#dad refused to ask for time off to take her (he could've told his job he had a medical appt and they would've given him the day nbd but no)
six-of-ravens · 1 year
tomorrow's the day mom has to take a cab to the hospital for her appointment, and everyone's kinda nervous about it since she hasn't gone to an appointment alone since before the pandemic, but also we kinda decided her taking a cab will be a good test as to whether she can actually use the city's handibus/handi-taxi service again. It's basically the same as getting a cab -- in fact the city often sends a cab instead of a bus. You pay for both with transit tickets, the mode of transport you get just depends on where you live and where you're going I think.
anyway I'm less worried about the actual cab aspect and more worried that a) she won't remember where to go for her appointment/be able to navigate the hospital, or b) she won't go at all and will try to lie about it. but, well, there's only one way to find out.
#she's nervous about it too but she also has anxiety so i can't tell if shes just anxious bc she doesn't often go out alone#or if she's genuinely going to have problems#dad refused to ask for time off to take her (he could've told his job he had a medical appt and they would've given him the day nbd but no)#and he's been doing the thing where he just complains constantly about it bc he's expecting someone else to step in and take over but#he doesn't want to solve the problem himself even though there's a clear solution OR actually ask with real words.#so between that and him unwisely jumping for the first job offered instead of taking something part time or waiting until may#when mom's last 2 appts are over and shes signed up for the handibus system again#i was getting kind of frustrated...#so i was like. fine. you say you talked to mom and she said she's okay with taking a cab so then you can do that.#I think she only said yes bc she kind of nods along with whatever and only thinks about it later bc every convo lately is#'oh tuesday i have to take TWO CABS to the hospital and home'#yeah she's doing the same thing dad does where she just insinuates that she doesn't like the situation but doesn't openly ask for help#so ANYWAYS. im frustrated with both of them and im like. you are going to take a cab then#you'll be taking them to the rest of your appts anyway just in a slightly different form#so im not taking the afternoon off#and i just hope nothing goes terribly wrong and mom's capable and just anxious bc if something does go wrong I'll feel horribly guilty#but like....yeah. is mom actually incapable of getting herself through a hospital to her physio office or is she just anxious bc#she's been relying on my dad to take her to everything for 2 years and never leaves the house on her own and is out of practice?#remains to be seen#i will be relieved when tomorrow is over though#then i just have to worry about her appt at the beginning of may. which hopefully dad will be available for since his current job seems to#be off to a rocky start (tbh i think he's just too old to be working delivery truck jobs. sorry dad. but technology has outpaced him)#but anyway hopefully dad can take her to that and if not I'll have to bc there's been too much violence at train stations lately#and her appt for the handibus is of course in a train station#i hope i don't have to take her bc I'm going to the comic expo the week before and it's going to be annoying to then be gone again#but yeah anyway i hate this. why couldn't dad get a part time job where he has some control over his shifts at least#he's so ingrained in this idea that you can never take time off or ask to go to appointments or anything bc that makes you a Bad Employee#but it's like....dude youre semi-retired and you are the primary caretaker for your wife. i don't mind stepping up sometimes but also#can you pls remember that before making bug life decisions??
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bi-bard · 2 years
Tragedy in a Pair - Winchester Brothers Imagine (Supernatural/Criminal Minds Crossover)
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Title: Tragedy in a Pair
Pairing: Winchester Brothers X Sibling!Reader
Requested: nope
Word Count: 1,993 words
Warning(s): major character death, mentions of violence, gunshot wound, and demons
Summary: (S2, E1 in both) (Y/n) Winchester faces tragedy on all fronts.
Author's Note: I'm happy that people seem to be enjoying this character as much as I am.
More about this character here!
Hey! I did a rewrite of the ending of Supernatural. It took a really long time to complete, so it would mean a lot to me if you check it out. Here’s a link! (it’s on my personal account)
It felt like I had been hit from all angles.
First, there was the Fisher King.
We were meant to go on a vacation. We were supposed to get time off of the normal flow of cases. My brothers told me that they had tracked down my dad, so I was ready to find them and finally put an end to my dad's obsession.
Then, an unsub latched onto the team.
We were all on edge.
Elle was arrested while on vacation with Morgan. We were given a set of rules and puzzles. It all just felt so... ridiculous. It was something out of some story you read in high school and think is just the coolest thing.
The bastard even shot Elle because we "broke his rules".
I wanted to be with her and the rest of the team.
And then Sam called.
Some demon had possessed a truck driver and hit the impala at full speed. Sam only had a few bruises and scrapes. My dad had a few more serious injuries but was mostly okay. Dean, however, was in a coma. And there wasn't a lot of hope.
Hotch tried to push me to go. I refused. The case wasn't over.
He finally put his foot down. No longer a friend. He was my boss telling me to go see my brothers.
When I got to the hospital, Sam was waiting for me in the lobby.
"Oh, Sammy," I muttered when I saw how bruised up his face was.
"Trust me," he replied. "I look better than the other two."
He led me back to Dean's room.
I walked in slowly. I was acting like my steps could wake him up. Maybe it brought me some comfort to think that he was just napping. I touched his hand.
"Hey Dean," I mumbled. "Don't know if you can hear me. I'm sure my friend at work would know how promising the research had been on those in comas being able to hear those around them."
I chuckled.
"I just want you to know that I'm here," I continued. "Sam and I are right here."
After that, I walked out. Sam walked with me to my dad's room.
