#d'avin come get your man!!!
brotherconstant · 1 year
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thebirdandhersong · 3 years
highlights from Killjoys e6-10:
"you look nice tonight" "you look sweaty" love Dutch
Pawter........... work ethics, lady. Don't DO THAT WITH YOUR CLIENT
"I told you friendship makes you weak" no thanks buddy
Klyen scares me SO much I can't believe I've met so many creepy characters between the two shows I'm currently watching
Love the relationship between Joe and Dutch (mentor who is actually....... you know........ NICE?) also his last scene twisted my heart up in knots (that's the first time you see Dutch cry like that.....)
LOVE the boys and LOVE the way they take care of her!!! -- "What do you need?" and "We can leave right now" (they love her!!!!!)
I love that D'avin distracts Dutch by making her have Fun
Pawter is uh manipulative (feel sorry for her but I'm....... not a fan of her and I don't think she works well with anyone at present in a romantic context)
Lucy giving out a distress signal to all doctors in the area??? (NICE)
i'm. gonna cry. D'av having to clean John's blood up :'(
"Dutch. You tell him that we know it wasn't his fault" oh MAN
Love how Bellish(? Balash? Belesh? Belysh???) is all about Not Caring (I mean, the way we're introduced to her character in e1 makes her seem like an antagonistic force) but suddenly she hears about Dutch getting hurt and it's "You hurt my girl, I hurt you"
"All my life, all I've wanted to be was a hero" D'avin :'O
"We can't be a team unless you trust yourself again"
wait she technically IS a princess woah
Delle scares me, too, come to think of it
Pawter trusts Johnny to carry the message to her mother :')
I have nothing from e8.5-10 because I was so engrossed I didn't write anything down sdl;fk jsdlkjf but suffice it to say I am Invested. Five seasons, did you say? Five seasons it is.
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thewritingdungeon · 4 years
The Art of Botanical Cursing
SUMMARY: All Dutch wants is a quiet life away from her past with her boys and her plants. And maybe the cute owner of the new shop on the neighborhood too.
CHARACTERS/PAIRING: Dutch/Alvis Akari, Johnny Jaqobis, D'avin Jaqobis
A/N: The Killjoys Flower Shop/Tattoo Shop AU nobody asked for, but everyone's getting the intro to anyway.
"Blasted, shitting—ugh! Stupid plant! You're a disgrace to your species!" Dutch huffed out the words on an exasperated grunt, dumping the last of the wetted pebbles into the dish. "I wash my hands of you, you hear me?" She pointed an accusing finger at the browned tips of the otherwise brightly variegated leaves. "See if I care if you die. It's your own life you're wasting."
"I'm pretty sure I heard somewhere that kind words and positivity work better for encouraging plants to grow."
Dutch whipped around to face the unfamiliar voice, hand going instinctively to her thigh—reaching for the one piece of equipment she swore she'd never carry again.
But all she was met with was a man with an utter sense of calm about him, his only weaponry the slight, amused tilt to the corners of his mouth and kind but keen eyes that flickered briefly down to watch her hand act out old habits before resting on her face.
"Blast it all, you scared the hells out of me!"
If he understood the nature of her movement, he showed no sense of trepidation; instead, the man stepped forward with his hands clasped loosely in front of him.
"My name is Alvis. I just moved into the shop next door and wanted to introduce myself. My apologies for startling you; I've just never seen someone employ your particular tactics of raising plants before."
Taking a moment to clean her hands of damp potting soil, she sized up her new neighbor. Despite the shaved sides to his hair with the rest braided close to his scalp in five thick cornrows, Alvis looked like a man of simple tastes: dark jeans clung well to his legs, and he wore a well-fitted, long-sleeved top in an odd shade Dutch could only describe as burnt orange. He looked nothing like what she expected from the new shop on the block.
"Yeah, well Cordyline can be a real prat when they want, and I just had to specialize in exotics. Dutch," she finally responded, nodding in greeting. "You don't exactly look like someone who'd run a tattoo and body mod shop, Alvis. What's your story?"
Rather than be offended, Alvis gave a light chuckle, "No, I suppose I don't. Consider it my idea of religion, if you want."
"Well, that's certainly a more interesting way to worship than I was taught. Guess the name makes a whole lot more sense now."
"I'm sure it must," Alvis agreed. His gaze lingered around the shop for a moment, before he plucked a single pink azalea from the cut bin. "I'm sorry I can't stay much more than this, I just came by because my first appointment said they'd be running a bit late. How much for this lovely bloom?"
"Ah, you're new to Westerley," Dutch flapped her hand at the flower lackadaisically, "consider it a shop-warming gift, yeah?"
"You're far too kind. I hope your day is considerably nicer than the cordyline, Dutch." Lips curving once more into a gentle smile, Alvis bowed his head and exited the shop.
Dutch let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding as she walked backwards to the counter, eyes never leaving Alvis's form as he greeted his customer and stepped in to Scarbacks Temple. As she leaned back, her hand rested on the flat plastic indicative of payment. Sure enough, she looked down to see several credits of joy left on the counter.
"How in the..." Dutch stared at the credits for a moment, then glanced back at the shop—the single, pink bloom resting stark against the tan door. She didn't know how, but she knew their new neighbor was about to make the Quad a whole lot more interesting than it ever had been before.
"Gooood morning, Dutch, light of my life and fury of my soul," Johnny sang his usual greeting as he entered the flower shop, arms flung out wide in an attempt to be dramatic. "How are you on this yet another 'beautifully' muggy— wait, you're not yelling." Arms dropping to his sides, Johnny cocked his head and stared in confusion at his best friend and surrogate sister of seven years.
"Why aren't you yelling at anything?" He asked, hopping onto the barstool she kept in the shop specifically for him. "I thought for sure I was gonna get to witness you snapping at the kiwi cordyline today. D'avin and I have a bet going on it. He thinks you're gonna go after the banana plant. Idiot," Johnny scoffed, popping a berry in his mouth.
"Yeah, well you missed the show. Tell D'av he owes you twenty joy and the right cheek this time." The little hiss of 'yes' and the accompanying little victory wiggle Johnny did at her comment finally pulled Dutch's attention from the azaleas, a smile tugging at her lips along with it.
Johnny had been in her life since he had stolen her original shop from right under her nose. Dutch's lease had expired the day before, and, like the little sneak he was, Johnny had scooped it up before she'd even been able to blink.
He had lost some of her ire by gladly helping her move all her plants into her new location, no matter how overbearing she was about them being handled properly. But Dutch was quick to learn that it was impossible to hate Johnny Jaqobis: he was far too snarky and happy, too clever and too quick, to be anything but endeared by him. Still, that hadn't stopped her from solely referring to him as "Thief Boy" for the first month of their friendship.
Now the shop was Lucy's: Johnny's oddly named tech repair shop, and the best one in the entire quad, despite its humble appearance. Every time a customer asked about the name, Dutch had to repress an undignified snort as Johnny told the customer that he'd named the place after the most important woman in his life. It would have been a heartwarming story if Dutch hadn't known the truth—that woman was, in fact, his personal computer set-up.
