#cuz s1 was just disjointed a little
adhdhiguchi · 2 years
I watched and caught up with bungou stray dogs (even wan!) And I see why it has the reputation of really confusing at first but compelling
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herobrinna · 1 year
ok so ive spammed my friend with toh thoughts a bit to much so time to ramble here i suppose. (sorry in advance thisll be very disjointed and go from one random point to another).
my main take away from the finale is that it felt a bit... hollow?
like dont get me wrong, the animation was so fucking good. getting more titan and collector lore was also so cool (and hellooo The Titan being such a genderqueer royal? absolutely love how natural toh rep is, like its just thrown out there and no one questions it, just how shit is, absolutely bangers- *gets shot*). and aaaa, the aged up re-designs of all the characters are so good, especially like the detail how all the hexsquad have a flapjack tattoo.
yet there are so many bits that just feel off? like they couldve been handle better (even with the cut runtime the show had).
first lets start with the Collector who just got done dirty, like their whole arc was about the fear of being alone again, yet at the end they decided to leave? just like that? like would it not make more sense for him to stay with Eda, to learn to control his powers better and make new friends. especially them leaving to "mature" or whatever doesnt really make sense, like how can they grow as a person if they dont interact with others, if they dont get exposed to different opinions and believes and all that.
and i dont really like Collie, but it still feels like he deserved better, especially after taking up so much runtime.
actually you know what wouldve made the show better? not introducing the Collector in the first place.
no but think about it, why waste so much runtime on a character that didnt even exist before the show was cut (and thus had very little foreshadowing and buildup to his introduction) and then to not even give them a sweeter ending?
if anything the show shouldve stuck with the Day of Unity being the true finale. like honestly if DoU happened over the 3 specials they actually had plenty of time to flesh out all the existing characters further, maybe there could have been even a little more time for more slice of life moments. but then the whole bit with Collie just feels likes taking away precious time, that his character could have only worked if the show wasnt cut, but if it wasnt cut he wouldnt have existed in the first place, so man idk.
and on the topic of the DoU, holy shit Belos got done dirty, im actually mildly mad at his demise.
like it just overall doesnt make sense thematically.
like, ok this is gonna be hard to phrase, and i would like to straight away say i dont think Belos should ever be redeemed, just gonna use other characters redemptions as example.
so toh throughout its enite runtime is really set on showing that everyone deserves a second chance for as long as they want and are willing to change. we see this with Lilith who was pretty much immediately redeemed at the beginning of s2, and whilst many people say it was rushed, or she didnt deserve it, i think otherwise. like throughout s1 she only tries to get Eda into the Emperor's coven out of the belief that Belos will cure her, cuz yknow, she feels really fucking guilty for cursing her sister, and even then she doesnt really force Eda that much into joining, like there are many moments of weakness were Lilith couldve dragged Eda to the emperor, but she didnt, she gave Eda many chances to join on her own. and again the only reason she even wanted Eda to be in the coven was to right her mistake of cursing her. so after going through that guilt for years of course shed be forgiven quickly, as she showed that she wants to change, be better and all that.
we see this with Hunter as well, though his redemption was more gradual, yet still his past wrongs arnt brought up, like how he patronised Eda and Luz during his first meeting, or attacked Amity in eclipse lake, cuz he was also doing shit out of the belief of helping people, and clearly wanted to change for the better, so why bring up his past wrongs when hes a better person now and all that.
why bring this up?
well with Belos toh brought up an interesting dilemma, what do you do with a person that doesnt want to change, thats stuck in a loop of his short sighted beliefs in a system thats ready to accept and help anyone that tries to change regardless of their past?
and the answer to that being to just kill him?
like how does that solve anything? he died thinking he was in the right, that witches are still spawns of satan or whatever tf. it just feels like it goes against what the show established.
