adangerousbond · 3 months
A simple word that means nothing to most people, hell, a lot of people probably these days don’t even remember a NCIS with them.
One of the very first ships I ever got into, and it shaped my shipping ever since. It got me into fanfiction back in the day and honestly probably was a driving force behind my love of TV!
It forever made me distrust that ships can turn out okay, and was a longer slow burn than people could imagine now. Even now, I know better than to trust the spin off will do them right.
But, my god, the fact there is going to be a show of just them, all these years later… I just don’t even know where to start.
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adangerousbond · 5 months
Chaos and a Dingo CH 1
Well, never thought I would get into an NCIS again, but here we are.
I had about a million other things to do on NYE, but apparently my brain couldn't let me until I typed this out.
Not proof read or anything, so who knows what you're getting.
Just a light little 1 shot that might turn into a 2 shot, who knows, probably depend if I get the time.
Read below, at AO3 or FF.net
Somehow, a night of nearly dying, had turned into a day of hunting down a kidnapper, and to top it all off a betrayal by a supposed ally. The team was done, there was nothing left to do that couldn't wait until tomorrow, and they had nothing left to give.
"Alright, get some rest, we'll have to face the higher ups tomorrow," Mackey told them all, met only with silent nods of approval.
Collecting her phone and keys, Evie glanced around her desk to make sure that she had everything she might need, glancing up she caught her partners eye from the opposite desk, clearly about to ask a question.
"You need a ride?" she deducted quickly, offering before he could ask.
"Yeah, I came in with JD yesterday for the gala," DeShawn stated, turning his wrist enough to check his watch, "that was what, like 22 hours ago?"
"Let's not do that math," she grinned at him, the two falling into line behind Blue & Rosie also heading off.
"Can we stop at a great little Indian restaurant I've found just around the corner from mine?" he requested as they both got to her vehicle, continuing without giving her a chance to respond, "who am I kidding, it's not like you would turn down free food."
"As long as it's better than your gross pizza toppings," she scrunched her nose up at the memory, pressing the start button on the dash.
"It's so good, I found it by accident and now I think I'm basically a regular," he rambled on, creating their pick up order on his phone as he did, "you'll love it, best meal you'll have this week."
"I don't know, that Bunning's snag I had the other day will be pretty hard to beat," her quip came easy, much like always, as did her smirk at his confusion.
"Wait, what?" his brows furrowed as he stared her down trying to work out if she was messing with him or not.
"Yeah, I mean I was a bit worried for it after the whole onion debacle, but it held strong," she dead panned the information, paying more attention to the busy road ahead than the conversation.
"It's a hardware store yeah?" it would have been hard for him to have missed the signs and adds around town, but a part of her was impressed he knew that much.
"JD hasn't taken you for a snag yet? He's a die hard fan," Evie chuckled, making a mental note to tell JD to take Mackey for one.
"I'm going to google this real quick," he side eyed her, evidently finished placing their order.
"What, never heard of a sausage sizzle?" she turned to him for a second grinning.
"You see, this is the problem," DeShawn looked up from his phone even more confused than before.
"What? That our hardware store know how to do a bloody good sausage?" pulling up to a stop at a set of lights, she glanced at him once more.
"But how is it a national pastime?" his question was laced with the mixture of awe and confusion that seemed to make an appearance at a lot of Australian things he learnt about.
"Easy, it's a national store," she shrugged, turning as the light went green, "I still don't see the issue."
"The issue is that you Aussie's do such strange things, that I never know if y'all are messing with me or not," DeShawn sighed, grinning at her nonetheless.
"It's pretty simple," she started, pulling into a park in front of the store that he had directed her to, "if it sounds super bat shit, its probably real but if it only sounds a little crazy, then its probably also real, but if it's in the middle, possible not real."
"So helpful, Evie," he told her, exciting the vehicle and heading into the small Indian restaurant.
Watching him, she slunk back into the drivers seat, exhausted but wide awake, she felt like she wouldn't be able to sleep for hours. Focusing instead on the way that he greeted the staff, clearly knowing them all by name, she couldn't help but smile at the way he seemed to make friends wherever he went.
Getting caught out when he turned away to glance back out the shop window, he returned her smile and she couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness that she had nearly never gotten to see him again. Turning away, she took to watching the street around them, trying to distract her brain away from the fact that she nearly died only the night prior.
Entering his kitchen, Evie watched as he placed the bag of take away on the bench before turning back to her, leaning against it. She took in his quiet demeanor and realised that it was all catching up to him as well.
"Not hungry anymore?" she asked as she approached, copying his actions on the island bench directly across from him.
"Help yourself," DeShawn shook his head at her question.
"I think I might be too wired to eat, shocker, I know," she smiled gently at him, not pressing on the fact that they hadn't really needed to even get the food.
"You all nearly died last night, Mackey, and Blue," he stared her down intently, "and, you."
"Crazy that it was only last night, hey," she bit down a quip that she had nearly instinctively responded with.
"I really thought we were going to get there too late, especially after we went to the wrong spot first," the fear was still evident on his tone, even though he knew that they had gotten there in time.
"But you didn't, you saved us all," Evie moved to stand in front of him to prove her point, she hadn't even had a chance to process the situation herself, let alone how it had effected him.
"Only just, we cut it too fine," his eyes filtering over her face as if he was trying to take her all in incase she disappeared and it killed her to know how much he would have blamed himself if it had ended badly.
Stepping closer into his personal space, she placed her hand on his chest much like she vaguely remembered doing in that chamber, his gaze focused on her as if he was trying to read her mind to get an understanding of her thinking. But, she wasn't even entirely sure she knew, one part of her was telling her to step away, the other was telling her not to have regrets.
Before he had a chance to question her, or she had a chance to over think, she kissed him, almost chastely as she went to pull back the instant that her lips touched his, had it not been for his hand already slipping in under her shirt pulling her back into him. Her other hand coming to rest on his bicep as his came to her face, stroking down her hairline as she broke away to catch her breath and her thoughts.
"Sorry, probably shouldn't have done that," she froze slightly at the implications of her actions, her mind racing to come up an exit plan.
"I was your 'kiss', wasn't I?" he joked, defusing the tension between them slightly, removing his hand from her face, but leaving the one just under her shirt on her back.
"No actually," she laughed, that game was always going to come back to bite them considering they had all lived.
That time it was DeShawn to initiate the kiss, his hand on her back pulling her toward him as his other went straight back to the side of her face, as if now he had had the taste of her, he needed more, something that she was more than willing to abide to.
"I should probably go, before we cross any lines we probably shouldn't," she tried to talk herself into it, as they broke away once more.
"I think we may have already crossed some lines," he smirked at her, brushing aside some strands of hair that had fallen across her face, a move that would be normally almost too sweet enough to make her leave, but instead she stayed put.
"I guess that we probably won't be working together after tomorrow's debrief," Evie reasoned, tilting her head slightly with a cocky grin; her mind made up.
"That's a really good point," he agreed with her, his lips moving to her neck.
Turning off the shower, she stepped out into his bathroom, drying and dressing as quickly as possible. She had yet to decide if he wasn't awake if she should wake him or not, and was glad that her decision was made for her when she entered his bedroom once again to find he watching her.
"Evie, it's 6am," his disheveled look from his bed brought a grin to her face, his groggy tone telling her that it was only her shower that had woken him.
"I know D, I'm making shit time," she grabbed her pair of runners and sat on the edge of his bed, deciding it was probably easier for her to get through whatever questions he might have for her about last night if they weren't face to face.
"Why?" he reiterated his confusion over the early get up time, especially when they weren't due back until 10:30am and it wasn't like they had gotten a well rested sleep.
"I've got to meet Mackey for run," she told him, leaving out the part that her alarm was set for the time that it took her to get there from her place and not from his.
"Surely not after the last couple days?" he asked, seemingly content with skipping over bringing up anything about the previous night.
"She didn't cancel, so I didn't," Evie shrugged, she wasn't going to be the one to cancel on the boss.
"Did you get gym clothes out of your car?" he questioned, as if he was only just awake enough to realise that she was wearing different clothes.
"Yes, thank god I had some in there," she had taken the win, extra glad that she always kept extras in her car, usually more so because she had forgotten to take them back out again then anything.
"You didn't wake me," DeShawn's words stilled her for a moment, before she realised he hadn't meant anything by it.
"I'm quiet," she stated, standing to leave, the rushed need for her to get going giving her a good out that was was very willing to take.
"Evie," he stopped her in her tracks, taking her pause as an affirmative to continue, "are we going to talk at all, or pretend nothing happened?"
"Likely the latter," she grinned at him, she knew it was the easy way out, but she also knew it was the answer he had expected from the way he smirked back, "bye D."
"You're late," Mackey told her as she approached, the older woman watching her with her hawk eyes as usual, "I wasn't sure if you had bailed on me."
"Sorry, bit harder to get up this morning you know?" Evie chose an answer that was believable and left minimal follow up.
"I get that," Mackey nodded in agreement, and for once Evie was glad that she wasn't one that was much for talking.
Entering their makeshift headquarters, Evie couldn't help but feel like it might be the last time that they were all in the same room together, especially that room. But, regardless of the consequences, she knew that they had all made the right choice and from the feeling of the room, it was a mutual feeling.
Heading towards the Mackey, Rosie and Blue at the table in the middle of the room, she quietly sat with them, a slight nod in greeting from everyone as they awaited their fate. The sound of footsteps drew the groups attention, only dropping slightly when they realised it was just the rest of the team and not the superiors coming in to potentially split them up.
"How was Jack today?" Evie asked JD as he joined the rest at the table, DeShawn following him, but she focused on her boss.
"Better, definitely going to take everyone a moment to get back to normal," JD answered her, glancing around at the quieter than usual group, "thank-you, everyone, I mean it."
"We know boss, don't stress," she told him what they were all feeling, "whatever happens."
