#daforge rp
kolinahr-spock · 6 months
Trying this again! I'm pretty new to the TNG fandom, so I have no idea how big the RP community is!
I'm in desperate search of a Data/Geordi RP! Here's a little about me as a writing partner -
I prefer multi-paragraph responses
I only RP over Discord or email
I only RP with people 18+ (with a preference for 21+)
I'd prefer to write Data, but since the potential partner pool is so small, I'd be happy to give Geordi a shot too! :)
Please DM me if you're interested!
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thatoneandroidboi · 3 years
Stardate 42110.29
I have been attempting abstract art in the style of Jackson Pollock today, and I have been highly successful in replicating the motions required to capture the chaotic nature of his work.
Unfortunately, I did not anticipate the mess, and neither did Geordi when he entered my quarters to observe me.
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💛 Do you have any ships you like that you’d like to RP?, 💚 Any unpopular ships you’d like to RP?
// ooc;; YES ACTUALLY THANKS FOR ASKING.  Do you have any ships you like that you’d like to RP? Uhh well I don’t really ship Data with anyone - but I love the idea of him learning about romance and all that. I think he’s fascinated with it (as he is with many social customs) and he would be even more curious after he gets his emotion chip. I have a lot of thoughts about Data being new and uncertain about that kind of thing and trying stuff... I also for some reason sorta ship Julian Bashir and my canon-divergent B-4. Or Data. Or...I don't know. UGH. I think I have this headcanon that Julian somehow was involved in bringing him back and just...I don’t know. I think I just really like Julian in general, even though I don’t know him really well. ANYWAY. Any unpopular ships you’d like to RP? I might have covered that with Data, but I don’t know...Spones is my OTP, does that count?! We are a small ship. A lifeboat, more. I don’t really ship Daforge, which I know a lot of people do...that’s kind of the opposite of the answer though, sorry.
Send a heart to ask the mun about ships!
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agaystarfleetcadet · 5 years
i rarely watch tng but the whole “sherlock holmes rp” thing is, in my mind, the absolute most definitive proof that daforge was supposed to be canon because i literally can not watch that scene without having an intense, cringe-fueled flashback to my repressed gay high school sherlock phase 
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shutupwestley-blog · 7 years
About me
New blog, not new to tumblr. Favorite blog atm is @moosopp-art . I need them to know i love them and they are ruining me. I adore how they draw the Soong boys and the way they portray Lore and B4 is perfection. Im going to blog a lot of star trek...like a LOT. Im so in love with the Soong boys its sad. I have no life. Im working on AU fanfiction that i will post but im SUPER open to rp as well. I dont ship DaForge but i respect that its there. Its just i tend to ship with my OCs. I wanna follow blogs that feature: Data Lore TNG RP Prompts Funny things I wanna fangirl so friend me pls?
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kolinahr-spock · 7 months
I'm relatively new to the TNG fandom, so I'm not sure what the demand is like... but I'm searching for a Data/Geordi RP partner!
I am 24 and only RP with people who are 18+
I prefer to write multi-paragraphs stories with my partner. I don't mind shorter replies from time to time, but I personally tend to be very wordy!
While I would prefer to write Data, I am super willing to give Geordi a go!
I love AUs, but they're not necessary for a good time/story! :)
I only RP over Discord or email
Please message me if you're interested!!
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