argentcanus-blog · 7 years
Drabble list– You can send one anytime. || Accepting! 
SCREAM: My character has caused yours to scream out for some reason.
@daemonslae: With Comrades being a thing, I was hit with inspiration for this! I hope this okay! It was really fun and kinda fluff/cute?! I hope?!  Thank you SO much for sending!!
"IRIS!" Prompto screams, "DUCK!" Rolling forward, he aims his pistol directly above her head, shooting at the creature which had leapt from the building behind her. The girl does as she told, her small form crouching over, her hands covering her head. Gods, Gladio would kill him if Prompto got Iris hurt in anyway. Sprinting back towards her, he takes her hand. "We gotta go!" he calls out, shooting at a few of the goblins rising up from the earth. The roads are all like this now, unsafe, and home to creatures of night which own this world."Okay," she says, squeezing his hand tight as they dash down the street. Lestallum is so close. Prompto can see the huge barricades they've erected since the darkness took over, the tower of cars stacked upon one another, the large layers of scaffolding..."Don't worry, we're gonna make it," he says, picking up his speed. Iris looks at him with such faith, Prompto really believes his own words, even as the daemons start sprouting up from the ground in larger numbers. He bangs on the side entrance to Lestallum, his fist pounding against the metal. He doesn't notice or care about the bruising which is starting to form on the side of his hand. "Open up! It's Prompto Argentum, of the Crownsguard!" he yells. His voice is hoarse; all he does lately is scream it seems. Whether he's awake or sleeping, there's always some reason to cry out. "I've got Iris Amicitia with me!" "Let us in! Daemons are surrounding the place!" she cries out, just as the lever clicks opening. "Quickly," A man says, a few Glaive warping by them as head to face the daemons. There's a part of Prompto which feels he should help, yet his gun feels heavy in his hands, and he won't feel satisfied until he sees Iris inside, the task completely finished. She's the one to pull him in, the moment of hesitance enough for her to tug his hand forward, yanking him down the alleyway. "We did it!" she cheers, jumping up and down, her fists thrust into the air in a victory pose. "Thanks Prompto," she smiles.Relief is all he can feel, however, and his hands come to his thighs, his body collapsing to the ground. "I can't believe we made it," he whispers, panting a bit. It had been a long trek from Cape Caem, Prompto escorting Iris back to Lestallum after picking up supplies from a boat coming in from Altissa. Normally it would've been routine, had their car not broken down a mile out from Lestallum, and the closer they drew to people, the more concentrated the daemons were. Prompto was a good fighter, and he'd gotten even better in the last year or so (it had become a necessity), but Gladio was meant to be her escort until he’d passed the job off to Prompto saying ‘something had come up’ without elaborating any more.Honestly, he feels lucky they made it back to Lestallum alive. "I knew we'd make it!" Iris smiles, holding her hand out to Prompto. "I had complete, 100% faith in you. And I take it Gladdy did too, if he trusted to pass the job off to you." Interesting. Funny how Gladio trusts him to do something. Prompto can barely trust himself to get out of bed everyday, let alone protect Gladio’s only sister. 
He takes her small hand in his and pulls himself up, her small body swaying with the motion of his weight. It sometimes is so strange to him, how Iris and Gladio are siblings. They seem like such polar opposites, and yet their compassion, and desire to help others is exactly the same; Prompto can see it in her eyes.
"Well if we hadn't, your brother would've resurrected me if only to murder me again for not keeping you safe," he admits, a laugh coating his words. "Gladdy wouldn't be that bad, I don't think," Iris laughs. "But don't worry," she winks. "I'll tell him what a great job you did." "That would be awesome!" he snickers. "Maybe just leave out the whole car fiasco. What he doesn't know won't hurt 'im," Prompto winks back. "You got it," she giggles, the two high-fiving to seal the deal. It's true, what Gladio doesn't know won't hurt him, and for now, they're safe.
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glacialhero-blog · 7 years
                                          “ Hey ------ ” 
WIPING A LINE OF SWEAT from his browline, Snow saunters forward with a beaming grin. It isn’t very often that he finds a  w o r t h y  hand-to-hand opponent, especially one so... small. But he can’t deny that he’s  i m p r e s s e d  by the young woman across from him. She’s all slender muscles, sweet smiles, & big brown eyes. Their enemies will never suspect a thing from her.   
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                                           “ Not bad, kid! You’re comin’ along, ” he says, lowering a large gloved hand onto the top of her head to  r u f f l e  her shaggy locks. Then he’s pulling away to crack his knuckles, a display of charming confidence. “ Whaddaya say, huh? Think you’re ready to take me on for real? ”     
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slainheroics-blog · 7 years
@daemonslae && plotted.