The door burst open again, much more roughly this time, as a well-built man with close cropped hair stuck his head into the shop.
"Sorry, had a customer that didn't understand the meaning of 'shut up.' Am I late?"
"We missed it, D'av," Johnny complained as he spun his seat around to face his brother. "She yelled at them this morning before the shop opened like some kind of sane person."
"Well that's dumb," declared D'avin as he fully entered the shop. He made sure to close the door much more gently than he had opened it behind him. "Don't you know by now that half of your customers only come in for the showdowns of Dutch versus the Pretty Flowers?"
"Ha ha ha," Dutch sneered at the older Jaqobis brother. "Just for that I'm glad I yelled at the cordyline this morning instead of the banana plant. Now I get to have my own show of watching Johnny slap you."
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johnandrasjaqobis · 5 years
who are your favourite characters then
This one I can answer in like, a ten page dissertation and shall refrain from doing so okay
Mollymauk from Critical Role is the first that comes to mind these days. My weird purple son whom I love.
Clint/Hawkeye, always, forever, never change dumpster man
Deacon from Fallout 4, one of a few lying egg men
and in the lesser-known fandoms category,,
Sergio Balleseros from Helix, my sad merc with dubious morals
Alvis Akari from Killjoys, the monk/revolution leader/creepy little dude
D'avin Jaqobis, also from Killjoys, my ex-soldier bounty hunter who just wants to wear cozy things and be soft
10k from Z Nation, the tiny zombie blend sniper son
Takeshi Kovacs from Altered Carbon, the very tired alleged terrorist who definitely doesn't get attached no sir
Anna Volovoldov from The Expanse, the wonderful lesbian Methodist preacher with her lovely wife and freaking adorable daughter
Akmazian from EOS 10 (which is a podcast so y'know. Your guess is as good as mine when it comes to what he looks like)
and I'm sure there are plenty of others but these came to mind immediately so I assume that counts for something. I have a lot of favorites. I love them all.
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theladyragnell · 5 years
Fancy/D'avin, royalty romcom?
“Turin,you are kidding me.”
Turinraises his eyebrows. “Do I kid? I don't think I do. You've pissedoff too many politicians in this town, go piss off someone else.Overseas. Call it a nice little vacation.”
Fancygroans. “To Tellen? Who takes vacations to Tellen? And who besidestabloids cares about the succession laws of some country no one intheir right mind would visit?”
“Anyonewho cares about silicon supplies and the fact that the King of Tellentechnically owns all of them due to archaic laws,” says Turin, andthrows a folder at Fancy, who catches it. Plane tickets, backgroundinformation, wordcount for the article and a deadline. He's beenplanning this. “Write aboutthe archaic laws and the results and the king who's been partying allover the J since he mustered out of the army and now has to go backor abdicate in favor of his little brother. It'll be fun!”
IfFancy thought for a second that Turin actually cares about theresource politics over the drama, he'd be all over this story, but hedoesn't have high hopes looking at the folder. “You owe me,” hesays, and goes to see if his usual catsitter is free.
Thefirst thing that happens to Fancy when he reaches Tellen is that someunshaved, unwashed mountain man tries to steal his cab, and thenclimbs in after him when Fancy makes it clear it's his cab with agrin on his face. “Hey, you've got a press pass. You're going tothe palace for the press conference, I'm going to the palace for thepress conference, why not share?”
Fancycrosses his arms. “You planning to pay your share of the cab?”
Thestranger grins at him. “Hey, it's your cab, right?”
Fancygoes to the palace in blessed quiet, and the mountain man stealssomeone else's cab, and feels really virtuous about it until the kingof Tellen gets up for his first press conference since his father'sdeath, freshly shaved, and grins down at Fancy in the front row.
Thepress conference is all boring non-answers, and official word fromthe palace's press secretary is that the king is not intending tospeak privately, so Fancy is left at loose ends with the rest of thevultures hoping for some royal gossip and sidling up to the palacestaff seeing who will take bribes to tell them that Probably-KingD'avin has a love child or a weird birthmark or even a particularlyinteresting dietary preference.
Fancysighs, texts Turin to tell him that he wants a raise, and startscontacting press offices around Tellen to ask for comments onD'avin's return and the odds on them endingup with King John, who mostly seems to be a computer nerd, whichisn't a terrible thing for a country who exports a lot of techcomponents.
Someoneclears her throat behind him, and Fancy turns around to find a womanhe thinks is involved somewhere in palace security (who also looksfamiliar enough that he's going to have to figure her out later)staring at him, arms crossed. “I'm supposed to tell the cab thiefthat he wants to talk to you.”
“Excuseme, he is the cabthief,” Fancy says automatically. “Is he offering an exclusiveinterview to make up for messing with me? I'll take that.”
Shesnorts. “He's offering something, but he hasn't decided to tell mewhat yet. Come on.”
D'avinJaqobis, next king of Tellen in three days unless he decides toabdicate, greets Fancy with a sheepish smile. “Okay, in allfairness, I was running late and you were one of the first ones toleave, so I was hoping to get out ahead of the crowd. I would havetold you who I was, probably. And then not answered any questions.”
Fancyconsiders that. “Then I definitely would have kicked you out of mycab. Am I here for an interview?”
“Kindof. I looked you up. Fancy Lee, right? With the Chronicle?”Fancy nods, wary. “Is it true that you guys try hard to becompletely neutral on every story we right?”
“Nosides,” Fancy says automatically, and then, with a reporter'sfinely-honed sense for a story, “Why do you ask?”
D'avintakes a deep breath. “Because I need someone to write a story onwhy I've suddenly got a son and get it out before I take the throneso I can last-minute abdicate if people are assholes about it.”
“Ah,shit, the love child speculations aren't bullshit for once,” saysFancy, and sits down. “Okay, tell me everything.”
Fancytells Turin that he's getting him the exclusive of a lifetime butthat he needs to move up his deadline by a week and starts doing hisresearch. The first piece of research is meeting the rest of thefamily—the brother, who is way too cheerful to be a king, thesecurity officer, who's actually a princess or queen or something ofsomewhere because Tellen is weird as fuck, and the son, who's gotsome kind of fancy name but mostly gets called Jaq.
Jaqgreets Fancy with his arms crossed. “My mothers say never to trustthe press.”
Fancysighs. “Yeah, that's probably smart, kid. Who are your mothers?”
Thekid turns out to belong also to some high-ranking governmentofficials over in the Quad States, which is great. That's great, thatwill go really well for D'avin, who seems kind of amazed that he hasa kid, which he really shouldn't, since he had to participate somehowto be involved. Fancy doesn't have the whole of that story yet.
“Youare kidding me,” he says over his shoulder to D'avin.
D'avinshrugs. “I really kind of wish I were.”
Fancy'sstory, well-researched, well-cited, exhaustively neutral, goes up theday before someone isgoing to get crowned. Still not clear who it is, which Turin pointsout to Fancy at high volume when he calls him to bitch about all hisinadequacies as a reporter and which Fancy points out in turn toD'avin when he finds him lurking around in a hall somewhere.
