.
The wet and sticky paper is squished between his forehead and the desk as he quietly weeps. He doesn’t know if he spends an hour like that or ten minutes. He turns his head to the side before reaching out for his office phone and dialling Angus’ number.
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lioncunt · 1 year
i love hearing your opinions on all the characters!!
what do you think about claudia?
thank you so much!!! 🥹🥰
and ohhhhh my. my daughter my GIRL
first impression: kirsten dunst claudia (again when i was 15) and i loved her INSTANTLY she played the fuck out of that part, i loved how gleefully evil she was and her rage and torment and just the LOOK and concept of her was so fucking cool to me!!!!! i was devastated when she died, it broke me to pieces. her and tomstat were my favorite parts of the movie and i think they’re the reason i have such a deep love for claudia’s relationship with lestat, because you could just feel all the complicated love and hate between them in the film. when i read the book, i felt much the same way, but i understood her hatred of lestat even more and i was further enthralled by her predicament. i loved her reasoning for killing him, how it was for HER, how it was revenge for dooming her, for not seeing her beyond anything but a dress-up doll who will never change, for not taking her seriously, for this selfish act of creating her for his and louis’ sake. i loved how she took back her ownership of herself, how she’s the truest vampire because she has no memory of being a human, and how she’s always the smartest person in the room. i also was touched when i read the history behind her character and the tragedy of michele rice, so claudia holds a lot of meaning for me in that way as well.
impression now: just like with louis, the show took this character and elevated her to new heights. i again loved her instantaneously on the show, she was so DELIGHTFUL in episode 4 i fell completely in love with her all over again. the change to her age and backstory adds a whole new dimension to her character, and the acknowledgement of how her predicament affects her love life is soooo horrifying and tragic. episode 4 remains my favorite of the series, i feel like it’s such a complete arc contained in a single episode for her and i love it so much. i adore how bailey played her, her acting is phenomenal ESPECIALLY in her “who am i supposed to love” monologue, the change from her innocent childlike personality to the angst-driven teen to the bitter adult is fucking exquisite, i want everyone to award her for her work it’s better than 90% of performances i’ve seen this year. the relationship between her and louis in this adaptation is sacred, this complicated dynamic from parent-child to brother-sister and then even further where she ends up almost parenting him is so fascinating and disturbing and bittersweet and i tear up if i think about them too hard. my only qualm is i feel she deserved to stab lestat 90000 times more in this version but alas it was not to be. as for book claudia my impression is pretty much the same except that i LOVE her ghost hallucination appearance in body thief i think she should haunt lestat every day of his life and in hell too!
favorite moment: like i said above “who am i supposed to love” brings me to tears every time. also when she mocks lestat choking on his blood fjdksk and in the book “i’ll put you in your coffin father” is the most iconic line i WISH they kept it in
idea for a story: madeleine being the same age and them having a romance is something i’ve wanted for a year now, it’s probably not going to happen in the show given the actress playing maddie’s age but i’d still love to see it in a fic
unpopular opinion: in the book, i feel people get caught up in whether claudia was morally right in killing lestat, and to me, it’s more about how it was an act for HER. she did it for Herself, no one else. it doesn’t matter whether she was right or wrong to do it. she needed to be free of him. in the show, i think she should have killed even more innocent people :)))))) fill up the river with bodies babe drown out the pain ur doing great
favorite relationship: non romantic relationship in the book is her and lestat, and in the show it’s her and louis!
favorite headcanon: she is a LESBIAN
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my-meadowlark · 2 years
Fic: The Reason [Vigil - Amy/Kirsten]
Title: The Reason Fandom: Vigil Characters/Pairing: Amy/Kirsten Rating: G Word Count: 725 Summary: There's a reason (or several) Amy Silva can't fall asleep. Just a little ficlet set after their first kiss at the pub, written for the prompt 001: Awakening from my femslash100100 Zeros table. Available on AO3 or under the cut.
