#cyc oneshots
pendwelling · 5 months
my sails are set (and i'm coming home)
Relationships: Cédric Riester & Christelle Rambouillet | Ham Ga-in & Jung Yeseo, (but mild future CYC bc what do you expect from me WKKWJK)
Gen, Oneshot (18k words), part of an eventual series of oneshots.
Pirates AU, mildly inspired by One Piece; Transmigrator+Healer Yeseo, Pirate Christelle, Marine Captain Cédric (but not for long lmao).
"Hello!" came the cheerful voice of the pink-haired newcomer standing by the door. "By chance do you feel up for an adventure?"
Taken off-guard, Yeseo could do nothing but look with incredulity at who was very clearly a pirate—if the very non-discrete tricorne hat had anything to say about her profession—knocking at the door.
An apprentice healer who yearns for home; a woman who wishes to freely take to the seas; and an orange-eyed marine with a hatred for pirates, all set sail towards the Grand Line in search of adventure, answers, and family.
(TWSB Pirates AU, vaguely inspired by One Piece)
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snailfen · 1 year
k i think im figuring out that the overlap between rw fans and oneshot fans is less like a venndiagram and more like a circle. One could say it looks like a cyc- (is smitten by the Shadow Beasts)
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cycwrites · 5 years
Four Drinks I’m Wasted
Angst lite Staubrey standalone AU oneshot. 
Something I didn’t plan on writing and then I had ideas while driving home. I’m annoyed that I’m writing angst. I’m even more annoyed I picked on Aubrey but it… fit.
Inspired by King Princess’ ‘Talia’ (YouTube / Spotify / Lyrics) but I’m a soft and useless human so the angst is merely ‘light medium’.
Thanks as always to @tiny-maus-boots for the beta and to @wlwoolf for helping classify the angst level.
Rated: Mature-ish. Drinking & almost driving.
Words: 3,286
Also on AO3 and FFN
Master Post
Aubrey groaned quietly as she swam through the thick whiskey haze toward consciousness.
As had become standard, she ran through a mental hangover checklist to try and take stock of what she’d been up to the night before and how rough her morning might be.
Headache – check.
Feeling like something died in her mouth – check.
Nausea – check, though she knew it could be worse.
At home in her own bed instead of passed out on the couch, or the bathroom floor, or once in the shrub outside in her backyard… she listened for the comforting bubble of the aquarium across the room – check.
Imagined warmth of the woman who left her lying beside her in bed?
Fucking. Check.
Faint memories of the night before were slow to surface.
“Goddamnit Aubrey, give me your fucking keys.” Hands pulled at her arm, trying to pry her fingers apart.
“Fuck you, Beca.” Aubrey shot back, lifting her hand above her head. “Why do you even care? You’ve never really liked me, so what the fuck business of yours is it if I live or die?”
It wasn’t that she had a death wish. It wasn’t like she wanted to die. She had just stopped caring one way or the other.
“Seriously? You can say that to me?” Beca looked hurt – shocked and devastated Aubrey would think later – and even though part of her was horrified at what she was saying, it was at the bottom of a sea of liquor and she didn’t care. Wouldn’t let herself. “If I didn’t fucking care, Aubrey, I wouldn’t fucking be here stopping you from fucking killing yourself by getting into your fucking car!”
Aubrey sneered and keyed the remote lock. “Who asked you to?” She opened the door and prepared to get in when she was staggered forward by a weight on her back. Shock worked its way through the alcohol in her system as she realized Beca had literally jumped on her back and was trying to bodily prevent Aubrey from sitting in the driver’s seat.
“I am not going to let you leave us! I am not going to let you fucking leave me and Chloe behind to explain to Stacie what the fuck happened! I am not going to fucking let you fucking quit! Posens don’t fucking quit!”
Aubrey swung in a half circle, trying to dislodge the arms and legs that were wrapped tightly around her body. Beca’s words were bouncing around in her head, trying to remind her that she wasn’t truly alone, she had people who cared and it was she who was pushing them away. With a strength she didn’t know she had she flung Beca off her in an attempt to remove all the guilt that had slammed into her harder than Beca’s tackle.
Anger suffused her, made her want to lash out and in the cold light of morning she would realize it was at herself but at the time Beca had all her focus. She swung her fist at Beca’s head, noticing her friend’s (because she still was, despite everything Aubrey had been saying to her and Aubrey knew it) eyes widen in shock and move too late to miss it entirely but it merely skimmed off her cheek and Aubrey’s hand slammed into the metal frame between the front and rear doors.
That explained the throbbing that had been slowly getting worse in her hand. Still laying with her eyes closed she flexed her right hand carefully, relieved that it didn’t seem to be broken, just swollen and painful. The rest of the night was only bits and pieces but she thought that a terrified Beca had frantically checked her for broken bones and carefully deposited Aubrey in the passenger seat and drove them home. There were flashes of red hair, ice packs and possibly someone had brushed her teeth for her? She also thought that Beca had undressed her and dumped her less than carefully into bed, but tucked her in.
She really had been shitty to Beca and Chloe since Stacie had walked out on her three months ago. She knew they loved her. That they had been there for her. Trying to keep her from the spiral they could see happening. Comfort take-out food and movie nights that Beca hadn’t said a word about. Nothing had helped.
The drinking hadn’t been the plan. She wasn’t an alcoholic, even though that’s exactly what alcoholics said. She came from a family of high functioning alcoholics and knew the signs. Even if she could lie to others, Aubrey could almost never lie to herself. Her self-hatred would have jumped at the chance to call her a failure for joining the ranks of her boozy relatives after a life of vowing never to become them. She could stop whenever she wanted. Except she didn’t want to.
Because the only time Aubrey could lie to herself was when she was drunk.
She could make herself believe that Stacie was still there.
Drink enough and she could see the love of her life in front of her, dancing; smiling that sexy smile that was meant for only Aubrey. The one that promised sinful things in silken sheets and made her body sing in anticipation.
Feel her touch. Taste her lipstick.
Feel her lying in bed when Aubrey finally collapsed into it, certain she would remain when Aubrey woke.
They had been together for years, waiting to get married until Aubrey had finished law school and got settled at a firm. The wedding was small, immediate friends and family only, and the honeymoon was heaven on Earth. When they got back, Aubrey began to work her way through the ranks, lured ever on by the promise of being made a junior partner if she just worked hard enough.
The fights began their second year of marriage.
“I’m doing it for us, for our future!” Aubrey slammed down the notepad she’d been writing on. “Why can’t you see that?”
“What future, Aubrey?!” Stacie stood in the doorway, back straight and eyes snapping fire. And, Aubrey would only realize as she played the memories back after it had all fallen apart, pain and loneliness. “What kind of future are you working towards if I never get to fucking see you?”
“I just need a little more time! They have to promote me this time!” She gritted her teeth. “I’m doing it for us!”
The fight was always the same.
Until one day it wasn’t.
“I don’t think I have any more time to give, Aubrey. I miss you even when you’re here. Buried in the next case… and the next.” Stacie wasn’t sobbing but tears streamed down her cheeks and Aubrey’s chest went cold. “It hurts too much.”
Every night she would sort through her memories, pulling out favorites until she cried herself to sleep, wondering how she could be so stupid.
Three weeks after Stacie had walked out and not come back except to pack her bags, Aubrey had hurt so much she drank just to numb the pain. There was a block of ice that ached in her chest until she drowned it in whatever was handy. She’d mentally joke that she herself was on the rocks as she took another drink. She imagined what she would do if Stacie were there. What she’d say. How she’d vow to do better, be a better wife. Make up every missed dinner, missed phone call, missed nights on the couch binge watching Netflix.
As the night grew late and the bottle grew lighter, it was almost like Stacie had been there and Aubrey fell asleep thinking Stacie was beside her.
She was shattered when she woke alone in the morning and called in sick for the first time.
That was only the beginning.
She chased the dream every night, while growing more and more irritable at work. Stormed out of meetings after arriving late. Snapped at clients and yelled at interns. Counted the seconds until she could get home and open the bottle she’d buy on the way.
Two weeks ago she’d gone to work still half-drunk from the night before.
She was put on suspension pending a review. She’d been a model employee until then and her boss gave her three weeks to get her shit together. Personally she thought they were giving her a chance because she was their best researcher and the boss thought her legs looked great in a skirt.
Aubrey stayed home and drank for the first week.
Chloe and Beca had been alternately furious and cloyingly concerned when they found out.
“Why didn’t you tell us? We could’ve-“ Chloe somehow looked ready to scream and cry at the same time.
“Helped?” Aubrey laughed derisively. “No, you can’t.”
“We love you, Aubrey. We just want you to be happy.” Chloe’s hand on her arm had burned and Aubrey jerked free and stalked to the kitchen.
“Got a time machine in your pocket, Chlo?” Aubrey snorted and poured herself another shot.
It was the same old shit every time. They couldn’t help her and she didn’t even know why they would try. There was obviously something wrong with her; something that made her unlovable. She had ruined the one thing that gave her life meaning. Stacie had left her and it was just a matter of time before Beca and Chloe figured it out and left. She didn’t deserve them and maybe it was just better to lose them now than later when she failed them too.
She had started going to their favorite bar because there were different memories there that she wanted to relive.
Winning at darts despite Stacie’s long arms that Aubrey teased gave her an advantage.
Slow dancing to the jukebox in a dark corner as if they were the only two in the room.
Losing at pool because Stacie was a natural born hustler.
Unfortunately the problem with going to your favorite local bar is that sometimes they know you.
Sometimes they know your friends.
Sometimes they call annoying busybodies who try to tell you that you have to stop.
But she couldn’t stop because then the pain would find her and Aubrey had always been an amazing runner in school. It translated easily from physical activity to metaphorical sprints void of her own mind.
She had to drink to keep Stacie with her any way she could. Why couldn’t they see that?
She sighed and tried to find the energy to move. To dispel that feeling of warmth in bed with her. The more awake she was before she got up, the more that seemed to hurt. Bracing herself she reached out her left hand to sweep through the empty space that matched the one in her heart.
Her fingers brushed against warm, soft skin.
She froze, her mind somewhere between ‘I’ve finally done it - I’ve drunk myself into insanity’ and ‘Beca must have stayed to make sure I didn’t actually kill myself.’ She pulled her hand back to her side and clenched both fists, increasing the throbbing ache from where she’d punched her own car.
Everything shut down. Because that wasn’t Beca.
She was afraid to look - it couldn’t be. She couldn’t be here. Because Aubrey had fucked it up, fucked it all up: her friends; her work; the reason for her very existence.
“Bree.” Warm living fingers took her cold nerveless ones and pressed them to lips Aubrey could see clearly in the screaming darkness of her mind.
“You can’t be here.” Aubrey’s voice shook so bad it was almost intelligible. “I pushed you away.”
“I’m here.” Warm breath skimmed over her fingers. It felt so real. More real than the alcohol dreams usually did. She must have really fucked up if she was still this drunk. “All you have to do is open your eyes and look at me.”
“I always see you,” Aubrey said softly. Since this wasn’t real, she squeezed the hand holding hers. “At least when I drink... You’re here. You’re in my arms. And I stop feeling like I’m dying in slow motion.”
“Oh baby.” The broken, sorrowful tenderness in it further opened wounds that had never even begun to heal. “This isn’t who you are.” Drops of liquid hit her hand and Aubrey wondered how a dream could cry. “I know this isn’t you.”
“I don’t know who I am without you.” Aubrey said softly. “I don’t know how to find myself without you to catch me.” Introspection wasn’t normal for her - overthinking, yes, but not this two way dialog with her subconscious. But she had to admit, she found it comforting to hear Stacie’s voice wrap around her once more.
“I’m sorry I left.” Lips kissed her hand again. “I shouldn’t have. I should have stayed and fought for us.”
“It’s all my fault. I was so wrong,” Aubrey stirred restlessly when the warmth shifted closer to her. “I couldn’t see I was working toward nothing at the cost of everything.” She gave a bitter laugh. “They weren’t going to make me a partner; I was just too blind to see he was just using me to win his own damn cases.” She shook her head against her pillow. “Doesn’t matter, they’re probably going to fire me.”
“You’re better than them, Bree.” Another shift and the long, lithe body that pressed against her brought tears to Aubrey’s eyes. “I’ve always told you that you need to find a place who appreciates you as something other than a drone slave.”
“Maybe,” Aubrey shrugged carelessly. “But what does it matter now? I’ve thrown away the only future that ever really mattered.” A sob choked her. “I miss you so much, love.” The advantages of hallucinating were you could say anything and the only person to hear it was you. “The world has no laughter. No color. No light. No purpose. No hope.”
“Honey.” Lips pressed against her temple. “Please look at me. See me.” She sounded so sad, so desperate that Aubrey felt new guilt lap at her.
“You’ll disappear. Like you always do when I wake up.” Aubrey licked her dry lips. “I’m not ready… for that yet.” It hurt, oh it hurt to feel her so clearly after months of smoke and shadows. But to lose this dream would be so much worse.
“I won’t disappear.” Another kiss to her temple as a long arm stretched across her stomach. “I promise you.” The sense of comfort – of home – the achingly familiar touch brought was so strong Aubrey’s body relaxed of its own volition.
“I’ve broken my promises so many times… ” Aubrey said wistfully. “I would give anything to go back and do it over. Treat you better – because you deserve nothing but love. Not be ignored or asked to wait a few minutes that stretched late into the night. Show you that nothing else in this entire fucked up world matters but you.”
“Do that now. Open your eyes and look at me, Aubrey.” The whisper in her ear was everything Aubrey wanted to believe. Everything she’d tried to believe before and woke to an empty bed. An empty house. An empty heart.
“I’m afraid to.” Tears slipped from her eyes as she began, for the first time, to wonder.
She was afraid to be alone.
Suddenly terrified she was not.
“Don’t be - I’m here, love.” Lips trailed over the side of her face. “I swear.” Hands took hers and pressed it against a strong and fast beating heart. “I’m here.”
“That’s why I’m afraid,” Aubrey whispered, unable to recognize herself in the broken voice that hung in the air.
Aubrey swallowed thickly as she balanced on the knife edge of indecision.
If she did and Stacie wasn’t there, the weight of loneliness would quite likely crush her.
If Stacie was there… Aubrey’s shame would kill her. She wasn’t proud of who she’d become. She knew she was out of control. She just didn’t care anymore.
If Stacie was actually there… Aubrey could smell the alcohol coming from her own pores. She knew the state of their house. The bottles left carelessly on counters. Take out containers piled up on top of a garbage can too full. She didn’t want to see the disappointment or, worse, the pity.
“I’m ashamed.” She hadn’t meant to say it and wished she could take the words back. “I’ve… I’m not… I don’t deserve…” she trailed off as a sob rose viciously in her chest and all but strangled her as it refused to come out. “You.”
“I love you,” Stacie said softly, still holding Aubrey’s hand against her chest. “We’ll get through this. There’s nothing that we can’t work through as long as we’re together. Nothing is lost forever.”
“You still love me? After… everything?” She didn’t want to believe… couldn’t stop hoping.
“I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Aubrey Posen.” Stacie’s voice was still quiet but the truth in her words was louder than the rush of blood in Aubrey’s ears. “The past three months all I’ve done is miss you. I told myself otherwise, but when Beca called me last night… in hysterics… told me how you didn’t care if you lived or died…” A tremor shook the bed as Stacie’s breath hitched. “Nothing that had happened mattered  anymore. I couldn’t live in a world where you were not. I came right over; Beca let me in. She and Chloe are passed out on the couch and I’ve been watching you sleep, afraid you’d slip away if I closed my eyes.”
“Funny,” Aubrey gave a humorless chuckle. “I’m afraid you’ll slip away if I open mine.”
“I know,” Stacie whispered. “But I’m here, love.”
Aubrey steeled herself. Tried to harden her heart so when she opened her eyes to an empty room it wouldn’t destroy her.
“Before I do, there’s something I have to tell you. While I can. Before you’re gone.” Aubrey took a careful breath. “You are the best part of me, Stacie. I was nothing before you and I’m less than nothing without you. You brought a love into my life I thought I didn’t need and I broke the promises I made when we got married. I took you for granted and mere words cannot express how sorry I am that I hurt you. If you were really here, I would spend the rest of my life trying to be worthy of your love.”
Gentle fingers against her cheek followed as Aubrey turned her head, her heart trying to break its way out of the constraints of her ribcage.
“I know, Aubrey… but you already are. We just lost sight of that.” A gentle kiss was placed against her lips. “I promise we’ll be better. Both of us.”
Slowly, as if she were expecting a blow, Aubrey opened her eyes to stare into liquid emerald pools that shimmered with tears. She waited for several seconds, waiting for the mirage to vanish like so many had.
But she didn’t.
Stacie smiled at her, so tenderly that Aubrey’s heart almost broke with the love that welled up inside her.
Wonderingly Aubrey reached up and touched her jaw, tracing one thumb across her lips.
“Stacie?” Hopeful. Terrified.
“Always, my only.” Stacie pulled her in close and Aubrey buried her face in her neck, inhaling deeply as the scent that was uniquely Stacie’s filled her senses. One she had been unable to replicate no matter how much she drank. She shuddered as giant glaciers cracked and fell away, freeing her from the weight that had been pressing on her for months. Years. “Always.”
