#cuz i followed too many ppl they knew and they didnt like it
superchat · 9 months
why do random blogs i dont ever interact with have me blocked
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eternal-bangtan · 4 years
interview tag!
the rules are to answer questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better
i was tagged by @crytaeby @jeongookie @yoongiandthebiaswreckers  and thank u so much!!
uhhhhhhhhhhhh lets get it
name|nickname: karina
pronouns: she/her
height: 164 cm but didnt check for few years but i dont think sth has changed 
time: 21:30 (lets see for how long ill make it) (ok i finished at 22:03 :|||)
when is your birthday: 5th of march
nationality: ukrainian
favorite band|groups: :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) i think my blog shows it <3
favorite solo artist: ehhh idc i just listen to whatever slaps esp with using tiktok nowadays literally thanks for most of my playlist lmao
song stuck in your head: fack eminem sahdasdasjd
last movie you watched: cry-baby and oh boi young depp,,,, lets not dig deep here im gonna yell the movie is weird tho lmao 
last show you binged: recently i started rewatching skins hahaahahahaahahaha 3rd season idk for what but also last proper one was sex education,, i barely watch them even tho id like to
when you created your blog: i think summer/late spring 2016 but it became a bts blog only in nov 2017
last thing you googled: как приготовить хумус 
other blog: @bangtanger 🤙
why i chose my url: ill be short so when i was listening to mots7 for the n-th time on the second day of release i think i was listening to moon and some lyrics touched my heart so much and realized once again how important they r to me and then i took a part of we r bulletproof eternal song name and was like they r truly eternal and thought this is very symbolic and also important to me and changed url immediately without even thinking about it it was the most impulsive thing ive ever done lmao also before i was quite scared to change url cuz ‘what if moots wont recognize me’ and all those weird arguments
how many people are you following: 390
how many followers do you have: 3,975
average hours of sleep: oh lately its been hella good 6-8+
lucky number: im not into that lolol
instruments: ekkkkkkkkk i have a keyboard but idk notes i can only play by listening to sth and trying to repeat with one hand the most simple things i wish i actually learnt it :(
what i’m currently wearing: slippers warm socks warm leggings pants long sleeved warm shirt sweatshirt yeah its cold 
dream job: i like retouching and taking pics so like,,, 
dream trip: half of the world in theory (but i wont name countries cuz who knows maybe ill want to visit more) but i just miss traveling in general :( sensitve topic hahahah
favorite food: whatever is tasty lmao it may be absolutely different cuisines but i dont like seafood 
favorite song: ok lets choose from non bts songs cuz itd be too hard hayloft - mother mother, stunnin’ - curtis waters, then leave - beatkind, queendom come  dunno what r they about but they r jammy 
top three fictional universes you’d like to live in: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh im ok with real world but lets make it ✨utopian✨ in a certain way thats all im gonna say dude i dont fuck with it im very paranoid id go crazy if i knew there is sth supernatural around that can hurt anyone :|  
im tagging ok ill tag same ppl lmao: @lifegoesmon @flipthatjacketjiminie @darlingjoon @stargazingjin @syubb @seokljin @jiminswn @jjeongukie @baechwita @kkulmoon @taemaknae @vjimin @vorenamjoon once again not forcing <3
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agoracactus · 4 years
Pt4.5 - the village of Blatta
this is a short (hopefully) story happened before you met Jaskier.
cuz i forgot to write this segment. and cuz im too busy to finish my long chapters in a week, and didnt wanna keep ppl waiting, if theres ppl waiting (hopefully lmao)
Pt.1  Pt.2  Pt.3  Pt.4
Pairing: Geralt of Rivia x reader
Word Count: 1931
Warnings: lack of proofread, language, blood, death
Summary: im giving up on this part completely, names and summary, my two nemesis
You sat at the edge of the bed, staring at your feet, having a silent debation inside your head.
“You’re up?” Geralt pushed open the door, saw you sitting at the bed, “Good, it’s getting late, we should keep moving.” “Oh, ok.” you nodded, stood up to grab your bag.
You came across this nice little village last night, and everyone was surprisingly friendly and welcoming. People invited you to their house and share food with you. Some even offered you their beds so you can have a good rest. To be honest the hospitality scared you a little, you were used to people being mean for you’re traveling with a witcher.
Walking out of this shabby wooden house, the sun was warm and bright. Couple of folks greeted you with a smile. The village looked busy, people were walking around preparing for something looked like an event, excitement floating in the air. You returned the greetings, feeling flattered.
“Oh! You are leaving?” a woman was holding a basket full of dead chicken under her arm, blood seeped through the woven basket and dripped to the ground. “What a pity! The festival is around the corner, you should stay! We love having guests! There’s going to be a feast!” You sneaked a glance towards Geralt, he seemed to have no interest at all in this feast, “Thank you for the kind offer, but we need to go now.” you tried to be as polite as you can. Not every day you get to meet someone who’s nice to you.
“Hey, um, maybe we should consider staying for a few more days?” you suggested, watching Geralt handed out an apple to Roach. “No, we need to head south, that’s what the contract said.” “Yeahhh but, it’s a feast! Feast means food!” you tried to persuade him, “We could use some free food! People here are nice- How many times did you actually receive a warm welcoming from others?” “You can stay all you want, I have a job to do.” he gave you a stern look.
You bit your lower lip, looked back over your shoulder at the small village.
“You know what, maybe I should.” you finally made your decision, “I’m staying.” Geralt stopped to look at you, didn’t understand what you were up to this time. “I’ve been thinking about this for, quite a while now... Now that we came across a lovely place, people here are friendly and welcoming... Maybe it’s time that we part ways.”
He didn’t reply.
You couldn’t tell how he felt about this.
“Don’t get me wrong, I really like traveling with you... It was fun, the adventures... And you were nice to me... But I feel like you’d rather travel alone- I mean, I get it, I’m just a weak-ass human girl, who is better stay behind when you hunt instead of getting in your way... And sometimes I get you- us- into trouble-” you realized you started babbling, so you stopped to take a breath in. “What I’m trying to say is, you are such a nice person that you probably don’t even notice that I’m just taking advantage of you... And I don’t want that. So I’m breaking this little group up. For our best interests.”
“Very well.” he untied Roach’s rein. “...That’s it?” you frowned, “You’re not gonna say something?” “I said ‘very well’.” “...” you rolled your eyes behind his back, “...Well, I guess that’s it then?” “Mmm.” Geralt hopped onto Roach. “It was nice meeting you, witcher.” “You too.” he nodded his head. “Take care, ok?” “Farewell, y/n.”
“Have some soup sir, it shall warm you up.” the merchant handed the witcher a wooden bowl. The witcher thanked him. Everything was quiet except for the slight crackling from the fire.
“Where are you from?” “Sodden, sir.” “You’re going north?” “Kovir, got some business to do there.” “Still got a long way then? There’s a small village on the way to replenish if you follow along this way.” “Small village? The village of Blatta? No sir! No one should ever go anywhere near that place, especially during this time of the year.” “Why?” “Those who travel frequently on this path all know the village of Blatta. It’s the village of worshipers of the Dark Lord. They hold a grand festival in name of their vicious god every year around this season, using the blood of their livestock to attract monsters, making sacrifices of children and young women and any outsiders who happened to come across their way and call that a ‘cleanse’- Where are you going sir? It’s not safe to travel in these woods at night- Sir!”
He was late when he arrived at the village.
There was no light in any of the houses, all the doors and shutters were closed. The pungent smell of blood was drowning him. Several dark shadows were squatting around, he could hear the sound of munching, slurping and the nasty noise coming from their throat. He took out a small tube, uncork it with his teeth, drank it all up and jumped off of Roach. He took a few steps forward with the momentum, took out his sword and carefully approached.
The faint light from the moon was not a problem to his witcher eyes, he slowly walked closer to the necrophages, formed a sign with his fingers. Flame bursted out from his hand. The monsters screamed and ran away into the woods.
The witcher looked down. All the bodies had their wrists and ankles tied up, dried animal blood mixed with their own congealed in their hair. It seemed like the villagers poured the blood of their livestock onto these poor lives and left them here to be devoured by the necrophages.
To his relief, he didn’t see anyone resembling your feature.
He heard something inside the house. He turned and saw pairs of eyes peeking through the crack of the shutters. The witcher felt anger quietly rising within him. He held tight to his sword, picked up his pace to follow the trace of the monsters into the forest.
