socialdegenerate · 5 years
@daddyolusamicitia replied to your post “I always forget that dante and nero were confirmed related (several...”
i don't know why your insistence that vergil doesn't fuck is so funny to me, but there are literal tears lmaoooo
Vergil is so angry at Dante all the time because Vergil is an incel and Dante is a chad
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xylianna · 6 years
17, 24, 44 :3c
17. favorite AU to write
This Too Is Sacred.  I love Dragonscourge too, but Sacred has a special place in my heart.
24. favorite scene you’ve ever written
Sacred ch 7. Just the entire chapter, okay?   But this part makes me cry each time I re-read it:
Ignis dared to press his lips against the coarse hair along Gladiolus’s jawline, and he felt the adept’s face shift in what he assumed was a smile. Since Gladiolus did nothing to dissuade him, he placed another kiss on his chin where the beard was thicker, and he decided that while the feel it beneath his lips was different, it wasn’t entirely unpleasant. Ignis’s next kiss landed on the smooth plane of Gladiolus’s cheek, wanting to taste his skin. No. It was decidedly not unpleasant.
“Ignis,” the adept exhaled his name like a prayer. And, for one of Naamah’s Chosen, perhaps it was.
In a response that felt as natural as breathing, Ignis melded his lips to Gladiolus’s, and he fancied he could hear the beating of wings ringing in his ears as a tiny piece of himself was utterly lost.
44. do you write linear or do you write future scenes if you feel like it? 
I totally write out of order if that is what I feel inspired to do. Since this ask response became all about Sacred, I’ll share that Chapter 7 of Sacred was the first thing I wrote for that fic.
To step away from Sacred, the first thing I wrote for Dragonscourge ended up being in chapter 10. The first part I wrote for What Would Happen was chapter 2.  There is something to be said for writing in order, but I’m a firm believer in following your muse.
Thanks for asking!
(Fic Writer Asks)
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heartlessfujoshi · 6 years
M and w?
Oooooh! Okay! :D 
Ask Me: Fandom Edition
M - Your favorite fanart or fanartist: Okay, this is a terrible question, because I don’t want to pick something like this. Since the next question has five, I’m going to also go with that, and give you five artists that I really like. 
zekkare has some amazing artwork (and happens to be a very good friend of mine) 
hinoe-0 i love everything that hinoe draws. EVERYTHING. :D
bunniesafterdark draws some A+++++++ smut for a variety of fandoms. 
kaciart is just wonderful and amazing, and i really love their ongoing Promptis comic, plus all the glorious things they share with us over on Patreon
viktorye draws some fucking amazing and angsty AF fanart, and constantly rips my heart out to which i always say thank you
W - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms: And in no particular order, here are those five: Ignis Scientia from FFXV, Makoto Tachibana from Free!, Axel from Kingdom Hearts, Tokoyami Fumikage from BNHA, and Tetsurou Kuroo from Haikyuu!
Thank you for asking me!! (“⌒∇⌒”)
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aliatori · 6 years
peach, strawberry, and blueberry! ❤️
peach: do you have any piercings or tattoos?
Yes! I have my ears and septum pierced. I used to have more, but some of them rejected. ): I have three tattoos (Egyptian mythology, Mass Effect, and Sailor Moon related) and am saving up to get a full sleeve done.
strawberry: favorite desserts?
All of them? Is all of them an answer? Cheesecake is my most favourite, followed by most any kind of cake that isn’t ice cream cake. i have such a sweet tooth!    
blueberry: what do you want to dress up as for halloween?
I never really dress up for Halloween I’m so sorry  
Thank you so much for asking, these were fun!
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lhugbereth · 7 years
yes yes yes i need the continuation where gladio mercilessly manhandles prompto and pounds him exactly like he's daydreaming
More manhandling, you say?
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Daaaamn, Anon and @peachypotpourri - you guys are as thirsty as Prom! 
Very well. Here you have it, Part Two of the Promptio Manhandling Kink Saga! (Implying, of course, that there will be more of this in increasingly smutty increments). In this edition, Gladio realizes just what his manly muscles do to Prompto’s dick. 
Shameless. That’s what this is. And also a continuation of this mess. 
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Manhandle Me, Daddiolus
Prompto x Gladio1,565 words, Mature (for dirty, dirty thoughts)
Prompto is acting weird, no two ways about it.
And not like an everyday kind of weird, which Prompto usually is and which Gladio adores about him, but distant weird. Ever since they came back that morning from their hike, the blonde has hardly said three words to him (which amounted to a hurried ‘Here ya go’ as he’d handed over the flowers he'd picked).