It wasn’t the kiss itself, Amy tells herself as she closes her eyes and tries to fall asleep for what feels like the hundredth time tonight.
The kiss was nothing. Barely even a peck. Kirsten’s lips met hers (a little clumsily, as can be expected when whisky and laughter are involved) for just a split second before they disappeared, and that — well. Who hasn’t given or received an inappropriate peck when drinking with a friend?
It happens.
It wasn’t the fact that it was a woman kissing her, either. Amy turns once again, telling herself that maybe this time being on her right side will do the trick and she’ll fall asleep.
Being kissed by a woman was unexpected, but not in any kind of world-shattering way. Women are half of the world’s population after all, so once you accept that whisky-fueled kisses are a part of adult life, it stands to reason that at least one of them will be with a woman.
So, no. No, it’s not the kiss or the gender of the person delivering it that’s left her unable to sleep. It’s not concern for Kirsten’s feelings (though Amy can’t quite stop picturing the look on her face when she apologized) and it’s not the knowledge that her current dizziness will turn into a pounding headache in the morning. It’s not the thought of having to work with Kirsten while the awkwardness of an unrequited kiss floats above their heads like one of those dark clouds that let you know it’s going to rain at some point even if you don’t quite know when.
The reason she can’t sleep—
Amy presses the heels of her hands over her closed eyes, the mere thought of letting what she feels turn into a proper thought filling her with dread.
But sometimes feelings simply refuse to be drowned. They float around in the whisky filling Amy’s stomach like a stubborn little paper boat that just will not sink. Here and there her thoughts seem to calm down enough for Amy to believe she’s done it — she’s managed to keep it underwater — but it never lasts. Up it bobs again, mocking her. Starting the thoughts all over again.
The reason she can’t sleep — the feelings turned paper boat force her to admit — is not that she was kissed by a woman and she’s not into women and she works with this woman. The reason she can’t sleep is she was kissed by Kirsten.
And Kirsten — not the kiss, not the fact that she’s a woman or a co-worker or a sort of mentee — has awakened something inside Amy’s… soul, not that she’s convinced she believes in souls at all. She’s awakened something that should be dead. It should be dead and buried because Amy isn’t, and perhaps she should be, if the world was fair.
It’s guilt, she thinks. If she had to be the one to remain alive, she could at least have the decency to let that part of herself die underwater. The part that’s capable of feeling so happy she looks completely different. The part that hopes there is a dark cloud of awkwardness above their heads tomorrow because if there isn’t one it means it truly was nothing and that would be devastating in a way not even an unsinkable paper boat made of feelings can make her process right now.
That part should be dead, like him and unlike Amy.
But it’s not.
And what if — and the thought makes an uncomfortable chill run up her spine in a way that makes her wonder if she’ll ever sleep again — what if she’s right? What if she really doesn’t deserve to feel like this again? What if she really is meant to let the parts of her heart that aren’t Poppy’s wither away and die and end up in the bottom of the loch with the chunk of it she already left there?
What if she lets Kirsten into her life and the universe decides to even the score and takes her away, too?
The reason she can’t sleep is not the kiss or the fact that it was a woman kissing her. It’s not Kirsten or him or the kind of guilt only others living lives they don’t deserve can comprehend.
The reason she can’t sleep is she’s scared.
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notbabysittingclub · 1 year
Secret Double Life
When a fashion designer/writer goes to Iceland to learn about a suspected superhero named Sportacus, she is finding herself to be falling for the person who is suspected to be him, Magnús Scheving.
Her manager, Kim, sent her to Iceland with specific instructions to find the story, write about it, and publish it so the Loop Design would be on the top list of popular studios.
Gemma Gomez's goal was to not have Magnús fall for her in fears she would actually find something. But will everything go south real quick? Or will things go right in her favor?
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Chapter 1
Annoyance crossed over Gemma’s face as she watched one of her most hated coworkers get the job raise she’s been after for 3 years of working at the fashion studio in New York. The applause was light and whispers were heard as Kim shook the CEO’s hand with a big smile.
