#cv eclipse au
h0lidayg1rl1225 · 6 months
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doodle of a little lady named eclipse fur since the eclipse was today
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See the marionette restring
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Happenings hardly seem happening in sanity Stats are the adversary. Friends are insanity Feelings still claw at me. Logic will rot in me
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Why is your spirit guide in a box
“It’s his summoning stone that’s in there”
He melted the lock enough to remove it, and opened the chest. Inside was a simple cape clip with a crescent design, the lighter half also having sun rays coming from it. The clip glowed for a second before an orange spiritual figure appeared
“Eclipse! Thank the stars you got out”
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pyrrhicpaths · 2 years
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// verses tag dump!
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Actor AU CV Solar will give Actor AU Eclipse advice on how to raise a kid if he needs it. He basically raised the twins so he can be helpful
God he will need it. His child isn’t like lunar and bloodmoon, he’s a special form of weird. He doesn’t know why he keeps staring at people from the corner of the room
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why-raven · 4 months
character associations — sora.
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Tagged by @miqojak. Combined from 5 Things, and Character Features.
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emotions & feelings.
anxious. / curious. / earnest. / feisty. / naive.
arm-wrestling handshake. / big, hearty grin. / dramatic hand waving. / friendly slap on one’s back. / physically painful hugs (ex. bear hug, tackle hug).
body language.
animated or excitable gestures. / crossed arms or legs. / grimace (either with a frown or with gritted teeth). / hands on hips. / rolling eyes.
MSQ/Canon (as WoD) — a-line dresses. / hair bows. / lots of silk. / flat pumps.
Sherlock AU (as Sora Holmes) — frills and laces. / gothic dresses. / over-the-knee boots. / red or black rose motifs.
Sabrina AU (as Sora Spellman) — goth punk style. / miniskirts. / lots of leather. / striped stockings.
combinations of red, black and white.
allagan earrings—red. Gift from Yiuno. Crafted from remnants of an Allagan node where she was originally found prior to the Seventh Umbral Calamity.
harmonica, made of hardsilver. Another gift from Yiuno, when she completed her training to become a full-fledged Dancer with Troupe Falsiam.
leather-bound notebook. Used as a diary to record her adventures or anything of interest.
aroma of hot cocoa.
fragrance of roses and lilies.
smell of freshly baked goods (i.e. pastries and confections).
bloodthirsty. Despite her cute and innocent appearance, she loves to fight—and she isn’t known to hold back her punches. At all. (“Kill first, talk later. Oops, you’re already dead, anyway!”)
chaotic alignment. Doesn’t like to follow rules; she prefers to do whatever she wants, whenever she feels like it. (She’s fairly docile to Yiuno, though.)
greed. She’s mostly motivated by monetary gains. She believes that she’s forever poor, and she doesn’t like to work for free. (Suspected to be a trait she’s gained from Yiuno, but no one knows for sure.)
innocent to a fault. It’s difficult to tell if she’s really pure like a child, or actually an amoral imp.
a flower bed in the middle of an abandoned building.
colorful fireworks illuminating the dark sky.
fiery red sky at sunset. / when the sun meets the horizon.
full moon. / eclipses.
pages of sheet music scattering in the wind.
god knows… — haruhi suzumiya (cv: aya hirano).
I’ll follow you No matter where you are in the darkness of this painful world I’m sure you will shine Beyond the end of the future Don’t break your spirit because of your weakness You will converge my way May god bless us now…
imagination — spyair.
No matter when, no matter who, we want to stand there Even if it’s wrong, even if it’s frustrating, we want to struggle on Never give up, we don’t want to end like this With this imagination in mind, I’ll go on
innocent starter — nana mizuki.
I whisper to you, the one who gave me my “beginning” Of the promise that we made, just the two of us The magic of eternity that never changes Even if our future is captured, even if it vanishes far away I’ll remember your clear voice Call my name And smile like you did that day
troublemaker — arashi.