“Well,you got comments from a lot of people who think I can still do it,and you only write the truth,” says D'avin. “I'm gonna talk toJohnny tonight, we'll work some shit out. But you're gonna be thereto see it happen, write an addendum to your article, right?”
“Youasking me to stick around?”
“Ifyou want to. You keep telling your editor he owes you an extra twoweeks of vacation. Maybe you could hang out here. Come to the bigparty with me tomorrow night. You know. As my date.”
It'snot like Fancy doesn't know there's some attraction there, for bothof them. But D'avin also comes with a hundred complications involvingroyalty and professional ethics and a kid,and a date seems like a lot, with that in mind.
ButD'avin is sitting there grinning, and what the hell. It's one date,and a story to tell at parties, even if it doesn't go anywhere else.Fancy smirks. “Only if you pay for my cab from my hotel.”
D'avin'sgrin gets wider, like he knows just what that means even when Fancyisn't sure that he does. “I think I can just about manage that.”
“Thenyou've got yourself a date. Your Majesty.”
“Hey,you can't call me that till tomorrow.”
That'san answer, but Fancy's not going to call Turin right now and tell himto put that in the story, write an addendum. They've got theirexclusive. The world can figure it all out tomorrow.
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shannyfishwriter · 6 years
Killjoys: “Kindred” 14
Title: Kindred  Rating: T Summary: Post 3x05. Dutch, D'avin, and Johnny are captured by Aneela.
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"I don't know if I can do this." "You're the strongest person I have ever met, Dutch.  Don't think that I go around using that term with anyone else," Bellus told her firmly.  "You can do this.  You have to do this.  Think about those boys...they're probably getting shit done during the day and crying their eyes out without you there." Dutch smiled at that.  "I doubt that." "They need you.  You've been caged up whenever we've moved and you're young...it's not easy for you to stay hidden and to be idle.  A little easier when I'm a little older than you." "What if--" "We're going to be fine here.  Pree's man is going to be meeting up with us right before we make our next move.  Your precious little one will be kept safe while you're out there kicking ass and saving the Quad." "What if something happens and you need me?" "I'll figure out how to get into contact don't you worry." She couldn't' help but worry.  All she'd been thinking about for months was getting out of wherever they were hiding, to kick ass and shoot the bad guys.  Now that she was practically being shoved out the door into it, she felt grief consuming her whole.  "If something happens--" "Nothing's going to happen to you or those boys," Bellus countered.  "But if the unimaginable happens, you know that your little one will be so spoiled...Pree and Gared would see to it…" "Not too much spoiling." "Just the right amount, I promise--" "And the name." "I know." Pree was in the other room.  She'd already said her goodbyes to her friend and her little one.  This was the hardest thing she'd experienced in her life so far...which she felt a bit ridiculous about.  Who knew that your life could become so connected to something so small and so new to the world.  She'd always imagined that if anyone was going to have a child...it would have been Johnny and Pawter...but that chance had been taken away.  She'd not thought she'd be good at being a mother, but she loved it...but her heart was also somewhere else...which was why she had to go now.  "Thank you, Bellus," she said as she hugged the older woman.   "Getting soft on me, girl.  Must be those hormones still teetering out of balance." Dutch beamed and let out a soft laugh as she pulled back from Bellus.  "Must be." "Be safe." "Or be good?" "Be both," Bellus told her.  "Time to go home." And it was time. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Getting back to Lucy wasn't as easy as it could have been.  She had been outside of the Quad, which was their plan...to slowly move their way out of the Quad and through the J to some place where her child could be safe from the eyes of Aneela and the Hullen.  It had taken her longer than her sanity really could handle, but she found Lucy docked on Westerley...she imagined that they were supplying or something along those lines.   "Welcome back, Dutch.  Shall I announce your arrival home?" She smiled, it was so good to hear Lucy's voice.  "No, Lucy, it's okay." "You have one hundred and eighty-six messages waiting for you.  Would you like me to start playing them in chronological order now?" Dutch blinked at that information.  "No.  Not right now.  Later." "Okay." Placing her hand on the strap of her bag, she adjusted it so it sat better on her shoulder.  She moved towards the quarters of the ship quietly.  As much as she wanted to see her boys, she was overwhelmed with emotions...of how much she missed them...and how excited she was to see them...how ready she was to kick Hullen as...but then how much she missed her little one.  They'd sent her away to keep her safe...and now she was back.  She went to enter her quarters, but stopped mid step inside when she found D'avin asleep on her bed.  Dutch hadn't expected that, but at the same time...she wasn't surprised.  When Johnny had gone with Clara, she'd gone into his room to try to cheer herself up and keep from missing him (it never worked, but it made you feel the slightest bit better).   Setting her bag down off to the side, she walked in quietly and to the side of the bed so that she could really look at him.  She knew better than to sit on the bed next to him, he had reflexes like hers and she didn't want to spook him.  This was normally the time that D'avin looked at peace, not always...but most of the time.  She'd missed it.  Dutch started to leave, not wanting to wake him but she froze when she heard him shift.  She turned back to see him staring at her now. "Dutch?" "Hi." "Is it really you?" She turned fully and moved slowly back towards her bed.  "Yes.  It was time for me to come home," she explained.  "I've sat out of this fight long enough…"  Dutch sat on the edge of the bed now as he sat up, his hand reaching out towards her.  She smiled, took his hand and pressed it to her cheek.  "I'm really here." "What about--" "Just me." He sat up fully and Dutch could see questions flash across his eyes.  As much as she didn't want to go into it all now, at the same time...he deserved answers.  "Are you okay?" "Yes, though it's weird being back."