You were hurt, you couldn't tell where exactly you were hurt due to the burning sensation spreading across your torso. But you didn’t dare to slow down.
You tripped against a rock and fell hard to the ground. The pistol in your hand almost misfired with your finger held tight against it. You tried to get up, but your limbs were weak from the pain.
All you could hear was your heartbeat and heavy panting.
You thought you lost them. The monsters. But you couldn’t lose the sight of the screaming children. You shook your head to get rid of the image before it brought up more traumatizing memory, and struggled to get up.
You knew you were lost in this forest, every direction looked the same, and the dim light of the crescent moon was not helping. You wiped your forehead with the back of your hand, felt the moisture there which you couldn’t tell if its sweat or blood. You took a few deep breaths to steady your heart and picked a random direction, quietly walked towards that way, praying to whoever’s out there this is not the way back to that horrific village.
The witcher was panting heavily. Standing in the middle of a pit which was full of the bodies of the creatures he just slew, on a bed of human bones and pieces of cloths. The stench of rotten flesh and the necrophage was piercing through his nose to his brain, but he didn’t move. He just stood there, eyes glancing around frantically around the once-monster-nest.
There was a snap of the twig behind him, sounded like thunder in this deadly silent woods. He turned around sharply, wielding his sword, ready to strike out.
You were at the edge of the pit, eyes wide, face pale as a sheet. He saw cuts above your eyebrow and on your arms and legs, and smelled dirt mixed with blood and sweat.
“Oh my god...” you said under your breath, staring at him. He realized what he looked like now, under the influence of his potion. He instinctively turned his face away.
“Geralt...” you jumped down the pit, ran to him with effort, and threw your arms around him. Geralt stiffened. “Are you hurt?” you quickly released him, pulled back to look at his face, then gave a quick scan down his body--- but you couldn’t tell with the limited moonlight, so your eyes shot right back at his face, “Geralt?” “...No.” he stared right back at you, and didn’t see what he was expecting in your eyes.
“...I’m so glad I found you...” you hugged him again. He now realized you were trembling. He put his hand on your back, “You’re safe now.” You nodded against his leather armor, didn’t care it smelled like shit.
You released him once more, “Let’s get out of this hell hole shall we?” trying to make a joke, but failed with your now shaking, choked voice. He nodded, sheathing his sword, “Maybe next time find a better village?” You let out a nervous laugh, took his forearm to climbed out of the pit.
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autisticangus · 4 years
anyway im so out of the loop on the mcelboys
i pretty much only keep semi-up to date with Sawbones at this point, not cuz i dont still LIKE everything else, just a lot has been goin on in my life
if anyone wants a long and rambly update on All Of The Bullshit im gonna stick a read more down here, asks are open and its cool to message me abt any of it if u want cuz i have some really nice and cool followers/mutuals here that make me comfy talkin abt that shit
as far as the future of this blog goes i wanna start using it more again! the mcelroys have gotten me out of some really dark places before so i hope having more connection to this community and the people here and their content again will help me like it has in the past! ill probs post more general mcelroy content here than previously rather than just taz btw i just gotta fuckin uhhhhh,,,, catch up on a bunch of shit again before this blog is even semi active lmaoo but im like alive and on tumblr regularly again!!
Wow u clicked on this and wanna hear me talk? Ur awesome and sweet, thanks for caring!
These past two years have been extraordinarily tough. This is gonna be a pretty long and detailed post that deals with the sensitive topics of emotional abuse, abusive relationships, and alcoholism. Please read on with caution.
Back in March of 2019, so this was about 3-4 months after i left tumblr, I got a new boyfriend and things started out really good, he was kind of a "bad boy" and it was fun at first. Im kind of a goody-goody so it was very interesting for me at first to be with someone so different who had such different life experiences than me. I liked hearing his stories of living in a traphouse, and running with gangs, and selling drugs, and knowing people who had killed people. I assumed a LOT of it was lies, obviously, who just brags about that shit u know? I just rolled with it, didnt take it seriously, and found the imagined scenarios interesting to listen to. So much of it was obviously played up to make him seem cooler, and I shouldve seen that as the red flag it was, and all my friends did but I didnt. 
He had a serious alcohol problem, I mean I had coffee in the morning and he had 2 four lokos before noon. it was bad. about 6 months into the relationship he decided i was cheating on him with my ex who i had recently reconnected with, we missed being friends and things were really going well talking and being friends again, he was really important to me! but my boyfriend saw this as yet another thing i was doing wrong. when he decided i was cheating, that become his focus of alcoholic rage. nearly every time he got drunk, which was several times a week, he would accuse me of things, he would yell and scream, he would call me horrible names and make me cry for literal hours, he never hit me but that shouldnt even matter, i was emotionally battered and mentally bruised and everything hurt. he gaslit me into believing i said and did things i never said or did, i admitted to things that were not real, and then i was yelled at for admitting them. i didnt know what to do.
he was threatening my ex too, he would get drunk and say he knew where he lived (he didnt) or he knew what car he drove (he didnt) and explained to me many times that although he had never killed someone, people had been killed before at his command. he said a bullet in the back of my ex’s brain was just a phone call and $500 away. somedays he would tell me he was just going to do it himself, with a hammer, or a kitchen knife, or whatever weapon he could get his hands on during his explanation of how he would do it. my only option was to agree, to say it didnt matter to me what happened to him, i had to pretend my on
/ly concern was him going to jail for the crime, if i showed any sign that i didn’t want my ex murdered, it clearly meant i was cheating on him. 
i pretended to block my ex on social media to get him off my back and it worked a little bit but he still brought it up. and even if he didnt directly mention him, he would always tell me when he was drunk that i was the cause of all his problems, i was why he was so self conscious, i was why he drank so much, i was why he had to work so hard, i was why every single issue he had was happening. logically i knew it was wrong, but i was so conditioned to it by then that i just went with it. i knew that agreeing and apologizing made the fighting end quicker.
things spiraled this past summer. his job needed us to relocate so we moved like 4 states away, away from all my family and friends, and lived in a tiny hotel room for a month. during this time, his drinking was somehow worse. he was drunk literally every night but he was passing out so we didnt fight and i was relieved. i was depressed being stuck in the hotel room all day alone, but thankful i wasnt being abused at least. then he started getting into drunken fistfights with his coworkers in the hotel parking lot. one day he came home just in time to find one of his drunk coworkers trying to break into the room with me there desperately trying to keep him out. i was terrified and wanted to go home but he convinced me to stay. a couple weeks after that we travelled for his work again several more states away. his drinking got a little bit better here, but i was so depressed and lonely, i was so isolated, he was all i saw day in and day out besides his coworkers and i was nervous around them. one day the guy who tried to break in on me, purposefully, while drunk, hit another coworkers car and totaled it and tried to run the guy over and i saw the whole thing. a week later my boyfriend was also fired because he got so drunk he passed out in the hotel parking lot and the company needed to save face with the hotel after the whole car incident. 
so we travelled back home, but not my home, to his where we lived isolated on a mountain with no phone signal or wifi. the house was old and not well kept from being empty for several years, half the appliances didnt work. i was more isolated than i have ever been in my life. for 4 months i stayed there and just dreaded him coming home because i knew he would be drunk again and he'd yell or accuse me of things or otherwise belittle me. it was horrible. my friends all said to leave and my parents said to leave but i was so brainwashed into thinking that if i was just a good little housewife and if i just stayed home and did the dishes and the laundry that he would be nicer but he still found things to point at and say i was cheating. he was also becoming really controlling about my food intake and weight and i already struggle with an eating disorder so that just made me feel even more like i had to stay, my brain felt like if i wasnt under his watchful eye id gain weight again, like somehow it was thanks to him i had lost weight and not my own choices.
one day last week i expressed to him wanting to leave, saying how unhappy i was, i told him how sad i felt and how i didnt think we were such a good match. he didnt take me seriously, so the next day when he got sloppy drunk before 5 pm i packed a small bag and went to my moms. i was just gonna stay for a night or two but he called and screamed at me for leaving without telling him, i told him he just didnt remember me telling him because he was so drunk, and he accused me of not caring about his feelings and made me sound like the bad guy for leaving without his permission. i told him it was just for a few days but the angrier he got the more i knew i was in the right and told him i was done. i told him we were breaking up and id come get my stuff soon.
i got my stuff while he was at work this past weekend and moved in with my best friend. im safe and happy now. things are looking so much better for me and im so thankful to my friends and family who supported me all the way to the end.
