#cw parasites
bhramarii · 2 months
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it washed up on the shore
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bonefall · 3 months
Warrior Bites: Dietary Needs
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[ID: A fish carcass, bird carcass, and mouse carcass on a stone slab.]
Are you wondering how much prey a Clan needs a day? What they should eat to stay healthy? Why food processing is useful at all? All the answers to these questions and more, contained within a general guide to dietary needs for your Warrior Cats!
As an obligate carnivore, a cat's entire diet revolves around processing meat. More specifically, the ideal diet should be 55% protein, 45% fats, about 1% to 3% carbs, with the remainder being various micro-nutrients. You can expect the average 10-pound warrior to need 350 calories per day, about 3.5 mice on average.
I've also included a section talking about obesity, which dives into how canon's depiction of it is both harmful fatphobia and wouldn't make sense from a cat perspective. It also discusses obesity in realistic cats; and how you're free to choose the realism on that aspect.
Below the cut;
Caloric Intake
Food Processing
On Obesity
Caloric Intake
The general rule for how much a cat needs to eat is that an active, non-neutered tom will need about 35 calories per pound of their own body weight, per day, just to remain the weight they are.
That means that the average warrior, assuming they are 10 pounds, will need 350 calories a day.
Kittens, pregnant and nursing cats, and large warriors will need to eat more than average. Neutered cats, elders, and clerics/medcats will eat less. There are calculators online for determining how much an individual will need, but you can estimate how much an entire Clan will need just by taking 350 and multiplying it by population!
Assuming the average population is about 30 cats, that's 10,500 calories to feed a Clan for a day! To put that in perspective, that many calories would feed 7 large humans. If you felt like fighting a group of angry cats to steal their day's worth of mice, I mean.
Generally speaking, land prey will have a caloric value around 5 calories per gram. Aquatic prey is significantly lower, around 4 calories per gram. Birds will be just below 6 calories per gram. To find out how many cats a piece of prey will feed, or how many pieces a cat will need that day, take the category and multiply by the prey's weight in grams.
So for example, the average house mouse is 20 grams and it is land prey, meaning its caloric value is around 100 calories! A warrior will need 3 and a half mice a day to stay healthy, and a Clan will need 105 mice daily to support 30 cats.
105 mice may seem like a lot, but remember that a wild rabbit is 1,800 grams on average which means 9,000 calories. 2 big pieces of prey will feed the whole Clan, with leftovers.
Those estimates include every part of the animal. Cats eat organs, small bones, and even skin. Skeletal muscle, or "fillets" in reference to fish, is so low in calories that it's typically somewhere between 1 kcal to 1.5 kcal per gram. That's what you're buying in the supermarket; but wild animals don't usually cut their food into choice strips.
(unless you're writing a clan that does food processing of course!)
Average warrior will need 35 calories per pound of weight
10 pound warrior needs 350 calories a day
350 x 30 cats = 10,500 calories to feed a Clan for a single day
Birds provide the most calories per gram, land prey the middlemost, and aquatic prey the least.
Calculate calories in prey by taking the weight, converting to grams, and multiply by 4, 5, or 6 depending on broad category.
If you're having trouble feeding a Clan on small animals, look at bigger prey like rabbits and trout.
Muscle fillets are inferior to organ meats and have a much lower caloric value.
Not all food is the same. The more important thing to consider about any particular meal is NOT its calorie count, but its nutritional value. This is especially important to cats because protein is not stored as fat. If the body has no immediate use for it, it's flushed out.
Since cats should not eat more than 3% carbs, ALL of their fat stores will need to come from fat.
The ideal piece of meat would be at least 55% protein and 45% fat. Every individual species will have a different ratio, and more importantly, individual cuts will have a different ratio.
Skeletal muscle has a higher ratio of protein to fat. Organ meat, also sometimes called "offal," will have a more balanced ratio. That said, nearly all meat skews towards protein. PURE fat is very hard to find on the sorts of animals Clan cats hunt, and must be carefully divided, collected, or processed to make sure all warriors are getting proper nutrition.
I'll be going more in-depth with dietary fat at some other time, as this guide is meant to just be an overview! Just know that some Clans will need to eat MORE food to stay healthy because of this.
Cats need more than the "macronutrients" to stay healthy. They can't JUST rely on the juiciest cuts of meat to keep their health intact, they also need several vitamins and minerals to support their body functions, and avoid getting a deficiency.