"I have a question," DeShawn spoke up, Evie's eyes snapping to him instantly, "can y'all really have Dingo's as pets?"
"Yeah," Blue responded without thought, glancing at the other two women holding back smirks with confusion.
"What's Evie told you now?" JD asked trying to get up to speed as well.
"She sent me this photo this morning from her and Mackey's run," DeShawn showed his phone to JD, before showing the rest of the table a photo of her hugging a dog that looked strikingly like a dingo.
"Well, you can have them as pets if you really want, but, that there my friend is simply a cream Kelpie," Rosie told him, the older man shaking his head at the joke.
"It was just too easy, D," Evie smirked at him, glad that they could seem to just slip back into them and ignore everything else, even if it was likely short lived.
"Wait, you two went running and didn't invite me?" Blue questioned almost sounding hurt at being left out.
"Do you even run?" Mackey responded, trying not to sound too harsh.
"I could take it up, how far did you go?" the younger girl seemed eager to join in.
"We go a couple times a week, you can join us next time babe," Evie offered, Mackey nodding in agreement.
"How did that even start?" Rosie asked, everyone glad for the distraction.
"JD actually, he refused to come running with me so he suggested I hit up Evie, because apparently she is the only one around here that does early mornings and running," Mackey explained briefly, glancing slightly at the man in question before focusing back at the other man.
"I didn't refuse, I just prefer to surf first thing not run, Evie seemed a better fit," JD clarified, feeling the need not to be completely thrown under the bus.
"Honestly, the Evie and early mornings part was the most shocking part to me," Mackey smirked, moving on from her first victim.
"Rude much," Evie acted hurt, but grinned at the comment nonetheless, their conversation interrupted by the sounds of a group heading their way, the team suddenly quiet as they awaited their superiors who would determine their fate.
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adangerousbond · 2 years
The Lies in the Truth Ch2
Honestly have no idea what to say, two years later and I was thinking about Dousy and this story the other day, and here we are. I haven't written for any show in ages - have written two of my own novels that will probably never see the light of day - but otherwise I have been very quiet. Who knows if I will one day write more of this, didn't really expect to even write another chapter.
And if anyone has any new show ideas hit me up, I have watched a lot but nothing that has made me want to write for, or even really get invested in a ship for.
Anyway, read chapter two below, or at AO3 or ff.net
Apologies for any mistakes!
There had been nothing abnormal about the job, it had come with no warning, but that was to be expected with an emergency. The car practically waiting to take her to the plane only spoke to the urgency, and the out of country excursion normal amongst the clients she had. The fact that a private security team was coming along was nothing uncommon either, the shared plane was simply schematics and practical. Nor was it irregular that the team leader was one that she hadn't worked with before.
She had been ushered onto the plane before barely even been given a chance to get up to speed, and sitting opposite a man she had never met, before she had even realised that although the private security firm accompanying her was one that she had worked alongside before, she didn't know a single one of them in this instance. Doing up her seat belt as the plane readied for takeoff, she ignored the look of curiosity from the unknown man.
"Daniel Sousa," he greeted with an outstretched hand, a friendliness to him that had put her more at ease than most people did even after she had known them awhile.
"Daisy Johnson," she had responded in kind, with a touch more reserve.
"Oh, I know," he grinned at her, unfazed at the narrowing of her eyes at his statement, "our client tells me you are the best."
"And yet, they told me nothing about you," she smirked back, taking a moment to fully take in the man sitting opposite her, and having to admit she didn't mind what she saw.
"You get a chance to catch up on the ride here?" he asked, going straight into business mode, another thing she could add to the list of things she was beginning to have that she liked about him.
"Somewhat, they have been hacked and a hefty ransom is being requested," her answer honest, the drive to the plane hadn't been long enough to get too far into the information that they had provided her, "haven't got to the part that seems to require your team though."
"One of the directors has also been kidnapped, looks to be the same people, if only based on timing as nothing else about the two situations seem linked," he shrugged at his statement, a calmness to his voice as he outlined the situation told her very quickly that he was likely quite good at his job as well.
"Which one?" her interest was piqued at the information, her mind rallying it all together.
"Kerry Summers," his head tilted slightly, evidently interested in her thought process, and not bothered by her knowing it.
"Ah, that makes more sense," nodding at the name as if it was the final piece to her puzzle that she had been searching for, and with that problem solved, she returned to the light playfulness that had graced the start of their conversation, "to how they got in, not to why your team is here."
"We also handle K&R negotiations occasionally," his smirk returned, seemingly unfazed by whatever change of pace she threw, "why does that make sense to how they got in?"
"I know their Cyber security inside and out, I couldn't work out how they had gotten access to so much of their network," Daisy stated simply, the one thing that had bugged her about the situation had been that they had gotten through to the network that she had thoroughly checked over not long ago, and how it might effect her business ongoing if word had gotten out.
"How does having Ms Summers change that?" he questioned with interest, searching himself to find all the answers.
"A few of the higher ups in the company can remote access the network with numerous access codes, as well as providing finger print and heart beat identification every 5 minutes," she explained as basic as she could, it was harder to access than she had made it sound, they would still need hacking skills, but nothing too major.
"So, that's why they need her, at least now we know she will still be alive," his instant acceptance of her knowledge and lack of making her prove herself was refreshing, most people in his line of work would have asked far too many follow up questions on a topic that they wouldn't even understand just to try to undermine her.
"This was actually one of the flaws I pointed out to them, did a whole plan on how to fix it which they obviously didn't follow," a plan that she had spent quite a bit of time on, which had included a GPS component and a live video feed, but she figured that either they hadn't got around to it, or had liked their privacy too much to go through with it.
"I'll be tipping they do now," he smirked, something telling him a lot of people had mistakenly overlooked her in her life.
"Guess it means I get paid twice, so that's something," she glanced out the window of the private jet; yet another thing she got out of their misfortune.
"A nice overseas trip that is fully paid for and charged at our emergency call out rate's not so bad either," he agreed, his grin still in place as he continued, "especially not when the companies good."
They had landed into the middle of an already full scale operation, their presence greeted by more information to catch up on and a plan about to be set in motion. A plan that she had quickly decided wasn't going to work, and from the shared glance from Daniel, she realised that he was in agreeance.
For the first few hours, Daisy had simply sat to the side, watching everything unfold without the ability to do anything about it but research every aspect of the hacking and kidnapping. Delving deep into the job at hand, she had paid little attention to where the team from the plane had gone to or what they were up to, that was until they had sought her out, or more precisely; he had.
He had approached her in the hopes she had something that might work after the plan they had arrived to had failed, and she had given him one – albeit risky and a touch on the crazy side. Once he had realised that she was being serious, he had agreed, his seeming instant trust and respect something that took her a moment to accept, but brushing her own, personal issues aside, they made her plan a success.
The celebrations afterwards at the bar of the hotel the client had put them up at were large and lively, but she had found herself not in the mood to lose herself to the open tab on offer. Slipping away from the group, Daisy wasn't surprised when he had both noticed and followed after her, a part of her had been hoping that he would; a part that she would neither admit or voice, not even to herself.
"Can't believe that plan actually worked," she chuckled as he came to a stop next to her, her eyes trained on the numbers above the elevator that she was waiting on, but she could see him watching her closely out of the corner of her eye, and she couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking about.
"I can," Daniel shrugged, turning his attention to the elevator as well the moment the doors begun to open, following after her as she entered.
"Why?" she asked bluntly, pressing the button for the floor they were both on – not that she had actively tried to know where his room was, they had just been given their key cards at the same time.
"You seem like the kind of person that once you set your mind to something; you succeed," the ease at which he just said things about her, as if he had known her much longer than he did, was something she wasn't sure she would get used to.
"Not always," she sighed truthfully, a lifetime of not succeeding weighing on her statement.
"Well, I thought you were worth betting on," his belief in her was another thing she couldn't wrap her head around, not where it came from or why he held it so quickly.
"Oh, yeah?" she cocked her head slightly, eyebrow raised as she turned to face him, before continuing in a teasing tone, "and what are you betting on now?"
Taking her playful tone as permission, he placed a hand on her side to stabilise them both as he reached down to kiss her, the height difference between them seemingly only realised by the two of them in that moment. He had pulled back all too soon for her liking, as she closed the free space between them mere moments after, the second kiss heating up quickly, and only interrupted by the ding of the elevator advising them that they had reached their floor.
"This, whatever happens, doesn't mean anything," she stated as they exited the elevator, the walk to her room giving them a pause.
"Course not," he had agreed with a lopsided grin, the rules that she was giving out clearly not throwing him for a moment.
"I'm serious, we might have to work together again one day, and this won't affect that," she was still not decided herself if she was trying to talk him out of it, or set boundaries for herself, all that she did know was that she was definitely not disappointed at his acceptance of the rules.
Try as she may, she hadn't been able to stick to her own words, messaging him only days after returning back to their city. At first, she was able to get away with telling herself that it was just that it was an itch to scratch and easier to send him a message than deal with finding a stranger, but she quickly found herself seeking out his company for more than just sex, and that was harder to lie to herself about.
A part of her wanted to blame him; he never turned her down, even if he was busy he would give her a time that he was free, he had basically made his home more open to her than she had felt about any place. He never cared if she was there for sex or just to hang out, he had understood the desire to simply just not be alone, but he also never pushed her for more.
He reached out occasionally as well, and she had learnt that quickly that although he appeared unfazed about everything; he too had demons that he was trying to move past. Neither judged the others nightmares, or fears, neither judged the sleepless nights, or the scared skin that carried stories they weren't quite ready to share.
A night a week, turned into a couple, and before she knew it, she was spending more time at his place than she was at her own, and the more time she spent with him, the more she felt like she needed to run, but she found herself unable to. The comfort and safeness that she felt around him, was something she had searched for for so long that she had long ago given up on, and now that she felt it, she craved it even more.
