#dacre x joseph x yn
vroomvroommuppett · 2 years
Birthday Morning Sex with Joseph and Dacre (18+ obviously)
They'd wake up you with soft caresses / kisses and gentle whispers
Maybe one or both of them humming 'Happy Birthday'
"G'Morning beautiful" "Birthday girl" (idk why I'd just see them saying to separate or together)
"Morning Handsome"
Boy A would pepper your face with kisses while Boy B pulls you closer into his chest and cuddles you
You and Boy A kiss starting to turn more heated while Boy B kisses your neck and caresses your body
Soon moans, curses, praises fill the room
"Baby girl" / "Princess"
The aftercare is amazing too. They have a new bath set up while you rest and join you than they help you dress and carry you to bed
They make sure you're comfortable before and bring you your favorite breakfast in bed with some flowers and a few gifts
This day was all about you. Even more than normal
boy a is joseph and boy b is dacre for this
dacre is daddy and joseph is sir
i’m not going to add too much more to this bc this is amazing but here are my thoughts
after kisses got heated, you all were naked
one would be in your cunt and the other in your ass
it would just be sensual and slow
praises galore
breeding kink
the only thing you wanted for your birthday was a baby so they switched places once one came in you so that you’d have both of them in you
they stayed in you for a while then one went to go get a washcloth to wipe you off and then started the bath
the other carried you and you all three just relaxed while watching a crappy reality show
“happy birthday baby girl. we love you”
“i love you two too”
4 months later you found out you were pregnant with twins or triplets
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hwknshellfire · 2 years
damaged goods - steve harrington x reader
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
summary: you ask out a boy in your class and it ends badly so you turn to steve, your best friend, for comfort
length: 1.5k
warnings: slight slut shaming, very liiight mention of sex, fluff
a.n: i hate endings so i'm sorrY. pls send along reuests! there are no volume 2 spoilers in this post!
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Damaged goods.
The words echoed around your brain, making you wince with every step you took to walk out of Hawkins High. Their laughs still sounded behind you and you heard them even as the doors swung shut, though you think that’s just your mind playing cruel tricks on you. Tears stung your eyes and you brushed them from your cheeks with the back of your hand, letting your hair cover your face as it burned with shame.
No one was looking at you, but you felt like the whole world was staring at you as you left the school property, ignoring the calls of your younger friends as you surged past. You’d catch up with them later, maybe, if you could look them in the eye.
You couldn’t go home straight away, because then your parents would hound you with questions about school and you couldn’t lie to them. They’d pester and pester until you eventually cracked and you couldn’t handle them knowing what they’d said.
No, there was only one place you knew you could go, only one person you could talk to right now - Steve Harrington.
You stopped at the nearest bus stop and tried to sort yourself, taking deep breaths and wiping your face again. The autumn air rustled your hair and cooled your cheeks down a bit and by the time you got on the bus, you felt significantly better. Or at least, you told yourself you did.
It started as a horrible joke. One of the girls in your chemistry class found out you had a mild crush on George, your other classmates. It was a silly crush, but he had been the first person you had even looked at since Billy. Billy, who had been awful to everyone but you, who had been a popular jerk to anyone else but you. He had been sweet with you and shamelessly in love for the summer you had spent together and even though you knew his reputation, you trusted him with everything. Everything.
But then the summer ended with a colossal crash in the Starcourt Mall, battling the Mind Flayer with your gang and watching Billy die right in front of your eyes. True, by that point you had drifted apart, being busy with cracking the Russian’s code with Steve and Robin, your best friends, and Billy had been Flayed, which you didn’t realise until late.
It felt like another cruel joke of life to make you fall in love, drift apart, then kill Billy right in front of you. And it had taken you awhile to move on, relying heavily on Steve to bring you back to life. He had been your friend since childhood and he had disapproved of your relationship with Billy at first, the pair of them almost instant enemies, but Steve put up with Billy for you. He would do anything for you.
And when you finally felt better as school started, even without Steve in school to help you, you saw George across the classroom. He was different from Billy and maybe that’s what attracted you to him. He wasn’t quite as smart as you, but his dark hair fell in his eyes in a nice way and he dressed normally. That was the thing about him - he was normal.
And the girl next to you had noticed your staring and convinced you to go for it. You thought she was being nice.
The bus came to a stop by Family Video and you thanked the bus driver before hopping off. You entered the store and found Robin behind the counter, rearranging the counter. Her head lifted and she beamed at the sight of you. “Hey, Y/N!”
“Hey,” you replied half-heartedly, forcing a smile the best you could.
Robin cocked her head and frowned. “Something’s wrong.”
