theladyragnell · 2 months
AC for Alex/Thom?
(Visiting their home for the first time! You and an anon both asked for the exact same thing, I am assuming because everybody wants Thom to visit hill country, so I am doing the prompt twice. Here's Thom in hill country (implying an epic fic as backstory, but shh), and in a few days we'll get Alex visiting somewhere I haven't decided yet!)
Thom, ever the diplomat, took some time to consider his first impression of Tirragen as they rode over the crest of a hill and into the fief, and decided that “brown” just about covered it. The late-summer dead grass waving in the wind was pale brown, the recently harvested fields darker brown, the lakeshore mud was brown, and the buildings in the settlement nearest them were brown. Even Tirragen’s hold was brown, stone much the color of the dead grass.
The lake, at least, was blue. It was some relief from the monotony.
“Not as luxurious as you’re used to, no doubt,” said Alex from up ahead of him, who for someone with no Gift at all had an uncanny facility for plucking thoughts out of Thom’s head.
At least he could occasionally be wrong. Thom had only grown used to luxury in Corus, and that had lasted no time at all next to the country upbringing of Trebond and the lightless austerity of the City of the Gods. It was just that apparently a small taste of luxury was worse than none at all. “You should have seen the monastery,” he said, encouraging his horse forward a bit to ride next to Alex. “For a place supposedly sacred to the god of the sun, it wasn’t a very bright place.”
“Tirragen gets light, at least.” Alex pulled to a stop before they could descend too far down the hill, shading his eyes with a hand and inspecting his fief. “The fall crops are behind.”
It had been the same everywhere, but Thom had spent years with his teachers hammering concepts of balance into his head. The new king had spent a perilous hour holding his kingdom together with magic. Thom was going to have to write him to reiterate that they were in for a troublesome few years and just hope that he would listen, after the exhausted way he’d asked them to get away from Corus before fingers started pointing at them. “Not quite as far behind,” he said. He hadn’t particularly known anything about crop growth and its projected rates when they left Corus, but he was learning them quickly enough.
Alex, who’d known the crops and their growth rates better the closer they got to arid hill country, lowered his hand and kicked his horse into motion again. “Behind enough to give us a hungry winter, and with Eldorne and Malven even more out of favor than we are, we’re not going to get much aid. I need to see how our grain stores do, and how much we need to save for seed if the crop gets spoiled. We just need to keep hill country from raiding across the Drell and starting another war for Jon.”
That was, Thom was almost sure, the most words Alex had strung together at once since they’d left Corus. When Thom had met him, those first awful months of trying to establish his place and letting himself be lost in his own pride, he’d picked his words carefully, with a talent for compliments that could make a man feel like he’d been slapped and a sly turn of phrase. On their journey, he’d simply seemed too tired to speak. Trust a man’s home to get him talking again. “We?” said Thom, when Alex twisted, seeming to expect his commentary. That was fair enough. Thom had certainly led him to believe he had commentary on everything. He suspected Alanna found it embarrassing, the way he’d learned to rattle on over the years.
“I assumed that if you were so interested in taking all your magical measurements about crops, you might have plans for what to do with them. The raiding is my business, unless you have insight from Trebond, you must get Scanrans across the border.”
Less often than they might. When their father had told Thom rare stories about his childhood, before everything, Scanran raids had featured heavily, the reason he’d gone for his knighthood instead of to the cloisters. King Jasson’s ambition, though, had given Trebond breathing space. “No plans yet,” Thom admitted. Saying that Jasson had made Thom’s life as a baron better, for all he was in the process of disinheriting himself, seemed cruel when he was riding across old Hurdik lands. “Agricultural magic was never my specialty. I’ll have to come at it from the side of the Dominion Jewel, and that’s half a country away, so it will take some work.”
“I’ll send out for any books you need, and our crop records are at your disposal.”
Thom hated crop records. He’d been spoiled, letting Coram deal with them, but that was why Coram would be a better baron than Thom would, especially given Alanna had more than enough to do and no interest in inheriting the mausoleum herself. “Fascinating evening reading, no doubt,” he said.
Alex twisted again, gave him the level look that meant You’re the one who wished yourself on me, remember, but didn’t comment, just kept riding on. “It will be hard work,” he said eventually.