“Thank you so much, sir,” she said.
“Of course. You deserve this raise,” Roger said, smiling widely.
With her nose in the air, Kim nodded. “I know.”
Gemma rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. She refused to show support for this woman whom a lot of people didn’t like. If only Roger knew how Kim really was. She bullied a lot of the employees and targeted Gemma more every day.
After gloating, Kim walked over to Gemma with a smirk. “Looks like I beat you again, Gemma. So sad for you.”
“It’s… Gemma…” she said as Kim was walking away. “I really dislike that woman.”
“You said it,” Taylor, a coworker and close friend of Gemma, agreed, crossing his arms and looking Kim up and down with annoyance. “She’s pure evil. You deserved that raise, not her.”
“Taylor is right, G,” Kirsten nodded, watching Kim walking around gloating. “You’re better at fashion and writing about it than she is. I mean, she doesn’t even do anything except boss everyone around and tell you to fetch her coffee.”
Gemma rolled her eyes. We can’t really do anything now. Roger chose her and now we have to listen to her without complaining to her face. Sad, I know…”
“We should knock her out and ship her to another country,” Taylor said, snapping his fingers.
Gemma and Kirsten shared looks and stared at him. He shrugged with a smirk.
“Beats feeding her to tigers?” He laughed.
“Oh, Deanna,” Kim addressed Gemma from the other side of the room. “Come here a sec, would you, dear?”
“Here we go,” Gemma mumbled, but faked a smile and made her way over while her two friends rolled their eyes.
“I need you to do me a huge favor. Follow me to my office and I’ll explain,” Kim said, walking toward her new office with a sliding glass door.
There was an awkward silence as the two walked into the room and Kim closed the door behind Gemma. Kim had a smile on her face that made Gemma uncomfortable.
“So, manager position, huh? Big deal there,” Gemma nervously laughed.
Kim took her seat behind the desk and grasped her hands together, making Gemma jump.
“I have a very important task for you, Miss Gomez,” Kim smiled from behind her hands. “As an amazing writer here at the Loop, there is someone I have for you to write about. Not only that, but to get the latest scoop on.”
Gemma raised an eyebrow. “Kim, we’re a fashion studio, not the press.”
“I know, but if we get this story, we’ll be big! The business will grow… maybe.” Kim waved her hand and stared out the window into the city. “Do you want the job or not? It pays well and I’ll even put in a good word for you, Roger.”
“Go on…” Gemma said, slightly interested.
“I know you probably don’t believe in superheroes and all that junk,” Kim continued. “But there’s word going around about a superhero with strange powers in a town in Iceland.”
“You want me to go to Iceland?” Gemma interrupted.
“Let me finish,” Kim said, annoyed. “Anyway, in a town in Iceland there’s said to be a superhero named Sportacus. My sources tell me it’s a man named Magnús Scheving who is this superhero.”
“Is he?” Gemma raised an eyebrow and leaned forward.
Kim shrugged. “That’s where you come in, my dear. I need you to go and befriend Magnús. Make him fall for you or something, whatever works for you, to put his guard down. Maybe if you’re lucky, get into trouble so this Sportacus character can save you.”
“If I’m lucky? I would rather not be in danger for a story, Kim,” Gemma said, a little frustrated. “And making someone fall for me for a story, then breaking their heart? That’s low, even for you.”
As Gemma stood up, Kim rushed to grab her by the wrist before she could open the door.
“Please, Gemma,” Kim said with desperation in her voice. “The company needs this. I’m not supposed to say anything, but we’re going under. No one is working with us and if we get this story, we could shoot right to the top! Besides, I recommended you to Roger for this job.”
“Is that so? What did you say exactly?” Gemma asked, crossing her arms and tapping her foot.
“Believe it or not, I told him you were a talented writer/fashionista. You would be perfect for this job. And maybe it will be easy for you to get an answer and find things out,” Kim said, leaning on her desk. “Please. Don’t do this for me, do it for the Loop.”
