#ohara would gift them to him
leatherface-headspace · 4 months
lassie can hear the high pitched frequency that lights and electronics make
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casinocarpediem · 6 months
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▪︎■☆ Worship⛧🩸 ☆■▪︎
(Part 1.)
☆ cult!Miguel ohara / forrest monster/cryptid! Reader
☆ a little gift for @miguel-owhora !!
☆ violence is written in this work of FICTION. Things such as infant deaths or death in genera
☆ Hi!!! So I'm sorry for not writing as much but I've been verrrryyyy very busy‼️ (laughs and throws myself off a cliff) any who! Enjoy this little thingy!! I'm still in love with dad's cryptid AU after all this time 💕
°○☆Violence under the cut☆○°
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Blood. Metal rust. And other animalistic things that would have a normal camper running for their lives. Then dying. Not out of some beast or an accident. But out of exhaustion. Limbs failing. Eaten away by the very grass of the ground only to be picked up by another predator.
Any normal person would run away. Any normal person would have thought twice before doing something stupid in uncharted woods.
Miguel was different. He was a cunning man. Frighteningly intelligent. Charming and observant and curious. Leave him in the woods with nothing and he's already built a somewhat stable community, sheltered and protected by... something out there. Something unexplainable. Something... you.
This was your forest. From the very beginning. Your memory is hazy of how your form, reeking of the more purer forms of mother nature herself, birthed upon the world to reek order. Not havoc. Not peace. Just a simple balance that you maintained for centuries.
You followed nobody. You didn't need to. And you killed if necessary. Or if you simply wanted. You had free will. Unbound by anything. Literally. Not even any mental constraints could keep you from moving through the night unexpected. Unlike any kind of animal the the world has ever witnessed.
Miguel was a different man. When he came into your forests, the winds tasted like he or his sheep didn't deserve to die. Unlike every other settler or founder who decided to try to poison your grounds.
You let him be. His little village growing with the so called refugees he gathered. Creating houses with the trees surrounding the area.
Surprisingly, they weren't greedy. They didn't chop down every tree they laid their human hands on. Because Miguel didn't allow them to. And you were greatful for that. But you paid no mind to his existence. Other than killing of unwanted organisms. But Miguel, or his sheep never dare trek past the space you let them in. And if they did, they didn't make a mess of their tracks.
Respectfully respecting the environment. Respectfully Respecting you.
Time went on and you continued to observe Miguel and his little underlings carefully. Usually under the darkness of the night. They seemed obedient to Miguel. You could smell a mixture of fear and adoration, and that drew you closer to him. After all, this was your domain. And you had the right to dive deeper into the minds of these obedient critters worshipping you in a way.
One day, Miguel comes along bringing a surprising, pleasant little gift. From out of his own home, he creeps towards the darker shadows of the village. Where the trees grow tall and strong. Uncut and left alone.
An infant. Brought to your feet. An offspring that smells very familiar with Miguel's species. Only, it's cold. It isn't breathing. You can't hear it breathing. Its wrapped in grey sheep's wool and it smells fresh. Like it had died the moment it escape the womb first breaths being its last. And he leaves it there on the mossy rock in front of the trees and walks quickly back to the safety of his own home.
A few hours pass. You're intrigued at the gift. You haven't received such offerings in centuries. So when this, frail human being offers a dead infant like a gift for the altar, your curiosity gets the better of you.
You snatch the child. In yours jaws... or your arms? It could be anything. You were an indescribable creature manifesting the more chaotic sides of nature after all. The little infant, you've seen it all before. Chubby, quite noisy, fragile. And most importantly, delicious. You cannot explain the slightes, but in all of your years of being in this realm, despite not having the needed nutrition you'd usually intake, human offspring has a certain charming flavor. Something you'd feast on with gusto. Maybe it was the fact that through the cycle of life and death, you've always defied both aspects. And the loss of something brought to this world so sudden felt like experiencing the gifts to be caressed upon your tongue. Consumed. And valued.
Miguel does this more often. Leaving you gifts. Little sacrifices. Whether it be piles of wheat or fish. Or, on other days when one of his "sheep" go disobedient, you find their corpse carefully gifted in the same spot on the mossy rock. Like a gift. A gift for your generosity of giving them their home, and protection. Your little gift mauled and torn apart limb by limb and licked ever so viciously. In a graceful matter. Until there was nothing left. Not a spec of blood or bone.
You favored Miguel out of the rest. And it's obvious as to why.
Miguel was a curious man. Perhaps a little too curious, so to say. So when he comes out with his little gift at night rather in the morning and stays there, waiting for you, you waste no time to throw him onto the ground. Your weight practically crushing him. And you bite his neck and drink his blood. A taste of the person who's been so devoted to... amusing you. He tastes like any other ordinary person you've eaten before. Salty. Metallic. A little sweet. But his flavor is laced with sheer utter adoration. Rather than fear. Curiously, you drink a little more. And in fact, he doesn't push you away. He doesn't grab his weapon and attempt to cut your throat. He fully accepts it. He holds you while you take your fill of his own crimson fluid.
And you don't kill him. You leave him there as you disappear into the woods. And he's even more insatiable.
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that-oracle · 1 month
i've thought about this One Piece but if There Were Pokemon AU a lot and I wanted to share it because I'm so normal about it. Its literally just one piece if pokemon also existed in the world. This all started because I just like giving fictional characters pokemon teams sometimes because it's fun. I started giving the straw hats Pokemon teams and then I couldn't stop thinking about it. I was still reading Drum Island when this all started (I dont think I had even met Chopper yet LOL)
Most of these are a few months old at this point (w the exception of Luffy and Law that I drew today) but these are a few doodles I did of some of the straw hats with their first pokemon when they were still kids :] (I'd like to mention not all of them have a specific like "how they met" story, but I have ideas for who their first pokemon were at least)
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Luffy's first pokemon was a Slowpoke that he received from Shanks. It's a Pokemon he initially thought was lame before getting gifted one.
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Zoro's first pokemon was Pawniard. Pawniard are very territorial and Zoro wandered into it's territory and pissed him off. Zoro was so sour about losing so he kept finding his way back somehow out of pure spite (he would probably just wander until he found it again) and he kept fighting him over and over until he won. After he won though, they were inseperable. (Pawniard is just as bad with directions as zoro is btw)
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I imagined in this AU Ohara was one of the few places that figured out how to revive fossil pokemon. Robin happened to dig up a claw fossil one day and they revived it for her. She tried to teach him how to read.
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Franky initially found his Zigzagoon in the trash. He scared him away, but Zigzagoon came back and headbutted him to get back at him. (cuz he's petty) He kept coming back and it just became a game to the two of them. They quickly became besties.
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Nami's first pokemon was Purrloin! Purrloin was stealing tangerines from the orchard and Nami caught her in the act. They became partners in crime.
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Sanji's first Pokemon was Bounsweet. She was hungry and he fed her. She was very grateful so she stuck by his side.
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Ace's first pokemon was Scorbunny
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Law's first pokemon was Mareanie
I do have others ive thought about but I just havent drawn but I will still share though if you wanna read
Chopper's first pokemon was Happiny. He received it from Hiriluk.
Brook's first pokemon was Fuecoco
Jinbe's first pokemon was Poliwag
Usopp's first pokemon was Wimpod
Sabo's first pokemon was Piplup
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one-idea · 10 months
Part 2 of my reverse/alternate universe strawhat pirates
Master post
Part 1 can be read here
Part 1/2
Part 3
Part 4
So we have Captain Ace
Swordswoman Kuina
Navigator Nojiko
TBD Kaya
Cook Reiju
Doctor Hirikul
(And Koza the politician)
And now we have the addition of Nico Olivia. Much like Robin in the true cannon she joins the ew after they defeat Crocodile, and Ace saves her life.
She starts journeying with the crew. And I know we always kinda poke fun at Robin and her gaggle of teenagers but Olivia is really signed up for mom duty. In the beginning she’s holding back waiting for the day she will have to leave but part of her loves it. Loves seeing her young crewmates run around the boat and think what she could have had with her daughter.
Olivia went out on her journey to study the lost century. And just like in cannon she was caught. Saul frees her and they rush back to Ohara but it’s to late. The Buster call is already over. The islands is destroyed and daughter is dead. Since she escaped from prison she is still wanted by the government and spend the next 20 years running with three goals.
To complete Ohara’s goal of discovering the true history
To take out as many marines along the way as she can
To find her daughters devil fruit. The only thing that still exists that could connect her to her daughter.
Over the years it got harder for her to keep going. She is making very little progress on the first goal. But she has found Robin’s devil fruit and with it has been doing a good job and accomplishing goal 2. But it’s lonely and she misses her home and her daughter more than anything. She ready to give up when Crocodile stabs her. Only for Ace to save her.
Ace who knows exactly what it’s like to want to die. Ace who’s reason to live is a sunny boy in a straw hat still in the East blue.
Ace saves her and tells her to find someone ti live for. Neither of them knew that that someone would be himself and the rest of his crew. Olivia’s new family. Her new stupid son. (Ace gets to hang with a mom guys!)
They still do the Skyla trip but they don’t meet Blackbeard. No he’s coming later.
Instead they make their way to water 7. Their ship needs to be replaced, it’s taken a beating and Kaya doesn’t take it well. Not to the point of challenging Ace for the ship but it hurts. This was her gift to the crew. She’s not a good fighter (yet) she’s stronger then she was but that’s pitiful to rest of the crew. She’s the youngest and weakest member, the momey she brought with her has all been used. The only claim she has to being helpful is that she gave them the ship. The ship they are getting rid of.
Like I said I don’t think it gets to Luffy and Usopp’s fight but there’s a lot of hurt. It helps that Hirikul is there and as an older and more experienced member he’s able to help keep tension down. (I also think he and Kaya would be close with her training under him as a doctor)
I would love to expand on this if anyone wants it
But of course they need a new ship. And Olivia is missing and everything’s a mess. And to add insult to injury the whole town thinks they’re trying to assassinate mayor Tom.
And his son/apprentice Iceburg won’t let that kind of threat go unpunished.
In the past when Franky’s ships attacked Water 7 and Tom, Iceburg, and Franky got arrested for it. Franky thought about all the harm he had caused and how Iceburg always told him to take responsibility for his actions. When Tom tried to take the blame for the ship attack Franky cut him off. Telling the judge he planned the whole thing. That it was his fault. He didn’t think the Judge would pardon Tom so he thought if he got ride of the Judge Tom would be free.
No one believes him. Tom and Iceburg are kicking up a storm to deny Franky’s involvement and Spandam is fuming because this was his plan to get Tom not this kid. But the Judge doesn’t want to take Tom. This whole thing is fishy and the boy just gave him an out. A stupid self sacrificing out. But an out. Shame what will happen to the boy though. So the Judge passes Judgement on Franky and he is taken away to be executed.
Tom and Iceburg lose it but Franky just tells them not to blow it for him. It’s his decision. After all he’s finally take ownership for his creations, even if it means his death he will never deny they were his ships. (Tom would be so proud if he wasn’t losing his son)
Ever since Spandam has had it out for Tom and Iceburg. Tom because the leader of water 7 with Iceburg as his right hand man. Running both the ship yards and then demo (this would version of the Franky family) businesses
When Ace’s crew gets blamed for trying to kill Tom Iceburg goes after them with his loyal employees. If only all of them were loyal.
