#mitchsen fluff
gaytrashgoblin · 10 months
Hello from your secret santa! What do you want for pitchmas?
Whatever format it be in, I'm partial to Mitchsen (AubreyxBeca). Established relationship, and hurt comfort and angst with hally ending are usually my genre of choice, but a good old fluff is always good too.
Thank you in advance, SS!
0 notes
cycwrites · 6 years
A Taste of Home
A post-Nowish, Mitchsen-centric, drabble prompt from the Master Beta, @tiny-maus-boots. Sorry this took so long, Nerd.
Takes place in some nebulous future after Beca signs with DJ Khaled, puts out an album and goes on tour.
Rating: Teen
Words: 4236
Also on AO3 and FFN
All my other stories in this series: Tumblr  AO3
“Vienna sucks.”
“Beca.” Chloe half chided, half soothed. “You’re just tired, love.”
Beca slumped in the chair at the desk in her hotel suite. “I am not. It’s still fucking freezing here.” She resolutely ignored the fact that she’d just been rubbing her eyes like a toddler. She could clearly see the concern in Chloe’s face over their sometimes fuzzy Skype video chat and she wanted to stop whining but it was just too much effort.
At first being on tour had been fun and amazing, except all her girls had jobs and couldn’t take a nine month sabbatical to travel the globe with her. Still, the excitement of the crowds and the energy had been enough to keep her going, along with the frequent video chats whenever they had time, individually or together. She was home for a week or two every couple of months for R&R, but after the first six months the novelty was wearing a little thin once the concert was over for the night.
Then Theo had starting pushing on her to maybe extend the tour since she was doing so well, add a few more months to the end which would extend it to almost a full year of travel. At first he was subtle about it, but then it became almost daily; if it wasn’t directly after her concerts than it was the following morning when they were getting ready to fly to the next stop.
“How can I help?” Chloe asked gently.
“You can’t.” It came out petulant and she knew it. “You’re more miles away than I care to think about.” Just the memory of Chloe’s arms around her, something she hadn’t felt in a month, was almost enough to bring her to tears. “Theo is being an annoying turtle, no one can make a decision without my input and I just want them to leave me alone so I can rest.” The whine was in full force but she couldn’t stop it; she knew her voice was cracking and the absolute last thing she wanted to do was have a tantrum about being on fucking tour when she knew it was the at least the fourth best thing to happen to her. (The first was Chloe, the second was Staubrey and third was the rest of the Bellas if anyone had cared to ask her.)
“Oh, Becs,” Chloe whispered and reached out to touch her laptop.
Beca flinched and realized that she’d been incorrect before; the absolute last thing she wanted was for Chloe to be sad and not have any way to comfort her. Of course, the fact that she was directly responsible for making Chloe sad made her feel even worse.
‘Jesus Christ, get your shit together,’ she told herself harshly. ‘Boohoo, you’ve got a top ten selling album and people are paying to see you sing every two to three days. Cry me a fucking river.’
She shook her head and forced herself to sit upright. “I’m sorry, Chloe. I’m fine, really.” Chloe’s expression didn’t change and she knew she hadn’t fooled Chloe in the slightest.
“Tell that to the dark circles under your eyes.” Chloe put her elbow on the desk and propped her chin on her hand.
Beca sighed and felt pathetic as she muttered, “Bed’s too bigsmall.” It was the curse of being used to a nine foot bed filled with three other bodies; it was also definitely one of the worst things about being on the road. She’d tried sleeping aids but all they did was make her groggy for a good fifteen hours, no matter how much sleep she’d gotten the night before. She was making do with melatonin but she still tossed and turned. It was getting just that little bit harder to work up the level of energy she needed to maintain for her concert and it wasn’t like she had a full ninety minutes of twirling around a stage like some artists.
‘Seriously, how the hell does P!nk do this shit for over a year?’ Beca wondered for the nth time since she’d left home.
“I know the feeling.” Chloe said softly. “We miss you.”
“I mis-” Beca stopped when there was a soft knock at her door. “God fucking damnit!” She slammed her hand on the desk. “I told them I didn’t want to be disturbed!”
“Beca,” Chloe sat up and leaned forward. “Don’t-”
“No.” Beca said as she glared at the door across the room. “I specifically told Theo I didn’t want to see him tonight. That I needed to get some sleep. He fucking chucked me under the chin and told me ‘You do look a bit knackered. Get some rest.’”
“I know but…” Chloe started with a sigh; Beca had bitched at his audacity at least twice in the hour they’d been talking.
“And… Okay,” Beca kept going, already launched past her tired frustration into actual anger. “Maybe I shouldn’t have yelled ‘what the fuck do you want’ when room service came by –”
“No, you shouldn’t have.” Chloe murmured. She’d been witness to it and forced Beca to call down to the desk to both apologize and ask that she be undisturbed for the rest of the night.
“So…” The knock came again. “Sonofabitch.” She stood up so hard the chair almost tipped over.
“Beca!” Chloe said but Beca was already stalking to the door.
“I said,” Beca snarled as she ripped open the door, “I do not want to be dis-…” She blinked three times, sure she was hallucinating. Maybe even having a stroke or something. Maybe she had brain damage. Because Aubrey could not be standing in front of her. In her hotel. In Vienna. Aubrey was at home. Being an amazing lawyer. With Chloe and Stacie.
Except Aubrey was there. Standing in front of her. Wearing faded and ripped blue jeans, a rumpled t-shirt that looked suspiciously like one stolen from Beca’s closet, a leather jacket, her hair in a ponytail and a gym bag slung over her shoulder. And, Beca’s eyes dropped from where she’d been staring into the tired face smiling gently at her, Beca’s Stitch onesie in her hand.
When Beca stood frozen in the doorway, Aubrey gently nudged her backward until she could step into the room and close the door behind her. The second Aubrey dropped the gym bag Beca’s paralysis broke and she threw herself at the blonde, wrapping her arms around Aubrey’s waist. With a soft oof when Beca collided into her, Aubrey cradled her close and tucked Beca’s head under her chin as she stroked her back. Immediately Beca felt warmer than she had since they had landed in Austria a week ago. Aubrey’s warm body relaxed her but it was nothing compared to the warmth of ‘home’ that Aubrey’s scent brought her.
“Baby.” Aubrey whispered.
Beca lifted her head and found Aubrey’s lips already waiting. The soft kiss soothed the last of Beca’s frayed nerves and she felt almost lightheaded as the tension left her. She parted her lips and Aubrey slipped inside, deepening the connection; reassuring more than building the fire that was always banked between them.
When they broke apart, Beca sighed and rested her ear against Aubrey’s heart, listening to the strong comforting beat. “I’ve missed you.”
“Me too, love.” Aubrey squeezed her again. “Chloe sent me.” Aubrey pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “Stacie sent this.” She jiggled the hand holding the onesie.
“Oh shit!” Beca jerked upright. “Chloe’s on Skype!” She stepped back, taking Aubrey’s free hand and tugged her over to the desk where she found Chloe waiting patiently with a happy smile and a single tear running down her face. Sometime in the last few minutes Stacie had appeared behind her, her chin propped on Chloe’s shoulder. “You guys… I…” She went to sit but Aubrey beat her to it then pulled Beca into her lap. “I can’t believe you guys didn’t tell me.”
“Can’t ruin the surprise, B.” Stacie blew a kiss at her. “Plus Chloe tells me that you might need a lawyer anyway because you’re going to kill some innocent hotel staff person for doing their job.”
Beca winced. “Not one of my finer moments.”
“No.” Chloe agreed but smiled to take the sting from it. “But this is still new and strange and while you’ve come a long way from the ‘I don’t even sing’ girl we met years ago, sometimes…”
“Change and I don’t get along.” Beca sighed as Aubrey rubbed her back. “I still can’t believe you stealth sent Aubrey like a cuddle ninja.”