Gemma squinted her eyes at Kim, as if trying to look into her soul. Looking past the fact she called her by her name, Kim seemed genuine about this.
“I’ll only do it if you cover my travel and hotel expenses,” Gemma caved with a sigh.
Kim squealed with delight and awkwardly hugged her. “You got it! Pack your bags Tina, you’re going to Iceland in a couple of days!”
“It’s G… never mind,” shaking her head as she walked out the office.
“Well, what did the wicked witch want?” Taylor asked, sipping on something in a mug.
Gemma explained everything, and Kirsten and Taylor gasped in shock.
“I wonder how much of that is actually true. Sounds like bull to me,” Kirsten stated. “Maybe you should look this up. There’s no such thing as superheroes. If there were, I need to find Batman and get his number.”
Gemma giggled. “I’ll research it when I get home tonight. It seemed a bit far fetched. But then again, she seemed serious.”
“Well, if this Magnús guy is this person and they’re both fake, this could be a good thing for you, G,” Taylor said, waving a pencil in the air.
“I just don’t want to make anyone fall in love with me to only break their heart in the end,” Gemma said with a shrug. “Not that anyone would fall for me, anyway.”
“Stop it,” Taylor playfully hit Gemma on the arm. “You’re gorgeous, girl.”
With a small smile, Gemma returned to her daily tasks. She wondered what awaited her in Iceland.
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chaithetics · 3 months
i’m sorry you’re still so fatigued!!! don’t worry abt rushing the latest chapter out, just focus on getting better ❤️‍🩹 and i think Marie Antionette is my favorite movie of hers!!! the score, the set and costume design, the casting, all of it is like so geared towards me and up my alley. i love how it’s this biographical piece but doesn’t focus on these big events in her life from the outside, it looks closer and shows how the events impacted her as an individual 😌 what’s your fave coppola movie?!?
Hello lovely Nonnie! You can be my Coppola Nonnie x
I'm so sorry for how late this is!
It's such a gorgeous film!!! I really love how it really takes this 'seasons of her life' kind of approach to the film and how it's depicted literally with a seasonal kind of palette with how her hair, makeup, costuming changes and how it at times correlates to seasonal palettes. Coppola's filmography definitely isn't a masterclass in intersectionality (also kind of interesting that she gets called out for this more than white male filmmakers who only do white men character studies-most of them) but I do appreciate how well she focuses in on a character and kind of strips it down to them as a person. It absolutely deserved that best costume design win at the oscars! And the casting was great, I love Kirsten Dunst more with each project of hers I see and like many others, Jason Schwartzman was my most watched actor on Letterboxd. Devoured his filmography last year.
Last year I would've said Marie Antoinette was my favourite Coppola film, closely followed by The Virgin Suicides. What she did with that story was incredible, I don't know if you've read the book but it's super male gazey and has a lot of creepy stuff. I feel like she kept the enigma of the Lisbon sisters but she made them so much more than the teenage eye candy that they are in the book. Also the soundtracks in her films scratch an itch in my brain so well.
But after finally getting to see Priscilla- that's hands down my favourite! Similar to Marie Antoinette, the costume design, hair and makeup is incredible and I love how like Marie Antoinette it's used to symbolise her personal journey. I thought it was a really powerful film with some incredible performances. Really eye-opening and I'm glad it was made during my lifetime and also Priscilla's. It just is somehow ingrained in me. I've seen it three times and it's a core experience I think I'll always carry with me. Have you seen Priscilla? What did you think of it?
I haven't seen Somewhere yet, I think that's the only Sofia Coppola film left for me to watch!
Love your thoughts Nonnie! And am always happy to talk about films! I hope you're having a great weekend ❤️
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johnaleitner · 2 years
Home Renovation Bloggers
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Do you want to learn more about the latest trends in home renovation? Consider following a home renovation blog. This article features some of the most popular blogs for home improvement. There are so many choices! We’ll start with Maya Anderson, but there are plenty of others, too! We’ve also included Jessica, Kirsten, and Erin Williamson Design. Each of them is an incredible resource for all things home renovation! We’ve also included links to other content on each of their blogs.