now dont get me wrong, the scene of him trying to manipulate Luz for the millionth time and her just staring him down completely unfazed is amazing, it says more than any actual words could ever. what isnt is then Raine, Eda and King immediately stomping him afterwards, which again, just proofs Belos' point that witches are "evil" from his perspective. (how did he even die from that when even mf Collie wasnt able to kill him? and ne got hit by a car and that *still* didnt kill him either, it just feels like he shouldve survived that)
so imagine if instead of them stomping him down they decided to imprison him, that will of course also have the effect of saving him from the boiling rain. so now Belos has to live with the fact that it was witches that saved him, the same witches he'd never show that kind of mercy to, the same witches he would murder the second he got the chance, and what makes it worse is the fact that the human, the one he oh so creepily obsessed over didnt even do anything, wouldve left him suffer in the boiling rain if she had the choice.
and just generally, letting him actually *live* with the consequences of his actions would have been so much more fitting. like dying is easy, wayy too easy, an escape from consequences, but actually living with said consequences, well thats delightfully horrific.
and his death isnt the only way that they done him dirty, the Titan also basically just said that Belos is just evil and theres nothing more too it, when there literally is?? like hello what were all thos Hollow Mind paintings for if not to show that Belos aint just pure evil, how he is a victim of shitty circumstances, yet how despite that it doesnt excuse the extent to which he took shit to.
and the just forgot about that?
... oh right, they forgot the memory paintings even existed untill someone posted their own redraws of them, no wonder they fucked Belos' character up so much :/
man im getting tired from rambling this much lol
but overall its just toh has so many missed opportunities, i could go on and on about them, although not like my rambles make any sense probably, and many people have def explained similar point much better so im just gonna shit up now.
(and of course im gonna rewrite this for my oc x Belos au <3 )
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fleurdelisgigi · 7 years
Wine fueled rant about Shameless that spiraled out of control
Ok so it has been a long while since I’ve made a Gallavich post, I’m still salty and I don’t plan on watching this new season, though as it grows near I am looking forward to reading @koganphrancis ’s scathing episode reviews that gave me life through Season 7.
So here is the thing that really bothers me and I think it is one of the main reasons the writers think they can get away with their bull shit and it comes from the seasonal promotional posters. For the past, Imma say, 3 or 4 seasons the main posters for them only include 3 characters (the ones shown on everything), the three characters that the shows creators some how think are the most popular. Lip, Fiona and Frank.
And where they are fucking wrong is that these aren’t actually the most interesting characters in this fucking show.
Lip is an arrogant asshole, Fiona… to be honest I don’t even know who she is anymore but all of her plots are “I’m going to take care of myself for a change” and revolve around which ever hot dick shes fucking, then there’s Frank who hasn’t had an interesting or relevant plot since Season 4 (where I would argue they should have fucking KILLED him, but he’s William H. Macy…so, you know, they cant?)
* Also random side note, if they and him were locked into some kind of 7 season contract I would have fucking saved the whole LIVER FAILER plot for the seventh season! For real cuz if anyone knows anything about hospital politics a LIFE LONG ALCOHOLIC would not have gotten a new liver. Period. I mean just watch some House episodes and you can see how the whole fucking board of directors have to come together and debate about the god damn donor list, if a person shows signs of heavy alcohol/ drug abuse or suicidal tendencies they are not given a top spot. ALSO WHERE THE FUCK DID THE HOSPITAL BILLS GO????
SO anyways, I’ve been reading stuff, sleuthing in the fandom like a phantom and I have some opinions.
Firstly about how Mickey and Ian’s break up and how its totally and completely fucking out of left field. I think that the negotiations, like last year, were going on during filming/around the time editing and filming was being wrapped up. I’m not sure what went down but that scene is so disjointed and the aftermath and the Sammi thing, I think that was all thrown together last minute as a way to write Mickey/Noel off (in a terrible, poorly written, petty way).
In some previous interview, JW stated that Gallavich was endgame and that he thought they were going to be the sort of “Stable” couple on the show.
I think the original intention was going to be that Sammi was dead. Boom.
*That would have probably been either a main plot point in season 6 or it would have been sort of fleetingly mentioned as a thing then it would have gone away.
I think that Ian was supposed to come back from his field trip to insanity with Monica and have a sort of heart to heart with Mickey
*Ian shows up at Milkovich house
M: Where the hell you been?
I: with Monica…
M:…You ok?
I: ‘Nods with teary eye’
Gallavich hugs
then they would just have one of their nonverbal moments with the tone of “We’ll figure this shit out together” and that would have been that. Episode ends.