Long story short it’s Iceburg who joins the crew as a shipwright.
Again I’ll totally expand on this if you ask.
I’m getting to thriller bark soon so you’ll have to wait for Brooks story.
But after the pick up one bone man they run into an old friend of Ace’s.
Whitebeard who wants all of them to join his crew.
Ace is tempted so tempted. But then he looks at his friends.
Kuina can’t chase her dream if their crew is not actively striving for the top. Whitebeard is already at the top of the game. The only step up is pirate king and Kuina wouldn’t be on the mainship pushing forward she would be shuffled into whatever commander need her.
Nojiko hates most pirates. She was okay sailing with them because they were a different kind of pirate. But would she be comfortable with whatever crew she ended up with?
Kaya is still learning. Being with the Whitebeard crew might be safer for her as it gave more protection. But she didn’t come out her to be safe she came out to start a new life and have adventures with her new friends
Reiju doesn’t want the crew to split up. She seems to have a hard time with being left alone. Something Ace can understand.
Hiriluk will do what Ace needs them to do (they all will) but he would far prefer staying together. He needs to train Kaya. He needs to keep his new children safe. (He already failed Tony Tony Chopper he won’t fail again)
Olivia just started feeling safe with them. How do they know no one on the Whitebeard crew will betray her?
Iceburg is here for HIS ship to sail around the world and he trusted THIS crew not a bunch on strangers.
(I find the fact that Ace’s crew got spread out among the Whitebeard pirate quite sad. I wish they could have gone with him on his failed mission)
In the end Ace turns him down (he’s got a mom and a dad on his crew) after all how can Ace surpass him and take his place if he’s working for him. Beside how can Ace support any other king of the pirate besides his little brother.
But they do form an alliance. And that’s how they roll for three years. Exploring the grandline, getting stronger, dipping their toes into the new world but not fully committing yet.
Until someone is ready to set sail.
Until someone betrays Whitebeard and almost injures Ace’s crew in the process
Until someone finds out that new pirate is related to the head of the revolutionary army.
Please ask about this I have so many ideas.
I can’t wait to talk about Kuina and this world Tashigi
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obihiro-division · 4 months
Jack’s Thoughts on Sendai Division
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Ryūzō Mizutori
“Ryūzō Mizutori… I can’t say I’m familiar with him. A shame since he sounds like an interesting individual to meet. It would also be entertaining if his English was up to par with the young master and me. I would love to torment our dear leader with worry over whatever we could be saying in English.”
Takumi Wakaba
“Hmph, a musclehead I see. I suppose it’s written into the occupation as a physical education teacher. I personally couldn’t see myself teaching children something like that… If I had to choose a subject matter to teach, I would probably teach the very thing I had gone to school for: Early education, social work, or caretaking.”
Kotono Ohara
“Oh… Oh! I think I remember… Sorry, I recall seeing her name in documents when I worked alongside my young master’s mother, Mrs. Kamiyama. She was a gifted scientist working alongside other intelligent women. I wonder what exactly lead her to becoming a teacher of all things. What made her change her mind about staying in Chuohku? As far as I was aware, it was an environment someone of her caliber would thrive under. How peculiar...”
“Putting aside my grating sarcasm, I do have to commend her for nearly erasing everything regarding the Party of Words. If she had succeeded, it would have made things much easier for us. Unfortunately, her sabotage attempt was unsuccessful… But that’s exactly why she is lurking within the Party of Words.”
Kiya Kara
“A team of teachers should make for a formidable opponent. And they make for a well-balanced unit. Hopefully, if we encounter we can defeat them. Otherwise, if we cannot overcome them, how will we ever hope to reach the top?”
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lehguru · 2 years
happy birthday to my gorgeous perfect angel nico robin!!
warnings: part of fluff month, self indulgent AND cheesy; not proofread + requests are open ! check pinned post for requesting rules
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robin remembered only one time that she celebrated her birthday. it was back when she was a child, when ohara was still there and she found people that loved her. now, she finally found another family that accepted her as she was.
the plans for her birthday would begin at least a week before. franky, nami and sanji would go out of their way to start all the preparations and make everyone help somehow too.
sanji wants to do a entire banquet. not only with robin's favorite food, but also everything that he can think of that she didn't try yet. from appetizers to dessert, sanji can and will spend all his free hours planning how he can blow her mind with his culinary.
nami buys robin a lot of clothes. dresses, bathing suits, accessories, everything is on the table and nami makes it her mission to find things her best friend would love – even if it means nami have less money to spend on herself.
franky and usopp work together to create something for the ravenette. after brainstorming for a while – and having really bad ideas that sounded horrible –, they settled for a bookshelf; but not any bookshelf. they decided to build one that rotates and have carvings of ohara's tree on the sides (the most challenging part was to get a drawing of it from robin without the woman suspecting what they were doing).
zoro and luffy end up not giving her any gift at all. luffy didn't really know what to do and zoro was simply too lazy to do so. but they would still give her "happy birthday" and a hug (luffy).
last but not least, chopper and brook get together to make a entire show. chopper practices his best moves while brook writes five songs for robin; the reindeer makes sure to dress up cute, probably with a outfit robin herself bought for him, but he never used that before.
the day of her birthday itself made robin so happy, her cheeks got cramps. even if she knew most of them were going to make a big deal out of her birthday, she didn't expect to be met with that much love and appreciation. she adored all of it and personally thanked everyone for their effort.
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2023 © content belongs to lehguru, but the characters used in them belong to their respective creators!!
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holykillercake · 3 years
Hazy Justice - 03
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🇨‌🇴‌🇵‌!🇸‌🇲‌🇴‌🇰‌🇪‌🇷‌ 🇽‌ 🇲‌🇮‌🇱‌🇮‌🇹‌🇦‌🇷‌🇾‌🇩‌🇴‌🇨‌🇹‌🇴‌🇷‌!🇷‌🇪‌🇦‌🇩‌🇪‌🇷‌
word count: 2.5k
summary: After eight years serving your country in a war, you returned to your hometown as the new head of Trauma Surgery in one of the best hospitals in the country. You were expecting a calmer life now, but suddenly you see yourself choosing between your brain and your heart, light and dark, justice and evil.
highlight: ¨You looked like millions of dollars, and you felt like millions of dollars.¨
warning:  Use sunglasses. Too bright.
notes: .Dear comrades, it has been a while but it's finally here! With new characters and lots and lots of threads.
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🇱‌🇪‌🇦‌🇻‌🇪‌ 🇨‌🇴‌🇲‌🇲‌🇪‌🇳‌🇹‌🇸‌, ��‌🇪‌🇦‌🇷‌🇹‌🇸‌, 🇦‌🇳‌🇩‌ 🇱‌🇴‌🇻‌🇪‌!
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¨Hello...¨ you were instantly greeted by the tingling doorbells that let the owner know whenever a client entered the establishment. 
Your eyes traveled to the half-moon bar where the slim and tall woman leaned casually, cigarette adorning her elegant fingers. Her eyebrows raised as she took in your figure, double-checking if you were not someone else.
¨Oh! Y/N-chan, is that you?¨
¨Shakky!¨ she made her way out of the bar to hug you ¨It´s so good to see you! You haven´t changed at all!¨
Her kind chuckle made you feel like a kid again, and you couldn´t stop yourself from tearing with the nostalgic feeling.
 ¨Thanks, Baby. Now you,¨ she put her hands on your shoulders and opened a distance, eyes examining you like a mother hawk ¨you look tired. Eight years in war made you no good.¨
You nodded and laughed ¨I guess we can put it that way.¨
¨Come, treat is on the house.¨ 
Clapping your hands, you followed the lady towards the bar. ¨So, where´s Rayleigh-san?¨ 
¨He just left, but it shouldn´t take long. He´ll be happy to see you, Y/N-chan.¨
The circumstances that connect you to Shakky and Rayleigh go way back to decades ago when your parents were still alive. By that time, all you knew was that they were friends, people you could trust. You were not allowed to ask more questions about their jobs, and you couldn´t find a suitable answer with the information you had. 
They were always on the road, visiting only once in a while. They would bring incredible gifts from various countries and discuss ¨adult matters¨ with your parents while Crocodile helped you with homework. 
Whenever you brought up your curiosities to your brother, he would say that they talked about the war, and you were too young to hear such things. Crocodile was also not allowed in the room, but he´d always peer into the conversation through the ventilation ducts. 
If he´s saying, it must be true.  
Since your dad was a Lieutenant Colonel, there was always the possibility of his unit being requested to offer back up or engage actively. You never minded it, though. He had already been sent to a lot of dangerous missions, and he came back every single time. He was strong and invincible. He would always return to his family. 
Well, that was true until the day you found your mother in the kitchen, breaking in tears, holding a smudged letter in her hands, together with your father´s dog tag. 
You stared at her and your brother, blinking in the hope of seeing what was wrong. The woman at the kitchen table did not look like your mother. She had no sparkle in her eyes or pride in her chest.
On the contrary, thick and dark tears fell from her eyes, blurred from the makeup that always accentuated her piercing gaze. Her lips were not curved in the tender smile she used to carry. Instead, she bit her lower lip so hard that you could almost see blood staining her pink lipstick.
¨Dad´s not coming home.¨ was all Crocodile said.
That was not the time when things got completely off track, but it was a significant change in your family's life. The government offered a military pension and a country flag for the services provided by your father. However, you had to be transferred to the Commercial District, where your mother worked as an archivist at the Ohara Institute of Historical Research. 
¨Y/N?¨ you heard a male voice call, making you turn. 
Your eyes shifted between the two male figures standing at the door. ¨Rayleigh-san!¨ you shouted like a kid seeing Santa Claus at the shopping mall ¨Smoker!?¨ this one came out more like a question. 
¨You have grown, little one!¨ he patted your head like old times. ¨Maybe my white hair makes sense. I´ve aged!¨ he laughed cheerfully, and Smoker tilted his head. 
¨Finer than wine!¨ you giggled, then turned to the other white-haired man, cheeks blushing ¨This is, uhm... I swear I´m not following you.¨ 
¨Oh, you two know each other?¨ Shakky asked, adding two more old-fashioned glasses on the counter. 
¨We´re neighbors!¨ 
¨That´s great! Come, we have a lot to talk! Today is on the house!¨ Rayleigh shouted similar words as his wife. You wondered if that was the synchronization of personalities or if the alcohol he had prior was impairing his judgment. 
Shakky decided to close for the day, wanting to spend as much time as possible in your company. The clock seemed to have stopped while you were drinking, eating snacks, and catching up on years of conversation. 
It was funny how sometimes it felt like a ping pong game between you and Rayleigh. Every so often, the conversation would turn into matches of him serving shots of military-wise improper questions and you backhanding with ¨That´s classified information, Rayleigh-san.¨.
Did he have a poor memory or all those years of scotch and cigars in your father´s office taught him nothing? Either way, you were having too good of a time at that table to worry about his faulty memory. 