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chloes-yellow-cup · 6 years
Leap of Faith
Oneshot Bechloe Neighbor AU for @lilhan. Happy Birthday and thank you for your constant support of me and this fandom!
Prompt: Your window was open and you live across from me so I saw and heard you in your underwear, singing and dancing ridiculously and I really wanna get to know you cause you're pretty hot and I might have a crush on you AU.
As always, thank you to my Beta for making sure I don't screw this up.
Disclaimer: I own nothing, literally nothing.
Words: 8146
Mature, cause it’s me.
On AO3 and FFN
My other works.
 Chloe broke down the last of her move-in boxes with a feeling of accomplishment. Though, since she technically moved in eight months ago, she figured ‘accomplished’ probably wasn’t the right word.
She stacked it with the other cardboard she’d emptied that night and surveyed her bedroom, making sure she hadn’t left an errant one untouched. But the room was clear of clutter and she was finally glad to have all her things out of boxes. She checked her watch and was surprised to see that it was already 1 AM. At least it was Friday and she didn’t have to work tomorrow.
Chloe had moved to LA on basically a whim, some instinct telling her that it was important. She’d seen an ad for “Dance Instructor Needed” and hadn’t been able to get it out of her mind. It helped that her best friend from college had moved here two years ago to be a lawyer in some firm specializing in the entertainment business. She’d stayed with Aubrey for a few weeks while she applied for the job and then again while she looked for an apartment to rent once she’d gotten hired.
She’d been given the evening classes, and while she traditionally was more a morning person, she found she liked the hours just fine. The classes were usually fun, and so far she’d kept mostly the same group of ten to fourteen year olds for most of those eight months.
So she’d rotated her daily schedule a bit, getting up later than she ever really had before, and suddenly Chloe understood the appeal of sleeping until noon. There was no rush, no timetable except “be at work by six” and the freedom to do whatever else she wanted felt amazing.
Thinking that Aubrey would finally have to stop teasing her about not fully unpacking, Chloe pulled out a pair of shorts and an oversized shirt before stepping back to flip off her light. While it may be the middle of the night, you never knew who might be watching and she currently had her window and curtains open to try and cool the place off. She’d wiggled out of her pants and just pulled her shirt off over her head when a sudden light from across the way caught her eye.
Her building was one side of a narrow but pretty, courtyard that led to a shared pool area. While the space was larger than an alley, it still felt tight in terms of prying eyes from neighbors. The buildings were three stories and fairly uniform, which meant the windows from the bedroom and the living area were lined up pretty exact. Since she lived on the top floor she at least didn’t have to worry about anyone but those immediately across from her.
As an admitted people watcher, Chloe spent a lot of time perched in her bedroom window nook, sipping tea and people watching in the courtyard. She tried not to pry and look into windows, but she figured the public spaces were fair game. That’s where she first noticed the beautiful woman across the way, actually. She’d seen a short brunette hauling what looked like three cases loaded down with a laptop and various electronics shortly after Chloe had moved in and, at the time only gave a moment’s thought on what she possibly could need all that for.
A week later she noticed that same woman in the bedroom across from hers, sitting at a desk positioned by the window and working on a laptop. All Chloe could see was the profile, but she remembered thinking she seemed attractive.
Two weeks after that, they’d passed each other in the courtyard on the way to their respective buildings and Chloe had automatically smiled at her when their eyes met. It’s just who Chloe was. She smiled at people. She was very thankful for her dancer training as the second their eyes met, Chloe almost tripped over her own feet. As it was, she stumbled a little, her expression freezing in an unusual burst of gay panic as she almost lurched into the other woman. Who, Chloe noted even while flustered, was gorgeous, had the darkest blue eyes Chloe had ever seen, the prettiest smile and had automatically put her hands out to catch Chloe. But Chloe had merely looked away, muttered ‘Sorry’ and continued on her way, mortified at the entire encounter.
In the intervening months, they’d had a few more chance meetings like that – though thankfully Chloe had no more balance mishaps – but they had never spoken beyond that one word. Chloe had seen her with a few other people; a loud blonde whose accent in the courtyard betrayed her Australian origins, a taller brunette who caused other people to careen off things like the hedges lining the path when she walked by, and an attractive guy with short dark hair.
Chloe wasn’t sure why she’d never talked to the other woman, they’d seen each other in passing at least a dozen times, if not more. But something in her held her back, and since she’d moved to LA at the urging of feelings like that, she listened to it. So she went on random coffee dates with other people, sometimes to dinner but none of them ever stuck. But she wasn’t unhappy, merely felt like she was… waiting.
And it wasn’t like Chloe spent time watching through the other bedroom window, she really didn’t. But when it was late at night and that was the only window with a light – even if it was just the glow of a couple monitors on a desk – she couldn’t help it that her eye was sometimes drawn to it. So what if she noticed that none of the people she’d seen ever stayed the night? At least not in that way. She’d seen them crowded around the desktop setup that seemed to gain more equipment as the months wore on; listening to something through speakers or headphones, but that seemed to be the extent of the bedroom activity. But Chloe wasn’t watching, really. Probably.
Though… when she did happen to look over, most of the time the brunette was working at her desk of equipment through all hours of the evening and into the morning. Chloe may also have noticed that a few times she seemed to fall asleep at her desk, slumped over in a boneless way that didn’t look comfortable when Chloe sometimes woke up early in the morning to go for a jog. And, okay, maybe she’d been paying enough attention in those dark nights to notice the woman hold up what appeared to be a green something and talk to it. She tried not to judge that, honestly.
She’d never actually seen anything inappropriate in the room across the way ; it’s not like Chloe lurked in the dark with binoculars like the horror stories Aubrey had tried to scare her with about apartment living. Chloe just lived her day, walking in and out of her room, with her own light on or off. Though – admittedly, Chloe did change with the light off, because why invite things like that. Most of the time.
So it was with great surprise that, when out of instinct she looked over at the flare of light, she saw the brunette dancing around the room in her underwear with a large pair of headphones over her ears.
Unconsciously Chloe drifted closer to the window, watching as the other woman danced with abandon around her room, one hand holding the headphones in place and the other guiding the overly long headphone cable around herself. At one point Chloe was convinced the she’d wrapped herself too tight, like a mummy, and at any moment was going to fall over, but with a sharp twirl, the brunette twisted herself out of it and across the room to let it unspool.
As Chloe leaned against the wall, she could hear, faintly, that the woman was singing along, though what it was she couldn’t tell at first. Then there was a lull in the outside noise and a few lines drifted through, as the brunette got louder briefly as she let herself really get into it and let go. Chloe could tell even from this distance that she’d lost herself in the song and felt a kinship for that kind of simple joy. She let the lyrics play back and smiled. Sia’s ‘Cheap Thrills’ was a favorite of hers too.
Chloe had gotten so lost in watching the other woman that she forgot she herself was also mostly naked and standing in her window. And while the light down in the courtyard was far enough away that it didn’t cause problems for her at night, it did somewhat light up the window nook where she was now lounging. A fact that was brought home when the brunette across the way suddenly stopped and stared directly at her.
Chloe froze, her first thought being ‘Oh thank god it’s dark out.’ Her second, when looking down and seeing that she was clearly visible, mostly naked with her forgotten shirt in her hand, was ‘Oh fuck.’ Because while Chloe was totally confident about her body, she was also totally embarrassed at being caught staring when it wasn’t implicitly invited. Not that she’d really done more than thought ‘Wow, she’s super fit and toned’ while watching. Okay, and so maybe somewhere, there was a small voice thinking ‘Damn she’s gorgeous!’ But for the most part, it wasn’t like that. As a dance instructor and former a capella singer, it simply made her incredibly happy to see people lose themselves in music. There was nothing more beautiful than watching someone forget anyone else could be watching – though admittedly at this hour of the morning, there usually wouldn’t be anyone watching – and just feel.
But now, here she was, panic creeping over her again as the brunette slowly slipped the headphones to rest around her neck. Chloe watched her step closer to the window, her lips twitching into a smirk that Chloe could see clearly as the other woman raised her hand and waved.
Chloe snapped back to herself and stepped back and to the side. “Oh my god.” She blinked rapidly in the dark of her room. “Oh my god, I’m a perv. I’ve turned into one of those people Aubrey tried to scare me with.” She dropped her shirt and ran her hands through her hair. “Oh my god.” She paced back and forth for a second before spinning suddenly and pulling her sleep clothing off her bed and stepped into them quickly. “Oh my – how can I even see her in the courtyard after this?” Chloe shook her head. “I’m going to have to move and I just finished unpacking.”
She turned to look at the window. “And that’s gotta be covered until I move.” She steeled herself. “Don’t you look. Just walk over. Close it. Go to bed. Look for another apartment tomorrow.” She knew she was blowing it out of proportion and being illogical, but she was mortified at being caught staring, which she wasn’t even doing. Or hadn’t meant to! “Right.” She took the two steps to the window and reached for the curtain. ‘Do not look. Do not look. Do not lo-‘ But of course she looked. She just had to top off the humiliating evening with one more awkward glance.
The first thing she noticed, to her embarrassment, was that the other woman was still in her bra and underwear. The second thing she noticed was that the woman’s laptop had been turned to face the window. The third thing Chloe noticed was the smile that spread across the brunette’s face as she reached over and tapped the top of her screen with one hand, drawing Chloe’s gaze.
A giant “3” filled the screen. Chloe’s brows drew together as the woman touched a key on her keyboard and a “6” replaced it, followed by a “0.” She looked back up at the woman when she paused, and Chloe saw a phone in her other hand. She wiggled it at Chloe, her finger once more tapping on the monitor.
‘Oh shit. She’s giving me her number?’ Chloe bit her lip as she tried to work through what this meant. It was either a precursor to chewing her out via text or… Chloe swallowed, trying not to let her eyes linger on the body on display across the way.. She turned and walked to her dresser, pulling her phone off of it and unlocking it. Taking a deep breath and a leap of faith, she headed back to her window, phone in hand. Opening the text app, she quickly entered the three numbers she’d already been given and looked back up. ‘Did… did she just wink at me?’ The shadows made it unclear, but she was pretty sure the brunette had winked at her. Chloe still wasn’t sure where this was going to lead, but she knew what it meant when she winked, so it was hard not to think the same when people did it to her.
Awkwardly flustered, she looked back at the screen and carefully entered the numbers one at a time. When she thought she had it – and honestly, every second of this encounter was never going to be forgotten, even if it was thought of with nothing but panic – she bit her lip and stared at her phone. She looked back up and pointed at the laptop and then twirled her finger once, hoping the brunette understood she was asking her to repeat it. Chloe would hate to have the number wrong simply because she mistyped it with hands that were suddenly shaking. With a nod, the woman ran them backward and then forward again until Chloe had the whole number.
Chloe took a deep breath and her mind blanked a bit. What does one text when one is caught staring like a dirty peeper?
Chloe: ‘I’m sorry’ seems like an incredibly lame thing to say right now. Maybe I should start with ‘Hi, I’m Chloe, your inappropriate neighbor.’
She looked up as she hit send, her heart rate spiking to an all-time nervous high, as the brunette looked down at her own phone. In its glow, Chloe could see the smile still hovering over her lips as she typed out a response and looked back up. Chloe’s phone chimed softly in her hand.
Unknown: Hello Chloe, I’m Beca. And I’m not sorry at all.
Chloe blinked at it, relief flooding through her even as a new, though more familiar, tension began low in her belly. She was changing the name in her phone to match when it vibrated again.
Beca: I’ve seen you around a lot, but you always looked so busy I didn’t want to bother you.
Chloe frowned briefly. Well that certainly wasn’t the aura she ever thought she projected and definitely didn’t want in this case. But she felt her usual confidence slowly creeping back.
Chloe: Well, then I’m sorry about that too.
Chloe: Guess I’ll have to make several things up to you. Over coffee perhaps?
She looked over as she sent the second one, surprised to find the brunette already typing out a message.
Beca: I’ve got a pot going right now. 3B.
Chloe swallowed her first instinct to jump up and yell ‘YES!’ at the top of her lungs. She looked over but the brunette had vanished from the window, though the light remained on. She took a deep breath and stood up from the window nook, not even really having realized she’d sat down in the first place.
After a surprisingly brief conversation with herself – most of which were arguments she expected to use later when Aubrey was yelling at her: ‘For serious, Chloe! This is how kidnappings that lead to murders happen! You need to stop thinking with your toner!’ – she’d slipped into a pair of sandals, thrown her wallet and phone in a small clutch purse and, after a brief panicked thought for the hour, quickly brushed her teeth. Quicker than she’d have thought, Chloe found herself locking her door and heading downstairs.
The night was still warm as she exited the building and into the courtyard she so frequently watched. Trying not to look like she was hurrying, wondering if she was only imagining the eyes watching her from above, she crossed and hit the button for 3B. A quiet buzzer sounded after a second and she opened the door and stepped in.
It seemed like all she did was blink and she was standing in front of the door wondering if she was knocking already or if that was just her heart she was hearing. Taking a deep breath, she knocked on the door and it swung open almost immediately. Suddenly she was face to face with the brunette – Beca – that she’d been crushing on for months. And had just been busted spying on through the window.
‘She invited you over, remember? It’s probably not because she wants to punch you in the face. Maybe.’ Chloe thought to herself, her eyes flicking briefly down then up as she took note that Beca’s feet were bare and she’d thrown on a long black and blue baseball tee. Chloe tried really hard to not to wonder if there were shorts under there.
Beca smiled and stepped back, opening the door further. “Come in.” Her voice was warm and inviting and Chloe found herself returning the smile easily and stepping past into an apartment that was mirror to her own.
The couch was black and looked worn and comfortable, the table in front of it covered with music magazines and the walls were covered with framed concert posters and albums.; music played lightly in the background from somewhere. Chloe loved it immediately and, without thinking, sat herself down on one end of the sofa.
“I was going to say make yourself at home, but…” Beca chuckled. “No, no.” She waved as Chloe started to stand, an apology already on her lips. “It’s fine.” She paused and looked Chloe over, this time a bit slower. “You look good on my couch.” Chloe blushed but thankfully Beca had turned toward the kitchen.  “How do you take your coffee?”
“Um,” Chloe cleared her throat again. “Two spoons of sugar and some cream, if you have it. Otherwise, uh. Just the sugar.” She tried to cool her cheeks. “Thank you.” Usually she was the forward one in her flirtations, at least to start, and it was taking her a bit to get into the game though she finally felt herself rallying. “Though, I don’t think it counts as me apologizing over coffee if I’m not the one supplying or buying.” She watched Beca over the counter that opened into the kitchen, trying not to focus on how smooth her movements were as she went between fridge and counter. Except she was totally watching the other woman and it wasn’t just out of professional habit. Suddenly her eyes snapped up and met Beca’s, the knowing smirk let her know she’d been caught. Again.
“Guess we’ll just have to do this again at your place next time.” Beca smiled. “Should be easy enough, we’ve got the same taste in how we take our coffee.” Beca lifted two oversized mugs and walked back into the living room. Chloe smiled her thanks as she took one and Beca sunk down onto the couch next to her, one leg gracefully curled beneath her. “We can send paper airplanes across the way.” She sipped slowly as she watched Chloe intently over the rim. “Or I can just leave the blinds up and dance around in my underwear.”
Chloe winced. “I am…” She took a deep breath, ignoring the way her heart suddenly panged at the idea of seeing that show again. “Sorry. I swear, I don’t normally – it was just it was dark, there was light.” She felt herself speeding up and frantically tried to shut up. “And I’m a dance instructor and you were so lost in the music and it made me happy…” A sudden warmth on her bare knee brought her words to a halt and her gaze down. A slender fingered hand squeezed lightly, the thumb brushing over her skin almost absently.
“Chloe.” Beca’s voice brought her gaze back up and Chloe got lost again in the cobalt gaze in front of her. “I didn’t mind.” She watched as Beca licked her lips, thinking how much she loved the sound of her name slipping over them. “I don’t mind.” She blinked, uncertainty crossing her face for the first time. “I mean, not that I often go dancing around in my underwear hoping people are watching me.” She suddenly flashed a grin that Chloe already wanted to see more of. “Or at least I didn’t.”
Chloe merely sipped her coffee, her confidence settling over her like a comfortable shirt. “Too bad, it was quite the view.”
“Can I be honest?” Beca waited until Chloe nodded. “I… may have seen you over the past few months. In your window.” She grinned. “Not in your underwear until tonight, but…” She shrugged. “I’ve seen you watching people outside, or reading in the window nook. Unpacking boxes for the past however many months…” she teased.
Chloe just sniffed and tried for an air of aloofness. “I believe in taking my time to make sure things are done right.” She didn’t think about how that sounded until after, but she merely drank her coffee and tried not to smirk.
“I’ll keep that in mind.” Beca’s voice dropped just enough that it wrapped around Chloe and pulled until she had to fight the urge to move closer. But then Beca’s hand slipped from her knee and her voice turned sly. “I always wanted to say hi, after that first time when you almost fell over. And you say you’re a… dance instructor?”
Chloe set down her coffee as she laughed; her cheeks warm in embarrassment again. “I am.” She decided to take the leap her heart was telling her to. She slipped off her sandals and pulled her legs up to wrap her arms around them. “Since we’re being honest… I totally tripped over my own feet.” She rested her cheek on her knee.