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     their arms were propped upon a railing as they waited for the young iris outside her home. their eyes flick from place to place, taking in the sights of the noble district, far more beautiful and well kept than the district they lived in. not the nyx minded, really; being noble born came with much more limitations on what one could do, say, or even wear than they had, as a refugee and a member of the kingsglaive. a hum leaves their chest, before the door to the grand home behind them opens, and nyx turns with a smile, closer to a smirk, to the shorter young woman. “ you ready for a little fun? “ they ask, meaning their day on the town that lay before them. on paper, nyx was acting as a guard for iris, but they both knew she could look after herself.
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sabctenda-blog · 7 years
( 🌵 | @daemonslae )
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           ❝ will you take me to the market again? ❞ he tried to go at least once a week, after new deliveries were made to the shops, so he could look for a new cactuar figurine. he knew it was a long shot, but he liked to go and look anyways, and maybe buy a different trinket or two with the gil he’d saved up. 
           ❝ please? i promise i won’t take long! ❞
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voluntatem · 7 years
▲ + who would win in a fight: ardyn in leiderhosen or lunafreya dressed as garfield?
Send ▲ plus a question your muse has always wanted to ask mine, and my muse will answer without judgement! || @daemonslae
“The Accursed shall win this duel.”Leiderhosen or not, the Accursed wasthe Accursed.
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siliaeon · 7 years
’ I don’t know why, but overall it just smells like the color brown. ’
Eyes widened a bit, surprised by the girl’s unexpected remark. ( Perhaps… it did fit her. In some way… She reminded her of some other people she knew. )  
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❝Colors can smell? Really…?❞
Yuna was not denying the possibility. There was a lot she had yet to learn about or to experience; and she did her best to not remind herself of the many things she did not know yet. ( Somehow…it was saddening to remember this. ) Perhaps Lulu was right. She had not buried her former self just yet. But it was… not too bad to learn something new along her path. It was what made her smile and fall in love with the little moments she cherished.
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jjillekkot · 7 years
stop being so cute wtf??? // @daemonslae
There’s no way in Astral’s hell that Gladio would let either of them date. None. Remember that time they snuck out of the citadel to go to a party & there was the Crown’s car, guards in royal armor and all, to personally escort them away? Or how every time they look at magazines they’re whimsically discarded sometime later? 
If they wanted to experience anything, they’d have to do it themselves. In secret. Where Gladio couldn’t find out or hunt someone down. It’d be amongst themselves. So when she suggests that maybe they’ll just have to be each other’s first kiss, she doesn’t expect Iris to be so… enthusiastic. But she’ll take it!
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There’s no hesitance at all when Yuffie leans in, presses her lips against the other girl’s, melts a little against her touch. It feels like eternity, but she knows it’s only for a few seconds before she needs to catch her breath. It’s instinct for her to touch her mouth afterwards, as if she’s shocked she’s gone through with the action. But it’s done, and truly painless.
「 Sorry I’m not that cute, 」she apologizes. But at least it wasn’t too bad of an experience.
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leorugiet · 7 years
daemonslae replied to your post: (After talking extensively about it I now really...
does it buff their apologies or
new voice setting:
french (france)
>french (canada)
no real difference it’s just whenever the bros bump into each other or accidentally hit each other they say excusez-moi
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solusvici-blog · 7 years
daemonslae replied to your post: daemonslae replied to your post: ...
consider: it’s not freezing outside and can nap without being bundled up 8(
okay, taking it back, the true final offer: nap on her back while she collects the pumpkins. get some body warmth, fresh air, and the blissful feeling of receiving it while using zero energy
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arachnexdragoon · 7 years
Penny for your thoughts!
Send “Penny for your thoughts” to find out what my muse really thinks of yours
“People keep talking about Gladio, but Iris is an Amicitia too - fucking brave and one hell of a fighter during these dark years. Kinda see myself in her sometimes, too.”
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commandernochill · 7 years
looks around quickly for a murderous amicitia
sees none
“All right,” Loqi says, leaning forward and kissing Iris on the cheek. At least he doesn’t have to lean up for once.
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solusvici-blog · 7 years
daemonslae replied to your post: daemonslae replied to your post: ...
consider: couch naps
a compromise: nap in the car and nap again on the couch next to giant pumpkins, final offer
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commandernochill · 7 years
uh oh!
Our muses were given the same hotel suite! Send 🏩 to share the room for the night!
Uh oh indeed.
Loqi looked from the key in his hand to the extremely obvious Amicitia inside the room already.
“I’ll find another room,” he said immediately.
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shieldvowed-blog · 7 years
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        Displeasure was writ into the corners of his mouth as he tugged them down into a frown. While it was true he did not have the best record with Iris and her schooling he still tried his best to be there for her.
It was never often that he could.
He bit the inside of his cheek, chewing it until he tasted copper. This reminded him of a scene from his own childhood. With two elder brothers his mother with her duties never had time.
“I want a copy of your grades and your teachers numbers on my desk by the end of the week, Iris. Lest not only myself, but Regis show up at your school because I’ll drag him out the Citadel if I have to to find out about your progress.”
@daemonslae continued 
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