“And now that she’s there,” Chloe looked past Beca. “You’re gonna put our girl to bed so she can stop being a cranky pants about sleeping alone.”
“To be fair,” Aubrey laughed. “I remember you being disgruntled the last time none of us could stay overnight at one of your competitions.”
“I have no memory of this. You must be super jet-lagged.” Chloe said innocently. She stuck out her tongue when Stacie poked her in the side.
“We’ll talk again tomorrow,” Stacie said. “We’re going to hang up on you now. I’ve gotta get back to work, but I came home to see the big reveal when Aubrey texted us she landed.”
Beca checked the clock. It was almost 9pm in Vienna so it was only 1pm back home. “I love you guys.” She reached out and pressed her fingertips to her screen. “Thank you.”
“Have a good rest of your day, loves.” Aubrey said, her hand resting over Beca’s on the monitor.
“We love you both.” Chloe smiled gently.
“Maybe now that you’re in good hands, you can sleep.” Stacie paused and Beca knew what was coming. “Or not sleep becauseyou’re in good hands.”
“How long did you take to think that up?” Aubrey asked affectionately.
“Just now.” Stacie shrugged. “I’m good with my mouth.”
“You mean with words.” Chloe half turned to look at her.
“That too.” Stacie shrugged and looked back at the monitor. “It’s killing me to do it, but I really am going to disconnect now.” She smiled gently. “You really do need to get some sleep, Beca. Let Aubrey take care of you. I love both of you.”
“I will.” Beca promised, feeling sleep eagerly tugging at her for the first time in what felt like months. ‘Probably since the last time I was home,’ Beca mused.
“Love you too.” Aubrey said just before Stacie hung up.
They sat there a moment more, Beca having turned sideways to cuddle, before Aubrey’s yawn startled them with its suddenness and volume.
“Oh Bree,” Beca reluctantly stood up and offered a hand. “You must be exhausted. It’s like, what, thirteen hours if you’re lucky to get a direct flight?”
“I may have had dad help me with the arrangements.” Aubrey took her hand and rose to her feet and picked up the onesie she’d draped over the chair. “Plus I got a few hours’ sleep on the plane, but… yeah. Sleeping sounds really good about now.” She held out the outfit. “Stacie says you have to sleep in it since you’ve been cold. She doesn’t want to lose any of your important bits to frostbite. She says, and I quote, ‘I’m too fond of her goodies to risk it.’” She pursed her lips. “Personally I think it’s because of that day you told her it made you feel like she was hugging you.”
Touched at her girls’ thoughtfulness, Beca laughed and took it. “Alright. C’mon, bathroom is over here.”
Aubrey followed her, detouring to grab her bag from beside the door. “This is a pretty nice suite they’ve got you in.”
Beca shrugged one shoulder, still not used to having a multi room suite just for herself. “It’s too much for me. I generally just stick to the bedroom or curl up on the couch when they get me these.” The room was nothing compared to the opulent setup that Khaled had had back on the USO tour, but they generally had a separate bedroom and master bath, a sitting room and sometimes a secondary room that was usually set up like an office. “I feel stupid complaining about it… ungrateful maybe.” She rolled her eyes at herself and voiced her earlier thoughts. “‘Oh boohoo and woe is me. I’m quasi famous and people pay to watch me sing.’”
“But you don’t even sing.” Aubrey flashed a smile at her that Beca couldn’t help but return. “But I can see how it could be lonely,” Aubrey offered as they walked into the bedroom where she set her bag down and began unpacking it. “I’m sorry we couldn’t be with you sooner.”
“Sometimes the band comes up.” Beca shrugged as she watched Aubrey pull out clothes that were still somehow neatly folded even though they had come out of a duffle bag. “Theo and a few of the other brass types make an appearance.” She smiled fondly as Aubrey put her clothes in with Beca’s in various drawers. “We haven’t lit the place on fire yet though, so I don’t know if that counts as a rager by your standards.”
“Pfft.” Aubrey said as she folded the bag and set it on top of the dresser before grabbing her toiletry case.
“You want to shower before bed?” Beca asked as they walked into the bathroom where Aubrey whistled at the size of the walk in shower and the whirlpool bath.
“As heavenly as that tub looks,” Aubrey said wistfully, “I think just want to wash my face, brush my teeth and curl up in that small bed with you.” She opened up her case and began to unpack it just as efficiently as she had the duffle, lining her things next to Beca’s.
Beca chuckled. “Aubrey, that’s a queen sized bed.”
“Right. Small.” Aubrey looked at Beca through the mirror and smiled. “Someone’s gotten me used to something bigger.”
Beca shrugged. “Guilty.” She moved over to the counter, setting her designated pj’s on it. “I must be tired because I know I should be turning that into a super dirty innuendo but I don’t have the energy.”
“I’ll say it tomorrow.” Aubrey offered as she began to wash her face. “Stacie would be disappointed in us both if we let it go.”
“You do love me!” Beca joked as she did the same.
“You’re my moon,” Aubrey said simply after she’d rinsed and Beca felt the threat of tears swelling at the back of her eyes.
“You’re our Earth.” Beca stroked Aubrey’s arm, still partially unable to believe she was actually there.
“Sap.” Aubrey sniffed slightly but Beca could clearly see her own emotions reflected back at her.
They finished cleaning up after the long day, brushing their teeth and hair, before changing into their pj’s: Beca in her Stitch onesie, though she left the hood off, and Aubrey in a pair of sleep pants that looked like ones Chloe had worn in college and… Beca laughed when she realized what Aubrey had pulled on. “Is that my Boob Man hoodie?”
“Maybe.” Aubrey turned off the bathroom light and Beca turned on the lamp beside the bed. For Beca’s 24th birthday, post Fourth of July drunken party videos, Stacie had gotten Beca a hoodie that said “I’m A Boob Man.” Aubrey had put her foot down on including a picture of Beca’s hands on her chest even though Stacie had promised to leave out their faces.
“I wondered where that went.” Beca turned off the main overhead light, watching as Aubrey pulled back the covers and crawled into bed with a grateful sigh. “Should’ve known.”
“Probably.” Aubrey settled into the middle of the bed and looked up expectantly. “Well?”
Beca slid into bed and half curled, half sprawled on Aubrey’s left side. “I still can’t believe you’re here.” She wiggled until she found the right spot and Aubrey’s arms closed around her.
“You needed me.” Aubrey shifted and pulled Beca closer.
“As if it were that simple,” Beca said, thinking of all the planning that had to have happened. Even with General Posen’s help it would’ve cost a pretty penny… though, Beca reminded herself, with the tour sales as well as the album still getting decent numbers, money wasn’t something they had to worry about when things like last minute flights came up.
“It was.” Aubrey’s hand gently stroked her back through the fabric. “You needed us. I was able to come.”
“How long did work let you go for?” Beca asked, not wanting to admit how much she wished Aubrey could stay with her the rest of the tour. She lifted her head when Aubrey hesitated and the smallest bit of tension went through the body under her.
“I…” Aubrey took a deep breath. “I quit.”
“What?” Beca pushed herself up. “You what?”
“Quit.” Aubrey reached up and brushed aside the hair that had fallen into Beca’s eyes. “You know I haven’t been happy there since we got back.”
“Yeah but…” Beca trailed off. “Aubrey, please tell me you did not quit because I’m being a big baby over the fact that I am alone on my tour?” Her brows drew together. ‘Jesus I sound like a spoiled brat.’
“I did not quit because you actually are alone on your first tour since none of us have been able to come with you.” Aubrey met her eyes. “Beca, I haven’t…. Oh I don’t know.” She sighed. “It’s… too routine.”