Here's some of the important micronutrients, where to get them, and what happens they don't get enough;
Vitamin A: Livers, mealworms, eggs This is one of the most important micronutrients in a cat's body, used for practically everything. Without this, their coats will grow dull, and their joints stiff, and they'll start to go night-blind. In a severe state, they'll start to lose the ability to heal skin lacerations and die. Pregnant cats and kittens need more of this than usual, but it IS also possible to get vitamin A poisoning from getting too concentrated of a dose.
Calcium: Bones, eggs With a calcium deficiency, the warrior will feel stiff and sore, and experience painful muscle spasms. Most cats will simply crunch the bones of small prey and never have to worry about this, but if your cats cook or scavenge, they have to be told to NEVER eat the bones of a roasted bird. Because bird bones are hollow and cooking makes them brittle, they can splinter and cause fatal internal bleeding.
Thiamine: Trout, boar meat, mealworms, eggs Called a Fish Seizure because raw carp and raw bream contains thiaminase, which will destroy thiamine in the body. Lack of thiamine will cause neurological issues, such as the aforementioned seizures, general confusion, memory loss, and muscle weakness. This can be counterracted by eating trout, which is so high in thiamine that there's a theory that carp evolved it specifically to eat salmonids better.
Potassium: Trout, boar meat, mealworms, eggs As cats get older, they begin needing a lot more potassium for their bodies. It's a very common micronutrient found in most meat, but elders should get the first bite of special snacks "out of respect" which helps keep their potassium level up. Without it, they become very weak.
i feel like that evil struthiomimus from land before time with how many times i typed eggs
The ideal ratio of a cut of meat is 55% protein 45% fat
Organ meat > Muscle meat
Micronutrients are important
But micronutrients can also cause poisoning if, somehow, they're too concentrated (very hard to come across concentrated micronutrients without the science of chemistry tho. Like if a cat swallowed a vitamin gummy.)
Food Processing
"Food Processing" is when you do something to your food before you eat it. Just a little bit of care is going to go a LONG WAY when it comes to health of the warrior.
Cats that eat raw meat the way canon warriors do are almost guaranteed to get worms. Roundworms, hookworms, and tapeworms are all passed through the infected tissue of rodent prey, and in fish, roundworms, tapeworms, and flukes can pass through raw meat.
All parasites do something a little different, but most digestive worms aren't fatal unless the cat is sick or a kitten. However, nearly ALL of them screw around with digestion, making the cat need to eat more just to stay healthy, or causing stomach irritation. Some of them can even pass in milk, infecting a suckler's nursing kits.
The easiest way to reduce this kind of infection is simply to slice the prey open from mouth-to-butt, Tigerstar-style, and hook and lift out the GI tract before eating. There's nothing in that worth eating raw anyway. It can just be discarded, or cleaned out and used to case tiny sausages! But it's only a reduction; there's still a risk of catching worms from raw meat.
There's also always the possibility of getting salmonella poisoning.
Many believe that cats are immune to this, but that's not true! Carnivores just have a shorter GI tract than omnivores and herbivores, so salmonella spends less time in their gut and ergo has less chance of causing an infection. It still happens, ESPECIALLY when cats hunt songbirds.
Nothing can be done about salmonella in raw meat, besides eating it as quickly as possible. It's innate to the bodies of birds and reptiles, and usually found on raw eggs too.
Some animals are small enough to be dried and carried around as rations, such as minnows or grasshoppers. Others could be sliced up into strips, and marinated in spices like valerian or catmint for an extra boost of energy. It could also be worthwhile to cut the pelt off a particularly soft animal, like a mole, to dry and keep as bedding material.
All of the above examples of food processing are possible without fire, but if your cats DO have fire, they will have a DRASTIC increase to the quality of their health.
Such as;
Cooking will almost completely eliminate those foodborne parasites. Their eggs don't survive extreme heat.
No more salmonella poisoning! GONE! Cooking is the only way to eliminate this!
It can increase caloric absorption from anywhere between 20% to 50%. Our example warrior who needed 3.5 mice a day could suddenly need one less mouse; and even a meager 20% drop in how much the entire Clan needs saves 2,400 calories a day. 24 whole mice!
I HAVE TO STRESS HOW BIG THAT IS. You save anywhere from 2/10 to 5/10 successful kills.
