uraharashouten · 7 years
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It’s time to hang up the hat and close up shop, I’m afraid. This blog is now archived.
People abandon and archive blogs all the time without leaving any kind of explanation or farewell message and personally, I hate that and I don’t want to be that person, so here, have mine!
I’ve had a good run here, I really have. Not all of it was smooth, but I have more good memories than bad. I don’t think I’ll ever stop loving this muse. It’s the oddest feeling, really, to set aside someone who was under my skin for so long. There’s so much I would share, if only I could put it into words. I could probably still meta all day about Urahara Kisuke; he’s such a fascinating character. (And I still lurk on the Bleach Discord group so you may see me popping up occasionally to do just that.) But I’ve come to a place where I take more joy in merely being a fan, and watching others have a go at it. And if you would like recommendations on other Urahara blogs to follow, I would suggest asking @kiraahachi, because they all seem to find her, hue hue hue.
It’s been such a journey, launching into roleplay two years ago with Kisuke as my first muse. Everything was new and terrifying. Was I doing it right? I kept asking myself this question. I’m sure I never stopped second-guessing for the first year, wondering if my portrayal was good enough, worrying that it was too much like someone else’s... what even was I worrying about? Roleplay is supposed to be fun.  But here’s the thing: I got to a point, about 6-9 months ago, where it was more work than enjoyment. To me, playing Urahara requires being witty, and after awhile, I felt like I’d come to my wit’s end... literally. I’m just not that clever. Don’t get me wrong, I’m proud of my body of work here, which is why I’m archiving this blog and not deleting it. But coming up with new replies that satisfied my own stringent requirements was getting exhausting even to contemplate. And when that happens, it’s time to hang it up and let others with some fresh energy get in the game.
I am grateful that I got to spend the last year and change developing and deepening a fantastic ship with @flashkitty. There was never a better Yoruichi to my Kisuke. These two have such a long and rich history together, and there’s so much to explore in their past, present, and future. We did it all, from childhood through the Academy, young adulthood, days as captains, exile, war, and finally -- a baby on the way. And there would still be more that we could press into, but we both found our attention drifting elsewhere. Once the series ended, I think we were both missing the infusion of fresh inspiration from new material. And now that she’s archived her blog, I’ll be missing my better half.
Are you still reading? Because I want to thank every single one of my followers. I can’t believe there are over a thousand of you. I never deserved that! I’m just floored that I gained such a following here, and I know I’ll never again have a roleplay blog with this many followers. It’s hard to walk away from that. If there is one thing I regret about archiving this blog, it will be the ability to reach this number of people with informative PSAs and positivity posts. Anyway, there are some folks I feel like I’d really be remiss if I didn’t give them some kind of a shout-out. Sadly, some of y’all aren’t even here anymore but I gotta tag ya anyway. In no particular order, and bear in mind this is by no means an exhaustive list so please don’t feel bad if you don’t see your blog mentioned: @candice-thunderkitty, @sakanxde, @reapersofknowledge, @kurosakiichigochouhonnnin, @xyuuken, @cxrbstomp, @hallowdolls (wtf I look away and you change your URL again),  @nyota-sungura, @blackcuttingmoon, @lightconsumesall, @akon-just-akon, @perfectionisdespair, @despairforme, @zetsumei-shuuto, @izuru-ru, @sadisticperfection, @adelha-mathilde, @halfofxerxes, @deus-ex-machiina, @mckaytriarchy, @ichimaru-gin, @dissecept. Goooood times, you guys.  Bri, Avi, I have no way to tag you guys but I would not have developed my muse with such depth without you. Einar, you’ve been missed. And last but not least,  @saranel, @tessaisuggestions, my fellow UraYoru shippers, you guys have been so much inspiration to my roleplay here, you have no idea.