Not the type to pour their heart and souls out to each other in long winded conversations about their life, they instead learnt things in titbits- a history learnt in throw away lines, but it was enough. Enough for him to know she had grown up on her own, and enough for her to know his constant calmness came from growing up with only sisters, and his nightmares came from his arm days.
The first big step between them had come at Christmas time, a turning point of sorts that cemented that even if they don't talk about it, or would even admit it, they were kinda something. Daniel had been forced to stay in the city, to be the one on call with his company should any emergency arise, meaning he couldn't go home to spend it with his family.
He had turned over one night, hesitation creeping over his face as he asked her to spend Christmas day with him, quickly iterating that it didn't need to mean anything, he just didn't want to spend it alone. She had frozen for a moment, a lifetime of lonely Christmases enough to harden her to the holiday, but she had agreed, finding herself liking the idea.
"I wish I could be there too," he spoke, smiling at his family on the other end of the video call, the screams and laughter from the kids, along with the faint Christmas music playing in the background, making Daisy miss once more the dynamic she had always wanted on Christmas as a child.
"I just hate the idea of you spending Christmas on your own," one of the Sousa sisters voiced through the living room, "do you at least have a tree?"
"Yes! Of course I do," Daniel moved slightly to make sure the lit up tree behind him was visible on the screen, a slight glance in her direction, as if asking for permission to disclose her being there to his family, something she found herself nodding to before she had a chance to really think.
"Good, I guess that is something," his sister sighed sadly, having no idea of the other, silent conversation happening.
"Plus, I am not alone," he told her carefully, moving over to stand next to Daisy for a moment, just enough to get her in the frame as well, as she smiled and waved shyly at the phone.
"And who is your lovely friend?" an older woman on the screen asked, as the one sister was joined by more of his family at the admission.
"So, now you join us mum?" he chuckled, moving back to stand by the tree, knowing better than to push too much with her, and just thankful for what she had given already.
"Don't avoid my question son," his mothers voice was full of love, adding another tinge of sadness to what Daisy had grown up missing.
"And put her back on, we have questions," the sister from earlier demanded, a beeping sound drowning out her words.
"I think you have other things to attend to," Daniel took the saving grace, saying his goodbyes as quickly as possible, and turning his attention back to her with a sincere smile, "thanks."
After that, there was a slight shift between them, a sense of closer that they still made sure not to comment on, but it was definitely something that silently made them closer. It had only been a couple weeks after that he had left her out the unspoken about key to his place, and a month after that that she had asked him to play her husband for the night.
That night had only been a week ago, and though, true to form they hadn't spoken about it, the faint feeling of the rings on her finger and the look in his eye as he spoke about his reason for 'marrying' her still lingered. Taking a bite of her toast to push aside the memory, she rolled her eyes at the sight of her phone ringing that early in the morning.
"Jemma, it's only 7am," Daisy answered the call nonetheless, scolding her friend jokingly.
"Your up already aren't you though?" Jemma reasoned down the line, no forgiveness to her tone at all.
"Yes, but not the point," she chuckled in response, setting the phone onto speaker so that she could continue eating her breakfast.
"Has Kora called again?" a question that was clearly on Jemma's mind, even if it didn't quite warrant a call at that hour.
"Yeah, she wants to catch up, but I'm not sure," Daisy gave her the answer anyway, glancing up at the curious look that Daniel was giving her from his spot at his table, the new information piquing his interest.
"What did you tell her?" the next question followed as if on cue.
"Just that I'm busy this weekend and will get back to her," the truth had been the easiest option for now, anything further and she needed more time to consider.
"You're not sure it's a rabbit hole you want to go back down again, completely understand that you are worried about them burning you again," Jemma spoke thoughtfully, broaching her point of view carefully.
"But?" Daisy groaned at the evident continuation.
"Just that she seems to be reaching out, and she seems like she could really use a big sister," the words came through the phone and into the silence of the room purposely.
"I'm not cut out to be anyone's sister," she answered quietly, a hint of hurt hiding beneath the surface that she didn't want to comment on, ignoring the way the man across from her reached out and squeezed her hand in comfort.
"That's not true, you've been mine for years," Jemma stated quickly and firmly, her response gaining a massive grin from Daniel.
"Aww, Jemma, too sweet," Daisy gushed, whether or not she believed the words, she knew her friend meant them.
"Well, it's the truth," her friend reiterated the sentiment.
"You've been a great sister too," she told her, sharing a grin with Daniel, who had overheard enough of their conversations to not be surprised at their ability to get sidetracked on their topics easily.
"I know, I'm the best" Jemma's smile was almost visible down the phone.
"Anyway, what did you actually call for this early?" Daisy questioned with a laugh, trying to get the conversation back on track.
"Oh, right, so the catch up today has changed location," Jemma got to the point of her call.
"But, I was so looking forward to seeing May's place," Daisy responded disappointingly, in all the years of working with the team, she still had yet to get to go to the older woman's place.
"I think Coulson had chosen that location without checking with her first and I don't think it went down well once she found out," Jemma's explanation both making sense and sounding like something that Coulson would have done.
"So, your place now?" Daisy guessed it was the next best thing, central and large enough for them to all catch up without the chance of neighbours listening in.
"No, Mack and Yo-Yo's," the answer through the phone not the one that she was expecting.
"Wait, that's like an hour out of town, has the time changed?" she realised quickly that her easy going morning was about to be a lot more rushed.
"No, hence my early morning phone call," Jemma brought the conversation round full circle, the point finally coming out fully.
"Gee thanks, when did you find out?" Daisy questioned between sips of coffee, a faint complaint behind her tone.
"Only just before," Jemma assured her without missing a beating, pausing for a second though before admitting; "but, Mack told Fitz last night."
"And neither thought to let me know?" not that she was surprised that the didn't, they had properly both thought that the other would tell her, and their group text was on a pause after May had gotten too annoyed at it.
"You have plenty of time, you don't even have to wrangle a toddler," Jemma tried to reason, clearly feeling a little bad for only telling her last minute.
"Don't suppose I can hitch a ride with you guys?" Daisy knew the likely answer before she asked, knowing the lack of offer spoke to the response she would get.
"Well you see..." her friend hesitated, looking for the right words as to not sound rude, or like she had had plenty of warning.
"You've already left haven't you?" she finished for her, guessing what the rest of the sentence would be.
"Not quite, but we are about too," Jemma stated apologetically, the sound of Fitz in the background attempting to get their daughter dressed only proving her point.
"Helpful," Daisy sighed, failing at keeping the amusement out of her voice.
"You get away with being late, we don't" Jemma pointed out with a chuckle.
"How do you figure I do?" Daisy questioned with confusion at where the other woman was going with her statement.
"Oh come on, May and Coulson practically are your pretend parents, you get away with everything with them," Jemma snickered, her eye roll practically visible through the phone.
"Not entirely true," Daisy shot back, grinning nonetheless as the two said their goodbyes, or more so; a see you later.
"Guess you better get a move on too then," Daniel smirked at her from across the table, making no further comment on anything he had heard.
"Can I," she paused as he handed her a set of keys, without her even having finished her question, "thanks."
"Have fun with your spy friends," Daniel told her grabbing a different set of keys as he collected his things to go into the office.
"They're not spies, well I guess some of them are, but Jemma and Fitz aren't," she told him, at the start Coulson and May had been the only ones that were actual CIA, a fresh team that had recruited Fitzsimmons and then her, before Mack and Yo-Yo had joined later, with a few coming and going throughout that hadn't stuck together like the 7 had, or hadn't survived.
At first she was hesitant, not for the life that she would give up to join them, but to join a team at all, regardless of what side they were on. She had always floated around, never been one for team sports, but Coulson had seen something in her and stuck with her. And even though the team had disbanded a while back after a particularly gruelling mission, they were still the closest thing to family she had.
"Kinda feel like on a CIA team, even the non agents are spies," he teased back, pausing at the door to hear her answer.
"Maybe you should be happy I seem to like spies," she shot back, mirroring his smirk at her words.
It had taken her more than an hour to get ready to leave, the tight schedule changing her whole morning, but it wasn't long before she was heading down the same stairs that Daniel had; towards the garage. When she had first gone to his townhouse, she had thought that the bottom level was just extra house, or maybe even a second residency, until she had followed him down and realised just why he had chosen this particular property.
Still today, she was amazed at the collection of vehicles he had acquired, and obvious taste for the classics – all with their own parking spot surrounded by information and history that he had gone to great lengths to gather. The other defining feature of the collection was that they were all sports cars, new or old, they all sounded and performed like they belonged at a race track.
Toying with the key for the Maserati that he had given her, she slid it into her jacket pocket before opening the door to the four door coupe, the vehicle the main one that she drove, simply because while it was expensive and fast, it was much more of an everyday car when compared to most of the rest of his collection. Sitting in the drivers seat, she pressed the ignition button and the sports car roared to life instantly, the sound of the engine bringing a smile to her face as usual.
Pulling up to the farm house that Mack and Yo-Yo had brought not long after the odd group had returned from their last mission, a home base of sorts for the two to return to amongst their adventures, Daisy parked alongside the FitzSimmons large SUV. The growl from her vehicle enough to have caught everyone's attention and alert them to her arrival.
Hesitating for a moment after she turned the vehicle off, she gathered herself up before stepping out of the car. As much as she loved the entire team, the family she had created with them, it still always took herself a moment to get back into the dynamic that she had never known elsewhere, but now that she had – was terrified to loose.
"Sweet ride," Coulson nodded approvingly as he walked around the sports car with a gleam of excitement to his eyes, the two words enough of a greeting for the two.
"Yeah, goes alright," Daisy grinned back, hugging everyone one by one as they got to her.
"Where did you get it?" his eyes narrowed at her, another question left unspoken that from anyone else she would have felt resentment from the insinuation, but she knew that from him, it more joking than judgement.
