#da goils
plasma-packin-mama · 1 year
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Lacey from @super-shishkebab and June :3 girl best friends...
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mxdragonturtle · 22 days
what if I got a figure of ghost from cod and put him with all my monster high dolls and Hatsune miku figures
Get him a little bow to match everyone
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justiisms · 2 years
*lilly has made her way into bobby's room and she diligently claws her way up to his bed before nestling herself under the sheets!! she's curled up in a content, little ball, although if someone were to give her a little pat, she'll squeak!!*
Bobby was out of his room the moment Lilly entered it, having been downstairs making himself a cup of coffee to enjoy with the book he'll continue reading. Returning back to his room and placing his cup on his nightstand, that's when he notices a bump under his sheets.
"?" Tilting his head, he knows that definitely wasn't there before... and so, he gives that bump several soft pats. Then when she squeaks-"Oh!" He knows it's now Lilly, laughing as he now gives her a poke~ "Lilly!! So that was you: how'd you get up here?! Did you climb up here by yourself? Mighty impressive!!" Then he opens the blankets just a tad, so that he can peek inside to actually look at her, giving her a smile~
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"Peekaboo! Hehehe: well, don't wanna disturb your lil snug time, so I'll let ya stay under there. Enjoying my book with not only good coffee, but the most adorable company, too? Ahhh, how lucky I be~!" He chuckles, before getting nice and snug in his bed, of course being careful his legs don't bump against her~
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mikadll · 2 years
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drew some of da goils from memory......
(also before anyone says anything about aba. i did not mean to make her look like she came out of total drama island. sorry)
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bugeyedfreaks · 4 months
Here are those leaked Multiversus lines anon told me about (courtesy of @AusilMV on Twitter)!
…I really don’t like how some of the lines are written. But who am I to look a gift Powerpuff in the mouth (as the saying goes)? 😂 They are beautifully voiced by three of the best VAs in the world and I’m happy just to hear them. 🥰
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loving-jack-kelly · 26 days
can i get uhhhh 3 and 14. if u please/dare. -@jack-kellys
3: screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr i don't have screenshots but does anybody else remember the republican newsies blog from like 2017 or 18? i don't even remember the URL but they kept posting takes about how newsies is about modern republican value and posting headcanons about the characters being republicans. made me giggle because it's a show about unions, workers' rights, and class disparity in a decidedly un-republican way but okay i guess. also that one time that person was like "calling Pulitzer a villain is wrong because he was a real person" as if we aren't talking about the fictional version of him who explicitly is aware of and continues to choose to enact suffering and starvation on the children working for him. lmao.
14: that one thing you see in fics all the time I'm sorry for the people who do it and like it and i used to do it too but the phonetic accents in fics. goils instead of girls. da instead of the. i am All For accents being present but you can just mention that the character has an accent without making me try to figure out what you mean by adding ten extra vowels and changing the consonants of a word. sorry.
also if we're talking characters. pushing crutchie aside in favor of making race jack's closest confidant (they can both be close with jack but c'mon.) sidelining crutchie in general. the general abelism of the way crutchie is perceived and therefore written by a good handful of people.
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basu-shokikita · 11 months
Kloktober 2023 Day 18
Inspired by a metal song
Despite being a Metalocalypse fan, I'm not actually a metalhead, so I hope hair metal counts for this prompt.
Today's entry is explicitly Skwistok for a change. Warning for suggestive content too, but nothing beyond that. With this song title, what can you expect anyway 🤣
It takes place during Dethklok's rise to fame, they weren't quite the biggest band in the world yet, but not a bunch of runts in a basement either.
Toki stormed into the room without knocking, without checking if he was busy, essentially without giving a damn about what Skwisgaar was up to generally. He flopped on the bed unceremoniously and started grumbling and kicking his feet against the mattress.
Skwisgaar raised his eyes from his guitar. “Bad nights?”
“It suckeds!” Toki mumbled almost incomprehensibly so. He turned himself to the side and glanced at Skwisgaar pitifully. It was Saturday night and he was back home before 2 am, he was officially a failure of a rockstar. “What ams you doings here?”
“Didn’t feels like goins out.” Skwisgaar shrugged and Toki couldn’t help but admire the confidence with which he said so. Like he wasn’t burdened by his own womanizer reputation. “I think ams getting a little boreds of fuckins da regular womens.” 
