#cyberpunk riptide
tsunanami17 · 4 months
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Jade and the rockerboy stuck in her head
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Herrera Riptide "Terrier"
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cryberpunkart · 4 months
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Road trip
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vendettavalor · 1 year
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⚔️ Who's Your Ultimate Night City Choom? ⚔️
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ADAM SMASHER You’re a force to be reckoned with — strong, independent, and determined. When you put your mind to something, you don’t look back and you’ll achieve your goals no matter what. It’s these qualities that you may think Smasher appreciates in you, but instead it’s probably your total disregard for others and your pitch-perfect menacing aura. But living this way means leaving a trail of broken relationships in your wake. Prepare for a very sad and lonely end if you keep this up.
cryiiiiing @tacticalvalor i cant believe even the official cyberpunk quiz is saying they're canon
Tagged by: I stole it ❤️
Tagging: Steal it ❤️
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hardygalwrites · 2 years
I Decided To Relax
...for the Whumptober of 2022...
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While I was certainly hoping to get some writing done this year, and I had expressed excitement at focusing on some OC centric Whumptober entries, I ultimately decided to just relax and just... do something a little different.
While I did do two little audio editing projects (which I am massively proud of), everything else was basically just some whumpy moments shown off in the form of audio, video, and/or gifs. And I am all right with that, it was pretty nice to just sit back and occasionally be like “hey guys, check this out”
all that being said i do implore whoever might be seeing this to at least check out either one of my audio edits because i really did work hard on them :’]
As always, a big thank you to the crew of @whumptober and @whumptober-archive​ for organising this event and managing it throughout this rather hectic month! I can only imagine the stress and time that goes into keeping up with Whumptober, and I truly admire you guys for sticking through it :D
Audio Edits (Creator’s Choice)
Chip’s Water Nightmare - Just Roll With It: Riptide
No.5: Every Whumpee’s Needs | Running Out of Air
No.24: Fight, Flight, or Freeze | “I don’t want to do this anymore.”
After several sleepless nights trying to avoid his cursed nightmares, Chip is finally forced to sleep, plunging him back into the horrifying depths of the Rakshasa’s curse.
"I was just using you...” - Just Roll With It: Riptide
No. 14: Die a Hero or Live Long Enough to Become a Villain | Desperate Measures
No. 15: Emotional Damage | Lies
Jey Ferin begs her father, Vice Admiral Jayson Ferin, not to hurt her friends, agreeing to return home and give up a pirate’s life. Unfortunately, Jay’s friends are less than willing to let her go, prompting Jay to take a few desperate and deadly measures in an effort to make Gillion and Chip abandon her.
Audio (and Gifs)
“Petulant mortal flesh.” - Devil May Cry 5
No.1: A Little Out of The Ordinary | Unconventional Restraints
No.2: Nowhere to Run​
Nero’s second battle against Urizen goes no better than his first, and Nero is once again defeated by the self-proclaimed demon king. Urizen binds Nero in his blood vines, ready to make good on his promise to give the young devil hunter despair and death.
Alpha’s Final Torture - Red vs. Blue
No. 17: Hanging by a Threat | Breaking Point
Alpha, an AI provided to Project Freelancer, is told that his failure as a mission coordinator has resulted in the death of two Freelancer agents. This cruel lie, the last of many psychological tortures, forces the already broken AI to fragment one last time.
"I’m really tired...” - Red vs. Blue
No. 31: A Light at The End of The Tunnel | “You can rest now.”
Agent Texas attempts to rescue Alpha, but her efforts prove to be just a little too late; the AI is too broken and too tired to want to do anything more than rest.
"You scared?” - Persona 4 The Animation
No.3: Hair’s Breadth From Death | Gun to Temple
No.29: What Doesn’t Kill Me… | Defiance
In the long awaited confrontation against Inaba’s true serial murderer, Yu Narukami’s Persona is swiftly overcome by the Persona of Tohru Adachi, leaving Yu at Adachi’s mercy.
"I... I can’t breathe...” - Cyberpunk 2077
No. 22: Pick Your Poison | Withdrawal
When an abrupt and almost violent dismissal from his job at Arasaka leaves V’s hormone regulators and other company provided cyberware non-functional, V struggles to adjust to the sudden withdrawal.
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vintagerpg · 1 year
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Rotten to the Core (1990) is the last 2300AD supplement. It is primarily a sourcebook detailing Libreville, the city in Gabon, Africa (in 2300, part of the French empire) where the space elevator, amusingly referred to as the “Beanstalk” is anchored. Naturally, this sort of aperture to the stars is going to encourage a lot of power, money and corruption, making it an excellent venue for cyberpunk. I will say, despite a lot of reasonably realistic things going on in this book, it is weirdly white for a city in Africa, even allowing for the colonial imperialism of the French empire and the probable riptide-like currents of gentrification that would beset a place like Libreville.