"Tremors," Mack greeted her with the nickname he had given her what felt like a lifetime ago – on the first mission they had worked together the building they had been in had exploded, but moments prior she had thought she had felt something and they had gotten out just as it came crashing down.
"Mack," her grin widened, hugging the closest thing to a big brother she had.
"I don't care where you got it, as long as I get to drive it," he stated as he pulled back, the small group turning to head towards the deck that they had come from before she had arrived.
"I'm just glad that you finally made it, it seems like it has been so long since we were all together," Yo-Yo grinned amongst the group, a sense of sadness at the time that had past.
"It's been too long, feels like forever," Jemma nodded in agreement.
"2 years, 8 months, 23 days, if you want to be exact," May stated simply, as if it was something that was completely normal for her to know.
"She got bored on the drive up and worked it out," Coulson gave them a better explanation to why she knew.
"Is there a reason for the catch up?" Daisy asked the question that had been bugging her since the request to catch up had come in, "not that I'm complaining."
"There's always a reason, you should know that by now," May stated as if it was a lesson she had tried and failed to drill into her students, her students in this case just being a random assortment of misfits that somehow worked as a team unit.
"What is it?" Jemma tried to keep the slight groan out of her voice.
"A mission?" Yo-Yo put forward the most obvious guess that they were all thinking.
"Of sorts, I know a couple of you will be out, but we have a situation that only this team can face," Coulson approached the topic in his usual roundabout way.
"Sounds about right," Mack made no effort to hide the complaint in his tone, although he was one of the only other member's of the team to stay on as an active agent, he had gotten used to a more structured way of completing missions that didn't coincide with how this team worked.
"A couple of us out?" Jemma zoned in on the part of the statement that she hadn't understood, missing nothing about the way the team leader had spoken, "obviously one of us will have to stay, but who else?"
"Yo-Yo," May shrugged as if it was an obvious answer, the rest of the group frozen at the implication as they all tried to determine its truth.
"What? How? How do you know?" Mack looked shocked, glancing between his girlfriend and the team leaders, trying to work out if she had shared anything with them.
"It's May, she knows things," Coulson made no move to explain their knowledge further, smiling at the two broadly.
"But we only found out recently?" Yo-Yo confirmed the detail with confusion at how they knew, a hand coming to rest on her stomach to solidify it even further without even thinking about it.
"This is so exciting," Jemma jumped up to hug the other woman the instant that the insinuation was proven true.
"Congrats guys," Daisy told them genuinely, a grin crossing her face without her even realising it.
"So, why us?" Fitz brought the conversation back on track after a few more minutes of congratulating their friends.
"We need a team we can trust with all the skills this team has, and on short notice," Coulson glanced around the group to gather what he needed to from their individual reactions, always working away on his mental dossiers on them.
"Really, no other team around you trust, I thought we weren't even a team anymore," Daisy threw some of his own words back at him, still hurting slightly at the way they had simply all disbanded seemingly without a second thought after their last mission.
"We will always be a team, just in a different way," Mack told her the same thing he had tried to convince her of back then.
"How dangerous?" Jemma skirted around the side issue to get to the particulars that she was more concerned on.
"I'm not going to lie, it doesn't come without risks," Coulson stated, not giving much out.
"Yeah, but, like on our scale, how bad is it?" Fitz pressed for more details.
"Probably about a," Coulson thought about his answer carefully, but the smirk on his face told them he wasn't putting as much effort into it as he was making out, "6 and a half."
"Our scale was out of 8, 8 being certain death," Fitz reminded him with a serious tone, that coming from him sounded more of a joke than anything.
"Oh, right, why did we pick 8 again?" Coulson's eyes narrowed as he continued to mess with them.
"Infinity death circle," May shrugged, giving the answer regardless of if he actually needed it.
"Right, well a 6.2" Coulson changed his number rating either way.
"What was your scale if an 8 only drops it by .3, your maths doesn't make sense," Fitz shook his head in frustration.
"That still sounds pretty bad," Daisy pointed out, not entirely sure she wanted to jump straight back into a super dangerous mission with them – no matter how much she had missed working, she definitely hadn't missed nearly dying all the time.
"Could be worse, could be a 1," May put forward her opinion on situation.
"That would be so much better," Jemma grinned at the older woman, not entirely sure if she was joking or not.
"Anything less than a 5 means we don't really need you guys," Coulson shrugged as he spoke unapologetically.
"Don't need us, but want?" Fitz twisted the words around slightly.
"Debatable," May held back a smile at the looks of feign hurt from the rest of the team.
"Oh, come on, you missed us, we all know it," Yo-Yo grinned broadly, knowing she was correct.
"So, can we circle back round to Daisy's car?" Coulson changed the subject, clearly not wanting to only dwell on the business side of things.
"Yeah, is it yours?" Yo-Yo questioned directly what everyone was wondering.
"Looks too well looked after for that," May stated with a smirk.
"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" Daisy fired back, crossing her arms in an attempt to look hurt, but she couldn't help but grin back.
"We all saw the state you kept that van in," Fitz shrugged nonchalantly.
"Unfair," Daisy glared at them all, not really having a leg to stand on to fight back.
"But, kind of true," Jemma winced at her friend in apology at siding against her.
"Do you know where she got it Jemma?" Mack turned the question to the only other one of the group that might have the answer, and might be more forthcoming with it.
"I'm guessing it belongs to the very nice male acquaintance of hers," Jemma answered carefully, glancing at her friend with a grimace in apology once more.
"Acquaintance? We shared donuts with him Jemma, I think we can call him a friend," Fitz laughed at his wife's wording, both of their statements gaining interest from the rest of the group.
"I don't think it's our labels that are the problem, Fitz," she responded a touch quieter to her husband, knowing full well that everyone would still hear her.
"Hey!" Daisy scolded her friend, both at the statement and the sharing in the first place.
"Male acquaintance? Is it serious?" Yo-Yo grinned, zoning in on the important words.
"How long?" Mack added to the line of interrogation, elbowing the interrogatee playfully.
"We are not allowed to ask questions like that," Fitz stated bemusedly, gaining his own elbow to his side from his wife.
"Do we at least get a name?" Coulson turned slightly to watch Daisy closely, trying to gather as much info from her body language as he could.
"And remember we are CIA, we can easily just run his plates," May reminded her mater-of-factually, pointing at the car in the driveway to back up her statement.
"Fine," Daisy caved, figuring that they could find out easily enough, and thought maybe a name would allow them to move on, "Daniel Sousa."
"Wait, seriously?" Coulson's attention pricked tenfold at the name, everyone suddenly even more invested at his increased interest, "as in ex Army intel Daniel Sousa?"
"I mean he was, but surely you don't know him?" Daisy shook her head in disbelief, surely two of the most important men in her life couldn't know each other.
"Now the head of a top private security firm, which in hindsight is probably where your paths crossed," Coulson continued his outline of the one he was talking about, making it clear it was the same person.
"It was," Jemma exclaimed, giving the others the information once more.
"How do you know him?" Daisy groaned at the solidification that he did know who he was.
"I don't, he is somewhat of a legend amongst the spy game," Coulson spoke almost wistfully, and excitement to his tone reminiscence of a kid talking about an idol.
"Really?" Fitz questioned, the new knowledge giving him more clarity over the man he had met the week prior.
"He was an integral part in quite a few very difficult, very important missions, helped take down a lot of bad people until he took shrapnel in the field and it got infected and he lost his leg from the knee down as a result," the team leader continued his briefing on the man in question.
"Seriously, you can't even tell," Jemma stated with wide eyes, surprised that neither her or her husband had picked up on it, less surprised that her friend had never told her any of this.
"Ended his Army career, there was talk of him possibly coming back, but then not long after word was he had accepted a very good offer and had gone private," he finished his quick run down, the excitement still clear as day across his face.
"You sound like a fangirl," Daisy joked, both amused at the turn of events and trying to move on from the topic of her love life.
"That's because I am," Coulson grinned at her, a truth to his words that she took at face value.
"At least he has your approval," May told the man next to her with a smirk, ignoring the glares from Daisy, "didn't think she would ever manage that."
"Surprises me too," Coulson nodded in agreeance, "so, what's he like? When can we meet him?"
"Chill, we are not even that serious," Daisy tried to brush the question off, to her surprise the thought of them meeting didn't bother her as much as she had expected, but she definitely wasn't going to tell the team that.
"Yeah, right," Fitz snorted, calling his friends bluff, "you say that like he wasn't pretending to be your husband just last week."
"And pretty damn convincingly as well," Jemma backed him up.
"We just went over he was a spy once," Daisy tried to reason, glaring at her friends for telling the group.
"Why was he pretending to be your husband?" Yo-Yo asked, her brows furrowed at the information as she tried to piece it all together.
"Because Jemma made me go to a fundraiser that Jiaying and Kora were at," Daisy sighed as she explained, knowing that it was just going to increase the interrogation at hand.
"I have so many questions right now," Coulson shook his head at the conversation at hand, still trying to wrap his head around it all.
"You're not allowed to ask questions," Fitz stated, almost rehearsed, as if he had been told it a number of times before.
"We have a lot," Jemma chuckled, clearly the one to have told Fitz he couldn't ask.
"One question each, and I get to choose if I will answer or not," Daisy caved to the group's stare down that they were giving her.
"If you don't, do we get a new question?" May sought out guidelines.
"Yes, but only two chances," Daisy stated, trying to gain some sort of control over the situation at hand and finding that she was very much failing.
"How long have you known him?" Mack started, going to basic and easy that she appreciated.
"6 months," she answered simply.
"Follow up?" he pushed, fairly certain of the response before she even gave it.
"No," she answered quickly and flatly, glancing around to see who would ask next.
"Did he just have rings laying around for last week or did he get them especially?" Fitz's question was clearly one he had wanted to ask since the party the week before, his words raising a few eyebrows amongst the group.