"I'm gonna go be with Dean," Sam mumbled to me before leaving.
"Hey Dad," I said as I walked in. I only took a few steps into the room. He wasn't much of a hugger. I knew that.
"Hey kid," he replied.
"How are you feeling," I asked. "Need me to ask the nurse about some more pain meds?"
"No," he shook his head. "How's work?"
"Fine, fine," I nodded. I hadn't seen him since I went off to college. I wasn't shocked at how awkward it was. "We're... We were in the middle of a case actually. Interesting one."
"You're just doing a different kind of hunting," he tried to joke.
I nodded, "I- I guess we are."
There was a long pause between us.
"You should've been there," he spoke up. "With us. The thing killed your mom."
"I was planning on it," I explained. "We got the case on the same day I was going to leave. I... I had a job to do."
"Your job takes priority over your family?"
"I didn't say that-"
"But it's what you mean-"
"That's what you did," I stopped him. "Don't act like we're the same. I wasn't working that case because I chose to. This unsub was threatening my team and everyone around us. I called Sam and told him where the hell I was. More curtesy than you showed us."
There was another long pause between the two of us.
"Nice to know what it takes you to visit," he replied.
"What," I asked, shocked. "If you had bothered to call, I could've helped, Dad. Stop blaming your lack of communication on me."
He rolled his eyes, "You ran from us the first chance you got."
"You told me not to come back."
"You were selfish," he scolded. "You only came to see me now because I nearly died."
"Don't get confused," I snapped as I stepped toward his hospital bed. "I am not here for you. I am here for my brothers. One that's fighting for his damn life and the other that needs someone to do more than treat him like a disappointment."
I turned to leave the room, planning to go check on Dean.
"What would your mother think if she saw you now," he asked quietly.
I froze in the doorway before turning around. I didn't walk closer, I just looked at him.
"Don't you dare bring Mom into this," I replied through gritted teeth. "You are the only reason that I left and didn't come back. Don't blame me for your fuck up. Treat your kids like they're your kids, not your soldiers."
I left the room without another word.
Sam was only a little way down the hall. He was looking down, playing with the zipper of his jacket.
"Have you gotten your cuts checked," I asked as I walked over. He nodded, not looking at me. "Thank you for calling me, Sammy."
"I shouldn't have made you face him," he muttered. "I should've known better."
"No, no, no," I pulled him into a tight hug. "You didn't do anything wrong, Sam. My relationship with Dad wasn't something you could've fixed. That was up to me and him."
He tightened the hug and I heard him take a deep breath, "I heard you talking. Mom would've been proud of everything you've done."
I blinked back a wave of tears, "Thanks, Sammy. She would've been proud of you too."
I stepped back and grinned at him. He grinned back before looking down the hall toward our dad's room.
"Don't, Sam."
"I... I'm just going to see him," Sam explained, not looking back at me.
"Okay," I mumbled. "I'm gonna go see Dean."
He nodded.
We both walked in opposite directions.
As I made it to Dean's room, I pulled out my phone and dialed Garcia's number.
"(Y/n)," I was shocked when there wasn't an interesting greeting. "How are you? Is everyone okay?"
"Umm, yeah, yeah," I nodded, not wanting to go into details. "How's Elle?"
"She's good," Garcia replied. "She's out of surgery and stable."
"Good," I let out a relieved sigh. "And the case?"
"Spencer is running off of pure caffeine," she said. "Surprised he's functioning."
"He does have a tendency to hyper-fixate on finding solutions," I replied with a chuckle. "Let me know if I can help."
"Focus on your family," she instructed. "Hotch has instructed me to not give you anything more than basic updates. No clues."
I chuckled again, "Thank you, Garcia."
"Good luck," she said before hanging up.
I walked back into Dean's room, pulling a chair up to the foot of his bed.
"I'm not going anywhere," I promised. "Not until you're back up."
--time skip--
It wasn't until the next morning that anything happened.
Dean waking up was sudden and terrifying. I threw the chair back and yelled out the door for someone to help.
The doctor removed the tube from his throat and checked his vitals. By that time, Sam had made it back to the room.
"So, you found a reaper after him," I looked at Sam as I sat on the edge of the bed. He nodded. "And Dean just managed to escape?"
"I guess so," Sam shrugged.
"And you can't remember anything," I asked Dean.
He shook his head, "All I've got is this sinking feeling in my stomach. Something's wrong."
There was a knock. We all looked over to see my dad in the doorway. He was in his normal clothes now with a sling on his arm.
"How're you feeling, dude," he asked Dean.
Dean shrugged, "Fine, I guess. I'm alive."
"That's what matters," he replied.
"Where were you last night," Sam asked him. I looked at Sam. Dad had left last night?
I truly hadn't left Dean's room the night before. Any conversation with my dad was going to spark another argument, but Sam tried to keep me updated.
"I had some things to take care of."
"God, do you have a copyright on vague bullshit," I asked. I felt Dean nudge my leg with his hand. I waved him off. "Did you go after the demon?"
"No," my dad replied.
"You know, why don't I believe you right now," Sam joined in.
My dad took a few steps forward, "Can we not fight?"
Again, I rolled my eyes, looking back at Dean. Some things never changed, and my dad was the best example. Dean grabbed my hand. Quiet comfort.
"Half the time we're fighting, I don't know what we're fighting about."
I closed my eyes and looked down. How was he full of such bullshit? I didn't understand it. I felt Dean squeeze my hand. I looked over at him and nodded with a forced grin.