On top of that, Prompto’s clearly avoiding him. Dodging out of his way, not making eye contact, hiding out in the tent faking a stomachache. Childish things that remind him of when Iris was younger and got mad at him for breaking her toys.
But Prompto isn't a child, and Gladio isn't sure how to handle being given the cold shoulder like this. He prefers to deal with problems head on, always has. How can he do that when the blonde is ducking out of sight at every corner?
The chance to talk finally comes after they’ve packed up camp. Noct is carrying the lightest of the bags, mostly containing clothes and the like, while Ignis and Prompto grab the chairs, the cooler, and the table between them. Gladio is left with the tent, which he’s got slung over his shoulder, and the heaviest of their bags weighing down each hand. Still, he makes it look easy. While the other two can’t seem to care less, he’s caught Prompto’s bright baby blues flicking back to him every so often, flushing as he takes in the sight and then looking away again just as quickly.
It’s weird, and Gladio can’t keep his mouth shut any longer.
“Hey, Prom,” he says in a voice loud enough to grab the blonde’s attention, but not to send him into a panic. “C’mere a sec.”
Prompto nearly trips over his feet in his hurry to turn around (so much for not panicking him). He pawns the table off on Ignis with an apologetic look, then shuffles in place for a moment while he waits for Gladio to catch up. “What’s up?” he asks in a strained voice, gaze locked somewhere in the vicinity of Gladio’s knees.
The Shield frowns. “You tell me, chocobo. You’ve been acting jumpy all morning. Did I do something wrong?”
Blue eyes go wide and finally Prompto dares to look up. Big mistake. The sight of Gladio’s muscles tensing as he shifts the weight of the tent from one shoulder to the other sends the blonde’s heart pounding. “U-um.” Oh, right, he was asked a question. “No! Of course not, big guy. No problems here, everything’s just peachy!”
“Uh-huh. Was it something about the hike? Are you mad I asked you to go with me?”
Prompto’s cheeks redden and he fidgets with a cord on the chair he’s carrying. “No way, I was glad you asked….”
“Then what? The flowers? Did I hurt you going up the cliff?”
There’s no answer, at least not a clear one. But from the way the blonde’s entire face lights up like a Moogle nose at a carnival, Gladio knows he’s getting close. “Okay. The cliff. What, you were scared?”
A frantic shake of the blonde’s head, and he flushes a deeper shade of red. “You were embarrassed, then?” More head shaking, more blushing. “You hated it?”
“I liked it.”
His voice is quiet. So quiet that Gladio isn’t sure he heard him correctly. It isn’t the first time - same thing happened earlier that day, even - but at this point, he can’t just let it go. “Come again?”
“I….” Prompto swallows, adjusts the chairs in his arms and shoots a cautious glance at Iggy and Noct way ahead of them. “I liked it, Gladio.”
“You...liked it.”
The silence between them is palpable, throbbing with the erratic pounding of Prompto’s heart in his chest and the ticking of gears in Gladio’s mind. Liked it. As in...turned on by…? The Shield has a hard time processing that for a moment. But while he’s struggling, Prompto’s sweaty palms finally betray him and the chairs go tumbling from his grip.
Clang, clash, bang. Even Ignis turns around at the commotion (then, upon realizing it’s merely the ogre and the klutz, continues out of sight around the bend after Noct). Prompto immediately scrambles to grab the chairs, but Gladio, released from his temporary paralysis, beats him to the chase. He scoops both up in a single arm with ease, straightens his back, and opens his mouth to resume the conversation...
...But stops ultimately short when he sees the look Prompto is giving him. Or, rather, the look he’s giving his body. Cheeks flushed, lips parted, eyebrows drawn into a pained knot and his eyes, his eyes so round and bright and full of unmistakable hunger. Gladio imagines it’s the way a man might look at a glass of water after wandering a desert for weeks.
Everything clicks into place. He’s surprised, yeah, and a little flattered. Mostly shocked, though, because he never imagined Prompto’s tastes ran so...rugged. How long had the kid felt it? Why had he bothered to hold it back?
“Hey. Be honest with me for a second,” Gladio says slowly, carefully. In front of him, Prompto tears his focus away from Gladio’s pecs long enough to meet his gaze and...oh yeah, he just licked his lips. “Do the other guys know?”
Blue eyes falter for a split second. “No.”
“I won’t tell them,” Gladio assures him, once again shifting the heavy objects in his arms. He really regrets not waiting to at least get to the car before having this talk. “Is there anything I can do? To help, I mean.”
Prompto nearly bursts out laughing right there on the spot. Is there anything Gladio can do?! Is he for real?! Hold me, he thinks, chest aching with need. Squeeze me, shove me down, pound me through a mattress! Fuck me ‘til I can’t walk straight! Manhandle me, for fucks sake!
