#cyan listens to rqg
icebluecyanide · 3 years
rqg 214
NOBODY DIED!!! (that we know of) so I’m counting that as a win!
the energy in the intro is amazing, I love how weird they go when things get tense and it genuinely helped me destress a bit right at the start lol
the way all the blue veined people looked up was an excellent horror image, I loved getting to see some of that hive mind stuff in action, since it seemed more off screen in Svalbard
Also confirmation that the lieutenant-y type people weren’t just pre-blue veins showing up but actually outside the network which has me 👀👀 who are they?? (cult of mars???)
GUIVRES!!! Gosh I love dragons, and she is terrifying, I’m glad at least she’s also not very nimble so that gives them at least one thing they might be able to take advantage of
Alex taking Skraak away from Bryn/the party... i guess we have to respect his craft but gosh the rolls without context were very worrying
loved them realising they can pull up google maps for the larger scale battle map. I didn’t look up anything myself, but I have to admit that the quick drawing Bryn posted on discord with the rough paths everyone took did make things a bit clearer
‘can I have a strength roll for Skraak’ ‘absolutely not’ ahsdlfhs
Skraak please live!!! precious little lizard boy needs to make it out, I was so glad Helen mentioned he could wriggle out and Alex said he’d allow an escape artist check, although I’m not sure he made it all the same 😭😭
Wilde doing illusions please!!! roll well for him Alex and then badly for all enemy NPCs thank you
Zolf blocking up the stairwell might help at least a bit, but it sounded like the clickers or whatever they were called might also be able to move through stone/cracks and probably up the walls so they’ll likely still be surrounded by enemies VERY soon
‘she’s about to notice the halfling’ HAMID MAXIMISED FIREBALL YESSSS \o/ I have missed Bryn asking leading questions about enemies being clustered together
also i’m sort of amused they brushed over the damage to the lieutenants completely to focus on the plant which, fair I guess, but I am also over here worrying they may be magic users and may have made their reflex saves and might now fire stuff at Hamid too
creepy scream got to Cel :((( don’t like that they have negative effects on attack rolls and stuff now even if it might even out with all the other buffs. they need all those buffs against the big DRAGON
speaking of: Guivres making direct eye contact with a now no longer invisible Hamid OH DEAR
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icebluecyanide · 3 years
RQG 207
First of all: big thank you to Helen/Azu because without that sickened condition there would have been a lot more death
Hamid just barely surviving!! I’m so glad I didn’t know how many hitpoints he had until Bryn said he wasn’t instadead but I’m v happy he’s alright, poor Bryn sounded so distressed
also very emotional about Zolf ignoring the creature to immediately heal Hamid when he saw he was down, despite the two of them not always getting along
Hamid’s dream made me emotional and I’m sad he failed his check and they apparently forgot Zolf could unity him so he was just out again aslhdfds (but not before cuddling into Cel!! who threw him to safety!!)
Ada with the wand!!! Skraak with his great damage roll!! Azu getting a great hit in!!
Sumutnyerl :( here’s to hoping they can bring their body back to the bear for a resurrection later
Wilde 😭😭
I don’t think I’ve been this stressed about the maths in this game since that time they all fell off the roof in Paris tbh, so grateful for Bryn reminding everyone of the bonuses and seeming to talk Ben through the required checks to bring Wilde back
speaking of: WILDE LIVES!!! Zolf for mvp of this ep I’d say 
Please no more character deaths, this is enough death for the campaign
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icebluecyanide · 3 years
rqg 200
episode 200!!! it was such a fun one, I love how giddy everyone was and the whole extended intro, Ben’s comment about all rusty quill podcasts ending at episode 200 cracked me up
“playing is a construct” the entire ‘new listener’ bit and them referencing their early style made me laugh but i completely lost it at this part ashdfhs
Skraak rolling a 59??? on his stealth check??
Alex going all ‘the first square is free :)’ and Helen calling it a multilevel marketing scheme lol
I’m so glad the monsters started attacking each other behind the closed door, thank you Helen/Azu
the zombies were horrifying and i’m so glad their special ability never went off because of Azu’s prayer spell, Alex’s frustration and everyone just going ‘good’ was hilarious
Also: very glad Hamid and Zolf got out of the horde without attacks of opportunity, i do not want to think about how many hit points Hamid might have lost. Zolf would’ve been fine probably but hamid...
SPEAKING OF Ben just forgetting Alex killed one of his player characters before ahdslhfdsfs BEN
Cel’s bombs were A+++ thank you Cel, i’m glad the splash damage didn’t hit Hamid/Zolf like I was worried about
did they remember that the channel positive energy should also have healed them from the damage the horde did? they didn’t mention it and i’m worried
I’m very curious what’s with the surprisingly ornate staircase and the room in general, it seems like there may be some world building mystery stuff and I hope they’ll investigate a bit too instead of just rushing through
anyway, they all lived!! this was such a joyous episode, even if I was genuinely terrified one of the characters would die. I guess Alex was right about none of them having really come close to dying or being knocked out, but it definitely feels like with monsters at this level if they do get hit it’s immediately Bad so there’s still a sense of tension even if they end up, as Skraak put it, bossing it
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icebluecyanide · 3 years
RQG 206
Was going to listen later this weekend but then I would likely get spoiled and also SO MUCH IS HAPPENING so I listened anyway and
Oh Dear
As always, SO WORRIED ABOUT HAMID. My precious dragon boy is down over two thirds of his hit points and that’s just the opening move of this combat and he’s not even awake and won’t be until they get him through that door
Also Wilde’s probably not great hp wise is he?