And then the train wreck that is 6, 7 and most likely 8 was spawned with Noel being gone. Cuz here is the THING. Fiona ISNT INTERESTING, her plots ARNT INTERESTING. In the UK version Fiona left with Jimmy/Steve Season 1 (not that I am saying the US version should stay true or that the UK version is better, to be honest I don’t really enjoy the UK version). I don’t think she should have but I feel like if you are going to keep this character you should at least have a FUCKING PLAN of where you want her to FUCKING end up. Cuz season 1 Fiona, she was fucking great, I liked her, she was on my list of people I liked. I stilled liked her in Season 2, then Season 3 she started to annoy me, then FUCK season 4 Fiona and now she is just…..terrible. Season 5 Fiona I could tell they were really loosing touch with who she was.
*Another side note tid bit – her opening scene in Season 5 told me all I needed to know, her plot was going to revolve around some new fucking dick. We get this random ass scene with some guy we don’t know as a way of introducing him and letting us know that Fiona’s plot this season was going to be her desire to date this guy. Then her plot was literally, Ooooo this foreign lead singer is hot, My boss is hot, The lead singer is an asshole but his friend and base player is hot, my boss thinks I’m a Chaos junky, let me marry this base player I don’t know etc. etc. etc. There is no growth of character, there is no resolution, its just….. bullshit, its BULLSHIT
Then there is Lip who they fucking lost touch with…. Man I don’t even know because I never really liked Lip, he’s an arrogant piece of shit and to me has never redeemed himself AT ALL. To be honest I rather enjoyed watching him spiral out of control but that’s not my point. My point is that Lip has the same character/ plot issues as FUCKING FIONA its just reversed. Lip’s plots revolve around what ever new fresh PUSSY he’s fucking. And it took me a little while to figure that out, figure out that that’s why he isn’t interesting, not just because I don’t like him, not just because he’s an entitled arrogant douche, but because he has no PERSONAL GROWTH PLOT ITS ALL ABOUT THE GIRL HES FUCKING.
I could argue that with Fiona maybe it was hard to find a plot for her, what is she doing if not caring for the kids or fucking some new guy? Do I agree with that notion? No, but I can see it. With Lip, though? No, I don’t fucking buy it, he could have just had a “Stuggling in college” plot…there was just, no need to make it about some girl, Now I… don’t hate Amanda but for real? S1 Lip -Karen, S2 Lip – Karen and  Him being an idiot/Pregnancy, S3 Lip – Mandy, S4 Lip – Amanda, S5 Lip- Amanda/Helen, S6 Lip- Helen, S7 Lip- Sierra. Now I am not saying that there shouldn’t be any romance, I’m not advocating that Lip and Fiona should always be single. What I am saying is that Amanda and Helen and Sierra are totally unnecessary. Lip’s spiraling out of control plot could have just been him realizing he isn’t as much of a genius that he fucking thought he was, hes fucking failing in college BOOM that is an interesting fucking plot, the girls don’t think hes the shit anymore BOOM that is some build up to a persons fucking identity crisis. It just never made any SCENSE to me that Amanda would just suddenly be like… fuck my boyfriend I like his roommate cuz he has a little brother he takes care of. It just came out of left field for me and I didn’t get it. I really just…. didn’t get it, still don’t even with the weird plot with her wanting to piss off her dad, I NEVER GOT IT. Season 4 could have been the beginning of the end- it could have been him feeling lost, failing classes- no friends- no girls- shitty roommate, the struggle, then instead of him using Liam like a Chick Magnate they could have showed how FUCKING difficult it is to try and go to school and having a FUCKING child with you (a struggle that many women and men actually fucking face while trying to get a degree with out being able to afford child care). The whole Helen thing, ok maybe, that could have stayed as the catalyst that drives Lip to his rock bottom but…. Sierra? No, she just….. GOD, Season fucking 7 could have been about him attempting to GET SOBER WITH OUT ANY PUSSY.