Your shoulders sagged as you leaned against the front counter. “That obvious, huh?”
“Y/N, I can read you like a book. Granted a very easy to read book, like one of those kids picture books where all the sentences rhyme. But it still counts as reading. What I mean is, it’s easy to read you.” Your friend’s rambling tugged a very small smile onto your face. Robin looked at you expectantly. “So. What is it?”
Your mouth twisted.
Damaged goods.
You swallowed hard. “Is Steve around?” You croaked out.
Robin’s eyes widened slightly. “Damn, it’s one of those problems?” You nodded. “ He’s in the stockroom. Walk right in, you know the way.”
You gave your friend an appreciative nod and moved round to the back of the store and knocked on the ajar stockroom door, where you could see Steve’s familiar figure kneeling on the floor, organising various videos. “Robin, I told you I have to get this done before Keith—”
“It’s me,” you interrupted Steve and he stopped talking, turning around to see you standing in front of him, playing with your nails the way you did when you were upset.
He frowned and stood up, brushing down his dusty jeans. “Y/N, I didn’t know you were coming here today.” He inspected your face and took it all in: the chewed lip, the red eyes, the tear marks in your makeup. You’d definitely been crying. With a quick glance over your shoulder to check Keith wasn’t around, he grabbed your hands and pulled you into the stockroom and turned you both around until your back was to the shelves. He closed the door and faced you.
It was a small stockroom and with the pair of you inside it as well as the mass of boxes, there was hardly room to breath. An exposed bulb swung on a wire just inches above Steve’s hair and dark shadows still cast down upon both of your faces.
Being this close to Steve made you nervous. It made you forget all about George when you really took in his face. He was a beautiful man, you would never deny that. And once upon a time, you thought maybe you’d be together one day. But then he had fallen for Nancy and that ended badly and you had fallen for Billy which also ended badly. Both times you had pulled each other out of the darkness and it had brought you closer than ever. But this physical closeness, close enough that you could feel his soft breath on your face, this made you almost nauseous.
“Spill,” he said gently.
You voice broke as you closed your eyes and whispered, “Do you think I’m damaged goods?” You heard his sharp intake of breath and your eyes opened, but you couldn’t look at him. You kept your eyes trained on the floor.
“Who said that?” he asked, his voice clipped. Angry.
You sniffed as you remembered. “George Casey and his friends,” you told him. “One of his group found out I had a bit of a crush on him and told me to ask him out and I decided, hey, why not go for it? It’s been months since…well, you know. And I thought I could try maybe going on one date and it wouldn’t mean anything. But…But it didn’t go well. I thought he was nice. He always seemed nice. And I couldn’t see his friends so when I asked him out at the end of school, I thought it would just be him.”
You paused as the tears fell freely again and you shook your head. “But then all his friends heard and started laughing at me. And he said—He said—”
“He said what, Y/N?”
“He said he would never date someone like me. Not Billy’s leftovers. He said he had no interest in damaged goods.” Shame burned your cheeks once more and you squeezed your eyes shut.
You heard Steve breathing deeply before his hand touched your chin gently and lifted your face to look at his. His eyes were soft and full of worry and his brows were furrowed. “Listen to me, Y/N. You are not damaged goods. What happened with Billy was your private life and the fact that George Casey and those assholes would even slut shame you is ridiculous. And why is it always the girl that gets shamed, too? Billy was terrible for it and yet you’re apparently the damaged one.” He huffed and you couldn’t help but smile. “But I’m serious, Y/N, you could never be damaged because of who you love. You’re the best person I know and any guy…any guy would be lucky to be loved by you. Lucky to love you.”
Something about the way he said it made your insides twist and you chewed on your lip as you looked at him. His eyes glanced at your lips then darted away again and that split second was all you needed to finally know. Those long hidden feelings from years ago, that tiny crush once upon a time, bloomed again in your chest and from the way Steve was looking at you, you knew he felt it too.
“Steve…” you mumbled, cupping his face. “I don’t deserve you.”
He chuckled and shook his head. “That’s a lie and you know it.” He paused and looked at your mouth again. “Can I kiss you, Y/N?”
“Are you sure you want to be associated with ‘damaged goods’?” you asked teasingly and he laughed and pulled you into him.
“If it means getting to kiss you, Y/N, then anytime.”
