#like... i see moots getting a lotta asks and interactions and stuff
jdopes-recorder · 2 years
Not little rant pls ignoreee
Literally giving you so much time to scroll past
Stop scrolling
Well you asked for it:
Im feeling kinda lonely here :/
There's moots and blogs I like that are so talented and cool so obv they get a lot of asks and interactions
They all must be getting them cuz they do something, right
What do I even do here?
I reblog sfuff.
I know that reblogs mean a lot to the writers but still.
I've literally posted one headcanon but that was from some surge of confidence and I don't like anything I've sort of written other than that. Ones with serious topics and scenarios. I'm not good at conveying that stuff. My writing is like an examination essay, pretty bad with bringing emotions and more descriptive.I have ideas but I'm not good at writing.
Idk what to make edits and gifs.
I dont do those 'relatable thoughts' that I see everywhere.
Am I even worth much to the people I interact with? Probably not tbh there's nothing great abt me
The one I was closest to here for the most was aster but then she deactivated suddenly and I didn't even know why so I had to ask rin.... It sounds stupidly selfish but I just wish aster had let me know before she left bcz it was such a shock. I was gonna ask her smthg and I went to our messages and it said it was deactivated.
It was just a lot to process and I miss her a lot.
I'm not rly doing anything worthwhile here tho am I?
What do I bring to this platform?
Nothing really
I do moodboards sometimes but I haven't for like two months cuz it takes quite a bit of time and patience and I don't have that kind of stuff rn
It feels pretty pathetic actually, to see your moots posting awesome stuff that literally move my soul while I do nothing.
I suppose sometimes I may make them happy a bit
I always try my best to leave feedback on all writing works I read and I know how much that means to them
I've only posted one thing and the few reblogs I got and their tags mean so much so I wanna do that for others.
But it feels.... Weird and sad to be this unproductive here.
Kinda feels like I don't belong in a place like this where there are so many talented creative wonderful people.
I'm not rly thinking about it but, if I deactivated my blog, what great thing will be gone with me? Moots may be a bit :( but they'll definitely find many another blogs that are equally cool to interact with right? Right.
Ok well that was the most I've ever showed my feelings here... Weirdddd
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hanji-is-life · 3 years
what do I gotta do to get a follow up (obviously I’m anon rn just to ask)
ummm honestly I have no idea??? cause I’ll see the same name pop up over and over again, especially if you send me stuff and talk to me a lot and I’ll be like. oh. moot. friend. love them. but then I’ll realize that I haven’t been following them and immediately panic and follow back omg
so it’s more or less like, a LOT of interaction off anon. I get a lotta messages and notifications a day, so sometimes people will slip through the cracks. also, if you’re a writer and write for MHA (and probably jjk too in the near future 👀) I might give a follow back!!
idk man I just kinda follow people that I see and talk to the most often or have some good writings
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vocatharsis · 6 years
Cogs’ TS2 Apocalypse Run (X)
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Got a hankering for some old-fashioned simmin’ early this year, so I downloaded The Sims 2 Ultimate Edition using my otherwise-barely-used Origin account. I’m trying my hand at an apocalypse challenge run (using Phaenoh’s incredible mod-assisted ruleset from Mod The Sims) and it’s proving very fun so far! 
In this challenge, I’ve got to gradually guide a bloodline through lifting a series of tough restriction sets, which go away one by one as I get family members to top the game’s various career tracks. For example, the Culinary restrictions (the first set removed) allowed me to open the fridge no more than once per day, while Medicine (the second) banned all personal hygiene technology except a single sink. As the ‘X’ in brackets in the post title might suggest, I’ve been doing well so far. 
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If you like The Sims series, nostalgic videogame reflections, wry/silly challenge run blogging or all of these things, feel free to read on!
In which we start with a bit of a surprise -- sharpest-dressed coot in all the wastes -- B-R-A-V-O-O-O -- a ladies’ guy, apparently -- “It’s money that paid for all them renovations we did!” -- Panoptica becomes even more of a warrior.
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Welcome back! (Or, if this is your first time reading, Welcome!) It’s time for another update. 
Last time, I detailed how Shelmerdine, the run’s founder, died of old age, and how her second child Panoptica (pictured above) reached the top of the Intelligence career, giving my household the power to make and answer phone calls (among other things). 
Look, John’s already reaping the benefits of his ‘increased chance of bringing a friend back home from work’ Popularity Aspiration perk; naturally, he uses it to gossip openly with some geezer about state secrets.
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Divulge away, John. 
Anyway, Sake’s well into the Elder life stage at this point, meanwhile John, Forseti and-- 
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Wait, what? 
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I seriously thought he had one more day left after this one--
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Nooooooo... (*sigh*) well, thanks for everything, Sake. You were important. (This actually came as a surprise to me when it happened.)
Here, have a picture of Panoptica swinging Forseti around.
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John’s actually on the verge of becoming an Elder himself at this point. He hasn’t reached perma-plat - yet - but I do wanna keep his lifespan as long as I can, just because. So I had him pick up some new skills, e.g. by learning Cleaning from a book. This builds Nature enthusiasm...
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“The hell are you supposed to be?”