Any-fucking-way, lets move on to Frank. Oh Franky-Franky-Frank. S1-4 Frank had something he did, and when they gave him Liver failure that should have been the end but no, they got him a liver and now his plots are just… comical stupidity? Season 5 Frank is… just making beer? Then meets Bianca who dies, Then Season 6 Frank is just a fucking asshole and that Queenie chick shows up, Season 7 Frank is…. making a new family of homeless people? Then Monica shows up? Its just random shit. I will be totally honest here, I stopped paying much attention to Franks shit Season 5, it was just so damn BORING. HE IS BORING. HIS PLOTS ARE ALWAYS BORING EVEN FROM THE BEGINGING. He is just this looming piece of shit in their lives and that’s all well and good, he sort of keeps them together in a way and I’m fine with his shitty boring plots because they were the sort of “comic relief to the show” and I’m not saying they need to kill him off or make him have better plots, whatever, my point is HE IS NOT INTERESTING, he should not be a MAIN that the show revolves around. As the random drunk father who comes in and out and is comic relief he is great but he is not the most interesting character in the show and he should not be who they focus all of their plot attention to.
So, with this in mind though. The writers act and think that these three are the show, the MAINS of the show and they for some reason think that LIP, FIONA, and FRANK are the reason people watch. So they put their energy into thinking of SHITTY plots for those three and then the other characters got tossed to the side and their plots are some how EVEN worse. Carl for example finally got a decent plot I guess with the whole military school thing (but he seems to be around for season 8 and this Meth bullshit sooooooooo, I guess he’s not doing that anymore????? I really only watched S7 for Mickey’s return and payed little to no attention to ANYONE else besides Ian, and I’ve not been all over the new promos and stuff, haven’t even watched the trailers or anything) but I hated his whole….drug lord thing is S6 HATED IT, I was SO PISSED WHEN THEY SENT HIM TO JUVIE OH MY GOHD.
Anyways, Debbie’s fucking baby plot…. I could see it, ok. I could. She has been one of those girls who wants to be older and that had been building for a while, the whole dad’s family wanting to take the baby thing I could have really lived without, though. But I’m….. not…… mad……….I………guess. I’m not happy with it…..but……I could see how it went that direction. Not a fan of so much of her plot though, it went really weird in S5. The whole Matty thing was just…… I hated that they decided to make Debbie into like…. what they did season 4. It really fucked her up and the direction they took her while believable I really wish they went a different route. Also I wish they hadn’t made her a fucking RAPIST. That would have been great.
Then poor fucking LIAM who they obviously have NO FUCKING CLUE what to do with. I mean…..he never fucking talks. Hes supposed to be like 7 now and he just says random cliché tocken black shit????? I just can’t even. Coming from a Biracial girl who grew up with her white mom mostly….um no. I’m not sure what I would have done with him, but I would hope the writers would put some kind of fucking effort into his character and plot, give him a quirk besides that fact that hes BLACK. Cuz that was his quirk when he was a baby, now he needs a fucking PERSONALITY. Like in the beginning when Carl and Debbie were young. Debbie was the sweet on and Carl was the kind of a sociopath weirdo. GIVE LIAM A PERSONALITY QUIRK THAT AS HE AGES YOU CAN GROW FROM. Like make him super good in school, or like the new Debbie in that he is really sweet ( I could really see that being a good direction to go in, in that, there are no 'sweet’ Gallagers anymore) and comforting. I don’t fucking know just give him something to fucking BE. I swear S1 Carl had no plot besides him being kind of weird and violet but they WORKED with it and made him one of my FAVS, fucking loved Carl’s development.
The Balls and the Thrupple was some bull shit. I’m not even going to break that down.
Now we move on to sweet sweet Ian and I have ranted about him before so I’ll try to keep this bit short and sweet. THERE IS SO MUCH FUCKING POTENTIAL WITH IAN. I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD. But because they didn’t know how to write him with out Mickey anymore and how to write him dealing with his FUCKING BIPOLAR they decided to let him fall into the same fucking pit that Lip and Fiona are in where his fucking plot revolves around SOME NEW DICK. You see in S4 the fucking point of view shifted from Ian to Mickey and they had a fucking ROUGH time figuring out how to shift it the fuck back. Now Ian’s plots haven’t been all about him either, in Season 1 it was about him being gay and Kash and Mickey but, just like the rest of them, he actually had a personality that we were being introduced to, then S2 we didn’t see Mickey much but we knew they were together and we got more of just Ian and we got to know him more, same in S3 (this doesn’t just go for Ian btw, in S1-S3 we got a lot more growth and understanding of the characters beyond the dick/pussy they were fucking, there was just a lot more good meaty shit going on plot wise) Anyways, Ian got reduced to the “token gay” and just….. it just fucking sucked man. Everything sucked. I mean fuck, I can’t even explain how much I hate the jail scene. Or the fucking SHIFT OF GAY FIREFIGHTERS. UM FUCKING SERIOUSLY?????