Is anyone still reading? You guys really have nothing better to do, do you? Anyway, if you are, I have one more person to thank for everything this blog has been, and that is the muse himself. I’ve never gushed over him, I’ve never been one of those that declares my undying love for my muse in my tags or in OOC posts, but man. I am. going. to. miss him. I think, if I had to find a way to summarize my relationship with Urahara Kisuke over these past 2+ years, there’s a song that characterizes this journey more perfectly and eloquently than I ever could. So. I’m going to leave you with this.
I Know Him So Well
Is anyone still reading? Show’s over. Go home. But if you ever really want to still talk to me, I’m on Discord occasionally.  Bananarama#0981
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meishutori · 8 years
cxrbstomp replied to your post:cxrbstomp replied to your post:cxrbstomp replied...
idk friend. people need to get over their fears and have some serious talks about it cause like you can’t just let these kids figure it out on their own. not everyone is gonna be a-okay. xD I don’t wanna sit there and look at a dick and be like, “well i can name the different parts but idfk what you expect me to do with it.” LMAO CAN YOU IMAGINE. BUT THIS SHIT IS SO REAL. IT HAPPENS AND ITS SCARY.
Ooc;; ‘not everyone is gonna be a-okay’ EXACTLY now I have written this before but ESPECIALLY kids struggling with their identity, sexual or gender, or whatever, need some structure to learn about things. The internet is big, fiction is SKEWED. They need to learn in a SAFE EVIRONMENT. 
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kuchxkx-byxkuyx · 8 years
(ಥ_ಥ):finish this: i hate it when...
        (; meme | accepting
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        ooc; I hate when I say I will exercise just to get rid of some of fat along my arms and stomach, but I jut lie down, watching hulu or youtube and eat a huge bag of XXTRA Hot Cheetos…
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uraharashouten · 8 years
Do you have any recommendations for the Women of Bleach blogs? Unohana, Rukia, Sui Feng, Rangiku, Isane? Basically any female muses from Bleach can you direct me to and why you recommend would be good as well!
OK, well first of all, thank you for the question, and I appreciate that you value my opinion!
So: Women of Bleach! There used to be a great masterlist blog but alas, it is no more. So let me specifically list recommendations for the characters you mentioned, and then expand on your list.
Retsu Unohana: I’ve only ever played with two. I’d love to recommend @gracebeforeviolence due to her meme-loving dry humor, but I don’t think she’s active any longer! I can also recommend @rctsu, who writes a faithful portrayal, though that blog doesn’t seem very active, either. @shaketsuu is a new Unohana you may want to check out, but I haven’t actually played with them.
Sui Feng/Soi Fon: I think everyone in the fandom must know @kiraahachi, probably because she’s such a fantastic writer, and she brings an intensity and immediacy to her portrayal that frankly it scares me. Basically Kisuke just wants to stay out of her way. (So maybe that’s why I haven’t really written a real thread with her, ha ha!) I have written a thread with @twicestung, who just remade that blog. I think they have a solid grasp on the character of Soi Fon and capture her stoic spirit. They’re relatively newer here and you should check them out!
Rukia Kuchiki:  I have a soft spot for Rukia as a character, but I haven’t written with many. There are two that I can highly recommend. @lucxns has been around awhile and writes a solid canon Rukia, a very faithful portrayal. @sncwwhitequeen recently also remade that blog and is a fantastic writer who writes a delightfully off-canon, rebellious, mischievous Rukia and I now I ship her with every other female Bleach muse, especially Rangiku ( @tigrismortis ), because there’s just some great chemistry there.  And speaking of Rangiku…
Rangiku Matsumoto: You know, this one’s tough because I don’t usually write with Rangikus. But I can recommend @rangikusan because she’s a fun, easygoing Rangiku with a big heart (I guess that just describes the character, doesn’t it!) and when she’s on, she’s good with short interactions, though I’ve also seen (and read!) longer threads. I also have to give a nod to @rxngikumxtsumoto, who’s an excellent writer and writes a beautiful, complicated ship with @gin-ichimaru.
Isane Kotetsu: I think the only blog writing Isane that I know of is @bevorzug-t. Thank goodness for multimuse blogs to cover the bases, amirite? I haven’t threaded with them, but from what I’ve seen they handle the character well.
