sameschmidtdiffname · 7 months
I feel like if Peeta hadn't gotten hijacked by the Capitol before being rescued, he would've ended up physically fighting Gale after hearing about all the bullshit he was on while Katniss was worried over Peeta and was making friends with other people while in 13. Not out of male testosterone "the fuck you say to my woman" type deal, solely because in what world is that okay behavior towards your best friend??
I don't feel like he'd be graceful about it either. Peeta can easily be unhinged when he wants to be. Dude would wait until Gale's 6'4 ass is stalking down the halls one day on the way to class or smth and just konk him the fuck out with a frying pan. He'd confess too. Better yet, self report. Drag Gale's ass to Mrs. Everdeen in medical and be like "I did it." No regrets.
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colormush · 2 months
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sejanusfan · 1 year
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“Coriolanus buried his face in his hands. He had killed Sejanus as surely as if he'd bludgeoned him to death like Bobbin or gunned him down like Mayfair. He’d killed the person who considered him his brother. But even as the vileness of the act threatened to drown him, a tiny voice kept asking, What choice did you have? What choice? No choice. Sejanus had been bent on self-destruction, and Coriolanus had been swept along in his wake, only to be deposited at the foot of the hanging tree himself.”
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“He tried to think rationally about it. Without him, Sejanus would have died in the arena, prey to the pack of tributes who had tried to kill them as they fled. Technically, Coriolanus had given him a few more weeks of life and a second chance, an opportunity to mend his ways. But he hadn't. Couldn't. Didn't care to. He was what he was. Maybe the wilderness would have been best for him. Poor Sejanus. Poor sensitive, foolish, dead Sejanus.”
— The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins
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promptseverlark · 1 year
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Final List - Participants!
I will give you access to the collection so you can post until deadline 25th June.
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alechans-cutetickles · 7 months
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🇺🇸:bruh thx u sm @jav-animations for make make this mega adorable tickle art of me tickling zooble ☹️ ///💕💕💕💕💕
(🇮🇹:bruh grazie tantissimo @jav-animations per questo mega adorable disengio solleticoso su di me cha faccio il solletico a zooble ☹️ ///💕💕💕💕💕)
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phasedsun · 4 months
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star of providence turned 7 ♡
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ask-starlightverse · 1 month
*cough coigh*
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sadalmostlesbian · 10 days
D13: District Deep Dive
Idk if y'all are on TikTok and have seen Lucky Leftie's videos on each of the Districts, but she is amazing and really dives into the worldbuilding of each District and the importance of their industry in Panem. HOWEVER, she never got to D13. And since I've gotten a decent amount of asks regarding my thoughts (which OMG thank you all so much I literally love you all sm) i thought I'd make one.
Thirteen is probably the second most explored District in canon, so luckily I have a lot to go off of. BUT, a lot of this is comprised of headcanons that I attempted to connect to actual canon in the most realistic way possible. That being said, I reference my fic Just As it Was (ch 10 and onward) a decent bit because I had to world build 13 to write the setting for the later half of that fic.
Let's start with history and geography. D13 is located in what was once the Northeastern US and parts of Southeastern Canada. It includes parts of New England, Pennsylvania and New York, as well as Quebec. What I find really interesting is that there is an "underground city" aka RESO located in Montreal, Canada. It's essentially a shopping center, but also connects lots of hotels, and residences. Its HUGE. I think Suzanne Collins MIGHT have based the whole "underground city" on RESO. Katniss says the bunker in D13 was the work of centuries, and very valuable to the Capitol. It is also mentioned that they mine graphite (which is a used in nuclear reactors as a moderator or reflector). The Snow family, as mentioned by Coriolanus, held stock in the research labs and munitions factories in D13.
This gives us three industries to explore. I think, similar to District Two, there was a class distinction between the miners and those who worked in labs or produced munitions. Because D13 was the Capitol's main military stronghold, I can assume they were treated somewhat better than other districts due to their military advantage. This may have led to a relatively close relationship with the Capitol, similar to D2 at the time of the 74th games.
D13 is very close to two technologically advanced districts, D3 (technology) and D6 (transportation). I think before the first rebellion, they were able to collaborate and work together, which was terrifying for the Capitol. I think the development of the districts in terms of industry in Panem kind of mirrors the development of the United States. The more technologically advanced Districts are located on the east coast, where the west and central Districts are more focused on raw resource production. With the exception, of course, being the Capitol.
I think this is an interesting choice, but quite a smart play on the Capitol's part. On one hand, they have their most militarily equipped citizens far away enough to make a ground assault relatively impossible, and, incase they were attacked from the West and the Capitol was decimated, their weapons are stored far away, and those who survived had a bunker to confine themselves to wait out the enemy.
Which leads us to the first rebellion, in which 13 led and was then destroyed because of it. I think there was a lot at play here. I think D13 did not initially begin the rebellion, but they seceded to the rebels in neighboring, less fortunate districts and lent their weapons. But the Capitol recognized them as the leader because they are what made the rebels a legitimate threat. And that threat needed to be eliminated in order to quell any hope of a rebellion happening in the future.
