dogwise · 9 months
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Dülmener (Equus ferus caballus)
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horseweb-de · 1 year
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suspiciousmammal · 3 years
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Annual roundup of Dülmen Horses, a wild horse breed in Germany
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orionpolanosnox · 3 years
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Donnie 💕
I miss you
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of-fur-and-fangs · 4 years
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Falko <3
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schunckinfo · 3 years
Nottuln: Dülmener bei Unfall schwer verletzt und Hund verstirbt
Nottuln: Dülmener bei Unfall schwer verletzt und Hund verstirbt was originally published on
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hofoffical · 4 years
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Manjo, Dülmener by @dios.diary / #horseofinstagram #horseoffame #horses #horse #dülmener #german #star #winner (at Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDjjSc-Hjpt/?igshid=zlr1suv1dygf
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arinewman7 · 5 years
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Dülmen Ponies in the Wildbahn in the Merfelder Bruch in the Morning Fog at Sunrise
Merfeld, Dülmen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
IMAGE: Dietmar Rabich / Wikimedia Commons / “Dülmen, Merfeld, Dülmener Wildpferde in der Wildbahn -- 2016 -- 4201” / CC BY-SA 4.0
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nexusconjunx · 3 years
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New OC Time! Her name is Martengold and she's a Dülmener, a breed of wild pony from germany. I've had her only for a day so I only know: She once went on a really bad school trip and becomes BFF with my main characters and is an avid traveller!
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art-now-germany · 5 years
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Dülmener Wildpferde bei Nacht (Dülmener wild horses at night), Ander Staffelei
painting acrylic on canvas, inspired by the wild horses in Dülmen
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adamthealien · 5 years
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Wikipedia picture of the day on July 11, 2019: Illumination of the Wiesmann exhibition hall (Wiesmann gecko) for the final concert of the Dülmener Sommer 2018, the since 1989 first as Dülmener Sommertheater offered street theater.Dülmen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany Learn more.
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dogwise · 10 months
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Dülmener (Equus ferus caballus)
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anjaniedringhaus · 6 years
Ausstellung: Anja Niedringhaus - Bilderkriegerin
29.03. - 30.06.19 - Käthe-Kollwitz-Museum Köln
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© photo: ap, Anja Niedringhaus / text: Neue Westfälische (epd)
Das Käthe Kollwitz Museum Köln widmet der Fotojournalistin und Pulitzer-Preisträgerin Anja Niedringhaus zu deren fünftem Todestag eine Sonderausstellung. Unter dem Titel „Bilderkriegerin" sind vom 29. März an mehr als 80 großformatige Aufnahmen von Niedringhaus zu sehen, wie das Museum am Montag ankündigte.
Die Fotografin berichtete nahezu ein Vierteljahrhundert lang von Kriegsschauplätzen der Welt, unter anderen aus dem Irak und immer wieder aus Afghanistan. 2014 wurde sie im Alter von 48 Jahren bei einem Reportage-Einsatz erschossen.
Legendäre Aufnahmen
Im Auftrag von Nachrichtenagenturen entstanden legendäre Aufnahmen, die weltweit Magazine und Zeitungen druckten. Die bis zum 30. Juni gezeigten Werke gewähren Einblicke in Kriegs- und Krisenregionen, wie es hieß. Zudem sind Porträtaufnahmen und Sportfotografien darunter.
Niedringhaus' Arbeiten seien Aufrufe für den Frieden, erklärte das Museum. Sie wollten aufrütteln und mahnen, indem sie die Schrecken des Krieges vor Augen führten. Den Begriff „Kriegsfotografin" lehnte Niedringhaus den Angaben zufolge für sich selbst ab.