Beca snorted. “I never expected to hear you say something like that. You’re the Posen with the plan.” Aubrey’s brow arched and Beca said quickly, “Which is important because I never have one and sometimes I need to be kept in line.”
Aubrey’s mouth quirked. “Nice save.”
“Thank you.” Beca watched her, worried. “But to quit?”
“You know when I’ve had the most fun doing deals lately?” Aubrey waited and Beca shook her head. “Negotiating your contract with Khaled’s label. Finalizing the details of your tour.”
“You were kind of amazing at it.” Beca mused.
“It was something new, something other than just getting the most out of an artist for your old label.” Aubrey’s eyes had gone distant but now they focused back on Beca. “And I was wondering if you’d… maybe allow me to be your manager full time.”
“Yes.” Beca said without hesitation. She was currently on her fourth – or was it fifth – manager through the agency recommended by Khaled and she already knew the two of them didn’t mesh and it wasn’t going to last. “I would love you to be my manager, Bree. No one else can boss me around like you can.”
Aubrey laughed. “I don’t think that’s exactly the way it’s supposed to work…”
“Fine, you can boss Theo around for me and keep me from calling him Turtle Man when I get pissed at him.” Beca leaned down and kissed her. “But only if you’re sure.”
“There’s obviously going to be some things we’re going to have to figure out, like… do I need some sort of license or to form a company or…” Aubrey trailed off as she yawned so wide her jaw popped. “But we can talk about it tomorrow.”
“I think you just want to be your own boss.” Beca said as she rolled over to turn off the light before snuggling down again. “But I don’t envy you coming up with a company name.”
“BCS Talent.” The reply was so quick it was like she’d known Beca was going to say it.
“Of course you already have a name. You don’t do anything until you’ve covered all the angles.” Beca laughed and lifted her head again to smile down at her.
“Since you’d be my only client, I pondered ‘Mitchsen Talent.’” Aubrey’s eyes twinkled at her. “But I didn’t want to keep answering questions about why I mashed our names together.”
“Because we mash ourselves together as often as possible.” Beca said, kissing her.
“Yes, but I don’t want to tell strangers that. But this way…” Aubrey stroked her fingers through Beca’s hair. “It’s named after what matters most in my life.”
Beca inhaled deeply through her nose. “I hadn’t… I should’ve… put that together.” She inexplicably felt like crying again, touched beyond all measure at how much thought Aubrey had put into it already.
“Stacie took some convincing. Something about the last time she let me go out of her sight and into another country… But she came around. Chloe took less, once I explained why I wanted to do it.” Aubrey tugged a lock of Beca’s hair. “She has never trusted that your managers had your best interests at heart and not just their own.”
“Probably.” Beca said lightly. “I’ll fire Kas tomorrow.”
“Beca!” Aubrey laughed. “We need to talk first.”
“No, we don’t. You’re my manager and that’s final.” Beca put her head back down on Aubrey’s chest, happier than she could’ve dreamed possible.
“Then as your manager, I’m telling you that we’re going to sit down and talk logistics.” She put her hand over Beca’s mouth as she drew in breath to answer. “Tomorrow. After a giant breakfast that’s going to fill the massive table in the other room.”
Beca nodded and Aubrey slowly removed her hand. “Alright. Whatever you say… manager.” She grinned as Aubrey let out an overly exaggerated sigh. “Bree?”
“Yes, Beca?”
“Thank you for coming to Vienna.” Beca felt Aubrey’s hand on her chin and let her head be tilted up until Aubrey’s lips met hers. When they parted again, she said softly, “You’re not a dream, right?”
“I’ve got you, love.” Aubrey said and kissed her again. “I promise I’ll be here when you wake up.”
“I love you, Aubrey.” Beca kissed her one last time, a lazy comforting stroking of tongues and lips.
“I love you too.” Aubrey’s fingers slipped from her jaw to wrap lightly around the arm across her waist.
Far quicker than she’d gone to sleep since the last time she’d been in their arms in The Expanse, Beca felt herself drawn into slumber, the steady beat of Aubrey’s heart matching her own.
Aubrey woke to gentle kisses. They were placed delicately at the corner of her mouth, along her jaw, her eyebrow and even her closed eyelid once Beca knew she was awake. She sighed in contentment at the weight resting against her side and the hand drawing designs on her stomach.
“You kept your promise.” Beca said before kissing the tip of Aubrey’s nose.
Aubrey smiled but kept her eyes closed. “A Posen-Conrad always keeps their promises.”
“You guys are good at that.”
Aubrey opened her mouth to answer but Beca’s lips covered hers in a kiss far less chaste than the ones they had exchanged the prior evening. She gave out a happy purr as Beca licked down into her mouth, languid but passionate; unhurried but definitely an indication of how the rest of the morning would go and Aubrey felt desire coiling as the rest of her body woke up.
At least until she opened her eyes, intending to wish Beca what was apparently going to be very good morning and found Beca leaning over her, all sleep tousled and warm…
With the Stitch hoodie pulled up over her head.
Aubrey began to laugh.
Beca propped her head on her right hand, watching as Aubrey fell apart every time she took in the blue ears on top of Beca’s head. Aubrey laughed so loud and so long that she snorted, which caused her to giggle even while she was mortified, but then she’d catch sight of Beca’s patiently waiting face, surrounded by blue fuzzy alien, and she’d lose it all over again. When she’d almost exhausted herself, Beca merely pursed her lips when Aubrey took a peek at her and snickered.
“Yes?” Aubrey let out a giggle, keeping her eyes closed.
“Stacie has made love to me in this onesie.” Beca hadn’t stopped tracing designs on Aubrey’s stomach since the first giggle and now she curved her fingers around Aubrey’s hip. “I don’t see what the problem is.” Her tone was nothing but pure amused affection and despite the fact that she just can’t, Aubrey felt herself melt.
“That’s because you guys are aca-pervs.” Aubrey giggled again, high pitched and borderline hysterical at the image that formed and she knew at some point she and Chloe would have to watch them re-enact that. ‘Would you like to be pot, or kettle?’ she mentally asked herself and snorted again.
“Guess you’ll just have to take it off me.” Beca said silkily in her ear and Aubrey’s laughter tapered off into a moan as Beca’s hand moved up to cover her breast.
“Yes please,” Aubrey breathed as her back arched into her lovers touch.
Beca kissed her. “Let me properly thank you for saving the rest of the team from a very cranky artist.”
“I think, and I mean this from the very bottom of my heart, that the pleasure is about to be mine.” Aubrey’s hands slid over Beca until she found the row of buttons on the onesie. “After I get you out of this and naked.”
Beca smiled at her as Aubrey slowly undid them one by one, humming in anticipation with each inch of skin exposed.
“I love Vienna.”
95 notes · View notes
chloes-yellow-cup · 6 years
One Million Kisses
Mitchsen inspired by this Anon sent to @chloebeale​ and requested by @shaneythealphawolf​ - boy, that’s a mouthful.
Fluff. Pure. Fluff. 
Words: 4444ish
AO3     FFN
My other works.
It was a Friday night and the Bellas were drunk.
Aubrey had surprised them by showing up that afternoon, taking a rare weekend away from the Lodge, and the girls were celebrating having their ex-captain under the roof again.
Stacie paused on the way to the door, having to leave early for a date. “I wish I’d have known you were coming, Bree. I’d have moved dinner, but it’s too late now.”  She sighed, frowning.
“Sorry, Stace.” Aubrey got up from where she’d been sitting between Chloe and Cynthia Rose and hugged her. “It was a spur of the moment decision when I realized we were only half booked this weekend. The guys can handle it without me. They hope.” She grinned slyly.
“S’ok. I’ll see you tomorrow. We’ll all do lunch?” Stacie took a step back toward the entryway.