Thiaminase is destroyed by cooking, making bream and carp healthier and reducing "fish seizures."
It allows for fats to be processed and stored as tallow, lard, and oil, so it can be added to other dishes to make them both healthier and tastier.
Most food preservation requires fire in some way; by heating, jellying, boiling, etc. The only other two ways to reliably store food is by having access to a ton of salt, which is hard for most non-coastal clans to acquire, or vinegar, which is so acidic it's a notorious cat-repellent.
While cooking can also destroy some micronutrients, its benefits FAR outweigh any potential "strengths" of raw food. Destroying micronutrients is also not always a bad thing; as TOO MANY micronutrients can cause poisoning. Fire-using Clans will be more likely to "seek" micronutrients than non-fire Clans as a result, though they probably won't recognize the science behind a hankering!
Worms. Basically unavoidable if your cat's eating like a canon warrior.
Some parasites can spread through milk.
Slicing and lifting out the GI tract can significantly reduce the chance of catching worms.
Salmonella can only be eliminated with cooking
Cooking will drastically increase the quality of a Clan's health, if your cats are advanced enough to figure out fire.
Warriors need to hunt a LOT less prey, and can store that prey, if they have fire.
Fire-using Clans will intentionally try to put more types of food in their diets and get 'cravings.'
On Obesity
Warrior Cats is not a realistic series. The boundary that any particular writer draws between humans and warrior cats is completely arbitrary. The series itself follows no sense of realistic genetics, regularly shows the cats using herbs that would poison them, and gives the characters human-centric morals like monogamy and paternal involvement.
So when it comes to being fatness in your project, please keep that in mind. You do not need too follow realistic cat weight distribution, if that's not what your project about. That said, let me tell you about humans vs cats in this department!
Humans have a massive diversity of weight distribution, with varied genetic predispositions to gaining and losing weight. The shame, bullying, and medical discrimination that comes with fatphobia is a LOT more harmful than being fat itself, and the causes of the "obesity crisis" are ridiculously more complicated than "ppl r snorking 2 much food".
Realistic cats aren't the same way.
When REAL cats are fat, that's VERY bad. It's a sign they are being fed the wrong things by humans, or live somewhere that they are able to eat what they shouldn't. They just don't have that same diversity in fat distribution that humans do. Because of how adipose tissue secretes certain hormones, feline obesity is like a chronic inflammatory disease which can cause arthritis, bladder stones, hepatic lipidosis, and more.
But with that in mind, fatness should be perceived very differently even in the most realistic settings. In comparison to humans;
It is harder for a wild cat to put on weight. Most of what they're eating is raw protein, actively trying to fill the 45% of daily fat intake they need to stay healthy. Protein isn't stored as fat, it's immediately discarded by the body if there is no use for it. A cat would need to be taking an INSANE amount of prey to start becoming dangerously overweight. Housecats are often fed human food, which has carbohydrates. Low-quality cat food will also use carbs as filler. High carb food is VERY bad for them, since they're only supposed to have 3% carbs at most. This is one of the reasons why it's easy for pet cats to become overweight.
Realistic cats don't look start looking overweight until they are significantly obese. Most of their fat is stored around their ribs and internally, unlike humans with our thick hips and round bellies, and they are covered in a naturally sagging pelt of fur. It's not as obvious with them. Visually, weight will be noticed best from a bird's eye perspective, unlike humans where it's apparent at every angle.
Putting on the fat that CAN be acquired is ridiculously important 3.5 raw, whole mice a day, per cat, are needed to fill their basic dietary requirements. There are going to be days or months especially during winter where they might be below that number, and that stored fat is going to be lifesaving. Bulking up is actually a big deal!
So not only is how canon treats overweight characters full of malice, it's full of lazy malice. It makes no sense from a realistic standpoint for wild cats to develop an association between fatness and greed or laziness. It's important, hard work for them to acquire it!
Though the Clans are notoriously xenophobic and kittypets are more likely to be overweight, it still doesn't make sense from a realistic cat perspective to be fatphobic in the same way as canon. It's more likely they'd see fat housecats as having "unearned" weight given to them by humans, like they're cheating, or they might be disdainful of how much junk food they eat, or pitiable because it's a sign of a bad twoleg... or just "sour grapes" variety jealousy ☕.