¨Are you sure you´re neighbors?¨ Shakky asked with a playful grin ¨You seem to know nothing about each other.¨
¨I would say that´s a pretty sharp point.¨ you answered in the same lighted tone. 
¨Tight schedules, I´d say.¨ Smoker added, shifting on the couch.
¨But it looks like you´re free today. How about dinner? Four of us, our house, like old times Y/N.¨ Rayleigh seemed too keen on this, and you wondered if he was trying to set you up on a date. 
¨Well, as much as I would love that, I´ve got plans for tonight.¨ 
¨Let me guess,¨ Rayleigh created a tension ¨classified information?¨ 
You laughed loudly at his stupid joke. It was a predictable Ray-san ice breaker, but you couldn't help yourself. This man was a blissful delight. 
¨Much to your content, tonight´s plan I´ll be able to spill.¨ you teased him ¨I´m having dinner with Crocodile tonight!¨ 
What happened after you pronounced those words would have gone unnoticed by someone inattentive. It felt like a slight change in the air, like those quiet moments before a bomb exploded, when the clock stopped ticking. 
You didn´t have the chance to question before Shakky took the wheel. 
¨That´s great, Y/N!¨ her elegant hands embraced yours, affectionate and caring ¨Did you see how much he´s changed?¨ 
¨Uhm, actually,¨ you blinked, focusing back on the conversation ¨it´s the first I meet him in... eight years.¨ 
The tightness you felt in your chest almost made you tear, and the woman saw it. Her eyes carried a hint of compassion... or pity. 
¨You miss him a great deal, right, Baby?¨ 
¨Yeah...¨ you shrugged ¨he was out of town when I arrived, so I only got the chance now. But how´s he doing? Did he change a lot?¨
¨Oh, baby, it´s been a while since we met. He´s a busy man, you know.¨ 
Your brows raised, then furrowed, and you had a perplexed smile hanging on your lips. You would not have believed those words if they hadn´t come directly from them. 
¨Oh, wha- well, I´ll¨ a nervous laugh left your mouth ¨I´ll drag him by the hair, then! Busy man, bullshit! He used to bug mom and dad all the time, asking why you guys couldn´t live with us!¨
¨Don´t stress yourself over that, Y/N.¨ Rayleigh said with his gentle smile.  ¨He runs a lot of businesses, I´m sure he would drop by more if he could.¨ 
Shakky nodded¨And, it´s your first time in the Light District, right? Was that the only district you haven´t lived in yet?¨
¨That and the Noble District, obviously.¨ you rolled your eyes.
¨You lived in all other districts?¨ Smoker asked after a silent moment in the conversation.
¨Yeah, long story and not that interesting. You´d be bored, trust me.¨ 
¨It´s rather difficult to find someone who lived in more than two districts, so I´d like to hear that.¨ 
¨Alright, but don´t say I didn´t warn you.¨ 
You peeked at your wristwatch, running some basic math in your head and deciding that it was time to go if you didn´t want to be late for dinner. Your lips twisted in a pout, and your expression dropped a little for having to leave this fantastic moment.  
Surprisingly enough, leaving them was not as difficult as you imagined. Maybe because they reminded you that you could visit them anytime now, or because you did not want to act like a crybaby on Smoker´s car. 
He said it was also about time for him to leave and offered you a ride back home. You would not have to take the subway and would get the chance to know him better.
 A win-win situation. 
The first minutes were a bit silent, but after you asked him if he should be driving since he had quite a lot to drink, he responded with an awkward stuttering that was rather charming. The conversation that followed was smooth as you realized he was way easier to talk to than you imagined. 
Smoker was respectful, always making sure that it was ok for you to talk about your past while sharing some things about his life as well. Inside of that car, he almost seemed like a different person. His brows were not furrowed ad his voice sounded relaxed. 
The ride ended too fast for your liking, and you saw yourself waving goodbye when deep down you wanted to ask him to stay for a coffee. Unfortunately, you couldn´t, maybe some other day. Now you had to make yourself presentable to meet your other half, your brother. 
The Light District was nothing like you had seen before. The entrance was marked by a gigantic golden arch, which carried an equally shining bell.
Tall palm trees swayed in the cool breeze, tinged with orange by the sunset. Luxurious establishments, whose signs began to be lit, occupied both sides of the clear sidewalk. 
From a distance, you could see the tip of the Ferris wheel of the Sora park. It did not spin due to the recess, but the lights remained on. The roller coaster that had been the cause of the accident was surrounded by tall metal poles, being repaired for the reopening of the place.
The driver Crocodile sent to pick you up lowered the window so you could enjoy the view to the fullest. Your hair started to fly in the wind, and a delicious smell of butter invaded your nose. The restaurants had already begun to heat up the pots to receive their customers.
The Light District was projected to offer convenience to the ones who were willing to pay the price. Therefore, all that was best was located in Eldorado Avenue, the main passage that extended for kilometers like a luxurious and soft red carpet. 
¨We are approaching the hotel, miss Y/N. Sir Crocodile awaits for you.¨
¨Uh...¨ you murmured, amazed by the view. 
You squinted when something reflected in your eyes, catching your attention, and a gasp got stuck in your throat when you spotted the famous Hotel Verde.
 Well, it was impossible not to notice it. 
First of all, it did not look like a hotel. It resembled more a small town. Even taller palm trees guided the way towards the entrance, both sides occupied by ponds and tropical plants. The building stood tall like a lighthouse and at the top rested an enormous golden statue of the reptile that represented its owner.  
You did not wait for Daz, the man your brother chose to escort you, to get out when the car stopped. You put yourself out as soon as the limo parked in front of the main stairway. After so many years without putting on a heel, maybe you would accept a hand to go up the stairs.
Your hands smoothed the dark green silk dress that dragged on a short tail, courtesy of Crocodile, along with shoes and jewelry. You looked like millions of dollars, and you felt like millions of dollars.
When the valet took the car somewhere else, Daz put himself beside you, offering you his arm. Your heart pounded like the Ox Bell at every step, and you breathed through your mouth, trying to keep your cool. 
You saw various types of people coming in and out of the hotel, all of them embellished with jewels and shiny tackles like Christmas trees. Each and every one exalted wealth and power, with their nonchalant glares and pointed noses. Your gut twisted, remembering Shakky and Rayleigh´s words, wishing Crocodile hadn´t turned into someone like them. 
The long stairway was divided in the middle by a golden rail, separating who went up from who went down. That might have been the reason why the man coming down your way caught your attention. Or perhaps it was the weight of his gaze, hidden by the reddish specs. His blonde hair and skin seemed like gold, the pink suit looked orange-ish due to the sunset, and his wide grin made you quiver. 
He walked with two men by his side, freeing the way for him. At some point, no one dared to come close to the stairs. It was only the five of you. 
¨Daz!¨ the man, who seemed more familiar now, exclaimed ¨I wonder who´s the person that would make you leave your boss´back.¨
He approached you, hungry gaze brimming on his tongue. He was tall and seemed even more as he closed the distance. 
¨Not even the luxury dolls get to be escorted.¨ he gently took your hand and kissed your knuckles with delicacy. 
You weren´t convinced by his gesture. If anything, you felt bothered to see him disrespecting the house´s rules, as if that disrespected you directly. ¨Tell me, dear, what is your name?¨
¨If you wish to know something from someone, it is more appropriate to introduce yourself first.¨ your voice came out indifferent and a vein popped on his forehead before breaking into laughter.
¨Fufufu I can´t say you are wrong!¨ he leaned back, large hand on his stomach. ¨I´m Donquixote Doflamingo. It surprised me that you couldn't put that together. Now tell me, doll, what do they call you?¨
You sighed and looked around, spotting a figure at the top of the stairs that lifted your mood and gave you all the strength and confidence you needed to end the conversation. A smile grew on your lips as you turned to Doflamingo, eyeing him with nothing but the will to leave. 
¨They call me Lieutenant-Colonel Y/N L/N, Division Surgeon of the Army. Or just LT Colonel L/N if you prefer.¨ you offered him a respectful nod before turning your attention to the man who waited for you with a smile on his face. ¨Now, if you excuse me, Mr. Donquixote.¨
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missallsundayyy · 3 years
Thank you @nakamachannn for requesting this! Sorry I took so damned long to write this. Hope you enjoy this fic! <3
“It’s been a month since we’ve been sailing island to island non stop!”
“The captain looks so frantic every time he comes back”
“We should ask him”
“What do you mean the item is at Valley Island! I was at Valley Island a week ago, and they told me to come here!” Law shouted through the phone.
“I don’t care what excuse it is, if the goods aren't in my hands in 2 days time me and my crew will slaughter everyone in your store. I hope I've made myself very clear.” a few seconds on the other side replying to him and he laughed. “You must misunderstand me, I don’t do negotiations and I think you’re forgetting that I am a pirate. See you in 2 days, Mr Rager.” With that Law slammed the den den mushi down.
The phone conversation didn’t go unheard by his crew and they knew him too well to even talk to him when he was enraged like this. To them, it was rare to see their calm and collected captain throw such threats to anyone even if it was an enemy at sea. They slowly retreated back to the deck.
“Asking him now would be an apparent suicide”
“Agreed. We’ll wait for 2 days”
Law had bought his girlfriend the most luxurious clothes and shoes in his 1 month of sailing from island to island. Being with her for almost 3 years he memorised her sense of fashion and what she liked and it ranged from what colour she liked and disliked, what accessory she would rather put on. His crew felt like he went overboard with the gift but as he examined all the gifts he bought that were at the corner of his room, it was not enough, he couldn’t just give her so little after spending months apart. He was not one to be clingy or smother her with his affection but it was something he enjoyed doing for her and he knew he would do it for her until the end of times.
“Neh Robin, don’t you miss him?”
“Law-kun?” she giggled “I do but I don’t mind, he has his goals and we are pirates after all”
“Just imagine if we weren’t pirates and if we had normal lives...what do you think you and him would end up as?”
“I think he would still be a doctor and I would still be a historian, sliding the pirate life aside of course”
“Anyways have you read the news, The heart pirates have been attacking and looting the Navy library archives. What does he even need from the archives?” Nami pondered out loud.
“Let me read that” Robin motioned for her best friend to pass the newspapers
“Trafalgar Law, captain of the Heart Pirates attacks the navy archives for the 3rd time this month.” she whispered/read. “Perhaps he just needs further search for medicines or leverage”
“I forgot your man is as crazy as Luffy” Nami sighed, the two women burst into laughter at that.
Robin was lowkey worried of how reckless Law was, attacking the navy this many times...his luck was bound to run out if they decided to ambush him with any of the admirals. She then again thought of how strong he was and he was one of the smartest men she had ever met so with that she managed her concerns.
“I wouldn’t know what I would have done if they didn’t have this ring,” Law thought to himself, he was now walking his girlfriend down the shores of Deriana Island where he had borrowed the Strawhat’s historian for a week claiming he needed her expertise on an ancient text.
Bullshit. He needed private time away from everyone, just for this moment.
“I must say I find this surprise different from the others Law-kun”
“I already told you this one is a special”
“So the past surprises weren’t special?” she retorted, always the smart mouth.