So the Capitol bombed 13. However, I don't think that many of the citizens in 13 expected this because of their close relationship with the Capitol in the past. Which leads me to the first OC of mine, Arvada Coin (Alma Coin's grandfather). I think that 13 was headed by a General, rather than a mayor, because they're military. I think this general would not have accepted that their District was going to be destroyed. But some of his officers knew that the threat was not an empty one. Arvada Coin, who had lived underground his entire life because that was the industry his family worked in, pleaded for the General to issue a shelter in place warning and force everyone underground. When he refused, he defected from the military and began trying to get everyone to safety. In the end, he was able to save around half of the district, and the others all died in the bombings.
I think that's why the Coin family is so respected in D13. I think it was some initial forethought that ended up saving the lives of thousands.
Anyway, Coin is military, everyone under his direct command is military. They're all excellent at fighting, but none of them know anything about how to feed, clothe, and provide medical care for thousands of people. They have an excess of luxuries like electricity (nuclear reactors are INSANLEY good at what they do) and weapons but their citizens are starving because they've been cut off from all the rations from D4, D9, D10, and D11. Four whole districts are dedicated to food production and 13 has to find a way to cultivate crops with no arable land above ground and no sunlight. So they start with grain. They strip their hangars that used to house military equipment and devote them to agriculture. As I said before, they have an excess of electricity, so they are able to constantly power UV lights. So their food grows twice as fast, and there's no cold season underground. So they don't starve, despite the Capitol thinking they will.
But you can't eat only grain. So they turn to their allies. Just as the Plinths moved to the Capitol after siding with them during the war. I think some high ranking rebel officers and their families were allowed into D13 in order to escape the fallout from the failed rebellion. Two important people are Lt. Commander Finnegan, a D4 naval officer who served under Commander Harrington (Pup's dad) but defected and joined the rebels and Cera Hadley (Mrs. Hadley), wife of an important munitions dealer in D2 (who was Strabo's childhood best friend, but that's a long story). Commander Finnegan, being from D4, was able to create a fish farm in D13 (look up underground fish farms, THEY'RE SO COOL AND INSALEY EFFECENT). Cera Hadley knew the basics of gardening (thanks, Vesta (Ma) Plinth, for teaching her that btw. We're deep into the OC content now) and was able to cultivate plants important for resolving nutrient deficiencies, most notably, wood sorrel for treating vitamin C deficiencies. Limes, lemons, and oranges are notoriously hard to grow in cold climates, and orchards take up too much space. So they grew sorrel, and were able to modify their crops to grow underground and twice as fast.
And they survived, and grew more advanced with every year that passed, until they were able to become the powerhouse we saw in THG trilogy. But they stayed bitter, especially Coin, because of what they had to go through at the hands of the Capitol. So not only did they have a desire to protect the Districts, but also a desire for revenge which I think provided a lot of motivation for Alma (President) Coin.
I could talk about this forever, but I'll leave it at that! Thanks to @mr-nauseam, @maidstew, and @tumblingghosts for asking about this! I'm sorry if I gave you more than you asked for, but I simply have so much to say.
If your interested about D13 and learning about it in less "info-dumpy" way, please consider reading my fic Just As It Was. It's told through Sejanus's POV and is a Sejarcus fic, but the last half is set in D13 and dives into the character dynamics and specifics of all the people I mentioned in this post. Also I PROMISE I will update soon!
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scandalouslamb · 3 months
I saw an earlier post about Felix poisoning President Ravinstill and it somehow making things even worse.
Tentatively, I'd like to slide forward this suggestion: Felix as President. Or at least as a presidential candidate.
Except he's doing everything to slide the votes to literally anyone else. (It's not working) EVERYTHING he does to make his odds worse comically backfires and ends up endearing him even more to the citizens.
Coriolanus is fuming. None of his poison attempts are working. (Unbeknownst to him, anything poisoned ends up with Clemmie and she has no idea it's poisoned either, so she's going about her day, unbothered by the poison that she's just consumed)
Wow! This is great! It weaponizes my tendency to torture Felix for good (he gets to fail upwards)!
I just spitballed a few ideas below... Just the idea of Felix failing upward is so funny!
Hilarius and Festus fully expecting either Coriolanus or Felix's cousin to win the presidency decide to jokingly write him in as a candidate during the primaries. A lot of their former classmates decide to do this as well, because why not?
There are now three top candidates for the President of Panem.
The only other person who hates the idea of Felix becoming president in this AU more than Felix is President Ravinstill who fears that the office will take away the best parts of his nephew.
He suggest that Felix announce that any supporters he has instead vote for Felix's cousin, Marius. There's a press conference and Felix does so,
Their combined Ravinstill "luck" means that Marius sees the press conference, bursts into tears, and announces that he is actually stepping down to support his "baby cousin" whom he would now like to get to know better.