“Of course! I’m here for the weekend.” Aubrey smiled at her. “Have a good time tonight, you look very nice.”
“Eh.” Stacie shrugged. “I helped Ron study and he insisted on taking me to dinner when he passed his test.” She turned to open the door and looked back over her shoulder. “He’s nagged me for the past month until I finally gave in.” With a final look at Aubrey and a wave at the rest of them, she stepped out and closed the door behind her.
“I’m ordering pizza; you change your favorite in the last few years, Aubrey?” Beca looked up from her phone where she was sitting cross legged where the two halves of the sectional met.
“Ooh, did they get anything new?” Aubrey walked back to the couch and waved to Cynthia Rose to scoot over before she dropped next to Beca, leaning over to look at her phone.
“I mean, maybe?” Beca looked at her out of the corner of her eye but tilted her phone so it was easier for Aubrey to see.
Aubrey gasped, “They added a dessert menu!?”
Beca smiled and obediently clicked the link as Aubrey pressed closer.
They’d started drinking as soon as the pizza got there and it was after midnight when most of them called it quits and headed upstairs one at a time. Except Amy. She had “gone out for a smoothie” hours ago and Beca didn’t expect her back until breakfast.
Soon only Chloe, Beca and Aubrey were left sprawled across the sectional, talking about anything and everything that came to mind.
“Wait.” Beca giggled, reaching over to grab Aubrey’s knee, squeezing when she overbalanced and almost fell off the couch. “Wait. You’re telling me you have actual traps around the property?” Aubrey nodded at her solemnly. “They’re literally nets.” Another nod. “Covered in leaves?” A third nod. “For bears that can sometimes wander in?”
Aubrey shrugged. “It’s happened before.”
“And they hoist unsuspecting people into the air?” Beca laughed again. “Did they have those before or after you showed up?”
“I refuse to answer that on the grounds that it would intimidate me.” Aubrey sniffed.
Chloe laughed. “You mean incriminate you?”
Aubrey blinked slowly. “Yes. Thank you, Chloe.” She held her poise for a few seconds before she burst out laughing, joining an already giggling Beca. “Amy’s Aussie Surprises have gotten way stronger since I’ve been gone.” She looked down in her cup. “Oh. I’m out.”
“I got it.” Beca stood up, wobbled for a few seconds as both Aubrey and Chloe’s hands reached out to steady her. “IgotitIgotitIgotit!” She stopped swaying and reached for Aubrey’s cup. “See?” She walked into the kitchen in that precise manner only the truly drunk who are trying to hide it can perfect.
Aubrey watched her until she was out of sight, a small smile on her lips before she turned back to Chloe. “Think she’ll drop it?”
Chloe shrugged. “Wouldn’t be the first time.”
An hour later Chloe called it a night. She locked up the house and then came back to hug them both. Beca and Aubrey were sitting with Beca’s laptop across their legs as Beca played some of her new mixes. “Don’t stay up too much longer. We’ll plan a brunch in the morning!” She bounced in place “I’m so glad you’re here, Bree!” She kissed the top of Aubrey’s head.
“Me too. I really missed you guys. There is no one fun at the Lodge.” Aubrey pouted.
Beca looked up, confused. “But, you’re at the Lodge.”
“You’ve never called me fun, Beca.” Aubrey shoulder bumped her.
“Well I’m a dick and no one should listen to me.” Beca nodded once, as if that settled the matter, and took another sip from her cup. “You’re fun, Bree.”
“Didn’t you just say I shouldn’t listen to you?” Aubrey leaned back against the couch.
“Yeah but…” Beca’s eyebrows knitted together. There was a trap here, she just knew it.
“So I can’t listen to you tell me I’m fun.” Aubrey watched her over the rim of her cup, her eyes twinkling. She’d missed this kind of banter much more than she realized.
“But I…” Beca’s free hand came up and pulled at the air. “I mean…”
“I’m just doing what you asked.” Aubrey shrugged.
“Aha!” Beca pointed at her. “But I said you shouldn’t listen to me, so that probably includes me telling you not to listen to me!” Beca waved her cup in the air, almost spilling it all over them.
Chloe left them then, smiling as her best friends dissolved in laughter, leaning on each other for support.
“Dude, no. You’re gonna break your neck.” Beca giggled. “Then all the girls would be mad at me that I let you break your neck.” She pushed Aubrey’s arm. “You don’t want that to happen, do you?”
“But Becaaaaaaaa. I never get to relax at the Lodge.” Aubrey whined. “It’s all stuffy corporate guys who hit on me all the time.” She made a ‘yuck’ face that caused Beca to giggle again. “Most of them have horrible breath.” She shuddered. “It reminds me of Alice and her egg breath.”
Beca straightened. “No, we only call her That Whore Alice™ in this house, now.” She grabbed Aubrey by the shoulders and pulled her close, saying sincerely, “She was horrible and should be stopped.”
“You don’t have to tell me twice.” Aubrey trailed off, trying to remember what she was talking about earlier. She stared into Beca’s eyes as her brain spun aimlessly. ‘They really are a unique deep blue, I’ve never seen anyone else who had eyes that color.’
“Bree?” Beca tiled her head. “You ok?”
“Oh, yeah. Yeah I’m… what were we doing again?” Aubrey looked around. They’d moved from the living room into the first floor study and were currently standing in an open corner.
“You… uh.” Beca looked down at the carpet and frowned. “We were… Dude. I forgot.”
Aubrey’s tongue stuck out from the corner of her mouth while she thought. “Oh!” It rushed back to her and she stood up straight. “Handstand!”
“Right!” Beca smiled brightly then let it slip. “Why again?”
“Because it’s fun. Stacie always told me that’s why she did them. Cause they were fun!” Aubrey sighed. “I miss fun.”
“Stacie does them cause she can also do a mid-air split and it causes people on the quad to walk into trees. Or each other. The security guards. A rose bush. The coffee cart once.” Beca ticked them off on her fingers. “So her motivations are suspectible.” She blinked. “Wait. What did I just say?”
Aubrey giggled. “Try it again.” She watched as Beca’s brows knit in concentration and her fingers itched to smooth it out.
“Suspectiable.” Beca stuck her tongue out. “Supectial… Fuck! Why are words hard?” She closed her eyes. “SUSPECT!” Aubrey bit her lips to keep from laughing. “But, no. Bree. Dude.” She grabbed Aubrey’s hand and squeezed. “If you hurt yourself, the rest of them will hurt me.” Her face fell. “And I’m small. You don’t want that on your conscience, do you?”
“I won’t let them.” Aubrey said with conviction. “It’ll be fine. Stacie’s showed me how before, it’s just been long time.”  
The two of them had moved into the study because it was carpeted and Aubrey had decided maybe a corner would be better as it gave her another surface to balance against. If she needed, which she totally didn’t.
“Here, hold my drink.” Aubrey thrust her solo cup into Beca’s hand.
“Dude. Two things. One, no good has ever come from someone saying that sentence.” Aubrey waved her hand dismissively. “And two, this is totally empty.” Beca turned and set it on the desk. “OK, if you’re going to do this, let’s get it over with.” She stepped forward and held her hands up and at the ready.
“What’re you doing?” Aubrey eyed her narrowly.
“Catching you?” Beca’s hands opened and closed.
“Oh.” Aubrey giggled again. She decided not to mention the fact that Beca’s hands were on level with Aubrey’s chest and for a minute she’d thought Beca was about to grope her. “That’s, uh. Nice of you.”  She frowned for a minute. “Now, how did she say to start out again…” Aubrey exhaled, “Shit.”
“Dude.” Beca whispered. “You said a bad word.”