Hard work, like Thom didn’t know the meaning of it. Like he hadn’t gained his Mastery young while leading everyone to believe he was too stupid to do it, playing a double game and advising his sister from a distance. If there was one universal among the young knights of the palace, no matter which side of the attempted coup they’d fallen on, it was that they thought life in the Mithran cloisters must have been soft and easy. It was disappointing that Alex, generally one of the more intelligent of them, seemed to feel the same. “Somehow I’ll survive.”
Alex frowned a little, with an assessing look that reminded him of Alanna’s George, who did not like Alex at all. Not that Thom could blame him. There was a reason Thom and Alex were rusticating in hill country for the foreseeable future, and they were lucky not to be doing it under guard like Delia. “I imagine we both will,” he said eventually, like it was a burden and not the best piece of optimism Thom had heard in months.
Thom looked off into the distance again, at the various shades of brown, at the blue lake reflecting the blue sky. In the distance, at the keep, they were raising the flag as their lord approached, the black and purple standing out in the landscape. It wasn’t home, but then again, he wasn’t sure, after so long, precisely where that was.
“It’s all very brown,” he drawled, at his most affected and court-mannered, and hoped Alex could hear the joke and the truth all braided together.
Alex just smiled a little, eyes on the flag at the keep, and dug his heels in, and Thom did the same, until they were cantering toward Fief Tirragen, and all the work that waited there.
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samyazaz · 1 year
What's your favorite jam?
I meannnnnn
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But to answer the question you probably meant: raspberry freezer jam, my beloved!! There’s a reason when I gifted some to my coworker, I prefaced it with “I have to apologize, because I’m about to ruin you for all other jam”.
But even leaving homemade freezer jam aside, raspberry has always been my favorite of the jams.
Honorable mention to: peach-thyme freezer jam, my beloved.
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embroideredcupcake · 4 years
Oooh, ask meme! Star, mercury, aaand red dwarf? (Also hi, I hope you're well!)
Hey friend!!! <3 
Star:  What song(s) do you feel describes you? Oh dear. Um. Scar by Missy Higgins, You Don’t Know from Next to Normal, and Shiny Happy People by R.E.M. Maybe. I don’t know. 
Mercury:  Describe your aesthetic. Swings wildly from overalls and hiking boots to retro dresses and red lipstick, but always with a queer energy, apparently, which is the highest compliment anyone’s ever paid me. 
Red Dwarf:  What’s your favorite smell? What smell makes you feel most comfortable? Baking smells, like vanilla and hot sugar and caramel and baked apple. I’m happy in kitchens. Lavender, because it reminds me of my beloved great aunt. That icy cold smell you sometimes get on freezing winter mornings. 
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pilferingapples · 5 years
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@sovinly replied to your post: @subsequentibis replied to your post “#the Les...
This whole discussion is just such a delight
Please feel free to join in :D
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acesgroupchat · 6 years
replied to your post
“WIP meme”
Chihayafuru fic???? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh :D
It’s true! (well sort of. More of an outline than a fic tbh but I have high hopes)
I ADORE that show and it breaks my heart that there isn’t a huge and flourishing collection of OT3 fics in the archive (OT3s being always and forever my favorite). So this is a Be The Fic You Wish To See In The World project that hopefully I’ll have time for once Yuletide is over.
A snippet from the outline: “Twelve year olds don’t need to know they are in love and so don’t have to make decisions about monogamy.”
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et-in-arkadia · 7 years
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lesmispodficweek · 6 years
Hello! I'm Sovin on ao3 and I am happy to volunteer my fics! It's a super cool project, and I will be very excited to hear what comes out of it! :)
thank you! added you to the list!
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fixaidea · 7 years
Oooh, tell me a plant story?
Anton wasstaring at the alien monstrosity in the living room. Whatever it was, it lookedlike a mouldy, hairy starfish that crawled into a pot and died there. It alsosmelled exactly like that.
Without aword he turned and marched into the study, hoping to find his partner. Sureenough, the man was in there, bent over a manuscript, seemingly unaffected bythe awful stench the – plant? dead thing? whatever was giving. Anton, after acouple of minutes of unsuccessful looming, tried to get his attention byclearing his throat. Still nothing. When Ali was gone, he was gone.
