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Character Deaths
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Sakamaki Family
Karlheinz Sakamaki [wip]
Richard Sakamaki [wip]
Cordelia [wip]
Beatrix [wip]
Christa [wip]
Ririe (Shuu) Sakamaki [wip]
Reiji Sakamaki [wip]
Ayato Sakamaki [wip]
Kanato Sakamaki [wip]
Laito Sakamki [wip]
Subaru Sakamaki [wip]
Mukami Family
Ruki Mukami [wip]
Emilio (Kou) Mukami [wip]
Edgar (Yuma) Mukami [wip]
Azusa Mukami [wip]
Tsukinami Family
Giesbach [wip]
Krone [wip]
Felzein [wip]
Menae [wip]
Carla [wip]
Shin [wip]
Komori Family
Seiji Komori [wip]
Yui Komori [wip]
Other Characters
Burai [wip]
Zweig [wip]
Elberth [wip]
Yuuri [wip]
Count Walter [wip]
Reine de Aji [wip]
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reallyromealone · 7 months
Vampire knight chapter 3
Warnings: sakamakis are in this now, omegaverse , reader doesn't feel safe a few times, it's a whole thing
(name) woke with a headache, whenever he went more Omegan he was always tired and dizzy but he wasn't hungry, far from it actually.
Looking around he recognized the room as Kanames, everything perfectly placed and polished.
Stretching (name) moved to slip out of bed only for a pair of arms to keep him on the bed and turned to see Kaname asleep shirtless "are you present with us again?" Kanames voice gravelly and low and (name) tilted his head slightly before booking Kanames nose "I want cake..." (Name) said simply and paid no mind to how Kaname was acting after all, all the alphas in the night class treated him like this.
He had weird friends.
"You dropped this, thankfully it wasn't damaged" Kaname sat up and reached around (name) to the bedside table and practically held him in his arms as he showed him the forgotten bite collar "if you want to interact with humans you need to keep it on" Kaname instructs and (name) nodded and went to put it on but Kaname was faster, gently moving so he could fasten it around, the collar expensive and sturdy.
"(Name), are you excited for the club?" Ichigo asked the Omega who looked excited in his own (name) way, a sparkle in his eye and a small smile, nodding as he drank his psuedo-blood and some food, (name) was very interested in human food further than sweets these days.
"You must keep your grades up if you wish to continue, Kain will accompany you" (name) nodded and the smell of a happy Omega filled the room.
Toga was surprised (name) was actually awake during class even if he looked like he was ready to pass out, scribbling things on his notebook.
(Name) was excited as he went to the culinary club with Kain, the Alpha holding him close, hand resting comfortably at the small of the omegas back "(name)! Great to see you! Glad you're feeling better!" The president said and (name) nodded in return as the club members noticed Kain him "I have to accompany him" Kain said simply as he sat down in a corner, pulling out a book.
Kain was amused at how much fun was having, the Omega was expressionless but he knew the tells of when he was happy and the omega always got excited about human things.
And being around other omegas would be good for him, the Omega population at the school much higher due to it being recogized as an Omega safe place, most public schools segregating omegas but Cross Academy made a point to include omegas in all functions and classes.
Though he wasn't impressed with the Alpha who was blatantly flirting with (name), the sleepy vamp learning to make a cake and the human alpha was "helping" him and showing the Omega pictures of his pets on his phone "yeah back home I hace two dogs!" Another student spoke up "did you have pets (name)?" The Alpha asked and (name) shook his head, vampires didn't really have pets after all.
"Maybe one day I could show you mine?" The human said and (name) didn't reply as the cake finished cooling off "time to decorate!" Another member said happily.
Kain watched (name) try and decorate a cake and honestly? It was ugly as hell but the effort was adorable.
(Name) wandered towards his pack mate, a plate with a slice of cake sitting on it and Kain normally didn't care for human food, accepted it and took a bite "it's good" he said simply and (name) seemed pleased at the answer and accepted the forkful of cake from Kain, an indirect kiss not missed by the humans.
After the club ended Kain was ready to walk (name) back to the dorms as the Omega held cake for the others, Kain watching (name) drool over it.
"Hey!" A voice called out and the human alpha waved them down as he lightly jogged to them and Kain gave a slight glare at the human "I was wondering if possible you would want to go out on a date sometime?" (Name) looked confused at this, vampiric culture never used these terms "why would we stand on a date?"