“Why…?” Beca trailed off and her hand pulled through the air to encourage Chloe to continue.
“Did I trip?” At Beca’s nod, Chloe smiled again. “Because you have the most beautiful eyes that I have ever seen.” She reached over and picked up her coffee again, needing something to wet her suddenly dry mouth. “Being a dancer was the only thing that saved me from literally falling at your feet.”
“More’s the pity,” Beca muttered to herself and Chloe felt another thread pull between them. “So, imagine my surprise when mystery girl ended up being my neighbor, sort of. Not that I spent a lot of time looking.” She said quickly.
“Right.” Chloe nodded. “It’s just, our windows are right across from each other.”
“So it’s only natural that things happen. And it’s not like I close my blinds all that often.” Beca grimaced. “Mostly because half the time they get stuck and I spend an inordinate amount of time trying to get them closed again.”
“That’s why I put up curtains instead,” Chloe laughed. “I got tired of the constant fight. Whoever invented those things should be fired.”
Beca chuckled as she nodded. “Stupid blinds fuckery.” She smiled when Chloe laughed again. “You’ve got a great laugh.”
“Thanks.” Chloe turned sideways on the couch, her knees still drawn up as she leaned against it, unable to stop herself from feeling like she belonged. “So now that you know what I do... What do you do with all that equipment on your desk?”
“Ah, super spy. I like it.” Beca angled to face her, though her left foot remained on the floor. “I’m a junior music producer by day, but by night I like to DJ.”
Chloe bounced in place. “Really? I love music! Where have you DJ’d?” And they were immediately lost in discussion in the merits of certain clubs and artists Beca had worked with.
Chloe lost track of time as she and Beca got to know each other, both sharing little bits and pieces of themselves, already as comfortable as if they’d known each other for years. Neither acknowledged the fact that they were also getting physically closer as they talked, pulled by the endless threads they created with each shared laugh and half whispered confession. Chloe’s left leg ended up curled under her, but the two of them were so close that it pressed against Beca’s right, as her own right leg was stretched out over Beca’s lap. But Chloe was very aware of the fact that Beca’s left hand was casually resting on Chloe’s right thigh. On the outside, sure, but her fingertips were just under the edge of Chloe’s shorts, occasionally stroking tiny circles into her skin.
She told Beca a bit about the Bellas, a bit more about Aubrey and found out that Beca sometimes released her mixes onto a YouTube channel that Chloe actually frequented, mostly because of the name she used: DJ Titanium. Beca had laughed when Chloe quizzed her on whatever it was on her desk she sometimes talked to.
“My grasshopper stapler.” Beca closed one eye and looked at her sideways out of the other.
“Your… what?” Chloe laughed with her. “Your stapler?”
“Yeah, it’s shaped like a grasshopper and sometimes when I’m stuck in a song…” Beca trailed off, looking embarrassed. “I give myself a pep talk from it?”
“That is… utterly adorable and I’m probably going to make you demonstrate that later.” Chloe squeezed Beca’s calf. “Please.” She grinned and changed the subject when Beca’s eyes rolled though she nodded.
Sometime after their second cup of coffee was finished, Chloe stood up, not admitting how much she liked the small sound of disappointment that Beca made when she did so. “Sorry, I need to stretch. But I think if I drink any more coffee, I’m not sleeping until Sunday.”
Beca nodded. “Yeah, me too.” She looked at her watch. “It’s 3:30 already…”
Chloe looked over from where she’d just stretched out her back, groaning from relief as several spots in her spine popped. Beca’s eyes had lost focus as she stared at Chloe, tracing up and down the torso that had just arched backward. Smirking, Chloe leaned over and picked up both their mugs. “I’ll take these in and rinse them.”
“Okay.” Beca’s voice was a bit distant and though her eyes remained on Chloe, they were more inward focused. Chloe stepped lightly into the kitchen and to the sink. Rinsing out one mug, then the other, she set them both against one side of the sink to be washed later.
In her admittedly short twenty seven years on this earth, Chloe had never felt so comfortable with someone in so short a time. They were surprisingly compatible in their love of music and Beca had been extremely interested to hear of Chloe’s time with the Bellas at Barden. Ironically, Beca had almost attended Barden but was able to convince her dad to send her to LA so she could get started on the career she’d been dreaming of since she was an angsty teen. At twenty four, Beca was one of the youngest junior producers at the LA branch of Residual Heat, thanks to her drive and focus.
Briefly Chloe lamented that Beca hadn’t actually gone to Barden, as they would have crossed in Chloe’s senior year. Ultimately she’d decided that it would have been worse for her, now, to know that Beca had been on campus if they had never met.  It was almost bad enough that they had grown up so close together, Chloe in Portland and Beca in Seattle, though, realistically, she knew the odds of them ever meeting were slim. Though, she supposed, looking at them now… Stranger things had happened.
Walking back into the living room, she paused as a new song came on and laughed. Beca looked up at her in askance and their ongoing honesty all night made Chloe say, “This song is my jam.” She winked. “My lady jam.” She bit her lip as Beca’s mouth dropped a bit. “Sorry, that might have been too much oversharing.”
“No, that’s-” Beca shook her head as if to clear it. “No, that’s… fine.” But her expression gave away a lot more and Chloe would have bet a week’s pay that Beca had just dropped into the gutter, something she’d done a few times already in the night as they teased their way through coffee.
But now Chloe had the memory of another Sia song in her head and she was asking without thinking. “Can you sing it for me?”
“Dude!” Beca barked out a laugh.
“Not for that reason.” Chloe stopped. ‘Probably.’ “I heard you, a bit at least, singing ‘Cheap Thrills’ and would like to hear you sing again.” She paused again. “That... that also sounds super forward.”
“Maybe.” Beca stood and walked over to stand in front of Chloe. “But I kind of like it.” Closing her eyes, she waited a beat for the chorus Chloe knew was coming; then Chloe forgot everything else around them when Beca opened her eyes and began to sing. “I’m bulletproof, nothing to lose.”
Chloe couldn’t help it, she hadn’t sung with anyone in a long time – she and Aubrey didn’t have nearly enough weekends off together – but the next thing she knew, she was singing with Beca.
“Fire away, fire away Ricochet, you take your aim Fire away, fire away Shoot me down but I won’t fall, I am titanium Shoot me down but I won’t fall, I am titanium”
They trailed off at the same time, gazing into each other’s eyes as they smiled; Beca’s was full of astonishment; Chloe’s wide and happy. While she knew their voices would blend together, she never imagined it would sound so perfect. Then Beca was moving, one hand slipping around Chloe’s waist, pulling their bodies together and the other around her neck, bringing Chloe down to her.
The first brush of their lips was soft, tentative. It didn’t even occur to Chloe to resist; instead she sank into it, her arms immediately mirroring Beca’s. She wound her fingers through soft locks, trying to pull Beca closer even though there was already no space between them.  Beca tilted her head, changing the angle, and the sensation of her lips sliding along Chloe’s drew a soft moan from her throat. Before she even had the chance to be embarrassed by how needy she already sounded, Beca teeth closed on her lower lip, tugging gently. Chloe gasped, her knees going watery, and Beca’s tongue slipped between her lips. The last thing Chloe heard before she lost track of everything but Beca was the opening lyrics of Taylor Swift’s ‘Delicate’ and she thought it seemed kind of perfect. Then she stopped thinking entirely.
Beca’s kiss was everything Chloe had dreamed it would be, when she had allowed herself to daydream about it. Soft and gentle, yet firm and commanding – Chloe felt like she could stand here forever, tasting this beautiful woman and lose herself, their tongues vying for control. Her hand fisted in Beca’s hair, pulling her closer, always closer – but never feeling like it was close enough.
Their hands began to wander, caressing a neck, a shoulder, before Chloe’s hand dropped low from Beca’s waist and slid up the outside of her thigh, pushing the shirt up. She realized with a thrill that Beca was definitely not wearing shorts and at the first touch of lacy fabric her mind presented her with a single image: Beca, dancing around in her bedroom, in what appeared to be a black bra and panty set.  Even as her hand slid under the band from below, splaying across Beca’s hip, Chloe pulled back a little to see if this was ok. This had definitely not been what she’d been thinking of for a first coffee date.
Beca was already nodding at the question in her eyes, her lips darting back to capture Chloe’s, licking slowly into her mouth; her own hands pushed their way under Chloe’s shirt and gently raked her nails down Chloe’s back. Chloe gasped, arching and Beca’s lips fastened at her pulse point, sucking lightly as both of them groaned in appreciation at the sensation. Chloe shifted and her leg ended up between Beca’s thighs and she wished she had a better angle to press upward, but they were still standing in the entryway to Beca’s kitchen.
This was already so much more than Chloe had expected, had even dreamed. Not just the physical need – she’d had encounters that had moved somewhat as quickly, though not really – but the emotions crashing over her were new. Later, she’d realize that she’d never felt like this around anyone before – this comfortable, this sense of home. This desperate for Beca’s touch, needing more even as each brush of bare skin felt like sparks spreading fire through her body.
Beca began to back up and Chloe was ready to protest when she felt Beca’s hands on her hips, tugging her forward. She followed obediently, pressing her mouth to Beca’s and pushing her way in. She let herself be positioned as Beca began to move them.
“I don’t usually do this.” Chloe said against Beca’s lips as she let herself be guided backwards down the hall. Her steps were sure, the layout so similar to her own she could have walked to the bedroom with her eyes closed. Which, she guessed, was exactly what she was doing in a way.
“What? Kiss like you’ve dedicated your life to it?” Beca’s breath was fast, her lips just as insistent in the way they moved. While teasing, her voice had an edge of desperation to it that Chloe felt burning in her own veins. “Because the way you kiss is making me forget my own name.”
Chloe’s heart gave a hard thump she was sure that Beca could feel. “Fall into bed with a neighbor.” Chloe whimpered as Beca’s hands pushed under her shorts as she felt the space open behind them. Pausing briefly, Beca pushed them down until they pooled at Chloe’s feet, then resumed walking her backward through the doorway, her hand reaching out to turn off the light that was still on. Chloe chuckled softly. “Thank you.”
Chloe felt Beca’s smirk against her lips before Beca pulled back only as much as required to pull in air. “If it helps at all, I’ve been thinking of this – you – for months.” She dipped down and ran her tongue along the column of Chloe’s throat. “So far, this is even better than I imagined.” She pulled them to a stop just as Chloe felt the firm edge of a bed frame against her leg. “But, if you…”
Chloe stopped her with another kiss, then leaned back to pull off her shirt. “I’ve been thinking about this too.” She was realizing she must have been thinking about Beca even more than she’d really admitted if she was already wet from simply kissing her.
Swallowing heavily as Chloe stood before her in matching blue bra and panties, Beca’s eyes still twinkled. “While you were listening to your lady jam?” She reached for the bottom of her shirt.
Chloe bit her lip. “Maybe.” And while she also maybe really enjoyed the way Beca’s jaw dropped at the thought, her own followed when Beca let her top fall to the floor. Chloe had already known she looked good, even from a distance, but she was unprepared for just how good she looked close up. Beca’s limbs were slender but Chloe could see the definition in them, as well as the faint outline of newly emerging abs. She reached out and traced them with one finger. “Someone works out.” And the tattoos – they were parts of Beca that she found she couldn’t wait to hear the story behind.
“Some.” Beca shrugged one shoulder, her breath hitching at the touch. “Not a lot. I mostly refuse to take the elevator at work and hauling all my equipment up and down stairs-” She hissed out a breath as Chloe flattened her hand and slid it along Beca’s ribs until she gripped high up on her side. “- here and there, helps.”
“Mm.” Chloe pulled Beca closer and closed her eyes as their skin really slid together for the first time. “God you feel good.” She felt Beca nod against her shoulder just before her mouth nipped at Chloe’s collarbone. “Please.” She didn’t even know what she was asking for but Beca responded by reaching around and undoing Chloe’s bra. She whimpered as Beca’s hands ran up to her shoulders and down her arms, pushing the straps down as she stepped back and pulled it free, her eyes on Chloe’s before she let them drop lower.
Beca whispered. “You’re so beautiful, Chlo.” The nickname, whispered so reverently, slid along her heart like a brand and Chloe forgot to feel shy at being mostly naked in front of someone for the first time. Beca’s hands reached out and gently traced the outer swell of her breasts before cupping them gently. “So beautiful.”  Chloe couldn’t help the arch to her back, bringing her more fully into Beca’s palms.
Then Beca’s thumbs firmly ran over Chloe’s already taut nipples and Chloe cried out as lightning shot through her. Her hands wrapped around Beca’s upper arms to keep her upright as her already shaky knees threatened to give out. She met the intense midnight eyes so close to hers, actually watching them dilate as the pupils became blown with desire. “Beca…” She let it slip away, words feeling inadequate to what she was feeling. Instead, she just lowered herself down to the bed, surprised when it moved beneath her. “A waterbed?” Chloe couldn’t help the laugh that broke free. “I did not peg you for a waterbed type.”
Beca smirked as she watched Chloe slide backward into the center. “I like to be different.” She followed Chloe onto the bed, stalking forward in a way that didn’t jostle them too much. Beca settled over Chloe’s thighs and sat back. “Plus I like it hot.” She slowly reached behind her and undid her bra, freezing when Chloe suddenly sat up, unable to resist the pull to get closer.
Chloe put her hands on Beca’s shoulders. “Becs, you’re already hot. Too much and I’m going to spontaneously combust.” She slid the straps down Beca’s arms, eyes hungrily devouring every inch until suddenly it was off and she tossed it aside. Her fingertips skated downward, chasing shivers she could see as well as feel, until her palms rested over Beca’s nipples, feeling them press against her. She inhaled as she squeezed gently before giving in and leaning forward to pull one into her mouth. Beca’s hands immediately threaded into her hair and pulled her closer.
Chloe rolled her tongue around it, feeling the skin pebble under her touch before she began to suck lightly. She whimpered – or was it Beca? – as she gripped Beca’s hips and shifted her further up Chloe’s legs. She couldn’t get close enough and if she could find a way to pull Beca into her skin, she would. She didn’t understand how the attraction had gone from seventy five to a thousand so fast, but she was long past the point of caring about it. She just wanted more as she shifted her attentions to the other breast, Beca’s hips beginning to roll against her.
Suddenly she was flat on her back, the bed moving beneath her as Beca lifted off long enough to tug Chloe’s underwear off and drop them beside the bed. Then, after a moment’s thought and in a move that should’ve been awkward but wasn’t, Beca sat beside her briefly and worked the last of her clothing off as well, dropping her underwear to join Chloe’s. In a second she was back over Chloe, but had nudged her knees apart to fit herself between them. They both sighed softly at this new contact even as Chloe wrapped her legs around Beca to pull her tight.
Beca’s lips found hers again, soft once more, nipping and pulling before dipping back in languidly. Chloe was content to let it stoke the fire in her body, more than willing to be consumed by the flames the next time they flared up. Her hands roamed over Beca’s skin, finding spots where she thought Beca might be ticklish, what made her arc into Chloe’s body, learning how well they fit together. Then Beca was moving lower, her voice rough as she said “I need to taste you. Now.” Chloe felt her body rise almost off the bed as it clenched at the desire laced through Beca’s words.
Beca kissed her way down Chloe’s body in a way that felt much too slow for what Chloe was feeling at that moment, but she was more than willing to let Beca lead. She paused to strengthen the mark at Chloe’s pulse point before moving down to take first one breast, then the other into her mouth, lavishing equal attention on both. Chloe was writhing at the end of it, rolling herself against that toned stomach in search of friction, desperate to feel Beca’s tongue elsewhere. Then Beca was moving again, trailing her tongue down Chloe’s ribs to dip briefly in her belly button before finally, after what felt like a hundred years, settling her shoulders firmly between Chloe’s thighs.
Beca pulled Chloe’s left leg over her shoulder and placed a kiss on it even as she lightly nudged the right further aside. Then she looked up and Chloe lost herself in the need in those eyes. She swallowed thickly, her chest rising and falling even as she gave a small, tiny and probably unneeded nod saying that it was okay, that she wanted this. She didn’t think she’d ever wanted anyone so much in her life. Eyes still focused on hers, Beca slowly licked up the length of Chloe’s folds, from her entrance to her clit, with a single broad flat stroke of her tongue. Chloe’s eyes wanted to close but their locked gaze demanded she keep them open; she felt her toes curl as she let out a guttural moan. The flame they’d been playing with burst into a firestorm and she let it consume her.
Then Beca slid one finger inside and Chloe lost her battle, letting her eyes close as her back arched. A soft voice wrenched them open again. “Look at me, Chlo.” Beca slid out and then back in with a second, then a third finger and Chloe cried out at being so filled by her. “I want you to watch me while I’m inside you.” Chloe whimpered, high and desperate as she rose to meet Beca’s steady thrusts. “You’re so beautiful, Chlo. Even more than I imagined after almost running into you that day.”
