ceaselxss · 6 months
✦ ur beautiful like a beautiful piece of pizza c:
//Han you rewired my brain chemistry, i never really found bears sexy before heid
For real though, you're in the same position as I've been with my muse but to a more severe degree; a minor antagonist side character who has some really fun moments and interesting potential that square just doesn't really care about. But you've given Heidegger so much life and depth; you took a character who only seems to exist for comic relief and to hate, and you made him so so interesting
The way you write war is really great, and even as I play through rebirth I keep finding myself thinking of how you'll interpret XYZ and mix it into your lore. I completely intend to go back through your blog when I'm done so I can read over your thoughts
I'm super excited to see how you go with Dyne, i really think you're the perfect writer for him and I love his character and I just know you're going to do amazing
Added praise like the last one: my gorgeous theme and headers and fancier icons are by Han and I love them so much its one of the things that makes me so soft; my Tseng is not just mine, he is a collaborate effort on every level, including the aesthetics of my blog and I love all the pieces of him that others have touched
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voidsacrifice · 7 months
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Rufus and Heidegger (@cwarscars) are on a date.
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stingslikeabee · 1 year
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sailingtempest · 9 months
{Continuing from (x) for: @cwarscars}
Height may intimidate Teresa here and there, especially given she isn't exactly the most tallest person out of everyone she knew. Even more with her alien friends who stood at great height. Even then, she has gotten used to people being taller than her that any attempts to insult her height or to intimidate her with their height easily got brushed off. It took a lot for someone to intimidate her with their height and he didn't seem to appear at doing a good job. Or maybe he's holding back and didn't want to frighten her too much, even if she could handle it. Who knows.
The grin settling on Heid's lips dimmed with its pride and an attitude is certainly noted. One that caused the curious look on Teresa's face to disappear and her posture to straightened up. A stern look slowly settled in. She must have hit a touchy subject talking about family. How stupid could she be!
Not everyone didn't have the greatest family and he's probably one of those people. It only made her form an apologetic look in her eyes. A way to say she's sorry. A way to say she is genuine and didn't mean to do this. But then, there's the bite of teasing in his voice, calming her nerves and bringing a smile to her lips.
A gentle one.
❝Nice, nice. I am certain you love using your height to your advantage! Imagine the fear in people's faces when you tower over them. I know a few of my friends enjoy doing that too.❞ The smile transformed into something bigger. ❝Clearly I'm not kneeling, as you can see. Now-❞ One hand moved forward to boop his nose, clearly not offended by him calling her short. ❝It means my height can be used to toss me around, knocking people down. One of those cool looking moves where a taller - and stronger - person sends the smaller person flying into their enemies. We can do that. I always wanted to do that! But no one in my crew wants to do it with me. Not even Drack.❞
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seeasunset · 1 year
Positive, positive!
@cwarscars / @mencnfire
☆ I will always bring positivity to you no matter what. I know I can sound like a broken record at this point. At the same time, I'm in love with your blog as well as you as the mun. You're the sweetest yet the most chilliest person I know. I always find joy in seeing you around. Plus, the way you portray your muses, go into depths with them, and the way you write is inspiring. Between that and your edits? Chief kisses all around.
Your edits never fail to amaze me and blow me away.
In all honesty, I'm not sure how I found your blog either. I know I followed you, I believe?? Regardless, I'm glad we're mutuals!! It's fun to see you around and the way you give breath of fresh air.
☆ Hi there!!
I always am in love with your Majima. I think I've mentioned it before, but I don't quite remember. Just know I adore seeing you around as many of my mutuals. The way your ic interactions never fail to make me laugh or smile. Sometimes I'll pause and just read what you wrote. The way you can flip between messing around and being serious is truly astonishing. Not to mention, it goes extremely well with Majima too, having him switch between those two things.
And!! I adore seeing you around. You're pretty cool to talk to and plot. I need to bug you to plot more and write with! Regardless, you're still amazing to talk to.