Kain kept a straight face but found the confusion adorable but sadly so did the human "I mean like going out to dinner together"
"Oh... But I just had cake?"
"Then how about this weekend?"
"He can't" Kain shut this down immediately and the Alpha glared "what? You two together?"
Kain fucking wished.
"He already has pre arranged plans"
The Alpha deflated but didn't give up "maybe I could get your number?"
(Name) was confused, did he mean his student number?
Kain led (name) away and the Alpha reached to grab (name) who in turn grabbed his wrist, the Omega having a blank expression on his face before seeming to snap out and look at his hands "please don't touch me" he said unsure what to do as Kain walked him back to the night dorms.
(Name) let Kain scent him, a form of comfort as the Omega was rather uncomfortable with the interaction that had just transpired, the cake slightly smushed in the container.
"Exchange students?" Toga asked his mate who nodded, Cross hesitant as he spoke "new night class students, all brothers..." Toga could feel a headache bloom at these new students, he didn't even like the current night class.
"Well we're going to have to inform the current bloodsuckers"
(Name) watched everyone eat the cake curiously, the cake was honestly very very sweet but they are it because they didn't want to be sad about something he made.
"Are the day students treating you well?" Ichigo asked (name) who perked up "I learned to bake cookies and cakes... Tomorrow they want to teach me how to make Taiyaki and possibly rice balls..." (Name) said, clearly excited as he explained his day, Kain already informing Kaname about the incident.
(Name)s clear happiness was the only thing keeping him from pulling him from the club.
Maybe he would have to pay the club a visit with (name)...
(Name) managed to get his homework done with the help of the others and returned to his nest, a few of his pack mates clothes in hand for comfort.
"My my~ what a quant place" a voice rang from down stairs and (name) didn't understand why the voice filled him with an ice cold fear but he no longer felt safe as he closed the closet door.
He frankly wasn't interested in who was downstairs.
Shu closed his eyes as he smelt the air.
"He's here"
The others also smelt the air and Laito grinned and went to stop forward but was stopped by kaname who looked less than impressed "I can assure you whatever you're looking for isn't here"
"Our Omega is here, kindly remove yourself from us retrieving him" Reiji hissed out and the night class realized who they were talking about (name), the night class instantly getting extremely protective of their pack Omega.
"Ah! I see you all met!" Cross said with Toga who was armed and ready for anything to happen "students these will be your new night class dorm mates!"
Cross could feel the tension as he continued "and I did explain with your father but I will remind you gentlemen that biting any student will lead to immediate expulsion" And possibly getting shot but Cross had to keep it professional of course, didn't need anymore tension as the vampires death stared each other "is there an issue"
"Not at all" both parties said stiffly, this was vampire shit... They didn't need hunters getting in the way.
Besides the night class could protect their Omega fine.
Cross showed the newest...guests their rooms and explained some things "this is the heat room, since (name) is the only Omega in the night class it's primarily for him, there is a rut room on the other side of the building, during heats and ruts there will be security to make sure no one harasses students during a delicate time"
"Saturday's are a half day and Sundays are a full day off, after classes on Saturday you may dress in casual clothes that follow the dress code"
Cross explained things before leaving "and fighting will lead to suspension, we have ways of finding out"
When they were alone again, the Sakamakis realized one of the new vampires were missing "where's the short blond one" Subaru grunted out but the night class was quiet "I believe we have matters to discuss" Kaname changed the subject and the sakamakis looked at him hesitantly, they knew who he was and he knew who they were.
On levels they were equal.
"(Name)?" Aido said softly as (name) opened the door by just a crack to see his friend and let him in his nest "you smelt the new people" he asked and (name) snuggled into him "they smell... Wrong.." (name) couldn't figure it out, why they freaked him out so much... But he wanted to avoid them at all costs.
"They brought a human with them, Cross made her stay in the day class as to avoid any problems" (name) listened carefully as he clung to him "lord kaname is talking to him, you don't have to worry about a thing" he could smell distress from the Omega who just closed his eyes and let the blond talk.
(Name) stood with kaname today, the day students screaming as they saw the new students who enjoyed the attention "you will sit with me today, am I clear?" Kaname instructs the Omega who nodded quietly, ignoring the stares from his new classmates who stared at him in a way that made him wanna borrow zeros gun.