"Look, Sammy, (Y/n)," I looked over at him when he said my name. "I've made some mistakes. But I've always done the best I could. I just don't want to fight anymore, okay?"
"Are you alright," I asked, noticing the tears in his eyes.
"Yeah, just a little tired," he nodded. "How about you and Sammy go grab some coffee?"
I saw something in his eyes. Something different. It made me nod and stand up. I gave Dean's hand one more reassuring squeeze before nodding at Sam to follow me outside.
My dad grabbed my arm before I left. He used his good arm to hug me. I slowly hugged him back.
He muttered in my ear, "I'm sorry for earlier. I was wrong to say those things. Your mom would be so proud of the work you're doing."
I knew then that he had done something stupid.
My father's pride was too important to him to apologize at all, let alone in front of other people.
I just stepped back and grinned at him. No fighting.
Sam and I walked down the hall in silence for a while.
"He did something," I said. "Something stupid."
"Yeah... I know."
On our way back, we found our dad on the floor of his room, dead.
"Dad," we both said at the same time.
Sam ran to get help and I just fell to the ground next to him. I turned him onto his back and tried to find a pulse.
"Shit," I muttered, going to try to start chest compressions. I blinked away my tears, trying to focus. "What the hell did you do?"
I was yanked away by a few nurses. I was pushed outside where I saw Sam walking down the hall with Dean.
I must've started shaking when I saw them both.
They met me at the door, Sam pulling me into his other side.
We watched them try to revive our dad.
The flatline wasn't the scariest sound. The scariest sound was when the doctor told them to stop compressions.
And just like that, with three words, the three of us were alone.
Completely alone.
--time skip--
I made it back to D.C about a week later. I had spent a few days with my brothers at Bobby's before making the drive home.
I came back to find a bunch of flowers on my desk.
"Hotch didn't go into detail," I looked up when Garcia walked over. "He just said things had gone wrong. I thought these would be nice."
I let out a quiet sob and looked down again. Even without knowing why, she was so willing to help me.
She pulled me into a tight hug. I felt another hand on my back. I looked over at J.J. as she gave me a comforting grin. I looked over to see Morgan and Reid walking over too.
I grinned back at them.
Maybe I wasn't as alone in this as I thought.
Masterlist (Includes links to All Writing Challenges)
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Folklore [song series]
this is me trying
Modern Day AU! Steve Rogers x OC!Reader; Bucky Barnes x Natasha Romanoff
Plot: Inspired by Taylor Swift’s new album folklore. The story follows the timeline of Bucky and Elizabeth’s life throughout the years.
word count: 3592
[a/n: I’m so sorry that it’s taken me so long to update this and my other story. i’ve been busy with school and work. thank you for your continued patience and support]
previous part
Series Masterlist
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Age: 20 Year: Dec. 2014 Location: Brooklyn, NY
"How have you been James?”
Bucky looks out the window to his right. Hands grasped together in his lap as he sits on the dark green sofa across from the woman he's been seeing for the last 5 months.
He ponders the question, making sure to answer it honestly. He looks back at her giving her his full attention again.
"Good," he answers truthfully, a small smile planted on his face. Life has been good. School is going incredibly well. My job is going better than I could've imagined. Really learning a lot."
"How are things going with Natasha?" The older lady asks.
“Great. Really great," Bucky says with a slightly bigger smile.
"Good. I'm glad to hear that," she smiles back, proud to the see progress James has made since his first visit moths ago.
After the blow up he and Steve had, Bucky fell into a depressive state. He refused to talk to anyone about what had happened. It wasn't until his younger sister Rebecca came to talk to him:
"I get you don't want to talk to any of us about what happened last week," she said as Bucky laid in bed looking out the window, his back facing her, "But you can't just stay in bed, hiding for the world. Starving yourself isn't going to solve anything.
"Sulking is only going to make you worse. It's not healthy, Buck. We're all worried. Ma is incredibly worried. She's barely been eating. I hear her wandering the house at all hours, because she can't sleep."
"You don't want to talk to us, fine. But you need to talk to someone. If not for yourself, but for Ma. Please," she begs, before leaving Bucky alone to ponder what she said.
He knew he wasn't coping the healthy way. He hadn't realized how much he was affecting his family by shutting down. The last thing he wanted to do was worry his mother. So he got himself up, took a shower, ate breakfast with his family. They were surprised to see him come down, but tried not to draw any extra attention to it. Rebecca gave him an understanding nod, which he reciprocated. After breakfast, he began his research. He decided to listen to Rebecca's advice and find someone to talk to someone to help him make sense of what is going on in his mind.
And that's how he ended up in Dr. Abraham's office.
"Have you contacted Steve yet?" She asks.
"No," he answered fiddling with his fingers, "I feel embarrassed about the way I reacted."
"That's normal, James," she assured him, "But in order to repair any damage that's been cost, you need to talk to Steve. To move forward. From what you've told me he's a very understanding person. I'm sure once you've apologized and explain to him the steps you've taken to help your mental health, I'm sure he'd be willing to accept you back into his life."
"I'm not so sure," he looked down at his hands.
"You won't know until you've tried. Listen, I'm not here to tell you what to do or what not to do. I'm just here to help you navigate your thoughts a little better. In a more healthy way. If you're really serious about living a more healthier mental life, I think you should talk to him. You don't want to really throw this lifelong friendship away, do you?"
"No, I don't," he shakes his head.