"High end fakes," she gave as basic an answer as possible, trying to skip past it as painless as she could.
"So, he specifically had them designed and made, right, totally not serious," Jemma grinned at the information, quickly clarifying her words as she did, "not my question, just a comment."
"Did you meet on a job?" May returned to simple and easy.
"Yes," Daisy continued with her brisk and minimal responses.
"So, you knew who each other was and what you's did from the beginning?" May kept going, catching herself before she got pulled up, "I know, no follow up questions."
"Yes," Daisy stated anyway, figuring it was easier to just go with it.
"Did you sleep together that job or was it more a down the line of knowing each other type of thing?" Yo-Yo asked with a smirk, her question much more borderline as to if it would pass, and she knew it, as the rest of the group grinning in amusement at her directness.
"That job," Daisy decided they could move on quicker if she just answered it, and a part of her was worried what her second choice would be if that was her first.
"Is he as attentive as he seems he would be? He definitely seems like he would be a ladies first kind of guy," Jemma continued the topic with a chuckle, everyone's eyes flying to her as her words sunk in.
"Jemma!" Fitz scolded his wife, laughing nonetheless.
"Simmons! Please don't answer that one Daisy," Coulson nearly jumped up, the question not something he wanted to hear.
"Didn't plan on it," Daisy stated honestly, her friends question not actually surprising her as much as the rest, knowing that it had been hard for her to not ask all her questions all this time.
"Fine, have you met any of his family? Or even his friends?" Jemma tried again, opting for a more PG question this time around.
"His family know of my existence, haven't formally met them, but have met a couple of his friends," Daisy knew that her answer surprised them, as she turned to the last of the group awaiting their question.
"Does he make you happy?" Coulson spoke after a few moments, taking his time to make his choice.
"Yeah," the word came out quieter, an honest truth to it that made the team smile back at her, at the end of it all, that was all that really matter to them, and they all knew how hard that was for her to admit out loud.
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adangerousbond · 3 years
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Prodigal Son (fox) 2x06
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adangerousbond · 3 years
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“Was I, I don’t know, different in your dream?”
“Yes, and no.”
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adangerousbond · 3 years
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“So, he came up here to say goodbye to someone, and within 5 minutes, was pushed out this window, I'm guessing the farewell didn't go as planned.“
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adangerousbond · 3 years
2020 Wrap Up
Finally, for my wrap up is just 2020 in general, which I’m sure we can all agree, didn’t quite go as we had thought it would.  I have been extremely lucky, living in a country that has barely been effected by the pandemic as compared to the rest of the world, I have also for the most part kept working full time throughout. I am grateful that my country, and my state took it seriously, accepting the lockdown when we did start to have a rise in numbers, something that has allowed us to get it under control and go back to near normal. And I am grateful that my country put things into motion that meant those out of work got an increase in payments for the lack of jobs, that we were able to access payments if we had to get tested or go into isolation, and even just the fact that we can easily get tested and get results within days. Honestly, I don’t really think I can even begin to understand fully just how the rest of the world has been effected - I hope everyone is doing as best as they can! 
I have had a pretty shit year, pandemic aside, but I am a big believer on creating your own luck and for every bad thing that this year as thrown in my way, I have gone out of my way to make it be how I want it to be. I have made myself some pretty good opportunities, and am gotten past the setbacks, so am actually really looking forward to seeing what is in store for myself over the next twelve months - just hopefully with a little less doom and gloom.
While I didn’t overly get much more spare time for myself, I did manage to smash out a number of fics, and spend a bit more time learning photoshop. I had a lot of fun delving into shows and fandoms I hadn’t had much to do with previously, and discovering new ones altogether, and I am so excited to see where my ships go next, and what new ones I might stumble across next year.  My Fic’s in 2020: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: - The lies in the truth - The end is the beginning  - If lighthouses could speak - Haunted Hallways - Home is where the plane is - The silence of the night
Prodigal son: - Blood Family or Both 2020 wrap up: Finished shows Continuing shows Ship’s
That’s me done for the year, but seriously, I hope you all are doing okay.
0 notes
adangerousbond · 3 years
2020 Wrap Up
I decided to do a bit of a wrap up of this crazy crazy year we have managed to get through, each day for the rest of the year will go over some of my show’s and ship’s from throughout the year.
Now for the ships of the year, it was a big year for many show’s and many of my ships either flew high, or crashed and burnt, which I guess is quite fitting for 2020.
Brightwell: these two are two people who have and are, going through a lot of shit, they both have some issues, and they both see that in each other, but somehow, they are honest with each other. I don’t expect this ship to get together anytime soon, not with the amount of issues they both need to work through, but I just hope that they continue on their path. There is a real life kind of side to their relationship you don’t see in a lot of these types of shows, they were apprehensive of each other initially, they didn’t exactly immediately trust or befriend each other, but Malcom did show his truths to her pretty early on, and she accepted his past but not his reckless behaviour, they snapped at each other when the other pushed, and confided as well, both have trust issues, but both made an effort with each other in that regard, they both made an effort to look out for each other too, Dani helped when he asked, which made him more willing to ask, and back his idea’s, but kept him in check when the request wasn’t right (background on Eve). And even when they were mad at one another for whatever reasons, they were learning to talk it out, and to forgive each other. I could go on about these two for days, but I will end with I am very much looking forward to seeing where they go with them.  
Dousy: this entire ship was 11 episodes in total, and yet it was so well spaced and written. I have said it so many times, but AOS was a show I watched so casually, but within only a couple episodes of these two meeting, I was gif’ing and writing more than I do for shows and ships I’ve been invested in for years. I was optimistically hopeful for them seeing as it was the last season, but I still wasn’t going to believe they would even get together, or that they would both survive, until I had seen the last episode, and even now I am still slightly concerned that somehow their relationship will be ruined in another marvel show, because this ship was almost too good to be true. From the barn scene, to Daniel willing to follow Daisy into space even after she admitted it was unlikely to work, to him willing to stay behind for the team to complete their mission, everything about it was perfect. I was also so blown away from the feedback that I got from the fic’s I wrote for this ship, I still hope to go back and finish them one day, and maybe write a few more!
Miggy: other than the VISA/fake marriage storyline that I wasn’t a fan of to begin with, and even less of a fan of how it panned out, the two have grown throughout season two and the start of season three. I feel like they are starting to realise that there might be something there between them, and while both have to work out what that means for them both individually, I do feel something has shifted between them. I do think that they were a bit closer before the VISA stuff, and that they are slowly getting back to where they would have been without the potential marriage stuff, and that regardless, they both still have some stuff to work out, but so far, their relationship – professionally and personally – has been growing steadily and I expect it to be moved along quite well throughout the season we have just started, unless they decide to try and drag it out more. I also think that the people closest to them are starting to be more switched on about them, or at least they are starting to sense a change of sorts between them, which will be interesting to watch.
 Honourable mentions go to; Deckerstar – from Chloe realising it wasn’t Lucifer, to them learning to actually communicate with each other, they were incredible, Jake & Amy – I just love these two, enough said, Shangie – this season sort of feels like a couple steps back, but hopefully might start to go forward soon enough, Olicity – a ship that started around a guest star role, it was an end of an era with these two, and their daughter was so well cast, I would have preferred a happy ever after for them, but these will go down as an OTP for the ages, Rapata – I shipped these two from the beginning, and felt it was a massive let down, they didn’t need to kill him off, the whole team deserved the happy ending, still bitter over this, and lastly, Bellarke – ignoring the horrible ending, for the ship and the show, this ship meant so much to me over the years, and couldn’t go unmentioned.
 Lastly, tomorrow for the last day of the year, will be an overall recap.
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adangerousbond · 3 years
2020 Wrap Up
I decided to do a bit of a wrap up of this crazy crazy year we have managed to get through, each day for the rest of the year will go over some of my show’s and ship’s from throughout the year.
Now for the shows that survived 2020, and made an impact along the way, in a year that was all over the place in real life but gave us a chance to catch up on new shows, and re connect with old. While I am still waiting for some to return, some that haven’t even aired at all this year, I am thankful that any have come back recently.
Greys Anatomy: this show continues to bring the good and the bad, it’s about the only show that has ever been able to get me super invested in a ship, to disliking the ship and then shipping the people with others. I am all for McWidow, I really enjoyed Link/Amelia stuff, I actually don’t mind the Jo/Jackson storyline, and honestly, I was/am rooting for Teddy/Tom. But the thing that I have liked most about greys this year, is the way it is showing the pandemic, the way it is showing it all in a way that hits hard because of the truths, and shows us a small insight into how much the amazing people fighting this are giving up, how hard it is on them, and shedding light on the uglier side of things like how many more black people it is killing – something that for me, living in Australia, it isn’t something we hear a lot about, we haven’t had the same level of deaths or cases, but I guess if we had, it could be harder to watch this new season.
Lucifer: for a show that went from being cancelled, to picked up from another network, and then to having a final season, to have another added, it truly got some luck on its side. Everything about this show is just so well done, and never in a million years did I think I would get so invested in a show about the devil! There is a reason it just doesn’t seem to be able to be let go, and this season showed it brilliantly. The Deckerstar ship might be so important and pivotal to the show, and yes, them finally getting together without any secrets was so great, but so are all the other characters, from Maze, to Trixie to Ella, it’s hard to imagine the show without the whole ensemble, and I cannot wait for the rest of this season.
Magnum PI: this show has consistently been at the top of my watch list since it started, and although I didn’t overly like the ending of the season at the start of the year, I think the new season is getting back to the groove it had made for itself, and I am very excited to how this season will go. This show is such an odd little group of people, who somehow work, and definitely helps the nice cars on the show. I feel there has been a lot of growth this year with Miggy, but I do hope they don’t keep drawing it out too much, this isn’t just the shipper in me talking, but I for one think that they have been going a pretty steady speed with them and without a plausible reason, if they don’t get together this season/early next, it’s going to start to be too drawn out. Also, stop bringing in more sideline stories for newer characters, and give the main group more, like Rick & Kumu.