Wondering about the dreams I’d almost forgotten Searching for the love I’d nearly lost I don’t need your tears anymore Is it too late? There’s nothing wrong with that! Wondering about the existence of rumors That chilled the atmosphere of the city Just smile here to dodge a bluff Isn’t it okay to just take it easy?
weight of the world (english version) — keiichi okabe ft. j’nique nicole.
Still, we’re gonna shout it loud Even if our words seem meaningless It’s like I’m carrying the weight of the world I hope that someway, somehow That I could save every one of us But the truth is that I’m only one girl Maybe if I keep believing my dreams will come to life Come to life
All lyrics translations (except the last one) are by @why-raven. Please credit if use. Do not claim as your own.
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villetela · 3 months
I was curious where does your y/n from your cv au work at? And how did they get the virus in their computer? And is there gonna be an eclipse or just sun and moon?
I don't really know yet since I haven't planned the other stuff that should be informed 😭- but originally I wanted y/n to work at a cafe but I think that idea was too overused and wouldn't make sense for the virus thing so I decided to think a different idea, and their uniform will be redesigned as soon as I figured out where they work at and what role they are, and for the virus one. Ehh.. Let's just say "someone" imported a virus to our computer without us knowing, the "someone" basically lied to us. Like, for example: "someone" and y/n would probably have a conversation and the "someone" would say something like: "Oh by the way I'll just import this thingy to your computer y/n, it's to help your systems work way more fast and clean. Don't worry it's definitely not a virus." Like that- (he's obviously lying ass!!) And for the third question- of course there's an eclipse. But I'll save their design and information soon cause trust me their gonna be a BIG event. I would want to make a fic about my au but sadly I have poor writing skills😭 english was never my main language lmao. But thanks for the ask!
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amphiptere-art · 6 months
Curious on how any of your characters would react to meeting Draconis (the immortal and invulnerable CV Solar that steals stars) he doesn’t really take anyone he meets very seriously
Ahhhh. Depends on where he goes. I've quite a bit of AUs now, And I'm not quite sure if I can just talk how everyone will react. If I'm thinking about scenarios that might be interesting?
Story made of Ash would being interesting thing for him to run up upon. Honestly taking away Chapters star would be a blessing. Although I'm uncertain he would leave him sleeping in the closet or not.
Sulky star cluster would be interesting just on the piece that he's going to meet with a bunch of various eclipses that will all be dismissive of him. The only one that has a star is Antares. And He's holding on it constantly, so simple thievery won't work.
Runaway eclipse is just interesting on the fact that he's a shy guy And I bet he could get some enjoyment out of it. Although a conversation could end very shortly because of the triangle.
I have various worlds with Lords. The most interesting would be empty cup which is a dying world with the two very people starved Honey and Cider. Who while Honey wouldn't necessarily want his star taken. It's not like he can fix his world with the star at this point, so he won't miss it.
Beastmaker would just find his immortality interesting. Although would be childlessly upset that he can't change him into one of his beasts. Might still try to though.
Blue Moon's reaction is simultaneously the same as always. Attack the not Sun. But in a weird way they can almost maybe make a star deal? Blue Moon hates stars more than anyone else. There has been many attempts to either destroy or steal stars from their companions because they believe it is not right to use them. So I mean a deal would be interesting if Blue Moon wasn't trying to kill them.
Ahhh. You have anyone in particular you wanted to talk to? I have given you various starts. You can either ask for somebody specific or try and go off of this. If you do send in a new ask send it over here. As that's where I've moved all my roleplays to. Also here is a bigger list of characters and worlds. Just in case you need a refresh for some of these.
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septentrrional · 6 years
Intern 2018
Desi nu eram obligat de facultate, m-am angajat si vara aceasta.