“Can you...carry this?” he asks instead, face hot with embarrassment while his thoughts rampage. Gladio is already holding the two chairs, but manages not to roll his eyes when Prompto hands over the cooler as well. There’s something in his smile - shy, yet serious - that has Gladio playing right along. Now with literally half of their camping gear piled up in his arms, he takes the lead in guiding Prompto back to the car. Though the blonde says little along the way, his eyes say everything.
And for his part, Gladio is pretty sure he digs the attention.  
“Hurry it up!”
That’s Noct’s voice calling to them from the backseat of the Regalia. As they near the car, it’s obvious that he and Iggy have already finished packing up their things and are waiting impatiently for the other two to arrive. Prompto starts to rush on ahead, but Gladio, overburdened as he is, can’t quite keep up. The blonde takes a few gallops forward, glances back, and skids to a halt.  
“Oh, sorry, big guy. Lemme give you a ha --”
“Nah, I got it,” Gladio says, flashing him a grin so cocky it snatches his breath away. “What’s the point in looking this good if I can’t pull my weight?”
Prompto gulps - hard - and nods his head as if to say, ‘Good point.’ Matters get worse when Ignis pops the trunk open for them. Gladio at least allows Prompto to lift the door all the way up, but the rest he insists on doing himself; shuffling the cooler, the bags, the chairs, the tent one by one into the back of the car, pushing them in with more force than is really necessary. Straining his muscles a little for added effect. He notices it’s working when he glances over to find that Prompto is watching the show with his knuckles shoved between his teeth, biting back a whine.
“Today, gentlemen,” comes Iggy’s warning from inside the car, and Gladio can’t hold back another grin.
“Yeah, yeah. You heard him, Princess.”
“...P-princess…? Woah!” Anything else Prompto could have said is lost in a startled gasp as Gladio’s arms - those massive, tattoo-covered lethal weapons - suddenly latch around his upper body. A rough jaw scratches his ear, a chuckle rumbles against his back, and then he’s being hoisted up off the ground like spare baggage. It’s terrifying. It’s thrilling. And he hopes to the gods no one notices the way he’s suddenly rock-hard in his pants.
“In the car ya go.” Prompto hadn’t even noticed they’d been moving, but now Gladio’s lifting him up and over the passenger side door and dropping him into the seat without so much as a warning. He exhales when he hits, bounces once, manages to catch hold of the dash to keep his balance. When he rights himself to throw Gladio a glare, he sees the Shield wink - actually wink! - at him on the way to the back.
Is he dreaming? Is he dead? Or could it be possible that Gladio is teasing him?
Heart thudding, he misses the disapproving look Ignis shoots the rearview mirror - and then they’re taking off.
All Prompto can hope for is lucking out on a hotel that night, because he’s going to need a long, cold shower all to himself. For at least half an hour.
He suddenly recalls the feeling of Gladio’s beard scratching up against his sensitive skin.
...Better make that forty-five minutes.
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ao3feed-ignoct · 6 years
apology not interrupted
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2IhcuOi
by daddyolusamicitia
Regis calls while Noctis is eating Ignis out. Enjoy~
Words: 1983, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ignis Scientia
Relationships: Noctis Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia
Additional Tags: Rimming, That's really it
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2IhcuOi
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moomookittyfluff · 6 years
Tagged by: @thesilencebeforeastorm . Thank you for thinking of me!! <3
1. Can you cook? If yes what do you like to make?
Yes. Mostly Mexican and Italian food. 
2. Can you speak a foreign language? Which or which one would you like to?
I can speak Spanish and some Italian, Latin (not 100% related to FFXV), and Esperanto. Learning French and Japanese slowly.
3. Which fandom was your first fandom?
I’d say the Assassin’s Creed and Halo fandoms were first, but Final Fantasy has been the one that I’ve been mostly active with.
4. The electricity goes out for a day. How do you spend it?
Either on my phone, sleeping, or going out to a park or beach.
5. What’s the first thing you see on your left?
My sleeping cat, Nyx.
6. Do you have a useless talent?
I don’t think so. I’m not very talented. At least I don’t think I am. lol
7. What kind of superpower would you like to have for a day?
Teleportation would be pretty fun. 
8. Should Tumblr finally fix the @ mentions?
Yes please!! I feel bad being tagged in stuff and not seeing until really late..
9. What is the colour of your eye?
10. In a fantasy universe what would be your weapon of choice?
Probably katana or daggers.
