#cuz the characters do a lot of joking around to hide from what they're really feeling or thinking
rosewilsongf · 5 months
okay first of all i love the “written by stevienicks” but i also need to talk bradnate!!
why do they scratch the brain like that!!!
REAL!! (also thank you!) I think it's something to do with that whole dynamic of the king and lionheart? It's a pretty compelling dynamic. like they're loyal to the core with one another but it's not so much spoken as it is shown.
They're both quite reserved about their true emotions, Nate's own reason for this being his job and Brad, I think, is also similar but also because it doesn't seem to be in his nature to really let himself be vulnerable with more 'mushy emotions'? (he's not very good at expressing directly what he really feels like when he was talking about his ex-girlfriend). He also tends to use sarcasm and such to communicate those feelings with the others (aside from Nate, which really plays into the trust between them).
Like, in that sense, they really get each other. The nature of their positions as leaders mean they have to hold back a lot and through the looks and gazes, it's like letting each other know that the other sees and understands on a deeper level. And like that speaks louder than words. They both see the human underneath and when they interact, it's the human underneath they're talking to and not the persona they each put up.
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alexcutecolly · 7 months
oh I’m so happy this gives you ideas! I love to hear your ideas! and I think that v.olo would be really satisfied with himself after eating us like think about the hums he would make after he gets us down and rubs at us >w< he’d enjoy that feelng and it would be so cute
You’re so correct he could just take us with him and no one would even know! it’s our little secret. all the nice pressure from him laying on us a little bit while we’re in there uuuuu so comfy!!! and we could be in there for as long as he wants I really think thats cute
and it sounds like in the game we didnt say what he did cuz just a few people even notice he wasnt there so maybe getting to have us as his close friend is a better prize and we don’t tell the villagers! I forgive him you know?
ps. mi.lotic is naga shape if that gives you more v.olo ideas
v.olo uwu
Awwww, I love to hear your ideas too!! 💕
Omg yeah! I bet he'd be content about feeling us wriggling and shifting inside, we're so small but it'd be enough for him! ❤️ Plus belly rubs can be sooo soothing, both for him and us! Counting the hums as well, we'd all be passing out in a matter of minutes! x3
Warning: Major spoilers for P.okemon Legends: A.rceus below!
Tbh considering A.rceus doesn't even let us return home to the present timeline, remaining with V.olo is a much better option xD whether it's staying in his belly or not tho, that's up to debate xD I can see him teasing us a lot on the journey to another region, with pokes and jokes about us taking easy since he's doing all the walking x3
Also, I like to think he'd be into gentle, playful mouthplay! ❤️ Such as moving us around in his mouth, from cheek to cheek, not only to enjoy our flavor but to goof around a little bit before swallowing us down x3 ❤️ and I imagine him smiling when he lays on his stomach, maybe to switch to a better reading position, and he feels us tumbling inside him as a result! He's such a sweet dork tbh 😭❤️
I went to check who among the main characters mentions V.olo or what happened atop M.ount C.oronet, and only C.ogita and L.aventon do, sooo... It's safe to say everyone else is weirdly clueless 😅😅 which is technically a good thing, since we could hang out with V.olo still without being banned from the village again, but it makes me so sad as well because it means that despite the battle and how it changed everything between him and us, it barely had an impact on everyone's else lives ;-; ;-; ;-;
I wouldn't still tell the villagers what happened tho, ignorance is bliss sometimes xDD plus they're not going to chase him down with torches and pitchforks, lmaooo 😭😭 we forgive him either way, this is what really matters! x3 ❤️ and he can eat us all the times he wants!! x33
Oooh M.ilotic is a nice choice for a Naga!V.olo! He could be like one of those water snakes, that are totally fine with swimming and living in damp areas! Mmmmm imagine him sneaking away with a visible bump in his tail, and he dives in a nearby river to hide if he hears footsteps coming in his direction! x3 and once everything is quiet again, he slithers out and starts heading back to his lair, super happy because he's got his belly filled ❤️
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twigwing · 2 years
tell me about sally