Vreau sa zic ca a fost o experienta extraordinara. Am intalnit oameni foarte prietenosi si saritori si sariti de pe fix. Am lucrat cu deviceuri embedded, cu multa mate, cu metode numerice, cu c++, cu oop, cu Matlab, cu sisteme in timp real, cu eclipse si visual studio, precum si cu algoritmi de radar si computer vision. Am lucrat si cu o arhitectura powerpc, si cu wireshark. Am facut , intr-un cuvant, de toate - si nu in cantitate mica. Pe deasupra, din cauza divizarii unei echipe, am reusit sa prind si un ramp-up pentru echipa care face sisteme de operare pentru un dispozitiv al companiei. Am invatat si acolo despre embedded linux, rtos si debugging pe embedded, precum si despre acel device.
Ce mi se pare mai culmea este ca imi amintesc ca managerul mi-a spus la interviu ca salarile sunt mici (nu a fost nici pe departe!) si ca nu voi avea un mentor asignat (nu am avut, dar a fost ca si cum tot departamentul mi-a fost mentor, atat de saritori si prietenosi si pedagogici au fost colegii).
Mi-a placut foarte mult ca am avut autoritate peste proiect, sa il fac exact cum cred eu de cuvinta - si am facut bine! Am primit multe laude, mi s-a spus ca este cel mai visual appealing demo pe care il avem, ca "nu ma asteptam sa mearga in 2 luni jumate", etc. Colac peste pupaza, am lucrat cu un coleg care era total habarnist - initial m-am suparat ca trebuie sa fac eu toata treaba, dar in cele din urma am vazut-o ca pe o provocare. Rezultatul: am facut poate de 10 ori mai multe ca vara trecuta si nu stiu unde sa le indes in cv. Am primit si o recomandare de la manager, unde lista de chestii pe care le-am facut este parca interminabila. Am prezentat un demo cu aplicatia chiar si sefilor sefului meu, deci trebuie sa fie ceva bun acolo - mai ales ca este o companie de care a auzit toata lumea, in zeci de tari.
Mi-ar placea sa ma intorc in firma asta, sa vedem daca se va si intampla.
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emploimaroc30 · 4 years
Twins recrute des Chefs de Projets Web
New Post has been published on https://emploimaroc.net/twins-recrute-des-chefs-de-projets-web/
Twins recrute des Chefs de Projets Web
Twins recrute des Chefs de Projets Web sur Fès.
Twins, au cœur de la transformation digitale des entreprises et institutions, notre ambition est claire: «vous faire gagner sur tous les fronts».
Twins accompagne les marques et entreprises de façon globale et avec une grande passion digital dans:
-LaTransformation digitale: de la promesse client à la transformation. -La Performance marketing et de communication: le digital au service des ventes et des marques.
Twins, engagée pour le développement de La performance marketing et de communication des entreprises.
Nos clients doivent se singulariser par une relation consommateur engageante, un meilleur time-to-market, des services innovants, tout en veillant à leur réputation, à construire une « intelligence client » afin de mieux segmenter et valoriser leurs offres.
Réussir sur le digital, c’est savoir habilement combiner conseil, marketing, créativité et solutions pour:
-Créer des expériences clients singulières et engageantes -Mettre le data marketing au service de l’intelligence client -Propulser des plateformes de commerce cross-canal performantes
Twins propose des dispositifs de communication, marketing et vente s’appuyant sur des solutions concrètes afin de tirer profit du digital:
Expertises clés:
-Planning stratégique – Stratégie digitale -Campagnes marketing – Social CRM – Social monitoring -Analytics – Big data – Data Management Platforms. -UX design – parcours cross-cana -E-commerce – CRM – Content management -Mobilité & objets connectés
Twins recrute des Chefs de Projets Web
Dans le cadre de la stratégie de développement de ses activités, Twins est en quête de 4 chefs de projet web qui seront chargés de participer aux différentes phases de développement des sites web des clients.
Vous êtes garant(e) du respect des charges, des délais, de la qualité technique et de l’intervention sur toutes les phases du projet. vous rejoignez une équipe de développeurs et d’experts dynamique, ambitieuse et passionnée par le monde de l’informatique.
Tâches et missions:
Animer l’équipe de développement, dialoguer avec le client, cadrer ses besoins et recueillir les entrants.