“Dat’s because you’ve fuckeds so manies!” Toki laid on his back and sighed. They were seriously in different worlds.
Skwisgaar chuckled. “Maybes.” After a pause, he added. “Tells me about your nightsk.”
Toki was almost a bit too ready to talk. “Soes, I went to dis parties and I trieds to score some goils. Dere was this really pretties redhead, but she totallies turneds me down…” He pouted. “And then her boyfriends gots really mad at mes-”
“She had a boyfriend?” Skwisgaar seemed somehow impressed. “Dats bold, Toki.”
“I didn’t knows!” Toki said. “I thoughts she was alones…anyways. He trieds to punches me soes…” He cleared his throat. “I kicks his ass.”
“You gots into a fight?” Skwisgaar raised his voice slightly, indicative of his surprise.
“H-He starteds it!” Toki defended himself. “And I wasn’ts gonna loses…not in fronts of da pretties lady…”
“So, yous kicked her boysfriendsks ass.” Skwisgaar concluded.
“Wells…yeah-buts...” Toki gazed at Skwisgaar and found him smirking. “Oh, you ams just teasings me right nows!”
Another chuckle and Skwisgaar returned to his guitar. “You ams such a kids, Toki.” There was a tint of fondness in his tone.
Toki frowned. “Whatevors.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “It amsnt a big deals anyway.”
Toki stared at Skwisgaar who was too focused on the guitar to notice. He felt his eyelids heavy from all the alcohol he had ingested, his head spinning like a whirl and his body clumsy. Even so, he decided to stand up. “Heys.” 
“Let’s dance.” Toki said.
Skwisgaar shook his head. “You knows I don’ts like danskcings.”
“I don’t cares.” Toki stretched his arms towards him. “Gets up.”
“Come on, Skwisgaar!” Toki insisted. “Don’ts be borings!”
“There amsnt even musics to dance toes.”
Toki walked to the stereo and put a random station on. It was playing sappy rock. “Deres.” He turned to Skwisgaar, gesturing. “Now gets up.”
Skwisgaar rolled his eyes, but did as told. “Dat’s dildos music.”
“Yea, yea.” Toki reached to hold Skwisgaar’s hand. “Now turns.”
As he let himself be spinned, Skwisgaar added. “Dancings ams dildos toos.”
“Shut ups.” Toki said, looking down. “Watch your steps.”
“Eugh.” Skwisgaar groaned, trying to keep up with Toki’s feet. Even while drunk, he still had more grace than the huge Swede. “I hates dis.”
“And yets, you keeps accepting everytimes.” Toki smiled, this time he was the one spinning under Skwisgaar’s reluctant arm. 
“You ams too annoying.” Skwisgaar said. “Like a whinies dog whats can’ts stop yappings. I has to shuts you up somehows.”
“Oh, shut its, I knows you like dancings with me.” Toki said. In a miscalculation, he accidentally stepped on Skwisgaar’s foot and lost his balance, falling forwards. “Oh, shits!” On reflex, he held onto Skwisgaar’s waist.
“Ams you okays?” Skwisgaar asked, concerned.
“Yeah.” Toki said, still hugging Skwisgaar. 
“...Cans you-”
“No.” Toki closed his eyes, nestling against Skwisgaar’s shoulder. “Shuts.”
Skwisgaar audibly sighed, but he accepted and they slowly waved with the music. He really liked Skwisgaar. Because thanks to him he had a home and a family, of course. But also because he was so nice to him even though he pretended to be cool and distant. And he smelled good and he was so nice to look at. And nice to touch, and…
Toki slowly raised his eyes to him, a gesture that didn’t go unnoticed by Skwisgaar. 
“Toki?” He saw Skwisgaar call him, though his voice sounded like he was far away. 
He smiled, messy and impulsive thoughts taking reign over him once again. With the coordination he had left, Toki stood on his tiptoes and meshed their lips together. 
It only lasted a second before Skwisgaar pushed him away from him, brows furrowed. “Toki, I alreadies tolds you-”
Undeterred, Toki stroked the side of Skwisgaar's face, more alcohol in his veins than common sense. “It amsnt no big deals…” He whispered, their lips brushing each other before he locked them again. 
This time, Skwisgaar lingered before pulling away and Toki could see in his expression that he was conflicted. And he was so pretty too.
“Comes on…” Toki urged him, unable to contain the goofy grin on his face. 