SALLY IS ACTUALLY UNFORTUNATELY A BIT OF A BLIND SPOT FOR ME cuz i haven't watched a lot of AoStH or SatAM and haven't read a lot of the Archie comics... at her best, she's super cool though! she was used uhhhhh Poorly for most of archie's run, just acting as A Girl for sonic (and sometimes other male characters) to "win" or "lose" (rugh.) and... generally being misunderstood and mistreated by the men writing her (the team that came after the "original batch" of writers had their own problems writing characters esp women too but that's a whole other thing i again don't have too much authority on since i've read a series of VERY random archie issues over the past 12 years, mostly from the Tracy Yardley era and Sonic Universe actually lol)
at her core though, sally has always been that kind of "kick-ass royalty" type you get out of girls in media from the time period. active member of the cast, smart, funny, cool, realistic when needed, kindhearted but not foolish, a little exasperated by Oh You Boys. she's also always been sonic's girlfriend/love interest, which i feel like some people aren't aware of and think sonally is just from archie? they're if not outright dating just very comfortable and flirtatious with each other (they're childhood friends!) in SatAM. i actually had a couple episodes on again while doing dishes recently and there was a scene where sonic and sally kiss and their friends are just like standing around waiting for them to stop LMFAO
uhh i put images in here and they made the post really long so i'm gonna put a break
i know even Less about AoStH sally... apparently they're officially dating according to the SNN? also, she's pink, and i hate it
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i do love that she's naked though. pave the way for clothesless female animal chracters girl... a legend... an icon.... unfortunately an icon who was slowly given clothes to hide her Heinous Female Form (i'm joking) over time
for the longest time she just had this little vest though still chest out. go girl go. the little vest was sooo Gender to me as a kid. also her archie eyebrows!!
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as sad as i am that they covered her up, i do think her post-reset archie outfit is super cool!!!
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i take a lot of cues from this sally as well as the Sonic Riders design ethos when dressing my own sonic ocs actually! she's so sporty and fun, i love her. her bright red hair is really nice too, imo. she lost her eyebrows though :(
her archie designs.... oooo she is suuuuuuuch a little gender envy sapphic to me LMFAO. bi legend...
i feel like moooost people know this by now but sallicole... it is Real... they couldn't make it real real for real for real but god these girls...
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their designs look good together i feel... <3
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mmmm i forget what the point was. but yeah, unfortunately i don't know much about sally's use in canon/spinoff material... but what i've seen of her i really like (other than the royalty thing though, i don't like sonic(the character)'s world having a rigid political system especially one based on royalty sorry LMFAO. it's weird!! and also enabled a lot of wack writing for sally in archie!!!) she's a really fun character when written well and given a proper role, and i think she's a really neat companion for sonic (not necessarily romantic... their dynamic is really fun when it isn't bogged down by boring love triangles, they bounce off each other well). i think the idea of sonic having a childhood friend like sally is really neat, especially when you add tails to that history. weird little misfit friendfamily
unfortunately, sally probably won't ever be used officially again. i know the IDW team especially Ian Flynn really want to... but if they did, they wouldn't ever be the same as they were before due to the agonies sadly, and IDW does have a good amount of characters similar to sally now (though i will NEVER say no to more cool girls. in fact give me more. outnumber the cool boys, i demand it). but still! it'd be neat to see her in action in official material again. for now though, she and the rest of the freedom fighters are at narrative rest
but sally still remains a beloved part of the fandom! i still see fanart of her, and i see fans remixing current storylines and putting her and the other freedom fighters back into the cast. i'm glad that at least she hasn't been forgotten
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
Horror Villains x Reader || Reactions
Reacting to: Reader getting slipped a love potion so whoever they see first, they fall madly in absolute and total love and adoration of. They first see Slasher. Notes: Yep, I've been watching scenes of Strange Magic. This is because of that. I definitely recommend listening to a version of 'I Cant Help Myself (Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch)' while reading XD I'm listening to the Jessica Mauboy cover! ^^
Warnings: Definitely non con elements (Not sexual though) Characters Included: Billy Loomis, Bubba Sawyer, (Mayor) Buckman, Carrie White, Chucky / Charles Lee Ray, Chop Top Sawyer, Drayton Sawyer, Freddy Krueger, Jennifer Check, (Sheriff), Hoyt, Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers, Patrick Bateman, Pennywise (OG), Stu Macher and Thomas Hewitt.