“Bec…” Chloe’s voice broke as Beca gave a sharp thrust, searching with her fingertips until she found what she was looking for and she began to rub lightly. “Oh fuck.” Chloe wasn’t going to be able to keep her eyes open if Beca was going to do that. She had to force them open as the wave that almost washed over her receded briefly. She fisted her hands in the bedding below her, needing something to anchor herself. “God, you feel so… I need…” She bit her lip hard enough to draw blood as Beca’s mouth lowered and covered Chloe’s clit. She sucked lightly then with more force as she continued to run her finger forcefully over that sensitive spot inside and Chloe was gone faster than she had ever been before or dreamed was possible. She cried out, her hips rolling as her head thrashed on Beca’s pillows, the sight of Beca’s eyes still on her seared into the backs of her eyelids as her climax swept her away.
Beca eased her through it with fingers and tongue, slowing both as Chloe collapsed weakly upon the bed. “Holy shit,” she panted, a little embarrassed and feeling like she needed to apologize for being a two second woman. But ‘holy shit’ indeed; that had been amazing and the aftershocks still quaked through her. “Beca, that was… I’ve never… You are…” She trailed off as she pried her eyes open yet again, the word ‘amazing’ dying on her tongue as she watched Beca slowly roll the tip of her tongue over her bottom lip before sucking on it lightly. Chloe’s muscles clenched around the fingers still lazily moving inside her and Beca smirked.
“I’m not done yet.” Beca shifted Chloe’s leg off her shoulder then moved upward, her hand still between Chloe’s legs. “I don’t think I will ever be done making love to you.”
As Beca’s lips covered her own, Chloe muttered a quiet “Oh… Fuck.” And then she was silenced as Beca’s tongue slipped inside and she tasted herself. She whimpered again, pushing herself closer even as she clutched Beca’s hip and tugged her down.
When they finally broke, Beca pulled back enough to say, “That’s the plan.” And while the words were cocky, Chloe could hear the hint of wonder in them.
“Oh really?” But Chloe felt it too, a sort of awe at being so connected to someone the instant she met them. That she had found her one. She thought it probably had a lot to do with why she had tripped that day. It was a cliché she’d wanted to believe in her whole life, but the rational side – that suspiciously sounded like Aubrey most of the time – told her didn’t really happen in the real world. But it was a leap of faith she was willing to make.
“Oh yeah.” Beca’s lips captured her again and her hand picked up speed. “I don’t have anywhere to be until Monday.”
Chloe said for the third time, but definitely not the last that night, “Oh. Fuck.”
When Chloe woke sometime after noon, she smiled at the rise and fall of the slumbering chest underneath her head. She had lost count of the number of times Beca had played her body like an instrument or the number of times Chloe had reciprocated. She stretched in place, not even remotely upset about muscles that were sore in all the right places. She hummed in appreciation as lips lazily nibbled her jaw.
Beca’s voice was still heavy with sleep, but it wound through Chloe like a comforting full body hug. “I don’t usually do this.”
Chloe licked down into her mouth, losing herself once more in the taste of Beca. “What’s that? Fall into bed after two cups of coffee?”
Beca’s lips twitched but her eyes were serious as she sought out Chloe’s own. “Fall in love with the girl next door.”
Chloe felt the truth in the words down to her bones, though she hadn’t let herself think them until now. “That’s okay.” She placed a chaste kiss to Beca’s lips. “She’d catch you – except she’s falling too.”
“I’m good with falling together.” Beca’s hands slid around her and hugged her tightly.
“Yeah?” Chloe put her head down on Beca’s shoulder and snuggled in. She felt Beca’s strong heartbeat against her own, not surprised when she noticed that, somehow, they were beating in sync. She let it lull her a bit, floating on the tide of emotions shifting between them even though they weren’t fully awake and sleep was tugging at her again.
Beca pressed a kiss to her forehead and sighed in contentment as Chloe wiggled somehow closer. “Oh yeah.”
Chloe paused for a minute, grinning to herself. “I feel I should at least ask your last name before we go apartment hunting.”
Beca sounded half asleep when she answered, her voice fading but certain. “Doesn’t matter, I’ll change it when we get married.” Like it wasn’t even a question whose answer she was worried about.
Chloe’s heart leapt again, feeling a soft yet crucial click at the center of her being, but she kept her voice quiet, unwilling to leave this sleepy haze they were in. “We’ll discuss that. Hyphenation is totes still a thing.”
Beca’s only answer was a soft ‘mph’ that could mean any number of things, already asleep again. Chloe let herself set into a feeling of peace she’d never felt before.
Moving to LA had been a leap of faith, but so worth it.
Even if Aubrey was going to kill her. Probably.
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chloes-yellow-cup · 6 years
Third Time’s the Charm
Bechloe Week 2018. Day 7. Disney AU
Beca's got this rule and there's this Disney Princess...
Rated Teen+ because why not. 
So much fluff and Steca brotp for the win.
Words: 11,400
AO3 and FFN
My other works.
Thanks to the Beta for putting up with my word changes and random fits of insecurity.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Literally nothing.
I admit, I never actually had the Character Breakfast at Ariel’s Grotto, and from what I read when it was going on, she’s sort of up front and doesn’t wander like the rest – but, let’s go with it, shall we?
April, 2016
“Seriously? You guys are making me to go the character breakfast at Ariel’s Grotto?”
Emily bounced next to Cynthia Rose and grabbed her arm. “No, it’s awesome! The character actors come around and all the little kids believe they’re real and it’s the most adorable thing you’ve ever seen.”
“Legacy loves the princesses and their dresses.” Beca found herself smiling at Emily’s enthusiasm and let herself be led inside where she flinched briefly at the noise.
“It’s okay, DJ.” Stacie stepped up beside her. “I’ll protect you from all the mean kids who may want to pick on you for being smaller than them.”
Beca tried to shrug off the arm Stacie slung over her shoulder and push her away but eventually gave it up as a lost cause. “Thanks, Legs. I’ll remember this.”
Stacie squeezed Beca against her side. “Atta girl.”
It was a Wednesday morning in April, so the place wasn’t as full as it could have been, which Beca’s ears appreciated. While they were ten minutes early for their reservation, they were still seated quickly.
“Wow, they updated things a bit. All this looks great!” Emily looked over the menu. “I don’t know what to get.”
Beca pursed her lips. “I’m torn between the Berry Belgian Waffle and the All-American, myself.”
“What the heck is Bircher Muesli?” Cynthia Rose looked up as she sat back in her chair across from Emily.
“Oats with a bunch of super yummy things mixed in with it.” Emily closed her eyes and hummed. “It’s so good. Trust me.”
Beca laughed. “I forgot this is your first trip with us, CR.”
Stacie, Emily and Beca were long time Disneyland fanatics since they grew up in or around Anaheim. They’d grown up together and were often confused for sisters, thanks to their similar looks. Though Beca and Stacie were both technically twenty two, Beca was a few months older and she liked to rub in ‘being the oldest’ when she could. Emily was the youngest at nineteen, and they treated her as a kid sister. They often jokingly referred to her as their ‘legacy’ and the nickname stuck. Emily was an inherently good person who never had a bad word to say about anyone and they would sometimes give her a bad time about always playing by the rules. It wasn’t until she got out of high school that she relaxed a bit and was far more inclined to curse or indulge in the sporadic – ‘But I’m not old enough, Stacie!’ – drink during a movie night.
They’d met Cynthia Rose through Beca’s job as a freelance DJ – which meant she took any booking she could get to try and make a name for herself – as Cynthia Rose was a club promoter. One night of too many shots, drunken karaoke and a mutual appreciation of the female form later and their friendship was sealed. They’d been trying to get Cynthia Rose to come with them for the past few months and this was the first time they’d all been able to arrange the day off together.
Their waiter came over and took their order, Beca and Emily going for the waffles, Stacie and Cynthia Rose both getting the all American and all of them got the hot chocolate with an additional coffee to try and perk them up a bit more. They fell into easy conversation as they discussed their plan of attack for the day to try and make sure Cynthia Rose saw everything worth seeing on her first trip.
When their food was brought out, a motion out of the corner of her eye turned Beca’s head toward where the Princesses were coming into the room. She secretly agreed with Emily, the reactions of the kids as they saw their favorites were adorable; their eyes lit up and they practically vibrated with excitement in their chairs. The ones who had never been there before were always covered in a layer of awe when faced with the embodiment of their movies brought to life; Beca always got a kick out of the hiss that went around the room as children whispered their names with reverence, turning to their parents to make sure they weren’t dreaming.
Beca grinned and turned back to the plate that was just set down before her. “Oh man, this looks better than I thought it would.” She’d just picked up her fork when an excited chorus of tiny voices shouted out together.
Beca looked up and saw a wavy mass of red hair enter the room and lean down to hug the toddler that had just careened into her legs. Beca smiled at the joy she could see on the young girl’s face as Princess Ariel whispered in her ear then stood up as the mom stepped forward, blocking Beca’s view. She imagined the mother was apologizing to Ariel and the handler/cast member accompanying her. The pretty blonde cast member smiled and shook her head and even from this distance Beca could see her say ‘That’s okay.’
Princess Ariel put her hand on the mother’s arm and patted it. Beca watched the family head back to their table, the girl staring over her shoulder and trusting her mom to guide her around obstacles. Chuckling a bit to herself and smiling, Beca looked back up at Ariel and the smile froze on her face like every single movie cliché she hated.
You expected Disney to hire women who looked like the characters they were portraying. You also expected them to be beautiful. But Beca could never have been prepared for the vision that came into view like a sunrise after the longest night of the year.
‘Fucking Jesse. All those movies have finally broken me.’
But this Princess was gorgeous and Beca couldn’t think past the wide and bright smile as Ariel looked around the room for a moment as she waved at everyone. Beca had no idea what expression was on her own face, though she was pretty sure she was heading straight to slack-jawed, but when that gaze reached their table, it kind of… stopped. Beca would almost say that Ariel looked startled, but with her brain working at a speed a snail would laugh at, she couldn’t figure out why that would be. She did notice that, somehow, that Ariel’s smile widened the longer they stared at each other, and Beca felt herself starting to return it. Then the blonde cast member stepped up and whispered in Ariel’s ear and the moment was broken as she jerked a little, seeming to come back to herself.
As Ariel went to the table closest to her, Beca remembered she wasn’t alone and looked around at her own table. Emily and Cynthia Rose were still digging into their food, so the whole incident couldn’t have lasted long, maybe less than a minute. But damned if it didn’t feel like longer.
Reluctantly, she lifted her eyes and looked up at Stacie. Maybe she didn’t notice. Maybe it’d been so quick…
“You okay there, DJ?” Stacie’s eyebrow was as high as it could go. Because of course she saw everything.
“Fine.” Beca muttered, beginning to cut a bite out of her waffles. “Shut up.” She fought against the smile that was trying to force itself across her face.
Stacie’s return grin was knowing. “I didn’t say anything.” She dug into her own plate. “Yet.”
Cynthia Rose looked between them. “I feel like we missed something.”
Stacie shook her head. “Nothing really. Just Beca smiling at the kids meeting the Princesses.”
Beca tried for nonchalance. “They were cute.”
Stacie grinned. “I saw.”
Beca’s lips twitched. “Shut up and eat your breakfast.”
She let herself get distracted by the conversation about various rides, trying to forget the smile or that stupid instant connection. Because that just didn’t happen in real life. Love at first sight was not a damn thing.
‘Though, I suppose, if it were to happen… It’d be fitting that it happened at Disneyland, right?’ Beca sternly told her inner voice to shut up and tried to wrestle it into a box for the rest of breakfast.
They were almost done eating when Beca happened to look over at Stacie, who was staring at her once more with that considering look in her eye and a highly amused expression.
“Seriously, Stace…” Beca fell silent as she felt someone come up behind them. She assumed it was the waiter to see if they needed a coffee refill. She felt a hand come to rest on her chair as what felt like the thumb came to rest ever slightly against her back before slipping away. God she hated it when strangers touched her, even by accident.
“How is everyone today?” A cheery voice asked behind her. “Everything good in the Kingdom?”
Beca turned from Stacie, whose expression hadn’t altered in the slightest. “Everything is…” And then there was almost an audible snap and fizzle – pftzt – and her ears filled with white noise as she met the clearest blue eyes she’d ever seen in her life. “Beautiful.” Not even the obvious Ariel wig could detract from how stunning the woman really was.
Several things happened at once.
Ariel, because of course it was her, smiled shyly as those eyes twinkled at her. Idly Beca wondered if she had literal stars in her eyes because normal people don’t shine like that.
Stacie let out what sounded like an involuntary giggle but Beca’s foot instinctively shot out and kicked her in the shin. “Ow. I…er…” She faked a cough. Beca hoped she’d remember to plot Stacie’s death later.
Cynthia Rose snorted and almost spit her coffee across the table.
Emily simply and quietly said “Aw.”
But mostly, Beca realized what she’d said, who she’d said it to and in front of – including the cast member escorting Ariel around – and she let her eyes close. She had the unique experience of wondering if she was light headed because all the blood was draining from her face only to rush back in to flame her cheeks.
Then she felt the thumb return and firmly stroke once down her spine. Beca didn’t even try to fight the shiver that followed it.
“Breakfast is great.” Stacie’s voice only held a hint of the amusement Beca knew she was feeling. Maybe she wouldn’t kill her, just maim her a little.
“That’s what I like to hear.” Ariel said. “It makes me happy to know that people are enjoying themselves.” She brushed her thumb down Beca’s back again. “Is this your first trip?”
Beca finally opened her eyes, though she’d averted them a little, and met that of the cast member standing nearby. She had a second to read the name tag – Aubrey – before she looked up into amused green eyes. Beca felt her flush deepen a little when Aubrey just smirked at her, though not unkindly. Beca looked back at Ariel for a second, before making the mistake of looking at Stacie, who fluttered an almost wink at her. Beca was just thinking that she was going to have to go back to killing her when she noticed Stacie’s eyes flicker to Aubrey. They quickly darted down and back up and Beca realized she had her own ammunition for teasing.
“Oh, no!  Most of us have been here lots of times.” Emily chirped beside her. “It is Cynthia Rose’s first time though.”
“At Disneyland.” Cynthia Rose said. “My first time… At Disneyland.”
“Well, then let me be one of the first to welcome you to the Kingdom.” Ariel said warmly. “We love new visitors! If you ever need anything, any of the staff will certainly help make your dreams come true.”
Beca almost choked on the mouthful of coffee she’d just taken. She felt the hand shift to her back, just the tips of all five fingers, but the heat radiating out from them seemed to suffuse her whole chest.
“Are you alright?” Ariel asked and Beca could hear the amusement laced through it.
‘If she didn’t say that in that way on purpose, I’ll eat this table.’ Beca coughed and cleared her throat. “Ye... yeah, everything’s good.” She swallowed and met those gorgeous blue eyes again. “Thank you.”
Aubrey leaned in. “Your Highness, we should really move on to see the others.” She flashed a smile at their table. “Sorry, but Princess Ariel is on a tight schedule.” Beca was pretty sure she wasn’t imagining that she lingered for a second on Stacie before turning away.
“Of course,” Beca said. “Can’t keep the kids waiting. It was really nice meeting you guys.” She bit the inside of her cheek and bowed her head slightly. “Your Highness.”
Blue eyes twinkled again – ‘Seriously, are there stars?’ – and Beca felt Ariel’s hand flatten against her back, pressing between her shoulder blades. “I hope we see you around here again.” And then she was gone before Beca had a chance to form any sort of reply though Aubrey flashed another grin at them as she followed. Beca didn’t miss that the smile had definitely been directed mostly at Stacie.
Beca turned back to the table. “The first person who says it gets a fork through their hand.” She drank the last of her coffee, refusing to look at any of them.
Stacie tilted her head. “It’s Wednesday, right?”
Beca lifted her fork. “If you even remotely make a hump day comment right now…” Stacie grinned at her slowly, looking like the fucking Cheshire Cat and Beca snarled back, annoyed that she knew exactly how Stacie’s mind worked and made the joke for her.
“But, Beca…” Emily whined. “That was so cute!”
“You can’t stab Legacy in the hand, B.” Stacie pointed out when Beca turned on Emily. “She’s a songwriter. She needs them.”
Beca sighed. “You guys aren’t going to let this go, are you?”
“Nope.” Cynthia Rose said. “You were right, Emily. I love character breakfasts.”
Beca rolled her eyes and sat back in her chair while the rest of them finished the last bites of their food. She couldn’t stop herself from looking around the room every couple of minutes, not sure what to do about the fact that every other time she did, Ariel seemed to be looking back at her. It wasn’t like she could go up and exchange numbers; the woman was working and couldn’t break character while on the job.
Plus, Beca had a rule about such things.
Beca sighed as they made their way out into the bright California sunshine and, almost immediately upon hitting the Pier, her three so-called friends started singing “Kiss the Girl.”
“I hate you guys so much right now.” Beca muttered, ignoring the laughter of people walking by the impromptu serenade.
“You so do not.” Emily said, breaking off singing briefly before jumping back in.
“You’re too full of looooove to hate anyone right now, DJ.” Stacie hip bumped her and accepted Cynthia Rose’s high five.
Beca looked up as she counted slowly to ten to avoid pushing them into the lagoon. The morning had cleared up some and the sun was making itself known. Today could turn out to be a warm one after all.
Though it was never as warm as the hand Beca swore she could still feel on her back for the rest of the day.