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vroomvroommuppett · 2 years
Can we talk about the comment about the Dacre & Joseph throuple? Shout out to whoever mentioned that to you
Like you said the Australian + British accent? I would not be ok. Imagine how heavy / thick their accents are in the morning
this was suggested to me by @littlestatesman for this idea (it won’t let me tag you)
their morning voices *chefs kiss*. you’d be in the middle and just hear
“g’morning love”
“morning baby”
and the slow sensual morning sex
“you’re doing so well for us love”
“go ahead cum on daddy’s cock, baby girl”
idk which one you’d call “daddy” and idk what to call the other one but for this joseph is “daddy”
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vroomvroommuppett · 2 years
any dacre throuple idea
with him in elvis, let’s say yn plays pricilla and at the premiere the other is proud of both and long night ensues
or whatever you want to add
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hwknshellfire · 2 years
midnight visitor pt. 2 - billy hargrove
pairing: billy x harrington!reader
summary: pt.2 requested by @siriusdumblittlepuppy :) follows on from steve finding out you and billy are dating
length: 1.5k
warnings: mainly fluff, soft!billy, mentions of abuse (billy’s dad), insecurity (abt how the reader could be with billy)
a.n: set around s2/3 ish? there are no volume 2 spoilers in this post!
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It took Steve a good two minutes to stop talking. When he finished, he breathed heavily and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“You done now?” you asked your brother. He scrunched his nose up and shook his head, mostly in disbelief.
“Y/N,” he began in that tone of his that makes you roll your eyes. He looked lost for words so you sat up, Billy doing the same behind you. You half blocked him with your body, keeping him out of the wrath of your brother. Even if you knew Billy could take it, this was about you and Steve, not Billy and Steve.
“Steve.” You caught his attention. “This isn’t something new. And it’s not just a one-time thing, though even if it was it wouldn’t be any of your business.” You paused and glanced behind you at Billy. He was trying to hide his bruised face in the shadows and your heart broke for him a little. He only ever let you see him like this. He’d hate for the guy he replaced as King of Hawkins to see him so vulnerable. He chews his lip nervously and you give him a small smile and face your brother again. “I love him, Steve. And I’m pretty sure he loves me, too. And I’ve had to put up with you and your fair share of girls you’ve sneaked in when mom and dad aren’t here, so I’ll thank you to keep out of my business.”
Steve’s mouth fell open. He closed it at the sight of your glare and his eyes flicked over to Billy. If he noticed the bruises, he said nothing, keeping to himself instead. He knew he couldn’t really tell you off. You were right—Steve had invited girls over multiple times when your parents were away and bribed you to secrecy with promises of doing it for you in the future. Now the moment was here, he just didn’t think it would be with Billy freaking Hargrove of all people.
And yet, he’d seen the look of surprise on Billy’s face when you’d said you loved each other. And not a bad kind of surprise either, the kind that warmed your stomach and made your heart beat a little faster. It was how he had felt with Nancy. It was confirmation that Billy did in fact love you and something about it hurt him in a good way. He shook his head. Love was hard to understand.
“Alright, Y/N,” Steve said after a moment of silence. “I won’t get in your way. Just…just don’t break her heart, Hargrove.”
Billy’s head lifted. “Never, Harrington.”
Steve nodded and he left, muttering something about kids in love on his way out. When he was back in his room, you turned to Billy. “Look, Billy—”
His lips pressed to yours, cutting you off. He didn’t pull away until you were both breathless and he rested his forehead on yours, panting slightly. “I love you, princess. I do.”
“Oh,” you breathed in relief. “I’m so glad because I kind of just said it hoping you did love me, since I love you and I know it’s only been a few months or whatever but I know you like the back of my hand and I wanna be here for every bad night and every good night you have. Through thick and thin and all the soppy shit people like Steve say to girls he falls in love with for a night. Except this isn’t just for a night. It’s for every night.”
Billy laughed. “Jesus, do you ever stop rambling when you’re nervous?”
You blushed. “No.”
“C’mere.” He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you in until your back was resting against his chest again. Now it felt the opposite way, like he was protecting you after you’d patched up his wounds and defended your love affair to your brother. But there was a shift in the air. Something had changed in the space of ten minutes. Your love affair was no longer secret and you didn’t have to sneak around. Your brother had accepted it and wasn’t going to stop you from seeing Billy, which had been your biggest worry. And best of all, you found you Billy loved you as much as you loved him.
You snuggled down into him, closing your eyes. “Maybe now you can use the front door,” you mumbled as you drifted off.
After that, the dynamic of the group changed entirely. Mike was first to protest that the guys couldn’t come round and see Steve without seeing you and Billy being all couple-y in the kitchen. One of the kids would walk past your bedroom to go to the bathroom and see your door open slightly, you and Billy kissing on your bed or simply hanging together. They’d cry out in surprise and run on. And you and Billy would laugh, finding it hilarious.