"Where's Johnny?" "Johnny is off the ship," Lucy piped up. "Where the hells are we?" "Old Town, Westerley." "Didn't you know?" Dutch asked as she quickly took in how confused D'avin looked.  "I figured you were resupplying or something." "Something," D'avin replied.  "We were supposed to be leaving for a mission from the RAC station...Westerley wasn't on the list of to-dos before that." "Are you complaining?" she asked with a smile.   "Not that you're back, absolutely not," D'avin replied brightly without missing a beat.   It was still there in his eyes, he wanted to ask her but he wasn't, that was absolutely clear to Dutch.  "I know you have questions...and you want answers, but if something happens--" "You're trying to keep people safe." Dutch took his hands into hers and scooted closer.  "I'm trying to keep our child safe."   D'avin just nodded and didn't look at her at first.  "I won't lie, I have been wondering about you and our child...boy or girl...what they look like...what name you gave him or her." "They're all things I want to tell you...and I wish I could introduce you, but I swear our child is in good hands and they're safe."  It was so hard not to just break down and tell him everything.  She'd thought about telling him for months and she was fairly sure that no matter the gender of her child that D'avin would be happy and excited and that he'd really be a good father.  No matter how screwed up their respective childhoods were...D'av would be such a good dad.  "I'm sorry.  This isn't the way that this should be." "No, it's not...for either of us." They couldn't dwell on it, she knew that.  "What's been keeping you going?" "Seeing you again." “D'av--" "It has to be the three of us to make this team work, Dutch," he told her.  "If it's only two of us, we're missing something...and I've been feeling that hard." "Okay," she said with a nod.  She knew what he meant and he was right.  When it had just be the two of them, it hadn't been the same without Johnny there.  When it had been just her and Johnny, they'd needed D'av to be to their fullest potential.  "So tell me what the mission is." "It's Johnny's crazy ass plan." "Tell me." "Johnny wants to make Aneela and Delle Seyah our allies in this war," D'avin told her. For a moment she thought about asking him to repeat himself, but she knew that she'd actually absorbed what he'd actually said.  She was just in denial about it.  "What?" "The baby that Delle Seyah was carrying...the one that's got my DNA...I've seen her a few times and I just keep wondering...and I think Johnny's worried," D'av said.  "He thought that the memories that Zeph had put into the syringe would make Aneela have feelings for you and want to be on our side…" "If it were that easy--" "That's not even the entire plan, just wait for this one…" So, she waited. "Johnny says that if Aneela was able to pull baby her out of a memory to make baby you then she should be able to pull Khlyen from a memory too." "Khlyen?" she breathed.  There was a mix of feelings that floated through her head.  Although so much had been revealed about her past and origins...Dutch couldn't keep the mixed feelings away.  Maybe it was because she had a child now and rather than training that child up to fight the Hullen like Khlyen had with her, she'd sent her little one away with friends who would ensure safety and a good life.   "It's all kind of weird, even if Aneela would even do it--" "You'd think she'd have figured that out by now if she could." "But if she doesn't remember pulling you from the green, then maybe she doesn't remember she has that power," D'avin pointed out. "You think this is a good plan?" "I think it's a plan." "But?" "But I think that Johnny brought it up for selfish reasons for me." "What reasons?" "Caspara," D'av said as he looked at her.  "The child that Delle Seyah had." "You have a daughter," Dutch said, trying to be happy because she felt like that was what D'avin wanted to be, but he was unsure.  When he looked confused, she gave a vague gesture.  "Caspara." "Yes, though I don't think Delle Seyah would appreciate me referring to her as such." "She can just get over herself." "But I think that's why Johnny is trying to do all of this...so that I can see her more," D'avin said.  "But that doesn't help our child…" "No...but yes," Dutch said.  "Johnny's right about Aneela and Khlyen being allies...huge allies against  the Hullen if we could make it happen.  I just don't know about the whole bringing Khlyen out of the green part…" "So, does this mean you're on board?" "Well, I'm here," she offered with a smile.  "And I'm not going anywhere...and from the picture that Bellus painted...I was supposed to find you both crying in your bunks or something." "That sounds about accurate."
She punched his arm.  "Liar." "Okay, seventy-five percent accurate...and the rest is me pretending to be a badass when I just miss the hells out of you." "D'av!  You won't believe what I found!" came Johnny's voice from another section of the ship. "You won't believe what I found either!" D'avin called back.   Dutch turned her attention in the direction of the doorway.  When Johnny finally appeared, she just smiled at him.  "Hi." And then everything that Johnny was carrying was suddenly on the floor. "Dutch, what the hells?!" Johnny finally exclaimed after a far too long moment. 
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hussyknee replied to your post “hussyknee replied to your post “you should’ve met my old man… He was...”
The Jaqobis brothers are a sort of healthier mirror of the Winchesters. A study in how a lack of toxic masculinity and unhealthy co-dependence can shape people into more positive humans. Both live in dark worlds and wars but the Jaqobis find hope, gains family and finds purpose while the Winchesters spiral into codependence, loses family and become progressively isolated and burdened.
I never got the impression that Johnny thought D'avin left because he just wanted to see the world. It would have been quite clear he wanted to escape their father. Johnny would have wanted that too. Seeing the world wouldn't have hurt but getting away from their Dad's suffocating presence would have been the priority. Dean and Johnny are very different people in two different places. Dean was in denial that their Dad was abusive when the show started. He was still in that place where he genuinely believed if he and Sam had been better and more obedient the family would not be as fractured. Even now Dean has his moments of trying to absolve his father. Johnny has no such illusions about his own father. Ofc Davin left because of their Dad. Still blames him for abandoning him.
@hussyknee Right!! So much of this show is similar to what spn could’ve been if they didn’t cling so desperately to toxic masculinity. But then, subverting those sorts of tropes is kinda Killjoys’ thing, which frankly is one of my favourite things about the shot.
And yeah no, that’s true I completely agree. it’s just Johnny’s reaction to D’av at the start of the series suggests that he didn’t know their dad basically told D’av “leave and never come back, or else.” 
Because Johnny’s pissed at him and part of that is because D’av dropped off the face of the earth (lol) for nine years with no explanation whatsoever, but part of it is that he left in the first place (or probably more specifically the circumstances he left under) and they resolve Johnny being pissed at him for not coming back when you find out about the mind control shit, because yeah D’av not coming back hurt Johnny but given the context he gets it.
But Johnny’s explicitly still pissed at D’av for leaving in the first place after they resolve the “not coming back” thing and given everything we know about Johnny I don’t think he would be angry (or at least not as angry as he is) at D’av if he’d known exactly how that went down because you’re completely right Johnny’s not Dean and he’s under no illusions about how their dad treated them. 
If he’d known that D’av had been kicked out I think his reaction would’ve been different, I mean to be honest I think if he’d known D’av was scared he was physically going to hurt someone Johnny would’ve helped him leave. Instead, I think what happened was Johnny just got up one morning and D’av was gone with absolutely no explanation. Which, even though Johnny would’ve understood that D’av needed to escape their dad still would’ve read as him making a choice (in a way that being kicked out wouldn’t’ve), especially considering Johnny at that point couldn’t’ve been more than 17/18, Johnny might not have any illusions now, but he probably saw it a lot less clearly at that point. And, with lack of actual context for D’av leaving I’d guess he kinda just... held on to that. But given Johnny as a character, and how quickly he accepts D’av’s reasons for not coming back I think as soon as he got actual context for that he’d understand, which, kinda lead me to the conclusion that while Johnny knew D’av left because of their dad he didn’t know the specifics of how and why D’av left at the start of the show. 
And the first time I watched that episode I finished it thinking Johnny still didn’t know because you never see D’av tell him, but when I re-watched it I noticed that line and it occurred to me that they actually might’ve had that conversation just... off screen (although frankly I kind of hope they didn’t have that conversation off screen because I’d quite like to see it but w/e)
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trainsinanime · 7 years
Killjoys Season One
I’ve watched this show because I saw maybe one or two GIFs of t here, and Netflix recommended it. Now I'm not sure what to think, so I'll try to work it out through the medium of writing a blog post.