“I curse, Beca. I’m not a complete prude. It’s just more impactful when it’s used properly.” Aubrey absently placed her hand over Beca’s mouth. “Shh, I’m trying to remember how to do this.” She ignored Beca’s eyes which had crossed trying to glare down at the offending appendage. “Right… I just…” She gestured with her other hand absently. “And then I just…” She raked her teeth over her upper lip. “Right,” she said again partially to convince herself. “OK. I got this.”
After tucking her shirt into her jeans, Aubrey leaned over and got into a sprinters stance, facing the wall. “Careful, this may take a couple tries.”
Beca stood to the side, but her hands were ready. “I gotchu, Bree.” She muttered a soft, “Please don’t break your neck.” She watched as Aubrey flailed out with one leg. “Um.” Aubrey flailed again. “What…” Both of Aubrey’s legs suddenly kicked out and Beca ducked wildly back even though she was not in any danger of getting kicked. “Dude!”
“I need to do the kick to get my legs up.” Aubrey turned her head to look at Beca almost upside down. “I know I can do this! I’ve done it before!”
“But like, were you drunk at the time?” Beca asked reasonably, though she really wanted to laugh again. “Cause I’m pretty sure you’re drunk right now.” She watched as Aubrey gave a few more uncoordinated attempts. “Wait, wait. Hold on. Don’t like, kick me in the face. I like my teeth.” Beca eased forward. “How about I help, for this first one?” After a moment, she reached down and looped her arms around Aubrey’s knees, also facing the wall. She tried not to think about how close she was to Aubrey’s ass, though since it was right there, it was extremely distracting.
“How is this going to help?” Aubrey’s face was turning red, either from being upside down, the exertion, or anger. Knowing Aubrey, it was likely all three.
“You’re gonna do your kick flail thing, and I’m going to hoist up your legs and throw you at the wall.” Beca paused. “Well, now that I’ve said that out loud, that sounds dangerous.” She giggled. “Or awesome.”
Aubrey said eagerly, “Let’s try it.”
“Do the count thing. I think it’ll help.” Beca grinned. “Is it on three, or after three?”
“Oh my god, shut up and let’s do this before my head pops off.” Aubrey took a deep breath. “One, two, three…”
Aubrey’s legs kicked up and Beca took their weight in her arms and pulled upward. Shifting her grip to grab Aubrey’s knees and push, she miscalculated and Aubrey’s feet thumped back to the floor. “Aw shit! I’m sorry! Maybe this was a lame idea.”
“No, no! That will actually work!” Aubrey jumped upright and hugged Beca. “Let’s do that again!” She dropped back down almost before Beca had registered the embrace.
It took several tries and a kick to Beca’s shoulder, but they finally got Bree up into a curved handstand against the wall. Beca clapped. “That’s what I call teamwork, baby!”
Aubrey huffed out a breath and drew in another one. “We’re aca-mazing!” She looked up at her awkwardly and smiled. “Thanks for the help, Beca.”
“You’d have gotten there, but this way you get to the good stuff quicker.” Beca settled down cross legged in front of her. “How does it look?”
“You guys totally need to repaint this ceiling.” Aubrey told her seriously.
“Only you would spend all this time getting into a handstand and then critique the décor.” Beca poked her in the stomach.
“Don’t shoot the messenger.” Aubrey wobbled and steadied again.
“Or what?” Beca poked her again and Aubrey jumped. “Wait, are you ticklish?!”
“No!” Aubrey knew she’d said it too fast the second it was out of her mouth. “Beca… don’t…”
Beca rose to her knees. “Oh no, I have you at my mercy right now. I’d be silly to not take advantage of it.” Her fingers trailed experimentally up Aubrey’s side, grinning manically as Aubrey yelped.
Aubrey’s voice shook with laughter and strain. “Beca, I’m warning you…”
“Worth it.” Beca flexed her fingers. “It’ll so be worth it.” She cackled as she launched a full scale tickle attack on the upside down woman.
“No! ARGH!” Aubrey twisted her body though there was nowhere to go. “Wait, Beca, no, I’m…” But her warning came too late and she arched away from the wall, knocking Beca to the ground underneath her.
“Oof!” The air was expelled from two sets of lungs.
The room was quiet for a minute, then twin giggles filled the air.
“I told you to watch it!” Aubrey squirmed around until her face was above Beca’s.
“I couldn’t help it.” Beca laughed and looped her arms around Aubrey and hugged her. “There was this irresistible force telling me to do it. I was powerless.” She shrugged.
“Mmhmm.” Aubrey was still out of breath, giggling. “Whatever. Once I recover from almost dying, I’m going to get you back for that.”
Beca’s eyes went mock-wide. “Ooh.” She giggled again. “I’m soooo scared.”
Aubrey smiled at her, teeth bared. It was a smile that had made many of her employees squirm in their chairs as she prepared to reprimand them. “You should be.”
Beca burst out laughing again, shaking Aubrey who was still resting full body against her. Aubrey chewed the inside of her cheek, trying not to join in though Beca’s glee was infectious. But her lips twitched in a grin as Beca stopped abruptly. “Oh.” She snickered. “You’re serious.” A giggle jostled them both. “I’m sorry I knocked you down, Bree.” There was absolutely no sincerity in her voice.
Aubrey rolled her eyes and slid off to her left, more along Beca’s side and hopefully not crushing her ribs. She rested her head on Beca’s shoulder, still trying to catch her breath, and unconsciously snuggled in, tangling their legs together. “I’m glad you stayed up with me, Becs.”  Her right hand smoothed its way down Beca’s stomach and across her side, squeezing gently.
What she’d meant to say was ‘I’ve really missed all of you.’ What she ended up saying was “I’ve really missed you.”
“Me too. With the staying up, and the… missing. Stuff.” Beca gently rubbed circles on Aubrey’s back. “Bree?”
“Hmm?” Her nose ran along the underside of Beca’s jaw, breathing in her perfume. It smelled like home.
“Don’t you like Stacie?” She didn’t mean to say that, but she’d gotten lost in thinking about how good it felt to have Aubrey resting on her, all soft curves and warmth.
Aubrey lifted her shoulders, saying quietly. “She likes me.” It made her a bit sad, though she had never led Stacie on. She’d always been friendly with the taller brunette, cared for her a lot, but as nothing more than a friend.  “But I like someone else.” Her heart began thumping and she hoped Beca couldn’t feel it.
Beca, out of nowhere, felt her inner badass step smoothly into place. “I’ll give you a kiss if you tell me who you like.” But then her badass stepped away into the night like a fucking ninja and she was left on her own once again. ‘That bitch.’ She started giggling again at her own thoughts, the alcohol still in her system still making everything much funnier than it should.
Aubrey pushed up to look at her. “One kiss?” Beca nodded. “That’s super cheap for a secret like that, Beca.” She sniffed and shook her head. “What kind of girl do you think I am?”
“Fiiiiinnnne.” Beca rolled her eyes. “I’ll give you twoooo kisses.”
“Big spender.” Aubrey widened her eyes playfully. “Don’t empty your bank account just for lil’ ole me.” It was Aubrey’s turn to giggle. She’d missed this; the laughter and silliness, just having a good time with her friends. Coming home had been exactly what she’d needed to recharge.
“Ok ok. Five. FIVE kisses, Aubrey.” Beca’s eyes were so close, so earnest. “That’s got to be worth something.” Her right hand began to lightly comb through Aubrey’s hair, twisting locks slowly around her fingers.
“Oh, it is. But it’s still not enough for that secret.” Aubrey shrugged, wiggling to get more comfortable. Her hand traced its way up Beca’s arm until it played with the neckline of her shirt. “You’ll have to do much better than that, Becs.”
This continued for several more minutes, Beca gradually jumping her increases up by tens, then twenties, but Aubrey didn’t budge. Both of them were giggling helplessly against each other, out of breath and trying to be quiet all at the same time.