Analyser les besoins, les spécifications fonctionnelles et faire des propositions dans l’architecture technique.
Rédiger des spécifications techniques, suivre les développements des ressources dédiées au projet.
Maintenir et enrichir les tests, suivre les demandes de correction et d’évolution.
Gérer les équipes de développement, contribuer aux recettes fonctionnelles et préparer les mises en production.
Réaliser la documentation et le reporting projet.
Vous agissez en véritable pilier de l’équipe et vous la faites bénéficier de vos compétences en matière d’expertise technique et en pilotage de projet.
Profil recherché:
De formation bac+3/4/5, issu d’une école d’ingénieur ou d’une université, spécialisé en informatiques, avec une expérience d’au moin 1 an dans un poste similaire.
Compétences recherchées:
Expérience dans le développement (java, xml) autour d’architectures j2ee (servlet, portlet, ejb) et de framework (spring, hibernate, zk, junit, mule);
Expérience dans le développement des web services (soap, wsdl, uddi)
Connaissance des systèmes d’authentification interne (ldap, ad) ou par sso ou par tokens cryptographiques matériels;
Connaissance des protocoles d’échange de données sécurisé (ssl, https …);
Maîtrise de l’outil de développement (Eclipse), de gestion de code (SVN, CVS, subversion) et d’outils de gestion des dépendances et d’intégration continue (maven 2, hudson);
Très bonne connaissance des outils de profiling, de tests unitaires, de tests de performances et de tests de non régression fonctionnels (Junit, Fitness, Selenium, Jmeter, TPTP);
Très bonne connaissance du domaine du décisionnel et des outils de reporting
Bonne connaissance du SGBD Oracle.
Compétences personnelles:
Aptitudes requises.
Aptitudes conceptuelles.
Aptitudes à travailler en relation étroite avec les responsables de l’architecture technique.
La maîtrise de français est indispensable et la bonne maîtrise d’anglais sera un atout
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eclipsedcrystalstar · 6 months
what if Prince Solar and Eclipse as kitties (totally not inspired by the paw boops)
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Prince Solar is based off a Maine Coon but I didn’t want to make HA Eclipse too tiny (regular sized cats are surprisingly small next to those)
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actualkunikida · 7 years
Tagged by @taniushka12
Nicknames: Mel, also Mellie and Melmel by my mother but we don’t talk about those (honestly part of me wants to die whenever I hear them)
Star sign: Virgo (fun fact I’m the first day of Virgo and I always wanted to be Leo because lions are cool until I learned that Kunikida, his birthday being a week after mine, is Virgo too, and then suddenly I was fine with it)
Gender: demigender
MBTI type: I... N... uhh I dunno
Height: ~5′7″ (~169 cm)
Time: 10:59 pm
Birthday: 23 August
Favorite bands: Thriving Ivory/Midnight Cinema, OneRepublic, GRANRODEO, OLDCODEX, Fall Out Boy
Favorite solo artist: Alex Band, Bryan Adams, City and Colour, Najee, Hosoya Yoshimasa, Miyano Mamoru
Song stuck in my head: 明日へのLast Race by 山崎宗介 CV:細谷佳正 (Asu e no Last Race by Yamazaki Sousuke CV: Hosoya Yoshimasa)
Last movie I watched: Does it count if I only half paid attention while I played FE Heroes and drew my pretty cavaliers? If yes, then Sully (which I found boring btw). If not, then Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
Last show I watched: Star Trek Voyager
Other blogs: my art blog @actualkunikida; my BSD ST AU blog @bungou-stray-starships; the Kunikida Week blog which I run @kunikida-week
When I created my blog: I think 2016 but honestly my memory is shit so who knows coulda been 2017
What I post about: A bunch, honestly. Star Trek, space, animals, Bungou Stray Dogs, mostly; plus some music, Colin Morgan, and BBC Merlin and random stuff, along with the occasional Yu-Gi-Oh and Haikyuu!!