Quick overview: It's a sci-if TV show in the rough general vein of Firefly, set in your standard ultra-capitalist spacetravelling future. We're following a group of three bounty hunters who hunt and sometimes kill people for money (the local currency is called “joy” to allow the “Killjoys” title), although they quickly start spending most of their time entangled in fairly generic conspiracies, along with the odd shoot-out in Canada's most generic abandoned warehouses.
Structurally speaking, the show is mediocre at best. It's a lot of plots you've seen before, a world you've definitely seen before and nothing particularly interesting in the visual effects. A lot of the time it doesn’t event bother to tell it’s story all that well. The main group can never make up their mind whether the third guy is or isn’t part of the group. Several times our heroes get out of consequences to their actions simply by virtue of the big conspiracy guys still having plans for them, which is not a particularly great Deus ex Machina. Quite often things that are portrayed as big reveals really only give a name to shadowy stuff we knew before. More than once our heroes change plans seemingly at random because the plot demands it.
And if that were all the show was, then I would never have watched the first season to the end. But it does have something else going for it: Great characters portrayed by great actors. Arguably, this is all the show really has going for it; you co und say that it just tries to get by on the charm of its leads alone. But unlike, say, “Valerian” (which comes close at times), Killjoys actually manages to do that.
Top marks for this easily go to “Dutch”, the elder of the team and center of the whole conspiracy. She's badass, funny, caring, vulnerable and anything else, and you always get the idea that there is more going on behind her face. Her partner Johnny is the more laid-back fun person of the two, but shows enormous range as well. I especially love their relationship, which is non-romantic but deeply and openly loving and caring. There are not many relationships between a man and a woman in TV that really feel like best friends forever instead of just a romantic match waiting to happen, but this is really a great one.
Then there's D'avin (I don’t know what the apostrophe is for), the third bounty hunter and Johnny's brother, and I really gotta say… two great leads out of three isn’t a bad statistic either. At least as the show goes on he turns from annoyingly generic white guy to uninteresting generic white guy. Interesting and great folks like the barkeeper and in particular the doctor more than make up for him.
I,m. It sure I can really describe what does actually work about this show; you need to see it for yourself (or look through the gifs here). What I can say is that it's a mediocre show held up by some great characters, and while it's not my favorite show I've seen lately, it's definitely enjoyable to watch.
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adangerousbond · 6 years
Even Green Can Lose its Colour
Chapter Two
I have been in a writing mood recently but never for the same story! I was going to do another one-shot but thought seeing's how I had half of this written out already I should finish the chapter off. I have at least one more chapter planned for this story too, I haven't had a real sort of plan for it but we'll see how it goes!
Thank-you all for the support so far with this story! I appreciate it greatly.
Read Below or at ff.net or AO3
Swallowing the liquid, she placed her hand back into the green and willed it to take her back to the other side. Feeling the now familiar pull of travelling through the green, brought a sense of hope to her, replaced by a sharp stab of fear as she felt the anger of the lady from behind her.
Falling to the ground, Dutch forced herself to open her eyes, her hands still tightly gripping the container with the spore. Relief flooded through her as she opened her eyes quickly, ripping the band aide off as sorts, and took in the rocky cave around her, without any hint of the hazy green around her.
"How did you get here?" The voice of the woman who technically was her mother broke her trance, the guards at the door watching her with interest, clearly having woken the sleeping ruler when they had entered the chamber to protect their queen from the commotion.
Dutch's glance towards the pool now only containing water answering the question, her quiet confusion telling everyone around that not only did she not quite know how her path had ended here, but also that the location was a surprise to her as well.
"Where's Aneela?" The older woman asked with compassion, it all made little sense to her, but the younger woman in front of her was the spitting image of the daughter she had loved for so long.
"She must be out, she wasn't in the green." Dutch spoke, her voice sounding as tired as she felt.
"Why is it water now?" Yalena questioned, noticing the change in the pool as she approached it cautiously.
"Because of this, we used it from the inside." Dutch stated, toying with the spore container that she had produced once again in the green and successfully brought out with her, just when she had started to learn how to control the green; she was about to destroy it for once and for all. "Now I think we need to use it from the outside too."
"Can I do the honours?" Her mother requested, the years that she had spent in anger and sorrow due to the liquid in front of her, evident in every action she did, every word she spoke; it was only fitting that she be the one to end it, after all she had kept her post to do that very thing for longer than she could even recall these days.
Dutch handed the spore to the older woman, as she watched her pour it from its prison, the air around them heavy with apprehension and relief as the water turned to black and then down to a dust as the spore mixed with it. The dust sat unassuming across the stone, the power it had once held appearing to be gone, but neither of them could be certain of that fact and neither could be sure of what damage it had already done or the damage that might be caused by ending it.
"I need to get to my people." Dutch broke the silence, turning away from the pool and pushing aside her questions, knowing that the only chance for answers would start back with her team.
"Of course, I will organise a ship to take you." Yalena agreed instantly, she might have completed her main mission for the galaxy, but she was still wanting to help her family in any way she could.
"Thank-you." Her daughter and almost grand-daughter stated politely, in some ways she reminded her so much of Aneela and in other ways she was the complete opposite.
"When you see her, can you tell her I would love a visit?" She requested, hoping that the other would accept and the next time she would be woken it would be for her other daughter.
"Of course." Dutch agreed quickly, it was the least she could do for the promise of safe passage back to her team.
She sat on the couch of the ship, the humming of the ship calming her slightly as they made their way through the planets protective shield, the fake black hole flashing back up the moment they were far away enough to miss its pull. A little while into the trip her quiet trance was broken as her pilot made his way over to her.
"You look terrible, are you sure we shouldn't stop at a planet with a doctor on the way?" A man dressed the same as the protector she had met on Utopia approached her cautiously.
"No, I need to get back home." Dutch answered assuredly, she didn't have time to worry about herself and knew that Lucy would probably be better equipped than any of the doctors along the way anyway.
"Very well, at least try to eat something." The protector instructed, placing some fruit on the table in front of her, the kindness from one of Khylen's highly trained assassins throwing her for a moment.
Thanking him, she waited until her left to try to eat a little, but the moment she swallowed, she felt like throwing it back up as it mixed with the green that she had drunk to get out, the liquid and the solid appearing not to be a fan of each other. She had taken a while to not feel sick after her last trip, but this time had been worse, she had gone in and came out a different way and she couldn't help but wonder if that made things worse for herself, not that it mattered if it meant they had finally won.
"Stop approaching or we will have to take defensive action." Turin yelled through the speaker, his annoyance almost visible through his tone, as the loud sound woke Dutch from the light sleep she had fallen into, making her way into the cockpit, surprised to see they were staring down the Amarda.
"I have a package I have been instructed to deliver. I have disengaged my weapons systems." The protector responded, his tone flat and unbothered.
"You do not have permission to dock, please turn away." Turin requested, giving them little option to do anything else, his voice echoing through the ship.
"Well give me permission." The protector calmly requested, shaking his head when she made a move to respond instead.
"Oh, because you asked so nicely, no." Her boss growled back, and she could imagine his face angry and confused at the situation at hand.