May, 2016
“Are you looking around for your girlfriend?” Stacie asked innocently.
Beca flipped her off. “I don’t have a girlfriend and no. I was people watching.”
“Beca.” Stacie sat down next to her on the bench. “You don’t people watch.”
“Sometimes I do!” Beca said defensively, unwilling to admit she may in fact have been a little too interested in all the character sightings they’d had that morning.
“Mmhmm.” Emily looked at her with one eye closed. “Do you always hum ‘Kiss the Girl’ when you people watch?” She grinned so impishly that Beca couldn’t even be mad at her about it.
Beca groaned and dropped her face in her hands. Stacie, Emily and Cynthia Rose had sung it to her on and off that entire day after breakfast and then at random moments over the past month. It was no wonder Beca had started humming it when she was distracted. It certainly wasn’t because she was daydreaming of doing that very thing with a certain Disney Princess.
The rest of that day had gone perfectly and by the end Cynthia Rose was as in love with Disneyland as the rest of them. The only flaw, obviously, being that Beca couldn’t get her mind to stop straying back to breakfast.
This was the first time they’d been back since The Encounter, as Stacie called it. Beca could hear the capitals every time she said it. They’d tried to return sooner, but work kept them busy. It was only the three of them this trip so Emily and Stacie both upped their teasing game in a way only childhood friends could do. Beca wasn’t sure they were both going to survive the day.
Beca dropped her hands and let them hang as she leaned her elbows on her knees. “I’m not so distracted that I haven’t seen you checking out all the blonde cast members, Stace. So don’t go all uppity on me now.”
Stacie shrugged and stood up again. “I’ve never claimed to be anything other than interested.” She sighed gustily. “She was hot.” She pursed her lips. “And I know her real name, so I’d say I’m at least half a step closer than you are.”
“Yeah, well…” Beca trailed off, not actually having any comeback. “Shut up.” Emily grinned and opened her mouth, but Beca whined. “Can’t we just drop it for today? It’s bad enough that I can’t get her out of my mind when I know I’m not gonna see her. The possibility exists today and…” She trailed off again, groaning. She felt twitchy and nervous, something she didn’t like feeling in normal circumstances, much less her happy place.
Beca squawked as Stacie pulled her to her feet. “Aw, there there, DJ.” She pulled Beca into a hug, which essentially shoved her face into Stacie’s cleavage even as Beca tried to push her away. “It’ll all be alright.” She wrapped her arms tighter around Beca as she tried to squirm free and swayed them side to side, making soothing shushing sounds as she tried not to laugh at Beca’s frustrated noises. “That’s it, just let it allll out.” Beca could hear Emily snickering from somewhere out of kicking range though she still tried to fling a foot at her.
Beca finally stopped trying to pull free as she let her arms drop to hang at her sides. Her voice was muffled as she said, “I’m pretty sure death by boobs isn’t allowed here, Stace.” She knew fighting it would just prolong her torture. And, okay, so some of the joking around was actually making her feel better.
Emily’s giggles were cut off by a laugh filled voice from beside them.
“That’s what I like to see.” There was a light chuckle. “People having fun in the Park.”
She may have only heard it briefly for a few minutes a month ago, and it may have currently been somewhat blocked by Stacie’s chest partially covering her ears, but Beca recognized it immediately. She renewed her efforts to get out of Stacie’s grip but the woman had arms like a python and they only wrapped tighter as she struggled.
“She just needed some cheering up.” Stacie’s voice reverberated under her ear.
“I’m good now.” Beca finally pushed her way out, blinking rapidly as she tried to brush her hair into some semblance of order. “Thanks.” Scowling, she promised Stacie a slow death before finally looking to her right. Just out of view of the street, Princess Ariel and Aubrey the cast member were standing behind one of the wooden fences that led to the Members Only area of California Adventure. She hadn’t even realized they were near an entrance when she declared a rest break. “Uh.” She cleared her throat. “Hi.”
“Hey.” Ariel smiled at her. “Nice to see you again.”
Beca could tell by her tone that she meant it, and it made her almost as happy as the thought that Ariel remembered her after so long. “It’s nice to be seen – No.” Beca shook her head. “Sorry… I, uh…”
Ariel waved her hand. “It’s okay. Oxygen deprivation can be serious, depending on long you were in there.” When she grinned slyly Beca wanted to die a million times over.
“Ariel,” Aubrey said. “You can’t…” She cleared her throat, smiling though Beca could hear the bite in her tone. “I mean, we’re due at…”
“It’s okay, Bree.” Ariel turned and placed a hand on her shoulder. “I’ll take the heat if I get caught breaking character.” Aubrey visibly restrained a sigh but Beca could see the eye roll.
“You know, DJ…” Stacie came up beside Beca and leaned an elbow on her shoulder. “I think this counts as time two for your rule.”
“Shut up.” Beca hissed and tried to shrug her off.
“There’s a rule?” Ariel asked, taking a step closer, though still out of sight from the rest of the people walking by.
“Nothing.” Beca answered quickly, but Stacie talked right over the top of her.
“She’s got this ‘third time’s the charm’ rule.” Stacie lifted her chin as Beca reached up to cover her mouth. “Stop trying to hit me. There’s no violence at Disneyland.” She pushed Beca’s hands down and continued to block them when they instantly came back up. “If she runs into someone she’s attracted to three times, by chance, she has to ask them out because it might be the Universe telling her something.” She smirked, looking highly pleased with herself.
Feeling the tips of her ears grow warm, Beca finally got her hand over Stacie’s mouth, though she knew it was way too late. “Bucky, I swear…”
“Ah ah ah.” Ariel shook her finger. “There’s no swearing in the Kingdom.” She took another step closer. “Three times, huh?” Her smile grew but Aubrey took her arm before she took another step closer, which would have brought her out from behind the fence. “Well then. I hope to see you around.” Then she winked.
Beca tried to reply, but all that came out were unintelligible noises as her hand dropped from Stacie’s mouth again. It wasn’t fair – her eyes still sparkled and then she winks? Beca thought surely she could be forgiven for losing the power of speech and she was actually grateful when Stacie covered her mouth to stop her.
Emily bounced in place. “We’re in the park the next two days.”
Ariel leaned forward and whispered, “If I go looking for you, that wouldn’t be by chance then, would it?”
Emily leaned back on her heels. “Hm. Good point.” Smiling, she nodded. “It’s true, Princesses are wise.”
“We’ve really got to go now, or we’re going to be late.” Aubrey urged, looking behind them. “Eric’s coming, you need to be, you know… Princess-y.”
Ariel smiled again and fluffed up her dress. “Duty calls.” She walked out past them, inclining her head regally. “Until next time.” Her tone left no uncertainty that there would be a next time.
Aubrey followed, looking skyward and muttering under her breath. “Woman, you’re going to be the death of me.”
Stacie turned to watch her go, saying a bit louder than necessary. “I certainly hope not.” She was rewarded when Aubrey gave her a startled smile over her shoulder as they passed out of earshot. “Seriously, are cast members allowed to be that hot?” Stacie fanned herself.
Beca walked back over and slumped on the bench. “It’s not fair. Like, not fair at all.” She tilted her head back and closed her eyes. She heard more footsteps approaching from behind the fence and the quiet murmur of voices.
“Has anyone seen my Princess, Ariel?” A soft voice, somehow dreamy and jovial at the same time, brought her head back up. She looked over to see a man with black hair, a kind face and a fancy prince costume beside them, another cast member waiting patiently behind him.
“She went thataway.” Stacie pointed down the street. “If you hurry, you’ll catch her.”
But Prince Eric, because of course who else would it be, had stopped before them and bowed, extending his hand to Emily. Beca watched, fascinated, as Emily’s face went as red as Ariel’s wig.
“Allow me to introduce myself.” He wiggled his fingers until Emily placed her hand in his. “I am Prince Eric and it is absolutely enchanting to meet you.” He leaned over her hand like he was going to kiss it, but merely hovered a proper distance before looking back up. “And you are?”
Emily squeaked, doing a remarkable imitation of Beca a few minutes ago as her mouth worked to make actual words.
Stacie eventually took pity on her. “This tall drink of water is Emily.”
“Emily.” He said it carefully, almost as if he were memorizing it. “What a lovely name for a lovely woman.” He smiled at her and Emily returned it, both of them lost in each other’s eyes.
‘Ha! I’m not the only one losing their shit at Disneyland!’ Beca thought to herself, already counting up the things she was going to be able to tease Emily over. She didn’t even bother with Stacie anymore; her friend was not easily embarrassed by her attractions and often would expound on them with details that Beca could gladly go without hearing.
After another moment, the cast member coughed politely and Eric seemed to come back to himself. “I’m sorry, I must go or I’ll be late.” He released Emily’s hand and bowed again. “It was a pleasure meeting you.” He jerked as he remembered she wasn’t alone and turned to Beca and Stacie. “All of you.” He flushed slightly and awkwardly turned away, then back, his eyes once more scanning Emily’s face, then finally headed down the street to the rest of the park.
“What the actual fuck just happened?” Beca wondered out loud. “Did we land in the Twilight Zone?”
“No, we haven’t gone on the Tower yet today.” Stacie offered.
“Well shit, might as well do that, I’m already in freaking free-fall.” Emily grunted.
“Legacy!” Beca laughed. “No cursing at Disneyland!”
“At this point, fuck it.” Emily shrugged. “I’m already going to Disney-hell because I think someone else’s prince is dreamy.”
“Hearing you curse is never not adorable.” Stacie grinned at Emily. “It’s like when a toddler says it.”
“It is not!” Emily glared at her, though it was ruined by the smirk she was trying to suppress.
“I mean, she’s right, Legacy.” Beca shrugged. “It is pretty cute.”
“Fuck off.” Emily threw back even as her smile broke through, though her cheeks flushed slightly.
“Rude.” Stacie scoffed while laughing.
Happy to be with her two best friends, Beca chuckled the entire time it took them to walk to Tower of Terror and make it through the line. She kept it down during the opening video but started up again once they were seated because Emily insisted on sitting between them and claimed her usual death grip on their arms.
As they reached the top, the final ultimate hesitation before the ride dropped, the door opened and her laugh rang out across the park when Emily screamed, “Why do I always fucking let you talk me into this!?”
June, 2016
Chloe absently made her way to the Starbucks by the entrance of California Adventure. While the park was just opening, she didn’t start work for another hour or so. Plenty of time to stop for a little caffeine kick and something to munch on before she got into her costume.
Opening the door, she took her place in line, idly scanning the faces around her. After paying and picking up her order, she noticed two women who had stepped into the pick-up area as she turned to leave. In seconds she’d pushed past the people between them, apologizing the entire way, and wound around to stand behind them.
“Where is she?” Chloe demanded, surprised at the urgency suddenly in her chest.
The two brunettes spun around and stared at her for a moment before their eyes widened in recognition.
“Sorry.” Chloe took a deep breath and forced herself to have a moment of calm. “I mean… Hi.” She gave what she knew was only a weak smile. But she refused to consider that their friend wasn’t with them; life wouldn’t be that cruel, would it? She felt her heart thump anxiously. “Where?”
Grinning widely, both of them shot their arms out to point, almost clotheslining a family of three who were walking past. Chloe ignored the angry glare of the mother they’d almost decked and followed their fingers. Sitting out in the sun was the woman who hadn’t strayed far from her thoughts for almost two months. She grinned at them even as her body relaxed almost immediately. “Thanks!” She spun on her heel and made her way outside, sensing more than seeing one of them rush toward the window. She was, however, aware of the banging that started up as she passed through the doors and turned left.
The shorter brunette had just begun to look up where the younger - who Benji had identified as Emily after she and Aubrey questioned him closely about who he was mooning over after the second encounter - was trying to talk to her through window and frantically pointing at Chloe’s approach. But Chloe was on a mission and moved quickly. Before the other woman could even begin to look around, Chloe had set down her food, leaned over and plucked the phone out of her hand.
“Hey! That’s my fuc-” Dark tresses twirled as she turned around and reached for her phone. A movement that was halted when she looked up and met Chloe’s eyes. “Holy shit. You!” A pause. “Your hair…” Her hand lifted as if she were going to reach out and touch it before she quite obviously restrained herself and forced it back down to her lap.
Chloe smiled. “Not red enough for Ariel, but still red.” She looked back down and brought up the contacts app. Quickly she entered her information, noticing how the other woman sat back in her chair, eyes locked on Chloe’s face. “I’d say this counts as time three.” She brought up a text to herself and sent a single heart emoji.
The response was slow, considering. “I guess it is.” Jesus, her dark blue eyes were gorgeous and Chloe felt herself fall a little bit. A feeling that only grew with the smile spreading across the other woman’s face.
It was all Chloe could do to not start squealing like one of the children she interacted with daily. She knew, knew, if she sat down to talk now, she was going to miss her shift. And she couldn’t do that. Nor could she be late because Aubrey would outright kill her. She grabbed onto her giddy excitement and put it into a headlock. “Guess you’ll have to text me.” She picked up her coffee. “The Universe, and all.” She took a step back, every fiber of her body telling her to stay where she was.
“Right.” She could see the other girl swallow. “Can’t ignore the Universe.”
“Then I guess I’ll be hearing from you soon.” Chloe forced herself to turn around by sheer iron will and walk calmly away, feeling eyes on her until she’d rounded a building and was out of sight.
‘Jesus, I need to talk to Aubrey. She’s going to flip.’
Chloe refused to look at her phone until she’d wound her way through to the employee entrance, showing her badge and absently made her way to the break room. She was trying not to be disappointed in the fact that her phone hadn’t buzzed yet. ‘Give it time. She will text. I just know it.’
When Aubrey got there, Chloe had almost talked herself down, but her excitement ratcheted up again when her friend took the seat next to her.
“Morning, Chlo.” Aubrey covered a yawn.
“Morning, Bree.” Chloe could feel her face split into a grin and tried to tamp it down. “How’d you sleep?”
“I slept fine.” Aubrey’s eyes narrowed at her. “How much coffee have you had already? You’re practically vibrating.”
“I saw her!” Chloe reached out and gripped Aubrey’s arm. “Third time’s the charm girl and her friends.”
Aubrey’s eyes shot wide. “All three of them?”
“Yep!” Chloe nodded. “Even the one you won’t admit is cute.”
“I believe I did admit that when you got me trashed two weeks ago.” Aubrey took a sip of her coffee. “So? What happened?”
Chloe quickly explained how the encounter had gone and took out her phone to stare at it. “And now I’m doing that pathetic waiting thing.” She saved the unknown number in her phone as ‘Princess Charming.’
“It’s not... okay, it’s a little pathetic –” Aubrey yelped when Chloe thumped her in the side. She had been watching over Chloe’s shoulder as she saved the contact. “Wait. You didn’t get her name?” She sat back as Chloe shook her head. “The first time you guys can actually talk because you’re not in costume, and you didn’t get her name?”
“I knew if I sat down to talk to her, one of two things would happen.” She held up her index finger. “One: I’d be late and you would kill me.”
Aubrey nodded slowly. “True. And two?”
“I would have missed my shift entirely. And you would kill me.” As Aubrey laughed, Chloe set the phone down on the table and stared at it while picking up her coffee.  “And I’ve never missed a day. So…” she shrugged. “Here I am.” She took a drink and sighed.
“I’m proud of you. It’s like you’re all grown up.” Aubrey shoulder bumped her and Chloe smiled reluctantly. “I’m also happy the apparently magical ‘third time’ happened. Maybe now you’ll be able to stop talking about her.” She mock rolled her eyes. “Between you and Benji, it’s like I’m the only one keeping my cool.”
“Don’t think I haven’t seen you bite your lip and daydream.” Chloe took a bite of the muffin she had almost forgotten about.
“Yeah, but it’s not like you’ve caught me moaning about for months on end.” Aubrey said.
“Oh? You’ve moaned in your daydreaming?” Chloe said innocently. “She is pretty hot…”
“Shut up!” Aubrey laughed again, a faint flush covering her cheeks. “You know what I mean.”
“But what if she-” Chloe broke off as her phone buzzed. “Ohmygod.” Her heart was suddenly trying run a marathon in her chest as a mass of butterflies took off in her stomach.
“Breathe, Chlo.” Aubrey put a hand on her arm and squeezed before resting her chin on Chloe’s shoulder to read the message with her.
Not bothered in the least by her best friend’s nosiness, Chloe picked up the phone and opened the new text.
 Princess Charming: Hi Chloe. This is Beca. Though I guess we never did get around to introductions, so thanks for putting your name in my phone. I was wondering if you would like to meet me after you’re off work?
 Chloe grinned, ready to type out a reply when Aubrey spoke up.
“Wait.” She held up a hand. “Just… I feel I would be remiss if I did not say at least once that this is how kidnappings begin.”
“Come on, Bree.” Chloe rolled her yes. “You don’t really believe that any more than I do, especially in this case. These aren’t human traffickers luring innocent women in.”
“You don’t actually know...” When Chloe glared at her, she shrugged. “Ok, no. I don’t think that. Those three seem to be exactly what they appear to be. But I’d feel better if… oh I don’t know. You guys met in the Parks.”
“Where you can keep an eye on me?” Chloe grinned. “Aw, that’s so sweet.” She looked down as another text came through.