i just wanted to make this post because, i know its not mcelroy related, and a lot of ppl probably dont care for stuff like this on this kind of blog, but i think its important.
its important to friends and family of people in abusive relationships to be steady. dont give up your ground. even if the person keeps pushing back and wont leave the person, keep being there for them, it can take a long time, it took me almost 2 years to leave, it takes some people even longer, but just stay there for them and be there for them when they finally make that step. dont give up on them.
and to those who have been in these kinds of relationships, and especially those who are there right now: it is not your fault. it is so, so hard to leave, i know, but please try to find help and support and resources to do it. if all your friends dont like someone, theres a good reason for it. please dont fall into the trap of thinking your friends dont have the best intentions for you. there are so many things you may overlook in the moment that others can see from a mile away are horrible. especially if you have been abused in the past. its incredibly hard to tell what is a red flag when your gut instinct is that anything and everything is a red flag. surround yourself with people who you can trust and listen to them
and trust me, i know how hard it is when youre stuck in that spot of KNOWING you should go but fearing that first step away. its scary. its difficult. but it is worth it. find someone safe you can be with. and if you arent sure, find a reason to leave for just a few days, an excuse, anything. give yourself space from the abuser, tell yourself youre going back in a couple days, just get out from under the thumb long enough to clear your head and things will make more sense with the fog lifted.
when i first got in my car and put my kitten on my lap and told her we were going to my moms for a couple nights, i didnt know if that was the truth. i planned to come back and i knew i didnt want to. i only took enough stuff for a couple days. i couldnt imagine my life changing so drastically. where would i live? how would i make money? who take care of me? i had no clue about any of those things. but after a couple days away I realized i would take care of me. i remembered that i had worked jobs before i was with him, i could do it again. i remembered that i had options of where to live. all of those things were so clouded when i was with him, they felt like impossibilities. once i was away, even just for a short time, things were so much easier to parse.
and i know i had many privileges in this journey not everyone is afforded, and my heart goes out to those who read this and are in this situation and the options i had just arent accessible to you, i am so sorry, i wish i had something more to offer you but all i have is my story, and a wish that it gives you some hope at the very least, and a promise that if you need someone to talk to, im here, i will listen, and you will be heard and loved.
i just want everyone who reads to take something small but important away from it. love your friends, love yourself. please stay safe. please dont give up. remember love should not hurt.
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nozomijoestar · 5 years
1-10 for an oc of yr choice (since i don't know any of yrs (yet))
meme here
I’ll use my FFXIV OCs bc I’m finicky abt sharing anything on my manuscript OCs in public
Vaste/U’ralhana Odh:
1. What is/are your OC’s nickname(s) and how did it come about?
Her name situation is a little messy but theres a reason behind each one both canon and non-canon! The game by default gives the WoL many titles across the game to reflect your progress to NPCs like eikon-slayer, Azure Dragoon, khagan etc. all tied to feats or positions earned in the MSQ. 
For non canon titles and nicknames I’ve given her Desert Dragon due to her origin of birth from a desert tribe and their guardian animal being Drakes (as well as the fact that she’s a Dragoon and DRGs are traditionally a class associated heavy with dragons), Nine Lives because of the Echo preventing her from true death which also fits with her being a cat race etc. For more personal nicknames one of her younger brothers calls her Rala after her Sun Seeker name being U’ralhana Odh, dearest is also the most common pet name Yugiri has for her, aside from having the privilege of calling her only by her first name for her Sun Seeker side
Her formal naming convention gives her three viable names,
U’ralhana Odh - name the Sun Seekers gave her when she was born to them, the U designates tribe affiliation, followed by her given name, the surname is her father’s first name indicating he sired her (official FFXIV Sun Seeker naming convention) together the name means Ralhana of the Drakes, daughter of Odh
Osha Tayuun - this is the name her mother gave her before she left to rejoin the Moon Keepers in The Black Shroud, she never learned it was hers until the day they finally met well into her adulthood as the WoL, because Moon Keepers are matriarchal unlike Sun Seekers, the last name is also her mother’s while the given name is a normal girls name (i also made it start with O and try to sound similar to her mother’s first name, Oghii)
Vaste Valescoere - she gave herself this name after once being taught a few ancient Garlean (irl Classical Roman Latin) words by a traveling scholar from what little outside contact the tribe saw, once she made the decision to leave to be an adventurer forever she was banished for forsaking tradition, thus she felt she died and needed a new name - this was the first name i gave her because when i first started playing FFXIV i didnt know the races had naming conventions so i just wanted something that sounded like a fantasy name ( i literally just looked two words up in my latin-english dictionary fddjfd)
2. What is the color of your OC’s eyes/hair/skin?
Blue hair with natural black highlights, green eyes, light skin but not pale- all generally Moon Keeper traits but when i was starting out i knew none of that and did what i wanted, her bizarre appearance once i decided she was from the U tribe influenced her being half Sun Seeker and Moon Keeper 
3. How tall is your OC?
5′2 but only because i thought the CC slider meant 5′6 (cuz it lists height in inches and i didnt bother to check ujhghugj shes sometimes embarrassed by her height especially standing next to much taller people, shes still taller than Yugiri though so she enjoys the slight height advantage
4. What is a noticeable physical attribute of your OC?
Her hair, then her eyes
5. What does your OC normally wear? What would your OC wear on a special night?
She’s usually in her armor with her current spear glamoured to appear weaker than it actually is because the simple style reminds her of what she used as a teen before leaving home:
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^^ necklace and earrings are different but the second necklace is more typical
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im weak for the one arm/shoulder armored while the other isnt or not as much aesthetic
For more special/formal occasions w/o armor she likes wearing this:
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6. What is one word you would use to describe your OC’s appearances?
Every time she shows up there’s something dramatic (but not always over the top) happening
7. Does your OC have any markings, such as a birthmark or a scar?
She has the usual pinkish red stripes on her cheeks all Sun Seeker women are born with, in addition to a scar across her nose bridge she got during her huntress rite of passage when a sundrake struck her face (this rite is also how she got the black marks under her eyes afterwards, originally i just liked how they looked and made a backstory for them because the game lists them as tribal tattoos in CC)
The scar i gave her in CC as a ref to Guts from Berserk cuz his is similar (she obtained hers very young like he did as well):
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8. How does your OC talk/what does your OC’s voice sound like?
i chose the CC voice 2 option for female miqo’te (you can kinda hear what it sounds like here and here @2:10 since i cant find a video with just vc2 range) and im happy with it (to me it kinda sounds like Rie Tanaka? as far as i know the CC voice VAs have never been revealed so i cant say for certain, i know shes done voicing for FFXIV as Kan E Senna and Sadu and plays it as a huge fan tho) as far as how she talks all Miqo’te are said to have their own racial language unique to them that no other race can accurately pronounce or understand due to all the hissing, purring, and spitting of certain sounds (bc theyre cat ppl lol) so she’ll roll/purr her Rs, hiss her Hs etc.
On top of this system i imagine the U have their own dialect accent too which i hc sounds closer to Xhosa and Zulu mixed if a cat tried to speak it,so it gets complex! Her native accent however becomes slightly toned down the longer she spends away from the U as the WoL, but its still present and obvious enough
9. What does your OC’s bedroom look like?  His/her living area?
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the only description valid for this is an organized mess lmao
10. What does your OC keep in a special drawer?
anything small enough to fit given to her by people from her past or those she cares about that linger on her mind, shes somewhat sentimental sometimes
Gan Arulaq
1. Lizard boi has no nicknames that stick outside of being called Bataar playfully by his parents esp his mother bc he liked playing pretend as a heroic figure when he was little (i was aware when i made him in CC that Xaela use Mongolian names and are based a lot on Mongol culture of the 14th century so he follows this convention)
His first name is Mongolian for Steel, his last name denotes his tribe following the game’s convention, simple
2. he is a tan/reddish brown color for skin with black hair and natural red highlights in a short swept back style (his eyes are also green bc i wanted to see what Vaste’s eye color would look like on a Xaela model, tdlr they glow!)