"Good. Remember to be honest," she tells him, "Vulnerability isn't a bad thing. Your feelings aren't a nuisance. it's how you handle them is what matters. I'm not saying you have to talk to him as soon as you walkout of here. I just want you to start making the notion of doing so. Our time is just about up, how about we do this. Some homework for the week.
"I want you to write a letter to Steve. Bring it in next week, you don't have to read it. But I would like to discuss it. What do you say?"
"Okay, I could do that," he agreed.
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Christmas week
Steve and Elizabeth flew back home a few days before Christmas. They put their bags in the trunk of their rental car.
The car ride was silent for awhile, both tired after a long flight, now sitting in traffic on their way back to their parents' place. This would be their first time back to Brooklyn since the whole Bucky situation. The road trip back to California was fun, but there was a looming sadness over Steve. It's not like he regrets standing up to Bucky he doesn't. He just wishes thing would've played out differently. He really wished Bucky would've talked to him before he left back to California.
"How are you feeling about being back?" Elizabeth asks, while they sat in traffic.
"I don't know," Steve sighs, "Feels weird going back home and not talking to Bucky."
"Maybe you should try calling him. It's been a few months. I'm sure he'd be willing to hear you out," she said, rubbing his right arm.
"I don't want to push him," Steve said through gritted teeth, his grip on the steering wheel getting tighter.
Bucky had been a touchy subject the last few months. During the first month Elizabeth would ask Steve if he'd heard from him, the answer always being no, followed by Steve shutting down. After that Elizabeth stopped asking, noticing how much it was affecting Steve, but the constant reminder of it wasn't helping. She knew that if Bucky ever did call, Steve would tell her. The only thing she could do was be patient and be there for Steve whenever he needed her.
The holidays kept everyone busy. On Christmas Eve. Steve spent it with Elizabeth's family at her grandma's house. Elizabeth found herself watching Steve play with her younger cousins, she couldn't help but giggle when they roped him into a tea party. She found herself imagining a future where Steve would do the same with their own children. She quickly shook the daydream away. Reprimanding herself a little for even thinking about kids at their young age.
On Christmas morning Elizabeth and Steve spent it with his parents. It was a nice peaceful day just lounging around in their pajamas. For dinner, Elizabeth's parents went over to have dinner at the Rogers' house. It was a nice little send off dinner for their parents who were leaving for Mexico to spend the New Years for a couples' getaway.
Elizabeth and Steve were heading to the Hamptons to spent NYE with Wanda, Thor, Loki, and Scott. They had planned to have a nice, peaceful trip.
While Steve and Elizabeth were at the Hamptons, Bucky and Natasha were spending their NYE at his family's beach cottage in Port Washington.
They were cuddled on the couch surrounded by take out containers, watching the New Years Eve special waiting for midnight to happen.
Bucky got up about 15 minutes to midnight to grab something from the kitchen. He walked back into the room with a new bottle of champagne and two champagne flutes.
"Got some champagne," he said holding it up for Natasha to see.
"Um," Natasha awkwardly shifted in her seat, "Actually about that."
Bucky looked at Nat confused, putting the bottle and flutes down on the coffee table before sitting back down next to her.
"What's wrong" he asked, grabbing the tv remote to mute the tv, and give Natasha his full undivided attention.
"So there's something I haven't told you," she says looking down at her fidgeting fingers.
"You're worrying me Nat," Bucky said, grabbing her hands to help ease her nerves
She looked up to meet his worry filled eyes.
"I'm pregnant," she announced.
Bucky eyes widen at her announcement, instantly dropping her hands. The look on her face showing she was telling the truth.
"How is that possible?" He asks in disbelief, "We've been so careful. We use double the protection. Condoms and you're on the pill."
"Actually about that," she nervously shifted under his intense gaze, "I haven't been on birth control in a little over two months."
"What?" Bucky yelled, quickly rising from his seat, "What do you mean you haven't been on birth control in a little over two months?"
"I got off of it," she shrugged trying to play it off, "It's my body and I can do what I want with it. And I just wanted to give my body a break, I've been on the pill since I was 15."
"I get it's your body, Natasha, I'm all for you doing whatever you want," he stresses, "but you should've told me. I'm your boyfriend, we have sex frequently. You should've at least had the respect of your sexual partner, letting him know that you were no longer on birth control. So in that case I could've been a tad more careful."
"We were using condoms," she half heartedly defended herself.
"They aren't 100% effective Natasha," he gripped his hair, in complete disbelief over this entire conversation, "You even know that. That also doesn't defend yourself for not telling me. You should've told me."
"I'm sorry. It's not like I was planning for this to happen," she yelled.
Bucky just stared at her like she just grew two heads. How is she not freaking out, he thought. They were clearly way too young for this. Which is why they took precautionary measures.
After a few moments of silence Natasha spoke up, "I'm keeping the baby."
Bucky didn't know what to say. He felt the room closing in on him. He started having a hard time catching his breath.
"James," Natasha quietly said, getting up to check on him. He raised his hand, silently telling her to stay where she's at.
He headed for the back door, the house felt too suffocating for him. He walked through the the small yard to the gate that led to the beach. Stumbling around.
To a stranger they would just think he's drunk. In reality he was just having a panic attack.
It was all too much. His mind was racing.
She's pregnant. With a baby. My baby. I'm going to have a kid. I'm going to be a dad. I'm not ready to be a dad. My dad was shit. God I can't be like my dad. I'm not ready for all of this.
