#cwnd 2x13
estermickaelwhite · 3 years
jealousy in action yes!!
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the way the writers light up this slow fire is amazing !!
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So my heart felt like it literally stopped when I was scrolling in my Instagram feed and came upon Kennedy’s latest post.
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Icing on the cake is Aadila (Amanda’s) comments
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Here we go! I was a little delayed bc of having to watch it in the morning, but I loved every second.
Watching 2x13
Immediate parallels:THEY BOTH SLEPT OVER!! This is going to be an awkward interaction. I’m ready!!
Also the way Nancy first kissed Gil vs the second time 👀
Omg that first Nace interaction made me feel so many things!!! Ace’s look at their kiss. That boy is totally feeling stuff
Talking to Odette in the laptop reflection was cool! Really enjoyed her and George’s relationship development this episode.
The focus on Ace and Amanda’s hand hold but they don’t remain holding hands in the next scene 👀
George & Bess reaction to Nancy saying that Amanda is competent. ❤️
Nancy talking to Birdie just confirmed why she’s so good at her job
“Long time listener. First time caller” 😂
Yes! Let’s bring up Victoria again!
Looks at Ace and then realizes it’s guilt.
Amanda brought stuff to the team. More than gil (Not a fan more and more every time he’s in an episode.)
I also love the combo of it being both a supernatural and person mystery
AMANDA CALLED HIM OUT ON SOMETHING BETWEEN HIM AND NANCY!!! And Ace was so like what?! Omg we’re getting it all!!!
I’m glad they’re addressing Grant being gone. I miss him.
Who does this cop think she is?
Warning to stay away from Gil again (I mean I agree)
Look at Nick! Love that idea for the building.
I also really like it was Nick who’s noticing a change in Nancy with the Hudson’s.
Also, of course this beanie would be white to contrast her usual black one.
Can’t wait to rewatch this episode again.
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I’m back at it again, you know why? because it’s never enough. So I was watching a Nace video on youtube, it was one of those channels that does really nice edits for shows/ships (channel name is Polaris Gemini), and I found a comment under one for 2x13 (the commenters name was Risa Myers, I’ll try put a screengrab below but if I don’t just know full credit goes to this person) and to paraphrase they were saying that they feel like the writers are trying to get Nancy down enough as to parallel her mother (birth mother Lucy), basically having the town hate her like Lucy was hated in a similar way, where maybe she’ll make her way to the same cliffs where Lucy died and they might have Ace come to the rescue (bad time to say this but I mean oh my god imagine the Nace content there!). Which in a way I feel would be good to create like a coming full circle type thing, but this time having there be this opportunity to as best as I can phrase it “do it right this time” y’know? Which I think would be kind of good to see, plus it would make sense due to what 2x13 showed with Nancy when she said the word “guilt” (and looking at Ace for a bit longer than just friendly for me) when wondering why the fire souls were doing what they were doing. 
Nancy is also piling the guilt on herself, thinking that she needs to put so much on herself as punishment. Which leads me to the one who I wish I didn't have to name. Gil. Her sort of “being with” him although being a classic Nancy move at this point, (especially due the guy she really wants being in a relationship with another lady) might also be something she’s doing to corner herself. Oh and before I forget, someone on twitter tried to call Ace controlling for telling Nancy that Gil isn’t the best person for her right now due to Gil being controlling and saying that doing what he did in that scene right there is controlling. They were lucky someone more composed got in there to make a reply because I was about to rip them a new one. Luckily this other person calmly pointed out that those around you including your friends especially, SHOULD point out when you have toxic people in your life and try to help you out. Besides, Ace wasn’t telling her what to do, he gave her the advice he had and didn’t force her beyond that because he knows Nancy, him getting involved any further will and has only come from a healthy place. (side note: if you find this person on twitter who said the bad thing, do not harass them, they have the right to say what they said. They’re WRONG of course but let them live. I will, along with those who say stupid shit just because they don’t ship Nace. I’ve made peace with it because I mean look at us, we’re winning!)
Anyways, I don’t know if this or anything similar will happen or whatever (at least this season) but I am as excited as ever because so far it has been a juicy ride, can’t wait to see how it turns out.