Bottom line is that there's a LOT you can do here which is better than canon's vicious bullying. The writers just lifted British cultural disdain for fat people and put it into the books. They simply did not think it through.
So please do what they didn't, and just put a little extra thought into how your project is going to view fatness! Consider if fatphobia is even a theme you need in your text.
As stated, you do not even have to write weight in your cats as being realistic in this way! I encourage you to pick and choose what's most fun and fitting for your own work. I personally give my characters a more human weight distribution, simply because I want to spite canon and be more body-positive. I am a fat people and you can take Bumble's big chunky bod from my cold, dead hands.
You can choose to make your work however you'd like, and now with this guide, you can have an easy reference for what your cats should eat! Thank you, StarClan, for this prey <3
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valdevia · 4 months
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Dracunculus graviditatis is a specialized parasite of the uterus, infesting various species of mammal, including humans.
Microscopic copepods living in untreated water may carry this nematode's larvae, which, when ingested, break through the intestinal lining and migrate to the uterine wall. Once settled, they create a membrane around themselves, fusing to the uterine tissue and releasing anandamide and hCG analogues. This tricks the body into starting a false pregnancy process, which the roundworm uses to feed and grow to lengths of up to 2 meters.
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Removal of the parasite and its pseudoamniotic sac must be precise, as breaking it will release a large amount of antigens which may cause anaphylactic shock to the host.
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animalshowdown · 3 months
Phylum Round 1
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Onychophora: Velvet Worms. This is the only phylum containing exclusively terrestrial members, although their ancestors can be traced back to the Cambrian shallow oceans. Onychophorans are ambush predators, moving with slow smooth steps to creep up on their prey. They have unique mucus glands on either side of their face which can spray jets of sticky slime, which effectively immobilizes their prey. Onychophorans have relatively complex brains, and some even live in social "packs" that live and hunt together. Many species in this phylum are ecologically vulnerable, threatened, or endangered.
Platyhelminthes: Flatworms. This phylum includes both colorful free-living members and more modest parasitic members. Free-living worms can be found in marine, freshwater, and even terrestrial environments. All flatworms are, of course, dorsoventrally flattened so their whole bodies can access oxygen from the outside, as they have no specialized circulatory system. Some flatworms are of interest to research in tissue regeneration, as they have the remarkable ability to completely regenerate a new body from a cut piece. Many classes within Platyhelminthes are exclusively parasitic, including flukes, tapeworms, schistosomes, and others. Most flatworms are hermaphroditic, and some larger marine species practice a ritual known as "penis fencing" to determine which worm's eggs will be fertilized.
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kadextra · 9 months
We’re all thinking that the fatal parasite in q!Max is something related to the code entity, right? Because in the same diagnosis report, Cucurucho mentioned the code attacking him as a “foreign entity,” and the timeframe matches up (it has been growing for months) plus the images that flash on screen are all green colored like the code
If this is what’s happening then OMG I am so happy to finally get a lore follow-up to why the heck the code randomly killed q!Max a few months ago for no reason. It put something in him which is only revealing itself now
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lopashes · 8 months
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woke up with a giant bug stuck to my back??? (is this normal?!)
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cnmcn · 26 days
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My wip platformer idea guy who's a bunch of trematoda in a coat and NOT A PENIS!!! THEY'RE NOT!!!
I'm working on some ideas for a game in my noodle.
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o-craven-canto · 1 year
Parasitic crustaceans are wild.
[cw: photos of parasites inside host bodies]
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Here is Linguatula serrata, which lives inside the nose of dogs and other Carnivorans. It belongs to group Pentastomida, which has so shed its arthropod appendages that it was long classified as its own independent phylum (attested in fossils all the way from the Cambrian Explosion!), until molecular analyses showed they were in fact strange crustaceans -- closest relatives of the relatively normal-looking fish lice (Branchiura).
And then there’s Pennellidae...
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Do those horn-things look like crustaceans to you? And yet the family Pennellidae is fully part of Copepoda, the chief component of crustacean plankton. Its body is simply one elongated trunk and a tiny head biting onto the fish, with two long egg cords trailing behind.