*fucking side note tid bit! Fucking NO ok that isn’t a thing that exists in reality ok. I can totally buy the Gay baseball game thing, I can see that being a thing that happens (though making Tony gay….I really didn’t think that was super funny???? I don’t know, I can see him discovering that he was gay mainly because he had been a virgin for so long buuuuut his whole “Your sister made me gay” thing? I just wasn’t amused), you know, the gay firefighters and gay cops doing a thing like that, just like I can imagine female firefighters and female cops doing something like that. But the shift? WHO thought that was funny?WHO I WANT TO KNOW WHO
I think they had a whole plot lined up for Ian and Mickey. I think S6 was going to be them working on getting Ian medicated and on the right path and dealing with that.
THEY HAVE SO MUCH POTENTIAL WITH THESE CHARACTERS but they are ignoring it in favor of OTHERS. They make Fiona and Frank’s boring ass plots the main fucking focus along with Lip and there is so much potential in EVERYONE ELSE but they just…. don’t do anything good with them.
I’m drinking wine and this has gotten out of control, I don’t even know what the main point to this is supposed to be besides I think the writers focus too much on 3 boring characters and thus make ridiculous shitty plots for everyone else and they have totally lost touch with what the show is supposed to be about! It used to be about a family living SHAMELESSLY they were proud of their heritage and their life. They loved who they were! Fiona was a shameless hood girl taking care of the family and trying to keep them all afloat, Lip was the genius who would rather stay where he was then be the “golden goose”, Ian was the responsible middle child who wanted to go into the army- in love with the neighborhood thug and loved his life, Debbie was sweet and the shining beacon of goodness and innocence in their life, Carl was the wild one with sociopathic tendencies, Liam was the baby (haha), Frank was the shitty alcoholic father and Monica was the bipolar mother who abandoned them. But there was still family here, here was connection and strength and love. Loyalty and Shamelessness. SHAMELESSNESS. That was the fucking point.
Now whats the point? SHAME? They're all trying to become some kind of middle class bullshit? I just……. I don’t know what this show is anymore and it makes me sad.
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more malec livewatch, everyone! i decided to start making the posts separately instead of keeping reblogging the same one over and over because i don’t want to drive everyone crazy with that gigantic fucking post. you can read the first ones here and i’ll keep updating the posts to lead to the next ones i guess. also im tagging it malec livewatch for those who want to avoid this nonsense
so let’s brave pre-wedding episode 12 i guess
oh boy.... we’re gonna do it... we’re gonna experience the Maximum Cringe
the special effects are so BAD odaijsdoaj when he summons the wine into Alec’s hand it’s just...... god
“we never finished our conversation” i mean you were the one who finished it magnus so wtf are you going on about
“it’s about family, tradition, honor” yeah we get it zuko boi duoahsiudhdiusa
really tho like he’s so clearly just.... reciting it. taking some shit out off the top of his head about how it’s the right thing and it’s sad tbh
he clearly kinda already has a script too? like “you and I understand marriage very differently” he says it right off the bat, he’s been thinking it over and hghgghgh
magnus goes near alec and alec swallows immediately and magnus ain’t even making a move to touch him yet. just diuahsdah it’s so obvious how hard he’s trying to hold back here
“you’re confusing me” is like the only thing he says the whole scene that sounds genuine
he’s paying so much attention to magnus’ dumb little speech about what love feels like too like. he’s trying to hold back but he’s very clearly pulled in, and i don’t even think it’s by magnus specifically (i mean obviously cuz have you seen him) but because he... kind of wants to hear it, kind of wants magnus to give him some golden argument that will make his whole resolution shatter. except he doesn’t because he doesn’t know what he’ll do then, but he’s still hoping for something and it’s sad
like how magnus clearly pauses like he’s waiting for alec’s reaction too, like. alec makes to leave and magnus doesn’t go after him, but he speaks, and alec stops. only when alec stops he gets closer. only when alec looks at him, clearly waiting to hear more, does he begin to talk again. i dig that even if most of this scene is kinda ugh to me