Billy Loomis:
🎶'I can't help myself'🎶
What kinda - bullshit- leave me the fuck alone-
Honestly he's trying to get the hell away from you (As you tail him) while Stu's at the side texting you where they're gonna be and laughing his bloody ass off when you turn up and Billy suddenly sprints to the bathroom.
Bubba Sawyer:
🎶'Sugar pie, honey bunch You know that I love you'🎶
Oh my gosh, the moment you expression changes from one of fear and disgust, to wide eyed adoration and you start fawning over him?? He has no idea what to d o. Oh, the poor baby XDD
Like, he's just hugging his chainsaw to him as you get up close and touch his shoulders and fix his tie and follow him around and he doesn't r e a l l y mind, cuz its not like you're hurting him, but he is just confused. He's searching for Drayton. Like he'll have any answers, pft.
(Mayor) Buckman:
🎶'I can't help myself I love you and nobody else'🎶
-I'm sorry, what now? Beg your pardon, there?
As soon as he recognises that sparkly, attentive look on your eyes he's slightly baffled. I mean, he's used to being loved - his town a d o r e their mayor, - so he isn't quite as lost as Bubba is or even Billy, but- he just had your friends killed? Sweetheart are you in your right mind?
I can see him sorta, awkwardly starting to treat your a little better then your friends. What?? He'd feel just awful being terrible to someone who 'loves', him! I mean you'll still die probably, but you can stand by him until its time. Self absorbed prick
Carrie White:
🎶'In and out my life You come and you go Leaving just your picture behind And I kissed it a thousand times'🎶
(*^^*) I'm sorry (*^^*) What? (*^^*)
Oh my gosh she's a mess. What do you mean by calling her Sugar Pie? Honey bunch? Sweetheart? Cutie!?!?
She's going to run away my guy, she's going to flee. She is not used to this kind of attention (Or any at all, for that matter) and you've flustered her. She doesn't believe you're just making fun of her though (Since you're just so... adoring. She intense. So in love- this cant possibly be an act) though at least, so there's that.
Just calm. down. bitch. You're going to scare her.
Chucky / Charles Lee Ray:
🎶'When you snap your finger or wink your eye I come a-running to you I'm tied to your apron strings And there's nothing that I can do'🎶
Depends- as a human or a Good Guy?
As a human he might be a bit more reserved about the whole thing and a whole lot more confused like... is this a joke? That's a gun in my pocket, not somethin' else if that's what you're thinkin'. You gettin' off on this? What? What's the deal, here?
As a doll though it TOTALLY goes to his head. You just took this bastards ego man and shot it up with some steroids. Like yes- they even want me when I'm plastic. That's fuckin' right.
I would say, 'No way hosay, he's fleeing- he's got a hot ass wife already!! But that has never really stopped our asshole gremlin man so...
Chop Top Sawyer:
🎶'I can't help myself No, I can't help myself'🎶
*Drayton from somewhere else in the part* 'YOU'RE WHAT?!'
Yep. No getting outta this now. You're getting married to him. Enjoy.
Drayton Sawyer:
🎶''Cause sugar pie, honey bunch I'm weaker than a man should be I can't help myself'🎶
*Cough* me *cough*
I mean... *awkward cough cough's*... what?
Oh boy, Drayton is awkward. And PINK. Why're you looking at him like that? Why are you running your fingers through his hair? Why're
Like Bog in Strange Magic I think Drayton would set you aside from the rest of the victims for a while, until whatever's gotten into you has worn off at least. And begrudgingly take care of you- and try to tell you that your feelings are just whatever poison's jacked you up- and to please calm down- you wont want this old boy when your senses are back-
Gosh, he's too cute. I love him a lot.
Freddy Krueger:
🎶'I'm a fool in love, you see Wanna tell you I don't love you Tell you that we're through And I've tried Every time I see your face I get all choked up inside'🎶
Hmmmmm~ What'd you just call him?~
You're playing fire here babes-
And by that I mean he's going to push you until he finds the limit to this potion- for fun. Will you still 'love' him if he leads you off a cliff?~ If he carves his name into your back? If he forces this disgusting sludge down your throat? Will you do aaaanything for him?~ How about killing your friend over there?