Running outof other options, Anton leant forward and tapped the man on the shoulder.
‘Ali. Ali?’
The man inquestion stirred, blinking owlishly up at him.
‘Oh, hello!Sorry, I didn’t see you there, I was…’ he waved a hand over the stack of paperson his desk.
‘That’sokay… What’s not okay, however, is that abomination out there’ said Anton,jabbing a finger in the general direction of the living room.
Ali lookedup at him, somewhat sheepishly.
‘…You meanthe Stapelia?’
‘I mean thedead, hairy starfish, whatever it’s called.’
‘So theStapelia. What’s wrong with it?’
‘Whatisn’t? It’s horrid, it reeks, where didit even come from?’
‘Oh, youknow that flat we investigated yesterday? That’s where.’
Antonshuddered. Being a part time paranormal investigator took you to strange,creepy and sometimes downright disgusting places. You always had to be preparedto face off against actual demonic forces, but more often than not, just likein this most recent case, the solution to the mystery were edgy teenagers whothought animal cruelty and spray-painting pentagrams were cool and sufficientlyoccult.
Now thatAli mentioned it, Anton did vaguely remember seeing the terrible plant in oneof the tiny windows of the miserable flat – which also happened to contain adead, weeks-old goat, so the Stapelia’s stench obviously didn’t register withhim right there and then.
‘I couldn’tjust leave it there’ said Ali, raising his hands ‘The boys won’t be returningthere, no one will look after it! It would die!’
Anton wastempted to say ‘all the better’ but chose to just sigh and pinch the bridge ofhis nose.
‘Does it atleast eat flies?’
‘No’ saidAli, standing up. He took Anton by the arm and led him out into the living room‘It attracts them for the purpose of pollination. Isn’t it fascinating? See howperfectly it mimics the colour and texture of rotting meat?’
‘…And itssmell too.’
‘Exactly! Isn’tit wonderful?’
Anton sighed. He was defeated. The damn plantwas staying. 
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yuri-puppies · 8 years
replied to your post
“I erased the bitching because there’s a chance it might hurt the wrong...”
*hugs* I'm sorry, darling, that is such a shitty place to be. From the other side, know there is another side, and if you want support or suggestions or just someone to listen, hit me up, yeah?
Thank you, darling *hugs* I’ll try to take you up on that offer. What’s so incredibly frustrating is that I’ve been to the other side? And now it feels like I’m in first year again except this time everyone knows I’m a bitch
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sovinly · 7 years
“Let’s try some Hugo pastiche for the feel!” I said.
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theladyragnell · 4 months
☕ Alex of Tirragen
Alex deserved better!!!!!!
In the Hand of the Goddess sets up this really interesting arc where it is pretty damn clear that Alex is being mind controlled. He almost kills Alanna during their sparring session, and unless I'm misremembering her ember stone shows Roger's magic, which seems pretty cut and dried to me! There wouldn't be much else reason for Roger's magic to be around, and Roger is known for influencing and controlling the minds of others! And yet there is never a single moment of concern for Alex. He's just loyal to Roger, as far as Alanna and the others are concerned, and that's never a cause for concern.
And then come the last two books all hints of that seem to be forgotten? Alex is just obsessively loyal to Roger and wants to prove that he's better than Alanna, and that's all. And it's so much less interesting! He's never even shown to have had any motivation to become an asshole! Just one scene, one, where Alex implies that Roger has promised to deal more fairly with hill country (which later books clearly show us is historically disadvantaged and treated like shit), would have been better than this.
I remember during our book group, we talked about how Alex in Lioness Rampant acted more like Roger in the earlier books than Roger particularly did, and posited how intriguing a version where Roger's contingency plan on his death was leaping into Alex's mind and taking him over to plan getting his body back, only his body came back carrying some immortal being (probably bringing back the Ysandir from the first book) and that being why "Roger"'s goals went from "rule Tortall" to "shake it to pieces because [file not found]."
There are just so many things that could have been done with Alex! Very sad that none of them happened, but delighted that the fandom deals with him in interesting ways.