And now some other Bleach women blogs I can recommend!
Yoruichi Shihoin: SERIOUSLY, could you expect me not to recommend a Yoruichi blog? I am aware of several good writers, but don’t follow them since I’m exclusive to @flashkitty, and I’m just going to have to recommend MY Yoruichi. (Can you blame me?) She captures Yoruichi’s in-charge, matter-of-fact pragmatism, as well as her snappy humor and mercurial temper, but also writes her with a hidden depth of heart: the introspective, emotive Yoruichi that Kubo hardly shows us but we know is there somewhere.
Nelliel tu Odelschwanck: Ok there are several excellent Nel blogs that I’m aware of, including @lanzadxr and @elvaliiente, but I’ve only really written with @nyota-sungura (formerly @harinabisesa), so I don’t know much about the former two. What I love about the latter is that Leo writes such a lively adult Nel and imbues her with the same joie de vivre embodied in her young form (and yet emphasizes her total earth-mother side).
Hiyori Sarugaki: I love Hiyori, and sadly one I had absolutely adored and did so much development with (@cxrbstomp) has left the fandom.  I’m only aware of two right now, @sarugakisan and @viciousvizard. I’ve only started interacting with them but I am hoping for more. Also, @hiyoorins… Tenka, please come back??? ;3;
Karin Kurosaki: Follow @zetsumei-shuuto. She’s actually Karin, I’m sure of it. You can’t tell me otherwise.
I also have to make the following recommendations because I love the Everything But the Rain arc (of course I do; Kisuke played a large role in it!)
Masaki Kurosaki: Shoutout to @sweetccht because Yay! Aaron brought her back, and does her much justice.
Kanae Katagiri: Please follow @sanftmut, this is such a rare muse and her romantic ship with @xyuuken and maternal ship with @ite–oji are precious and beautiful. I love the Ishidas, OK?
And finally, because these don’t get enough attention, here are some female Bleach OC’s!
Hokori Vi: @ktinos is an amazing writer with deep canon knowledge, and maybe someday we’ll have a thread… but yeah, well-developed OC (and a slew of other OC’s as well). Anyway, they’re totally worth a follow.
Saki Mizushima: @kxchisake is another Bleach OC I haven’t played with but seems like a pretty cute muse.  And I give bonus points for being in Twelfth Division.
Amanda Yomihime: @howlsblackcircusact is a well-developed Bleach OC with a great backstory who I am really looking forward to writing with! (Also associated with Twelfth Division, ha!)
Skylar Stell: @hello-hellhound is a mutli-fandom boisterous teenage muse with a Bleach verse. She’s a creative, active, and a super-fun RP partner!
And I can recommend other/multifandom female OC’s if anyone wants but I’m limiting it to specifically Bleach muses here.
I hope this helps. I realize there are many more female Bleach muses, so if there are more specific characters you’re looking for, please let me know and I’ll try to recommend some blogs!
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lunaeterea · 9 years
❝ Aye. You got any snacks, fuqboi? ❞ B|
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#human souls.
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despairforme · 8 years
-climbs on his shoulders.- B( . . . B)
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     ❝ Bitches be climbin’ me. ❞
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meishutori · 8 years
cxrbstomp replied to your post:Ooc;; Fun story guys, my school did one class on...
The only thing I remember about “sex-ed” is that 1) we can move our vagina muscles and 2) guys have wet dreams. I didn’t learn shit. But I knew the anatomy of a dick pretty well, so I guess I have that going for me. 8|
Ooc;; Yeah sex is gross and icky and DONT HAVE IT OR YOULL GET PREGNANT OR AN STD AND YOULL DIE............... I mean, I am somewhere on the gray asexual spectrum, but I do have sex, and like..... I wanted to know more things before having sex??? Maybe??
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perfectionisdespair · 9 years
my patience is also very short. 8 |
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brandborn-blog · 9 years
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❝ What’s wrong with your face? ❞
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