Finally, Beca yelled. “Ok! FINE!” She took a deep breath. “I will give you one meeeeeeeeeeeeellion kisses to find out who you like.”
Aubrey gasped. “You saw ‘Austin Powers’?!” She giggled, trying to imagine how that must have gone.
“Jesse made me for that movication thingie we do once a month.” She shrugged. “It wasn’t the worst thing he’s made me watch.” She bounced them a little. “So?”
Aubrey looked back down at her, lost for a second in midnight blue. “What?”
“My offer?” Beca’s eyes traced Aubrey’s face. “Of one meee- no, I can’t do it again.” She shook her head. “One million kisses for you to tell me who you like.”
“OH! Right.” Aubrey considered, weighing her options. “That’s a lot, you know.” She narrowed her eyes. “Are you sure you’re good for it?”
“Pssh, of course I am.” Beca giggled. “I’m rich in kisses, Bree. Don’t you worry about that.”
“Well, I think maybe… You drive a hard bargain, Mitchell, but you have yourself a deal.” Aubrey smiled at her, giggling at the look of triumph spreading over Beca’s face.
Beca cheered and kissed Aubrey on the nose. “One!”
“Oooh, someone’s eager to pay off their debt.” Aubrey ignored the flutter in her chest and the pull in her stomach as Beca’s eyes began to sparkle.
“What can I say, I believe in paying my dues.” Beca stretched and kissed Aubrey’s right eyebrow. “Two.” Her left. “Three.”  Each kiss tickled, causing Aubrey to giggle, which caused Beca to giggle, but she continued with no particular plan on where to settle next.
Both eyelids – “Four, five.”
Each check – “Six, seven.”
Aubrey’s chin – “Eight.”
Then Beca ducked her head and placed a soft kiss on Aubrey’s pulse point, which had begun to flutter wildly. Both women paused, their breath catching briefly before they giggled once more, this time more out of shy quasi-embarrassment than anything else. “Nine.” But this time it was Aubrey who said it, her voice soft with a hint of wonder.
Beca continued, and while they still giggled, they were tapering off, a longer pause between them as her lips began to linger. Beca’s nose nudged Aubrey to turn first one way and then the other, placing soft kisses on either side of her neck. “Eleven, twelve.”
She reached up with her left hand and tilted Aubrey’s head a little more, placing a new kiss behind her ear. She whispered softly, feeling Aubrey’s heart racing against her own until they found themselves in sync. “Thirteen.”  She trailed her lips down the column of Aubrey’s throat, breath warm, and felt Aubrey shiver. Fourteen was open mouthed and at the edge of Aubrey’s shirt, against her collarbone.
They were silent now, only the sound of their breathing disturbing the quiet of the house.
She tilted Aubrey’s head the other way again, their noses brushing together. Fifteen – the other collarbone – and sixteen – behind the other ear, were placed quickly, before she brought Aubrey around to face her directly again.
Beca placed kisses at each corner of her mouth before brushing her lips against Aubrey’s. They were soft, gentle as Aubrey pressed a bit closer, a half whimper buried in her throat. Beca pulled back, tried a new angle, sliding across them again. She pulled away, eyes closing, before pressing close, lingering and chaste despite the lightning running up her spine.
After several, long and powerful heartbeats, Aubrey parted her lips, feeling Beca sigh softly before slipping her tongue past them. The first tentative touch against her own made Aubrey’s toes curl and she fisted her hands in Beca’s shirt, trying to pull them closer together.
They spent several minutes trading increasingly deeper kisses, soft whimpers and moans as their bodies shifted, each sensation new and almost overwhelming. But also familiar and comforting, keeping them both grounded together as Beca’s hands pushed their way under Aubrey’s shirt and pressed against her back.
Finally, driven by the need for more air than the miniscule sips they’d take before slanting their lips together again, they parted, foreheads resting as they panted.
Suddenly Beca giggled, breaking the comfortable silence between them and Aubrey quirked a brow in question.
“Uhhhhhh.” Beca giggled again. “I think I lost count?”
Aubrey felt her lips part in a grin. “Guess we’ll just have to start over until you can count one meeeeeeellion kisses.”
“And then you’ll tell me who you like?” Beca stroked a finger across the ridges of Aubrey’s spine.
Aubrey nodded solemnly. “A deal is a deal.”
They gazed into each other’s eyes, losing track of time before Aubrey blurted, “Oh!” and started to giggle again. “Uh, just so you’re aware. If you figure out before you’ve made full payment, you should know there’s no refunds.”
“What!? That’s like. Highway robbery!” Beca’s voice was outraged even though they were both giggling again.
“Nope.” Aubrey took on a superior air. “Not my fault you didn’t ask the terms before you agreed to our negotiations.”
Beca rolled her eyes. “You and your lawyerese!” More giggles slipped free from them both.
Aubrey shrugged. “Sorry. It’s also not my fault you didn’t read the fine print.”
“There was fine print!? My mother would be so ashamed. She prides herself on making sure she knows all the ins and outs of a deal.”
Both of them paused at Beca’s choice of words before they both decided to ignore the slight innuendo.
Aubrey cleared her throat. “I believe we were back at 1?”
But before she even finished speaking, Beca’s lips had captured hers, hungry and wanting. Urging gently with her own, she pulled Aubrey’s tongue into her mouth, encouraging her to take control of the kiss. They lost themselves in it, hands pulling and tugging, thighs pressing and parting as they let this new layer of their relationship settle over them.
Aubrey broke away, her heart hammering – or maybe it was Beca’s – needing the brief pause before they took things even further, knowing they shouldn’t without a serious talk. But that was for another day. She cleared her throat. “The, uh… the fine print also says that was all one kiss because your lips touched me the entire time.”
Beca gave one last giggle. “Well, if that’s what the fine print says...”
“Then this could take a really long time.” Her voice warned teasingly even as her eyes held promise.
Aubrey’s voice was soft. “Sounds perfect to me.”
The next morning Chloe came downstairs and, out of habit, looked into the room to the right. She paused as she saw a pile of blankets that she was sure hadn’t been there the day before. She walked in and stopped, her heart melting a little at the sight.
Aubrey was cuddled on top of Beca, her face pressed into the brunette’s neck, and it looked like Beca’s arms were wrapped around her, based on the outline under the blanket. Both of them had contented smiles on their faces. She smiled once more before leaving the room.
She walked into the kitchen, pausing again as she saw Stacie sitting at the center island drinking coffee. “You’re up first?” She tried to keep it light, knowing how Stacie felt about Aubrey. She got a glass from the cupboard, filled it from the tap and took a drink.
“I got home somewhat early for me last night.” Stacie’s voice sounded normal and Chloe relaxed a bit. “The light in the study was on and I found those two passed out and snoring.” Chloe chuckled. “So I covered them with a blanket and went to bed.”
But now there was something in her tone that made Chloe set down her glass and wrap her arms around Stacie from behind. “You ok?” She rested her cheek against the top of her head.
Stacie thought for a moment, rolling the question in her mind. It was one she’d been thinking on and off since she’d gotten home and why she hadn’t really slept at all. “Well. If she chooses anyone but me, I’m ok with it being Beca.” It was an answer she knew that she’d eventually believe, even if she wasn’t really sure about it this second.
Chloe kissed her on the temple, “Come back upstairs and snuggle with me? It’s still early; I just forgot to fill up my water bottle before bed or I’d still be snoozing.”
“Sure, Chlo.” Stacie turned in the circle of Chloe’s arms. “And thanks.” She wrapped her long arms around Chloe and hugged her back.
“Always.” She waited while Stacie ran water into her mug and placed it in the sink for later.
The two of them headed back upstairs where Chloe played big spoon, to sleep for another hour or so before the rest of the Bellas woke them back up for brunch.