Max found it strange, too, even though she knew. She was fine with it, but she was getting used to the idea of seeing you guys in public. Still, she was grateful that it meant Billy spent more time at your house than home though she didn’t enjoy having to avoid Billy’s dad’s questions about where he was at all times. She’d never tell Billy either, but secretly she loved having you in her life more. You felt like a big sister to her and the times that you were spending time at her house, she enjoyed how you’d kick Billy out of the sitting room to have girl time with her.
The worst problem was Dustin, who constantly moaned about your relationship with Billy to anyone who would listen. Most of the time it was to Steve, begging him to break it up already before Billy got bored and dumped you.
“Christ, Henderson!” you exclaimed after walking into the kitchen to hear Dustin saying exactly that to Steve.
Steve froze, wide-eyed, and busied himself making coffee. Dustin just turned, arms folded, and continued. “Come on, Y/N, you know what he’s like!”
Now, you loved Dustin. Truly. He was a good kid with a big heart and a wicked sense of humour. And even though his friendship with Steve was still relatively new, you could tell how much your brother meant to him. But that didn’t give him any right to pester Steve about ending your relationship. Or any place to comment on it at all, really.
“Listen to me, Henderson,” you said slowly, trying to remain calm when really you were quite pissed off by it all. “It’s been three weeks since Steve found out and he has kept his promise to keep out of it. I would ask you to do the same thing. My relationship with Billy only concerns the two of us and we will not be splitting up because of you lot whining about it. You hear me?”
Dustin’s face calmed down and he looked down at his feet. “Yes, Y/N,” he said apologetically.
“Good.” You patted his head and walked out of the kitchen, taking Steve’s mug of coffee with you as he was lifting it to his mouth for the first sip.
Billy was just as pissed when you told him what happened. “That little shit,” he said, his knuckles flexing around his steering wheel as he drove the pair of you to school. “When I see him, I’m gonna—”
“You’re gonna do nothing,” you said pointedly, throwing him a look. He glanced over at you and rolled his eyes, knowing he couldn’t argue with you. “I set him straight and now they’ll stop bothering us. And anyway, the best revenge is to be together forever so looks like we’re gonna just have to do that instead.”
Billy laughed and his hand found its way to your bare thigh, fingers brushing your skirt. “That simple, huh?”
“Yep. That simple, Hargrove.” You looked at him. The bruise from that night was pretty faded by now, but there was a new one on his jaw forming from two nights ago. They were becoming less frequent since Billy could stay at yours more often. But you knew that when he went home, he would always end up with one after his dad demanded to know where he’d been. Wanting to keep you away from his dad, he’d never say. He’d make up some lie or be vague and his dad didn’t like that. It was becoming a vicious cycle.
You said, “You can’t get rid of me and I can’t get rid of them, so looks like we’re all just going to have to make do for the rest of our lives.”
He pulled up into the parking lot of Hawkins High and stopped the car, turning in his seat to look at you. He admired everything about you but especially at this time in the morning, when the sun was still rising in the sky and shone perfectly on your hair, making it glow. He thought you were beautiful. Heavenly, almost. How was he so lucky that someone as wonderful as you cared about someone like him?
“Billy,” you said softly, pulling from his darkening thoughts. You saw right through him. Saw where his mind had been wandering. “I love you, stupid.”
He grinned. “Love you too, sweetheart. Army of protective kids and all.”
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vroomvroommuppett · 2 years
Tw: Period
My period started today -_- My need for cuddles and cravings are killing me
Can we talk about any of our throuples with Joe comforting you during your period
aw i’m sorry love
and yes we can
andrew x joe x yn
they could tell something was off with you the day before you started and then they realized that you were about to start. so while one went to the store to get things for you, like pads, tampons, and cravings, the other stayed with you.
joe x joseph x yn
joe was the one who noticed first that you were going to start. he told joseph and they both went out to get stuff for you. when they came back you cried bc hormones
joe x dacre x yn
you started while filming “stranger things” season 2 and you were getting pissed at everyone. pretty quickly both boys realized that you started so they brought you to your shared trailer and they took you home. they gave you the day off, and your boys every other day off so one was with you when the other was at work. at night you would be with both of your boys.
joe x barry x yn
they knew you were starting soon so barry was in america (you lived in ireland) and he caught a flight immediately home and surprised you with your favorite american cravings
the whole time you were on your period, you sported one of your boys sweatshirts and the others sweatpants. and they cancelled all events that week oh and cuddles
and the sex wasn’t too bad (if you like that)
(i think that’s all of the joe throuples)
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