Look at the cod worm (Lernaeocera branchialis), another Pennellidae, hanging from the gills of a fish:
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It’s those two red things that look like slugs wearing a wig made of soy noodles. Here’s what it looks like on its own, extracted and preserved:
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(source) The coiled strings are egg masses. The slug-like part is the copepod’s trunk. The thin branching thing at the bottom is its head, converted into a sort of root system that no longer does head-like things, but rather burrows into the fish host’s blood vessels to feed its eggs. Incidentally, this is just the female; the male still looks like a regular planktonic crustacean.
Now, regular barnacles (Cirripedia) are strange enough...
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(source; picture them as shrimps lying on their back, with a digestive system that fell out of the body wall but is still contained by the outer shell, and feathery legs poking out to filter water)
... but parasitic barnacles of clade Rhizocephala go much further:
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Here, on the left, is Sacculina carcini. No, not the crab; the yellow sac poking out of the crab’s belly. On the right, its relative Clistosaccus paguri shows what it might look like once extracted.
Sacculina carcini is fun. A larva looks much like any other crustacean planktonic larva, until it finds a suitable host. It stings the unfortunate crab in a vulnerable spot between armor plates, and effectively injects itself into the host, leaving its own shell outside, and transferring only soft tissues.
Once inside, it grows more like a fungus than an animal, turning into a root-like web that infests the crab’s entire body, down to its leg tips. Then it takes over not only the crab’s digestive system, leeching nutrients for its own eggs, but also its nervous system, effectively controlling it like a puppet.
When the parasite is mature, its egg sac starts bulging out of the crab’s body: that’s the yellow part you see in the photo. Male Sacculina stay larvae their whole life: they just mate with the female’s egg sac and then die. The parasite makes the crab take care of itself as if it was the crab’s own eggs. There’s no competition, since the host is sterilized; to leave more food for the parasite, it also stops molting and regenerating lost limbs. If the host is male, and therefore poorly suited to carrying egg sacs under its tail, Sacculina messes with its hormones and effectively turns it female.
Finally the eggs are released and the whole cycle starts again, with the only purpose of making more eggs whose purpose is making more eggs.
(all pictures from Wikipedia unless specified otherwise)
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chewyjellycable · 1 month
You should talk about the remnant parasite au more you really should i am wiggling my magic fingers at you and casting a spell at you that makes you talk about your interests and ideas forever💥💥💥💥💥
WAHHH it took me a hot minute to get to this ask but I am smiling big and wide and am ready to ramble about this AU. I may repeat some information from previous posts and some info might be different since I ACTUALLY THOUGHT ABOUT IT more. This will mainly be about Xylitol Nova's fall to the parasite and is somewhat of a preamble to the Cyborg stuff.
WARNINGS: Talk of Parasites, Terminal Illness
Xylitol Nova is infected with a parasite caused by his Xyl-Suit breaking during his search for XyL-Q. He seems alright for the first week or so on the ship that the Xylitol population is stuck with living in. After which, Nova begins to show small signs of infection. They're minor things. Mouth pain, eye aches while waking up, anxiety... And appearing a bit out of it now and then.
The leader "goes missing" for recovery, which essentially is him going into hiding (none of the other residents aside from Xylitol Researcher know) in one of many residential rooms on the ship while Researcher gives him the usual check-up.
Give it another week, and the symptoms have not gone away. If anything, they have gotten worse. Not to mention Nova being alone in his containment, as comfortable as it is, does not help his mental state. Thoughts of violence and destruction that once cropped up very rarely appear in his mind more often, scaring Nova much more than it should.
Researcher arrives to give Nova another check-in, getting some... odd results from the scans that they run. They run it again, and... It's shown to them that the infection that their leader has is sourced from the very thing that destroyed Planet Xylitol. The parasite is attached to Nova's heart.
Researcher emplores Nova to make an announcement for recovery, because despite all this, he doesn't want his citizens to worry about anything. Especially not after the whole disaster they've endured. Nova reluctantly agrees.
Before any more notes can be made, Researcher is spooked by the whites of Nova's eyes being blackened. They're blood-shot, but rather than blood, it's some black bile produced by the parasite.
Other symptoms that Nova experiences over time: Blood being replaced by the black bile, lethargy, an increase of violent thoughts and an increasing desire to act on those, a lowered ability to take in nutrients, replacement of existing teeth with much sharper versions, various aches and pains ranging from mild to debilitating, other parasitic symptoms...
Rather than having only Researcher working on this task, Nova permits them to have a group of medical staff (hence where Cyborg comes in). Progress is slow, practically non-existent.
