#cuz that one creeper found that opening either way AND JUST EXPLODED AGAIN WHILE I WAS LOOKIN IN THE CHEST
aria0fgold · 5 months
Bro, those creepers tested my patience So Badly when I started playing Minecraft again a couple of weeks ago. I was just chilling, making my home which was in a cave opening by a small mountain side. It was mainly open cuz I was still busy building it and STAAAARRSS!!! Those creepers, would climb up the stairs I made, and Explode behind me while I was looking through my chests for items. They weren't even VISIBLE when I was looking out the mountain but whenever I turn around to handle my items they'd be behind me and the only thing I hear is that HISS then EXPLOSION THEN MY OWN PATIENCE WAVERING CUZ MY HOUSE!!! AND CHEST!!! HAVE BEEN EXPLODED. That happened to me THREE TIMES! Until I managed to get some fences on the openings cuz what is WRONG WITH THOSE CREEPERS
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cherryeol04 · 4 years
Stray Kids Playing Minecraft~
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A/n: I hope you all enjoy, and if you liked, please leave a like! 💖💖💖💖
Tags: @straysrachaa @lordseochangbin @channiesmixtape @starryseung​ @felixsanxchatbot @jisungsjheekies​ @mrbangchannie
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- doesn't know almost anything about Minecraft the first time around but he plays with you to make you happy
- you have to baby him for a while
- He goes and learns about the game in his free time
- and then he pleasantly surprises you now that you he doesn't suck anymore
- and most peculiar of all
- he got really interested in redstone
- boi can make some INVENTIONS
- His house is like, fully automated - farm and all
- it makes you jealous but also very proud
- a pretty big pacifist
- shears, veggies and bread is all he needs
- he still big soft baby but he smart baby now
- also, would totally run around with a pumpkin on his head if you could still wear them in the latest version
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Lee Know
- would kill everything that moves
- would hoard all the meat and refuse to give you any
- deforestation at its finest
- king of surplus
- playing with him is actually playing by yourself cuz he goes off on his own
- builds himself a goddamn empire!
- and no one knows where it is
- if he catches you inside his house without permission: shoot first, ask questions never
- mobs fear him, not the other way around
- will give you items cuz you're a charity cause
- actually shares when you both go mining though
- but let's face it, he's just OP
- would try to get all the cats
- totally to chase away creepers
- not because he wants an army of them or anything
- gets annoyed that he has to constantly fish because the cats keep taking them but won't be tamed by him
- he totally did not search for mine shafts just for name tags to name his cats
- or he'd cancel you in-game and irl too
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- would be super excited to play Minecraft with his friends
- he would be the first on the server to scout out the land and get resources
- however, no one warned him about night fall
- and all the creepy, scary things that spawned
- changbin lives in the ground now
- he dug a hole at the base of the mountain to take refuge during the night and never looked back
- normal person? No way! He was a mole now!
- the best at mining and interior rock design
- he would only resurface to seek out food and animals
- it was Changbin who stole all the cows and sheep, so you couldn't find them for felix
- he would have three large pins just next to his mountain
- lots of cows, rainbow sheep and pigs with saddles
- " uh...so I found these pins of animals and like...no house?"
- "What?"
- "I think the magical Minecraft fairy spawned it into the world?"
- "It's super weird. But I'm gonna kill some cows for their leather"
- and to your shock, a secret door in the mountain opens and Changbin comes running out
- the door made courtesy of Chan
- "He's got a diamond sword already?!?"
- it's the last thing you scream as he kills you for being near his cows
- and after a round of feeding and breeding, he disappears back into his hole
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- would only be about building
- he would be the first one to have a diamond pickaxe just so he could mine cobblestone faster
- would also get efficiency V just so he could speed run through the mines
- would wander through different biomes for days to collect clay so he could make concrete
- and while you're busy actually playing the game, he would beg for you to pick flowers on your trip so he can dye the concrete different colors
- his first house would be a mansion
- but he would give up half way because he kept falling off the roof and dying
- would forget he is actually playing the game and would get scared when night falls and mobs start spawning in his unlit house
- not like you didn't tell him countless times to put down torches
- but he kept saying they ruined his aesthetic
- but now he keeps dying because mobs are literally waiting at his spawn point, killing him over and over and over again
- and he begs you to set the time to day and kill the mobs for him
- but you just laugh uncontrollably at him because karma really is a bitch
- but in the end, he ends up making an entire city, and invites the others to come and play on the server.
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- would be just like Chan
- a pure ass baby when it comes to playing minecraft, but super eager to play the game
- his first spawn would be in the middle of the night (because of server)
- and you would try to tell him to not leave the safety of spawn, but he just wouldn't listen
- "Listen, Y/n, I know what I'm doing! I'm a pro at this!"