"Let me speak to him." She asked, gaining a glare in response, she understood that he had to ensure it wasn't a trap and he didn't want to let them know she was on board until he knew it was safe, but it still annoyed her.
"I just need to dock to deliver this package and I will be on my way." The man in front of her explained.
"And let me guess the package is a weapon?" Turin laughed, she knew his team- her team- would be working on trying to gain access to the ship to work out their intentions, but from the system she could see around her, she also knew that wouldn't happen any time soon.
"Let me talk to your leader." The protector tried from a different angle, his people skills clearly as lacking as Turin's.
"You already are." Turin's gruff voice fired back, his patience wearing thin.
"Well you can give me the permission to dock then." His tone making it clear that he already knew he was talking to the top of the chain and that he didn't care.
"We have been over this." The answer that came back sounding as mocking as the demand.
"Ask for a white blade." She instructed her pilot, hoping that it would interest her team enough to agree.
"I'm invoking a white blade." He stated, accepting her plan without any further questions.
"A what?" Turin asked, it was unclear to her if he actually didn't know what it was or if the request had simply thrown him.
"What did you say?" Johnny's voice piped up, making her smile at hearing her best friends voice, knowing that at least he was alive.
"I'm invoking a white blade," the protector stated, "Give me 5 minutes with you and I promise to stick to the terms of a white blade."
"Give us a minute." Johnny said, cutting the transmission off their end.
"What in the bloody hells is a white blade." Turin grumbled, turning to his team that had interrupted him, the whole situation confusing him, they hadn't had another ship even come near them in days, let alone one come up to them.
"Dutch did it once with another assassin, it's like a sit down where each side can't kill the other." D'avin explained briefly, evident that they didn't get the whole run down but had had enough to get the concept.
"And do they stick to the rules?" Turin asked, brows raised at the way the two men next to him suddenly looked sideways at each other, giving him his answer. "Exactly."
"That was different, Dutch pushed him too far, she said it's the one thing assassin's respect." Johnny reasoned, curious about what the man on the ship wanted and wanting to believe that it might be something of help to them.
"Which only proves at the very least, he's an assassin, is that really someone we should be inviting onto our ship." Turin questioned, knowing it was a valid argument, especially with everything that had been going on the last few weeks.
"Let him dock." Aneela spoke up, alerting them to her presence in the room, her statement drawing the attention from everyone in the room.
"Why?" Turin asked tiredly, quickly realising that he was getting out numbered on his wish to turn the ship away.
"He's a protector." She stated in an even tone, even though she wasn't sure that the room even knew what that was.
"He works for your mother?" Johnny questioned, drawing weird looks all round at his knowledge of the term, with even Aneela surprised.
"We have to let him dock, he could have something important to tell us, mother might have had something to do with the change in the green." She reasoned, knowing her statement would be enough to convince even Turin.
They stood in a line at the end of the docking station, awaiting the man that claimed he was no threat, watching as the man exited slowly, his white blade above his head almost mockingly as he walked towards them.
"What is your package?" Turin asked, staring the man down as he came to a stop a few metres off their location, the lack of anything with him putting them all on edge.
"I'll get it, I just had to make sure you wouldn't shoot me first." He stated, placing the blade down on the floor before heading back in.
"Is he for real?" Turin questioned after a couple minutes, his day seemed to just be getting worse and worse.
"Whatever it is, it must be important." Aneela stated calmly.
They head the two pairs of footsteps before they saw them, guns trained on them instantly, the fact that either his package was a person or he had gotten back up concerning them all even more.
"Don't shoot." The protector stated, his body turned to protect his companion and his hand raised in front of them.
"They wouldn't dare." Dutch spoke affectionately, her boys rushing to her side the moment she came in view. Her arms going around both of them, grinning for the first time in what felt like forever, as the three of them clung to each other.
"Thank-you." Johnny said to the man as he stepped away, his hand out to shake the strangers hand.
"Simply doing my job, once you all finally let me." He spoke as evenly as he had the entire showdown.
"Come on, lets get you fueled up and ready to get on your way again." Turin spoke politely, more trusting than before but still wanting the stranger off his ship.
Da'vin supported Dutch as he led her away from the small group, wanting to get her to Lucy and checked out as soon as he could, the lack of complaint from her not surprising him as he took in her fatigued and weakened state, reminding him of when she had come out of the green the first time, only this time she was at least still awake.
Directing her onto Lucy and into her room, he helped lower her onto her bed, bending down in front of her as she sat quietly.
"Are you okay?" He questioned her softly, knowing that Lucy would have started monitoring her vitals and clocking her injuries the moment they got on the ship.
"Not sure." She answered honestly, her defeated eyes meeting his.
"We thought, I thought I would never see you again." He voiced the fear he had held onto since the last time he had saw her, gripping her hands tightly between his.
"This is real, right?" She asked, a lone tear running down her cheek. The question itself at first glance could have seemed out of excitement but the terror in the back of her eyes and the quiet tone nearly broke him, she actually wasn't fully convinced.
"Yes." He stated firmly, cupping her face with his hands.
"I'm not really sure I care anymore." Her statement threw him, he was prepared for her to not believe him, to not know how to know, but the fact she had passed the point so far that she didn't push to know; that was unexpected and broke his heart to even start to think about what the lady had done to her.
"This is real, she doesn't have you anymore." He tried to convince her, thinking for a moment, he lent forward, kissing her lightly, trying to prove his point. "You've kissed me in the green and out, which one did that feel like?"
Instead of a response, she wrapped her arms around him, hiding her face in his neck. The lady had stolen nearly all of her strength, for the time being she needed to borrow some from her family, as much of it as she could get.
"How long was I in there?" she asked, drawing back, seemingly believing that it was real, or at least not caring if it wasn't.
"Nearly two weeks." He responded casually, as if he didn't know the exact amount of time she had been missing, right down to the minute, but her fear and pain outweighed his at the moment.
"Felt like longer." Her words holding more weight than she had meant, she had tried to keep track of time, but the lady hadn't let her and by the end, it had felt like eternity.
"Do you want a shower or food?" His attention turning back to her well being as Lucy interrupted with an update on her vitals.
"Shower, definitely." She stated, a small hint of a smile as she entertained the thought of a real shower.
"Do you need any help?" He asked sincerely, concerned about her ability to stand let alone shower on her own.
"I'll be fine, Lucy will be looking out for me, won't ya girl?" Dutch responded, glancing upwards to her ship.
"Of course, Dutch." Lucy's monotone voice making her feel more at home.
"Okay, we will all be in the kitchen if you need anything." He told her as he got up to go find the others.
"How is she?" Johnny and Aneela asked the moment he entered the kitchen, their concern evident.
"Pretty messed up, I'm not even sure she's convinced this is real." He explained as he poured himself a drink, needing it more than he had all week, this time though for a different reason.
"The lady would have spent every moment torturing her and time is different in the green. She could have done anything to her." Aneela stated, fear and admiration for her creation evident in her tone.
"What do we do now?" Johnny asked, thankful that one of their issues was much more manageable now, allowing them the chance to move onto the other array of problems they had, with less of a threat of their team members possible death.
