#cyberpunk brainrot really hitting.
tsunanami17 · 7 months
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the cyberpunk brainrot won
Did you guys miss Reef and Anem? I sure did. They've been rotating in my brain for the last few days. Trench, too, another one of my cyberpunk OCs. Not sure if I'd call this a cyberpunk fixation or not but considering they're all I'm thinking about during college classes I think that's a sign. While Anem isn't as trigger happy as his merc, when the two are firing lead together, they're practically unstoppable. If you guys want Reef's spotify playlist, I can link it in a different post! Anem's is still a WIP
I also think I'll make a separate post for all the Reef and Trench doodles I've done... except for the anatomy practice one that one is staying in the. in the trenches. haha. haha get it because their name is trench and they
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fereldanwench · 2 years
got in A Mood and decided to browse my edits tag
a few thoughts/observations/rambles:
i've had this specific blog since 2016 and i've been doing various screenshots, gifs, moodboards, etc since i made it almost exactly 7 years ago. i have 109 pages in my mine: edits tag: - 54 of those pages are from 2016-2021 and encompass about half a dozen or so fandoms. - the other 55 pages? run from july 2021 until now and are almost exclusively cyberpunk (and more specifically, almost exclusively valerie and/or goro). the amount of ~*content*~ i made over the course of 5 years for 6-10 fandoms is almost the exact same amount of ~*content*~ for one game in the span of about a year in a half? like damn. if that doesn't just perfectly capture the brainrot.
it was very heartwarming and enlightening looking at some of my OCs/ships that i consider more or less "retired" at this point, like my ryder and jaal or my inquisitor and cullen. it was nice looking through all those sets again and having some warm fuzzies and seeing how they influenced later OCs/ships but also being content to be like yeah, that's it. we had good times, but we moved on just like we needed to.
on the flipside, it was also interesting going through some of them and seeing the OCs/ships that I'd like to revisit at some point. or possibly rework into cyberpunk. i think i could see some themes i had wanted to explore with my sole survivor acting as a foundation to really develop valerie's mother, whomst i haven't talked much about here but i have a lot of thoughts on. (although audrey (sole) and ava (valerie's mother) are kind of the antithesis of each other in that audrey never wanted a kid and wanted to pursue a career but ended up living the opposite whereas ava wanted a kid and felt pushed into the corporate world BUT ANYWAY I DIGRESS)
it was also kind of cool for me to see how my screenshot/vp style developed over the years. i wasn't even familiar with the term "virtual photography" until cyberpunk--i just thought of it as fucking around with a flycam and taking screenshots. the 'photography' element didn't even really click with me. but i can see where some of the stuff i was doing 6-7 years ago, even with moodboards, definitely influenced how i approach vp in cyberpunk.
and number/performance-talk, because even if i make stuff for me, i still think it's interesting to take note of trends and whatnot: - i definitely experienced a pretty noticeable drop off in notes post-2018 and the great tiddy purge. that shit really hit hard, damn - i remember in past fandoms i often felt like stillshots didn't get nearly as much love as gifsets (especially gaming scenery gifsets), and based on my own stuff, that does seem to track. i think the two big exceptions for me there were mass effect andromeda and now cyberpunk. which are very pretty games with very pretty characters and compatible with decent cinematic tools so idk, maybe they just work better in that format than, like, muddy potato-y dragon age origins, lmao.
anywhoooooo i also filled my queue up with some old posts so get ready for some vintage wench content over the next few days uwu
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kaviiinsky · 1 year
(Also bored at work) 🌿, 💥, aaaand 🎙️!
🌿how does creating make you feel?
I feel like it’s about half and half accomplishment and insanity lol On the one hand I love feeling like I’ve finished something and put it out into the world for other people to read and get enjoyment from, and on the other hand sometimes creating feels like I have to exorcise the idea demons from my brain before they completely take over, especially when I’m extremely deep in brainrot over an idea, be it original or fan content. Occasionally I’ll be disappointed or unimpressed by how one of my projects turns out, but more often than not I’m pretty proud :)
💥find your least kudos'd fic - say something wonderful about it.
LMAO my least kudos’d fic is this Hannibal/Cyberpunk crossover fic called Humans Are Such Easy Prey (named after a Perturbator song) and tbh I can kinda see why it’s low on the list, it’s a hyperspecific crossover that I only ever posted the first chapter to, but I think the concept is really neat and the parallels I drew between Will’s mental state and the cyberpunk concept of cyber psychosis are (in my opinion) chefs kiss 😚 👌🏻
🎙️which one of your fics would you like someone to make a pod-fic of?
Honestly I would love for my TMA fic Game Set Match to get a podfic version! It would be kind of an ambitious project lol because it's such a large cast of characters but I would love to see how someone would go about voicing all the fears! Whether they did it themselves or got a group of people for voices. I'm actually quite proud of that one in general but it doesn't get a lot of hits because its gen (happens to a lot of my fics lmao) and doesn't include any of the main characters, just the fears!
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musesbykai · 2 years
🌱 🔮 🎵 🐱
[ 🌱 ] what themes are relevant to your muse?
The biggest theme with Oron is loss, grief, revenge and what happens after someone experiences something like that. I've experienced a loss that has hit really hard and when grieving, it feels like it won't end and to an extent it doesn't end but it does get easier.
[ 🔮 ] what is your muse’s relationship with religion and spirituality? were they raised in a certain religion? have they stuck with the same set of spiritual beliefs all their life, or have they changed over time? are they settled in their spirituality now?
Oron does believe that there is a heaven and hell, he believes that his family is in heaven, looking down and watching him. However, he doesn't think he will reach there himself due to his sins. He doesn't really believe in god or Christ or any other religious figure.
His father was a pretty average Christian father, he took Oron and his sister to church. That is where his beliefs in heaven and hell came from. When he joined the military, he kind of dropped a lot of his beliefs.
[ 🎵 ] is there a specific song or songs you associate with your muse? why is that?
After Dark - Mr. Kitty - You know why CJ LMAO
Cyberpunk 2077 - A New Dawn Fades - Love this track and it helps me get the brainrot. Same with Been Good to Know Ya from Cyberpunk 2077
Down Under - Men At Work - For obvious reasons but I love how Australian this song is and I just see Oron blasting this in a jeep while driving through the outback!
What I've Done - Linkin Park - Kinda fits with his whole situation and the lyrics pretty much get it spot on more than any other song.
[ 🐱 ] does your muse have pets? did they have pets as a child? how do they feel about animals?
Oron did have a doggo, an Australian Shepard but Lachlan killed the beloved pet when he went after the family. He loves animals though, all kinds! Being a rural kid, he's interacted with a lot of wildlife like Kangaroos and has had a couple of run ins with snakes.
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