Almost resigned, Skwisgaar was the one closing the distance between them this time. His lips were firm but soft against Toki’s. Briefly, he broke away and glanced at Toki with uncertainty before kissing him with full force. 
Toki had kissed a lot of girls ever since he joined Dethklok. Pretty girls, hot girls, beautiful girls. He had made out with so many by now and most of the time he had really enjoyed it. Less often he had loved it, even.
But no one had beat Skwisgaar. No, kissing Skwisgaar was different, it was unique and borderline magical. Toki couldn’t get enough of his kisses, though he only had the bravery to ask for them when he was intoxicated. It felt safe, it felt easy. 
And most importantly, it felt good.
Skwisgaar shoved him against the wall and Toki was suddenly glad he didn’t get laid that night. He held the sides of Skwisgaar’s face with devotion, tilting his own head for a better angle. The kiss deepened and Toki couldn’t hold back a moan when Skwisgaar bit his lower lip, way too entranced and inebriated to play cool. 
It would’ve been embarrassing how ready he was to give Skwisgaar full access to his mouth the moment he felt his tongue slide across over the bitten lip if he didn’t know that Skwisgaar was into it too. Why else would he pull Toki so close, as if he didn’t want to let him go? Why would one of his hands stealthily run under Toki’s shirt and the other one over his neck? Why would he hungrily devour Toki’s mouth?
Skwisgaar loved it, even if it was just the ego boost of making someone melt under his touch. Toki couldn’t help but hope that he wasn’t doing this with other Dethklok members. He couldn’t dream of monopolizing Skwisgaar’s lips over the ladies, but at least he could be the only bandmate he occasionally made out with.  
When Skwisgaar pulled away, it was akin to someone going back to the surface after being submerged for too long. “Okays! No mores of dis.” He said, seemingly more to himself than to Toki.
The only reason why Toki was able to hide his disappointment was because that singular session was going to keep him going for several weeks at the very least. “Did I tells you I went to a party?”
“Ja, you dids.” Skwisgaar sling an arm over his shoulder. “Let’s get yous some rest.”
Toki giggled stupidly. “Ams you invitings me to your beds?”
“Ams inviting you to sleeps.” Skwisgaar purposefully ignored the remark, placing Toki’s back on the wide mattress. He didn’t move away fast enough, though, and Toki pulled him in for another kiss. “Enofs.” He said, after indulging for more than a few seconds. “Go sleeps, Toki.”
Toki gazed at Skwisgaar with stars in his eyes. “Thank yous.”
Skwisgaar frowned slightly. “Yous welcomes. But one days I won’t be takingsk cares of you no mores.”
“Ja…” Toki smiled, looking over to the empty ceiling. “But untils dat…” The tiredness was washing over him like a water dam being opened. At some point Skwisgaar held his hand, though that could’ve been part of a dream.
Not that he’d remember the next morning anyway. 
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paperpeachy · 1 year
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das my goil
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speedfreak01 · 2 years
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da goils…
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marxismgoblinism · 2 years
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DA GOILS. q kazoo and shazza
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corhore · 2 years
I IMPLORE you. You must look at all the female Team Fortress 2 Concept art.
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I DEMAND someone to mod TF2 to put da goils in it. I want to turn the game into girls night.
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gilfrespecter · 2 years
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Redo of my art fight attack from the summer for @subsequentibis bc I'm not happy with it looking at it again and I wanted to draw his demonias LOL. plus Da Goils
Columbo refs used under cut
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jathis · 2 years
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Da goils
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enkeynetwork · 2 months
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merzbow666 · 11 months
oi busta yous gawt some noive
da noive a dis goil……
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justiisms · 2 years
*duchess sees an unattended game controller and gives a quiet 'mrrp' as she settles down next to it! then she gives one of the buttons just a curious, little tap, accidentally exiting the pause screen!*
Bobby was playing a mystery game before he paused the game, so that he could make himself a cup of iced coffee. When he came back, and heard the music from his game playing...
"Hm...?" He was understandably confused... "... Why is the game unpaused?? I know for sure I paused it....ah! Duchy!" Seeing her sitting so close by it, he guessed what must have happened and laughs, setting back down and setting his coffee down on the table before laughing, leaning down to pick her up. "Ohhh, Duchy...what do ya think you're doing, hmm~? Thank goodness I wasn't in a timed section, hah hah! Be more careful next time, okay? Now, sit with me and let's solve this mystery together!" And sits her in his lap before he continues!
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