"Now we go deal with the issue in Old Town." D'avin agreed, their other friends needed them now more than ever and they had been telling themselves that they were working on the issue when really they had been more focused on Dutch.
"And find Delle Seyah and the child." Aneela stated, her family's safety the only thing that she had left that she really cared about, she had been pushing to find them daily but the knowledge that they were safe had been enough to subdue her, but not that Dutch was back she had no real reason to stay.
"We'll keep trying to hold the peace from here." Turin informed the group as he walked into their impromptu meeting. "But do you have any idea what to do about Old Town?"
"As far as Lucy and I can tell, whatever they have been infected with is suppressing their memories, as well as their inhibitions. It must be some sort of neural blocker, so we should be able to work out a way to reverse its effects." Johnny started on about what he had found out from his external scans of the planet that harbored their friends.
"The lady told me it would wear off." Dutch spoke up, drawing everyone's attention as she leant against the door frame to the kitchen. Wearing one of D'avin's shirts and a pair of shorts nearly hidden under the shirts length, she looked smaller and lessen frightening than usual, especially with the myriad of bruises and cuts across her body.
"She told you about what she did to Old Town?" Johnny asked, handing her a glass of Hokk as he gave her another quick hug, grateful that his best friend was alive.
"I thought she was just trying to mess with me, but she said that the loss of memory was temporary and that they will keep their old memories and new together, I think that was where she got the enjoyment from it, the aftermath." Dutch explained to them, sitting at the table as she nursed the glass without actually drinking it.
"Did she leave out the part that it has killed some of them and we aren't certain it won't kill more?" Turin questioned with less gusto than he usually would, even he could see the toll that the green had taken on the former assassin.
"Doesn't surprise me." Dutch stated sadly, knowing full well how the Lady's plans can go. "She can be brutal."
"I think we can all agree on that." Aneela spoke quietly, her own demons from the green creeping up on her.
The room fell silent, only interrupted for a moment when Turin excused himself to go back to the main ship, allowing them to leave the dock and start on their journey towards their friends. The four of them sat around the table with various levels of Hokk as they relished in the silence.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Johnny asked, breaking the silence as he ran his eyes over his best friend, it wasn't the cuts or the exhaustion that concerned him, he had seen her much worse before, but the look of defeat in her eyes, the Lady had appeared to have come within moments of breaking her fully.
"Lucy gave me the all clear." Dutch responded quietly, diverting her eyes into the liquid in her glass.
"Is that right Luce?" Johnny directed his question towards the ship instead.
"Dutch will live but I did not give her the all clear, she has a number of injuries, is malnourished and suffering from exhaustion as well as a slight fever and headache, which could be related to her other symptoms or could be the sign of something else. I have given her a number of things to help her heal faster, however I have not cleared her yet." The ships voice echoed throughout the room, the slightest hint of concern to the words that should be impossible for an AI but there wasn't another AI quite like theirs.
"Real okay." Johnny chastised with a smirk, knowing full well that Lucy would always give him the honest truth and would have alerted them had she believed that something was actually wrong.
"What did she do to you in there?" Aneela asked almost timidly, as if she was terrified to know and having suffered at the Lady's hand herself more than anyone else in the room, she had every reason to be.
"She tried to break me." Dutch answered simply, she knew she meant well but she was far from ready to go over that again.
"What did she want?" Aneela tried a different angle, worried about what the Lady might have gotten out of her.
"I'm not sure wanted anything except payback, she was furious that we trapped her in and so she tried to take it all out on me." Dutch responded after a few moments, running a finger along a large bruise on her arm as if she was trying to determine how exactly she received it.
"You should get some rest." D'avin spoke up, putting an end to the conversation with a stern glance at Aneela and a gentle hand on Dutch's shoulder.
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thebirdandhersong · 3 years
best of e6-10 notes, Johnny Jaqobis edition:
"In my defense, scientific research is a very thin line between stupid and genius" oh Johnny
Johnny LOVES her and would pick her side every TIME and he's worried that she'll get hurt because of D'avin because he knows she's been through a Lot
hey you know what Johnny WANTED that girl on the farm to come with them. He WANTED to save her, even though she was willing to hold a gun to his head minutes ago
HEY YOU KNOW WHAT THAT WHOLE EPISODE WITH CONSTANCE AND THE GIRLS IS SO MUCH Jenny's death? and Johnny's reaction to it? wow that was a lot
"Are you okay/ Can I get you anything?" oh did I mention I love Johnny
Oh i LOVE Johnny. He totally set up a trap for them and it's going to WORK.
man i LOVE Johnny: he sees Pawter in distress and he takes her hands and is Gentle and Loving
Johnny my beloved?? he goes OUT into the rain???? to get the Company agent????
John is good at taking care of people
"That is who you are. You do the right thing better than anyone else, I know. And you always come back" THIS is Johnny. This is who Johnny is. He believes in people. He tries to do the right thing. I LOVE this man
John has been Accommodating and Fixing for so long and he's so tired :(
He sacrificed his school and the chance of going back to his hometown for his family???? JOHNNY?????
His goodnight story?? that stuff is CUTE
"If you want to fight, I got your back. If you want to run, I call shotgun" this whole scene though
Johnny telling Pawter that it's not her fault!!! and trying to lie about what her mother told him so that it doesn't hurt her :'O
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shannyfishwriter · 6 years
Killjoys: “Kindred” 08
Title: Kindred Rating: T Summary: Post 3x05. Dutch, D'avin, and Johnny are captured by Aneela.
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Dutch had gone up to the cockpit to sit with Johnny, he could vaguely hear them talking...it was the sound of their voices but not the actual words they were saying.  All D'avin could do was think about not only that he was going to be father...but that this was some elaborate plan by Aneela to take the child away.  Hullen couldn't have children of their own, he got that...and he knew that there were things that Aneela didn't know...things that Khlyen had locked away.  
He sucked in a breath.
All he could think now was looking back at all the times they'd crossed paths with Khlyen.  The man's objective had been to protect Dutch...from Aneela...and he'd gone so far as to try to make D'avin a Six in order to do it.  Did he blame the guy?  No.  If anything, he felt like he understood him even more now.  He was a man trying to do his best to protect his family in the only way he could think to.
"Lucy, do you think you can do something for me without telling Johnny and Dutch?" he spoke aloud, looking upward even though he knew it didn't matter where he looked while talking to the sassy ship.
"It depends on the request."
That was fair.
"We need to do some things to protect Dutch."
"Johnny also wants to protect Dutch."
He nodded.  Lucy was absolutely right. They all wanted to keep each other safe, even Zeph had figured out how that worked out on their little team.  "But Johnny won't make the hard calls, Luce."
"I think you'd be surprised at what Johnny would risk for her, if you'd give him the option," the quiet voice spoke up.  Zeph appeared a moment later out of the shadows, concern was all over her face.  
"You're right," D'avin told her.  "Maybe I just don't want him to do it...I don't want him to feel the guilt or beat himself over what is going to have to happen."