11. What is your favourite flower and is there a reason why you love it?
I love red roses. They just look very fancy and pretty cool when they die.(I promise I’m not an evil person they just look interesting ;-;)
                                                                                         Clean copy underneath.
1. Can you cook? If yes what do you like to make?
2. Can you speak a foreign language? Which or which one would you like to?
3. Which fandom was your first fandom?
4. The electricity goes out for a day. How do you spend it?
5. What’s the first thing you see on your left?
6. Do you have a useless talent?
7. What kind of superpower would you like to have for a day?
8. Should Tumblr finally fix the @ mentions?
9. What is the colour of your eye?
10. In a fantasy universe what would be your weapon of choice?
11. What is your favourite flower and is there a reason why you love it?
Tagging: @ellybear76  @jojopitcher  @yuu-be-good  @the-immortal-marshal  @daddyolusamicitia  @atarostarling  @cloudsmakoeyes and anyone that wants to <3 
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xylianna · 6 years
So if you like goofy, silly, sexy stories than I highly recommend The Lightning Struck Heart by TJ Klune. If you like something more somber and serious (plus werewolves), his books Wolfsong and Ravensong (series) are my absolute favorite right now.
Thanks for the recs! I’ve added them to my ‘book recs’ spreadsheet and I will let you know what I think when I get a hold of them!
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socialdegenerate · 6 years
@daddyolusamicitia replied to your post: The approach of winter means that I can drag my...
it’s fine, you’re a lesbian, you’re allowed to do that.
Anyone who thinks only men can be flamboyant gays is a FOOL
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socialdegenerate · 6 years
@daddyolusamicitia replied to your post: In The Shape of Water, I’m assuming other...
Unfortunately :/
Now I’m genuinely curious about what I missed
was it just a butt? was there balls? was it super deformed?
tbh I’d also completely forgotten that Japan’s censorship laws would apply to films and I was so confused by the weird brown-ish smear across the screen until I realised what was happening
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socialdegenerate · 6 years
@daddyolusamicitia replied to your post: I went out to get groceries and saw a really...
why are moms so attractive?????
lololol tbh mums aren’t usualy my thing bc kids aren’t really my thing, BUT older dark-haired women ARE my thing so it’s kind of a trade-off
In any case my favourite mum is the really gorgeous one who is also almost 6ft tall because I am weak
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socialdegenerate · 6 years
@daddyolusamicitia replied to your post: @enbynoctis replied to your post: ...
Vodka fixes everything lol
god, doesn’t it just lmao
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socialdegenerate · 7 years
@daddyolusamicitia replied to your post: it's standard for voice actors to work from the...
Is gladio a better character in the original script? Bc i played the american dub and it feels like they did him so fuckin dirty.
anyway now that only the reasonable people are left, lemme tell you about JPN Gladio
He’s gruff but sweet, blunt but kind. He doesn’t beat around the bush, but he doesn’t think that bullying is an acceptable form of communication. He’s a good boy who is nice to the other bros, and he’s not a fuckin OORAH american stereotype.
I wrote a thing about it here a while back, but basically any nuance in his character was murdered by the english version. They made him mean and rude, and I won’t fuckin’ stand for it.
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socialdegenerate · 7 years
@daddyolusamicitia replied to your post: I was walking up a street I don’t usually take and...
I thought those only existed in shoujo manga
Well I mean, I did keep an eye out for precariously placed vases, but I escaped unharmed
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socialdegenerate · 7 years
@daddyolusamicitia replied to your post “@daddyolusamicitia replied to your post: it’s...”
See, that's what i decided to headcanon for him anyway bc i am WEAK for the gentle giant trope, but it's v nice to know that's how he was originally written. Why tf would they change the script/charas for the dub????
God, I have NO idea but it shits me to hell and back
Like, even the small things got changed: I noticed the other day that when he got healed in battle, all he said was “arigatou yo” but the subtitles were something like “MAN, THAT HIT THE SPOT” which, like, let Gladio say thank you???
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socialdegenerate · 7 years
@daddyolusamicitia replied to your post: @roseshell replied to your post: ...
Y'all don’t even know the half of it lmao
One of the weirdest things about being a non-American in a world that is so deeply entrenched in American pop culture is that it’s sometimes really hard to figure out what’s real and what’s exaggerated for comedic effect. I’ve only ever spent around a month in the US so there is a lot of stuff that still gets me.
(I still don’t entirely believe that school cafeterias are a thing. Surely classrooms don’t all have flags in them. And that everyone has to like...do a terrifying patriotism chant at school every day that sounds like some serious dictator bullshit. And basically the first thing I saw in American was a portrait of Obama at the airport and i would die laughing if I had to look at a picture of the PM every time I flew back into Aus)
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