i hate how he uses his magic tho like what’s the point?? like yes i know that magic “can’t create feelings” but still dauhdsa it kinds feels like he’s cheating or trying to manipulate alec or something and i’m.. not into how the whole thing is done
oof hate how alec says “this is all just a game to you, isn’t it?” like bitch you know damn well it’s not like he’s putting himself at risk and showing you so much vulnerability and i hate how he goes for the whole “oh magnus doesn’t care about anything he’s just a seductive lothario” narrative in here lowkey. like i know he’s just trying to distance himself and he doesn’t fully believe it but... aaaaa i hate it
and he’s so HURT by alec’s words too like the rejection doesn’t hurt him as much as hearing alec say that he just flirts and it means nothing to him does. he’s trying so fucking hard to be open and honest and taking such a RISK (psychological, emotional, even physical) and alec is just throwing all of that bullshit persona he’s actively trying not to hide behind in his face, belittling all his efforts and feelings, and aaa
like again i don’t really blame alec but he truly is so hurt
still wonder what alec was about to say when he turned around to talk to him and magnus wasn’t there anymore tbh like. probably something else to try and distance himself so it’s probably good magnus left and isn’t there to hear it and it kind of forces alec to really think it over to himself instead of trying to argue but...... i do wonder what he was going to say diahsiduahdisah
magnus doesn’t even answer the whole “this means nothing to you” veiled accusation which.... also hurts like idk if he’s trying to avoid a fight or derailing like alec clearly is trying to, or if he just is too tired to have this argument, or if he just doesn’t want to open up this much, but either way he doesn’t acknowledge it except for his hurt look and oof
no one cares about jace and clary talking or whatever’s happening here next
i had never noticed the way magnus winks at clary when he says “oh, it’s happy hour somewhere, my dear” daishdaiuh it’s kinda cute tbh
hodge is so uncomfortable like the way he talks to magnus and gets too close to him... in a way that he doesn’t with anyone else either like he’s clearly just lowkey despising him/getting into his space and magnus notices too and it gives me the heebie jeebies
diuhaiudsahduaishdai magnus’ IMMEDIATE reaction of “why is ragnor fell there, he’s not more powerful than me” asohdaiudha we stan bickering bffs i truly love them so much
“he’s older than you” “certainly not wiser” daiohsahda
i think he might also be lowkey trying to protect ragnor and take the clave’s attention away from him now that i think about it but still i love their bickering
nah that’s cancelled he immediately rats him out on having been jocelyn’s profesor lmaoo
“that’s why he hasn’t been responding to my fire messages” daoihdsaiohads someone needs to lick their wounds
he’s just like “oh ragnor is hiding in his specific safehouse outside of london” like daoiusduaihdasuda love how he just knows that off the top of his head when ragnor clearly didn’t actually tell him about it since he just fucked off and hasn’t been responding
“didn’t know you were here” “that was the point” doaiuhdasiouhdaiuhdas
like i know he’s talking about the marriage but also.... just mood in general tbh
again with the eye flickering. hes looking at magnus, no hes not, yeah he is, haha SIKE, oh there it is again, nope it’s gone..... kinda funny cuz like i know that alec’s eyes flicker a lot in general but afterwards when they are together every time he looks at magnus it’s just so pointed and intense and focused on him so the contrast of watching the s1 scenes and realizing how little his glances at magnus always lasted is... interesting and heartbreaking. like obviously he doesn’t want to be looking at any man for too long, doesn’t want to take that risk, keeps hyper aware of his attraction at all times, but he still can’t help the glances and then when he can look he just does it so unapologetically and intensely and you can tell that it’s just. intimate to him (to both of them really) right then, and wow
i know we talk a lot about alec’s Big Hands but magnus’ hands are so nice too in like a totally different way... anytime he holds anything it just looks like he’s treating it like it’s precious, it’s so delicate and careful and his hands are smooth and pretty and wow i love him so fucking much
wow can’t believe nothing heartbreaking at all happens when they go to ragnor’s house and that ragnor just winks at magnus like “haha yes i am ‘dead’” and magnus is like “yes, this is a lie and a ruse and also a plan. i am perfectly aware that ragnor is not dead at all”