"What can I do to help?"
"We have to call in back-up," D'avin told her.
"What kind of back-up?"
"It's time for you to meet more of the family, Zeph."
"So, we've got your step one in play...what's the next step?"
D'avin looked over at Zeph, he'd purposely taken their little plotting meeting to the opposite side of the ship in order to keep it all a secret but also to give Johnny and Dutch their privacy in their talks.  With what was going to happen, he knew that that moment between the two of them was precious...and as much as he'd love to crash it and let it be the three of them...he knew that he needed to take steps to keep Dutch and their child safe.
Their child.
It was still a concept that he was still trying to grasp.  
"Short of resurrecting people?  I think we're going to have to take a dangerous step in order to get a solid foothold when it comes to the Hullen."
"What people need resurrecting?" Zeph questioned.  
It felt like that list was just too long, but he started with the ones on his mind first.  "Pawter…  Alvis…  Khlyen…"
"I thought Khlyen was the bad guy?"
"I mean, I'm not going to say you're exactly wrong...but I think he was more misunderstood looking back on things than I would have said after I joined this team," D'avin admitted.  He knew that Zeph knew some of the things that Dutch had seen...but she didn't know everything.  As nice as it would be for everyone to know everything that had happened, that was in play, and that was going on...some things just had to be kept a secret if not absolutely needing to be known.  
"So...short of being able to resurrect people, what's the next step?"
"Figure out where Aneela's fleet and any other Hullen ships might be," D'avin told her.  "We need to be ready and we need to know what the map looks like."
"What about the RAC?"
"That's in the cards...just way down the line."
"Like how far down?" Zeph asked in confusion.  "Because we need more back-up than you've already sent messages to."
"Zeph, haven't you learned to trust us yet?"
Zeph tilted her head to the side a bit.  "I'm not saying I don't trust you…"
D'avin shook his head and smiled, she was definitely thinking about her issue of trust at the moment though.  He could feel it.  There was a huge unsureness within her.  "Look, we were gone for a short while and you held down the fort...relatively well."
"Is that what we're calling it?" Lucy spoke up in full sass mode.
"Not time to start a fight, Lucy," he said as he watched Zeph glare in the direction of the ceiling.  It probably didn't help Zeph at all that Lucy favored Johnny over everyone else...even Dutch.  Right now they needed everyone on the same page and working together in whatever was closest to harmony with the circumstances.  "We need to all work together...for Dutch."
"Can we at least keep her from turning me off this time?"
It wasn't an uncalled for request.  It wasn't like Zeph had really hurt Lucy by basically muting her, but she hadn't made things any easier when they'd gotten back.  "Yeah, maybe we can talk to Johnny about rewriting programming or something."
"Hey," Zeph complained.
"It's not that I don't trust you, Zeph," D'avin told her, turning his attention back to Zeph.  "It's just that I'd rather...the family not fight amongst itself."  It was the best way that he could put it in those moments.  "We need Lucy just as much as we need you and Johnny to make this all work."  A beat passed.  "This has to work, Zeph."  
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shannyfishwriter · 6 years
Killjoys: Kindred 06
Title: Kindred Rating: T Summary: Post 3x05. Dutch, D'avin, and Johnny are captured by Aneela. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
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"Oh, Lucy...talk to me, it's been too long since I've heard your gorgeous voice," Johnny said as he and D'avin boarded the ship.  The smile quickly slipped from his face and his arms fell back to his sides when Lucy didn't respond.  "Luce?"
"I turned her off...too annoying," Zeph said as she approached them and then went to hug them both.
"Wait...you turned off Lucy?"
"I mean, not the entire system, just her voice."
"We've been gone for--"
"A month!"
D'av interrupted now.  "Okay, okay...so, it's great that we're all back together again--"
"Where's Dutch?"
That brought everything to a full stop silence.  
"We don't know," D'avin finally told her quietly and calmly.  "We were being held...and then we woke up in the Hullen ship thing...we realized that we lost time--"
"What do you mean, you lost time?"
"Like, there's no way that we were held for a month as far as our memories go, but obviously we've been gone for that long," Johnny told her as he pushed past her and headed for the cockpit.  He could hear Zeph and D'avin following him.  It was bad enough to not have Dutch with him, he really needed Lucy.  Maybe it was stupid, but that ship...the AI...it was his friend and it was also a connection to his life with Dutch.  So, his priority was to get Lucy fully back online and then get to figuring out where Aneela's fleet was.
"So they screwed with your brains--"
"Or majorly drugged us," D'av offered up from behind.
It didn't matter, all that mattered was that they got their acts together.  "Zeph, why don't you fill D'av in on all the crap we've missed out on over the last month and I'll go sweet talk Lucy."
"What do you mean sweet talk her?" Zeph asked.  "All you have to do is flip a switch, boy genius."
"First of all...it's man genius," Johnny told her quite seriously, though he didn't miss the amused look on his brother's face.  "Second, I gotta sweet talk her so that she won't have you sucked out into space for being so cruel to her."
"All she'd talk about was you."
"And what is so wrong with that?"
Zeph just rolled her eyes.  "Come on, D'avin, I have a lot to tell you."
Once Zeph and D'avin were gone, Johnny found his way into his seat in the cockpit and as he looked over at the empty chair beside him.  Dutch should be in it, was all he could think.  His hands went to work as he forced himself to focus on the task at hand.  He sighed and then looked upward, even though he knew nothing above him would have changed.  "Lucy, you there?"
"I am, John," Lucy responded almost immediately.  "It has been thirty-four days since you were last on board.  Where have you been?"
"Kidnapped," John told her as he smiled. "I missed you."
"I've missed you as well."
As much as Dutch was home...so was Lucy...it just didn't feel right without Dutch there though.  He hated how wrong it felt...empty even.  "Lucy, we're going to need your help."
"You and D'avin have returned without Dutch, is there something I should know, John?"
"We're getting her back.  That's all you should know.  We just have to find the Hullen fleet--"
"Dutch has left specific protocols in place in the event that she is unable to return or in the event of her death."
Johnny had a really hard time hearing those words.  All he could think back to was when Dutch had told him about how she'd put things into place for him...that he'd have Lucy and he'd have money.  Tears pushed forward, but he pushed them back and snuffed instead.  He tried to focus on readings and scanning instead.  "Yeah, well no special protocol is going to be needed.  She's coming home.  We just have to find where they've gone to.  Was hoping that maybe we could link into the nav systems of the pod that D'av and I were left in."
"You will require D'avin for that."
John sighed.  "I know, but I just needed to be with you for a little bit first."
"I love you, too, John...but you sitting on your ass talking to me isn't going to find Dutch or the Hullen any faster," Lucy told him.
All he could do was huff out a half, "huh" mixed with a laugh.  She was right.  Lucy was absolutely right, but that didn't make it any easier.  He just wanted to sit there for one second and pretend that the world made sense.  "Okay, Lucy...let's start scanning for ships and any reports that might give us a lead."
"Scanning now…"
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