Last thing I Googled: total solar eclipse 2024 path of totality (If I am home when it happens I’ll get to see the total solar eclipse, rather than just the partial like today!!)
Following: 95
Followers: 68
Favorite color: red, especially deep reds like blood red and wine red; green, especially light, yellowish greens like jade and olivine (peridot); silver; sometimes gold (like when it’s not tacky)
Average hours of sleep: I... have no idea lmao. I like to aim for at least 8, but it tends to be less especially on days when I have to get up early for work, since unless I pass out without meaning/planning to, I tend to have trouble falling asleep before 10 (though there was once not too long ago where I passed out before 8 and slept until, like, 10 the next morning... oops lmao). Plus, I often get distracted by drawing, writing, reading, shows, games etc and end up losing track of time, and I already barely have a sense of time as it is
Lucky number: 3
Instruments: I learned to play the recorder in intermediate school like everyone else, and I tried to learn the piano in college, but neither really worked out lmao (though I did do well enough while I was taking the classes to pass)
What I’m wearing: My high school senior shirt and black shorts (they’re technically workout shorts but I use them as jammies bc the jammie shorts were more expensive)
How many blankets I sleep with: Right now, one. But in the winter I often sleep with two
Dream jobs: I dunno, to work at a bookstore??
Dream trip: I... don’t like going places
Favorite food: milk chocolate
Nationality: Austro-German (is that what it would be? of Austrian heritage and born in Germany?) on my mother’s side and Polish American on my father’s
tagging: no one, sorry, but if you’d like to do it, feel free to do so and say I tagged you!
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minxiebutt · 7 years
Hey there. Thanks for your prompt. I have two options for you, so choose the one that fits better :) Sports AU: Mikasa just graduated from the junior team into the women's team. During her first match she meets her idol- famous sportsman Levi- for the first time /or cv: After reclaiming Wall Maria, the members of the survey corps are in the focus of interest. Levi notices that especially Mikasa falters under the pressure and decides that hard training would be the best for her to shift her focus
Thank you so much! I went with a little bit of canonverse!
-“Center yourself,” Levi commands. A growl rises from the girl crouching opposite him. “I won’t–”
“You won’t always be here, I know!” Mikasa snaps, using her anger to fuel her. She puts her entire momentum behind an uppercut aimed for his jaw that, easily, he dodges, swooping around behind her to put a knee in her back and drive her into the dirt.
“Come on, Mikasa, fight like you mean it. Or are those Sina pigs right about you? Are you better suited to, what was it they wrote this morning? ‘Offer your prowess to the nobles in the interior’?”
That’s the match that strikes the fire, and only after Levi finds himself prone in the training field does he call time. He’s impressed by the progress she has been making since her release from jail, but like he will ever tell her that.
“Next time, don’t take so fucking long,” he chastises.
Retaking Wall Maria brought the names and faces of the surviving Survey Corps members’ to the forefront of public attention. Being of rare heritage, Levi watched as a less reverent kind of attention poured out on Mikasa, voiding her skill in battle to focus on her looks. During her time in jail, the newspapers painted her as a long-suffering damsel-in-distress. Levi could wrinkle his nose in disgust.
Public attention died down for a little while, the captivation with the titan guillotine replacing it, but as soon as Mikasa and Eren were released from jail, the newspapers dived back into their obsession with her. ‘The East Sea Jewel of the Survey Corps’ they called her. Levi read the newspaper only casually, but it didn’t take long for him to see that whenever an article speculating details of Mikasa’s personal life was published, she would score low in trainings that day. For two months, he watched and waited for her to get her head together and stop worrying about the opinions of high society, but when that didn’t happen, he decided to step in.
“Ackerman,” he said at breakfast, approaching the table where she ate with Armin. “You’re training with me.”
“That’s unnecessary,” she replied, looking annoyed that he would even suggest it. But when Levi dropped the newspaper on the table in front of her, she cringed.
“‘A young woman of her beauty should, perhaps, retire from military service and be courted into marriage’,” Levi quoted from the article with a harsh tone. “I didn’t know you were considering it, Ackerman.”