He put his hands on his knees, hunched over trying to catch his breath. But he just couldn't. He did the only thing he could think of. He pulled out his phone and dialed the only person he knew would help.
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Steve and Elizabeth were laughing with their friends, waiting for the countdown to begin. Steve felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. He moved his shoulder off of the back of the couch, where Elizabeth was cuddled up against.
He pulled his phone out and his heart dropped at the name that appeared. He quickly got up and walked out of the living room and upstairs to the room where he was staying in for the week.
Wanda raised her eyebrow at Elizabeth, who just shrugged her shoulders, equally as confused.
"Bucky?" Steve answered the phone, closing the door behind him. He could hear Bucky hyperventilating on the other side.
"Steve," he tried to get out.
"Buck, what's wrong?" Steve asked, pressing the phone even closer to his ear the sound of everyone downstairs counting down to midnight.
"Steve, I-," Bucky was struggling to get out.
"Buck, please try to calm down," Steve stressed, "Inhale, hold it for a few seconds and then exhale. You need to calm down. I can't help you, if I can't understand you."
Bucky tried his best to calm himself down, with Steve talking him through it.
"Now, can you explain to me what's wrong?" Steve asked, hearing Bucky's breathing leveling out more.
"I-I'm not re-ready Steve," Bucky stutters, sniffling his nose.
"It's okay take your time, I'm here whenever you're ready."
"No, it's Natasha.”
"What's Natasha? Is she okay?" Steve questioned, getting more concerned.
"Yes, she's fi-ine," he stuttered again, trying to say the words.
"Where are you Buck?" Steve asked, looking around for his shoes and keys.
"I'm at the beach cottage."
"I'm in the Hamptons. Is there any way you can meet me back at my place?"
"Yeah, I think I can," Bucky said a bit more calmer now.
"Okay, I'll see you soon."
When midnight struck Elizabeth went upstairs to check on Steve, making sure everything was okay. She could hear him on the phone talking to Bucky, trying to calm him down. She waited outside of the door to give them some privacy.
Twenty minutes later Wanda went to go check on them, to find Elizabeth sitting on the floor.
"Is everything okay?" She whispered.
"I don't know," she answered, "I'm waiting for Steve. You can head back down, I'll be down shortly."
"Okay. We're here if you guys need anything," Wanda said before walking back down.
After another 25 minutes Elizabeth heard Steve hang up the phone. She softly knocked on the door, and let herself in. She walked in to see Steve frantically going around the room collecting his things.
"Steve is everything okay?"
"It's Buck. He called me while he was having a panic attack. Something about Natasha," he tells her.
"Is she okay?"
"I think so. I was able to calm him down. I need to get back home," he said putting his things in his suitcase.
"Okay. I completely understand. Do you want me to go with you for the drive?" She asked.
"I don't want you to have to cut your time here short," he says, feeling guilty for bringing this on her.
"Steve, something is clearly going on with Bucky. I want you to go to him, but maybe it's best if I drove. I haven't had a drink in hours, and you seem too frantic. Please let me help," she pleaded, placing her hand on his stopping him.
Steve looked up and noticed the worry on Elizabeth's face.
"Okay," he gave in, "We'll need to leave as soon as we can."
Elizabeth nodded, quickly grabbing her weekender bag and start shoving things in. If they forgot anything's he knew Wanda would bring it back.
They said their quick goodbyes and were on the road within 5 minutes, with Elizabeth behind the wheel and Steve fidgeting in the passenger seat.
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Bucky took a few minutes to himself on the beach, trying to make sure his anxiety was at rest before he headed back inside. When he entered the house, Natasha shot up from her seat.
"Happy New Years," she awkwardly said, trying to cut the obvious tension.
"Umm," Bucky scratched his head looking everywhere but at Natasha, "We need to leave."
"I mean, you can stay if you want and I'll pick you up tomorrow," he rephrased, "But I can't stay here. I need to go. Steve is meeting me at his house."
"Steve?" She was taken back by that mention, not expecting to hear Bucky say his name. He hasn't mentioned Steve in months.
"Yeah, I called him," Bucky says rubbing the back of his neck.
"Well that's good right?"
"Yeah, listen. I really need to go, so are you going to stay or come with me?"
"To see Steve?"
"No. I would drop you off at your place," he tells her, "I'm seeing Steve alone."
"Will she be there?"
Natasha didn't really know exactly why Steve and Bucky weren't talking, at first. Then she heard that Steve and Elizabeth were dating, and it all made sense. The only person that could tear Bucky and Steve apart. She never told Bucky that she knew. Figured it wasn't worth the fight. Especially not now when she was carrying his child.
To an outsider it might seem like she got pregnant on purpose, but that wasn't the case. She knew they were too young for this, at least that's what she thought when she first found out about the pregnancy a week ago. But now that she's sat with it she's taking it as a sign that this is meant to happen. She's just really hoping that Bucky would see it, if not now but eventually.
"Listen, Natasha, I don't have time for this," he looks her in the eyes, "Are you coming or not?"
"I'll get my bag," she remarked with a snark tone, walking passed him to their shared room.
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A couple of hours later Bucky was pulling up in front of the Rogers' house. 2:15 am read the clock in his car. He looked to his right, out the passenger side window to see a dark figure sat on the front steps of the house.
Bucky took one last breath before exiting the vehicle.
As soon as he opened the front gate Steve stood up from where he was sat on the stairs.