Marius and Felix's other cousin, Gnaeus, sign on as Felix's advisors and their supporters are quick to back Felix
All over the Capitol, men and women are touched by this display of familial support and maybe decide to vote Ravinstill for that reason.
(I don't think the Districts are allowed to vote for the president if we're being honest here... or maybe certain Capitolites sway those votes. Like maybe the Creeds offer food and other benefits if their candidate wins, so it incentives District 7 to vote a certain direction?)
In an effort to lose support, Felix declares that he's stopping the Hunger Games, because he hates fun (hoping to lose the younger demographic of voters who have grown up with them and love the Games). He states it was a big mistake of his Great-Uncle's administration (he's hoping to lose the traditionalist/older Ravinstill supporters.)
This starts a movement of anti-Game Capitolites who start framing the Games as childish which somehow gains a lot of traction.
His second statement actually sparks self-reflection through a sheer miracle, and older Capitolites start going "they are kind of barbaric, aren't they?"
Pres. Ravinstill would be more upset about how badly their plan to not get Felix elected is going (and also his nephew lowkey throwing shade at his administration) if Gaul five seconds away from throttling him at any given moment.
Coriolanus loses support as he built up his popularity on his Gamemaking experience
Clemensia's been getting a lot of treats lately because she's been helping Felix straighten out an ending the Games plan since it looks like he'll win.
If the Districts can vote, they definitely vote for Felix now that there is a potential end to the Games on the table.
"Here, Clemmie! You've been such a great help! Have some tea! And sweets!" "But you haven't had any? "I'll have some right after I go into the other room and read this live on TV!" "Felix, this says that District 13 is actually not destroyed, and that the government lied to everyone in order to end the war faster, leaving many in financial ruin?" "Yup. Everyone will hate this!" *the next day* Headline: District 13 Wishes to Rejoin Panem Due to the Bravery and Candor of Its Young Future President Coriolanus rips the paper.
Thanks for sending this idea! Always happy to see Felix ideas!
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jakeperalta · 10 months
oh no... there are people on instagram who believe all the tributes in the hunger games was handpicked by snow due to personal vendetta against their families..... do they not understand the basic premise....
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dwreader · 8 months
iwtv fandom is so deeply unserious cause like any other fandom would be thrilled a show adapted and upgraded the material so well that it got critical acclaim/respect (something the books and the movies never had). but instead they want the show to become shit just so this white guy doesn’t look bad???? just say you’re not interested in the show at all and go jerk off to that racist woman’s books lol
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colormush · 1 month
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whatifgirl · 3 months
@seiyadave replied to your post: “Every time I tell myself I should draw my OCs, I…”
I like how they look though, really unique! :D
Aww, thank you! I have the rest of the Pilots for each ship.
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Left to Right: NULL, D-13, Overlord, ??? (Chaos), Arena Blaster.
Their faces are darkened because I'm scared of showing them in public. And all of them look cooler with their helmets on, like this one.
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Sorry for the drabble. I really like Star Prov, and I wanna draw more of it. But I also should give my OCs love too cause I miss drawing them aaaaa!
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´-*•.¸ zooblee boodle ¸.•*
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🇮🇹:nn avevo fatto disengi di solletico su zooble per mesi quindi mi sono sfocata facendo questo doodle <//3 💕💕
🇺🇸:i didn't post lee!zooble arts for months so i got blurry doing this doddle <//3 💕💕
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millennium-queen · 1 year
Maybe it’s because I’ve had a little bit to drink but DAMN the movies really removed all of Katniss’s relationships with everyone who wasn’t G*le huh??
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mollywog · 1 year
War is Canceled AU
Canon Diverges after the QQ rescue (before Peeta’s interview with Caesar maybe? (Definitely before the hijacking) But with enough time that Katniss and Finnick can physically recover a little bit)
Coin and Snow (and his cabinet) listen, I haven’t read TBOSAS so idk how the government in Panem works, but all the political bad guys are dead, okay? are assassinated simultaneously
All of Panem is in mass confusion - Peacekeepers flee the Districts and the Districts cut off access and resources to the Capital. The Capital is in chaos - no leader, no power, no water, no food.
Katniss and Finnick are in the hospital wing together and realize they need to go save Peeta, Annie, and Jo. They escape the hospital in the shuffle and find and free Haymitch. Gale gets wind of the plan and joins (because he’s resigned himself to Katniss’s feeling for Peeta after the beach kiss and is here to be a good BFF in this fic)
They find Boggs in the hovercraft hanger. Katniss and Finnick plead with him to let them go to the Capital to rescue their loved ones while Haymitch heckles them over what a dumb plan this is, until Gale shows up with a gun in an attempt to ‘muscle’ Boggs into compliance.
Boggs looks between the four of them (Finnick and Katniss are still in hospital gowns), then looks to the sky, closing his eyes and shaking his head before relenting, *seemingly allowing himself to be their hostage and commandeering a hovercraft. (*In actuality Boggs sees the merit in their mission and realizes that these 4 are emotionally children untrained civilians who are desperately in need of adult supervision tactical assistance.)
Meanwhile in the Capital….
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