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samyazaz · 3 years
Early mornings and late nights
Oh man, I love the dark and the quiet, love having just one little light on or maybe just the glow of a laptop screen, so that it feels like the world is just a bubble with you and your immediate surroundings in it, and time feels suspended. I saw a quote once, possibly here on tumblr, that was something to the effect of “at 6am the world hasn’t finished rendering yet” and it’s so true, and as far as I’m concerned, that’s a feature not a bug.
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cactusspatz · 4 years
April recs
Mostly Nirvana in Fire this month, with a dash of Captive Prince (which is actually how I got sucked into watching NIF this time around - when presented with a story about court intrigue and princes rising to power, there’s a limited number of places that my mind goes).
Arranged in roughly canon-chronological order, because why not.
Days in the Sun by circumference/@circumference-pie (gen)
Several days in the life of Prince Qi, the most perfect prince.
You know how something can be really lovely and sweet and that just makes it even more heartbreaking to know what comes next? Yeah, that’s this fic in a nutshell. A beautiful and bittersweet portrait of Jingyu and his extended friends-and-family, several years before the conspiracy case, with disaster just starting to whisper under the surface.
Come Back to Haunt Me by ZairaA (Lin Shu/Jingyan)
In the aftermath of the Chiyan massacre, Prince Jing is locked up at the Xuanjing Bureau, and no one dares to speak out against the Emperor in fear of being executed on the spot. When mysterious fires start to spring up throughout the city, rumours spread about a ghost who has come to seek vengeance, and the Ministry of Rites has to find a way to get rid of it.
Eerie and gutwrenching AU, with some great use of an obscure bit of Chinese culture that I can’t remember how I knew but was very delighted to encounter.
the mist that cloaks the river, the clouds that hide the stars by @sovinly (gen)
Yan Yujin has mostly evaded the worst consequences of the Chiyan case, despite her standing betrothal to Lin Shu. So warned, she precariously balances freedom and evading attention, and stays quite far away from politics for a number of reasons. Politics don't seem quite so keen to stay away from her.
Long and subtle Yujin genderswap AU, taking off from that line from Prince Ji about how as a girl!Yujin would have been engaged to someone heavily implied to be Lin Shu. Everyone who recced this at me back on my last swing through the fandom was SO RIGHT. It’s a bit slow to start, sticking very tightly to canon until after Jingrui’s birthday, when the small changes start to spill over into major differences. Also, just chock full of amazing ladies (even MORE than the show has!) and Yan Clan feels.
If I have been untrue by @convenientalias (gen)
It's been weeks since Jingyan and Mei Changsu last talked when Jingyan shows up with two ministers in tow. Still, it's obvious that Jingyan wants to talk to Mei Changsu in private.Yes, Mei Changsu and Jingyan haven't spoken to each other since rescuing Wei Zheng. And Mei Changsu is feeling just a little nervous.
Wherein Jingyan makes a much-needed apology, and MCS would probably prefer to eat another Wujin pill than have to deal with any of his feelings. *sigh* A very satisfying missing scene that still retains MCS’s vast damage.
Return of the Cicada by ZairaA (Jingyan/MCS)
For thirteen years, Jingyan has locked his emotions deep in his heart and carried them with him like shards of a life broken beyond repair. But when Mei Changsu arrived in Liang, slowly but mercilessly, hope clawed its way back into his soul. Maybe Jingyan's crazy, but after the battle at Mount Jiu An is won, he's more certain than ever that his suspicions are true, and he realizes there's only one way to look behind Mei Changsu's mask: to rip it off.
Set between episodes 44 and 45.
SUCH a good Jingyan, SUCH a satisfying way to blow up MCS’s bullshit tower of lies, and SUCH a good sequel from MCS’s POV with devastating dream sequences. The author may add a third story, which I sincerely hope for, but each story so far is complete in itself.
Sugar Cubes and Rubies by aldiara (Ancel/Berenger)
Horses are smelly and alarming and Ancel definitely doesn’t understand or like his, nor is he missing Berenger at all, what are you talking about.
In which Ancel welcomes Berenger home from a trip with some crazy hot kinky sex, and they don’t talk about their feelings but they definitely have a lot of them. Contains some D/s dynamics, symbolic gifts, and Ancel absolutely not making any romantic gestures, what are you talking about.