“I’m not,” she snapped, though her face remained impassive.
“Then you’re training with me,” Levi said. When she opened her mouth with another sharp retort, he cut her off, “That is an order.”
Grudgingly, she said, “Yes, sir.”
Mikasa is a skilled soldier, there’s no doubt about that, but under Levi’s tutelage, she becomes even better. The Survey Corp leads expeditions for the purpose of slaying titans now, and slowly, Mikasa rises from ‘the girl worth a hundred soldiers’ to eclipsing Levi as ‘humanity’s strongest.’ He’s glad to see another Ackerman taking the title– his age is catching up to him now, making him ache when it rains in places he didn’t even know he injured.
Still, he continues to train Mikasa. It goes from giving her an outlet for her frustration over the attention, to teaching her everything that he knows. Levi feels good about his decision, like he’s chosen her for a successor, and he knows that if anyone can carry on where he leaves off, it will be her.
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jaimeesf · 7 years
2017 in Review
2017 was a total eclipse of the heart. Salt Bae made you swoon. La La...er "Moonlight" won Best Picture. Serena Williams won a grand slam while pregnant. Equifax said 'baby got hacked.' The net is no longer neutral. Harryput a ring on it. Tom Brady has more Super Bowl rings than any QB ever. You couldn't get "Despacito" out of your head. You can't afford bitcoin. Or the iPhone X. Beyoncé broke the Internet. Twice. No one can keep up with the Kardashians. Gal Gadot is your MVP. The Paradise Papers outed some VIPs. Maxine Waters reclaimed her time. The Pittsburgh Penguins and Golden State Warriors are five time champs. That was a lot. Here's what else you need to know...
#MeToo...as in the movement started by activist Tarana Burke that helped people share their experiences of sexual harassment and assault. It took off in a big way after these NYT reporters published accusations of sexual misconduct against Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein. Cue a flood of accusations against other high-profile men including Kevin Spacey, Matt Lauer, Charlie Rose, Al Franken, Louis CK, George HW Bush, Dustin Hoffman, James Toback, Brett Ratner, Russell Simmons, Mario Batali, and on and on.
Donald Trump...as in 45 was sworn in. And millions of people showed up to women's marches around the world. He tapped Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court. And seated a record number of lifetime federal judges - with more to come in 2018. He signed a historic rewrite of the US tax code. And even though he didn't repeal and replace Obamacare, the new tax law slashes a core part of it. The economy and stock market are on the move.He tried to temporarily ban US travel from seven predominantly Muslim countries. A revised version of that ban is now in effect. He said 'au revoir' to the Paris climate deal and the TPP. He put DACA, NAFTA, and the Iran dealon notice. And much, much more. His White House team did the shuffle.John Kelly and HR McMaster are in. Michael Flynn, Omarosa, Steve Bannon, Reince Priebus, The Mooch, and Spicey are out.
Russia...as in zee investigation continues into whether the Trump campaign coordinated with Russia while it attacked the 2016 election. There was the dossier. Michael Flynn resigned. Jeff Sessions recused himself. Don Jr and Jared Kushner had to explain some meetings. President Trump fired James Comey. Comey had receipts. Robert Mueller took over. And has pressed charges against four Trump associates - including Flynn and former campaign manager Paul Manafort. And, after downplaying their role in helping Russian trolls and bots spread fake news, Twitter, Facebook, and Google said 'actually...nvm.'
North Korea...as in Kim Jong Un has everyone's hair raised. The North tested more weapons - including the kind that can reach the US. The international community issued more sanctions. President Trump and Kim called each other names. And Trump promised "fire and fury" if North Korea keeps threatening the US. Meanwhile, the North released detained US citizen Otto Warmbier, who died days later from severe brain damage he got while in custody.
Mother Nature...as in Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria. Deadly earthquakes in Mexico City, on the Iran-Iraq border, and wildfires in California and Oregon. Plus, these disasters you didn't hear about.