☆ I will never stop saying how much I love your blog, your content, and you as a person. You're blunt and not afraid to stand by such things. You don't take anyone's shit either. Likewise to Vi. Sometimes I keep forgetting how long you have the muse and how you keep building upon him or the stuff you already have for him. The way you put a lot of research into your stuff and willing to expand on that too.
While you may be blunt, for the most part, you're chill as well. Another person I admire and could say is an inspiring person.
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kedamononoken · 10 months
He reaches out - reaches forth to choke the man, to squeeze fingers around his throat til he can barely breathe his last; his grip is harsh, his fingers rough on skin. What starts as a tight squeeze, edges into the curious touch of a man so close to something he's dreamed of for so long - those hands loosen, claws withdrawn for the caress of an animal, eased. But Heidegger isn't soft, isn't gentle. He's stricken. So wanting to murder the other that he can't quite bring himself to do it - he wants to savour it. He needs to feel it, really feel it. The warmth of flesh between his fingers, the heat of Godo's breaths beside his ear. He himself pants into the other's neck - resists the temptation to draw blood with fangs, instead grazes lips along skin. Tells himself he does not want a taste but rather, blood.
Well, aren't they the same?
He hates himself enough to spare the other man's neck a kiss - pursed lips, not without the edge of his teeth between them. Oh, if only he didn't want him so badly.
As always, Godo remains obdurate as stone and just as silent.
Heidegger's visits are infrequent, yet spaced just long enough apart that some none too small part of his mind anticipates his coming. And every time the other man reaches for him, he hopes that his touch will bring what he desires most- Death.
Whatever vision of unbending steel and righteous mettle the former Commander may be seeing is simply a ghost- Some phantom echo from a time when he'd thought himself invincible, even chosen by the Gods.
Godo is no warrior-patriarch of a vast and powerful dynasty, simply a thrall to an eikon that traded power for mako. He has killed and betrayed, conquered and subjugated, sacrificed innumerable lives of the slaves he made of the once proud populaces of smaller, weaker nations.
He is no better than the conglomerate that keeps him hostage, offering false promises of enlightenment and feeding the souls of those he considered inferior to the flames. He chose this- To offer himself to Shinra in exchange for a truce, an end to a foolish era dominated by greed and arrogance.
Perhaps, in an entirely selfish way, he hopes that Shinra will follow in Wutai's footsteps with the discovery of what 'summon creatures' truly are. He does not care to live long enough to see the city reduced to ash and bones, such a fate is inevitable- what they exchange in order to seize such abilities always costs more than the price agreed upon.
He is... tired, down to his rotten marrow and blanched soul.
Not even the graze of his old rival's lips enflames him, nary a spark to be birthed from such an act given to one so unworthy. Their eyes once burned with righteous fury and a madness that only another consumed by madness could understand. Now his are dull and bereft of that light that once guided his every move and executed each decision made with wrathful certainty.
"What you truly seek is mere illusion, nothing more than the conceit of mad tyrant's pursuit of godhood. Everything that I believed, everything that I once understood with such an angry and dogmatic fervor, was little more than a child's fantasy. A foolish, intransient dream as tangible as smoke fading into air."
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starvingtongue · 2 years
continued from here // @cwarscars
Anna flinched at his tone. a deep chill ran through her body. she wasn't aware of too many members of the Shinra higher ups, but she knew the directors well enough. whether through stories Jyscal had told her, or from their faces being plastered around the Shinra buildings, she knew Heidegger from name alone.
was he aware of how she was involved in Shinra?
apparently, yes. the chill spread further, it's icy grip clenching her heart. panic made her stomach churn and her hands shake. her arms wrapped around themselves in front of her chest helped a little, to remind her to keep still. it didn't dull the sense of panic and fear and dread that swept through her. her face was probably as white as a sheet, her body feeling as though it'd been dunked in ice water, despite the sun beaming down on both of them.
he was here to take her back to that horrid place, she was sure of it.