The Great Escape by @barbitone (Ancel/Berenger)
Everything was mostly going to plan, right up until the Regent ordered his pet to be executed and his severed head to be sent to Prince Laurent.
It happened at noon. The castle was so abuzz with the shocking news that even Berenger, who usually didn’t hear such gossip until late in the evening when Ancel helped him dress for dinner, had heard of the horrific event within the hour.
His heart sank as he thought of that poor boy, just a child-
And then his heart sank further, because he knew he and Ancel would be next.
HELL YES THIS IS SOME GOOD COMPETENCE PORN, in which Ancel and Berenger go on the run from the Regent. Mmm, loyalty and leveling power dynamics, mutual rescuing, and hurt/comfort, so many of my favorite things.
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pilferingapples · 6 years
I know there's "to go back different" by soc_puppet on AO3, but I am sure there's more than one Night at the Museum AU!
@laughingmistress  !
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embroideredcupcake · 5 years
Question time, tagged by @eirenical 💜
Nickname: a few people call me Courf, my brothers call me SJ and bro, and small children call me Se-wa
Gender: mostly female
Star sign: Scorpio
Height: 5 ft 2
Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff
Favourite animal: wombats and red pandas
Number of blankets: that I own? Maybe 11. That I'm currently using? Nothing but my lightweight quilt, because summer just finished
Where I'm from: South Australia
When I started my tumblr: I have no idea. 2013 maybe?
Why I started my tumblr: it seemed like a good idea at the time
Tagging @tissueboxesforseals @sovinly @lynchy8 @idontevenhaveone @weisbrot
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The People want a masterpost of fics you enjoyed!!
Okay, I’m trying this again, because yesterday my computer shut down just as I was about to post this and I needed some time to recover.
Most of the fics I enjoy fall into one of four categories: it made me laugh a lot, it made me feel empty inside, it made me think (it might be the writing style, the concept, or the formatting style they used), or Iconic.  I did have to add a fluff category for all three of those that I apparently had bookmarked.
The order here is meaningless, I just went down my bookmarks tab on AO3.  A lot of these authors also have other really excellent works, so I highly recommend exploring their other works!
If your work or username are not here, that doesn’t mean I don’t like it or think you’re a good author!  As I said, I just took these from my bookmarks–I literally have some of my favorite authors listed at the bottom whose works I have never bookmarked.  Similarly, we just have a lot of good authors in this fandom, and I forget many of them.  
I laughed:
Press One for Revolution by LoveKhaleesi (@arcoiriseglitter) & Zimriya (@zimriya)
ExR texting fic.  It had me in tears.  
Note: discontinued, but near enough to closure that it’s still worth the read.
Hit Me With Your Best Shot by TellThemStories (@tell-themstories)
ExR assassin AU fic, Grantaire’s perspective.  R is an assassin, Enjolras is his target.  It doesn’t quite work out the way he planned.
We’re All Stories, In The End by TheGlitterati (@kyrstin)
ExR crackfic, Jehan’s perspective (Enjolras’s perspective for a scene at the end)
Les Amours de Marius by Elenchus (@aporeticelenchus​)
Marisette crackfic (kind of fake dating, but not how you’re thinking of it), Marius’s perspective.  Marius recruits Bahorel and Grantaire (or rather, they recruit themselves) to make Marius’s grandfather more amenable to his engagement to Cosette.  
#Roommate Chronicles by IAmSlytherlocked & ImpulseRun
Marius & Courfeyrac friendship tumblr fic, Courfeyrac’s perspective.  Courfeyrac catalogs his roommate’s misadventures and the art of Pontmercying.
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner by sigh_no_more (@babesatthebarricade)
ExR holiday fic, Enjolras’s perspective.  Cosette has asked him to attend their asshole bio-dad’s Thanksgiving dinner, but one Craigslist ad makes Enjolras slightly less begrudging in his attending.
Texting ‘Verse by Ladililn (@ladililn)
ExR texting fic.  Joly sends a text to the wrong chat.
How I Seduced Enjolras by Gwynplaine
ExR crackfic, Grantaire’s perspective.  My Immortal’s younger, smart Les Mis brother.