- and he would run confidently into the night, like the actual idiot that he is
- he wouldn't get too far before he was attacked by all the mobs and got killed
- "Well that was just rude!"
- "Oh my god Jisung, I told you not to do it."
- "Well how was I supposed to know they were going to kill me?!"
- and you can only shake your head at his stupidity
- he would eventually wait until daytime, but unfortunately all of his items would be lost due to despawning
- it's not like either one of you were equipped to go and retrieve his items
- zombies sucked man! And skeletons are the worst!
- but with a new day comes a new adventure and you both head out to find a place to call home
- Jisung would run the entire way, even though he had no food to keep his hunger up
- he also wouldn't be paying attention to where he was going and would fall into a hole
- a very BIG hole
- 'J.One fell from a high place'
- "Really Jisung?"
- "I couldn't see it!"
- playing with Jisung would be a very challenging task, because he would never learn
- because by the time he had diamond armor and ready to fight the wither, he would have fallen from fifteen cliffs, twenty holes in caves and three ravines
- "Jisung if you die one more time I swear to god!"
- 'J.One fell from a high place'
- "That's it! I quit!"
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- You would be so hyped to play with Felix
- You've seen him play other games, so you knew he'd be great at minecraft
- Getting the server had been his idea, the easiest way everyone could play together
- First day of spawn, Felix would already be listing off the things that you would need to accomplish
- wood, cobblestone, iron, seeds, sheep
- it was all just so overwhelming
- by the time you make your first complete set of wooden tools, felix would have iron tools already
- he'd been ten feet underground, digging for more resources while tasking you to find the animals for food, wool and feathers
- easier said then done
- and when he resurfaces and you don't have animals, he would simply sigh and go do it himself
- which would upset you because you would spend hours looking for just one god damn cow
- meanwhile, Felix would take five steps in one direction and come across hundreds of cows!!!
- he'd travel the whole map just to find a jungle to get coco beans
- seriously though, how did he find the fucking jungle?
- it like doesn't exist
- except it does and Minho most likely lives there with all his cats
- Also, there's pandas!!!!!
- Felix would try and tame a panda, even though it's not possible
- When not trying to show off, Felix would be in his crappy little hut (cause hyunjin was still making the city), making cookies and cakes because why wouldn't he?
- at least he shares, unlike someone.....
- Felix would be absolutely unstoppable at the game, while you struggle to get to iron level armor (while trying to keep Jisung alive)
- Felix would have just a big ego
- it's okay though. One strike from Seungmin's sword and he'd be put back into his place
- Revenge is a dish best served Seungmin.
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- the worst of the worst
- he would be the one to pretend to not know the game
- but really, he would be a minecraft expert
- read: troll
- every chance he would get, Seungmin would try to do something to ruin your day
- don't ever go mining with him. EVER!
- he would be the one to lead over a creeper to you in a ravine while you're trying to mine diamonds, right next to a lava pool
- the first one to explode wouldn't do any damage, thankfully
- "Don't you dare bring a creeper over here!"
- "I wouldn't."
- somehow, you wouldn't be convinced
- but you decided to trust him
- y/n clown
- you're just mining away at the diamond when a big explosion happens
- and you notice two things
- 1. the diamonds and the surrounding area were blown up
- 2. you were now in the pool of lava, dying
- meanwhile, Seungmin was running away, cackling like the evil little shit that he was
- the holy terror, that's what they would call him
- he would purposefully go out and fight creepers just to gather their gunpowder so he could make dynamite
- no one was safe from him
- except Minho
- because no one knew where he was
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- Jeongin would spend at least two days researching things for the game before actually playing
- he would want to have some knowledge before walking into hell that was the Stray Kids server
- it's okay though, because everyone loves Jeongin
- really, he wouldn't need to do a thing
- diamond armor, enchanted? check
- enchanted weapons? check
- his own cat and dog? double check
- everyone would do anything for this baby
- but Jeongin isn't one to mooch *coughJisungcough*
- even with all his presents, he would still start with the basics of punching a tree
- while others have found this skills in cooking, mining, falling into holes, redstone and building
- jeongin would be more interested in potions and enchanting
- Jeongin would quickly master potion brewing
- even if it meant battling the scary blazes in the nether
- huh, so that's why Changbin was screaming so much
- he would be hired by Minho to make him potions of breathing so he could go claim an ocean monument
- Jeongin would only do it if he could help
- surprisingly Minho agrees and for the first time in 84 years, everyone gets to see Minho's character
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