Anyway, if you take your expectations for a cyberpunk city, dial all the tech to “plausible” and make sure to check every box established by the sub-genre (including having Tim Bradstreet do some art for you), then you’ll pretty much have Libreville. It is kind of weird having something so early in cyberpunk’s lifespan also be so by the numbers, but there you have it. And that isn’t a bad thing! It is just…an obvious thing. Rotten to the Core is not subtle.
The included adventure may as well be a short story by Billiam Hibson. There’s corporate secrets, dark doings, stolen tech, betrayal, violence, all wrapped in that chrome package. There’s a guy named Steel Cowboy. It’s not high art, but it probably makes a good adventure, honestly — the best RPG adventures tend to be somewhat derivative, right? Where players sort of see the big beats coming. That’s this. And since the cyberpunk aspect in 2300AD is so generic, you can pull it out and run it for anything.
Nice Aulisio cover, it’s got atmosphere.
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quaddmgd · 9 months
Girls and their rides
So back when 2.1 dropped, I decided to get all the new vehicles and clothes that have been added in the game since Phantom Liberty. While grinding vehicle contracts and races, I was wondering what rides would fit my OCs the best. Now that I managed to get everything, here are the answers!
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Crystal - ARCH Nazaré "Racer"
Crystal, my main girl and my OC of choice for beating both Cyberpunk 2077 and its DLC, ironically caused me the most trouble! Up until now, she canonically used a red Shion Mizutani Targa that I managed to find in the wild almost a year ago. The issue was that in case I wanted to use it, I'd have to find it again or spawn it on my PC. Since I mostly play Cyberpunk on my Xbox, that wasn't an ideal scenario.
For a brief moment I was considering giving her a brand new Herrera Riptide "Terrier" - a car I could actually spawn on demand. But seems too impractical for her. She loves cars but I don't see her driving a hypercar. She wants something cool, powerful, but not that high-maintenance.
Then I saw this cool new bike, fell in love with its looks and colors, and remembered that I wrote my dislike for bikes in this game in Crystal's lore! Instead of rewriting it I decided that Elegy, her gf who rides a Kusanagi, made her get used to them, start enjoying their looks, and taught her to ride them - which fits the 2.1 bike handling improvements perfectly!
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EV - Porsche 911 Turbo Cabriolet (930)
Now, I was thinking about giving EV either one of new muscle cars or Mizutani Hozuki "Hoseki". You might actually see some pics of her with these cars in the future (with Hoseki being her first car for example), but eventually I settled on giving her a 911. It fits her looks and personality, and she's my canon V, so a Samurai-themed car is a good choice.
Originally she was supposed to be driving a 911 you get in Chippin' In, but my s/o managed to convince me to get a cabrio! I like its color scheme more than the original one!
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Thalia - Villefort Deleon "Vindicator"
Sully was by far the easiest! While at first I had no idea what would really fit her, after I bought that Vindicator and examined it thoroughly, it was the only choice for her. It looks vintage, maybe a bit classy, but with a sport touch.
There's a lore reason for how she got it too! I didn't really have time or strength to explain how she survived her alleged death and ended up arriving in NC yet. Other than reuniting with Crystal, she needs her and Elegy to help her with a special task. The person that drove her near NC, left her that car as a gift and something to aid her in her journey. She might or might not have modified it for that custom look, but I didn't decide on that yet.
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jacuzziwaters · 2 years
I was tagged by @arataka-reigen
3 Ships: Ummmm this is a hard one because I don't actively ship people a lot. Uta x Hibiki, Fudo x Desumi, Lithera x Pellus.
First Ship: I'm pretty sure it was something else like Chris and Aviva from Wild Kratts but the one that I remember really getting into is Haruhi x Mori and Tamaki x Haruhi.
Last Song: I'm currently listening to songs from the 2010's and Riptide by Vance Joy was playing as I'm typing this out.
Last Movie: Just got home from watching Puss In Boots.
Currently Reading: Poster Girl by Veronica Roth. It's good so far. Granted I started at close to the end of the book. Maybe I'll find the motivation to read it from the beginning.
Currently Watching: Too many shows. Blockbuster, Buddy Daddies, Cyberpunk Edge runners, Futurama (rewatching), BSD, Neon Genesis, Cowboy Bebop, etc.