Note: this fic is rated explicit and contains explicit content throughout.  It is essential to the plot.  
I cried:
Just accept that all of these have a trigger warning attached, either for total whiplash or possible death/suicidal ideation.
Stereoscopic by TellThemStories (@tell-themstories​)
ExR?, Enjolras’s perspective.  Enjolras is working overseas for a year with only one-way video messages from his friends as communication.  He has a gradual revelation about his feelings for a certain cynic.
Orpheus, Play Yourself a Path From Hades by Sovin (@sovinly​)
ExR, Grantaire’s perspective.  Grantaire’s cancer returns, and he doesn’t tell anyone.  No dialogue.
If You Ever Come Back by MissAndrogyny (@missandrogyny​)
ExR break-up/make-up fic, alternating perspectives from work to work.
World War II AU by LoveKhaleesi (@arcoiriseglitter​)
ExR WWII AU fic, Enjolras’s perspective.  Enjolras and Eponine are harboring a Jewish fugitive.
The only fic I will ever accept the fix-it ending for.
Situational Irony by Ryssabeth
ExR fic, mostly Enjolras’s perspective (I’m not a masochist, I’m not rereading this on a lovely Sunday morning to check).  Coping with Grantaire’s death.
Barricade Dawn by Opium_du_Peuple (@just-french-me-up)
Jehanparnasse fic, Jehan’s perspective.  Jehan is trying to write a good-bye letter to Montparnasse in case he doesn’t return from the barricade.
Note: this has an explicit content rating.  The explicit content is most of the middle and nonessential to the plot, you can read just the beginning and the end.
I think this is also the only canon period fic.  Whatever that’s worth.
Life is Only Moments by Raeldaza (@raeldaza)
ExR fic, Enjolras’s perspective.  Enjolras reflects over the years of his and Grantaire’s friendship.
This has a fix-it ending, and that’s all well and good, but I prefer the suffering.
Serenata by IbbyLiv
ExR post-breakup fic, Enjolras’s perspective.  Enjolras writes notes to Grantaire after he leaves.
Apparently this is basically just a song with some different words swapped in and out.  I can’t say I care about anything but the emotions that bubble forth when i read it.
Cheers, Darlin’ by onemillionbranches
ExT post-breakup fic, Grantaire’s perspective.  Enjolras is getting married, and Grantaire helps.
It moved me, Bob:
I’m also including what about each one really made me think, because of the nature of this category.
Beautiful Things Have Dents and Scratches Too by A_New_World_To_Be_Won
ExR feelings fic, alternating perspectives.  Definitely makes you feel sad, but it has resolution.
I love how raw the writing style is and how directly it translates into pure emotion.
Tin Can by ejr
ExR relationship progression fic, alternating perspectives.  
This prose style intrigues me, and I really enjoy it and its application.
You Never Have to Wonder; You Never Have to Ask by GamesForMay
ExR fic, Grantaire’s perspective.  18 months after a major protest, Grantaire returns to Paris for Cosette and Marius’s wedding.
The!  Motifs!  Are!  So!  Good!  The way Enjolras is shaped and Grantaire’s decision is set before them…and I love the moment all of  this revolves around that happened 18 months ago.  It’s just a gorgeous piece.
Golden by the_sky_is_forever (@theskyis-forever)
ExR post-breakup fic, alternating perspective.  Enjolras goes to Grantaire’s first art gallery since he left the artist.
Okay, so this is also a sad fic.  But!!  I value the artistry of the writing and love how they were able to pull and shape the emotions with the way they handled their words and sentences and phrasing.
Primary Relations - A Politician’s Journey rev 2-1.avi by Samyazaz (@samyazaz)
ExR documentary fic.  Enjolras is running for president, and Grantaire is documenting it.
The prose is so interesting and inspired a yet-unpublished fic I’ve been working on!  It can be difficult to write from this perspective, and I think they handled it really well.
Have & Hold by arriviste (@arrivisting)
ExR fake-marriage fic.  Enjolras wants to make a political point about gay marriage and meets less resistance than he expected.
This is probably the only fake marriage fic I will ever love and appreciate because the author did such a great job representing the unhealthy feelings involved when you go from zero feelings to being married.