“You know what I mean my love”
“You know I’ve always said this, you’re the sweetest and most romantic boyfriend for a pirate”
He smirked at her compliment “There is no woman like you and I’m one lucky bastard if you ask me” he finished and also reached his destination. “Are you ready?” he whispered.
“Always,” she replied. With that he unbinds her blindfold and a beautiful scenery unravels at sight.
Beautiful flower petals all over the beach floor, decorated with sparkles mixed of purple and white colours and a table that had varieties of boxes of presents wrapped nicely with coloured bows, beside them were more shopping bags that were sealed. What captured her attention next made her eyes widened.
“Law…is that? Are those?” she muttered, not whispering. “It cannot be...they were destroyed on that day…” she ran to the table, there were 4 books that looked like they had seen better days. Some looked torn and burnt, evidence that some were soaked in water or even blood stains on them. Robin inspected the books one by one with a hopeful glint.
“Are these really?” she whispered, now this explains the attacks that Law had launched on the Navy base. He risked everything to get a hold of these books.
“Yes, they were books from Ohara. The navy managed to take these 4 books from what I know of” Law replied.
Her eyes watered, this meant the world to her, to even have something that belonged to her home she thought was lost. Robin turned to Law with the book still in hand and crushed him with the most tightest hug ever.
“Thank you Law...this means the world to me!” she exclaimed, Law’s face flushed a shade of pink at her affection especially when her large bust was suddenly pressed against his chest. He smiled nonetheless, her woman happy was the only thing he needed. She pulled away and gave him the most adoring big doe eyes.
“There is one last thing…” he continued while taking her hand in his “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met and your compassion and kindness warms my heart everytime. This warmth you give me is ethereal just like you and I thought love will never be possible but you changed every aspect of it. I guess what I’m trying to say is, you're the woman of my dreams and I want you forever.” he paused with a nervous smile before getting down on his knees while pulling out a ring with a big shining purple gem.
“You have my heart always and all ways, will you marry me Nico-ya?” his soul took a deep breath, he finally gathered his balls to ask her to marry him.
Her smile couldn't get any wider than this, the man of her dreams asking for her hand in marriage. Law was everything she could ask for, he was dashingly attractive and so incredibly intelligent it's almost ridiculous. She definitely wants to spend an eternity with this man.
“Yes!” she said happily sticking her finger out for him to put the ring on. “A morganite gem.” she whispered.
“Yes this gem is the only one left from the mines of Theriscia Island, this gem symbolises trust and love. It connects with the soul, the heart, and love. Your inner strength and unconditional love is what fits this gem” he finished.
Robin closed the gap, their forehead and nose touching “Your intelligence always intertwines with your sweetness huh?” she teased.
He smiled “I can’t wait to make you my wife”
“I can’t wait to marry you” she whispered and connected their lips together.
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disneydeb1928 · 4 years
One Piece Theory: The Treasure of Mary Geoise
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The first time we hear about the existence of a treasure hidden in Mary Geoise is by Doflamingo, 
“It’s because I know all about a crucial treasure… that exists within sacred Mary Goise!! And the very knowledge of its existence would shake the world to its foundations!! To them, I was the worst kind of fugitive… one with an ace up his sleeve! Once the Celestial Dragons realized they couldn’t kill me… they grew quite cooperative. If only I’d had the power of the op-op fruit in my grasp… On that specific day years ago… I would have been able to use of Marie Goise’ treasure to seize true world power!!!”
                                                                                -       Doflamingo, Chapter 761
We can garner, actually, quite a few things from Doflamingo’s speech. For starters, he calls it a “crucial” treasure. “Crucial” implies that whatever the treasure may be is, at the very least, very important (no duh!). However, “crucial” is a very particular word to choose. It alludes to a necessity – This treasure is imperative for the continuing success of something.
But for what?
While pirates, wars, and uprisings may cause the World Government annoyance, the events and people that appear to cause them the most alarm are those that challenge the status quo. They are absolutely terrified of the possibility that the world they’ve constructed in the last 800 years might be fall apart. The general Celestial Dragons fear this on a very topical level. They like the grandiose and morally ambiguous world they live in that gives them all the power. However, the Gorosei and Im-Sama tackle this on a much more hands-on level (See: Ohara Incident). It’s because of this, that I believe that the treasure is critical for maintaining the current state of affairs for the One Piece World.
Doflamingo then states that,
“If only I’d had the power of the op-op fruit in my grasp… On that specific day years ago… I would have been able to use of Marie Goise’ treasure to seize true world power!!!
The op-op fruit, as we know, can gift a person eternal youth (basically immortality) via the Perpetual Youth Surgery. Therefore, Doflamingo is saying that had he been immortal, he would have been able to use the treasure to take over the world. This implies one of two things:
1.)   To seize true world power, would require a person to use the national treasure for a very long time (which would be possible as eternally youthful)
2.)   A regular human would not be able to utilize the national treasure
Personally, I feel that the second option is more likely because it insinuates that only a very particular type of person is able to use the national treasure. Which would connect us to the new mysterious body of power in the One Piece World – Im-Sama.
Before the Reverie Arc, the Gorosei were the big bad bosses of the World Government. Shrouded in a lot of secrecy, they remain nameless to this day. The first several chapters of this arc, as well as comments made previously, built the Reverie up to be a nonpartisan gathering of world leaders. Oda emphasized this fact by focusing on the “empty throne”. So imagine our surprise, when only a few chapters later, we are introduced to Im-Sama (Ch. 906).
We first see them entering a freezing chamber deep within Pangea Castle with bounty posters in hand. Inside the chamber is a large straw hat. Fans immediately started to theorize that the giant straw hat must be the national treasure. Honestly, who is to say that it’s not, because at this point, anything is possible. However, with that being said, I doubt Oda would make it that literal – or that easy.
As I mentioned, this chapter – as well as the one afterwards – has spawned many a theory. Many have done a deep analysis of every page. There is little doubt that the straw hat is important. It would simply be too much of a coincidence (in relationship to Luffy) to be anything but a purposeful decision made on Oda’s part. However, I think the room Im-Sama enters, is of particular interest.
For starters, it appears as though there’s either steam in the air, or it’s freezing. If the whisps in the air are supposed to represent the cold, I believe – like many others – that this room’s purpose is to preserve something. If the straw hat is to be taken at face value, then it wouldn’t make sense to place it in a frozen room. I’m no expert on straw, but I’m pretty sure getting it wet constantly in the cold temperature wouldn’t lend itself to keeping it in pristine condition. No, I think it’s more likely that the giant straw hat has a connection to whatever is really being housed in that room.
So here it goes: It’s possible that the room is a crypt meant to preserve a person’s body. Honestly, in the world of One Piece, I don’t even think the person would necessarily have to be dead for them to be kept preserved. A la carbonite in Star Wars. If this is true, than it’s safe to say that whoever is being kept preserved is the true owner of that giant straw hat.
However, that begs the question, is this person even the treasure? Oda decided to introduce us to Im-Sama right after Doflamingo mentions the national treasure from his cell in Impel Down, saying,
“Isn’t it fine to reveal what it is already…? Power degrades quickly anyway… it rots away in no time at all…!! Fufufufu!!”
                                                                                -       Doflamingo, Chapter 906
“Why does it matter if it’s revealed now? Power doesn’t last long. It’ll rot faster than anything thinks!”
                                                                                -       Doflamingo, Episode 885
I think it’s interesting that Doflamingo choose the word “rot” to describe how power degrades because that’s usually how people describe a dead body. This could just be a coincidence, but Doflamingo has a sick sense of humor and I could see him finding this funny – especially if no one else knew.
With that being said, I don’t want to overlook the importance of his statement “power degrades quickly anyway”. Because, while at first I thought he was referring to the national treasure’s power degrading, I now believe he’s referring the World Government itself. It’s almost like he’s saying, that at this point it shouldn’t matter if the secret gets out, because it was going to eventually. No body of power can last forever no matter how much control you have – something Doflamingo knows intimately. It definitely fits the fatalistic mindset we’ve come to expect from Doflamingo.
However, that begs the question, what exactly can this treasure do? Why is it crucial for the World Government to have? At this point, we can only really speculate on what specific ability it has. However, I would wager a guess that it has something to do with controlling how people remember history.
In a separate post, I speak about how the World Government has remained in power for so long because of how they manipulate the population similar to that of the Galactic Empire in Star Wars. They rewrite history to paint themselves as heroes and then continue to monitor the news and information before it goes out to the people, which in turn, increases complicity.
I just think that if it were some great destructive device, that we would have seen it by now. 
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tsvestidiabolus · 3 years
the melody never changes
commission for @snurps
➵ my COMMISSIONS are open!
SUMMARY:  Robin's reflection on their newest crewmate, from Thriller Bark to Fishman Island, and Brook's growth from solitude to rockstar.
CHARACTERS: Brook & Nico Robin
Thank you for the commission!  I had a blast writing for Brook and Robin.  Theirs is a friendship that is immensely underrated.
To the charming skeleton gentleman,
First off, I’m afraid I must deny your inevitable request to see my panties.  I have self-respect, and I don’t think they would suit you.  Secondly, while we are not currently crewmates, our captain has declared you as part of the Straw Hats, and you’ll find him to be very persuasive.  Doubtless we’ll be spending more time together in the future.  In order to give you a warm welcome to the crew, I’ve decided to write a personal letter from me to you.  Partly because I know how it feels coming into this ship as a newcomer, and partly because I’m frankly interested in you.
As an archaeologist, of course.
We’ve recovered the three strongest of our crew, and those who were in the crew all the way back in the East Blue seemed to recognise the whale you mentioned.  It’s funny how life turns out that way - coincidences upon coincidences, friends meeting with friends again.  He’s called Laboon, right?  I certainly hope you’ll introduce me to him when we arrive at Twin Cape.
Nami is calling out to the crew - I believe she wants us to plan before we inevitably scrap any semblance of strategy and enter the main castle again - so I’ll have to cut this short.  If we somehow don’t survive and our mangled corpses rot on the island, which would be a shame, I’d have to hope this letter finds its way to you.
Nico Robin
Even now, despite all the hardships and suffering the crew had gone through in the past day, Brook laughed.  Such a melodic sound - one could almost mistake it for a song - yet it carried with it fifty years worth of promises.
The pirates were spread out across the castle of Thriller Bark, exhausted from their ordeal (yet at the moment that Luffy would shout it’s time for a party, they would be bouncing with energy) and taking their time to rest.  Some of them had been tending to their wounds with the help of Chopper, while others decided to help out those who’d been lost for years.  The Straw Hats in particular were fretting with worry over Zoro, even though they all were confident in his survival.
Brook practically danced past most of the Straw Hats, tipping his skull to those he passed by, before he settled right in front of the archaeologist of the crew, her nose stuck in a book.  Robin flipped to the next page of her novel, making no indication that she had noticed his arrival.  
“Ah, Miss Robin -”
“If you’re about to ask to see my panties, I’ll have to say no,” said Robin.  
Brook laughed. “Well, it was worth a shot!  But that’s not the reason I’m here.”
Her eyes never leaving the page, Robin arched a brow, the corners of her lips twitching upwards. “Oh?”  
“I wanted to give my thanks.  You’ve made me feel welcome to the ship already.”
“I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about,” Robin said, smiling.