Jennifer Check:
🎶'When I call your name Girl, it starts a flame'🎶
Yeah, I mean of course, who doesn't, bye-
This is not shocking to her XD She's hot and amazing, she knows, alright? Shoo.
Depends- are you a dude? Cis or trans- a dudes a dude. And if you are a dude, she is going to take this admiration and use it to her advantage.
If you are not a guy, though, you'll probably get off easy, with an eyeroll as she stalks off. Maybe even a smirk.
(Sheriff) Hoyt:
🎶'Burning in my heart, tearing it all apart No matter how I try, my love I cannot hide'🎶
... Is this a trick? You fucker-
Paranoid military man kills you immediately because he thinks this is a ploy to survive and hurt his family.
Jason Voorhees:
🎶'Sugar pie, honey bunch You know that I'm waiting for you (waiting for you)'🎶
Mmmmmm... 😐 this is new territory... he really doesn't know what to do, here...
Uhh... he may lower his weapon, and tilt his head; Silently asking his mother what to do in this situation as he assesses you- you and your own tilted head, corner of your mouth tilted up as you look up (UP UP UP- ) at the 'love of your life'.
Tea? Do you want some (cold lake water and floor leaf) tea?
Michael Myers:
🎶'I can't help myself I love you and nobody else'🎶
Wh... what?
Not gonna lie- you threw him off, for sure when you got down on your knees and just gazed up at him. Even with blood all over him, even holding a shar knife, even with the corpse of your friend a few feet away.
But mostly his feelings are please go away you're freaking me the fuck out.
*The sound of your neck snapping*
Patrick Bateman:
🎶'Sugar pie, honey bunch I'd do anything you ask me to'🎶
How sad for you.
He really doesn't care, man. Just tries to go on with his life, even with you following him around everywhere and trying to get his attention, and being there at his every beck and call- he does enjoy having coffee whenever he wants it, though.
Pennywise (OG):
🎶'I can't help myself I want you and nobody else'🎶
Oh this is HILARIOUS.
Penny figures it out immediately and has a good laugh, as you giggle softly, awkwardly along with him (Which makes him laugh harder-). Ohhhh, you made his century.
You're gonna taste delicious, when he's done with you.
Stu Macher:
🎶'Sugar pie, honey bunch You know that I love you'🎶
Ahhhhh... say what now?
Billy cackles like an evil ferret behind him as you wrap your arms around Stu (The boy himself a slave to his hornier impulses but struggling as Billy's right there and also this is kinda rapey-). Good. he gets a taste of his own medicine now. He looks mortified. GOOD.
Thomas Hewitt:
🎶'I can't help myself No, I can't help myself'🎶
Thomas is a mix of Michael and Bubba- he's thinking but why, but also what do i do what do i do what do i do-
Like one one side, he's annoyed. Because you're geting in his way and he needs to help out his mamma and do what Hoyt tells him to, in order to keep his family safe.
But on the other- he's kind of enjoying this kind of attention.
God, someone just take the decision out of his hands.
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kuruna · 2 years
hello hope do you perchance have any thoughts on Toriel from 2015 indie role playing game " Under Tale " :) perhaps even thoughts on Rouxls Kaard, another character famously present in 2015 indie rpg undertale?
Toriel!! I luv her <3 I think she's such a neat character, in a lot of ways she is the traditional "motherly guidance" character you'll see in a lot of RPGs, but there's so much to her that makes her still feel really distinct. Her wanting to protect Frisk to the point she was willing to go to desperate means... and her being clearly powerful in her own right, but unable and unwilling to fight her husband (also can I say. I just love that even in Deltarune they're divorced its hilarious). I think its so fun that she also really loves bad puns and goofing around, she's a really vibrant and loving person at her core... Also. Scream. I just Detest the way Certain Artists draw her. Toriel is flat as a board and thats okay <3 As for Rouxls, I'm rly rly interested to see what comes next with him! Cuz even tho he's been, so far, a goofy joke character, I think that he's hiding some kind of incredible power. Like, why was it that he was able to survive in Cyberspace for so long, whereas Lancer became petrified almost immedietly after exiting Kris' pocket? It was only when Rouxls overexpended himself that he became (mostly, not even completely!) petrified as well. I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up playing some kind of larger role in the story at some point, especially in the Snowgrave Route (which I have never done or watched a playthru of and never will </3)
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