Maya Anderson is a home renovation blogger
If you’re looking for some inspiration for a renovation project, you may want to check out Maya Anderson’s blog. The Perth-based home renovation blogger started her journey when she purchased a 1970s ex-display house. In her blog, House Nerd, she shares tips and tricks on decorating, renovating and building a new home. It also features photos of her own projects, as well as those of her family’s friends.
A freelance journalist in Perth, Australia, Maya Anderson is an avid home renovation blogger. She also loves dogs and spends a lot of time working out. Although she doesn’t practice organised classes, she uses her exercise time to catch up with friends and relax after a long day. Unlike her competitors, she doesn’t take a fitness class, but does enjoy working out at the gym and walking her dogs.
House Nerd Maya has over 14,000 followers on Instagram and a design column in the STM newspaper. She blogs about her DIY adventures renovating her own house and has a community of readers who help motivate her. Maya Anderson has made her home renovation blog one of the top interior design blogs in Australia. You can find a wealth of inspiration from her before-and-after photos. The House Nerd blog also features interviews and trends.
If you want to know how to make a house look better, check out Kirsten’s blog. She writes about home renovations, design, and decor. You can even get ideas for your own renovation project, from furniture to home decor. She also has done design work for clients all over the world, and is always happy to share her ideas with her readers. Kirsten is also a professional stylist. You can follow her on Instagram to see her latest work.
There are many other interior design and DIY bloggers out there, but the two most popular are Erin Morgan and Myquillyn. Both have an eye for beautiful things, and their passion shows in their designs. Kirsten has been designing homes for over 10 years, but Erin has a passion for furniture and home decor. She also runs a sewing business, and works with clients from all over the world. After Kirsten and Erin worked together, they became business partners and are sharing the results on their blog.
Kirsten has a passion for home improvement. Her blog, Hello Lovely Studio, chronicles her renovation projects. She aims to educate her readers, while introducing talented interior designers to a wider audience. Her other blog, Your Wild Home, is all about the environmental side of interior design. She has studied the degraded state of our planet and her passion for home design and renovations is contagious. In addition to her blogs, she also hosts a series of design events, and often shares her favorite recipes and other information.
The Honest Company founder and actress Jessica Alba is now a home renovation blogger and advocate. Jessica and Lizzy Mathis are giving deserving families the home makeover of their dreams. While transforming the houses of these families, they also give the parents tips for navigating parenthood. The two women have a candid chat about parenting, motherhood, and the trials and tribulations of being a new parent.
After their marriage, Jessica and Jesse bought a 1940s Brooklyn co-op. They began by scraping textured ceilings and combining smaller rooms to create a bright, open floor plan. They then stripped and stained the beautifully storied concrete floors. Their aim was to maximize space in every room. Their neutral colors include shades of green and natural wood tones. They also added fresh pops of color to their spaces.
Erin Williamson Design
When it comes to interior design, no other designer can top Erin Williamson Design. She works with clients to identify their target personas and develop plans to create a message that resonates with them. Erin is involved in all aspects of each account, including writing web copy, press releases, and pitches to media outlets. She also collaborates with the creative and interactive teams to ensure that all promotions work in concert to reach the client’s goals.
Coastal Windows & Exterior
The women that started Coastal Windows & Exterior have been responsible for the company’s remarkable growth. The company’s founder, Stephanie Vanderbilt, a former teacher, brought her education to the industry. Since its founding, the company has grown to become one of the leading home remodeling companies in New England. The women that started Coastal Windows & Exterior have also been an inspiration for many other women looking for careers in the construction industry.