Once Bucky approached him both young men threw their arms around each other. Gripping each other tightly, fighting back the tears that threatened to fall. They stayed like that for awhile. Relishing in the comfort of being back in each other's arms. Their silent fight no longer important. All they knew in that moment was everything was going to be okay, because no matter what they'll always have each other.
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Steve walked into his parents' living room holding two mugs of coffee. As he rounded the couch, he handed one to Bucky.
"Sorry, if I ruined any of your plans," Bucky apologized, "Tell Elizabeth I'm sorry for taking you away."
'Buck, don't worry about it," Steve waved him off, "She completely understands. And truth be told, I wasn't necessarily feeling in the New Year's mood."
"Yeah," Bucky sighs.
"Do you want to talk about what happened tonight?" Bucky nods his head, placing the coffee mug on the coffee table in front of him. He shifted his body to the left to face Steve.
"She's pregnant," he announces.
"What?" Steve asked, not expecting that to be the reason, he quickly placed his mug next to Bucky's.
"Yeah, my reaction exactly," Bucky said.
"What? How?"
"Apparently Natasha hasn't been on the pill in a couple of months," Bucky explains, "And even though we always used condoms, they aren't exactly 100% effective."
"Did you know she wasn't on the pill?"
"Nope," Bucky tells him, "If I knew I wouldn't been a bit more cautious."
"So she told you she was pregnant?" Steve said getting back to it.
"Yeah. She was so nonchalant about it. Like it was no big deal," Bucky stressed,
"How is she just so calm. We're not prepared for this. I'm not ready for this Steve. I can't be a dad. I don't even know how to be a decent human being."
"That's not true Buck," Steve disagreed.
"Come on Steve, we haven't talked in months, and we both know it's not because you didn't try," Bucky says, "I was so caught up in my own jealousy. And selfishness, that I never even considered your feelings or Elizabeth's. And I don't think I can ever make it up to you for treating you like you're nothing to me."
"You were hurt," Steve tried to excuse.
"Doesn't excuse the way I behaved," Bucky says, "I know that now."
"I've been seeing a therapist," Bucky informs him, "I never realized how much my mental health was taking a toll on those around me. So after our fight, I found someone to talk to. To work through the shit that's going on in my mind."
"How's that been going?" Steve asked.
"Good," Bucky gives a half smile, "Really good. She's good. I've realized a lot about myself that I didn't know. Working through all the issues I've had with my father leaving."
"That's good Buck. I'm proud of you, truly," Steve beamed, patting Bucky on the shoulder.
"I really am sorry for the way I behaved," Bucky repeated again.
"Buck, you really don't have to apologize again," Steve told him.
"I need to Steve," he said, "I can't believe I acted that way. I should've been happy for you and Elizabeth. I'm glad you two have each other. Seriously. I couldn't imagine her with anyone better, same goes for you. I won't cause any more issues for you two. It's not worth not having you in my life. You're my brother Steve, and I don't want to miss anything."
"Thanks, Buck. It really means a lot to me to hear that," Steve smiles, "Because I don't want to miss anything in your life also."
"Yeah, especially now," he says, the reality of why they're there dawning back.
"How are you feeling now about the baby?"
"I don't know, man," Bucky shakes his head, "I'm afraid I'm going to screw this up, like everything else."
"But now you're working on that," Steve reminds him, "And you're not going to be doing this alone. You have people who are always going to be there. I may be in California now, but I'm just a phone call away. You're not alone. But you do have to try Buck. That's all that you can ever do. Try your best, no one's asking you to be perfect, but as long as you're trying your best, that's what's important."
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Age: 21 Year: 2015
The sounds of a baby crying woke Bucky up from his sleep in the early depths of the morning. He quietly and quickly got out of bed, making his way to the small New York kitchen to make a bottle.
He walked into the small nursery where the two-month-old baby wailed from hunger.
"It's okay," Bucky shushed gently, picking up the small baby, "Daddy's here."
He adjusted the small baby in his arms before placing the bottle in the baby's mouth.
"There you go," he encouraged the small one, as soon as he heard the sounds of the baby drinking.
Bucky sat down on the chair in the corner of the room, opposite of the crib. He just stared as the newborn drank their bottle, while simultaneously falling asleep. Even though he was completely exhausted, he had never felt more happier. More at peace with where his life was at.
As long as he kept trying his best, he knows he can do this for the rest of his life.
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niawritess · 3 years
The Lovestruck~Chapter 14
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(8 December)
10:12 am
"Y/n! Wake up! It's 10 already!"
You groaned in your sleep but then your lips twitching upward as you heard your mom's voice after more than a week which you missed so badly.
Changing your position to lay on your back, your eyes squinting as the sunlight hit your face. At first you panicked as you thought about your college but then relaxed as you remembered taking a leave for today.
Sitting up with your closed eyes, you let out a yawn with your palm automatically covering your mouth. You stretched your arms up and dropped on your back again with a sigh. Yesterday's scene left a impact on your mind as you couldn't get it out of your head, not to mention the sensation you felt which you have never felt before.
Your thoughts were interuppted when you got a notification on your mobile making you groan and shifted to your side before taking your phone from the nightstand.
It was your bestfriend saying that she would be here in an hour to meet your parents and there was another text which was from Rose saying that something came up so she'd be going to her town which means no Café today.
Smiling, you got off the bed and skipped to the washroom for your morning routine.
Whereas Baekhyun also got the same message from Rose and he sighed as he wouldn't get to see you at the café since you skipped today and that information he got from Ria a while ago.