“Yohoho!  I’ve never felt so honoured to call someone so beautiful a friend!”
With a tip of his hat, and a blank eyeless stare for a brief moment (which Robin later found out was Brook attempting to wink), Brook danced away from her, his skeletal legs skittling across the ground.  It was almost inhumane, the amount of speed the man carried in his light body, but then again their crew was full of monsters.  A living skeleton was far from the most terrifying thing in their crew.
As for the most terrifying thing?
Brook was bound to discover, sooner or later. 
To Brook,
Music has no language; it cannot be misinterpreted.  One strum of a guitar can tell a thousand stories and a thousand promises.  One beat of the drum speaks of a hundred wars.  One note of a violin can sing a song of sorrow in the drifting seas of time.  It is the one universal truth.
I see you sometimes, when I’m on watch duty, humming a solo that sounds so… lonely, and so melancholic, that it takes all of my effort not to climb down the mast and join you.  But I am a coward, so I leave you alone to your own devices.  To that, I am sorry.
How lonely must you have been, drifting alone on those waters for fifty years.  Only with your thoughts and determination to keep you going.  I’m amazed you can still smile, despite that (at least, I assume you’re smiling. It would be pretty strange for you to laugh without smiling).  In fact, I admire you.  And while I’m sure my words would have a better effect for you if I said them aloud, as I said before - I’m a coward.  It’s easier for me to write this down in ink.
But yet, you were on the cusp of madness, and you persevered.  You lived.  Sort of.
And to that, I want to know more.
Please, tell me your story.
From your crewmate,
Nico Robin.
Quietly, as the eve turned to night and the night to the dead hour, Robin slipped down the ladder from the mast.  It was Zoro’s turn now to keep watch, and she knew the swordsman would be perceptive enough to protect them in the instance of danger, despite his injuries and constant napping.  But it was not yet time to sleep, for as usual their newly appointed musician was out by his lonesome in the night, a gentle lul of the violin playing a song that reminded her of Ohara.  The song was enough to drift the boys and Nami to sleep, and Robin would have dozed off to the melody had she not felt so lonely just from the strings alone.  But it was not her loneliness that made her feel this way - she had long since accepted she was part of this crew.  That she wasn’t alone anymore.
It was Brook’s.
So, once she was safely down on the lawn of the Sunny, she joined him by the railing, leaning against the wood while he continued his solo.  His skeletal hands played the tune delicately, and in time she hummed along to it.  The nostalgia washed over her like a wave.  She closed her eyes and imagined Ohara again.  She could only imagine what Brook was thinking of.
As the last notes of the melody rang out and the song stopped, Robin opened her eyes and smiled at Brook.  He bowed his head back, setting the violin down the grass.
“Is that song known outside the West Blue?” she asked. “I’ve only ever heard it there.”
“It’s a West Blue classic!” Brook exclaimed. “Well, I say it’s a classic.  It was written by yours truly!”
Robin blinked.
“I would’ve like to tweak it before I left, but sadly there was no time.  The original music sheet must be lost as well!  I must rely on my ears now to complete it - but alas, I have no ears!  Yohoho!  Skull jo-”
“You’re from the West Blue?”
It certainly came as a surprise - after all, a majority of their crew had come from the East or the Grand Line, and she had no idea there was someone else onboard the ship that hailed from the West.  Even if he was the most recent addition.  Robin felt her curiosity peak up the more Brook revealed about himself.  His past was becoming more and more of a mystery to her, a clash between his demeanor and his tragedy.
Brook nodded his head in response, his afro bouncing as he did. “I served a royal kingdom there for sometime before I decided piracy was a better career.  Of course, I was a musician as well!”
She imagined him flashing her a grin.
“But yes, West Blue, born and raised - ah!  Miss Robin, if I recall correctly, you were from the West too, no?” he asked.
“That’s correct.”
“May I ask which is-”
She definitely said that too quickly, with too much of a snap in her tongue, that Brook paused and gave her enough time to regret it.  Before she could utter an apology, Brook picked up the bow of his violin and held it out to her.  Naturally, she was confused.  
Brook bowed his head down.
“I understand if you do not wish to talk about it,” he says. “I can assume from personal experience a deep tragedy has occurred there.”
Still, he held out the bow. 
“But know that Ohara is wonderful, and that its legacy - whatever that may be - is you.”
Curious, Robin took the bow and inspected it.  It seemed ordinary enough.  She couldn’t understand what Brook was -
Prof. Clover
Without realising, her hand had begun trembling from the overwhelming everything coming over her, and she looked up to Brook with glistening eyes.  The musician panicked.
“Miss Robin, I - I’m dreadfully sorry!” he sputtered. “I didn’t mean to upset you!  I merely - I wanted to explain that tragedies don’t have to - I’m sorry!”
“You knew the professor?” She was surprised she could manage to get even that out. “You knew Ohara?”
A relieved sigh passed through his nonexistent lips. “I stayed there for a couple years, back when I was a young man.  This violin was a parting gift from my dear friend at the time.  He’d just gotten his doctorate, and I think he wanted to show off.  Yohoho!”
Robin chuckled, wiping away a tear. 
“Ah!  But of course, this explains why you know my song!” Brook exclaimed. “Miss Robin, I knew I felt a kinship for you when I boarded this ship.  Us both being from the West Blue gives me a sense of familiarity in the crew.  I’ve never been more grateful to be alive - ah!  But I’m not alive!  Yohoho, skull joke!”
Robin was amazed, not for the first time, that Brook could joke and even dare to imply that she was the one being welcoming, when here he was, passing on Robin wisdom that she took twenty years to even consider.  It was often easy to forget that Brook had thirty years of experience out on the sea before the tragedy of the Rumbar Pirates occurred, but it was clear that those years were enough to sharpen the man’s mind and strengthen his heart.  But his heart was not made of stone, nor iron - it was laid out bare to the world, soft and beating, and his gentle lullabies sung of sorrows from his past that he dare not speak of.
So, she leaned against the railing, a slight smile gracing her lips. “Please, tell me more stories.”
And so he did.
Be alive.
She’d written the message in the dirt of the prison, pleading with whatever divine powers existed to ensure that the rest of her crew had lived.
After all, Brook owed her a concert.  One that would declare to the World that he was alright despite all the pain he’d been through.  That humans were resilient.
He’d better keep that promise.\
To Brook,
I do not expect this message to reach you.  The Government is constantly attempting to interfere with letters from the RA, and no doubt they’ll be trying to decipher any clues about their plans in this message (good luck, cowards).
It’s been almost two years already.  No doubt we will meet each other again soon.  I’ve been looking forward to this immensely, as no doubt you have too.  I think - I understand you, a little more.  Now that I’ve been infected with the Straw Hats’ boundless enthusiasm and joy, I can understand how you lived in isolation for all that time.  Not just because of the promise you kept to Laboon, but because dying would be spitting on their smiles, right?
Can you hear the waves crash against the shore where you are?  Do you hear seagulls, do you smell the salt?
Can you see the moon?
One day we’ll meet again.  I look forward to that day.
From Robin.
P.S. I keep hearing about this new rockstar that some of the Revolutionaries are raving about.  You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you?
It wasn’t a soft strum that the bony hand had passed over the strings, yet it was strangely nostalgic all the same.  No, it was a thunderous sound, booming across the concert hall and somehow could be heard over the screams of adoring fans.  It was unlike anything Robin had ever heard before.  No - she never felt anything like this before.  The vibrations shook her very body, making her suddenly aware of the blood rushing through her veins, of her heart pounding against her chest.  The feeling was exhilarating.
She stared from the back of the concert hall to the star of the show.  As always, his feathered boa and skeleton-figure was instantly recognisable, as was his laugh.
“Soul King Brook, hm?” she whispered under her breath.  She couldn’t hear herself over the sound of the music.
There was something different about his music now.  She would have to ask him if he changed his muse.  Later, perhaps.
Now, it was time to find the Sunny.
It wasn’t hard to find Brook after the battle at Fishman Island.  Where there were cheers and melodies, there was Brook.  Robin waited by an alley, listening to the sound of Brook’s guitar as he sang a victory song for the pirates.  The tune was new, unlike anything she had ever heard before.  But there was a certain gentleness to it, despite the upbeat and heart-pounding vibrations it made.  Like Brook was unleashing happiness to the world.
When the imprupto-concert was over, and Robin could finally approach Brook, he tipped his hat and stared blankly at her.  She assumed he was grinning.
“Miss Robin!  Did you enjoy the show?” he asked. “I wasn’t sure about this song, but it looks to be a hit with the crowd!  Yohoho!”
Robin smiled back. “It was happy,” she noted.
“Mmhm!” he said. “It was inspired by our captain.”
Brook nodded. “I suppose that’s why you picked up on the feelings I was conveying.  It’s an honour to sail under his flag, don’t you think?”  His voice took on a melancholic tone. “I would’ve never expected to find such a crew years ago.”
Neither did she.
“Are you happy, Brook?” Robin asked.  The question had just slipped out, but she was curious to know the answer.  
Brook looked at her, tilting his head. “Of course I am, Miss Robin.  How could I create such a song if I weren’t?”
Robin paused for a moment, before nodding her head slowly.  It made sense.  Brook’s music reflected his feelings at the time.  And now, as part of the Straw Hats, his tune had become one much like their captain’s.
“Now, shall we return to the party?” Brook said. “I’m sure Luffy would want to hear this too.”
Not a thing could crush Brook’s spirit.  Not being alone, not despair, not even death.  
He was alive, and he was happy, and he would make sure the world knew.
Robin couldn’t be more proud to call him a crewmate.
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misc-headcanons · 4 years
OC-tober 2020 Day 3: Youth (Minerva)
"Mama, look! I think I found a new species!"
Corona looked up from the plant specimens laid out in front of her, hearing her daughter's excited voice from the outskirts of the forest near their home. She saw Minerva, running as fast as her small legs could allow, with a large...thing...in her arms. Corona raised an eyebrow; as a master of botany and the island's resident expert on local plant life, it was surprising to see a plant she couldn't recognize. She rose up from her outdoor examination table and met her daughter. Minerva's forehead was shiny with a thin layer of sweat, and the ponytail that Corona had so expertly tied to keep her daughter's wild purple hair contained had a number of flyaway pieces of hair here and there.
Minerva eagerly held up her specimen for her mother to look at, panting after her sprint back home through the forest. "I found it on a tree," she explained, bouncing on her heels a bit as Corona took the strange plant in her gloved hands. "It was the only fruit on it, and aside from the grass near the tree, there wasn't any surrounding vegetation. Ooh, maybe it's got a really big territorial root system, so nothin' else can grow near it!"
Corona peered at the fruit, and her eyes narrowed behind her glasses. An incredibly hard shell for a fruit in this area, she mused, running her fingers over the ridges of the plant. It almost felt like she was touching a piece of glazed clay rather than the outer layer of something like a dragonfruit or a mango. "The color's certainly something I haven't seen before," she said out loud. The entire fruit was a shade of bubblegum pink, with curves and ridged spirals that had a darker color of magenta to them. With the odd colors and swirled shapes, it almost looked like a brain--even the stem that Minerva had snapped off when harvesting the fruit managed to resemble a human brain stem, if the human brain was about three times bigger than it should be. 