He’s got platinum aspiration now, so I figure I might as well just buy a birthday cake and let him get on. Final hug with Panoptica while they both still have non-grey hair!
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Ah, these two siblings. They’re so great.
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Lotta candles. We can only hope his Elderwear has some semblance of dignity, so he leaves a decent-looking ghost behind.
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The twins are excited to see what abomination the RNG calls forth.
Let’s see...
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I... John, holy shit. You got a suit. You’re already the best-dressed ghost the Smiths have yielded thus far.
Now it’s time to let the twins become teens!
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Niiice! Now they have fourteen or so days to use some of the career rewards and gain whatever skills they can in preparation for their lifts. 
Oh, and now that Forseti’s a teenager, he’s finally tall enough to scrub weeks of filthy sandwich grime off the kitchen counter, just like he always dreamed.
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(FYI, Forseti has the Popularity aspiration; Aaron has Family. Both have Knowledge as their secondary. I chose their aspirations partly based on the possibility of getting a useful lifetime wish, but it appears that the lifetime wish isn’t rolled until they fulfil their first want as a teen, or until you load the save. And for both of them, the LTWs rolled were for Knowledge, no their mains. So maybe picking a secondary right away causes the game to roll the LTW for it instead of their main life goal? Hm, perhaps I can use this...)
Since Aaron’ll eventually be moving out of the house, and since at that point I’ll be allowed to marry him off to someone and have it count toward restrictions as well, I’m fine with him having a teenage romance. Here’s Tosha Go, one of the standard townies. They’re just friends - for now. 
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Using the ‘Ask: What are your skills?’ interaction (thank you, Panoptica!), I found that she has fairly high creativity. So I might direct her towards lifting Journalism, or perhaps Business? That’ll wait, of course, since she’s not an adult yet. 
Juan has nearly all the skills he needs to reach the top of Architecture at this point (he has the Logic and Mechanical, and will need just two more dots in Creativity) so I sent him and someone else to my homemade ‘makeshift city hall’ community lot. I decided to make it a rundown-yet-still-somehow-standing Scout hall, with scavenged chairs and stuff dragged in to make a crude neighbourhood mooting place. 
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He signs up via the jobs board (at rank 6, since he’s overqualified), and spends the rest of his weekend using his new drafting table to build Creativity. 
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Meanwhile, Aaron gets the last of his chess-grind done, followed shortly by Forseti--and about time, too. I’ve discovered that the ‘hobby wants’ are partly determined by personality, so Forseti’s hyper-playful and hyper-athletic nature isn’t inclined to roll the ‘play chess’ want. 
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I’ll wean Forseti off games until his enthusiasm drops to safe, non-obsessed levels to avoid another poor, poor Kent incident. (You give ‘em chess, suddenly they pine for crummy EA snowboarding simulators and Marco Polo...)
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As an Elder, John’s suddenly got a lot of free time on his hands. This is true whether I like it or not: one of the things with TS2 elders is, they wake up when their Energy need is full, and won’t do the ‘stay in bed unless directed otherwise’ thing that most others do. I have him working on maxing all his skills, just becos.
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Better also pay protection money to the mob while you’re out there, though. Those guys are dangerous. Except, you know, I’m actually swimming in money at this point after two generations of maxed careers and no retirement (plus Shelmerdine and John both getting loadsamoney from the good outcomes of their top-of-career opportunity cards). It’s only around §11500 (i.e. half the lot value) per week, and we make more than that. I can easily afford to have a higher lot value once Architecture is lifted. 
Time for Juan’s first day as a Draftsman. 
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Oh, and I got Forseti to take the first job in the newspaper (as I’m allowed to do) so that he could maybe reroll wants after work. He got Journalism, which is fine. 
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Meanwhile, Aaron is flirting with a teen townie called Meadow who came down the street. Don’t worry, it’s not serious; they’re not even friends yet. 
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And I’ll probably pair him up with Tosha in the end, since Tosha said she was ‘very good’ at Creativity whereas Meadow is ‘pretty good’ at the same. Given that both girls had two chemistry bolts with Aaron, I’m guessing that they’re both Family Sims like he is.
The next few days see Juan climbing up through Architecture, and Forseti making a few new friends. It occurs to me that Aaron’ll need to do some networking for when he eventually moves out...
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Forseti tops his teen job, which of course doesn’t count for lifting restrictions,
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and the next day, Juan lifts Architecture!
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“Right! Let’s do up the ’ouse!”
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Now I finally have a space where I can plonk down John’s military obstacle course, which is the fastest Body-skilling object in the game. 
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Might as well give it a whirl! It seems random, but they alternate between clearing it with ease and getting stuck on stuff. You have no idea how many pictures I’ve taken of people falling flat on their face trying to jump that second hurdle. 
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Panoptica, meanwhile, is running it like a champion, which creates the opportunity for another one of those well-timed ‘descendant vs spouse’ comparison moments.
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N’aw, but I shouldn’t be mean to Juan. He’s doing fine. And not at all tragically, as in the last one’s case. 
That’s plenty for this update, I think--got through quite a bit of my backlog. Thanks for reading!
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