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estermickaelwhite · 3 years
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love eyes
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According to Kennedy’s Instagram story!!! AHHHH!!! Can’t wait until I watch it tomorrow morning!!
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estermickaelwhite · 3 years
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This meeting was terribly tense. He sees Nancy and understands what she was doing in this house. She sees Ace and realizes what he was doing here. Do I see the annoyance in their eyes?
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estermickaelwhite · 3 years
my boooyy
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My boy, he cares so much for Nancy ... His face is absolutely confused and worried about her. He saw Gil in action and was scared for her. He knows that Gil is not suitable for her, but he does not yet accept the fact that it is HE - ACE who is what she needs.
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I just want to take a moment and look back to the days of watching season one and being a Nace shipper, but not thinking anything would come of it. (I’m known for falling fast for so many non-canon pairings. Even people who barely have scenes together.)
But now, here we are in season 2 with enough breadcrumbs to make a week of sandwiches. Thank you Nancy Drew writers. Keep it up...please.
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Wrote a longer review for this week’s episode on my other blog. Please check it out :)
: https://talesofafangirlwithadvr.tumblr.com/post/649811611378483200/watching-2x13
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estermickaelwhite · 3 years
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estermickaelwhite · 3 years
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The way Amanda has puzzles in her head is worth your attention! We see it too!
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estermickaelwhite · 3 years
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Amanda: what about you and nancy, have you dating before?
Ace: no, we're just friends!
Me: yeah, they are husband and wife, amanda it's time for you to leave, sorry, you're good, but bye
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estermickaelwhite · 3 years
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AWWWWW!!! Wait!
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estermickaelwhite · 3 years
when Ace tells Nancy that Gil is not for her, there is irritation in Nancy's eyes.
she knows it herself, she knows that he is not for her, she is confused, she does not know what is right ...
Everyone in the city took up arms against her, and this will very soon break her as a person ...
and now, the person from whom she wants to get understanding, tells her how to do the right thing.
"Started dating and became a relationship specialist?" - Nancy answers irritably
Ace is about to leave, but before that he throws "Yes, you're right. I can't tell you ...", and for some reason it sounded so upset and sensual
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Just a heads up, I checked my scheduled shows for tomorrow and Nancy Drew got bumped to Sunday @ 7 because of the Presidential Address tomorrow night.
I’ll probably try the app or website on Thursday because I won’t be able to wait till then!!
Just wanted people to know in case yours doesn’t tape either. Doesn’t seem to be the case for everyone.
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Sooooo, was I disappointed at 2x13 being delayed an additional week? Yes. However, the little silver linings I found were 1. I found this out the day before I had expected the episode to air so it wasn’t like “oh great two weeks of torture” and more like “okay another week, I can deal with that I guess” and 2. I got to watch the promo again to get a better picture of the things we have to look forward to. One thing I noticed and took into more obsessive analysis of due to my natural stance as a Nace shipper being alive as ever (aka seeing how Nancy’s jealousy will manifest and further THAT plot) There’s like a brief second in the 2x13 promo where Nancy catches on fire, and presuming that Ace, amongst the other Drew Crew, is there from what I could tell then we could see how he responds to her being in danger, especially right before his eyes. Testing the waters if you will. Plus with regards to Amanda (which btw all respect to her she’s actually really nice, love the actress Aadila Dosani too), I wonder how they’ll really incorporate her perspective because I mean she’s gonna notice SOMETHING. Aside from that, the episode looks like it’s gonna be interesting all round.
Oh also to add, looks like we’ll have more instances of Nancy and Ace not knowing personal space (maybe with some added interesting interactions in terms of conversation), or at least being in many a scene together from the shots I could get by having to quick pause the promo (I’ll add these below if possible). Anyways apologies, I do genuinely watch the show for more than just my ships, but there’s no denying that when I see them I will fawn over them to an addictive level, which I should probably get under control but likely won’t.
If there’s anything anyone else wants to add, please do. Other than that stay safe everybody, at the very least till the next episode of Nancy Drew.
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