 Princess Charming: I realize how this could sound sketchville, so how about we meet by the Grotto. And since I’ll have my two idiot friends - Stacie and Emily, by the way - with me still, you can totally bring friends with you. Safety in numbers and all that.
 Chloe looked up at Aubrey. “See? Totes not going to kidnap me.” She waited a beat. “So you’ll go with me, right?”
“Well obviously.” Aubrey smiled and Chloe could feel the excitement rolling over her that she was trying to hide. “Stacie, huh?” Aubrey’s eyes took on a distant look that Chloe decided to let pass. For now.
“Benji works the later shift tonight, but I’m sure he’ll meet us after.” Chloe bounced in her chair. “Oh Bree, I don’t know how I’m going to get through this shift.”
“You’ve made it this long, eight more hours isn’t going to kill you.” One long finger reached out and tapped Chloe’s phone. “Plus you haven’t actually said yes yet.”
“Oops.” Chloe laughed and started typing.
 Chloe: Hi Beca. I would love to meet you after work at the Grotto. I should be able to be there by 6:30-7. My friend Aubrey will be with me and maybe one other once his shift ends later tonight before the fireworks. I don’t suppose you guys would want to have dinner with us?
 After it sent, Chloe picked at her muffin, trying to calm her bubbling stomach. “That’s not too forward, is it?”
“Asking us all to dinner as a first date?” Aubrey blocked the half-hearted swat Chloe aimed at her. “No. You know we’ll be hungry. It’ll be a great way to talk and get to know each other without pressure.” She smiled. “It sounds nice.”
Mischievously Chloe said, “A double date, no less.” She took a breath, ignoring the faux glare Aubrey directed at her. “But, yeah. That’s what I was thinking. Ok.” She finished off the last of her muffin. “We’ll have to think where to take them.��  She updated Beca’s name in her phone as she discussed the “fancier” restaurant choices with Aubrey. It may not be a first date in name, but Chloe admitted she was as nervous and excited as if it were.
 Beca: Dinner sounds great. Is it weird to say that I’m looking forward to being able to actually talk to you without a timetable?
 Chloe: Nope. Because I’m really looking forward to it too. But there’s a scratchy wig calling my name, so we’re not free yet. Hope you have a great time in the Parks today.
 Beca: It’s a date.
 Before Chloe could do more than inhale, her phone buzzed again.
 Beca: I mean. If you want. It doesn’t have to be.
Beca: I’m going to shut up now. Have a good day, Chlo.
 She read through their messages again, knowing Aubrey was still reading over her shoulder. Chloe had been on plenty of dates before, but none of them had ever had her at this level of anticipation. Or nerves. Thoughtfully she tapped out one last message.
 Chloe: I can get behind date. See you tonight, Becs.
 “Nicknames already, huh?” Aubrey sat back again. “That’s so cute.”
Chloe rolled her eyes. “Whatever.” She paused, tapping her nails on the table. “There’s just something about her, Bree. I don’t even understand it myself. You know me... Sure, I can sometimes get carried away. But I don’t just...” she trailed off, waving her hand. “Leap.”
“I know you don’t.” Aubrey reached out and squeezed her forearm. “I’m happy for you, Chlo. You know that.” She waited until Chloe looked at her. “Even I can see it and you know I don’t really have a feel for that type of thing.”
Chloe felt herself relax a little under Aubrey’s touch. “Well,” Chloe said as she stood up to gather her trash. “You better, cause I think Stacie might look at you with more than just potentially indecent thoughts in mind.”
Aubrey stood with her. “In the whole two seconds you’ve been able to take your eyes off Short and Mysterious?” She pushed Chloe toward the dressing rooms.
Chloe let herself get guided out of the room. “You can’t fight it if the Universe wills it, Aubrey.”
Aubrey rolled her eyes. “Yeah yeah. Let’s just get through tonight before you have me married off.”
Laughing, both of them got dressed for their day and tried to figure out what restaurant to make reservations at on their first break.
 Beca watched the redhead stroll casually away from her until she was lost in the crowd of people. She wasn’t ashamed to admit she felt a little dazed at the speed in which that had just happened. She looked down at her phone to make sure it really had. Sure enough, there was a text to one Chloe and Beca half grinned to herself when she saw the single pink heart.
“Holy shit, B!” There was a flurry of movement as Stacie and Emily sat down at the table with their drinks. “Did that really happen?” Stacie grabbed her phone.
Beca laughed at the mirror to her thoughts. “Yes.”
“Oh my gosh!” Emily beamed. “Did you ask her out?”
“Not yet.” Beca looked back down the street. When she turned back around, she jumped a little when she was met with twin looks of outrage. “Oh my god, what!?”
“What do you mean ‘not yet’?” Emily was indignant. “This was your chance!”
“Dude!” Beca paused to try and gather her thoughts. “Just… give me a minute. That… I feel like I’ve got a lot to process.” She closed her eyes and ignored the stares she could feel burning a hole through her for a slow count to thirty while she tried to come down from the rush of panic at thinking her phone was being stolen only to have jumped immediately into a different kind of panic at seeing Ariel – Chloe.
“Are you shitting?” Emily turned to Stacie. “She totally looks like she’s shitting.”
Beca’s eyes popped open.“I am NOT SHIT-” Beca broke off when a number of people looked at her. “I’m fine.”
“But you didn’t ask her out.” Stacie stated.
“I didn’t have time.” Beca reached over and took her drink from in front of Stacie. “Emily started trying to bang her way through the glass and my phone was taken from my hand. I turned around to yell and…” Beca took a sip. “There was this amazing red hair… And those eyes.”
“Mm.” Emily nodded. “You are a sucker for eyes.”
“And they’re gorgeous.” Stacie said dreamily.
“Hey, you get your thoughts off Chloe’s eyes.” Beca sat up. “I know it takes you less than a second to go porny.”
Stacie shrugged then her own green eyes narrowed. “You didn’t ask her out, but you got her name?”
“Do you want to hear it or not?” Beca asked. Both her friends mimed zipping up their lips and throwing away the key. “Anyway. Legacy almost broke the window, my phone was out of my hand and before I knew it, she was entering her name and number into my phone.” Beca took another drink. “She said that this counted as time three and told me to text her. Because the Universe.” Beca shook her head. “This rule has never worked out well for me before but…” She trailed off and looked over her shoulder where Chloe had disappeared.
“This one feels different.” Stacie said it like a statement of fact, not a question.
Beca turned to look at her and asked slyly, “Are we talking about me or you now?”
“Eh.” Stacie shrugged. “But... Seriously. Are you going to text her or what?”
“Of course. I just…” Beca shrugged. “Am planning.” She held up a finger when both of them opened their mouths. “Just give me a minute.” She ignored the fact that Stacie got up to sit on her left while Emily pulled her chair closer on the right, allowing them to read her screen.
“Becs almost touched her hair.” Emily suddenly said.
“What? I did not.” Beca shifted in her chair. Because she totally almost did. She had wanted to sink her fingers into it and pull Chloe down…
“Yes you did.” Emily insisted. “Don’t even try to lie to me.”
Beca sighed. “It just… looked so soft. I wanted to know what it would feel like to have a curl wrapped around my finger.” She shook her head. “And then I stopped myself before I was slapped.”
“I don’t think she’d have slapped you.” Stacie said thoughtfully. “Unless you take too long to text her,” she added pointedly. “Never keep a woman waiting, B.”
“Alright!” Beca took a deep breath and set her phone down to rub her hands on her jeans. “This is stupid. Why am I so nervous? It’s just a damn text.” Except she felt the weight of that text sitting heavily in her chest. She took a steadying breath and picked up her phone again. “Guess I should introduce myself. And no, there wasn’t time for that. It was just…” Beca trailed off.
“Whirlwind.” Stacie patted her arm. “It’s okay, DJ. I know sometimes you’re a bit slow to process.”
“Shut up.” Beca said absently, typing out her intro and asking Chloe out to dinner.
“God, that sounds pushy, doesn’t it?” Beca bit the side of her nail. “Or… presumptuous? Oh god, what if it’s creepy?”
“Beca, calm down.” Emily leaned against her shoulder to offer moral support. “It’s all going to be fine. She already knows you planned on asking her out. I mean, that’s the whole point of your rule.”
“Which I so thoughtfully explained for you.” Stacie finished. “Legacy is right. Chloe knows.” She grinned. “And based on how adamantly she demanded to know where you were, she’s really looking forward to it.”
“Wait, what?” Beca realized she hadn’t gotten the full story from their side. “Explain.” She started typing even as she began to smile at the thought that Chloe might be as interested as Beca was. “But first… do you guys think it’s less sketchy to have a group meeting first? Since we’re all already in the park and all…”
“Plus I drove you here.” Stace interjected.
“Right.” Beca paused and looked up. “So?”
“I wouldn’t miss this for the world.” Stacie said. “Plus it really does add to a safety factor for both of you if you invite us and she invites a few of her friends. Say, like, that cast member she’s always with.” She blinked innocently over her cup as she took a drink.
“Subtle.” Beca laughed as she finished her text and sent it off. “And I know you remember her name.” She looked up again. “Ok, tell me your side.”
Emily eagerly gave the short details from the inside encounter, along with a demonstration of the dramatic point she and Stacie had done – where she almost took out a toddler in a stroller. “Oh!” Emily quickly pulled her arm back in. “I’m so…” She watched as the woman huffed and pushed past. “Sorry?”
“We’re going to have to register those as dangerous weapons, Em.” Stacie laughed. “Wait.” She peered over Beca’s shoulder. “We’re not idiots.” She sniffed haughtily.
“At least not most of the time.” Emily shrugged.
Beca laughed absently, her attention mostly on her phone though it still made her jump when it buzzed in her hand. “She asked me… us… for dinner!”
“Woo!” Stacie pumped her fist. “Aubrey too!” She stared back when they just looked at her. “What? Beca’s the only one who can be excited?”
“Touché.” Beca shrugged. She tuned out her surroundings while she agreed to dinner and decided to be a little more open. It seemed easier to say she was looking forward to the evening via text. Less stressful.
Until… “Oh shit!” Beca sat up and typed out two more quick texts.
“What?” Stacie looked down at her phone and Beca had to push her head out of the way. “Aw, you called it a date and then panicked.” She kissed the side of Beca’s head. “Don’t ever change, B. You’re perfect the way you are.”
Emily squeaked next to them. “And you called her Chlo! That’s so cute.” She clasped her hands together and fluttered her eyelashes.
“That was a little more open than I was planning-” Beca trailed off as the last text from Chloe came through.  “Though, I guess… maybe not.” One corner of her mouth twitched up. “I have a date?”
“You’ve got a date at Disneyland!” Emily bounced in her chair. “It’ll be magical!”
“All of us are going to be there, so it’s not like it’ll be romantic, Em.” Beca picked up her forgotten coffee and took a drink.
“You never know.” Stacie said as she stood up. “Anywhere is romantic if you’re with the right person.”
“Stacie Conrad – a romantic?” Beca stood up. “I never thought I’d live to see the day.”
“I’ve always been romantic, B.” Stacie pulled Emily’s chair back for her. “It’s just never directed at you.” She paused, considering. “Mostly because you’d have turned me down and said something about being too sisterly for you.” She shrugged. “I’d have rocked your world though.”
“Gross.” Emily said as she threw away their trash.
“C’mon, let’s hit the Disney side, we’ll come back here for Beca’s big date later this afternoon.” Stacie looped her arm with Beca’s as they headed back toward the entrance.
“You’re going to use the word ‘date’ for the rest of the day, aren’t you?” Beca asked, resigned already to her fate.
“You know it, DJ.” Stacie pulled Emily in and looped her arm as well.
Beca gave an exaggerated sigh. “I don’t know why I put up with you.”
“Because you love me with that big, fluffy heart of yours.” Stacie said, not even looking at her.
“Oh. Right. Damnit.” Beca led the way out the gate.
As they crossed the wide expanse between the two parks, dodging running, excited children, Beca wondered if the small thread she felt tugging her back where she came from was in her heart or just her mind.
‘I have a date.’ Beca grinned to herself before clearing her throat. “Space Mountain is calling my name, let’s pick up the pace.”
‘I have a date.’ She thought again as she took a deep breath of fresh air, feeling uncharacteristically giddy.
For the first time ever at Disneyland, Beca couldn’t wait for the day to pass.
 “For the last time, your makeup is fine.” Aubrey laughed and pushed Chloe toward the dressing room exit. “You’re gorgeous.”
“Aw, thanks Bree.” Chloe held the door open for her. “You’re looking hot yourself. Any particular reason?” Normally they would wait until they got home to shower but today they had both taken advantage of the facilities to primp a little.
“Maybe.” Aubrey weaved through various employees as she led them toward the park. “Maybe you’re not the only one looking forward to dinner.”
“A crush looks good on you.” Chloe grinned. “It’s been too long since I’ve seen it.”
“It’s been too long since I’ve felt a serious interest in someone.” Aubrey said absently as she dodged a guy in a Stitch costume.
Chloe opened her mouth and then closed it again. She’d been about to say ‘Oh, so Stacie is someone serious?’ but she didn’t want to push Aubrey the wrong way and have her retreat. Even if all they did was have a nice dinner and conversation, it was still more interest than Aubrey had shown in anyone in a while.
She felt her stomach begin to flutter as they approached the bridge leading to the grotto and she saw three brunettes leaning on the railing and watching the Ferris wheel go around. She felt Aubrey’s hand squeeze once on her arm and looked over to an encouraging nod.
Taking a deep breath, Chloe walked up behind them. “Fancy meeting you here.” All three turned, smiling and Chloe blinked. “Seriously, are you all sisters?”
“Not by blood.” Beca said. “Just by choice.” She shot a look to her left. “Mostly.”
“You love me. Hi, I’m Stacie.” Stacie smiled. “Nice to finally meet you, Ariel.”
Chloe wrinkled her nose. “I’m incognito, just call me Chloe.”
“Hi guys. I’m Emily.” Emily waved at them and Chloe grinned at the younger woman’s enthusiasm.
But before Chloe could return her greeting, Stacie leveled her eyes at Aubrey and even Chloe could feel a bit of the heat coming off them. “And you’re Aubrey.” Her smile was slow but wide.
“Stacie.” Aubrey met her gaze for several heartbeats before a returning grin crossed her lips. She then turned to Emily and her smile shifted into something lighter. “Emily. Glad to have names. It got awkward referring to you as Brunette One, Two and Three.”
“Who was Brunette One?” Beca asked curiously.
Chloe shrugged, “Depended on who was talking at the time.”
Beca smiled. “Oh.” She studied Chloe for a minute then held out her hand. “Hi, Chloe.”
“Oh no, I’m much more of a hugger.” And before anyone could blink, she’d stepped forward and pulled Beca into a hug that was tighter than most of her get-to-know-you hugs. It was weird considering they’d been in each other’s presence all of maybe fifteen minutes before now, but she felt like she’d known Beca for months. It probably had something to do with how often she’d thought of her since that first breakfast in April. She felt Beca’s arms close around her, gingerly at first, then they tightened when Chloe didn’t let go.
“I can deal with that.” Beca said as she hooked her chin over Chloe’s shoulder.
“Since when?” Emily asked. “Your personal space bubble is huge.” She paused for a minute and added thoughtfully, “And covered with spikes. There’s a moat… Gators….” she trailed off, grinning.
“It’s called growth, Legacy.” Stacie said. “She can’t grow any taller, so she’s gotta go with personality changes.”
Chloe laughed and pulled back as Beca took a step toward Stacie. “Slow down there, tiger. I happen to think you’re the perfect height.” She turned and pulled Emily and Stacie into hugs that weren’t quite as tight or as long but no less sincere. Emily returned it with enthusiasm, her bubbly personality coming through as she giggled into Chloe’s ear. Stacie wrapped her up in long arms, bending considerately so Chloe didn’t end up in her cleavage.
When she stepped back, Aubrey was letting go of Beca’s hand and reaching for Emily’s. “I’m the one who respects personal boundaries. Unlike some people.” Aubrey let go of Emily and turned to Stacie and Chloe could tell she was considering going in for a hug anyway. But Aubrey only extended her hand and Stacie took it in a firm grip. They didn’t shake; they just held on and eyed each other appraisingly. Chloe thought it was beyond adorable how they were testing the waters when even she could see the spark between them.
Chloe checked her watch. It was 6:40 and she had made reservations for them at Wine Country Trattoria for seven. There was plenty of time for the short walk, provided there were no objections. She bit her lip. “I know I should have asked this sooner, but are you okay with the Trattoria for dinner?”
“Wine and good company?” Stacie asked. “Works for me.” She shoulder bumped Emily. “This one can’t drink, but the rest of us are of consenting age.”
“Sorry, Em.” Beca laughed when Emily mock pouted. “Soon enough. What time is the reservation?”
“Seven.” Chloe looked at her watch again. “It gives us plenty of time to eat and get to know each other before the fireworks.”
Beca checked her own watch and looked up again. “Shall we take a stroll?”
The five of them walked over to the restaurant, sharing small talk about their day and saving the bigger discussions for when they were seated. Chloe had just finished telling a story about a young girl who tried to lift up her dress to see her mermaid tail when they walked up to the hostess.