Prodigal Son: there was something about this show and it’s characters that drew me in instantly, I was so terrified that like a lot of the shows that do that, that this would get cancelled, and the longer they drew the renewal confirmation on, the more I was worried for it’s safety, but in one of the few good things to come out of 2020, somehow it pulled through (and starts back soon!). I love the characters, and their struggles, there isn’t many shows that I actually like and am invested in all the main’s but somehow even the likes of Jessica (who did annoy me to start with) and Edrisa (same) grew on me quickly. There is something about the dark humour of this show, and it’s portrayal of mental illness and murders that kind of reminds me of Hannibal – in a good way. But the icing on the cake for this show is Brightwell, a ship I cannot wait to see where it goes, it’s been a while for a good fashioned slowburn that is actually slowburn because it needs to be – these too are a little bit too messed up at current, but they will get there.
 Honourable mentions go to; Brooklyn nine-nine – Jake and Amy, need I say more, this show tackles everything it can well and without losing its comedic edge, FBI/FBI most wanted – probably the best procedurals I’ve watched in a long time, superstore – as someone how has worked retail, and within the pandemic, this show is showing it all, Legends of tomorrow – the forgotten arrowverse show that cops a lot of flak, but has been my favourite for a long time, even if they probably caused all the issues in 2020, private eyes – this little Canadian show is a bit of a favourite of mine, I stumbled across it one day and so glad that it is back on my screens, and the flight attendant - the short series that somehow made me almost shipping a ship where one of them is dead, oh if only he wasn’t murdered in the first episode and the premise of the whole show.
 Up next tomorrow will be the ships of 2020 for me!
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adangerousbond · 3 years
2020 Wrap Up
I decided to do a bit of a wrap up of this crazy crazy year we have managed to get through, each day for the rest of the year will go over some of my show’s and ship’s from throughout the year. After a 2019 that saw the wrecking of one of my longest OTP’s of Veronica and Logan, the ruining of my GOT ships (and the whole show), the killing of Reylo – aka the thing that drew me into Star Wars and still the only one’s I’ve were the ones they were in, and countless more, I went into 2020 already apprehensive of what would come.  
I’ll start with the shows that have meant so much to me over the years that came to an end in 2020, for the most part they all had final seasons, meaning they all had the chance to wrap up their storylines and provide some sort of closure for us.
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: I’ll be honest, before the last season, I was actually more of a causal watcher, I never was super invested in this show until the last season and they introduced DOUSY, this ship was probably my ship of 2020. It made me write more fics than I had in forever, more gifs, and even the first group chat I joined, I fell hard and fast for this ship, and was so expecting it to not end as endgame or for Daniel to die, because it was 2020, and because of my shipping track record. This was one of the best written ships, especially in such a short timeframe -without feeling rushed- and as much as I wish I see more of it, a part of me is terrified of them ruining it if they ever do anything further with them. Overall the finale was one of the best I have seen in a long time.
Arrow: I have loved and hated parts of this series, and the ending was pretty similar, I didn’t love it, but I didn’t hate it, regardless, the lack of Oliver and Felicity on my screens is sad. I wrote a little of these two back in earlier seasons and was always so thrilled with the response I got – fun fact, while in lockdown, I did debate finishing a story I wrote years ago!
Blindspot: I struggled with this finale, my otp for this show was ruined in the first episode by killing Reade off, and while I was okay with the overall final season, and I choose to believe that it ended with Jane alive, I did kind of feel let down, especially with the waits between seasons I had endured. I felt it there was rehashing of already used storylines, and for a limited number of episodes, it could have been done better.
The 100: where do I start, I had been with this show since the start, I had gotten so many friends into it in season 1 and Bellarke is probably one of my very main OTP’s. I had planned to write something going into the last season, a thank you of sorts to the show and the character’s, and then had gone to throughout and then after, but every time I’ve gone to, I’ve been disheartened. I wanted to say regardless of if they were endgame or not, it was such a special ship, regardless of the hate and of people’s opinion on it, it was such a big part of the show, the ship and the shippers were such a large reason we even got more than one season – I know I was not alone all those years ago when I was so surprised it got picked up for another season. And although the show went a little weird, and I wasn’t really a fan of the later seasons, I kept watching, only to see the characters and the storyline so ruined, and such a horrible ending (regardless of ships). I will say, the Bellarke ship did get a little weird for me after they got together in real life, and the RL version is the one I will pick any day, the two are such lovely people (both I have had the pleasure of meeting a few times) and their real happiness definitely outweighs any fictional storyline.
 Honourable mentions go to The good place – who wrapped up a in a serious but comedic way that only it could pull off, how to get away with murder – it might have lost my viewing at times but I actually enjoyed the ending, god friended me – I might not have overly like the ending, but it was a light hearted show that broke things up a bit, will and grace – I mainly watched this out of nostalgia and I think I almost preferred the newer episodes over the old ones, single parents – if only to remind me of my love for gossip girl, I was sad to see this get cancelled, and finally Stumptown – who went the opposite of some of the shows of late, by being renewed only to be cancelled, somehow a show with Robyn (HIMYM) and Nick (New Girl) as the main characters was one of my favourite new shows for the year.
Stay tuned for continuing shows tomorrow!
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adangerousbond · 3 years
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Angie wearing Shade’s jacket Private Eye’s 4x05
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adangerousbond · 3 years
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Private Eyes 4x05
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adangerousbond · 3 years
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Small touches in 3x01 slowed for science + bonus: Magnum stopping himself 
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165 notes · View notes
adangerousbond · 4 years
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121 notes · View notes
adangerousbond · 4 years
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Magnum PI Season 3 premier
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adangerousbond · 4 years
Blood, Family or Both
Chapter one. Post S1 finale Prodigal Son two-shot. 
Started writing this back when it first aired, but got sidetracked. What actually is it? No idea! No much of an actual plot, I just love this show a lot and was missing it so decided to finish this. Have started the next/last chapter, but honestly, probably will take a bit to finish it. Unedited as usual. Still figuring out these characters, they're so complex and tricky, but so great! Enjoy!
Read below, at ff.net or AO3
He had failed, failed his sister in a way that he couldn't fully grasp yet, he had been running over everything, more than just the events from that night; their childhood, family dinners, events, anything that he might have gotten some sort of hint of what she was capable of it. There was a moment, a small moment, before Dani and JT had knocked – having come due to his earlier text -, that he was debating on taking the blame or hiding the body.
The next few hours had been filled off questions and police tape once again going up around his family home, the constant string of something to do had been working to distract him from his questions, from his newest issues. That was until he had hitched a ride into the station, unable to follow his sister into her holding, and unable to make himself leave; there the silence gave him the opportunity to start the new line of blame and hatred that was filling him.
The small tap on the glass door as she entered, did nothing to draw his attention, her presence wasn't any form of threat to him, not that he was sure that his body would even register a threat anymore, and her compassion was the last thing he deserved. He made no move to break the silence, no move to reach out to the person he had pushed away numerous times already, only to pull her back, and for some reason she kept coming back.
"Come on, I'll take you home," Dani spoke quietly, a slight nod as he stood being the only response she got.
Making her way back towards the bullpen, she turned her head back slightly to ensure he was following, he caught her eye for a moment, looking away ashamedly as he saw the concern in them. Glancing towards the room that held his sister, he could see his mother's lawyers in with her, trying as best as possible to understand, to make sense of the night, and attempt to come up with their game plan; insanity would be his guess.
By the time they got back to his loft, the voices in his head hadn't quietened any, he wasn't any closer to getting the answers that he was after and a part of him wondered if he ever would, he was still trying to answer similar questions about his father after all. He hadn't spoken the whole car ride, and she hadn't pried, hadn't pushed for anything, because she knew him better, she knew he wasn't ready to talk, but she also knew that he shouldn't be alone, and for that, for her, he was grateful.
"How, how did I miss it?" he asked himself more than he asked her, voicing the question that had been eating at him since the moment it happened, how did he miss that his little sister was capable of that, capable of something he had proven that he wasn't even able of, and he was the one with he list of issues a mile long; he was the one their father had groomed.
Her eyes snapped to him, she wanted to tell him that it wasn't his fault, that he wasn't responsible for the actions of others, but instead she sunk down onto the bed next to him. Sitting for a moment before wrapping her arm around his shoulders, she let him fall into her, knowing better than to give him any response, knowing nothing that she could say right now would help.
He had well and truly been running past empty, so it didn't surprise her in the slightest as his breathing evened out and his body relaxed as sleep overtook it. Gently, she lowered them side wards back onto the bed, she knew that she should leave or at the very least wait him out on the couch, but there was something about the way he was curled into her side, something about the way he finally seemed at peace, at ease, or as much as she felt he would possibly be able to at the moment, that made her stay.
The thrashing woke her before she heard the ringing, it took her a second to realise exactly what was going on and where she was, but when she remembered, action took over her sleep state and she moved to wake him, a hand moving to stop the phone as she did.
"Hey, hey, it's okay, it's just my phone alarm," she explained, her hands reaching to his shoulders to still him, focus him.
"Dani?" Malcolm asked as the haze faded, his eyes catching her with confusion replacing the fear.
"Sorry, must have fallen asleep," she brushed off his gaze with an apologetic smile, quickly moving to get up off his bed, her lack of comment to his nightmare not going unnoticed by him.
"Why does your alarm go off so early?" he chuckled, glancing at the time on his phone and realising it was only 5am, which also meant that even with the late hour that they had gotten back to, he had actually managed to get a couple hours sleep.
"I like to have the chance to get some things done before work," she reasoned, heading to his kitchen to make them some coffee, knowing neither was about to be able to get back to sleep.