Alex generously assuming they would be cautious on the way to the lab in complete darkness... with a murderous beast on the loose... and they were like ‘nah we’re running’ afsjdgjff
Azu’s spell is so cool!!! Tho I got too happy for a sec because I mixed up Nauseated and Sickened and thought the creature would be restricted to moving but apparently it’s just a minus two on stuff afshdgjdf still really good tho and yay for it going off
I didn’t quite get the teamwork thing with Zolf but I am here for them working together
Also Cel’s bombs not hitting with a 26 or something... not good yikes, hope Azu’s spell’s bonus helped with that
ALSO the part where Alex retconned Cel going down from the poison because he forgot they are immune to poison now afshdgd T-posing Cel?? I don’t know how but I had a really clear mental image of that moment lol
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icebluecyanide · 3 years
rqg 199
“and who are you playing until such time as I find a way to engineer your demise” alex really woke up and choose violence today didn’t he? ahsdlfhs
I still have no idea how to picture the set up, but I love them trying to do the maths for how to make a big enough wall haha
“how thicc, with 2 c’s, is the fossil construct?” ahsdfhsdjfksl
Zolf’s stone shaping spell was so cool! Also poor Alex on rolling a natural one for his monster, but also I’m very happy with it because it is SCARY
Hamid immediately casting greater invisibility on Skraak to keep them alive is a great move, thank you Bryn for doing your best to keep him alive
“it’s hard to tell, it’s face is made of other people’s skulls” what a description ahsdlfhds
Cel/Lydia/Alex cooing about the poor fossil construct monster is a WILD contrast with me being actively terrified it will kill or petrify at least one party member lol
the constant thudding and sudden increased sounds of activity are giving me very big Mines of Moria vibes and it’s really cool but also worrying, i hope they can get away alright
also: so many James Ross/Bertie references this episode? did the first one spark the rest or do they have James on their mind because they maybe recorded another special with him recently? :D (one can hope)
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icebluecyanide · 3 years
Azu and Hamid managing to hold on to each other while they’re all scattered 😭😭 the two of them losing all their friends again 😭😭 everyone else being alone 😭
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icebluecyanide · 4 years
best part of rqg 187
Alex: Okay, so you know these trees, real scary trees, the trees that I described as —
Lydia: terrifying
Alex: — well, trees, but also, you know, desiccated... devoid of moisture... blighted as it were... may or may not have vulnerabilities to fire.
Bryn: *gleeful* Oh, oh, would you like me to recalculate the damage for you, Alex?
Alex: I mean, IF you were to add-
Bryn: 27. That's fifty per cent of 55.
Alex: Yeah, if you could add fifty per cent of the damage-
Bryn: So that's 82 damage total to those two trees.
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icebluecyanide · 4 years
the more the ending of rqg 187 is sinking in, the more I’m realising that they probably won’t/might not return to the storylines with the ship and that would be really sad :((( maybe they can get some proper rest on the other side of the portal and then come back to deal with the trees?? surely Sumutnyerl would like to return to their people
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icebluecyanide · 3 years
Good on Hamid for calling out Zolf for being so dismissive of him tbh
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icebluecyanide · 4 years
The party having so many bonuses and effects so they keep beating/surviving what Alex throws at them is honestly so satisfying lol
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icebluecyanide · 4 years
I can’t believe I had to listen to Hamid being at risk of dying fifteen minutes into the episode but I’m so glad he (and everyone else) survived the episode 😭😭
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icebluecyanide · 4 years
I was relistening to rqg 154 because it had a lot of of lore stuff and I noticed they also had a number of pretty bad knowledge rolls that ep and it’s so satisfying that now they actually rolled well. Like, Cel got a knowledge: nature roll to do with the seed in 154 but rolled a 2 and I’m pretty we finally got to hear what they missed out on back then. I still have no real idea how it all ties together but I'm very excited to be getting more and more pieces of the puzzle 
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icebluecyanide · 3 years
I’m still confused as to what happened when all their counts were down to one, did they still have to pass through another shard/dimension? If not did Wilde make it through without issue? Why do none of them seem to remember how they got there and what’s with Cel missing the memory of apparently using six bombs and cataloguing their stuff??
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icebluecyanide · 4 years
Alex’s worldbuilding this episode!! so much lore!! I want to know everything
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icebluecyanide · 4 years
Hamid and Azu coordinating his outfit together👌👌👌 Azu dressing up with the horns and spikes ✨✨ Cel turning into a PENGUIN 🐧🐧 now this is the content I’m here for
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icebluecyanide · 4 years
All the party having heart to hearts with each other in ep 152 had me welling up 😭😭
Zolf telling Azu you can’t save everyone but you have to keep trying!! Azu saying she didn’t like to be separated from Hamid and Hamid telling her Sasha and Grizzop being left behind wasn’t her fault!! Cel talking to Zolf and Hamid about how they feel they could’ve done something sooner!! Saying Hamid has a big heart!! i love them all so much 😭😭
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