“We’re a bit early, but reservation for Beale?” Chloe said with a smile.
“Party of five?” The hostess nodded. “We can actually seat you now. Outside as requested.”
“Thank you!” Chloe led the way as they followed the hostess to their table.
Once they were all seated with menus and had given their drink orders – one of each of the Wine Flights to start and a lemonade for Emily – they began the usual ‘getting to know you’ talk.
It turns out Chloe and Aubrey had been to most of the clubs Beca had DJ’d at, though not on the nights Beca had been there. They made her promise to tell them the next time she had a gig so they could see her in action.
“Wait.” Aubrey turned to Emily. “You’re a song writer?”
“Aspiring, but yeah.” Emily nodded.
“Anything we’d have heard of?” Aubrey asked.
“No, though Beca and I are working on something together.” Emily leaned on the table. “Maybe it’ll be the break we need to intern at a studio.”
“That sounds exciting!” Chloe touched Emily’s hand. “I’d love to hear it when it’s done.”
Emily looked past Chloe at Beca who was nodding slightly when Chloe turned a pleading expression her way. She burst into laughter. “I was already going to say yes, but, tell me – Has anyone been able to resist those puppy dog eyes?” She shook her head. “Cause they’d be a stronger person than me.”
“I can.” Aubrey smirked.
“Aubrey’s the only one so far. I’ve yet to find her weakness.” Chloe narrowed her eyes at her friend. “But I haven’t given up.”
Stacie grinned. “Keep me posted?” Chloe winked at her. “So, how long have you guys known each other?”
“Forever, it feels like.” Aubrey sighed. “But in truth, only since college. So…” She looked at Chloe. “What, eight years?”
“Something like that.” Chloe shrugged. “Long enough that you’re family.”
“Do you guys always work together then?” Stacie asked, leaning back in her chair.
“Totes. Bree is the best at keeping me on time and has just the right intimidating-yet-nice stare to keep the persistent guys at bay.” Chloe twisted her lips. “You’d be surprised at the number of guys who try to hit on a Disney Princess in a swarm of kids.”
“It’s gross.” Aubrey said decisively. “Especially on this side if they’ve been drinking.”
“But one look from Bree sends most of them packing.” Chloe batted her eyelashes. “My hero.”
While they were laughing, the waiter came up and took their order. They resumed their easy conversation as Aubrey explained that she was taking classes to finish her law degree. She’d never really settled on a specialty while in college, so she followed Chloe across the country while she considered her options. Chloe herself was trying to decide between a teaching degree or something more free, such as a dance instructor. Until then, she was content to play Ariel even if the hours were long and the days sometimes too hot.
Aubrey turned in her chair. “And you’re a… Chemist?”
“What, you think I can’t look like this and have a brain too?” Stacie’s voice was teasing.
“That’s… No. That’s not what I’m saying at all. But it does mean you’re the full package.” Aubrey closed one eye as she realized what she said. “Can we forget I said that?”
“Nope.” Stacie laughed. “But I’ll wait until next time to bring it up again.” Aubrey only smiled at her, a bit shyly in Chloe’s opinion.
Chloe grinned to herself, happy that Aubrey seemed to have finally met someone she liked that wasn’t immediately intimidated by her sometimes gruff exterior.
When dinner was served, the conversation stayed light with a mix of stories from the Park and Beca’s club adventures that kept them laughing the entire time.
They lingered over drinks, having long since finished the wine flights and switched to beer, and the conversation never waned, never grew awkward like you would think would happen when two groups of people met for the first time.
Aubrey looked at her watch. “As much as I hate to cut this short, if we’re going to get to our spot for the fireworks, we’ll have to go soon.” She started to pick up the bill but Stacie put her hand on it.
“I got this one.” She smiled at Aubrey.
“Except I’m the one who invited you all to dinner.” Chloe said, tapping the table. “So therefore I should pay.”
Beca slipped the folder with the bill from under their hands. “It’s my rule, how about I get it.” She slid her credit card into it and signaled the waiter before anyone could stop her. “We’ll just have to take turns.”
Chloe leaned on the table and into Beca’s space. “So, you’re saying there’s going to be a next time?”
Beca studied her face for a moment, entirely too serious for the lighthearted way Chloe had said it. “I think so.” Her eyes flicked between Chloe’s for another second. “I definitely hope so.”
Chloe suddenly felt shy and happy all at once, rendered briefly speechless at the warmth those words spread through her. While they were entirely inadequate for how she really felt, she could only offer a simple, “Me too.” She hoped her smile conveyed even part of how much she was enjoying the night so far.
The five of them made their way across the park, Chloe and Aubrey pointing out hidden secrets as they walked. It was only a few minutes before Chloe felt Beca take her hand and twined their fingers together. Once they got into Disneyland, Aubrey guided them until they got to where she’d told Benji to meet them. It wasn’t in the middle of the crowd waiting for the fireworks but close to one of the shops, so he should be able to find them easily.
Beca had let go of her hand only to wind an arm around Chloe’s waist. Chloe leaned into her, thinking – not for the first time – how nice the night had been. Despite Aubrey’s not-really-serious concerns, the women seemed to be nothing more than three fun loving friends. They were all charming and funny. Chloe wasn’t sure the last time she’d seen Aubrey laugh so hard she snorted. Of course she was immediately mortified, but Stacie had been delighted. Chloe got the feeling Stacie was going to make that a daily goal if she could.
They’d barely gotten settled when the first firework lit up the sky. After a moment, Chloe half turned to Beca, though she was still looking upward. “Aren’t they beautiful?” When there was no reply, she looked over at Beca who was studying her intently with a small half smile. “What?”
But Beca only shook her head and leaned forward to press their lips together. Chloe felt herself relax into it as Beca reached up and tugged at a curl before cupping her cheek.
After a moment, they parted and Chloe sighed. “I’ve been wondering what that would be like since April.”
“Oh?” Beca ran her hand through Chloe’s hair. “And?”
“The reality is so much better.” Chloe hummed happily. “I think we should do that a lot more.”
“Your Highness,” Beca said coyly. “What would your subjects say?”
“That I’m a lucky lucky Princess.” Chloe murmured seconds before kissing her again, finding new angles and new sensations as soft lips slid across her own. “Thank the Universe for your rule, Becs.”
“Third times the charm for the win.” Beca laughed and pulled her in once more.
 Emily looked down, ready to share her enthusiasm for the fireworks with her friends and saw Beca and Chloe kissing. It was chaste, merely a pressing of lips, but Emily saw the way their hands curled into each other’s shirt, tugging them closer. It made her heart swell with happiness even as a tiny, purely reflexive ‘gross’ floated through her mind.
She turned to make sure Stacie had noticed so they could appropriately tease Beca about it on the ride home but stopped short when Stacie and Aubrey were doing the same. Except much less chaste. Emily felt her nose wrinkle with her grin as this time she said it out loud, though it was lost in the boom of the overhead explosions. “Gross.”
Emily looked skyward again, more than happy for her friends. It occurred to her that most people would be annoyed or lonely, feeling like a fifth wheel. But she didn’t. How could she when she was surrounded by affection and the promise of new love? Besides, she knew that one day her own prince would come.
“Excuse me.” The voice was barely audible, even somewhat shouted as it was, and a hand tapped her shoulder. “Emily?”
Turning, she saw a face that was a bit familiar with kind eyes framed by short brown hair. “Hi?” She tilted her head, trying to place where she might have known him from. “Do I…?”
He awkwardly touched his chest. “Prince Eric.” He gave as elaborate a bow as possible in the crowd of people. “Hi. Benjamin Applebaum, at your service. But you can call me Benji.” He held out his hand and Emily blushed faintly. This time when she took his hand, he only shook it firmly. “It’s great to finally introduce myself properly.”
Emily smiled shyly. “Hi, Benji.” A particularly loud explosion overhead brought her eyes up from his kind smile. “Wow that was amazing!” She watched colors streak the sky before looking back down. “I actually saw you today.”
“You did?” He stepped a bit closer so they didn’t have to shout as loudly.
“Yeah, you were dancing with some kids.” Emily smiled again. “You were really good with them.” He was so charming and the kids had obviously loved him.
“That’s how I got the job. I don’t quite look like Eric, but I can sing and I love kids, so they gave me a trial. That was three years ago.” Benji smiled.
“Well, I’m glad they did.” Anything else Emily might have said was cut off when Chloe noticed the new arrival.
“Benji!” She rushed over and threw her arms around him. “I’m so glad you could make it!” She stepped back. “This is Beca!”
“I’ve heard a lot about you.” Benji said with an easy grin. “Nice to finally have a name to put with the face.”
Beca held out her hand. “Nice to meet you.”
“Stacie.” A long arm snaked over Emily’s shoulder as Stacie shook his hand next. “Hope you don’t mind that DJ stole your Princess.”
“Clearly she was the better suitor.” Benji shook his head. “I had no chance.”
“Finale time.” Aubrey said, her arm looped around Stacie’s waist.
The six of them watched as the final fireworks of the night lit up the sky, joining the crowd around them as they ooh’d and aah’d.  Once the final flare had faded, they grouped loosely together.
“Park’s open a few more hours.” Beca said. “Anyone feel like rushing the line at Indiana Jones?”
“I’m game, but I want to drive.” Aubrey said, already tugging Stacie along beside her. “Pirates next.”
“I love Pirates!” Stacie cheered.
“That’s because you like to make out in the back of the boat.” Beca shot back as she followed Aubrey.
“Ooh, tell me more.” Aubrey looked over at Stacie.
“I’ll do one better, how about I show you?” Stacie purred and Aubrey’s grin widened.
“Then Haunted Mansion?” Emily asked as they began winding through the dispersing crowds.
“We’ll do the circuit.” Chloe said. “I love Big Thunder Mountain Railroad at night.”
“Romantic dinner with fancy wine, fireworks and roller coasters? You sure do know how to woo a girl on a first date.” Beca said teasingly. “The park looks so pretty from up there, especially at night.”
Emily smiled to herself as she took Benji’s hand, both of them stealing shy glances at each other.
Disneyland really was the happiest place on Earth.
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chloes-yellow-cup · 6 years
One Million Kisses
Mitchsen inspired by this Anon sent to @chloebeale​ and requested by @shaneythealphawolf​ - boy, that’s a mouthful.
Fluff. Pure. Fluff. 
Words: 4444ish
AO3     FFN
My other works.
It was a Friday night and the Bellas were drunk.
Aubrey had surprised them by showing up that afternoon, taking a rare weekend away from the Lodge, and the girls were celebrating having their ex-captain under the roof again.
Stacie paused on the way to the door, having to leave early for a date. “I wish I’d have known you were coming, Bree. I’d have moved dinner, but it’s too late now.”  She sighed, frowning.
“Sorry, Stace.” Aubrey got up from where she’d been sitting between Chloe and Cynthia Rose and hugged her. “It was a spur of the moment decision when I realized we were only half booked this weekend. The guys can handle it without me. They hope.” She grinned slyly.
“S’ok. I’ll see you tomorrow. We’ll all do lunch?” Stacie took a step back toward the entryway.
“Of course! I’m here for the weekend.” Aubrey smiled at her. “Have a good time tonight, you look very nice.”
“Eh.” Stacie shrugged. “I helped Ron study and he insisted on taking me to dinner when he passed his test.” She turned to open the door and looked back over her shoulder. “He’s nagged me for the past month until I finally gave in.” With a final look at Aubrey and a wave at the rest of them, she stepped out and closed the door behind her.
“I’m ordering pizza; you change your favorite in the last few years, Aubrey?” Beca looked up from her phone where she was sitting cross legged where the two halves of the sectional met.
“Ooh, did they get anything new?” Aubrey walked back to the couch and waved to Cynthia Rose to scoot over before she dropped next to Beca, leaning over to look at her phone.
“I mean, maybe?” Beca looked at her out of the corner of her eye but tilted her phone so it was easier for Aubrey to see.
Aubrey gasped, “They added a dessert menu!?”
Beca smiled and obediently clicked the link as Aubrey pressed closer.
They’d started drinking as soon as the pizza got there and it was after midnight when most of them called it quits and headed upstairs one at a time. Except Amy. She had “gone out for a smoothie” hours ago and Beca didn’t expect her back until breakfast.
Soon only Chloe, Beca and Aubrey were left sprawled across the sectional, talking about anything and everything that came to mind.
“Wait.” Beca giggled, reaching over to grab Aubrey’s knee, squeezing when she overbalanced and almost fell off the couch. “Wait. You’re telling me you have actual traps around the property?” Aubrey nodded at her solemnly. “They’re literally nets.” Another nod. “Covered in leaves?” A third nod. “For bears that can sometimes wander in?”
Aubrey shrugged. “It’s happened before.”
“And they hoist unsuspecting people into the air?” Beca laughed again. “Did they have those before or after you showed up?”
“I refuse to answer that on the grounds that it would intimidate me.” Aubrey sniffed.
Chloe laughed. “You mean incriminate you?”
Aubrey blinked slowly. “Yes. Thank you, Chloe.” She held her poise for a few seconds before she burst out laughing, joining an already giggling Beca. “Amy’s Aussie Surprises have gotten way stronger since I’ve been gone.” She looked down in her cup. “Oh. I’m out.”
“I got it.” Beca stood up, wobbled for a few seconds as both Aubrey and Chloe’s hands reached out to steady her. “IgotitIgotitIgotit!” She stopped swaying and reached for Aubrey’s cup. “See?” She walked into the kitchen in that precise manner only the truly drunk who are trying to hide it can perfect.
Aubrey watched her until she was out of sight, a small smile on her lips before she turned back to Chloe. “Think she’ll drop it?”
Chloe shrugged. “Wouldn’t be the first time.”
An hour later Chloe called it a night. She locked up the house and then came back to hug them both. Beca and Aubrey were sitting with Beca’s laptop across their legs as Beca played some of her new mixes. “Don’t stay up too much longer. We’ll plan a brunch in the morning!” She bounced in place “I’m so glad you’re here, Bree!” She kissed the top of Aubrey’s head.
“Me too. I really missed you guys. There is no one fun at the Lodge.” Aubrey pouted.
Beca looked up, confused. “But, you’re at the Lodge.”
“You’ve never called me fun, Beca.” Aubrey shoulder bumped her.
“Well I’m a dick and no one should listen to me.” Beca nodded once, as if that settled the matter, and took another sip from her cup. “You’re fun, Bree.”
“Didn’t you just say I shouldn’t listen to you?” Aubrey leaned back against the couch.
“Yeah but…” Beca’s eyebrows knitted together. There was a trap here, she just knew it.
“So I can’t listen to you tell me I’m fun.” Aubrey watched her over the rim of her cup, her eyes twinkling. She’d missed this kind of banter much more than she realized.
“But I…” Beca’s free hand came up and pulled at the air. “I mean…”
“I’m just doing what you asked.” Aubrey shrugged.
“Aha!” Beca pointed at her. “But I said you shouldn’t listen to me, so that probably includes me telling you not to listen to me!” Beca waved her cup in the air, almost spilling it all over them.
Chloe left them then, smiling as her best friends dissolved in laughter, leaning on each other for support.
“Dude, no. You’re gonna break your neck.” Beca giggled. “Then all the girls would be mad at me that I let you break your neck.” She pushed Aubrey’s arm. “You don’t want that to happen, do you?”
“But Becaaaaaaaa. I never get to relax at the Lodge.” Aubrey whined. “It’s all stuffy corporate guys who hit on me all the time.” She made a ‘yuck’ face that caused Beca to giggle again. “Most of them have horrible breath.” She shuddered. “It reminds me of Alice and her egg breath.”
Beca straightened. “No, we only call her That Whore Alice™ in this house, now.” She grabbed Aubrey by the shoulders and pulled her close, saying sincerely, “She was horrible and should be stopped.”
“You don’t have to tell me twice.” Aubrey trailed off, trying to remember what she was talking about earlier. She stared into Beca’s eyes as her brain spun aimlessly. ‘They really are a unique deep blue, I’ve never seen anyone else who had eyes that color.’
“Bree?” Beca tiled her head. “You ok?”
“Oh, yeah. Yeah I’m… what were we doing again?” Aubrey looked around. They’d moved from the living room into the first floor study and were currently standing in an open corner.
“You… uh.” Beca looked down at the carpet and frowned. “We were… Dude. I forgot.”
Aubrey’s tongue stuck out from the corner of her mouth while she thought. “Oh!” It rushed back to her and she stood up straight. “Handstand!”
“Right!” Beca smiled brightly then let it slip. “Why again?”
“Because it’s fun. Stacie always told me that’s why she did them. Cause they were fun!” Aubrey sighed. “I miss fun.”
“Stacie does them cause she can also do a mid-air split and it causes people on the quad to walk into trees. Or each other. The security guards. A rose bush. The coffee cart once.” Beca ticked them off on her fingers. “So her motivations are suspectible.” She blinked. “Wait. What did I just say?”
Aubrey giggled. “Try it again.” She watched as Beca’s brows knit in concentration and her fingers itched to smooth it out.