Currently Consuming: Air I guess? I did eat some shrimp alfredo from Applebee's not too long ago so there's that.
Currently Craving: Noodles. Anything in a broth. That or some fried rice sounds good rn. I genuinely need my cousin to cook for me.
No Pressure Tagging: @monsieurkillforthrills , @iingeniium, @autismwonderland, @asher-in-the-south , @catboy-steve, @spydertrans
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roll-for-twig · 2 years
Current TTRPG Characters
Jezalia: she/her (d&d Tempest Cleric Tiefling) Jezalia is a cleric of Cepheus, the Imperial god. As a baby, she was left on the steps of a church and the priests begrudgingly took in the ice tiefling. She was eventually sent on a quest to find the Eye if Cepheus, as his body had been scattered across the world. She is also a part of reincarnated heroes of old sworn to protect the world from the six Great Beasts seeking to destroy it
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Lynx Scias: they/them (motw The Initiate) Lynx has been monster hunting since they were a teenager and is now the leader of their own team of hunters trying to make the town of Copper Point a little safer. They are a follower of the Harvester, one of the large entities present in the world and a force of destruction. They are currently on the path to becoming an Elder, as the Harvester is consuming their eyes to further Lynx's abilities
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Fallon Snowcutter: they/them (d&d Card Dealer Tiefling) The adopted child of the esteemed elf, Lyla Snowcutter, and their brother Weslan are trying to reconnect with each other while keeping each other alive. From a young age, they started playing with cards, as it was a convenient and quiet way for them to pass the time as a child. It wasn't long, especially with Weslan's influence before they started learning how to throw them with deadly accuracy. At their heart, they are still a rich kid, but they would do anything for their brother
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Coin Taylor: they/them (motw The Flake) Coin is an anxious ball of energy. They came to Enoch, Oregon from Jasper, Alberta to go to school, but ended up in a supernatural hotspot. They're a powerful witch who uses crystals as a focus for their spells. While Coin is terrified at everything they see and learn about Enoch, they feel responsible for keeping everyone as safe as they can (in character sideblog: @quarter-quartz387)
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Rezin "Wavebreaker" Graham: he/him (FATE Water Powered Superhero) Rezin is a disgraced mute superhero in a cyberpunk world. Once, the company Luster paraded him and his wife around as Riptide and Blazestorm, a duo worthy of fear and respect. Unfortunately, his wife died while on a job for Luster and the company was largely unsympathetic. Broken by wounds of the flesh and heart, Rezin left Luster, causing them to give him a new name and Villain name
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Cobweb: they/them (World of Darkness) Cobweb is the personification of hedonism and gluttony. They are a faerie of the Silver Court, and has been very happily enjoying themself for the past year. Once they learned that they were a Changeling and not a true fae, they had a bit of an identity crisis, running back to Stella, a vampire who doesn't actually want much to do with them but is happy to string them along
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Kitt Barnes: she/her (d&d gnome gunslinger) Kitt is just here to have a fun time as a pirate. She's only got one arm, but there's no way she's letting that stop her! She's very bubbly, but she rarely opens up to others. It usually takes a while for her to show any genuine part of who she is. The one exception is Nikolas, the former Naval officer turned pirate whose ship she first stowed away on. She trusts him to the ends of the earth and knows that as long as they're together, nothing can go too wrong (she did not foresee having her brains blown out... her face has been healed now, but she is not going to easily forget this)
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wings-of-flying · 2 years
stares into your eyes, go read this riptide cyberpunk au fic, go read it right now
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vyrion · 2 years
cyberpunk riptide au ....
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tsunanami17 · 4 months
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I also have drawn my cyberpunk ocs in corporate drip based on their affiliations.
Jade is in the Arasaka dress due to previously attending their Arasaka Academy and graduating from it. Funnily enough, Viper (to her right) is the one that rejected her from the corporation, so. She’s now anti-Saka (took rejection personally). Viper is Arasaka intel now. Has been after selling out his old nomad tribe. He’s normal ^-^
Anem and Reef are in Militech suits due to their constant contract work for them. Anem is an in between for many corporate executives there— who contract both him and Reef for weaponstech. Though, many are persistent to hire Reef due to her skill— she declines every time. Anem is technically Militech corporate already but only because he married into it. He’s given more freedom than a typical corpo due to his dealings with other mercs but. He’s still kinda tied up in their web.
Anem wouldn’t mind wearing a Militech suit, it’s just. Sad. Reminds him of his dead husband coming home from work in it all the time.
Reef hates it. In her words, “no amount of eddies you say you’ll pay me will make me wear that fucking skirt”.