As Stacie cuddled back into her, holding onto the arm Chloe had put around her waist, Chloe knew that, with time, Stacie’s heart would heal. Maybe, eventually, Stacie would even let her help.
Chloe was willing to wait however long that took.
A/N:  My Bechloe heart isn’t sure about my first stand-alone Mitchsen, and my Stechlobree soul is not much better, but we all hope you liked it.
Updated 6/12/20 to include the last 2 lines - my Chacie nod was way too subtle and while I updated it on AO3 ages ago, apparently I didn’t do that here.
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Summary: Beca Mitchell gets sick on winter break during her freshman year. Aubrey brings her a care package. What happens when Beca realizes that Aubrey doesn't hate her?
Read Pounding Head and Fluttering Heart on AO3.
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Summary: Beca and Aubrey navigate the struggles of marriage as each of them climb up higher and higher in their careers. (One shot: Mitchsen)
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allitbb · 5 years
Need some prompts people. My mind is drawing a blank atm lol. Please let me know if you want angst or fluff or whatever. I am an angst whore, so if you dont specify it will probably have angst. Also, if you want it to be a certain ship please say so. If you dont say, dont be surprised if one of you asks ends up as Steca or something.
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wait wait wait wait WAIT. you write fanfiction??? what fandoms and pairings? what genres? can I read it ???????
yes unfortunately. I’ve been writing since at least 2012 and it’s honestly horrific. don’t judge me :-) but I write Pitch Perfect and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (and occasionally 30 Rock) and we’re not discussing it beyond that because I physically cringed while typing out what I write 
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thatmitchsentho · 7 years
Um... I accidentally wrote a Mitchsen holiday fic that’s almost 8,000 words long. Would have posted it yesterday but was celebrating the wife in all of her amazingness.
Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it. Happy holiday of choice to those who do not.
This fic is dedicated to all the Mitchsen bitches out there, the ones who quietly ship their ship and don’t fuck with the fandom, the ones who message me when Anna Camp updates her instagram, the ones who inbox me to let me know that I’ll be pleasantly surprised by the amount of Mitchsen in PP3. You’re a great fandom. I love you guys.
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bi-badass-geek · 7 years
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“Late Night Heat“ by @thatmitchsentho.
What can i say Mitchsen and smut count me in : (Ao3)
*also it’s part of the series “ Won't Let The Weather (Ruin All This Pleasure) ”
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pitchslapped · 4 years
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Happy Valentine’s Day!!!
Hay Awesome Nerds! No matter what you're getting up to today. If you need some good fluff, lighthearted humour or just many ways Bechloe can get together, here is a list with summaries and links to all the Valentine fics featured in the last episode of the podcast for your reading pleasure. There’s even a Mitchsen one in there somewhere. Have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!
Listen to the episode right here: Valentine’s Day Fics
Here's a list with links to all the fics included:
Conversation Hearts (they certainly do start conversations) - @total-bella-trash
Our first one - Bubblez4u
We could be more - TMYLM aka @chloebeale
Come Here - Beetlejuice23
You Can Be The Butterflies I Feel In My Belly - Leah Bee Camaro
And I love her - Holtzexmachina
Special Discount - @yourknightingale
Perfect for me - Jalex1
Just the Way You Dream - HurriCADE aka @sinomin
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chloebeale · 4 years
Ho ho ho:) It's your secret Santa for Pitchmas!! I'm wondering what kind of fic you'd like, any plots, who you want in it, etc.... I'm so very excited to write for you!! 🥰
hi! i’m so excited to hear from you 🤩 i am super happy for you to write anything your heart desires, but i’ll tell you my favorite ships and stuff: bechloe is my main one, but i also love chaubrey, mitchsen and triple treble, so any of those would be awesome. i’m basically an angst monster tbh, BUT since it’s christmas, definitely with a happy ending. i also love fluff/smut and everything in between though, so like i said, anything you want to write, i’ll be super happy with.
thank you for checking! if you need anything more specific please let me know <33
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imnotasuperhero · 4 years
for the ask game 1,50,16,3,4,7 thank you veevee❤️
Aaahhhhh so many numbers!!! I love it! Thanks for these Pauli 💕 I added a “read more” because this one is really long. Lmao.
1. What's your favorite creation of yours? And why?
I must say an old songfic I wrote ages ago. It got anyone who read it to tears. I'll translate it to English someday, maybe. But I'll say "(Oh no) Here we go again" which is a Bechloe fic I wrote for Bechloe week 2018 that literally got me giggling the whole time. I don't remember if the crack in that one was due to lack of sleep or if it was because I was drunk.. but I love that one with all my being 😂😂😂 And in the Marvel fandom, I'll say "Wrap your arms around me (like we're supposed to be)" (Linked above) which is a Wanda x Reader fic. And I already have ideas to turn it into a series/AU.
3. Pick your 5 favorite creations and explain what you love the most about them.
Omfg. I can't pick, dude. Why you hate me so much???
1) This Wanda x Reader drabble I wrote not long ago. I was crying while writing it because it hit deep and I could relate somehow to it.
2) Tell me you still want me (I've been fucking lonely). It's a Nat x Reader fic that got me taking my brains while I was trying to come up with the right words to make justice to the story I wanted to tell. And it turned out really great!
3) Wrap your love around me (like we're supposed to be). This was just the right mix of fluff and angst in 1127 words. I'm enamored with this idea I'm developing.
4) Little do you know (I'll love you till the sun dies). It's a Mitchsen fic I wrote ages ago. I really enjoyed writing that one. It just.. idk. It felt perfect.
5) I'm not fine and I'm in pain (it's harder everyday). It's another Wanda x Reader fic that.. some think I'm not nice because I kinda hurt their hearts. Lmao. I really enjoyed writing this one and yes, I hurt myself too.
4. What do you think makes your style distinctly yours?
Uhhh, I'm honestly not sure about this one. I guess is the fact that I just started to write reader insert fics this year, so I can't really connect with the person reading it. I always wrote about others. The characters were already known and despite changing a few things here and there, their essence was the same. And when it comes to reader insert stories, you have to really work for that connection. You have to really mold whatever your OC is feeling/experiencing to engage with the person reading them.
7. I already answered this in the previous ask.
16. List some creators that always inspire you with their creations and talent!
Omg, I have a few that are my go-to.
Pitch perfect: @chloes-yellow-cup @handsinaca-bitches @incredibeale @thatmitchsentho @monae @total-bella-trash and so much more 😂😂😂
Marvel: @empyreanwritings @missmonsters2 @caws5749 @jumbojamba47 @natasha-danvers @marvelfansince08love @rooskaya-yelena @rebeliz777 @veryfunnyal and more! Lol.
50. Self-loving time: show us a creation you want your followers to see.
This moodboard I did for angel!wanda fic. I recall doing this one in less than half an hour. And I’m really proud of the result considering it was rushed. Lol.
Send me some asks!
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lets-talk-appella · 5 years
Youre mattress shopping fic made me so happy! Can you link more of ur fluff please?
Thanks, dude! I’ll link to ao3, because looking through Tumblr is hell. Most of these I have tagged as ‘fluff’ but I’ll throw in ones that people have told me made them laugh, because who doesn’t need a good laugh?
Naked Mole Rats Aren’t Endangered
Bounding (the mattress shopping fic in question)
Night of the Living Greeks
Stereotypes are Bad
Aubrey’s Least Favorite Game (I don’t really remember this one, but it seems happy?)