ragnor says “my dear friend, i will always be here for you” with so much honesty and love and ugh i love them like they’re always little bitches to each other but they still have the room to be perfectly loving and honest with each other and i stan
ragnor looks at magnus with so much fucking hurt when magnus says “i prayed she would love me the same” like you can tell it destroys him to even remember it or think about it and aaa
“he was always so much better looking than you” and the way magnus purses his lips in what is clearly a smile like he just knows it’s the teasing and he loves ragnor and their dynamic and i just daouhdsauida also he’s so beautiful boy i die
the way ragnor says “someday, someone will come and will tear down those walls you put around you and around your heart” and magnus looks at him with so much. fucking PAIN in his eyes because someone did but it got nowhere and in the end alec just kind of acknowledged his walls again and went back to pretending that it never happened and that magnus didn’t progress or open up to it at all, that magnus was just lying, that it’s just a game and dauhdaiudha god he’s so HURT
again i owe harry shum jr my entire life like he might be seriously the best actor i’ve ever seen in any show, he’s so damn expressive and talented in every little motion he’s truly a pearl in the desert of shit that is this show
“even in death, you give the best advice” ugh love how this really cements that magnus is used to opening up to ragnor and even with their bickering there’s so much room for them to be emotionally honest like we stan
anyway sure wish this had any emotional continuity whatsoever but at least the cringefest is over. onto an actual good scene fucking finally
love every little detail about this scene as yall probably already know so i’ll try not to point every single one of them out yet again but who knows if i’ll succeed. i bet that i won’t tbh
love the contrast between alec looking so tense when lydia comes down the aisle and she’s like all smiles and shit
she’s before him and he can barely look at her like his eyes flicker a bit between her and the bouquet and he settles on the bouquet this whole thing is so... wrong so clearly, like i could show it to someone who doesn’t know shit about sh and they would be able to tell that nothing fits
even alec’s clothes are weird, like idk i don’t understand fashion but his look looks so disjointed, like the blazer doesn’t really match the pants, the bowtie looks weird and doesn’t match the buttons, and shit and nothing about him looks like it’s in the right place. and everyone else (except maybe izzy who also looks miserable lmao) looks like a perfect picture and he’s just.... idk there’s this aura of wrongness around him that’s subtle but really well done in the terms of costume and shit. the costume department really went off in this whole scene honestly like we stan. possibly the only ones other than the actors who knew what the fuck they were doing lmao
when lydia smiles at izzy and izzy barely moves up the corner of one of her lips dajdasnjdan she looks even more miserable than alec does and god i love the lightwood siblings so much like i truly do. she’s supporting him because she’s decided she’s not going to keep pushing him when it only leads to him not trusting her but she’s all broken that he’s broken, and she was willing to take his place and throw her life away even when that’s everything she’s always tried to avoid, just so he wouldn’t have to do this, and aaaaa
who cares about jace and clary looking at each other @directing team like seriously get over this
he turns in the direction of the silent brother in an almost kind of jerking motion like he completely forgot about where he was supposed to go or something, like again he’s just... not in it
they are holding hands in the WEIRDEST possible way too like there’s so much distance between them it’s almost funny ldaojsja
he tries to smile at lydia when she’s about to put the rune on his arm like he knows she knows that he’s hating this and he’s just bearing it and trying to not make her uncomfortable? like doajdsaoj
the way that magnus INTERRUPTS not just the wedding but also the chorus, you could tell there was a crescendo coming even if you’ve never heard the song, but magnus pushes the doors open and suddenly it stops and there’s this little bit and then the “tututututu” of tension as he comes into view and his steps perfectly match the three little beats that were already there before, but sound so much louder and more prominent like a heartbeat, like before they were muffled and now they’re real??? the poetic cinema bro
ill just never get over the way they used song here it sounds like an AMV like the song isn’t just giving the vibe, they are telling the story THROUGH the song and the whole scene is basically a coreography, and the song is the narrative, and holy shit i love it so much could you imagine if they had used this amount of thought and genius and clever storytelling the whole show?? i’d shit myself