"What could you possibly have to do at this time?" Malcolm stuck with the small talk, skipping over her being there and ignoring everything that had gone down the day before.
"Go for a run," she shrugged, leaning against his counter tiredly, the last few days had been a lot on them all, and it wasn't about to ease up anytime soon.
"We should go to the hospital, check on Gil, and…" he paused, accepting the coffee off her as he didn't want to think about what else he needed to do.
"And check on your mother," she finished for him, nodding in agreement on his plan.
Trailing behind as they entered Gil's room, Malcolm couldn't help but feel dread, Gil's eyes flew to them both, his mothers landed on his with a sense of relief. Relief that he knew he would quickly ruin, just like he seemed to ruin everything, he just hoped at least some one had given them the run down on what had happened, but from what he could grasp so far, he didn't hold much hopes on that.
"Malcolm, dear," Jessica near cried, jumping up to hug her son, accepting the coffee from his companion with a small smile as she stepped back.
"How are you feeling?" Dani directed toward Gil; her eyes full of concern as she took in his condition.
"Like getting stabbed is the least of my problems right now," Gil spoke in his levelled tone that he had managed to perfect after all these years of dealing with this family.
"What happened? We've only gotten the abridged version, well, that and the news' version, but surely, surely…" Jessica trailed off, the look on her son's face giving away more than she wanted.
"How bad is it?" Gill asked, his training getting his answer from their body language before he got his verbal one.
"Pretty bad," Dani spoke up after sharing a look with Malcolm.
"I have all our lawyers working on it, they'll sort it out," Jessica once again saw something on her son's face. "Right?"
"Mother..." Malcolm started, his sentence ending before it really started once he realised that he didn't know how to continue.
"God, all this time I was so worried about what he did to you, how did I miss this?" Jessica reiterated the thoughts running through her son's mind.
"We all did," Gil agreed, his eyes trained on the profiler, trying to determine just how worried he needed to be about the man he considered a son, "are you holding up okay kid?"
"Yeah," Malcolm answered haphazardly, watching his mother read something on her phone, "what is it mother?"
"The lawyers, they are wanting to go over some things with us, they're still at the station with Ainsley," she told him, shaking her head over the fact she always seemed to be having to deal with murders and lawyers.
"I can give you a ride," Dani offered, gaining a thanks in response.
"Dani, a moment," Gil instructed as the group made their way to leave, waiting until she was the only one left in the room to continue, "thank-you, for looking out for him."
"Of course," she responded as if it was something that didn't need to even be mentioned, gaining a smile off her mentor.
The silence in the precinct made Dani check the time, she had gotten lost in the files and hadn't realised how late it had gotten. Glancing around she laid eyes on him, unsurprised that he had still been there, he had been with his mother and their lawyers for hours and then stuck around, trying to be of assistance to them, and trying to work out his own answers.
"Let's get out of here," she instructed, knowing he would follow without complaint.
They entered his apartment as quietly as the night before, the extra twenty-four hours had not done anything to gain him any more understanding, or any less guilt, if anything it had just brought him more questions, more guilt. Sitting in the room across from his sister, watching her confusion and apparent lack of any memories had made him wonder if it was the truth or an act, and then he had felt worse for even questioning if she would be lying, which had made him realise it was that thinking that made it hard for him to have seen what she was capable of, and so, he was just going around in circles in his head.
"I'm going to stay, okay?" Dani broke the silence, broke the endless loop running through his mind, he had told her once it was like an never ending horror film in the silence, and he knew she was trying as best as possible to let him have his silence without going too deep down.
"You don't have to," he smiled sadly at her, the last thing he wanted was to drag her further into his family's mess, no matter how much he wanted her at his side.
"I want to," she assured him, wrapping a throw rug from the back of the couch around herself as she made her way around to the front of the couch, leaving no room for further questioning.
"You, you can sleep with, on, we can clearly both fit on my bed, you know, if you want to, that is," he stammered, he was exhausted and the idea of her being close, the idea of getting some non-restless sleep was enticing, and he felt like he was asking too much, but she hadn't seem to mind so far.
"I thought you didn't sleep with others," she teased, tilting her head at his rambling.
"I – maybe I didn't mind it," he offered, a small grin slipping out at her playful tone.
"You sure?" she furrowed her brows, wanting to know he was one hundred percent certain.
"On one condition," he nodded in confirmation, smirking at her as she awaited the condition, "you change your alarm time."
Barely an hour later, she woke with a start, his thrashing more violent than the other morning, similar to the time in the station and she realised that it was because it was from a nightmare, and not from something outside his mind startling him. Earlier in their friendship she had knocked him out to stop his nightmares, but now she knew him better, she wasn't worried about her safety and she trusted him enough to know that it wasn't him, that he was hurting, that he was trapped.
"Hey, hey, hey, Bright, it's okay, it's okay," she repeated herself over and over to him, trying to calm him and trying to wake him without him hurting either of them.
"Sorry," he stated sheepishly once he came too, shame taking over the wild fear in his eyes, sitting up and staring into his dark loft as he tried to focus on calming his breaths.
"Do you want tea, or anything?" she offered calmly, laying back down on the bed when he shook his head in response, leaving no room for him to question if she wanted to leave, if she was uncomfortable or worried.
The ringing of her phone woke them both at a much more civilised time, the noise not startling him as much this time, seeing's as he was already half awake. Glancing at the lit up screen, she answered it in an annoyed tone, laying back on the bed as she gave the caller a few basic responses to what they were telling her before ending the call as she stood and started to get herself ready.
"What is it with your phone?" Malcolm joked, sitting on the edge of the bed lazily as watched her move around his loft as if it was hers; something that he found he didn't mind, in fact he liked it.
"It was JT, we have a body," she explained, quickly continuing before he had a chance to speak, "and no, you cannot come, they might not have laid any charges yet -"
"But they may and me helping on the case could cause issues at trial," he accepted it easier than she had expected.
Yep, but I can give you a lift to the hospital, or the station on my way?" she offered, not wanting to leave him by himself if she could help it, gaining a nod in response.
They all stood quietly as the doctor explained the situation, using words and phrases they weren't too sure on, and even had they understood, it wouldn't have changed their worry about their friend and colleague. Jessica had shut down everyone's offer to stay, telling them to go home and rest, that she would watch over him and let them know of any changes, and one by one, her strict mothering tone won out and the rest of the team left.
It was still well into the night by the time they made it back to Malcolm's loft, neither in a hurry to stop, to let their minds run. They made their way to his kitchen island quietly, Malcolm setting to pouring them a drink each – a non-alcoholic one for her - as she leaned back against the bench behind her, setting her hands on cold benchtop in an attempt to ground herself.
"He'll be okay," Malcolm stated, trying to convince her as much as him, moving to stand next to her, placing a tumbler next to her hand.
"You don't know that," Dani responded, adverting her glaze to the drink, making no move to take it, it wouldn't help distract her, it wouldn't help drown out the concern over the threat of yet another father figure in her life dying.
"It's Gil, if he can put up with my family, he can survive anything," he tried again, coaxing a small smile out of her, his own only lasting a few seconds.
"That is a good point," she turned to him, watching him place his tumbler on the bench too, his hand still on it to try and quieten the tremor, her hand coming to his to still it, as he did hers nights prior.
His eyes flew to hers at the action, the air thick around them as they both realised the lack of space between them, and neither found they cared. He hesitated a moment, seeing the hint of fire lurking up on the pain and worry in her eyes, and he wondered if his showed the same, his hesitation giving her the extra moment to come to the same decision, the both of them closing the gap simultaneously, the kiss rough and demanding, but with a level of tenderness that seemed to be their own kind of rapport with each other.
"This is a terrible idea," he chuckled, pulling back a moment, leaving his hand in her hair as he did, not quite ready to stop touching her, to give her up.
"Definitely," she nodded in agreement, closing the distance between them once more, chasing the distraction that kissing him offered, the distraction and the feeling that maybe things might just end up okay that he seemed to offer her.
"I might be out of practice, but I don't think this is what friends do," he pulled away once again, his hand on her waist holding her close, searching her face for permission, for assurance, for something he couldn't quite place.
"No, I don't think it is," she grinned back, her eyes dropping from his as she slowly started undoing his shirt buttons, sensing he still had something he wanted to say.
"I can't say I'm in the best headspace," he told her more seriously this time, and he could see that she took in his words, that she knew he was giving them and out, a way to walk away without changing anything too much.
"Are you ever?" she teased, playing with his loose shirt before conceding, "maybe I'm not either."
"So, we probably shouldn't?" his words came out as more of a question than a statement, she was after all, about his only friend, and as much as they both clearly were okay and wanting what was happening, he couldn't help but feel it was a line they shouldn't cross, that he shouldn't pull her further into the magnitude of issues that was him and his family.
"Probably not," she agreed, leaning back towards him, nonetheless, slipping his shirt off his shoulders as she trailed her lips across his neck, the action enticing a low growl from him as he slipped his hands under her shirt, working at pulling it up and off; both deciding that no matter how much they shouldn't, they both wanted to, needed to.
For the third morning in a row, they were awoken by the sound of the loud ringing of a phone, or as they quickly realised, both their phones, the ringing stopping as the calls went to voicemail. They both chose to ignore their current lack of clothing, and what had gone down the night prior, like a mutual decision that it wasn't to be commented on, that it wasn't the time and neither were ready to.
"Yours was ringing too," she stated with a raised eyebrow, her teasing tone dropped quickly when she realised that both their phones ringing could be bad.
Realising their phones were still up on the bench they made their way over, wanting both to know, but also an unease to the air about what the answer might be. Grabbing his shirt off the floor on the way, Dani covered herself up more, ignoring the look that he gave her at the sight, she was definitely not in a place to comment, instead she hit redial on J.T.'s missed call, gaining as little information as Malcolm seemed to be getting from his mother, both sighing with relief that it at least all seemed good.