Remind Me (tagged by me as ‘Fluff explosion’)
Of Bells and Tulips
Roman Holiday (starts a wee bit angsty, but ends fluffy)
Colors of the Rainbow
Real Hot Wings and Fake Hot Dates (a foray into Mitchsen) 
Amy’s Limit
Accidents Happen
Bonus Christmas fluff:
Five Christmases
Winter Dreams (Beca’s Song)
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cycwrites · 5 years
Chapters: 6/? Fandom: Pitch Perfect (Movies) Rating: Mature Relationships: Stacie Conrad/Aubrey Posen
Characters: Aubrey Posen, Stacie Conrad, Beca Mitchell, Chloe Beale, Emily Junk
Additional Tags: Fluff and Humor, Maybe a slow burn?, but not really?, enemies to lovers if you squint, End Bechloe, Definitely a lot of Chacie and Mitchsen but I swear Staubrey is the whole point!
A small teaser for Chapter 6: Reassurances. You’ll have to read the whole thing on AO3 because it’s way too long to bulk post here.
She was a constant presence in the back of Stacie’s mind during the day – even while not actively thinking about her, subconsciously she was always there. If there was any downtime, she found herself replaying the hour they’d spent together. The more she thought about it, the more she realized that Chloe could be right, because she had never spent this much time thinking about someone after so short an encounter.
She’d spent far too much time thinking of the shape of Aubrey’s lips, how they moved and what her smile looked like. Trying to match the precise shade of green that had started to sparkle the more they began to almost-flirt. The few times they had laughed together.
Maybe she’d fallen for Aubrey a lot more than she realized. A fact driven home when she considered how comfortable she’d felt around Aubrey after they’d declared a truce. The only other person who wasn’t family that she felt that way around had been Chloe. Which, Stacie supposed, really should tell her something.
It should also have been embarrassing how much she thought of that scene at Beca’s truck and had it play out very differently in her head, just before she drifted off to sleep each night. Instead she’d found it comforting. And the beginning of several torrid dreams that woke her, gasping and aching, many times over the past two weeks.
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*falls from your chimney if you have one*
ding dong tis I! your secret santa, Do you have any specific ships and scenarios for me to add to your fic?
Hello, Santa. I’ve been on a Mitchsen kick lately so that would be cool. Either first Christmas or a meet cute during the holidays. Looking for some fluff. 😁
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chloes-yellow-cup · 6 years
2018 Fic Roundup
I was tagged by @lets-talk-appella​ and I'm a bit in awe at how much she's written in the past year.
AO3 Stats
Total Word Count: 319,663 (Holy crap, really?)
Total Hits: 34022 Kudos: 1375 Comment Threads: 295 (If this counts my replies, divide that in half) Bookmarks: 313 Subscriptions: 195 User Subscriptions: 81
FFN is a bit trickier as it breaks down Views/Visitors per month so with a grain of salt: 34930/16077
Links & Titles to 2018 Works: (These notes may get a little long winded, sorry!)
Candy Wars: - 3,391 words, T Established Bechloe fluff with a dash of Staubrey and Bella Hijinks. Inspired by a tweet. Takes place post retreat, pre-Worlds, added in my A Shared Lifetime series.
Getting Even - 11,377 words, M Inspired by Perdition by @morningsound15​ and actually the first thing I started writing, for all that I posted CW first. Established Bechloe in Beca’s sophomore year. Much smut and later added to my A Shared Lifetime series.
One Million Kisses - 4,450 words, G
Mitchsen AU oneshot from a prompt request. So much fluff, Drunken Mitchsen and handstands.
Nowish - 102,144 words, M Bechloe, Staubrey. Bellas Squared. My first multi-chap and I could spend a lifetime talking about it. It started out as a joke: Can I write a scene with a foursome? And I couldn’t just throw them all into bed (I mean, I could but I wanted to build it up a bit.) 8 chapters later I created a life and a universe that I fell in love with and changed my entire life, how I view these four characters and gave me amazing new friends.
Leap of Faith - 8,146 words, M Bechloe neighbor AU from @lilhan​ for her birthday. Fluff and smut.  Prompt: Your window was open and you live across from me so I saw and heard you in your underwear, singing and dancing ridiculously and I really wanna get to know you cause you're pretty hot and I might have a crush on you AU.
Third Time’s the Charm - 11,410 words, T Bechloe Disney AU for Bechloe Week 2018 (though I had the idea before then.)  Beca’s got this rule, and there’s this Disney Princess... Humor and fluff with appearances from Stacie, Emily, Cynthia Rose and my now inevitable Staubrey side pairing.
Unknown Number - 649 words, G Post USO Staubrey Angst. Part of my Nowish universe:  Idea: What if Beca had called Stacie while she and Amy were on their way to save the Bellas? First in a newly established Fic Tease series, in which I post small bits that I can’t wait to share. So far the things posted here are part of a larger, future, PP3 story, but I’m pretty sure I’ll start posting random scenes that might not end up anywhere else.
Tattoos - 11,991 words, M Second Fic Tease entry. After brainstorming with my beta, @tiny-maus-boots​, we came up with the idea of Aubrey getting the rest of the girls gifts. As I realize the impact this world had on my life, I decided to get them as tattoos because they’re just that important to me. And this chapter was born - though it could stand as a oneshot on it’s own, honestly.
They Had Time - 148,183 words, M My Bechloe endgame rewrite of the first movie. Back when writing Getting Even, I had originally thought of writing a scene or two that put Bechloe together in the first movie. It was horribly rushed and totally unpolished. After GE, I decided to maybe do a transcription of the first movie, giving both their thoughts on key scenes. Then Nowish happened and Time got put on hold until it was done. When I came back to it, I had a whole host of future threads that I could weave through Time that would pay off in Nowish. Including, but not limited to, the groundwork for the Rise of Staubrey™, coming soon to a story near you.
The Middle - 17,922 words, M Poly Bellas Squared Oneshot, post Nowish. (Pre Tattoos.) The girls have some downtime, Stacie gets bored and more fluff and smut ensue. (I sense a theme in my works here.)
Favorite Fic: This is like asking a parent to pick their favorite kid. Nowish, probably. It was so hard but I’m so proud of it. Getting Even because it started me down this path. All my Oneshots (Kisses seriously becomes more adorable to me the more I write Mitchsen.) are also precious angels.
Hardest Fic: Nowish and Time. There were so many pieces to both of these that I almost gave up writing them - many times. Nowish because putting together these 4 in a realistic way was... stressful. And Time because I had to get it right - both in terms of putting Bechloe together and to fit within my new AU.
Do you plan on taking prompts in 2019? This is always tentative - coming up with ideas off of prompts takes me a small eternity. Of course, coming up with ideas in general takes that long so... maybe, but don’t count on it to be quick, lol.
What was the best thing about 2018? Writing again for the first time in fifteen years. Finding a place - a home - in this fandom. Everyone has always been so welcoming and supportive. Making new and amazing friends that I can’t imagine not talking to every day. 
There’s too many to name here, but these guys in particular have been amazing in their support: @nailbiting-fangirl, @lilhan, @fandom-heaux, @kate-harper, @rejection-isnt-failure, @c-k-mack​, @lets-talk-appella​. 
I’d mention @tiny-maus-boots but she’s been my bestie for half my life, not just 2018.
What was the worst thing about 2018? I had some serious depression issues for the first half of the year but the unswerving support of Maus and finding my writing voice has helped (mostly) pull me out of it. Self doubt. Writers block. Smut block. Not enough time to write.
Any last thoughts for 2018? This has been a wild ride and thank you to everyone who has made this year so amazing.
Goals for 2019: Write the multitude of ideas currently sitting in my “To-do” list which includes, but is not limited to: PP2, PP3, College Smutshots, Post Nowish Smutshots, Diner AU.
MAN I’m wordy!  Thank you to everyone who took the time to read this entire ramble and to everyone who has ever sent me feedback here, on AO3 or FFN. Your support has gotten me through an emotionally difficult year.
I’m totally going to make @kate-harper do this now.
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