#cuz then you get a lot more traction and boost which leads to more interactions?
jdopes-recorder · 2 years
Not little rant pls ignoreee
Literally giving you so much time to scroll past
Stop scrolling
Well you asked for it:
Im feeling kinda lonely here :/
There's moots and blogs I like that are so talented and cool so obv they get a lot of asks and interactions
They all must be getting them cuz they do something, right
What do I even do here?
I reblog sfuff.
I know that reblogs mean a lot to the writers but still.
I've literally posted one headcanon but that was from some surge of confidence and I don't like anything I've sort of written other than that. Ones with serious topics and scenarios. I'm not good at conveying that stuff. My writing is like an examination essay, pretty bad with bringing emotions and more descriptive.I have ideas but I'm not good at writing.
Idk what to make edits and gifs.
I dont do those 'relatable thoughts' that I see everywhere.
Am I even worth much to the people I interact with? Probably not tbh there's nothing great abt me
The one I was closest to here for the most was aster but then she deactivated suddenly and I didn't even know why so I had to ask rin.... It sounds stupidly selfish but I just wish aster had let me know before she left bcz it was such a shock. I was gonna ask her smthg and I went to our messages and it said it was deactivated.
It was just a lot to process and I miss her a lot.
I'm not rly doing anything worthwhile here tho am I?
What do I bring to this platform?
Nothing really
I do moodboards sometimes but I haven't for like two months cuz it takes quite a bit of time and patience and I don't have that kind of stuff rn
It feels pretty pathetic actually, to see your moots posting awesome stuff that literally move my soul while I do nothing.
I suppose sometimes I may make them happy a bit
I always try my best to leave feedback on all writing works I read and I know how much that means to them
I've only posted one thing and the few reblogs I got and their tags mean so much so I wanna do that for others.
But it feels.... Weird and sad to be this unproductive here.
Kinda feels like I don't belong in a place like this where there are so many talented creative wonderful people.
I'm not rly thinking about it but, if I deactivated my blog, what great thing will be gone with me? Moots may be a bit :( but they'll definitely find many another blogs that are equally cool to interact with right? Right.
Ok well that was the most I've ever showed my feelings here... Weirdddd
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