The shape's resemblance certainly wasn't lost on Minerva; even though she was just shy of her tenth birthday, her interest in neurology and all things "brainy" had been her primary academic interest for years. "It looks like a brain, dontcha think?" Minerva smirked and absentmindedly fiddled with a stray piece of hair. "I mean, real brains are actually kinda gray, it's just the blood and arteries that make it look pink when it's exposed during surgery and stuff...But still!" She beamed at the plant. "Can we put it under your microscope?"
Corona hemmed and hawed, peering at the swirling shapes on the outside of the fruit. She'd never seen a plant like this before, but this pattern was certainly familiar. "A lone fruit on a tree with no immediate surrounding vegetation," she muttered. "And these shapes…" A moment of realization made her eyes widen, and she quickly set the fruit down onto her table before turning to Minerva. "Puella, would you go to Papa's bookshelf in the study and get something for me?"
Minerva could tell by the shine in her mother's eyes that she had found something very interesting. She nodded. "What book do you need, Mama?"
"I only know the name of the translation your father did of it, so you might have to get his translated version for me to read," Corona explained. Her husband was one of the kingdom's best authorities on the languages spoken outside of Romora, and spent time translating books as a hobby. She remembered a reference book he had translated and given to her as a birthday present years ago--a thick tome originally titled The Devil Fruit Encyclopedia. "The Romoran name of it should be something like De Fructibus Deorum."
Minerva's eyes grew as wide as her mothers. "Did I find one? Did I find a Fructeus, Mama!?" She'd only ever seen pictures of them in artwork and books! This would be the greatest discovery of her life...so far!
Corona smiled and crossed her arms. "Well, we won't know until we look at that book," she teased. "Go on, go on!"
Minerva ran through the rest of the backyard garden, carefully stepping over and maneuvering around the various flowers, fruits, and vegetables her mother had planted until she made it to the back entrance of her family home. She quickly wiped her feet on the outside mat and continued on through the house until she reached the study. Her father was lounging in his plush chair, enjoying a small cup of tea and an old foreign mystery novel that he'd read a million times before. He looked up after hearing his daughter's frantic footsteps and saw her standing at the door.
"Eager for a new book to read, Puella?" He smiled warmly and set down his tea. "I've got some older books I'd borrowed from Ohara a few years back. I can't read the ancient text in some sections, but the rest is at a level of Nocaligo that you should be able to translate--"
"Later," Minerva panted, resting her hands on her knees while she caught her breath. "Papa, where's your...copy...Devil Fruit Encyclopedia...Mama...translated version, please…"
Aurelius raised a bushy eyebrow. "Your mother wants that reference book?" He knew his daughter had a thirst for knowledge and a passion for learning, but she'd never sounded this eager and desperate for a book. Could Corona have found…
He stood straight up and briskly headed to one of his wife's bookshelves, scanning for one of his binders where he kept his translated books that he'd added to her collection. "Let's see, let's see...Aha! The Devil Fruit Encyclopedia, or known to us as De Fructibus Deorum." He pulled out the binder and held it to his chest. "You know, I've always wondered why us Romorans refer to them as Fructeus or 'Fruits of the Gods' while the common Nocaligo name for them is 'Devil Fruit'. I mean, both refer to supernatural and theological beings being the origin of these plants, but the referencing of Devils as opposed to Gods gives the Fruits a morally dark slant to their--"
Minerva tugged at her father's hand; she knew that he could go on and on about semantics if she didn't manage to reel him back into the actual conversation at hand. "Papa, can we talk about this later? Mama needs the book!"
Aurelius blushed, embarrassed at being caught in one of his many tangents. "O-of course, dear," he replied. "Lead the way!"
The two of them went to the backyard where Corona was eagerly waiting. She took the binder from Aurelius and flipped through the pages, searching for any image that matched the possible Fructeus on her examination table. "Let's see...Oh, this could be it! 'The Brain-Brain Fruit: A Paramecia-type Fructeus, allowing the user a multitude of abilities centered around manipulating the neurological functions of others and themselves to an extreme level.' Hmm...it doesn't really go into the specifics of what the Fructeus abilities are. Still, the physical description is spot-on to our specimen here--A lone fruit on a tree with little to no surrounding vegetation, with pink coloring and a shape similar to a brain as well as a thick stem that resembles a medulla oblongata."
Minerva happily clung to her father's robe. "So it is a Fructeus! Mama, what should we do with it? Dissection? Plant tissue samples?"
Corona smiled and took off one of her gloves to rest a hand on her daughter's head. "I'll keep a small sample to analyze, but it won't mean much after it's consumed," she replied. "Though there isn't much research on how a Fructeus degenerates after it's eaten. Hmm...I'll analyze a small piece before it's consumed and then observe any changes afterward."
Minerva stared up at her mother. "So who's gonna eat it? Maybe you could do it and then have one of the doctors in town examine you before and after you do, so you can see how it changes your body and brain structure!"
"Welllll," Corona trailed, "Traditionally, the one who discovers the Fructeus is the one that the gods have chosen to receive it as a gift. Besides, I'm not very knowledgeable on brain structure and function and all that, so its abilities wouldn't be utilized very well by me." She smiled warmly and cupped her daughter's cheek. She really is blessed by her namesake… "I think the gods chose you to receive this, Minerva."
Minerva stared up at her mother with awestruck grey eyes, and then at the fruit lying on the table. "...Me? Really?" Her face broke into a wide smile. "I've...I never thought I'd see a real-life Fructeus, much less eat one myself. Is it...is it really for me?"
Aurelius ruffled his daughter's hair. "While your mother's getting the sample she needs and runs her tests on it, why don't we go into town and let the island priestesses know about this? I'm sure they'll want to celebrate Minerva's gift from…" He chuckled and pointed up at the sky. "Well, from Minerva."
Minerva beamed and looked up at the sky. "Yeah! Let's let them know," she said eagerly. She moved away from her father a bit and unfurled the scarf tied around her ponytail; a dark wine-colored piece of silk adorned with small intricate images of owls and other symbols representing her namesake. It had been used to swaddle her when she was born, and even after years of use, it never seemed to tear or become dirty--whatever the priestesses had done to weave and "bless" the cloth, it had certainly held up over time. Minerva waved the scarf up into the air and smiled up at the sky. Whatever the goddess of wisdom had in store for her, she was going to treasure this gift forever.  
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aaluminiumas · 4 years
He had seen her at her worst.
In fact, Crocodile barely remembered the moment she started working for him: after years of affiliation and partnership balancing on the verge of a more intimate relationship, the memory practically erased the event that brought the woman to the threshold of his luxurious office packed with sumptuous bric-a-bracs she never considered useful. As a chain smoker, he had a guillotine cigar cutter incrusted with gems just as bright as those in his rings. Ivory statuettes and figurines stood upon multiple shelves showing off ancient books. A huge elephant leg-shaped urn in the corner of the office made him look like a huge fan of safari that worked as a perfect disguise to those who didn’t know the man at all. The best rugs covered the floor that slightly creaked at the steps and smelled wood. A bar across his desk contained the most expensive beverages: Crocodile himself preferred strong drinks but the guests he welcomed could relish the flavor of the eminent champagne, wine, liqueur, port, cognac, gin, whiskey and whatever else their heart desired.
Nico Robin was mentally put in the row of wines, undeniably red. Cunning and intoxicating, she provoked slow reaction: once yielded into her hands, the drinker would not be able to forego her influence. One couldn’t get enough of her until she used her outstanding skills and bring them into action. She always waited for the right moment, parsed the situation, made the decision and hit quickly – hit so hard into the head that left the man dumbfounded and thunderstruck. Crocodile was by no means a careless one, or so he thought; that’s why he believed that Nico Robin, no matter how skillful, gifted and extraordinary she was claimed to be, wielded no power to finagle the information she needed. She could not double cross him – definitely not.
“Nico Robin,” the man drawled, his pale fingers tapping at the rim of the whiskey tumbler. “What brings you here?”
Of course he had gleaned a few details about her: he was aware of the schemes she contrived and accomplished; he learnt everything about the organizations she breached in and disrupted from the inside. Using his position, he spent quite a while in the archives of the Marines to find out more facts about the girl who fled from ablaze Ohara two decades ago. She was no longer a child he saw on the wanted posters. There was no fear on the pale face; he spotted no consternation in the azure eyes of the weeping girl; he clearly saw a mature woman whose sangfroid could easily surpass his. Unlike many others before her, Nico Robin was not afraid of notorious Sir Crocodile.
“Work,” came a dry simple reply.
Crocodile’s golden eyes veered to look at the woman standing opposite him – the lack of intonation that would reveal her real intentions caused him to peruse her visage in attempt to pry into her mind.
Tall, slender, unbending, the female was intently staring at the man sitting in the armchair. Her black hair, two inches lower her ears, exposed the jawline and the fine neck with visible tendons. For a moment he thought that such a woman deserved a necklace with a sapphire to rest in the dimple between the collarbones.
“What do you expect from the job?” the man drawled idly, in a lackadaisical voice. For some vague reason, he felt ill at ease: quiet and motionless, distant and composed, Nico Robin intrigued him. This woman must’ve seen enough to learn the basics and burnish her deadly skills: although jockeying for her place in the sun, she wouldn’t resort to blatant flattery or beautiful lies.
“Precision and accuracy,” came the dry reply.
Precision and accuracy. Indeed. She didn’t want less from a man so notorious – and she didn’t even try to flatter him by ingratiating smiles and servile behavior which intrigued him even more. Crocodile realized that he finally found someone smart enough to rely upon while contriving schemes and cons, but on the other hand the man knew she saw though him predicting his ensuing actions and upcoming decisions.
Unsettling. Crocodile loathed being in the position of his own employee, scrutinized and examined by the superior.
…Miss All Sunday had been working for Sir Crocodile for years before the idea of building up an empire moulded and fortified in his mind. The whole notion seemed particularly tempting: a man with connections and acquaintances, Crocodile knew how to work out the kinks making the plan impeccable by perfecting the smallest details. He had already observed violations on the part of his fellow ‘colleagues’, especially Doflamingo. Even though he practically staged a coup, the leader of the Donquixote Family didn’t come under a tidal wave of criticism – the government connived at the odious crimes he committed. Would an organization disguised by a casino ever beat it? Hardly.
Crocodile learnt the details from the incumbent King of Dress Rosa himself – Nico Robin, highly intelligent, didn’t go into hiding and accompanied her boss to the private parties knowing how much that particular Donquixote nettled him. The sandman, suspicious, industrious and quiet until his plan accomplished and goals reached, detested Doflamingo’s braggadocio. With a glass of exquisite wine in hand, the new King of Dress Rosa boasted whenever he felt right – which meant constantly.
In fact, Doflamingo’s lengthy soliloquy Crocodile tended to disregard, pushed her to contribute to the empire prospect: unlike her boss, Robin imbibed his words like a sponge. The woman offered the level system and the nicknames – while it may seem odd to some, her boss found it ‘charming’. That’s what he said – probably stating it to be a hallmark of the organization from now on.
Mr. 0 he became.
Ms. All Sunday she was.
Ms. All Sunday was allowed to play by ear.