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3. Gan is 7′1! the tallest of my characters period, he sees everything from up there and it creates some hilarious and awkward situations (poor guy and most doors, rip)
4. his eyes and his big curved horns
5. he loves wearing primarily clothes that expose a lot of his chest and skin in general because thats most natural to what he wore on the steppe valley back home (as well as being a little vain about his physical appearance and liking the feel of freedom in less clothes) however he can and will wear regular clothes, though in this case his fashion sense is terrible
6. when he appears you can associate him with change (succession is another word that comes to mind given his role to Vaste)
7. with the exception of minor scars from martial training and small accidents he’s the picture of normal for a Xaela
8. i actually cant remember what CC voice i gave him by number, but he does have a somewhat deep, rough voice fitting for a boisterous young man while also being capable of sentimentality and some wisdom, he has a handsome voice, he speaks bluntly but full of feeling and often truth
9. his room would be very organized and everything is neatly assigned to its place as well as being primarily spartan in layout/decoration, he’s used to practicality and function from his childhood on the steppe, lots of trinkets from nature, weapons and trophies of victory etc.
10. a ring given to him by his mother carved from sheep bone, it was her archery thumb ring
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mangkochi · 6 years
In this cold morning, i’m surfing to someone’s page, a very long scrolling. Reading all the things i missed during my absent.
Oh this friend never failed to amaze me,indeed. Her writings are always beautiful and i always love them.
After reading some of her thought,her feeling,and her scream in this hospital, then i realize seems like im so careless to my own friend.
Couple years ago, it’s been so long, we used to do a lot of things together,like A LOT. She’s the one who taught me so many things i never knew before,about how to be a better person in our Creator side. I learnt so much and i was very happy at that time. Every week we exchanged what we had memorized from the holy book. Felt like she’s such an angel sent to me.
Unfortunately,this weak soul betrayed the angel. As time went by and we began to be “busy” with life, with many things that made us so rarely to meet ,visit, and tell story to each other, i’ve realized that i’ve betrayed her.
Couple times we tried to make it again by the promise to start all over the things, but yes i was such a liar and betrayer who always avoid my own promise. Cuz what? I was just in my lowest mode of creature. Honestly, what made me like that was because i was really in depression and i lost all my sanity to everything. And that had consumed all my desire to learn,and in fact disturbing my belief. I was that low, i know. But i couldnt tell anyone,including her, what’s really inside me. And i chose to avoid all things that i thought only burden me. And chose everything that i thought would make me feel happy,feel wanted. I was so surrended by what we call social desirability . Becuase i was dumped and i thought i had to follow all the trend that could make me seen by the world more. Becuase i was so wrong by the concept how to get up . Because i had failed The Great’s test on me. Because satan succeeded to take over my sanity. And that’s how i betrayed her, my dearest friend.
How is me rite now? Oh some day ago i thought i’ve been cured. That’s why i made the “Hai Again” post. Turn out that’s just couple of bs paragraphs. Im still in this lowest mode,and dont know how to escape.
But hey this post supposed to be abt her, not about me haha omg im sorry.
All i knew all this time is she’s so fine,happy,doing all the things well as usual,and kept away from sadness. Not like me. But after read some of her posts i was a lil bit shocked that this dear friend seems felt some sadness and/or loneliness. Altho maybe not as deep as me because i know she has a lot of amazing angel-like-friends out there and she’s liked by so many ppl. Idk if those posts is her true feeling or just bunch of beautiful phrase from her good skill in writing. But whatever im just afraid that she did feeling sad and lonely. I do have some hypothesis becuase i knew some secret she told me some times ago. But that’s just hypothesis, i aint have the courage to ask becuase maybe she’ll feel uncomfortable. Yeah Sometimes ppl has problem that they wont tell to anyone. Or maybe im just wrong about all the hypothesis hahaha. And the time is just not okay because we r in the middle of a big fight with our big task rite now 😂 please pray for us.
I know the feeling how we felt so sad and powerless or lonely but cant tell every single one in this planet. Beacuse i feel it all the time. So , i wont blame her why she didnt tell me because i never told her too. It just , feels like a pity that we cant help each other, tho i thought she’s one of my bestfriend (idk how she thought of me tho hehe).
There’s so many reason why we felt lonely and sad altho we surrounded by many friends. Feels like no one will understand and the fear of ppl’s judgement. Sometimes it just has no exact reason. It’s such a desease. Or it’s just one of phase in life. We,in our twenties, is having a quarter life crisis rite now.
Sigh,this post has no plot 🤦🏻‍♀️ im sorry im not good at writing 🙄
What im trying to say, maybe she will read this, i hope you can get up from all things the possibly make you sad,whatever it is. You are strong i believe. Dont be sad. It’s okay to be sad but never let it win over you. Never be like me. And i hope you can help me when you are done with your problem:”) .
I miss you so much. I’m so far awaaaaaay from all the goodness we had been through in the past. I’m so sad that i had failed it. I really really wish i could turn back the time,but nah,wishing such a thing is just useless. I wish i could help myself get up from all of this back to what i supposed to be as a creature of The Creator,like what you had taught me.
Just know this, I hope you will always be happy and healthy and kept away from all bad and sad things in this world. You deserve all the love and happiness ^^
Fighting my friend! Ily. Hehe.
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randomuser678 · 7 years
This may be my own kinda ask but I really want to hear your opinion cause you seem to have a really great one about alot of stuff! Which danganronpa game do you feel was the best story, gameplay, characters and twist wise?? I hope you don't mind me going though and finding your other ask posts and ask8ng dome more asks. but thank you very much if you do This!
Oooohhh, thank you so much for asking!
Well, firstly, Im no entirely cought up with ndrv3, even tho I already have a pretty general idea here, and honestly, I don’t feel too motivated to continue, but that’s definitely gonna change at some point
I’m gonna say I’m biased towards the first game, at least when it comes to best story, twist and characters, because it was what started most trends in other dangan games, the story on dr1 served as a base to the following games and it introduced to everyone the dangan world and most of it’s rules, so when the other games showed this world it just felt weaker, just felt like they were rehearsing the same story that Ive heard b4, there was the same basic plot with ultimates trapped on a place and forced to murder eachother, the only differences being what their talents and main location were, so it feels like the shocking plot of teenagers and murders just got less shocking over time, they kept using this plot and it stopped being original.
But that wasn’t a bad thing, they kept following the same storyline, of course they’d have the same base story, so maybe it would have been better if they kept changing canons for each game? I doubt that would work, but hey, that would mix things up for sure.
But the worst part abt the trends that the first game started, is that I just can’t help but feel like so many story points were done much better at DR1, for example: Junko, the big bad gal, the queen of despair, the main villain of the franchise.
She has appeared in all of the games, and just everywhere really, as cosplay, as AI, whatever, she was there since the first game, and always as the villain, or some sort of force related to the villain, which is good, I love her, but since the first game, y'know how that turned into less of a plot twist and more of a boring pattern.
On the first game her villainy was the biggest plot twist, the girl that had died on the first chapter and never mentioned ever since, was actually alive and the one behind the murders, that just surprised me so much, who would even go on that direction. I absolutely loved it, and the whole basis of the plot twist was that the gyaru was actually the villain, and even tho I didn’t get that right of the bat I now find this pretty smart, and just goes to show how dr likes to subvert these anime tropes.
But then she was the mastermind on the second game.
I mean I loved having her round again, but “The villain this time is the villain from the last time“ isn’t that much of a surprise anymore, and seeing how Junko just turned into basically an all seeing always present god, I wonder why they kept pulling that off years after the first game, that is the most noticeable trend from the first game, and repeating the same plot twist just doesn’t seems like a good writing strategy.
But I can kind of see how that could work, you keep pulling the same plot twist again and again but adding more stuff each time, so the new one feels different from last ones, like “You were classmates” and then “You were classmates, and also you were evil“ or “It was Junko all along“ and then “It was Junko all along except it she is a fictional character“ and I guess that’s kind of creative, if that’s what they were going for here, but that doesn’t explain why they kept repeating so many story points and the character patterns.
The parallels between the first game and the second are pretty easy to make, first chapter there’s always a plan where the wrong person dies, second chapter is something or someone from the character’s past “coming back” to haunt the murderer, third chapter there are two ppl who are killed, and only one death was really planned from the beginning and the murderer is the least sympathetic of them all, on the fourth chapter the gentle giant dies and they always has good intentions and the chapter has a sacrifice being made and there is a blah blah blah abt what a life is worth and all of that, the fifth chapter is leading to the end, so many plot twists are made here, that one character that seemed like they were too badass and too present in the story dies (I mean Mukuro wasn’t present, but the story was hyping her as this mysterious force leading up to the final revelation) and then the two last games have final chapter revealing the mastermind and additional plot twists, the first game didnt have a sixth chapter cuz they had less of a plot to discover, the other games just kept adding to the basic line that I talked abt here.