“Suspectiable.” Beca stuck her tongue out. “Supectial… Fuck! Why are words hard?” She closed her eyes. “SUSPECT!” Aubrey bit her lips to keep from laughing. “But, no. Bree. Dude.” She grabbed Aubrey’s hand and squeezed. “If you hurt yourself, the rest of them will hurt me.” Her face fell. “And I’m small. You don’t want that on your conscience, do you?”
“I won’t let them.” Aubrey said with conviction. “It’ll be fine. Stacie’s showed me how before, it’s just been long time.”  
The two of them had moved into the study because it was carpeted and Aubrey had decided maybe a corner would be better as it gave her another surface to balance against. If she needed, which she totally didn’t.
“Here, hold my drink.” Aubrey thrust her solo cup into Beca’s hand.
“Dude. Two things. One, no good has ever come from someone saying that sentence.” Aubrey waved her hand dismissively. “And two, this is totally empty.” Beca turned and set it on the desk. “OK, if you’re going to do this, let’s get it over with.” She stepped forward and held her hands up and at the ready.
“What’re you doing?” Aubrey eyed her narrowly.
“Catching you?” Beca’s hands opened and closed.
“Oh.” Aubrey giggled again. She decided not to mention the fact that Beca’s hands were on level with Aubrey’s chest and for a minute she’d thought Beca was about to grope her. “That’s, uh. Nice of you.”  She frowned for a minute. “Now, how did she say to start out again…” Aubrey exhaled, “Shit.”
“Dude.” Beca whispered. “You said a bad word.”
“I curse, Beca. I’m not a complete prude. It’s just more impactful when it’s used properly.” Aubrey absently placed her hand over Beca’s mouth. “Shh, I’m trying to remember how to do this.” She ignored Beca’s eyes which had crossed trying to glare down at the offending appendage. “Right… I just…” She gestured with her other hand absently. “And then I just…” She raked her teeth over her upper lip. “Right,” she said again partially to convince herself. “OK. I got this.”
After tucking her shirt into her jeans, Aubrey leaned over and got into a sprinters stance, facing the wall. “Careful, this may take a couple tries.”
Beca stood to the side, but her hands were ready. “I gotchu, Bree.” She muttered a soft, “Please don’t break your neck.” She watched as Aubrey flailed out with one leg. “Um.” Aubrey flailed again. “What…” Both of Aubrey’s legs suddenly kicked out and Beca ducked wildly back even though she was not in any danger of getting kicked. “Dude!”
“I need to do the kick to get my legs up.” Aubrey turned her head to look at Beca almost upside down. “I know I can do this! I’ve done it before!”
“But like, were you drunk at the time?” Beca asked reasonably, though she really wanted to laugh again. “Cause I’m pretty sure you’re drunk right now.” She watched as Aubrey gave a few more uncoordinated attempts. “Wait, wait. Hold on. Don’t like, kick me in the face. I like my teeth.” Beca eased forward. “How about I help, for this first one?” After a moment, she reached down and looped her arms around Aubrey’s knees, also facing the wall. She tried not to think about how close she was to Aubrey’s ass, though since it was right there, it was extremely distracting.
“How is this going to help?” Aubrey’s face was turning red, either from being upside down, the exertion, or anger. Knowing Aubrey, it was likely all three.
“You’re gonna do your kick flail thing, and I’m going to hoist up your legs and throw you at the wall.” Beca paused. “Well, now that I’ve said that out loud, that sounds dangerous.” She giggled. “Or awesome.”
Aubrey said eagerly, “Let’s try it.”
“Do the count thing. I think it’ll help.” Beca grinned. “Is it on three, or after three?”
“Oh my god, shut up and let’s do this before my head pops off.” Aubrey took a deep breath. “One, two, three…”
Aubrey’s legs kicked up and Beca took their weight in her arms and pulled upward. Shifting her grip to grab Aubrey’s knees and push, she miscalculated and Aubrey’s feet thumped back to the floor. “Aw shit! I’m sorry! Maybe this was a lame idea.”
“No, no! That will actually work!” Aubrey jumped upright and hugged Beca. “Let’s do that again!” She dropped back down almost before Beca had registered the embrace.
It took several tries and a kick to Beca’s shoulder, but they finally got Bree up into a curved handstand against the wall. Beca clapped. “That’s what I call teamwork, baby!”
Aubrey huffed out a breath and drew in another one. “We’re aca-mazing!” She looked up at her awkwardly and smiled. “Thanks for the help, Beca.”
“You’d have gotten there, but this way you get to the good stuff quicker.” Beca settled down cross legged in front of her. “How does it look?”
“You guys totally need to repaint this ceiling.” Aubrey told her seriously.
“Only you would spend all this time getting into a handstand and then critique the décor.” Beca poked her in the stomach.
“Don’t shoot the messenger.” Aubrey wobbled and steadied again.
“Or what?” Beca poked her again and Aubrey jumped. “Wait, are you ticklish?!”
“No!” Aubrey knew she’d said it too fast the second it was out of her mouth. “Beca… don’t…”
Beca rose to her knees. “Oh no, I have you at my mercy right now. I’d be silly to not take advantage of it.” Her fingers trailed experimentally up Aubrey’s side, grinning manically as Aubrey yelped.
Aubrey’s voice shook with laughter and strain. “Beca, I’m warning you…”
“Worth it.” Beca flexed her fingers. “It’ll so be worth it.” She cackled as she launched a full scale tickle attack on the upside down woman.
“No! ARGH!” Aubrey twisted her body though there was nowhere to go. “Wait, Beca, no, I’m…” But her warning came too late and she arched away from the wall, knocking Beca to the ground underneath her.
“Oof!” The air was expelled from two sets of lungs.
The room was quiet for a minute, then twin giggles filled the air.
“I told you to watch it!” Aubrey squirmed around until her face was above Beca’s.
“I couldn’t help it.” Beca laughed and looped her arms around Aubrey and hugged her. “There was this irresistible force telling me to do it. I was powerless.” She shrugged.
“Mmhmm.” Aubrey was still out of breath, giggling. “Whatever. Once I recover from almost dying, I’m going to get you back for that.”
Beca’s eyes went mock-wide. “Ooh.” She giggled again. “I’m soooo scared.”
Aubrey smiled at her, teeth bared. It was a smile that had made many of her employees squirm in their chairs as she prepared to reprimand them. “You should be.”
Beca burst out laughing again, shaking Aubrey who was still resting full body against her. Aubrey chewed the inside of her cheek, trying not to join in though Beca’s glee was infectious. But her lips twitched in a grin as Beca stopped abruptly. “Oh.” She snickered. “You’re serious.” A giggle jostled them both. “I’m sorry I knocked you down, Bree.” There was absolutely no sincerity in her voice.
Aubrey rolled her eyes and slid off to her left, more along Beca’s side and hopefully not crushing her ribs. She rested her head on Beca’s shoulder, still trying to catch her breath, and unconsciously snuggled in, tangling their legs together. “I’m glad you stayed up with me, Becs.”  Her right hand smoothed its way down Beca’s stomach and across her side, squeezing gently.
What she’d meant to say was ‘I’ve really missed all of you.’ What she ended up saying was “I’ve really missed you.”
“Me too. With the staying up, and the… missing. Stuff.” Beca gently rubbed circles on Aubrey’s back. “Bree?”
“Hmm?” Her nose ran along the underside of Beca’s jaw, breathing in her perfume. It smelled like home.
“Don’t you like Stacie?” She didn’t mean to say that, but she’d gotten lost in thinking about how good it felt to have Aubrey resting on her, all soft curves and warmth.
Aubrey lifted her shoulders, saying quietly. “She likes me.” It made her a bit sad, though she had never led Stacie on. She’d always been friendly with the taller brunette, cared for her a lot, but as nothing more than a friend.  “But I like someone else.” Her heart began thumping and she hoped Beca couldn’t feel it.
Beca, out of nowhere, felt her inner badass step smoothly into place. “I’ll give you a kiss if you tell me who you like.” But then her badass stepped away into the night like a fucking ninja and she was left on her own once again. ‘That bitch.’ She started giggling again at her own thoughts, the alcohol still in her system still making everything much funnier than it should.
Aubrey pushed up to look at her. “One kiss?” Beca nodded. “That’s super cheap for a secret like that, Beca.” She sniffed and shook her head. “What kind of girl do you think I am?”
“Fiiiiinnnne.” Beca rolled her eyes. “I’ll give you twoooo kisses.”
“Big spender.” Aubrey widened her eyes playfully. “Don’t empty your bank account just for lil’ ole me.” It was Aubrey’s turn to giggle. She’d missed this; the laughter and silliness, just having a good time with her friends. Coming home had been exactly what she’d needed to recharge.
“Ok ok. Five. FIVE kisses, Aubrey.” Beca’s eyes were so close, so earnest. “That’s got to be worth something.” Her right hand began to lightly comb through Aubrey’s hair, twisting locks slowly around her fingers.
“Oh, it is. But it’s still not enough for that secret.” Aubrey shrugged, wiggling to get more comfortable. Her hand traced its way up Beca’s arm until it played with the neckline of her shirt. “You’ll have to do much better than that, Becs.”
This continued for several more minutes, Beca gradually jumping her increases up by tens, then twenties, but Aubrey didn’t budge. Both of them were giggling helplessly against each other, out of breath and trying to be quiet all at the same time.
Finally, Beca yelled. “Ok! FINE!” She took a deep breath. “I will give you one meeeeeeeeeeeeellion kisses to find out who you like.”
Aubrey gasped. “You saw ‘Austin Powers’?!” She giggled, trying to imagine how that must have gone.
“Jesse made me for that movication thingie we do once a month.” She shrugged. “It wasn’t the worst thing he’s made me watch.” She bounced them a little. “So?”
Aubrey looked back down at her, lost for a second in midnight blue. “What?”
“My offer?” Beca’s eyes traced Aubrey’s face. “Of one meee- no, I can’t do it again.” She shook her head. “One million kisses for you to tell me who you like.”
“OH! Right.” Aubrey considered, weighing her options. “That’s a lot, you know.” She narrowed her eyes. “Are you sure you’re good for it?”
“Pssh, of course I am.” Beca giggled. “I’m rich in kisses, Bree. Don’t you worry about that.”
“Well, I think maybe… You drive a hard bargain, Mitchell, but you have yourself a deal.” Aubrey smiled at her, giggling at the look of triumph spreading over Beca’s face.
Beca cheered and kissed Aubrey on the nose. “One!”
“Oooh, someone’s eager to pay off their debt.” Aubrey ignored the flutter in her chest and the pull in her stomach as Beca’s eyes began to sparkle.
“What can I say, I believe in paying my dues.” Beca stretched and kissed Aubrey’s right eyebrow. “Two.” Her left. “Three.”  Each kiss tickled, causing Aubrey to giggle, which caused Beca to giggle, but she continued with no particular plan on where to settle next.
Both eyelids – “Four, five.”
Each check – “Six, seven.”
Aubrey’s chin – “Eight.”
Then Beca ducked her head and placed a soft kiss on Aubrey’s pulse point, which had begun to flutter wildly. Both women paused, their breath catching briefly before they giggled once more, this time more out of shy quasi-embarrassment than anything else. “Nine.” But this time it was Aubrey who said it, her voice soft with a hint of wonder.
Beca continued, and while they still giggled, they were tapering off, a longer pause between them as her lips began to linger. Beca’s nose nudged Aubrey to turn first one way and then the other, placing soft kisses on either side of her neck. “Eleven, twelve.”
She reached up with her left hand and tilted Aubrey’s head a little more, placing a new kiss behind her ear. She whispered softly, feeling Aubrey’s heart racing against her own until they found themselves in sync. “Thirteen.”  She trailed her lips down the column of Aubrey’s throat, breath warm, and felt Aubrey shiver. Fourteen was open mouthed and at the edge of Aubrey’s shirt, against her collarbone.
They were silent now, only the sound of their breathing disturbing the quiet of the house.
She tilted Aubrey’s head the other way again, their noses brushing together. Fifteen – the other collarbone – and sixteen – behind the other ear, were placed quickly, before she brought Aubrey around to face her directly again.
Beca placed kisses at each corner of her mouth before brushing her lips against Aubrey’s. They were soft, gentle as Aubrey pressed a bit closer, a half whimper buried in her throat. Beca pulled back, tried a new angle, sliding across them again. She pulled away, eyes closing, before pressing close, lingering and chaste despite the lightning running up her spine.
After several, long and powerful heartbeats, Aubrey parted her lips, feeling Beca sigh softly before slipping her tongue past them. The first tentative touch against her own made Aubrey’s toes curl and she fisted her hands in Beca’s shirt, trying to pull them closer together.
They spent several minutes trading increasingly deeper kisses, soft whimpers and moans as their bodies shifted, each sensation new and almost overwhelming. But also familiar and comforting, keeping them both grounded together as Beca’s hands pushed their way under Aubrey’s shirt and pressed against her back.
Finally, driven by the need for more air than the miniscule sips they’d take before slanting their lips together again, they parted, foreheads resting as they panted.
Suddenly Beca giggled, breaking the comfortable silence between them and Aubrey quirked a brow in question.
“Uhhhhhh.” Beca giggled again. “I think I lost count?”
Aubrey felt her lips part in a grin. “Guess we’ll just have to start over until you can count one meeeeeeellion kisses.”
“And then you’ll tell me who you like?” Beca stroked a finger across the ridges of Aubrey’s spine.
Aubrey nodded solemnly. “A deal is a deal.”
They gazed into each other’s eyes, losing track of time before Aubrey blurted, “Oh!” and started to giggle again. “Uh, just so you’re aware. If you figure out before you’ve made full payment, you should know there’s no refunds.”
“What!? That’s like. Highway robbery!” Beca’s voice was outraged even though they were both giggling again.
“Nope.” Aubrey took on a superior air. “Not my fault you didn’t ask the terms before you agreed to our negotiations.”
Beca rolled her eyes. “You and your lawyerese!” More giggles slipped free from them both.
Aubrey shrugged. “Sorry. It’s also not my fault you didn’t read the fine print.”
“There was fine print!? My mother would be so ashamed. She prides herself on making sure she knows all the ins and outs of a deal.”
Both of them paused at Beca’s choice of words before they both decided to ignore the slight innuendo.
Aubrey cleared her throat. “I believe we were back at 1?”
But before she even finished speaking, Beca’s lips had captured hers, hungry and wanting. Urging gently with her own, she pulled Aubrey’s tongue into her mouth, encouraging her to take control of the kiss. They lost themselves in it, hands pulling and tugging, thighs pressing and parting as they let this new layer of their relationship settle over them.
Aubrey broke away, her heart hammering – or maybe it was Beca’s – needing the brief pause before they took things even further, knowing they shouldn’t without a serious talk. But that was for another day. She cleared her throat. “The, uh… the fine print also says that was all one kiss because your lips touched me the entire time.”
Beca gave one last giggle. “Well, if that’s what the fine print says...”
“Then this could take a really long time.” Her voice warned teasingly even as her eyes held promise.
Aubrey’s voice was soft. “Sounds perfect to me.”
The next morning Chloe came downstairs and, out of habit, looked into the room to the right. She paused as she saw a pile of blankets that she was sure hadn’t been there the day before. She walked in and stopped, her heart melting a little at the sight.
Aubrey was cuddled on top of Beca, her face pressed into the brunette’s neck, and it looked like Beca’s arms were wrapped around her, based on the outline under the blanket. Both of them had contented smiles on their faces. She smiled once more before leaving the room.
She walked into the kitchen, pausing again as she saw Stacie sitting at the center island drinking coffee. “You’re up first?” She tried to keep it light, knowing how Stacie felt about Aubrey. She got a glass from the cupboard, filled it from the tap and took a drink.
“I got home somewhat early for me last night.” Stacie’s voice sounded normal and Chloe relaxed a bit. “The light in the study was on and I found those two passed out and snoring.” Chloe chuckled. “So I covered them with a blanket and went to bed.”
But now there was something in her tone that made Chloe set down her glass and wrap her arms around Stacie from behind. “You ok?” She rested her cheek against the top of her head.
Stacie thought for a moment, rolling the question in her mind. It was one she’d been thinking on and off since she’d gotten home and why she hadn’t really slept at all. “Well. If she chooses anyone but me, I’m ok with it being Beca.” It was an answer she knew that she’d eventually believe, even if she wasn’t really sure about it this second.
Chloe kissed her on the temple, “Come back upstairs and snuggle with me? It’s still early; I just forgot to fill up my water bottle before bed or I’d still be snoozing.”
“Sure, Chlo.” Stacie turned in the circle of Chloe’s arms. “And thanks.” She wrapped her long arms around Chloe and hugged her back.
“Always.” She waited while Stacie ran water into her mug and placed it in the sink for later.
The two of them headed back upstairs where Chloe played big spoon, to sleep for another hour or so before the rest of the Bellas woke them back up for brunch.
As Stacie cuddled back into her, holding onto the arm Chloe had put around her waist, Chloe knew that, with time, Stacie’s heart would heal. Maybe, eventually, Stacie would even let her help.
Chloe was willing to wait however long that took.
A/N:  My Bechloe heart isn’t sure about my first stand-alone Mitchsen, and my Stechlobree soul is not much better, but we all hope you liked it.
Updated 6/12/20 to include the last 2 lines - my Chacie nod was way too subtle and while I updated it on AO3 ages ago, apparently I didn’t do that here.
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