she automatically took a small step back as he moved closer. even if he didn't tower above and around her, she probably would've moved. she couldn't even look at him, instead focusing on the shirt he wore. she hated being this scared, this panicked, but she was so sure she'd escaped the reaches of Shinra. so sure she was finally free from it's filthy clutches. she didn't want to go back to the lab, with it's white walls, it's sterile smells, the doctors prodding her with needles and injecting her with unknown substances. it made her feel sick to think what they'd done to her and Seymour. she knew it was partially her fault, but she couldn't go back there. she wouldn't.
he knew. he even knew the project name they'd given her all those years ago. anna was sure she'd heard the last of it when she'd escaped. it couldn't have ended any other way than failure and Jyscal had been the catalyst for that. if he hadn't let them escape, perhaps it would've ended differently. her mind only briefly catching the mention of a Jenova Specimin.
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"Please don't take me back there, Heidegger." the words came out so very, very weak and her hoarse. she swallowed, trying to find some semblance of strength within herself. oh yes, she knew him. probably not was well as he knew her. he'd probably read the files. he obviously knew her face. but she knew him too. she knew what he could be capable of, what anyone in the higher ups at Shinra could be capable of. "I can't face being in those rooms again." eyes squeezed tight momentarily at the memory of what she'd been through in there.
her icy blue eyes opened again, and this time, moving to his face. her eyes danced their way up to his, the terror probably still seeping out of them. fingers danced along her bare forearms in a soothing attempt to try and make herself feel better. "Maybe I can help you find that Jenova specimin."
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ceaselxss · 10 months
calloused fingers follow the curve of tseng's cheek - knuckles dragged along skin, rough on smooth. the hazel hues of heidegger's gaze would almost seem soft were one ignorant of the general's manipulation. of course, tseng isn't. he's smarter than that - smart enough to possibly expect what the brute will do next, masochistic enough perhaps not to stop him.
the same hand to drift along skin is quick to suddenly tangle a handful of hair around fingers - he tugs enough to force the other to look up at him, grins a wolf's grin as he speaks.
"so - deny me-" he growls "deny me this pleasure. deny-" a pause, a hot breath "deny yourself this pleasure."
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Tseng is a hedonist. The path he walks, the life he lives, all of that requires utter indulgence to balance out the pain. Sometimes his vices are all that keep him together; his cigarettes, his drinking, gambling... Sex.
And so, even as Heidegger (as always) pushed past all his rules and boundaries, even as he dared to touch him in ways Tseng only let the most deserving touch him in... Even then, his words cut right to the core of him. To challenge him to deny his own pleasure? It goes against all that was his being.
He might submit far easier, though, if that indulgent core was not fuelled by anger and spite. And he so hates when Heidegger is right.
Honey brown eyes, laced with venom, glare up at the older man as he represses all reactions to the grip in his hair.
"You shouldn't tell me to deny you, Sir. I'm not against the thought of your cock locked in a cage so long that you forget how to use it..." His voice was deep and soft. "You know... I'm not sure it would be much of a loss. You'll have to convince me otherwise."
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Cont From: HERE
She did enjoy playing games, the power she mentally held over people. She could truly get into a persons head. As far as they wanted to run there was always a hidden curiosity, a spot in their mind she would ever occupy.
She notes the look in his eyes and slowly moves the finger from her cheek, letting it hover in the air between them before she slowly places it to his own. Her eyes trace the movements of her finger as she drags it down towards his beard for this brief moment of captivation.
"What would the Professor say..." She whispers. "Knowing that you are playing with something that belongs to him..." Her sharp gaze meets his own as her fingers drag his hand towards her throat. "Does it make you....want to hurt me?" Her pupils dilate at the thought.