The leader becomes less and less peaceful and willing to participate in tests and scans. There's a moment where Nova nearly wails his staff on Researcher but stops himself just before. The horror between those two lingers and only becomes worse the more time passes.
And though Nova becomes more intent on destroying others, after a particularly bad scuffle with Researcher, he stops attacking them. Particularly them. Testing is resisted, but Researcher isn't harmed. It's odd- as if there isn't a point to that any longer.
Researcher has the idea of throwing Nova into space or just. Killing him outright. That way the infection doesn't get any worse- though that only means the parasite would spread through the rest of space. This thought scares the hell out of them and gets them to check themself for any form of infection. And, unfortunately, the readings come back positive for the black hole's remnant parasite.
Not only have they caught the parasite, not only is the leader unable to act like himself and needs to be actively restrained in due time, but... Testing the other medical staff almost all come back positive. With no progress on slowing or stopping this parasite, the ship may very well be doomed. It doesn't help that the infection's symptoms halt any progress between staff members.
Note the Almost. Cyborg, not being a Xylitol and being made of different components and bodily composition, is resistant to the parasite. They essentially become the last hope the more the parasite spreads and the more hosts it begins to inhabit.
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skiddykid · 10 months
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spidersona that was bit by one of those spiders with the parasitic fungus
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poisoned-sugar11 · 4 months
Being turned into a flesh worm hive would fix me I think
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bonefall · 1 year
More SpottedLeaf and her Pets?
Any New Incredible Leetchs start appearing after The great battle?(or when ever Fire dies)
ShadowClan misses their leeches SO BADD
There's no leeches at the Lake territory and it drives them NUTS. They HATE it. Littlecloud probably growls about not having leeches like at least twice a week, and Leafpool is even worse off since she's now all alone as a Cleric and a major treatment method is totally off the table.
See, medicinal leeches are heavily threatened in England and relegated to certain pools, and their population has TANKED since agriculture became industrial. This is because they actually rely on large animals, and when livestock is kept penned up, there's nothing to eat.
Forest Territory cats had a symbiotic relationship with their wild leeches. They were food for each other, ShadowClan would eat them as snacks and use them as treatments, and in return let their populations grow. They couldn't bring their leeches along and didn't know there would be marshes without them.
I can unironically imagine Littlecloud regularly trying to convince Blackstar to send a patrol back to the Forest to collect leeches, like a special quest, lmao
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bhramarii · 2 years
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parasite in chief's platinum jubilee!!
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animalshowdown · 3 months
Phylum Round 1.5
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Xenacoelomorpha: Small, flat, worm-like animals that live in marine and brackish sediments, and sometimes around hydrothermal vents. They can be free-living, symbiotic, or parasitic. A unique feature is that their stomachs lack nerve cells, unlike many other animals. Their evolutionary relationship to the rest of Animalia has been highly debated, and very little is known about their lifestyles.
Micrognathozoa: Presumably the smallest phylum, this group consists of a single species, Limnognathia maerski. In addition to being the smallest phylum, it may also be the smallest animal, with an average length of 100 micrometers. Despite this, it has complex jaws with 15 independently moving parts. Since this phylum has not been well-studied, all individuals that have been collected so far have been female.
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podcast-hemocytoblast · 8 months
So much of The Corruption relates to fears of the body being invaded or contaminated by something that can destroy it from within that i can’t help but think it could also manifest as toxicophobia (fear of poison).
Anyways, imagine the Corruption, but instead of bugs burrowing into flesh or disease causing your body to rot away, it’s everything you try to touch being covered in a thin layer of bleach that burns your skin until it sloughs off, and all of your dishes and food being covered increasing amounts of dishwashing detergent, until you either waste away from starvation and dehydration or eat and drink anyways and allow liquefactive necrosis to destroy you from the inside out, as saponification allows the ingested poison to get deeper and deeper into your body’s tissues. A sort of decay as agonizing as any disease, caused by things contaminated not with bacteria and viruses but with the very things meant to protect you from infection. Inescapable, because how could you escape from such pervasive cleanliness without running towards uncleanliness and, thus, straight into the arms of the very force you’re trying to escape?
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paging-possum · 1 year
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[1/2] Hey! A bunch of months ago I made a body horror comic for MICE based off a thing I wrote when i was deep in the throes of chronic wrist injury! I’m finally posting it!
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