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mynonsenseistingling · 4 months
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Herrera Riptide "Terrier"
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strungcheese · 3 years
Some beachside destiel fics that I absolutely love. Aka fics set by the coastside/on some island/near the harbour, lighthouses etc. There's just such a calming vibe to them. If you have more recommendations or if you have other specific tags you want recs on lmk, especially sci fi fics (dystopia, cyberpunk, NASA space fics)
All completed works!
In no particular order w/ tags:
1. ❤ *Find Me In The Light by allmystars
AU. Major Character Death. AU. Baker Cas. Musician Dean. Cancer. (89k. Rated E.)
*All time favourite! Had me crying like 5 chapters in. Cannot recommend this enough.
2. A Place Where Nothing Moves by imogenbynight
AU. Veterinarian Cas. Boat mechanic Dean. Supernatural elements. (49k. Rated E.)
3. ❤ A Complete Kingdom by komodobits
Major Character Death. Canonverse post s8. Horror. Violence. (85k. Rated E.)
This one kept me up at night. Such a unique fic. But please do heed the tags!
4. Riptide by Capzi
AU. Surfer Cas. Lifeguard + mechanic Dean. (53k. Rated E.)
5. Never Not Fantastic by thestoryinsideme
AU. Café owner Cas. Actor/celebrity Dean. (76k. Rated M.)
6. Autumn Hollow by shotgunsinlace
AU. Writer Cas. Siren Dean. Supernatural elements. (98k. Rated E.)
7. ❤ The House on the Ocean Road by coffeeandcas
AU. Writer Cas. Dean-centric. Parent fic! (111k. Rated E.)
8. Find You in the Next by Glitterinchaos
AU. California setting. (58k. Rated M.)
9. Everybody Needs the Light by opal_bullets
AU. Motel owner Cas. Hunter Dean. Supernatural elements. (46k. Rated M.)
10. Tangled up in You by Idontknowahhh
AU. Dean goes on a somewhat forced vacation to Honolulu and meets Cas. This is cute. (11k. Rated E.)
Bonus! -> any port in the storm by microcomets
I won't really classify this as beachside because they're actually on a couples counseling cruise for a hunt. But it's a lovely fic and ig oceans are kinda close to beaches??? so here you go. Canonverse. (52k. Rated M.)
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daisyachain · 4 years
I almost wish we got more of the Forged vs Cold Constructed plotline, since even though the culmination happens in Remain in Light, three out of the four Cold Constructed main characters don’t get a spotlight until season 2. Even though we get a lot of coverage of generalized class divisions (those within the Grand Cybertronian Taxonomy like ruling vs intellectual vs manual vs beast/disposable), the Forged-CC is mostly told in implication. The story of the MTOs, a bunch of microaggressions from various characters, Chromedome’s limited class mobility, and the large overlap between the manual class and Cold Constructs are pretty much all we get. It’s enough to fill in the gaps and paint a detailed picture, but at the same time it gives me enough information that I’d just like to have seen more of it.
MTMTE dabbles in cyberpunk as part of its genre mix and one of the cornerstones of cyberpunk is the idea of the artificial person. You’d think it would be impossible to do the robot class story in a world full of robots, but Roberts fully squares the circle by creating the Cold Constructed class. They are allowed more privilege and power than the non-sentient classes (depending on build), and they’re still treated as cheap knock-offs (literally) compared to ‘real people’ in a way that explicitly influenced Megatron, Riptide, Getaway and implicitly had an impact on Chromedome and Brainstorm’s paths through life
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riptidepublishing · 5 years
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Attention fans of cyberpunk and gay, interspecies dating! The Glamour Thieves by Don Allmon is currently available on Kindle Unlimited. The book is FREE for subscribers until it leaves KU at the end of February. Non-subscribers can snag it for $3.99.
JT is an orc on the way up. He’s got his own boutique robotics shop, high-end clientele, and deep-pocketed investors. He’s even mentoring an orc teen who reminds him a bit too much of himself back in the day. Then Austin shows up, and the elf’s got the same hard body and silver tongue as he did two years ago when they used to be friends and might have been more. He’s also got a stolen car to bribe JT to saying yes to one last scheme: stealing the virtual intelligence called Blue Unicorn. Soon JT’s up to his tusks in trouble, and it ain’t just zombies and Chinese triads threatening to tear his new life apart. Austin wants a second chance with JT — this time as more than just a friend—and even the Blue Unicorn is trying to play matchmaker. 
Get it on Amazon
Browse Riptide for more LGBTQ books on KU
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