So the discussion here is basically which game did all of this better.
The first game introduced this pattern, so it has some sort of advantage, the second one just felt like a copout for me, and the third one was pretty linear with this too but the last chapter was just, wow.
The final game had the biggest final plot twist, as in, it was a giant middle finger to the audience, which is not really a bad thing, but it still shocked me, the first chapter had already a plot twist that made some fans abandon the game, so you can only imagine what the last one did with some fans, I never expected the franchise to be this meta, and I honestly don’t know how to feel about it just yet.
Of course, nobody likes discovering that the characters you got so invested weren’tactually who you thought they were, I mean, yeah, they are fictional characters so of course you knew that they were fake ppl anyways, but knowing that the fictional characters that you love are fictional on their own fictional world, that’s fictionalception! And just hard to follow tbh.
So on one hand it was a shocking twist that took a really different turn from the last games, but in other hand, it made the story feel weaker somehow, knowing that this fabricated morals were fabricated on it’s own world, if that makes sense, I don’t know how to describe it.
I also wanna mention that on ndrv3 almost all of the murderers were sympathetic, the only exceptions being the mastermind and the third chapter, but that’s how it always is. On the first game it was all very gray, the murderers had their own reasons and you could feel bad for them if you wanted, but the game didn’t seem to side with either the victim or the culprit, you could understand how the Sayaka planned to murder Leon, but you also could see how Leon took advantage of the situation (And tbh they both were pretty stupid), you could understand how Mondo just lost control and did something horrible, but you can also see how that happened and how Chihiro was stronger than him (And that chapter was amazing tbh), but on the second game it felt more guilt-trippy for me, doesn’t help the fact that everyone just forgot abt the ppl who were killed, bcuz they had connections with the murderers, and I didn’t like the twist on the second trial at all, I felt like most of the characters got no development on the main plot line at all, the only really big exception being Kuzu and Hinata I think.
I preferred when they left it more gray, when the story allowed us to understand the murderer’s motive without feeling like they were forcing you to love them. That’s what it was like for me on the second and third games, but mostly on the second one.
It also doesn’t help that they almost always forget about the ppl who died as the story goes on, either that or they only remembered of their respective love interest.
And oh God, love interests, I don’t care about any romance on this franchise, the biggest offenders were So/n/dam/ and all of the hets in ndrv3, but I’m not gonna go in details here, that would be just  too unpleasant.
So like, ndrv3 had many cutscenes, which meant more character interactions, and seeing how a character interacts with other ppl is always a great thing, it builds better both characters, makes them feel more real, makes things less boring, and it’s just great, and dr1 didn’t have much of that, or at least not any remarkable ones like the other games, which sucks bcuz I wanted more of those characters, but they were still starting the franchise so of course it was gonna be like that.
And can I say how in sdr2 it felt like the coolest girls felt like were all forced to have a boy on their story lines? Sonia doesn’t do anything big on the story even tho she is pretty smart and curious, she only really did something when she was crying over Gundham, Peko is limited to her young master, which makes sense on the story (She was raised to only care abt him) but still feels like a waste of a character, almost everything Akane does on the story is related to Nekomaru somehow, or ends up with Nekomaru and as a result she gets no development, and hardly ever interacts with anyone outside of that dude. Peko and Akane never interact and that’s honestçy the worst of all of this, they are the two fighter girls with totally different styles! They should have hanged out more.
The guys were always on the spotlight and that makes me kinda sad, such wasted potential, and while that’s kind of a problem on this whole franchise, it was easier to see on sdr2 tbh.
The girls on ndrv3 and dr1 were great tho.
And also I rate male characters on dr based on how date-able they are, so it’d be like
Best boys- SDR2 (Would date them all)
Second best boys-DR1 (I dont like Togami that much but most of them are ok)
Worst boys-NDRV3 (I only like Hoshi and Gonta)
And gameplay wise ndrv3 wins, just, so many minigames and bonus content, it’s the newer game so obviously they’d have great gameplay.
So to cut it short, cuz I just went everywhere here
Best story: Ndrv3, dr1 is a close second, but since ndrv3 had two other games to live up to, they had a more solid basis when it comes to what to expect and how strong plot twists feel, even tho I still lean towards dr1 that started this mess.
Best gameplay: Ndrv3, the newer one with tons of bonus content and weird class trials
Best characters: Dr1, I loved the characters and was never able to get over them, even tho they didn’t have tons of character interactions like the other games. On a side note Ndrv3 has the best girls and Sdr2 has the best boys, but as a whole, I like Dr1 gang the best.
Best plot twist:Ndrv3 just loved having a bunch of those, but I still liked the whole Junko thing on the first game.
                                    Some other stuff too
Dr3 was an alright anime, I didnt like the end or how the character were treated and just forgotten abt forever, and I want them back, but still, I just loved seeing them animated and full of life.
Despair girls followed my fav from the first game, Toko, and an awesome protag, too bad the game felt like pandering to pedophiles so much, I know that isn’t anything new to this franchise at this point, and anime generally is like this, but it was just disgusting, they tried to tackle on the subject of child abuse while having fan service scenes with minors, that made everything worse, and was a waste of a cool concept and characters. At least the kids survived in the end.
I haven’t read dr0
So that’s it, thank you so much for sending an ask, I hope you have a great new year and stuff!
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jizzlesdreams · 5 years
July 28, 2019
Guys. I woke up earlier to jake messaging me (normally when that happens i have a cute dream with him)
And i just woke up from this dream cuz it got too scary lol
Like at first it was chill, i was with fam and we were in la, dricing around from an event and there was a lit ass sunset and so much going on. Had another event to go to but it was more kf a hideout/place to stay and othrr ppl were there. I was taking a shower then there was a countdown and everything stopped being streamed. So i got spooked and i got out of my shower super fast and i went to my fam and they said there was shit happening outsife and to lock all doors. It was finally time and we were witj other ppl but this one dudr wanted to get in ojr place and he even got that shit to open doors so he did and everyone in our building freaked out cuz thst meant we were all contaminated. I was talking to jake on the phone cuz he was in kansas and i saying how everything is going to end here and he was likw wtf r u talking about and im like how tf is that not happening there and he told me to wait for him cuz he will come to me and fly out there and i was telling him he cant do that because when he gets here, the whole city will be gone. Then i was like i wanted to do this is in person but i couldnt but i havw to say it now, then when i was talking this was when that dude broke into the building and contaminated all of us and hella zombies got in our building but jake was still on the line but i was running awat and tried to kill these fuckers but i only had scissors. I was able to chop off half of some ladys neck off tho lol but then the scissors became dull so i ran up some super tall cabinets ans sat up there and i tried to talk to jake but the phone didnt havensignal or he just wasnt answering. But hella shit was going on, ppl saw i was on top of the cabinets ans followed me up there cuz they thought it was safe but too muchbgoing on andnpeople falling and the zombies ended up climbing up and some dude looked at me and was about tonfall ans was like, we're all going to dje because theyre here already
So i thought nah fuck that and i tried to fight back but there was too much and i started sliding down. So i grab something to hold and i tried to get mt phone to tell jake that i love him but the call wasnt going through. It was super weird
But yesterday, i was in the cologne section and one of the sales lady ended up giving me a sample of his cologne and smelling his cologne made me miss him so fucking much and i just automatically had the thought of how much i love him and cant wait to be with him again
and i woke up to msgs with jake where it was super cute cuz i msged hum last night how much i missed him and the smell of his cologne takes me back to when we first hunf out and i was nervous for a solid month but only xuz i really liked him and didnt wanna fuck up. And his messages thjs morning were v cute
But ya that dream was super wack
^sent that to nicole and ash
~~~Sent this to jake
Basically started off as an insane day like super fun. Was at some fair with my family in la and there was a sunset happening and i turend around and was taking a video of it all cuz the sky was legit so many fucking colors and therw was a rainbow which had a shootjng star going around jt so it looke super fucking cool and there were fireworks going on too. I was taking the vid to send you
So we get back home bjt there was another event happening in our building. I end up taking a shower but all of a sudden, there was a huge warning from the gov that there will be a lockdown/shit was gonna happen in 40 minutes. So i spaz and run out of my shower to be with my fam
We end up being in this huge lobby (massive high ceilings) and we're just in lockdown. I end up calling you saying how its basically end up the world and you're in kansas and you're like wtf r u talking about (it wasnt happening around you cuz i think it started in LA and kansas doesnt have as much people as la so it you werent affected yet. So im telling you all this shit and you were trying to calm me down and tell me everything will be okay and how you're going to get a flight over to me and just wait for you to be here with me. But i was trying to tell you you cant do that cuz by the time you get here, LA will be fucked and nothing will be left
Then some dude tried broke into our building and we all got contaminated then hella zombies flooded in and i only had scissors so i end up chopping off half this ladys head off and i tried ti get the dude who broke in, but his skin was too thick which fucked up my scissors so i ran over to these tall ass cabinets that were stacked on each other and i sat on top. Our call was still going and i tried to speak to you but i guess no signal or you werent speaking
I ended up killing some zombies but then more people aaw me at the top and wanted to join but that cauaed too much attention so hella zombies started climbing too. And then some dude looks at me and goes, theres no use in fighting, we're all going to die. And i was thinking like we all eventually die anyway so meh. But i ended up sliding down the cabinets to get away from the madness and i knew i was still on the phone with u so i tried to talk to u but u still werent answering. I ended up getting to the floor (the cabinets were legit 4 stories tall) and u still wouldnt talk so idk wtf was going on. But i get down and these zombies/people wanted to use the organs of the living to do something it. But it was just these ones, like other zombies just kill the humans but idk these were wack. And they were going to peel off each of my veins and organs when i was alive ans shit got too scary cuz i got outnumbered and had no weapon and idk where my fam went so i just woke up cuz i couldnt figure out a way to beat them and you werent answering😭
0 notes
comicteaparty · 6 years
February 4th-February 10th, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from February 4th, 2019 to February 10th, 2019.  The chat focused on Offshore Comic by Stefan Gasic.