In all honesty, she held no illusions as to what he was going to do to her when she was no longer needed: Robin fully comprehended his intentions and ulterior motives. Even though she managed to become irreplaceable, she knew she had to run amok as soon as she got the chance. For now, the devoted subordinate chose to simply enjoy the wide range of entertainments the rigorous man had to offer – though she never relinquished the hold of her graceful hand on the business.
Unsettling. Sir Crocodile didn’t like that either.
In a way, she enthralled, entranced him – and the realization gnawed at the man especially when she sat up on the bed, adjusted her short dark hair and stood up to grab her clothes and leave. It wasn’t their first time together; neither of them even remembered what drew them so close that they were ready to push the boundaries and forget about subordination. After all, they both cherished their loneliness but got fed up with it – stressed, abandoned and injured, they found another benefit of working in tow to avoid the emotional toll.
“Where are you going? He asked in a low voice not even looking at the woman beside him but nonetheless smoking his cigar.
“To work, I gather,” she replied calmly and, stark naked, stood up to approach the curtains.
It didn’t sound like an order at all – albeit said in the same commanding tone, it resembled a simple request. She did suspect a gambit in it, a ruse to pry into her thoughts, but something inside her bludgeoned her to obey.
They didn’t talk that morning. Sir Crocodile kept smoking his cigar, Robin lay next to him, swarthy and flexible, ready to retaliate in case of danger. Although she knew she was allowed to leave the chamber unharmed, she couldn’t impel herself to do it – and to lose the warmth she longed for too long.
It may have been forged. It may have been a trick to keep her near but it was still nice to maintain the illusion of being taken care of. Idle, neglectful, egoistic to a fault, Crocodile probably didn’t even think about that he – deliberately or not – supplied her with something she craved for.
“Why didn’t you go that day? I didn’t detain you.”
“You didn’t banish me either.”
He hummed and didn’t respond – no answer came to his mind, only a picture of the inflexible young woman with short dark hair. The more peculiar it was to watch her grow and develop – and finally come across her new wanted poster: the almond eyes narrowed, long strands slightly disheveled. She was still enthralling – and he might have welcomed her back if she asked nicely. Nico Robin – Ms. All Sunday – was extremely smart: her ideas always served the right purpose.
Crocodile glanced at one of the rings he was wearing. Sapphire. He gave the necklace to her. She put it on once or twice but he never knew whether it was an act of courtesy, genuine fear, sheer respect or mocking.
Maybe he should pay her a visit?..
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hergan416 · 4 years
First line meme
Rules: List the first lines of your last 15 stories. See if there are any patterns. Then tag your favorite authors!
I was tagged by @touchmycoat and I will pass this on to anyone who wants to do it. Even if I don't follow you, or you don't think I mean you, I mean you if you think this sounds fun. Feel free to tag me so I can see what you learn!
About formatting--I am considering each chapter in the fic "Thirty One Days" a unique chapter for the purposes of this meme, as they are written to be loosely connected one shots.
I am using both of my pseuds to better get a picture of my writing history, so if you end up looking up my yugiomo pseud...know that there WILL be omorashi and consider this your warning. If you do not know what this is, and are over 18, use urban dictionary or something.
Astonishingly, all of the first lines of all of the fics are tumblr safe. Horray. Most of the fics aren't. If you look up any fics, PLEASE pay attention to the ratings on AO3, and any content warnings.
Patterns: Every. Single. One. Of my new (2019 holiday season forward) fics starts with the name of a person and a paragraph. This paragraph immediately sets up the person's thoughts. Previously, I had begun fics with much more action, often with dialog, or specific thoughts or actions. "Keijo!!!!!" was sitting in my drafts for years before it was finished and posted, so it makes sense that it followed my old format, despite falling on the newer side of the break I took writing. (It is the only thing I published besides the 2018 YGOME before the 2019 YGOME started me writing again.) The long break coincides, to my memory with the tumblr purge and me entering a long-term relationship with my current partner. I should maybe think about adding more action into my writing again.
15. "War of Love: The Game" from "Thirty One Days" --- “Draw!” Atem yelled as he pulled the card out of the deck and looked at it.
14. "Dignity Lost! The Ship Ride to Duelist Kingdom" (yugiomo pseud, and yes apparently I'm mainblogging that now). --- Anzu grit her teeth as she listened to the gentle sound of water on the hull of the giant boat, every wave torturous to her ears. Finally she stood from her position crouching next to Honda. “I’m at my breaking point,” she complained, her voice a slight whine.
13. "Paladins: Champions of the Realm" from "Thirty One Days" --- “Enemy double kill... enemy triple kill!” the automated voice announced. "Enemy killing spree.”
12. "Failure" (yugiomo pseud) --- Stupid Kaiba and his stupid rules! Jounouchi thought, desperately working at the restraints that held him him in place. Who even made desks like this anyway? It almost seemed like the chain was built in, like it was meant to be on the desk. But that couldn’t be right. Kaiba had said he’d had this desk as a kid.
11. "More Sex Play" from "Thirty One Days" --- “Want to play something other than Duel Monsters this afternoon?” Atem suggested to Kaiba as he dug through the golden box for his deck. “I live in a game shop, surely there is something else you’d like to try to beat me at.”
10. "Alone" --- All Kaiba wanted was to shrink away from the music, the noise and the crowd. He didn’t want to play this part anymore, but he had to, for Mokuba’s sake. Mokuba was all that was left.
9. "Trying (On) My Patience" -- “Look, all I’m saying is that you need to find something other than a discarded school uniform to throw over your shoulders. And maybe some better jewelry.”
8. "Keijo!!!!!" from "Thirty One Days" --- “Don’t you think we should check it out?” Atem insisted, his intense gaze meeting Kaiba’s across the desk. “It’s the latest competitive fad in Japan. According to Yugi, men are going crazy for it.”
7. "Liquid Gold" --- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XaS93WMRQQ
Atem sat at the computer, simply searching the internet while he waited for Seto to finish up with his work. While he almost exclusively had been using this specific computer in Seto’s office space since coming back from the afterlife, occasionally Seto would use it to set the ambiance while Atem was gone. What Seto didn’t know is that Atem had figured out how to search the browsing history, and that he had recently seen that there were nearly 20 plays of the same youtube video.
6. "All I Want For Christmas..." --- Yugi yawned as he watched out the window of the Kaiba jet . It was the private one, not the blue eyes white jet; Yugi had always been secretly nervous about that plane’s capability of flying, and regardless, there wouldn't have been enough room for Mokuba, Yugi, and Seto to fly in the dragon-shaped jet together. He’d been woken by the announcement of the plane’s descent, as dawn broke over the unique arrangement of city and harbor that forms Sydney, Australia. 
5. "Help Me Doctor (I Have Sinned)" --- Marco always had an eye out for sails as he went about his daily tasks on Whitebeard’s peaceful home island. He’d been expecting Edward Weevil to make his way there eventually, and in the meantime needed to protect the small island from bands of low-class marauders. So, when he was walking down the beach and he recognized the telltale black flag, he immediately pulled out his spyglass. The jolly roger showed a skull surrounded by a fluffy pink scarf, with giant red lips and a brown and pink tricorne on its head, and Marco’s heart rate immediately increased.
4. "Shimmering Blush" --- Tony Tony Chopper woke up bright and early, excited to go back to see his friends. The last two years in Birdie Kingdom without seeing any of the other Straw Hats had been long, even with the new friends he’d made here. He knew he was stronger, and would do his best to support everyone now that he would finally get to see them again.
3. "House On A Hill" --- Marco wasn’t about to listen to Katakuri (of all people) lecturing him on selflessness. They both had always been the kind of people that would prioritize their families over themselves. That was why they had ended and Marco was cursing Katakuri for not leaving the island after yet another ill-advised tryst.
2. "Relief" (yugiomo pseud--you thought this died in 2017, didn't you?) --- Ryou had, for the most part, reached an understanding with the Spirit of the Ring. Unlike Yugi, Ryou was well-aware of the other person that had come attached to the Millenium Ring, the Item his father had gifted him from one of his archeological digs. Most people probably would have assumed they were cursed the first time they saw the disembodied Spirit following themselves around, and thrown the Ring away as far as they could. Ryou, in contrast, turned around, faced the Spirit, and said hello.
1. "Shared Nightmares" --- Robin has had nightmares about the Buster Call that destroyed Ohara ever since she escaped her fate. Sometimes it’s just the kids back home that picked on her and called her a devil child, all in the rescue boat and dying because she might have made it on board, sometimes it’s the burning of the Tree of Life, sometimes it’s Saul’s laughing face as Akoiji froze him solid.
0. "Seek and Ye Shall Find" (I miscounted and started a fic late and I am not spending time readjusting this nonsense) --- Atem was so happy he’d finally found a way to at least view what was happening back in Domino. Rather than getting surprised by the Gods’ future requests at world-saving, he could keep an eye on things from the afterlife. It’s not like he could transport himself to Domino without the Gods’ help, so it was more a way to keep an eye on things in the meantime. The Kaiba Dome seemed the best place for the mirror into the realm of the living; after all, Seto Kaiba now seemed the center of all the trouble.
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satoshi-mochida · 5 years
Tumblr media
Bandai Namco has released a new selection of character trailers for One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 featuring Brook, Franky, Nico Robin, Smoker, Tashigi, and Tony Tony Chopper.
Here is an overview of each character, via the game’s official website:
Musician and swordsman of the Straw Hat Pirates, also known as “Humming Swordsman Brook.” He was a guard captain in a kingdom in the West Blue before becoming a pirate. He died in combat, but having eaten the Revive-Revive Fruit, he came back as a skeleton. Brook had his shadow stolen by Moria, but he successfully took it back after meeting Luffy. Only Sanji surpasses his love of women, he loves making bone-based puns.
Action Type: Speed – Brook fights using high-speed fencing swordplay, freezing his enemies, putting them to sleep, and so on. Included in his bag of tricks is the ability to separate his soul from his body to gain invincibility, or drink milk to restore health. A tricky character indeed!
Disciple to Tom, the legendary shipwright of Water Seven, Franky is the man who built the Straw Hats their new vessel, the Thousand Sunny. His dream is to craft the perfect boat and sail it to the end of the sea. He joined the Straw Hats in order to see just how far the Thousand Sunny would go. As the resident shipwright, Franky handles steering, repairs, and ship modifications. He also excels in developing weapons of all sizes. After receiving a grave injury in an accident, he learned to modify his own body. As such, this cyborg’s body is riddled with different gadgets and weapons beyond human understanding.
Action Type: Power – Franky fights using the heavy artillery installed in his body, usually at long range. He ends each attack with a silly performance that may backfire.
Nico Robin
Born and raised in Ohara, the land of archaeology, Robin is a gifted scholar who earned her degree at a young age. Her dream is to read the Rio Poneglyph and learn the world’s true history.
Robin is the sole survivor of Ohara, destroyed by the government. The World Government labeled her the Demon of Ohara and tried to bring her in because she can read the forbidden ancient texts. In order to survive, Robin worked with many seedy organizations, none of whom she trusted…until the Straw Hat Pirates won her over and she decided to help them. As she journeys with the rest of Luffy’s Crew, she continues to seek the lost truth of the past!