Die Ausstellung kuratiert Sonya Winterberg, die Niedringhaus persönlich kannte. Die Schwester der Fotografin, Gide Niedringhaus, gewährte der Kuratorin Einblicke in das Archiv mit den Arbeiten, in dem das gesamte Schaffen der Künstlerin deutlich wird. Auf dieser Grundlage bereitete Winterberg zudem im Auftrag des ZDF eine Verfilmung von Niedringhaus' Leben vor sowie eine Biografie mit einem Werkverzeichnis
Links: Käthe-Kollwitz-Museum | Dülmener Zeitung | Focus | greenpeace-magazin | monopol-magazin | T-Online | WDR | Westfälische Nachrichten |  
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suspiciousmammal · 4 years
Horseblr, let me tell you about the Dülmener Wildpferd (or Dülmen pony), Germany’s wild horse breed.
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These pony-sized fuckers almost died out in the 1800s, but some german politician thought that they were pretty cool and rounded a few of them up. That dude was the Duke of Croy.
It’s a very primitive breed, and you’ll rarely see any coat color other than dun. Nowadays, there’s mainly one big wild herd of them living in some big ol’ fenced fields near Dülmen. Since there used to be less than a hundred, some Exmoor and Welsh Pony stallions were used to add some fresh blood to the breed. But apart from that the goal is to preserve the character and build of this old breed.
So they just let them chill there, you may ask? Eh, mostly. Once a proper herd size of roughly 400 ponies had been established, they quickly noticed that just letting them breed like rabbits wouldn’t be the best thing to do. To avoid inbreeding and a rapid population increase, the stallions only live with them for a fraction of the year. They are left alone apart from that. No vets, no medication and no training. Due to a lack of predators, the most common cause of death is starvation due to dental damage.
But you can’t just ask all colts to kindly gather over there, right? So each year, these horses are round up for the one year old colts to be separated.
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So far, so good. The herd is right there, you just have to... find and capture the colts. Nothing easier than capturing the hormonal teenage horses!
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Okay, this is just the round-up from a different angle, right? Yes. But look at those guys with red collars and blue shirts on the right. Those are the batshit insane lads who were selected to capture the colts. There’s a total of 30 mad lads from the nearby villages each year.
Their traditional method looks like this:
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-separate a small group of horses from the big herd by uuuuuhhh running straight at them I guess
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-corall them in a small secluded area, small enough to observe the horses but big enough for them to get around without panicking and getting agressive
-look for some balls
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-stallion spotted? Get him!
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-yeah okay, first try would’ve been a bit ambitious, but just try again
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-and again
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-wonder why you even wanted to do this in the first place, as an angry mare tries to kick you in the knee
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-while your mates are wrestling with the stallion, t-pose at the mothers to establish dominance
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-bully the yearling into wearing a halter, then get dragged around a bunch for public entertainment before finally managing to get the foal into a separate little stallion pen
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After a couple of hours when the herd has been combed through, the yearling colts are auctioned off. The mothers and fillies set free again.
Before the actual roundup and auction, they like to show off horses that were captured in previous years just to show what these ponies are capable of:
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Like this little gelding that does some nice dressage! Just look at him being all fancy and well-behaved!
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And these - these aren’t even Dülmen ponies. Why are they doing the hungarian mail thing? This is just the Warendorf stallion parade all over again, isn’t it?
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Those aren’t even horses. THAT’S A LADY WITH HER GOATS. Why were they invited
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Look, at least we’re back to horses. But that’s still not a Dülmen pony. And wHY ARE THERE DOGS NOW?? I could’ve wrapped my mind around another nice dressage performance but DOGS???
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Goats are on a car now? While the lady is doing dressage? Why do german horse events always end up like this. And let me remind you, the wild horses have not even made their entrance yet. The real show hasn’t even started yet. I’m so confused
By the way: While PETA would shut this down as soon as they’d get the chance, this method of preservation seems to work well for this breed. The event has been criticized because it’s stressful for the horses, but one stressful day a year seems like a fair price for preventing inbreeding and maintaining a managable population size.
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martinwissmann · 4 years
Dülmener Wildpferde
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of-fur-and-fangs · 7 years
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They look like loving parents disappointed of their punk ass son
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