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Featured Comment:
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Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Week Long Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on Offshore Comic by Stefan Gasic~! (http://www.offshorecomic.com/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Remember, though, that while we allow constructive criticism, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic. Below you will find four questions to get you started on the discussion. However, a new question will be posted and pinned everyday (between 12:01AM and 6AM PST), so keep checking back for more! You have until February 10th to tell us all your wonderful thoughts! With that established, let’s get going on the reading and the chatting!
QUESTION 1. What has been your favorite strip in the comic so far? What specifically did you like about it?
QUESTION 2. At the moment, who is your favorite character? What about that character earns them this favor?
QUESTION 3. Given the comic’s focus on financial markets and all that composes them, what is something this comic has taught you about the subject? Alternatively, what is something you wished you understood better to understand the comic’s comedy?
QUESTION 4. How do you think the comic’s illustrative style and choices help the comedy of the comic? What is one moment where a particular design or image really stood out to you and helped the point the strip was trying to convey?
QUESTION 5. The comic features several recurring subjects like the legitimacy of IQ scores, LLCs, and more. Which of these recurring topics did you like the most? What about it caught your interest?
Stefan G
Hello everyone, 1) Just updated www.offshorecomic.com with a new strip. Check it out. 2) RebelVampire, are your questions intended for me or any new reader? Ciao, Stefan the creator of #Offshorecomic
They're intended for both (still working through the archive)!
Is there a way to get permalinks for individual strips, so I can come back to specific ones at a later time?
Stefan G
Thanks & okay, snuffysam keii4ii, unfortunately there’s no way to get permalinks for individual strips ... I coded the website myself as a side project and am not that good a coder
Oh man, I can relate to that... If I ever get rich, comic website coding and maintenance stuff is the first thing I'll hire someone to do for me
I do like how it loads and makes it easy to read through the archive, for what it's worth.
Stefan G
Thanks for the feedback ... and I totally, totally agree. One could spend a fortune for a coder to take care of all the fixings and stuff ... now I’m learning on the side whenever there’s time left over from work & family.
Stefan G
Answer to Q1 => readers have found the “happiness” strip the best. It’s also one of my favourite ones [succinct & clever & relatable] ...I truly don’t have a favourite strip, but the attached Reto & Urs -strips make me chuckle whenever I read them [I appreciate below-the-waist-humour and/or humour where people are really, really selfish].
lomcia (princess_lom)
1. The newest one is so funny
2. Trader
3. i dont work in office but i cant find nothing to improve that comic, i think the design of characters and humor is on really high lvl 12/10 for me
4. Style is perfect ffor that comic, i wouldnt change it
Stefan G
Answer to Q2 => at the moment my favourite character is the Economist. He’s a genuine IYI [intellectual-yet-idiot] ... which the world is full of and the finance industry in particular. The Economist is easy to write for because I’ve discovered a never ending source of humorous material called the daily financial newspaper ... please find attached also one of my favourite strips
Thank you, lomcia (princess_lom) for your feedback.
lomcia (princess_lom)
your welcome I hope i didnt misunderstood question 3 xD
Stefan G
I think you got everything just right
lomcia (princess_lom)
Stefan G
Answer/comment to Q3 => I’ve spend my professional life in finance, hence, I know every nuance of the industry. However, for the layperson the finance industry [money, banking, insurance, etcetc...] is a big black box of unnecessary complication. My humble attempt with #Offshorecomic is to untangle this complexity and make money related topics more accessible/understandable to anyone ... using humour as my main tool. Finance is more stupid than you think; trust me
I’ll answer the rest tomorrow. Gotta go to now. is like in a totally different time zone and all that Thx again y’all !
QUESTION 6. Which joke not related to finance did you enjoy the most? What about it made it stand out to you among all the others?
1) i really enjoyed the life coaching strip about facing reality and lying to yourself. i just really enjoy the bluntness and simplicity by which the self-deception line is delivered. A+ comedy right. 2) i like p-bird because i consider him a much needed counter balance to many of the other characters. he at least has more feet planted in reality. 3) hedge funds. not that i understand them perfectly from the comic, but now theyre more than just a financial word i see tossed around. and despite the very negative absurdist humor regarding them, was still interesting to get some insight into what they actually involved. 4) i think the style overall really balances well with the comedy. a lot of the comedy is reliant on the dialogue, so keeping the illustrations clean, bold, and somewhat simple really helps direct attention to the words. i also really just enjoy the character designs cause every single one really hits that idiot or absurdist mark that needs to be hit. 5) actually i really liked the address of IQ scores. because literally these characters seem like the type whod wind up on r/iamverysmart and use their IQs to talk about how cool they are. so it was kind of nice to see some evidence for that with the subject. that and i always like seeing the concept of IQ being torn apart. 6) i actually liked a lot of the jokes that pertained to the academic sphere in regards to things like publishing and teaching. selfishly it most just stood out to me because academia is something im more familiar with in regards to its simultaneous setup of worthless class structures and cutthroat profs trying to further their careers.
Stefan G
Thank you, RebelVampire, for your thoughtful analysis & feedback I believe that the writing is the most important part in comics ... and the best humorous writing is often blunt & simple [you hit the nail on the head with that comment]. Furthermore, I intentionally designed the strip in a simplistic style in order to A) highlight the writing/gag, B) to save time and C) cuz simple drawings are funny I love to make fun of pompous, self righteous folks ... academics are thus some of my main targets [due to the same reasons I make fun of financial professionals].
Stefan G
Answer to Q4 => My childhood inspiration and spark for cartoons/drawing came from F.Ibanez [Clever & Smart] ... very funny yet simple style. Nowadays I enjoy Dilbert by Scott Adams or the political cartoons from cartoonist Jari Elsilä; also both of them are hilarious without wasting unnecessary lines. I believe a straightforward style highlights the writing and that’s what I’m trying to achieve. Moreover, I love to have backgrounds in my comics [to steer the reader to a particular thought or mood] but hate to draw them and/or dislike it when they clutter the cartoon ... I’m rather happy with a style that I’ve developed over time where I draw the background but reduce the opacity to 25 %. I think that works pretty nice
Stefan G
Answer to Q5 => My favourite themes are 1) anyone predicting the future, 2) mistaking luck for awesome skill and 3) incompetent yet pompous professionals ... there is so much hilarious material right there
Answer to Q6 => I often use the characters Reto und Urs for jokes/strips that are not necessarily financial because they are so endearingly stupid [well, mostly Urs is]. This one makes me chuckle
QUESTION 7. In what ways have any of the strips changed the way you think about life, finances, or any other topic covered in them? Alternatively, what have the strips portrayed that you wish more people knew?
(the archive for the chat on Poco Adventures is now available https://comicteaparty.com/post/182650076295/january-28th-february-3rd-2019-ctp-archive)
QUESTION 8. Of all the parodies and jabs at financial markets and life, which do you consider the most on the nose as far as its representation in the comic goes?