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steeleidolon · 2 years
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stingslikeabee · 1 year
[ reach ] sender hesitantly reaches for receiver's hand, unsure if the action will be reciprocated (set in the werewolf verse owo)
he knows the risk; knows the beat of his own heart - its stifled tune, a hasty rhythm when in her presence. when so close to her, his desperation to touch her becomes all the more. he'd say that he only wants to hold her, only wants to clench hands around hers, grace her lips with a kiss. but - that would be a lie.
the animal wants her as much as the man; he wants kisses to become teeth on her skin, the hands that touch her to become claws tearing clothes from her form. it wouldn't be the first time, after all. and after last time - he craves it only all the more.
his movement is slow, cautious - unafraid of the hunter ( perhaps he ought to be ), more-so afraid of himself. the temptation that has sweat bead across his brow and lips wet with hunger. the hazel depths of his gaze can look nowhere but her - and were she to greet his eyes with her own, she'd perhaps see his unwavering desire.
prompts for touch-starved muses . accepting
It was a gentle touch to the hair - almost as if Heidegger had been keen on removing a fallen leaf from the huntress' tresses or something equally practical. But Melissa knew better - they were both used to a life in the woods, out in the wild and sometimes behaving more like beasts than humans, too. Besides, camping made for very poor conditions to prevent such thing from happening - the woman was more than accustomed to combing the stray bits and pieces of grass and tree bark from herself when she woke up.
So, instead, Melissa turned on her side - the blanket beneath did very little to soften the ground below, but she didn't mind. If anything - Heidegger had learned that she was no damsel in distress; the brunette could do violence and savagery just as the werewolf, albeit with different weapons. But now, sharing a look under the moonlight and whatever embers remained of the fire, there was nothing about her that suggested a ferocity of the lethal kind.
"What are you so afraid of, Magnar?" the words were whispered but loud enough to be heard; the first name was a deliberate choice of hers to foster that bond. The deeper he cared for her, the more likely it would help him retain his more human-like senses. Their closeness was also mentioned by the woman as necessary so the experiment would not be interrupted - he needed to smell her, the sweat, blood and even taste the saliva coated with the wolfsbane-infused potion to be tamed.
But, deep down, that proximity doubled as something else; if her family knew about it, they would likely sever ties as readily as they were able. A huntress of the Drysdell line not killing the monster, but laying with it; one of their own screaming not during the chaos of the battle, but out of sheer ecstasy while riding him. The body hair, the claws and even the growls in his deep voice - it all made Melissa not want to fight, but rather give in to the equally primal urges he awakened in the woman.
"You can't hurt me," the woman reinforced her theory, a feminine hand going over to his face and softly caressing his visage in a reflection of his own touches. The brunette examined his features with her own eyes and the tip of her digits alike, sensing his breathing quickening and the added heat of the werewolf's intense gaze. Heidegger didn't fully believe her - he kept saying how he was a danger, to himself and others. Melissa should run away from one that was more beast than man.
And yet, the huntress dragged herself closer to him - seeking the body warmth he offered as if he was permanently feverish. Smaller frame fitting into his muscular one like they were made to embrace like that, the woman peered up to his face with a smile that was less on the gentle side and more on the teasing one; inching forward, Melissa was the one that kissed him first - lips against his, a tongue daring to wet his own and asking for entrance.
"Well, that was not entirely true," the woman murmured, keeping the lazy kissing up as well as she was able even in the middle of her whispered words, "You can't hurt me in a way I don't enjoy; I welcome your other side, Magnar. As long as I'm taking my own creation, you'll never fully lose your senses and wound me lethally," a dangerous gamble, surely, but one that their first time together had confirmed.
The moon was not yet full - enough to provide them with light and to just heighten his senses, but not transform. Smiling further, Melissa's tongue played with his, savoring the werewolf like a delicacy and having one of her hands going through the opening of his shirt. Once inside, the brunette slid a warm palm towards his chest and trailed the soft hair, capturing a nipple to torment.
"Do you want to test that theory again? Make love to me, Magnar. I promise that your teeth won't be sharp enough to tear through flesh - just enough to give me something to remember you by."
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sailingtempest · 10 months
Transmission incoming: @cwarscars
"behave yourself, or i'm warning you…" for teresa c:
Behave herself?