It was like that day when you didn't came on the café and where he felt your absence. The feeling, the confusion was eating him as he wasn't able to come up to a conclusion of those feelings which was frustrating him as well.
As he told the boys about the no Café today casually and the boys came up with a plan of going to bowling. Baekhyun couldn't refuse since their graduation was this year and it's been long since they have been out then, when will they have time to do this so he agreed.
Not before, they asked him to ask you to tag along with him and hearing this Baekhyun gave them a look but they just made an excuse to see you as you were also becoming their friend.
You were heading downstairs after washing up and suddenly the door bell rang indicating your bestfriend was here already.
Your dad opened the door and Ria smiled greeting him before letting out a squeal as she ran up to your mom and they did some weird handshake before hugging eachother.
You rolled your eyes playfully but a smile was playing on your lips and you went to them who were totally ignoring you making you glare at them as they were doing it on purpose.
"OMG! JAE!" Ria exclaimed with her eyes popping out when she saw him coming out of his room and you also flinched not used to his presence.
Ria was your high school friend so, being comfortable with Jae was an understatement and he always treated her like his little sister just like you. Well, you always bicker with your brothers and they tease you but you know how protective they are over you.
Jae went out with his friends as he was meeting them after a long time and will go back in a week for his training Job. You sat on the couch comfortably with your mom and bestfriend talking about their favorite topic shopping which was not so favorite to you.
In that time, you got a notification on your phone, checking it to see it was from Baekhyun and unconsciously your heart beat quicken seeing his name but you immediately shook it off before opening the text.
Baekhyun : Hey, Are you alright? You didn't come today.
You : Yeah, I'm okay. Just skipped today.
Baekhyun: Okay. So I wanted to ask something. We boys decided to go bowling today so would you like to join us?
You read the message with a baffled expression before looking at Ria who was sitting alone as your mom went into the kitchen.
You: Are you sure? I mean won't I be intruding?
Baekhyun: Not at all. Even my friends want you to come.
You were contemplating wether to go or not since yesterday your had been occupied with those things wondering if it would get awkward but you also didn't wanted to lose a friend like Baekhyun just because of those awkwardness and decided to let it aside.
You : Is it okay, if my Ria tag along?
Baekhyun : Of course! So it's decided. I'll pick you up by 5. No excuses! See you later:)
You let out a sigh leaning against the couch getting the attention of your bestfriend as she eyed you suspiciously.
"We are going for bowling in a while." You told her casually and she frowned. "Are we?"
You nodded before your mom came back and sat on her spot with your brother who also was back from his school as he threw his school bag in your lap while plopping beside you.
You clicked your tongue before placing his bag on the couch while showing him a glare.
"Mum, we are going bowling today."
She just nodded nonchalantly not saying anything further but Daniel's eyes perked up hearing that as he eyed you surprised.
"Mom, Aren't you going to ask her anything? With whom she's going with?" He shoved her with his questions and you three looked at him weirdly.
You mom shrugged. "As far as I know her, she wouldn't go without Ria and it's actually a good thing that she's going out since we are the ones who always force her to go out."
"I'm really happy she's progressing with time and whom she's going with, I don't mind because it won't be her boyfriend since we aren't that lucky to have that privilege." She added with a fake hurt expression.
Your brother and bestfriend joined her in her laughter while you stared at her with a disbelief look. Sometimes you think your mom could've been a good actress if not for her catering business.
"Mum, you know me too much."
"That's why I'm your mom." She winked and you shook your head before smiling.
You and Ria got ready and Ria already had her clothes in your wardrobe since she stays here often. You got a notification and checked it to see it was from Baekhyun telling that he's already here.
You walked towards your window and saw his car before he got out and as he looked at your window direction you locked eyes with him.
Your eyes widened and you immediately backed off as if you got caught doing something wrong before going downstairs while mentally hitting yourself for doing that unaware of how Baekhyun smiled at this act of yours.
"Mum! I'm leaving!"
"Have fun and be safe!"
"Don't have too much fun!"
Your dad yelled and you rolled you eyes before walking out with Ria who was laughing.
You both approached him who was leaning against his car but instantly straightened himself when he saw you and flashed a smile to you which you returned.
He opened the door for you and you sat in the front seat and Ria settled herself in the back seat not before sending a smug look to you where you gave her a look.
You three arrived at the destination and followed Baekhyun who led you to where boys were already present. You both greeted them smilingly as you have gotten comfortable with them now.
Then your eyes caught another figure which belonged to none other than Lauren who was sitting with her boyfriend while her eyes were on Baekhyun which held something you couldn't tell and with you feeling weird inside which you also couldn't tell.
Ria and you both looked at eachother before going towards an empty seat and sat there as you started chatting with boys not before Baekhyun looking for his place to sit.
That's when Lauren shifted a little to give him space while flashing a sweet smile at him where again you felt that sensation and you instantly shrugged it off as you looked away. However, instead of going there Baekhyun walked towards your side and sat beside you with your shoulders almost touching making your breath hitched.
Chanyeol got up and stood in front of you all with an idea of having a competition with him and you have somewhat noticed that he's a competitive guy.
"So, who's gonna be in my team? Y/n?" He looked at you expectantly and you looked at him with a guilty smile. "I'm sorry but I'm not good at bowling but Ria is really good at it."
Ria almost spit out her water and you surpassed your giggle before she shot a glare at you but you just smiled innocently at her.