7) the strips have made me realize in a way that this is another industry where basically theres lots of ridiculous junk going on in the background cause you can never remove human faults completely. cause when it comes to finance theres lots of advanced vocabulary and concepts being thrown around usually, so for someone untrained it can sound intimidating and hard to follow. i think these strips do a great job of humanizing things tho and showing that the concepts arent all that alien cause at the end they were created by humans and reflect the desires of humans in a way. 8) one of my faves that i think is totally on the nose is this one where the economist is telling p-bird about ppl on twitter debating him being ignorant. and that his facts and stuff will prevail but p-bird points out that wouldnt even work on the economist. and the economist goes home confused. i think this is way too true for what its like to argue on the internet and how facts and logic get infinitely buried for the sake of narrative.
Stefan G
Excellent analysis/comments, RebelVampire really constructive. The human element is everywhere and money is such an emotionally laden topic that it’s easy to get confused even without the unnecessary complicated vocabulary ...which is often misused even by so-called “professionals”. If my strip has helped you understand all of that and un-demonised the beast, you’ve made me a very happy man Yeah, the Twitter-Fact-Confusion strip is one of my more relatable strips ... I’ve given up on trying to change people’s minds with facts; if changing minds is possible, it can only be achieved through via emotions. It sounds more logical the other way around but that’s not how we work. Here’s a special academically oriented strip just for you, RebelVampire Enjoy
haven't been able to get all the way through the archive yet, but my answer to both #2 and #8 is the Regional Manager. I love all the characters, but there's something to be said for the simplicity of having a guy literally run around headless.
Stefan G
Thanks , snuffysam. I almost forgot about the regional manager. I have to bring him back to life; I also like him ... by the way, there are 308 strips in total.
Answer to Q7 => I can’t claim that any one strip has changed the way I think about life and/or other things ... however, I do believe that writing & drawing Offshore strips has reinforced in me some of the main ideas from my favourite author, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, who’s books have influenced me deeply [e.g. Black Swan, Antifragile, etc etc] ... luck versus skill, thinking about risk and stuff like that. I regularly come back to his books for inspiration and recommend his books & Twitter -feed. Here are two strips that highlight my point ...sort of
Answer to Q8 => wow tough question ... with 99 % of my strips I genuinely try to convey some message about basic human quirks and/or outright stupidities that actually take place on a regular basis when handling money + and then I add my own personal humours twist to it. Here are a few strips with the message never to buy something you don’t understand [a hint: they always have complicated names]...
QUESTION 9. What other finance related topics are you hoping to see the comic explore? Which characters are you hoping to see involved with the topic?
Stefan G
Answer to Q9 => As the creator of the strip I’m obviously biased to answer this question, but I’d love to hear what the new readers have to say. I don’t have a particular preference for any topic [except make fun of pompous forecasters ] ... but I feel myself wanting to write & draw more strips for the Markets-Weasel and Reto und Urs. And that’s surprisingly hard to do; forcing it doesn’t work [at least not for me] ... Offshore’s main characters were supposed to be Reto und Urs and somehow P-Bird and the Economist and the trader stole the show. I guess that happens when you get to know your characters better. Funny how that happens ... here’s one nostalgic strip from my early work that I really enjoy
Stefan G
Addition to Q9 => ... I’ve steadily build up an audience on Twitter [@NonMeek] which consist mainly of likeminded financial and/or other professionals ...hence, hearing the viewpoints from anyone outside that sphere would be awesome
QUESTION 10. What are you most looking forward to in the comic? Also, do you have any final thoughts to share overall?
9) idk about specific topics, but id like to see the CEO who i think appeared in like one strip. I'm really interested to see the CEO dynamic with the other characters in terms of finance. learn how they view what theyre doing, how they view what the others are doing, etc. but im all for bringing the regional manager back too cause i enjoyed that character as well. a lot of great humor picking fun at how some managerial positions are kind of ridiculous to even exist to a degree. 10) learning more, mostly. overall its nice to see a harder to cover topic in comics. ive enjoyed how approachable and humanized the strips make finances, and how they remind you that professionals can be like this and actually have no clue what theyre doing. @Stefan G that academic oriented strip you shared was actually one of my faves. not necessarily in college, but i see this a lot in the blogosphere where ppl do a thing once and try to pass themselves as qualified experts to deliver advice. XD
Stefan G
@RebelVampire Thanks again for your opinions. Those really help with the development of the strip ... finance is a hard topic indeed and there are no really finance oriented strips out there [that I know of anyway], which is funny cuz the industry is filled with emotions and mind blowing mental errors. I guess people still believe finance & investing is some sort of scientific discipline which it’s really not ... there are hardly any black & white answers to anything even though there’s lots and lots of historical data ... it’s time to fix that myth with Offshore I’m glad you enjoyed that academic strip. It resonated rather well on Twitter too
@RebelVampire [adding to my previous answer] ... I agree that the managers need to be reanimated and given another chance. I’ll try to do that and see how they resonate. I never know beforehand which characters will work and which will fizzle out; e.g. der Compliance Offizier is one of my favourite characters, yet, resonates weakly outside the banking circles ‍♂️ [I love the strip below ].
I would like to see more strips that cracks jokes about this very specific context of finances! Things like that strip about funds blowing up on day 252. I think that gives this comic its own flavor. Readers get to laugh about not just any kind of incompetent people, but incompetent people in this specific field. Readers with no background in finances don't know the context, so more strips that shed light on the context of the jokes would be great.
Stefan G
@keii4ii All valid and excellent points ... I genuinely try to write & design my cartoons in such a way that the joke is understandable even though you don’t know the context. It’s a hard thing to do ... my wife is my toughest critic and she tells me the same as you ... but keep following Offshore and I promise to come up with more stuff like that 252 strip
Answer to Q10 => My ambition with Offshore is to 1) amuse myself first and see if anyone shares my sense of humour [if a cartoon doesn’t amuse me, I don’t publish it]. It’s a splendid way of letting out some frustration from work ... and 2) to make investing & finance more approachable to the layperson by infusing some humour into it in the form of cartoons ... which by the way nobody thought of doing on a serious basis. Weird. However, to produce material on a semi-regular basis I figured that writing only gags/jokes is too much work and/or too shallow of an approach, hence, the characters in the strip need to be interesting/relatable enough in order to create humorous material by mere interaction with each other. That’s easier said than done. I’m quite satisfied with my characters so far but am continuously looking for new interesting characters to add to the strip [either permanently or impermanently]. Like Scott Adams once told me: “The trick with comics is to reflect the reader's own experience. To allow people to say, "That's me!" I’ll conclude with this sneak peek strip [only for you guys] that should relate to the experience of anybody working in a big corporation.
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about Offshore Comic this week! Please also give a special thank you to Stefan Gasic for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked Offshore Comic, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: http://www.offshorecomic.com/
Stefan’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/NonMeek
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heartsoftruth · 7 years
01- This is gonna be very long but I am mad. Don't wanna be rude but your anon that keep dragging up that stuff about Larysa.. IS CRAZY! first of all it was years ago and people start dragging that shit out now only to prove Ney is a bad person. And clearly she is just copying info from tabloids. Second I followed his private life much closer than remember what his friends and him and everyone that saw it were saying. He didn't invite HER there, he was generally inviting his friends in a GROUP
Anonymous said:02- whatsapp chat of about 20 ppl saying he misses them in Barca and to come whenever. When she and her friend were going to Barca they went cuz THEY wanted to go and see it for holidays and visit him while there were there. And Gil rought them over to the house, not Ney. And Ney agreed cuz they were friends and in the city and why not… You can’t see Laryssa in the photo as she is taking it. On the left next to Gil is her friend Any Alves (Who at the time was a minor and ren away to Barcelona
Anonymous said:03- parents, and was begging ppl not to spread pic with her when it all started.. lol.. moron, that alsone tells you they are trouble makers) Next to Ney is Tatiana, HIS friend that has nothing to do with those 2, she was there on work and is a serious person and not in public eye with no reason to lie. She was the first to say they caught him by surprise and were just guest for a day and nothing happened and they planned this. There wasn’t some “girls brought there and ordered not to take
Anonymous said:04- photos” like anon says. It was just her and her friend. Clearly Ney knew she is taking a pic but it was a friendly moment and he didn’t know bitch will send it to Brazil media.. THE SAME DAY. (or to a friend in Brazil that than spread it) and same day it was all over portals and same day Bruna saw it and broke up. Can you imagine how bad he must’ve felt to be used like that by someone he knows few years? He didn’t even have time to explain to Bruna what happened. And he didn’t sue Laryssa
Anonymous said:05- right away he told her to stay out of his private life and what did she do? Got back to Brazil and went doing interview and talk shows talking about it on and on, inventing things and literally changing her story and details 4-5 times!!! She even said how he didn’t sue her yet but maybe will and she knows all of this mess is her fault bla bla bla.. and still continued doing it. There are still interviews of her on youtube. Chick is crazy she was doing that almost till 2016.