Dismantling Oppressive Establishments, Teamwork, And Other Things Your Coach Never Taught You by AnnaBolena (@annabrolena)
ExR mixed media fic, alternating perspectives.  
Usually stories that get told half through dialogue and half through articles drive me nuts with their incongruence and messiness with image formatting, but this author did a phenomenal job with the article styles and telling the story and keeping me interested without bogging the whole thing down with extra formatting. 
If There’s No One Beside You (When Your Soul Embarks) by ToBeFerre
ExR reincarnation fic, Grantaire’s perspective.  Everyone is back except Enjolras, and Grantaire is trying to keep the club running until Enjolras’s return.
I just really love the concept of the anxiety they carry and the ways they’ve changed since the first time around.
Felled By You, Held By You by EyeOfAHurricane (@eyeofahurricaneart)
ExR progression fic, alternating perspective.  Grantaire falls in and out of love with Enjolras.
The concept of love and affections being ephemeral things, the way that love moves more quickly for some than others, and the seasonal symbols made me start thinking and inspired another yet-incomplete fic.
The World Ain’t Ready by IdiopathicSmile (@idiopath-fic-smile)
ExR fake-dating fic, Grantaire’s perspective.  I’m not providing a description because this is required reading for anyone in the Les Mis fandom.  Just read it if you haven’t yet.
Friday I’m in Love by The Librarina (tears_of_nienna) (@thelibrarina)
ExR fake-dating fic, Enjolras’s perspective.  Enjolras is going to his family’s summer residence for a week and needs a way to stick it to his parents.
Words Never Spoken by StrawberryBubbles
ExR soulmate AU, Enjolras’s perspective.  Your first words with your soulmate are supposed to appear when you turn 18, but Enjolras’s never do.
Your Heart on Your Skin by Zade (@racetrackthehiggins)
ExR soulmate AU, Grantaire’s perspective.  Flowers appear on your body that represent different qualities about you as you experience life experiences that bring them about.
The Season Underwater by andtheheir
ExR swimteam AU fic, Grantaire’s perspective.  Grantaire is put on the varsity swimteam for his junior year and really doesn’t want to let Enjolras down.
This fic is just really beautifully written and really started to make me think about my writing style and start experimenting with it more.
BE by ToTheWillOfThePeople (@kvothes)
ExR theater AU fic, Enjolras’s perspective.  Enjolras is roped into directing a production of Hamlet.
Arcadia Ballet!Verse by Darrenjolras
ExR ballet AU fic, Grantaire’s perspective.  Grantaire shot his mouth off at some gorgeous up and coming dancer, and now he has to choreograph an entire ballet.
In Love When You Wake Me Up by BethXP
ExR fic, Enjolras’s perspective.  Enjolras wakes up from his surgery high and in the presence of his two best friends and a third person.
These Are Some of my Favorite Things (The Post-It-Note!fic) by Zimriya (@zimriya)
ExR fic, Grantaire’s perspective.  Enjolras has been leaving post-it notes on things (Grantaire) with seemingly no logic behind it.
Foregone Conclusion by Raeldaza (@raeldaza)
ExR fic, Enjolras’s perspective.  Enjolras is receiving gifts from an “anonymous source” (but he’s pretty sure he knows from whom).
As I was doing these, I realized that there are some others authors whose works I love that I didn’t have one or two fics I could choose to put up but still wanted to include (and there are probably more that I’m forgetting):
Myrmidryad (@myrmidryad)
Lovely, thorough writing style.
Sunfreckle (@mysunfreckle)
Lots of lovely Jehanparnasse!  They and Opium_du_Peuple are my go-to’s for Jehanparnasse content.
SarahYYY (@sarah-yyy)
So many ExR short stories!  Definitely peruse all of her stuff (though be aware–it’s a bit like Russian roulette for the sad stuff; there’s one in there that I was even prepared for and am still recovering from).
Everything by her is Just.  Iconic.  So good.
Also really good.  (Sorry, I lost my steam by the end of writing this monster, I really do enjoy her work.)
If anyone knows the tumblrs for any of the authors that I haven’t already tagged, please DM me so I can add them in!
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