"Are you really not good?" You looked at Baekhyun who gave you a question look and you nodded. "I've been trying to do it but I don't think I'm suitable for bowling."
"Like her driving."
Ria popped her head forward as she told Baekhyun who just chuckled while you nudged her back with a death glare.
The game started between Chanyeol's team and Yixing's team and the team who loses has to treat tteokbokki (spicy rice cake).
They played for half an hour where both teams were tied and with the seriousness it was also funny to watch how they kept bickering like five-year old kids. Honestly, you were having fun with them as they kept the atmosphere joyful.
You excused yourself to the washroom and Ria was coming with you but stopped as her it was her turn so you went alone. Finishing your business, you made your way to them but a hard shoulder bumped into yours making you stumble back.
"I'm sorry- Y/n?"
You looked at the familiar voice person before your eyes widened. "Jae?!"
"Shut up." You made a dirty face on the name which always makes you feel cringe and he raised his eyebrows. "What are you doing here?"
"I can ask you the same." You placed your hands on your waist standing confident.
"I asked first." He imitated you and you rolled you eyes.
"I'm here with my friends." You told him and earned a snicker from him making you frown as he gave you an amused look. "You have friends?"
You rolled your eyes. "I'll see you at home."
You tried to walk past him but he blocked you with a serious expression plastered on his face. "Are you here with your boyfriend?"
"What?! No." You made a weird face before sighing. "Jae, stop acting like a brother."
"New flash! I am your brother!" He gave a toothy grin before leaning in. "Where is he?"
"Gosh, you're so annoying."
"And you're my cute little potato." He pinched your both cheeks and you cried holding his wrist to stop but when a pair of hands pulled his hands away.
You both looked towards the direction to see Baekhyun with clenched jaw and glaring at Jae before he stood infront of you like a shield.
"What do you think you are doing?" His tone was calm but you could sense an anger behind it which made you panick if some fight breaks out.
"Uh, Baekhyun, he is my brother." You spoke peeking from his shoulder not realizing that you took his name casually and Baekhyun's ear perked up.
He looked back at you with a confused face then to Jae who had a smug grin then back to you. "Brother?"
You nodded slowly and wanted to laugh at Baekhyun's confused face which looked so cute and resembled a lost puppy.
The atmosphere turned awkward and Baekhyun instantly stood beside you and Jae held out his hand.
"I'm Jaehyun, Y/n's big brother."
Baekhyun hesitantly shook his head and introduced him before apologizing but Jae waved it off as he liked how Baekhyun came to your rescue.
You three looked at the voice to see a guy calling Jaehyun and giving a nod, Jaehyun turned to you.
"It was nice meeting you, Baekhyun." He smiled genuinely at him which Baekhyun returned awkwardly.
"I'll see you at home." He gave a cheeky grin to you going to the cinema area not before mouthing nice catch where you shoot a glare at him.
Shaking your head you looked at Baekhyun who was lost and hesitantly tapped his shoulder where he immediately snapped out.
"I'm sorry about that." You smiled sheepishly and he chuckled.
"Don't be. I misunderstood so it's okay." You both started walking. "I guess I didn't really made a good impression on your brother."
You shook your head vigorously. "Not really, Jae seems to like you actually."
He lightly laughed shaking his head. "No way, seriously?"
You smiled nodding. "Hm, I know him."
"When did your family came back?"
"Yesterday, that's why I skipped today."
He nodded before you two joined your friends and the game was over with Chanyeol's team winning in the end which means the losing team has to treat something.
As everyone was eating and talking, you spotted Ria's phone on the seat beside you as she excused herself to the washroom.
Not long before, she came back and sat beside you before a frown crept on her face as she started searching for something.
"What's wrong, Ria? Did you lost something?" Jongin asked her drinking his juice.
"Yes, I can't find my phone." She started looking for it everywhere. "Y/n, have you seen my phone?"
You kept mum since she knows you can't lie or she would just catch you in a blink, so you avoided her eyes while munching and she didn't noticed since her attention was on her phone.
Feeling a little thirsty, you were about to take a juice bottle but a hand came forward to you with a juice bottle while it's cap opened and you looked at Baekhyun who was talking to Chanyeol and you looked at him surprised as without you saying, he knew it.
You smiled taking it before looking at your bestfriend with lost face. You actually felt bad for doing it but she has always pranked you and not to mention she always tease you in front of Baekhyun so you decided to prank her.
As a smile while was plastered on your face, you felt a stare on you causing you to lock eyes with Baekhyun who was eyeing you suspiciously and sensed the reason behind Ria's lost face.
You brought your index finger to your lips indicating him to keep mum and he chuckled shaking his head while you smiled sheepishly.
This scene was witnessed by Kyungsoo who was eyeing those two with a fondly smile and wondering when his idiot friend will realize his feelings.
The car pulled over to your house and you got out of the back seat with Ria before thanking Baekhyun and Chanyeol for inviting you two.
Seeing Ria's gloomy face, you couldn't help but feel guilty now. Taking her phone out from your purse, you held it out to her and she looked at you shook.
"You had it all along? Y/n!" She exclaimed chasing you inside with you shouting sorry and then giggling.
"Crazy." Baekhyun mumbled chuckling at you as you went inside before he turned back to his best friend giving him a teasing smile.
Chanyeol just shook his head at his stupid bestfriend before Baekhyun drove off.
@wooya1224 @buttercupbbh @jddcfc-blog
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