#cuz shes a good friend & good detective partner (and she notices things and remembers small details that others dont think r important)
leatherface-headspace · 4 months
lassie can hear the high pitched frequency that lights and electronics make
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glenncoco4 · 4 years
Doctors and Detectives Part 1
Requested by @ryan9098
She pulls back the curtain revealing the ER bed, her eyes surveying the man laid back against the mattress. “So Mr. Stevens, it looks like you’re here because you got a large rash on your butt?”
“Very funny.”
She smiles as the detective fights off his own. “I’d ask how you’re doing but-“
“Hey, buddy, the nurse gave me some topical ointment for your rash.”
As the unrecognizable voice interrupts her, Kensi lets out a bout of laughter, her eyes scanning the paperwork in her hand.
The shaggy blonde looks from his partner to the woman in the white coat, the sound of her laughter sending him into a tizzy.
Jake immediately notices the change in his partner’s demeanor, a plan already forming in his head. “Kens, this is my partner Marty Deeks. Deeks, this is Mandy’s best friend Kensi.”
“I uh, I like your stethoscope.” The blonde internally chastises himself as the words leave his mouth.
Kensi’s brow furrows as she looks down at the mundane instrument. “Um, thanks.” Her eyes scan the chart once again trying to get to the task at hand. “So what’s going on here, Jake? Did you get attacked by another swarm of elderly women?”
Deeks lets out an obnoxious bout of laughter unaware of just how smitten he’s acting. “You’re funny.”
For some odd reason she finds the detective’s words a little endearing. Then again she has been on call for 22 hours now. Even so, she glances at Deeks, her eyes catching his.
Jake looks between his best friend and the woman that’s like a little sister to him, shaking his head. “No, old women this time. I tackled this huge guy and he landed on my arm.”
The doctor gives him a look knowing that isn’t the case at all.
“Alright, I stopped a bulldozer from running over a litter of puppies.” The bald man relents.
Knowing this game could last awhile, Kensi turns to the blonde hoping to get a straight answer. “What happened?”
“He challenged a kid at a skate park and bit it pretty hard.”
She points her pin towards Jake before writing something down on her clipboard. “Now that doesn’t surprise me. I remember the first time he tried to jump a ramp on his bike.” She cackles. “Mandy and I watched him pick up speed and then this seagull cam up behind him and-“
Jake’s eyes go wide in horror before he cuts her off. “Okay, I didn’t sign up for this abuse.”
Unperturbed by his partner, Deeks smiles. “So you two grew up together?”
She nods her head in confirmation. Both now completely oblivious to the other person in the room. “Yeah, pretty much. My family moved next door to his when I was 11 and I became best friends with Mandy.”
“And she’s been annoying me ever since.” Jake finishes, trying to get the focus back on the throbbing pain in his arm.
“You’d be lost with out me.” She teases.
“Nah, I don’t think so.”
“Jacob Muriel Stevens.”
Deeks tries to hold back a laugh as his partner’s wife Katie calls out his name once she steps through the curtain. “You got middle named.”
“Shut up.” Jake bites back before putting on a facade as his wife approaches. “Hi, baby.”
Kensi steps over next to Deeks, going over a few more things on Jake’s chart as Katie saddles up next to his bed. “Kens, thank you for taking care of my idiot husband.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time.”
“No, it wouldn’t be.” Katie sends an icy glare towards her husband. “How about you come over for dinner Thursday as a thank you?”
“I don’t know.”
“What if I told you I had a big T-bone in the freezer with your name on it?”
“Thursday’s good.”
Deeks’ mouth drops open in shock. “Hey, what about me?”
“You watched him do this. No steak for you.” Katie snaps back at the shaggy blonde.
“What if I promise to supply the alcohol?”
Just like her husband did a few minutes ago, something about seeing the pair standing next to each other sets her plan in motion. She looks to Jake wondering if he saw the same thing she did and immediately gets her answer as she locks eyes with him.
Turning back to the detective, the nurse nods and gives in. “Fine, but none of that cheap stuff.”
Another nurse step into the small area handing off the film to the doctor. Kensi holds it up to the light as the others watch on, and once satisfied a smile crosses her face.
“So, what’s the verdict, Doc?”
“Looks like it’s just a hairline fracture to the ulna, and the head injury-“
Jake’s brow furrows in confusion. “But I didn’t hit my head.”
The brunette writes something out on the chart before looking back up at the pair of questioning eyes. “I’ve seen your taste in music, Jake, there’s definitely some damage up there.”
Deeks lets out another obnoxious laugh a smile across his face. “I like her.”
Katie watches the interaction, shaking her head. Yeah, this plan is definitely gonna work. “I bet you do.”
“What was that?” The blonde questions.
“Nothing.” She responds before turning her attention to the doctor. “So anything else besides the fracture?”
“No, he’s clean. Just make sure you elevate your arm and ice it when ever possible. Especially for the next 2 days.”
Knowing the brunette needs to get back to her other patients, Katie gives her a quick hug and places a kiss to her cheek. “Thanks, Kens.”
“See you guys Thursday.” She smiles before stepping back through the curtain.
Seeing as though his partner his taken care of, Deeks quickly steps back through the curtain as well, trying to catch the brunette. “Hey, so I didn’t get to ask. What’s your drink of choice? You know cuz I’m buying the drink for Thursday.”
She scans the next chart before looking back up at him. “Oh, I’m a sucker for a good mojito.”
“Got it. See you Thursday?”
She nods, a little spark of electricity coursing through her body as he begins to slowly walk backwards towards the entrance and sends her a smile. God help her. “Bye.”
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