So special...as in it wasn't 2016. But the NYT tracking needle had work to do. Special elections in Alabama, Georgia, Montana, Utah, Kansas, South Carolina, California and a regularly scheduled one in Virginia pre-gamed next year's midterms.
Amazon...as in it's a Prime world and we're all just living in it. The e-commerce giant added Whole Foods to its cart. And was the king of the stock market, making founder Jeff Bezos the world's richest man. Twice.
Things we can't stop watching...as in "The Handmaid's Tale," "This Is Us,""Stranger Things," "Big Little Lies," "Insecure."
Cuba...as in maybe cancel that trip. Dozens of US diplomats and their family members in Havana suffered from symptoms that led investigators to think they might've been victims of a sonic attack. Now, they're not so sure what it was. The US pulled embassy staff and warned Americans not to travel there. Cuba said 'wasn't me.' It's still unclear who is behind this.
Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)...as in the six-term senator and Vietnam War hero was diagnosed with brain cancer. He had surgery, and then booked it back to Capitol Hill to cast one of three votes that sunk the GOP's Obamacare repeal plan.
Venezuela...as in its economic crisis is an even worse crisis. And Venezuelan President Maduro moved forward with plans to rewrite the constitution to give him more power...despite violent anti-government protests across the country.
China...as in that's what Xi said. President Xi Jinping unveiled his plan to boost China's dominance on the world stage, got his name added into the Communist party's constitution, and is now probably the most powerfulChinese leader since Mao Zedong.
Mass shootings...as in Las Vegas and Sutherland Springs, TX. And the shooting that injured House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) and several others. Las Vegas was the deadliest shooting in modern US history. You heard about bump stocks. And how shootings like this need to stop. Congress didn't pass any gun legislation afterward.
Saudi Arabia...as in the crown prince went on a power trip. First he held his cousin hostage until he agreed to give up his spot in line for the throne. As one does. Then he got rid of his rivals with a sweeping anti-corruption campaign. Meanwhile, Saudi women will soon be able to drive.Groundbreaking.
#TakeAKnee...as in last year, then-San Francisco 49ers QB Colin Kaepernick started taking a knee during the national anthem to protest police shootings of black people. Other players joined in. This year, President Trump said that any "son of a b****" who kneels during the anthem should be fired. Supporters of the players say it's their First Amendment right. Critics say it disrespects the flag and service members. Expect this debate to continue into 2018.
Uber...as in unicorns can't get away with everything. There was #DeleteUber. There was Susan Fowler's blog post. There were sexual harassment investigations. There was a lawsuit over allegedly stolen trade secrets. CEO Travis Kalanick lost his job. Now, the company's hoping to steer in a different direction.
Snap...as in it went public. And had a rough ride in the stock market. But at least there was the dancing hot dog.
People we'll miss...Tom Petty, Mary Tyler Moore, Chester Bennington, Norma McCorvey, Fats Domino, Azzedine Alaïa, and many more. And 20 years later, everyone still misses Princess Diana.
People we won't...Charles Manson.
Syria...as in the civil war entered its seventh year. The US blamed a chemical attack on Syrian President Assad - and responded with airstrikes. This was the first time it's directly attacked Assad's forces. Meanwhile, rebel groups have little territory left, although it's unclear how much longer the war may last.
Terrorism...as in attacks in Manchester, London, NYC, Stockholm, and more. Many, but not all, were attributed to Islamist militants, including those with ties to ISIS and al-Qaeda. Even though ISIS is recruiting on the Internet and inspiring attacks around the world, it got its a** kicked in Iraq, and lost a lot of ground in Syria.
Same-sex marriage...as in same-sex couples in Germany, Austria, and Australia can have their rainbow cake and eat it too.
Charlottesville, VA...as in white nationalists protested the city's plans to remove a Confederate statue. There were torches, Confederate flags, and chants featuring Nazi, racist, and anti-Semitic slogans. At a counter-protest, one man rammed a car into a crowd, killing 32-year-old Heather Heyer. For three days, America watched President Trump waffle on his response. He ultimately said that "both sides" were to blame.