The moment the words hit against Teresa's eardrums, it only cause her to freeze up. A thoughtful look flickered across her tanned features, making it obvious to anyone she's thinking about what to say next in response. Most may consider this as a wise move, though she says otherwise. It only meant there might be some kind of trouble coming from the horizon, only begging for her to be put in a sticky situation.
Sure, Teresa could be professional and actually behave herself. The drop in the other's voice with a threatened tone lacing within meant he's serious. Danger is right there, presenting itself to her if she's not careful enough. Even if he didn't end up putting her in a physical fight, there's other means of trouble. This will end badly for them both, especially since she's not in the greatest spot. She couldn't underestimate him at all, even if she uses her biotic abilities to help her out. At the same time, something about being told to behave herself only made her itch to do the opposite. The inner rebelling spark enabling her to do something, anything to stir up some trouble.
The choices are weighed carefully in her mind.
Slowly - and not by a lot - Teresa released some tension from her body, allowing herself to relax. The thoughtful look shoved away, being replaced by a mischievous glint yet guarded.
❝Or what? What would the consequence be?❞ Words dripping with almost a casual tone, though careful picked out. ❝That we get kicked out of here? That's not the worse thing that will happen to us.❞
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hiislegacy · 2 years
Starter | Muse: Sephiroth | Verse: Wutai War
There was a time, perhaps, when he was far younger that the beginning of this war would have made his stomach twist into knots. To know that he was about to plunge into fights that could potentially end his life, but now it was quite different. He looked forward to every battle, if it was to get him away from the constant testing done in he laboratories of ShinRa, or the endless meetings that came about after each and every conflict. One such meeting was right now being held between himself and one of the highest of his leaders.
He had messed up pretty terribly in this last mission, and not secured the target as they had wanted. In fact, he had mercilessly ended their pathetic existence, all over the fact that they dared to call him such demeaning names. Was it a little petty of him, sure it was. Did he really care? Not at all, and he was facing the consequences for the clear disobedience of his orders. With folded arms, he sat leaning far back into his seat, and glared ahead at the other with eyes that were not truly focusing on the person there, or the surroundings. Sephiroth was somewhat spacing out, and bitterly so.
| @cwarscars |
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cryptidsncurios · 1 year
Kuja's Birthday Gifts | Eternally Accepting @cwarscars sent: For Kuja's birthday, Heidegger hands him some pants - "now you won't get cold." He huffs; isn't he sweet? ❤️
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This... "gift" is held between forefingers and thumbs, arms straightened out so that he might examine it---his expression, at first, blank. What an appallingly crude offering---one that should be immediately engulfed in flame by his sorcerous touch. Not to mention it had been given to him with such a completely irritating comment.
...However, instead of expressing his distaste, an impish smirk formed upon painted lips.
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"Ah, how generous of you, kind sir," this spoken with a sly sarcasm to match that of the burly man before him. "I do hope you won't mind, though, if I take some time to tailor it to suit my quite particular aesthetics."
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futurespacess · 1 year
Starter | Muse: Eli / Liquid Snake
It had taken some time to secure this man, and the effort to keep it all silenced from any public eye was immense. He had his people keep the man fully unconscious for the duration of the trip back to Northern part of the world, where their base lay in secret from all. No one had dared to question why he had set up shop in this specific part of the world, not yet, and he would keep it that way for a time. 
The frozen temperatures were an annoyance, but he made sure most of the main areas were well-heated, and especially the place he would keep this man at. While the other started to come to, he would pace the room, almost impatiently so. Any minute now...
| @cwarscars |
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holyguardian · 1 year
@cwarscars | 📱
[ TEXT - MR. H ]: Heard you have a condition.
[ TEXT - MR. H ]: Also heard you hate scientists. Might be a problem.
[ TEXT - MR. H ]: Aerith Faremis, daughter to the late Prof. Gast Faremis.
[ TEXT - MR. H ]: If you want help, let’s meet. Early morning. Somewhere busy. We have beef against the same man.
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