Anonymous said:06- She also said she didn’t have anything with him at first, but later said she did and when fans started attacking her that he was in relationship she said oh but it was years ago. She also said he paid for them to get there, later said her concise is clear she was just there on holiday on her own with friend and invited over by someone else (Gil). Gil and Ney even had a fight over it and unfollowed each other for a short time then. I am sure Gil didn’t mean for all of this to happen.
Anonymous said:07- So many lies… So of course when that shit was dragged on tv and she was enjoying fame even saying now she’s ready for new career, he sued her for using him name and lying. who wouldn’t?? I would! Your anon should investigate the shit they are saying before talking smth they don’t know about. Stop making him the devil all the time. I totally feel sorry for that boy surrounded by this piranhas. :(((
LOL, well this is probably why I had so many question the last time *cough* and the reason why I always do my own ‘research’ with things like this haha*
But what was said in those audios she released? Do you know that? I mean she can she this or that but those audios can’t be lies. 
SO you’re saying - like Tatiana said in that article - Laryssa is indeed a leach who’s out for fame? But on the other hand Bruna immediately believed some tabloid rumors of Ney having girls over/cheating - who dont look sleazy or anything just normal girls - in a heartbeat and ended it with him… I mean good that she didnt do that after that Playboy ta gata-gate from a week ago then. But it does show the fragile state they were in. But I feel you. It was someone who he knew long and if she really screwed him over I can’t imagine how me must feel. But sadly he has had these kind of things happen to him after this incident too. Let’s hope he now has finally learned his lesson.  
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kosmicdream · 8 years
On a possible light note....did Simon ever get that spike dick???
Uh YEAH. for like.. what.. 20 solid years???? then on and off during the 30 years that followed. Knife and Spoon didn’t live together anymore during those last 30, tho.. But, they’d have a tumultuous secret confusing drama romance. Like..Sometimes Knife would just show up in Spoon’s apartment!!! at 3 am after giving Spoon the cold shoulder for like 3 weeks. This was both terrifying annoying and terrifyingly erotic for spoon, he was conflicted.
See like. the thing that happened… the MANY things that happened.. is that Spoon wasn’t kicked out of the apartment at -first.- He really tried to give it a shot… after being threatened.. But.. he couldn’t stop himself from being, bad. At the whole.. Being around a kid thing. Altho fork at first, was more of a weird pet furball dog?? Who was violent and like, Spoon had no patience for discipline. What made it worse is that Knife straight up wouldnt ever allow kissies and stuff around the kid. And they barely had any privacy cuz fork would just show up in bed!!!!!! so like. Spoon was almost 24/7 vibrating with lack of not only sexy touchies but also regular affection couple touchies. It was only for SPECIAL private times and that was really difficult w/ a hyperactive kid that is constantly getting into trouble. So for Spoon, It was a little unbearable…
His brain would be just firing off sexy scenarios CONSTANTLY which made knife be like CAN YOU NOT THINK ABT THIS.. ALL THE TIME because, knife’s basically a telepath. but spoon just couldnt not think about it. and then to make it worse is that Fork seemed to be able to sense Spoon’s feelings too and like. That freaked Knife out a lot. He did not want that around Fork.And like.. Spoon understood that a bit…kind of.. That he was a bit much. So he agreed to move out. He tried to make it seem like he wasnt being forcefully kicked out but it still kinda was because he wasnt allowed back without Knife’s approval. Knife also didn’t like to listen to Spoon’s opinions on how to raise the kid. So it made Spoon feel more like he was not involved anyway. Spoon was angry at knife like why did u even want me here in the first place huh?
And at that point their relationship was so vague, weird, Spoon didnt know if he was in the process of being dumped or maybe he had already been dumped and like.. he was so upset.. Anyway, Spoon started to sleep around because he could not handle the lack of attention anymore. He and Knife were very like.. exclusive? Romantically/Sexually.. And well. Knife didn’t appreciate this. He inferred it as cheating even tho they were sort of on “break.” Spoon felt very guilty over it but he tried to make his case that he made it very clear he wasn’t able to … do this!!!! be so exclusive while also not getting enough attention!!! Long distance flirting texting random nightime or office hookups are fine but it was always determined by Knife’s schedule and Knife’s schedule is random, incoherent and vague as fuck.
The thing that Spoon was always confused about is that Knife, the most serious about his rules and forgives no one, always.. kinda let.. Spoon get away with things that he thought never would..fly? like.. Basically Cheated on Knife by sleeping w/ other people.. yet.. Knife didnt cut Spoon out of his life. He’d get upset n not talk to him for a while but then theyd go back to talking every day, all day (They texted a lot even after Spoon moved out.)  N knife would try to adjust things abt their relationship while also not .. expressing why he felt hurt about certain things and that made it difficult for the healing to actually HAPPEn because spoon could not get him to directly open up, just would have to read between the lines to discern how Knife felt.. n Knife would apologize abt not being able to say things. then Spoon would be like well!!! its really me who should be apologizing! im the one who fucked up. hahaha.
But he couldnt. He didn’t know how, still. (That’d be the closest thing he could do besides pointing out how bad he was all the time.)
…..There’s a lot more to this part of the story, but I’ll save it for the comic.
Knife/Spoon were still very much a couple even tho they had difficult barriers between themselves (and living separately) for those 30 years following Fork’s arrival. Spoon wasnt exclusive to Knife w/ his sex life anymore but he still didnt.. even get crushes on anyone else. Cash was p much the closest thing because he grew to care abt her a lot.. but they were just best buddies.
Knife seemed to have no one else.  (Did he? who knows…) Once Fork got old enough he would try to get dates for Knife b/c he could tell his dad was incredibly lonely but, Knife was Knife and didn’t like anyone. He only wanted Spoon. He spent many nights laying in bed alone and with his hand patting the empty space next to him and wondering when Spoon would just officially move on to someone else. Part of him probably even wanted Spoon to do that, because it would be “better” for Spoon. But that feeling would also make him sick.
As Fork got more independent he felt more and more useless as his caregiver and wondered how he could piece his romantic life back together w/ his special person, knowing it could never be how it used to be. Wanting to just go back to how it was, somehow, While still including his new life in it. Knowing that he didnt know how to juggle his new insecurities and jealousy involving Spoon. He didn’t really know how to feel attractive anymore.. that was weird again. (it always is a bit weird but now it was just bottom of the barrel.) Spoon had so many friends now, maybe even more than he did before. He was popular around the office and Knife didn’t even bother doing his laundry anymore, now that Fork moved out too. Then Spoon would comment on that (with concern but also kind of teasing) and he’d feel embarrassed and sulky and go mope on the roof like a brooding anime guy. He didn’t even know why he was there. He felt useless to Fork and Spoon. He couldn’t even ask his own dad for advice because the dude mentally evaporated hundreds of years ago and there was No way he was going to ask Cash for help. Especially when Spoon was currently fucking her!!! lol!!! He fucking hates that robot, honestly. That has never ..changed in all this time.
Fork saw the signs better than Spoon did. He tried to push Knife to talk abt them and would show up at Knife’s place to cheer him up. Hed even stay over a few days and suggest living w/ Knife again. But Knife didn’t want that either. and it was extra awkard whenever Fork wanted to bring ppl over cuz Knife Didnt Like Noisy Company At All. So Fork had to just respect his NotmyDad’s wishes and give him space. Fork even tried to ask Spoon about ti and Spoon was mostly offended that Fork somehow could tell “something was up” as if FORK knew KNIFE better than him. Excuse me?????????? Fuck you Ill always hate you stupid hairball who ruined my life flips a desk kicks a foot stomps out of the room bitterly
Then Knife… vanished and Fork was like shit I knew it and Spoon unraveled .. and unraveled……..and eventually Boom’d as more reports came in that he was likely dead. Bad bad times.
BUt hey as we all know Knife is actually alive so let’s see how this all turns out huh?
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