Businesses made moves...as in WeWork met up with Meetup. Stitch Fixand Blue Apron had coming out parties. Meredith got the Time right. Disneywent with Fantastic Mr. Fox. And CVS and Aetna agreed to make the largest deal in health insurance history.
I voted...as in France said 'oui' to Emmanuel Macron. Kenya eventually stuck by its sitting prez. Germany's election didn't go as planned for Chancellor Angela Merkel. Japan gave PM Shinzo Abe the thumbs up. Liberia is still a democracy. Meanwhile, Zimbabwe said 'boy, bye' to 93-year-old President Mugabe.
Rohingya crisis...as in the Muslim minority group in Myanmar. This year, the country's army systematically attacked them - killing and raping thousands, forcing hundreds of thousands more from their homes, and burning down their villages. The top UN human rights official says this was a "textbook example of ethnic cleansing." Myanmar's leader Aung San Suu Kyi - who once won a Nobel Peace Prize - has stayed mostly silent.
Catalonia and Kurdish Iraq...as in the Miss not-so-Independents. Catalonia tried to break up with Spain. Spain wasn't having it, sacked the local gov, and called new elections. Catalans voted in pro-separatists. So that backfired. The Kurds (an ethnic minority group spread across the Middle East) tried to break up with Iraq. Iraq wasn't having it. Never mind for now.
Nobel Peace Prize...as in the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons won it. It's made up of groups from dozens of countries that want to ban nuclear weapons around the world. Not a coincidence (hi, North Korea).
Fyre Fest...as in if it seems too good to be true, it definitely is.
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techjobwall · 7 years
Der Coder - Junior Entwickler Java - Germany Startup Jobs
Der Coder - Junior Entwickler Java
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    Deine Aufgaben:
    Weiterentwicklung eines voll integriertes ERP System für E-Commerce gemeinsam mit einem erfahrenen Java Entwickler Team Umsetzung neuer Shops hinsichtlich Integration und veränderter Anforderungen Überprüfung der fachlichen Anforderungen aus der Sicht der Entwicklung Weiterentwicklung der gesamten Software-Architektur Implementierung sowohl von Benutzerschnittstellen in Form von Web-Clients als auch von Business-Logik inklusive Unit Test
  Dein Profil:
    Du verfügst über eine solide Ausbildung in Software-Entwicklung und hast idealerweise mindestens 1 Jahr intensiv mit Java entwickelt Du bist erfahren im Umgang mit Technologien und Tools wie Struts/Tapestry/JSF, Hibernate, Tomcat, MySQL, Eclipse, CVS/Subversion, Ant/Maven und JUnit Du passt in ein junges Entwicklerteam und hast große Ambitionen Du verfügst über hervorragende Deutsch-Kenntnisse (vorzugsweise Muttersprache) Freude an komplexen Aufgaben analytisches Denkvermögen & lösungsorientiertes Vorgehen Zuverlässigkeit & ausgeprägtes Qualitäts- und Verantwortungsbewusstsein
  Das erwartet Dich:
    Ein junges und dynamisches Team mit viel Spass Langjährige Erfahrung in E-Commerce und Logistik Arbeit mit modernsten Caching- und DB-Technologien Umfassender Aufgabenbereich mit Freiheiten beim Entwerfen, Entscheiden und Entwickeln Wir arbeiten mit Mac OS X und Linux
  Arbeitsort: Gießen DE
Stellenantritt: Per sofort oder nach Vereinbarung
Pensum: 100%
Bewerbernummer: +41 62 55 00 578
    Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbungsunterlagen per Mail an [email protected] mit dem Betreff “Ich bin euer Coder”!
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eclipsedcrystalstar · 11 months
With the new name I wish you the best of patience with your Solar being mistaken for SAMS
I had assumed that by your post and.. people already confused my Solar for a SAMS Eclipse but I feel like this will be much worse especially with crossovers
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