Amy & Doug Heavilin
A new reality show featuring “Cheap Old Houses” premieres today on HGTV and discovery+. The show is based on the popular Instagram account started by Elizabeth and Ethan Finkelstein. Their account has 1.6 million followers. The Heavilins will be featured in a segment on Aug. 16 on discovery+. The show is also scheduled to air on HGTV on Aug. 23.
When the Heavilins learned that their show would be filmed in late 2020, they knew that they had to finish their library in time. They drew up a checklist of items to make it camera-ready, borrowed books from Madison Street Salvage, and finished the project two days before the film crews arrived. This gave them a little extra time to finish the library.
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Did you miss our previous article… https://canadianhomestyle.com/kitchen-renovation/how-to-maintain-your-laundry-room-plumbing/
The post Home Renovation Bloggers appeared first on Canadian Home Style.
Via https://canadianhomestyle.com/kitchen-renovation/home-renovation-bloggers/
source https://canadianhomestyle.weebly.com/blog/home-renovation-bloggers
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kirsteninthesun · 3 years
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Idk what came over me but I have purchased Pheasant Company Nellie
She’s a little loose but she’s mine! Until I find her full meet outfit she can wear Kirsten and Emily’s clothes; I bet she’ll look good in some of Kirsten’s stuff. I’ve never loved her collection- Victorian style doesn’t do it for me- but I do like her meet outfit and she was my first love! An older friend had her and I was enthralled by her hat. I love her story and she deserves love and care. So yeah! 11pm Pheasant Company Nellie!
Now it’s time not to guilt myself about spending money and instead get happy about her impending arrival. After all it’s Christmas.
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fivedollarradio · 2 years
I took down the two posts I’d written about the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard trial. I wanted to write something longer, but I’ve felt increasingly stifled here with everyone having big feelings about it, so this will likely be the final thing I’ll say about it. I don’t want to lose friends over it, but if it happens it happens. I’m not here to do a play-by-play of who’s the bigger abuser, so don’t leave comments detailing Amber Heard’s abuse tactics; I know the narrative has shifted from her being abused to abuser. In a very black and white way. That’s what makes me uncomfortable. And I’m not going make the argument that it’s “mutual abuse.”. That’s also become a dirty word. Abuse is positional. One partner has more power, physical strength, professional clout and personal agency. In a heterosexual relationship, it’s almost always the man. Fuck, I shouldn’t have to say “almost.” It IS the man. Plus it’s a defamation trial,  and one he already lost once. 
I’m far from some brainless feminist automaton who thinks women are perfect creatures who never lie. There have been a handful of cases I’ve had serious problems with, and have spoken out about even when it was wildly unpopular. From the jump I thought Al Franken was done dirty by Kirsten Gillibrand’s presidential aspirations. He at least deserved the hearing he agreed to. When Conor Oberst was accused of rape in a xoJane blog post, I thought it was iffy, then her narrative fell apart, and she recanted her accusations . I remember A LOT of women thinking she was coerced into it -- she had to have been --  and he shouldn’t have threatened legal action. There are still people who believe he’s a rapist. He’s suffered for it emotionally and, for a time, professionally for it. I am not a Bright Eyes fan and Franken wasn’t my senator. I don’t have any particular motivation for believing those guys. That said, “believe the women” as a default position isn’t a bad one. It’s unnecessarily cruel to counter someone’s accusation of abuse with “Well, I’d like to see some facts first.” Not believing women doesn’t make you a cool girl either.
That Johnny Depp has been exonerated so quickly in the public eye, from villain to victim, is troublesome because of the damage it will do to women coming forward in the future. When I was researching the trial I came across a comment from a domestic violence worker that said the public response to the trial is triggering for many women. On Twitter if you want to question the narrative at all you’re resorted to writing “J*hnny D*pp” so his fans can’t search it and harass you. “But he’s not a perfect victim! And that’s okay!”  To see this thing that women have fought so hard for, and continue to fight for, and why so many abused women don’t come forward, handed to him this easily is the most frustrating thing. I wonder how many people actually extend the same courtesy toward women.
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