ugh the DRAMA of magnus’ look again i KNOW i’ve been over this again and again and again and again and again and again but i just. i love how they used his makeup & costume to accentuate magnus’ 1- face, 2- eyes, 3- jaw, and 4- adam’s apple. the whole focus is on his face and eyes (which again so expressive we stan harry shum jr in this house), the fact that his eyes are his WARLOCK MARK (yeah they’re not out but like we’re still drawing attention to the part of magnus he tries to hide the most, and the part of him that marks what makes him disdainful to shadowhunters), the fact that his jaw and adam’s apple are so prominent. his whole face looks really sharp and masculine you know?? like the whole focus is on everything about him that’s supposed to be “wrong” and make malec “wrong” but he’s never looked more beautiful (IT’S SUCH AN UNDERRATED LOOK) and they didn’t sacrifice his gnc-ness for it either, on the contrary, they gave his hair the hot pink streak which. INSPIRED WE STAN, and the makeup is very clear (again esp around his eyes) which of course only adds to it because he’s not just a man, he’s a gnc man and that makes it “worse”, but also like, i like how they accentuated his masculinity in alec’s coming out scene, without sacrificing his identity and gender non conformness. again the costume department is the only one who genuinely knew what they were doing 100% of the time i hope they all got big fucking checks
alec just blinks and focuses on him and it’s the first time it looks like he’s really looking at something and i just wow
izzy is so happy to see magnus there :) she loves her brother so much :)
magnus holding up two fingers to get people to shut up... the way he snarls “maryse, this is between me and your son” with so much certainty and like no room for bullshit he’s so good at making shadowhunters too speechless to stop him and honestly im such a whore tbh if he did this to me id just nut on the spot. shut me up daddy. fuck who said that
like how they included the “i’ll leave if he asks me to” and how he really doesn’t say anything, he’s just standing there, like they made sure to make this scene respectful and i was kind of dreading it the first time because i’d HATE it if magnus had outed him or made this whole drama out of it but he didn’t and i like that so so much
“i thought we were doing the right thing, but... this isn’t it” always gets me and i can’t even put my finger on why. it just does like again this is not really about magnus or their relationship, it’s about how he feels about the whole thing, everything that he’s giving up and he barely knows what for anymore, and i justjfianfajf
again the BRILLIANCE of the song usage the way that he’s talking to lydia and the beat is so damn loud and overwhelming and then as soon as he turns to magnus everything just drowns out and there is one (1) piano note and it’s just him and magnus and it’s like everything silences??? he’s just so damn focused and it’s not the nervousness and loudness of everyone else and their whole audience (they don’t even show the audience anymore after alec turns to him for real and before the actual kiss i don’t think) and there’s just that sharp focus and certainty because alec’s made up his mind and there’s no sound anymore like mwaaahhh poetic cinEMA
and it’s just that moment of clarity as they both look at each other and the song begins again with the higher tempo again, but it feels more like, a march? than that overwhelming noise. and of course there’s the singing and it feels like everything has purpose and is just laser focused and it’s still intense but in a completely opposite way, not lost but found and wow im such a whORE for this scene it’s unbelievable
like how alec takes the first step towards magnus after he’s down the stairs exactly as the song goes “want” like mwaahhhhh brilliance amazing talented showstopping spectacular never been done before completely unique,
his “enough” is dajksdfahidasdhadusahuash again im a simple sub id nut
i was right they only really show the audience again after the kiss. except for maryse but even then it’s so quick, we see her going to alec and after alec says “enough” she literally doesn’t show anymore it’s like she’s not even there, she just disappears it’s so sexy we stan??? like again alec’s made up his mind and nothing else is there to stop him wow love that for him could you imagine thinking this man is shy and insecure? can’t relate
a bitch needs to lie down i think that’s all for today
next part
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