Walking into the hallway that was becoming all too familiar, Dani placed the tray of coffees and pastries on the nurse's desk as they past, something that had become somewhat of a ritual for Malcolm and her as a way to feel like they were doing something, helping in some way. Catching sight of his mother, they continued on, the concern dissipating even more as his mother smiled warmly at their arrival.
"Ah, Malcolm, good timing," Jessica signalled for them to join her with the surgeon and Edrisa, "this lovely young man was just telling us that the surgery went well, and he should be out and in post op soon enough."
"So, you two are the ones bribing the nurses around here?" the surgeon laughed as he noticed that the two had a tray of hot drinks and pastries in their hands.
"What do you mean?" Dani asked, handing Jessica her coffee and pastry as Malcolm gave Edrisa hers.
"They told us that we had to save him, otherwise you two would stop bringing them treats," the surgeon explained, declining the offer of one from the tray.
"If a few coffees is all that it takes to ensure Gil's recovery, then we are more than happy to oblige," Malcolm responded quickly, smiling at his mother's approval in the unknown tactic.
"Wait, did you too come here together?" Edrisa asked, suddenly glancing between the two searching for answers.
"So, all good news then?" J.T. questioned before any response was made as he and Tally approached, the two on their way to an ultrasound appointment, having made sure to give themselves the time to stop in for an update on Gil's condition.
By the time the sun had well and truly gone down, and the precinct had all but cleared out, J.T. ended up having to all but order them to go home, as he himself collected his things to leave. Malcolm had commandeered a nearby desk as his own, trying to go through as much as they would give him access to, and had been ready to challenge the request, until Dani flicked her head in the direction of the elevator, silently telling him to follow, the three leaving together without a word.
There was a slight unease in the air as the two made their way into his loft, the unspoken agreement that they weren't talking about the night prior didn't change the fact that they both remembered it. Placing her keys on his counter, Dani moved around to his kitchen to work out if he did have anything somewhat acceptable in the food department or if she would be better off ordering them dinner, ignoring the feeling of domestically that riled up inside her.
"You really don't have to keep staying here," Malcolm broke the silence, pulling out a container of bird seed, Sunshine's constant chirping reminding him to feed her.
"You really think you should be left alone?" she raised her eyebrow, waiting for his counter, knowing full well no matter his response, it wouldn't change her opinion.
"I think it's unfair on you to be forced into the mess that is me and my family," he told her, watching her closely, profiling her reaction, a part of him wanting her to leave and another wanting her to stay, but all of him knowing it was her choice.
"What do you want for dinner?" she asked after a beat, not entirely sure how to respond, but choosing to ignore his comment instead of making a retort to it, she pulled out her phone and set to ordering them food instead.
Coming out of the bathroom the next morning, she froze for a moment at the sight of Malcolm's mother standing in his kitchen, take out bags from what she did not doubt were from some upper scale restaurant. Continuing on her way after an apologetic look from Malcolm, she knew that there was no escaping the other woman, and she understood the will he had occasionally for a new case, just to give himself an easy out from these kinds of situations.
"Dani, come join us dear," Jessica instructed, ushering the younger woman over to the counter with a warm smile.
"Is everything okay? Is Gil okay?" Dani asked, suddenly concerned that something might have happened over night, taking a seat nonetheless on the bar stool next to Malcolm.
"Yes, yes, I just wanted to check in Malcolm, make sure he's looking after himself," the older woman informed her, placing a coffee in front of her as she continued her previous task of unpacking the breakfast she had picked up on her way over.
"What she means is now that Gil's out of the woods, I'm her new distraction from Ainsley," Malcolm stated, smirking at his mother as he challenged her to refute his statement.
"Hush Malcolm, just eat your breakfast," Jessica chastised, staring him down until he picked up the fork and started playing with the food.
"What is it?" Malcolm turned his attention to his partner, noticing her furrowed brow as she read her text.
"The FBI, they're taking over the investigation," her information drawing everyone's attention, "and there's another body."
"Who?" he asked, dropping his pretence of trying to eat the food in front of him.
"I don't know, doesn't seem like they are wanting that known just yet," she shook her head, her source lacking any details that might be helpful.
The precinct was on edge the entire day, the FBI having taken over the conference room once more, rummaging through everything that they had found and keeping tight lipped over the new body, Agent Colette Swanson having returned with what seemed like a calm vengeance that put everyone on edge. It hadn't taken long for them to Malcolm into an interrogation, Dani calling Jessica the moment they did, knowing he wouldn't ask for counsel, but that his mother would force it upon him, a lawyer showing up not long after.
Both her and J.T. had tried to get more information about what was going on, but were met with walls at every turn and after reaching the conclusion they weren't going to get anywhere, they went back to focusing on the case they had. The two sharing a look of confusion when, after a few hours, one of the agents approached, requesting Dani join Colette in the conference room for a discussion, the request concerning them both as J.T. shot her a 'be careful' look as she agreed.
"We just need to confirm a few things with you Detective Powell, is that okay?" the agent who had come for her explained as she sat across from the two FBI agents.
"I guess I don't have much of a choice," Dani spoke jadedly, hoping at the very least, that she might get some information out of them.
"Do you know Mitchell Banks?" Colette jumped straight into her questions, watching her with close eye of a profiler, colder though, than the profiler she was used to.
"Should I?" she asked disinterestedly, the name not ringing a bell.
"He was a PI hired to look into the Whitley Family, Malcolm in particular," Colette explained, a distaste to her tone as she spoke of the former agent she had displayed a dislike for since the moment Dani had met her.
"I didn't know that, or him," Dani told them honestly, catching the way she referred to the PI in past tense and tucking the information away for later.
"Okay, do you happen to know where Malcolm Bright was last night? Between midnight and 3am to be exact," Agent Swanson questioned, the air around them shifting into something more of an interrogation.
"At his home," Dani stated without pause, holding eye contact with the other woman as if to prove to her she was being truthful.
"Do you know this because you were with him?" the other agent asked, his tone calmer and less interrogative than his partner, as if he was just interested in the facts.
"Yes," she confirmed, catching a hint of surprise at the ease at which she gave her on record confirmation.
"The whole time?" Colette jumped back in, raising her eyebrow at her question.
"Yes," Dani once again stated calmly, crossing her arms in annoyance at the line of questioning.
"Are the two of you in a relationship?" the profiler spoke with distaste, her dislike for the man in question evident in her voice, something that wasn't missed by the other two in the room.
"No," Dani's response coming quick and easily, she truthfully wasn't entirely sure how to define what they were, but she knew that they were at the very least a proper conversation away from any form of actual labels, probably more than one.
"But you are sleeping together?" Colette near stated, her tone cold and judgemental as she had already made up her mind.
"What does any of this have to do with it?" Dani asked instead of answering, something that she could tell that the agent across from her took as a confirmation.
"We are just trying to determine Malcolm's whereabouts for the murder," the other agent explained to her, placing a file in front of her with basic details on the murder of Mr Banks, confirming her theory that he was dead.
"Wait, you think Bright did this?" Dani queried, having skimmed over the file quickly.
"We found his DNA all over the victim, he has motive and what is becoming a method of killing," Colette informed her, a hint of a smirk across her face, as if she was glad to finally have something to use against him, something to lock him up with.
"It wasn't him, like I said, I was with him the whole night," Dani told them, her voice firm as she backed up her partner, suddenly glad that she had kept being insistent that he not be alone.
"Were you sleeping?" the man across from her asked, running through his own list of questions, less personally back ones.
"Yes – but" she responded, quickly going to back it up further, knowing that the answer would give them a leeway into discrediting her alibi.
"So, he could have snuck out," he asked, jumping in before she could finish, or his partner could ask her own, more personal question.
"No, I'm a light sleeper, I would have woken if he left," she told them, a glint of determination to her stare as she tried to make them believe her.
"He could have drugged you; it is a favourite in his family after all," Colette suggested, shrugging at the dig at his family, knowing it was true.
"He didn't drug me," Dani snapped back, quickly getting over the interrogation and starting to wonder if she should have a lawyer with her.
"There wasn't a time, at all that you left him alone? Maybe to shower? Duck out to get food, anything?" the other agent spoke up, cutting through the tense air between the two women, bringing it back to confirming her story.
"Only when I showered in the morning and when I came out his mother had arrived, so he would have had barely 5 minutes to himself," Dani explained, realising that he was trying to see if her story matched the one Malcolm must have given them, and she couldn't help but wonder if he had hesitated in telling them that she had been there.
"Who's to say you're not just covering for him because you're sleeping with him?" Agent Swanson sneered at her, disapprovingly, her partner opening his mouth as if to say something, before deciding to remain silent instead.
"We are done here," Dani told them both, knowing she had answered enough of their questions.
"We are done when I say we are," Colette snapped back, glancing at her partner for back up and simmering down slightly when she found none.
"No, you are angry that to stick this murder on him you have to say a NYPD detective is lying and if the evidence is the same as Eddie's then that draws that charge into question as well," Dani pointed out, a slight rise to her voice as she reasoned, standing to leave.
"I thought you were smarter than to get involved with him," Colette told her in a disappointed tone, shaking her head at the detective.
"Look, I know you don't think very highly of him, but if you have any respect towards me, you have to at least consider the possibility he is being framed," Dani ignored her comment, glancing between the two as she spoke calmly, the lack of any response telling her that they begrudgingly could see her point as she left the conference room, needing some air.
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adangerousbond · 4 years
You writing is so good, that fake married dousy au was *chef's kiss* please write more like a sequel or another au <3
Thank you, you’re too kind ❤️
I actually really enjoyed writing that fic, especially the Daisy and Kora bonding parts, and am tossing up between doing another chapter for that fic or my post finale one next. But first and foremost, I’m currently working on finishing a Brightwell post S1 one/two shot that I actually started writing in May and got distracted from!
So once I’ve finished that, I’ll definitely get back to writing some more Dousy!!
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