Action Type: Technique – Robin’s strength lies in her ability to grow limbs anywhere, resulting in a wide attack range. She can pummel her enemies with a flurry of multi-hit attacks.
A Navy GL 5th Branch (G-5) Vice Admiral, also known as “White Chase” Smoker. He ate the Plume-Plume Fruit, so can freely turn his body into smoke. His club also has Sea Prism Stone embedded in its tip, which can nullify Devil Fruit powers. Since meeting Luffy, he became obsessed with capturing the Straw Hat Pirates. After the Paramount War, he requested a transfer to the New World to continue the chase, and was placed in the G-5.
Action Type: Sky – Smoker wields the power of the Plume-Plume Fruit. Enemies surrounded by smoke from and airborne can then be attacked using a launching attack. He can also use his abilities to fly.
A Navy GL 5th Branch (G-5) Captain, one of Smoker’s subordinates. She is very knowledgeable about bladed weapons, in general, and she wants to collect all the famous swords that have fallen into the hands of evildoers around the world. After meeting Zoro in Roguetown, the two become rivals. After Smoker requested a transfer to the New World, she joined him and was placed in G-5. She has won the admiration of the sailors under her command.
Action Type: Speed – Tashigi is a lightning-fast swordswoman. Her blisteringly fast blows leave no room for counterattack. Able to catch enemies in a flash, she can bring the fight to the enemy.
Tony Tony Chopper
Chopper is a blue-nosed reindeer who gained human intelligence after eating a certain Devil Fruit. He was treated as a monster until Dr. Hililuk took him in. When the doctor passed away, Chopper decided he would work as a doctor himself. His dream is to become a “cure-all” doctor who can treat any sickness.
With his vast knowledge and expertise, he’s an excellent ship doctor, but in combat he uses the power of his Devil Fruit so he can protect everyone like the man he is!
As expected of a former reindeer, he has a keen sense of smell and can talk to other animals.
Action Type: Technique – Chopper has a varied fighting style that makes use of kung fu, horn attacks, and an array of different forms. His attacks aren’t that powerful, but he can inflict the Scope status effect for major damage.
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Switch on March 26, 2020 in Japan, and for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC on March 27 in the Americas and Europe. Read more about the game here.
Watch the trailers below.
Nico Robin
Tony Tony Chopper
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thefakeraindog · 6 years
It is late and I may be Slightly Drunk. Therefore, it is One Piece Theory Time.
So, as we all saw in WCI Sanji’s backstory (as originally given to us on the Baratie) turned out not to be the entire truth, but just the last stop on his Terrible Childhood Trauma Train.
As we also know, Oda is the Lord of the Gun of Chekhov.
As we also also know, Oda likes to make things rhyme. See: Alabasta and Dressrosa.
What I’m getting at is the last Giant Hole in a SH’s backstory:
(Not counting Zoro, because “where TF did Zoro come from pre-dojo” is a chasm that eats theories and spits out crack crossovers.)
Where are Nami and her sister Nojiko from originally?
The facts, as we are given, (via Bellemere’s explanation to Genzo, which he presumably filtered to be bby!Nami appropriate, which happens to give Oda a dual dose of Retcon wiggle room) are thus:
Bellemere was a troublemaker who left the village. At some point, she joined the marines, and Genzo described her as a “fine marine”. She was involved in a terrible battle, and only regained the will to live via two surviving children. She came back to her hometown in the middle of a terrible storm, on a very small boat, with a marine officer’s coat, severe injuries and two feverish young children she insisted be treated first.
She subsequently adopted them but did not file whatever paperwork was required with the town registry, which is strange from a woman who smacked her daughter for saying they weren’t a real family for not sharing blood. She clearly had -0 issues claiming them as her daughters, so what gives? Why didn’t she want them connected to her through official WG paperwork? Was it just her status as a (presumed dead?) marine who (probably) deserted?
Ahem. The point is, we’ve seen this basic story framework again. TWICE. For Very Major Characters: Robin and Law.
The basic story structure of
Horrific disaster destroys an area/country (at instigation of the WG).
Marine officer rescues main character as a child from (WG induced) disaster, abandoning their post/office/the Marines.
Becomes a guardian/parental figure for child.
Dies protecting child.
keeps happening. Saul/Robin. Cora/Law. Bellemere/Nami & Nojiko.
In two out of three cases, there was something about that (extremely gifted) child, something inherited, inherent to where they were from, that made them public enemies and government targets. Robin was from Ohara and had inherited their knowledge. Law was from Flevance and had inherited Amber Lead Disease. (Also the Will of D, but that’s a separate kettle of fish for now.)
Does Nami have something, like her intuitive sense for the weather and navigation, or her almost instinctive prodigal cartography abilities, that would have caused problems if the wrong people connected the right dots?
Bellemere told her she found her under a bridge. That’s a far cry from “ruins of a town that got leveled in heavy combat”. Is being told you were unwanted less traumatizing than being told your parents left you because they died? Why tell a kid they were abandoned instead of orphaned, in a world where random pirate rampages can redraw maps?
Was this just a kinder ambiguity, considering Nojiko apparently found her in the ruins before finding Bellemere and they genuinely did not know?
Or was she trying to keep a small child from blabbing about where they were truly from in range of the wrong ears? Did Genzo know what he was doing when he told her what Bellemere told him?
How much does Nojiko know/remember aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh.
Worth noting, all three examples are people who were prodigies (navigation, archaeology, surgery) who required a lot of blood sweat and tears for Luffy to ‘save’ from people who wanted to exploit their talents. Arlong, CP9, Doflamingo. Parallels everywhere!
There’s a lot of other things to be suspicious of in Bellemere’s story.
Where was this battle? Why was this battle fought, and against who? Doylist explanation, it was vague because Not Important when OP was supposed to run like 5 years, but the Watsonian at this point is... interesting.
What happened/went wrong that the hellraiser who shoved a gun in the mouth of a moderately famous former Sun Pirate, was two inches and a well-timed pair of kids who needed her from lying down to die among the corpses of her comrades?
Was that Marine officer jacket she arrives back at Cocoyashi in hers or did she grab it off a corpse or something for warmth?
How far did she travel to get back to Cocoyashi?
Why did Bellemere immediately recognize a Grand Line pirate like Arlong, even if she wasn’t aware he could bite though steel? East Blue-ers can’t reliably recognize Devil Fruits as things that really exist, much less know about fishmen.
The point: what really happened to Nami’s birthplace, why was Bellemere so cagey about it, and WHAT IS ODA UP TO????
@possiblyfakenovi thoughts?
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xxyumeno · 5 years
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Disclaimer: This interpretation of Morgan le Fay is largely taken from Geoffrey of Monmonth’s works such as  Vita Merlini, Historia Regum Brianniae, and King Arthur’s Enchantresses: Morgan and Her Sisters in Arthurian Tradition. Don’t expect her to be the Morgan le Fay most are largely familiar with. If you squint and tilt your head to the side you may see snipets of details taken from works of different writers. 
Basic Info
Name: Morgan le Fay Kanji: モーガン・ラー・フェー Alternate Names/Spelling: Morganna, Morgaina, Morgane, Morgante, Morgein, and Morguein  Seiyuu: Sayaka Ohara Faceclaim: Beatrice Ushiromiya Attribute: Sky Class: Ruler Age: Immortal Zodiac: ??? Sex/Gender: F/F Height: 165cm 「5'5"」 Weight: 54kg 「120lb」 Blood Type: N/A Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Traits: Divine, Female, Humanoid, Queen, Servant, Weak to Enuma Elish
Servant Stats
Cards: Quick, Arts, Arts, Arts, Burst Hits:  2Q, 5A, 2B, 5 Extra Hits
Active Traits: Grace of Avalon (EX) [Completely Restores HP of party and removes debuffs]  Her Grace (A) [Regenerates HP by 500 of party for 3 turns and increases Arts Performance for 3 Turns] I Am Not Her (A+) [Lower Arts for 3 turns of other Morgan le Fays]
Passive Traits:  Goddess' Essence Magic Resistance
Noble Phantasm: Sister Queens (EX) [Regenerate HP by 1000, Resistant to Debuffs, and Increased Arts performance for 9 turns]
Stats: Strength: C Endurance: B Agility: B Mana: EX Luck: A NP: A
Morgan le Fay is shrouded in mystery. A chief among her nine queen sisters, including herself. The nine of them ruled the Isle of Apples (Avalon) which men call “The Fortunate isle” together with a pleasing set of laws. Though, they were queen sisters they were not related to each other by blood, but by a common bond in their love for their home of Avalon. Her sisters were Morone, Mazoe, Gliten, Glitonea, Cliton, Tyronoe, Thitis, and Morgause. A healer and a leader the mystical isle of apples is alive and fertile under her reign. The land producing food in abundance in grain, grapes, and apple trees among them.
Morgan is the first among her sisters to most skilled in the healing arts as well as the beauty in her person. Having learned the useful properties of all herbs and what they contain. She has done so she can cure the bodies of the sick. Due to her lineage, Morgan knows and uses magic, she does not use it to harm, but to heal. She knows the art of shape shifting favoring the shape of a raven/crow over many others.  A form she took on to observe those outside of Avalon.
There were times while in the form of a raven/crow she would test others, putting obstacles in their path for them to overcome. Some of succeeded while others have failed.
She was there when the knights had brought a mortally wounded King Arthur to Avalon. It was a testament to her healing prowess they had brought him to her than to any physicians across Europe. The king was received gently as he was laid upon a golden bed. She reassured the knights that she would be able to heal their wounded king. A reassurance without trickery that proved she genuinely cared about the wounded king. From here her tale ends with little to tell about her.
Her linage continues to remain a mystery even in modern times. Her mother, is one most have connected to her, is the Celtic Tri-Face Goddess Morrigan.  From whom she had received her magic and shape shifting gift from. Thus many commonly mistaken her for Morrigan, her mother, when she isn’t. The father on the other hand is shrouded in mystery. ( headcanon )
Well rounded and educated, Morgen had learned mathematics and astrology. After learning these she taught her fellow sisters. She is constructive, as she shared her knowledge with her sisters instead of hoarding and using for selfish purposes. Which is something later Morgans have been proven to do.
In the Middle Ages, in literature, physical beauty was a sign of goodness, and ugliness or deformity was a sign of evil. This being said her beauty did excel those of her sisters and her actions have proven her goodness.
Morgan le Fay is his healer in Geoffrey of Monmonth’s Vita Merlini, Historia Regum Brianniae, and King Arthur’s Enchantresses: Morgan and Her Sisters in Arthurian Tradition. In these Arthur’s sister is Anna whether or not she was a predecessor to Morgan le Fay is questionable.
She has a certain distaste for Merlin that cannot be easily described. Something about the wizard never sat right with her often becoming snarky and sometimes sarcastic when around him or his name is mentioned.
Morgan le Fay has lived at least one other life aside from this. In another time she was a man and still a healer to King Arthur. Her, well, his methods were a bit uncleared as were his motives.
The daughter of Morrigan did have children during her life (specifically daughters), but none were Mordred.
Under very different circumstances can Morgan le Fay be summoned as a Caster.
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