He especially tried to ignore the Omega girls stare, venom clear in her eyes as she looked at him with distain, Despite Yui being in the day class technically, she was on paper a night class student.
Clearly she was also used to being the only Omega as well.
Yui didn't like /her/ alphas paying attention to this omega, so what that she was human? She was way cuter than him!
The sakamaki brothers tried getting to (name) throughout class, kaname tried to keep (name) away from them as much as possible and even indulged his little whims to make sure he didn't stray off.
It was mid day when (name) woke, thirsty as he held his tablets in his hand as everyone else slept.
Or so he thought.
There was the blond, sleeping on the couch with headphones in...Shu he thought his name was... He was just getting a drink in and out.
Carefully he filled a glass and dropped a tablet "those things taste like shit" Shu spoke out lowly from behind (name) "you smell good..." He rumbled out his voice sleepy and calm as he tried to go near the omegas neck.
(Name) felt anxiety rush through him, a feeling he wasn't used to as he pushed the Alpha away violently, Shu in turn stared coldly "behave Omega" he said with venom in his tone, (name) hissing back "what's going on?" (Name) rushed to ichigo as rukia comforted him "attacking omegas is forbidden" kaname said coldly and Shuu glared at him "we were talking, nothing more" Shuu looked at (name) in a way that made him sick, he didn't like not feeling in a place he once felt safe in.
"(Name)?" Cross was confused as he saw the Omega with a pillow and blanket "I no longer wish to be in the night dorms, could I seek refuge here?" (Name) held a bag of candy as bribery and cross sighed.
"Come in"
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dialovers-translations · 11 months
DIABOLIK LOVERS ZERO Animate Tokuten Drama CD “A Vampire’s Late Night Snack Terror” [Laito ver.]
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Original title: 夜更かしヴァンパイアの食テロ飯 [ライト編]
Source: Diabolik Lovers ZERO Vol. 11 Animate Tokuten CD
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Hirakawa Daisuke
Translator’s note: I honestly always thought that Laito would be an absolute disaster in the kitchen, but he actually did a decent job serving as the MC’s assistant and making the dish. Sure, he will throw in a lot of inappropriate comments, but nothing was set on fire which is a huge achievement in my opinion, lol. I guess Laito really is the kind of guy who would be good at anything which requires fine motor skills. ...He trains his fingers on a regular basis after all. <u< *cough cough* 
Laito enters your room and creeps up to you.
“...Aah~ The lovely smell of my girl fresh out of the shower.”
“Oh come on, Bitch-chan. No need to be so surprised. It’s your beloved Laito-kun~”
You ask him what he’s doing here.
“Oh come on, you know very well why I’m here but you want to hear it from my mind? The only reason I’d sneak into your room at night would be to assault you in your sleep, no? I want to completely satisfy myself with your blood tonight. ...Well then, let me take off your clothes, okay~?”
You protest.
*Rustle rustle*
“I know that you’ve been suffering from anemia, so I’ll only have a couple of sips, okay?”
*Rustle rustle*
“Hmー You’re being really defiant today, aren’t you? I guess I’ll reconsider but I can’t just go back empty-handed either...You have to do something to still my hunger, or else I’ll tie you up and suck your blood by force anyway. ーーOh! Could that have been your objective all along? Geez, you should have just said so then~ I even anticipated for this kind of outcome and brought a rope with me!”
You shake your head.
“Why? Because I could see the situation developing in that sort of way? I’m always fully prepared to adjust all of your needs or wishes! ーー Right! Perhaps I should just tie myself up as well while I’m at it? Just imagine the two of just lying next to each other, our limbs intertwined...Aah~ I just tried to imagine it and it doesn’t sound half bad~”
You flinch.
“Well then...Shall we have some fun together, Bitch-chan~?”
*Rustle rustle*
You rush to the door and make a run for it.
“Ah! Bitch-chan!? Where are you going...!? Hey...!”
*Cling cling*
“Ahーah~ I guess this is what we’re going to do in the end, huh? I would have rather sucked your blood or gotten a little naughty together...”
“Oh well. I guess I’ll let you off the hook this time since I’ll get to enjoy your home-cooking. ーー So, what are you making?”
You explain.
“Heeh...Omurice (1), huh? Nice. You’ll draw a heart on top with ketchup, won’t you? Ah! Or maybe I should ask you to write ‘I love you, Laito-kun’, using your blood?”
You shake your head.
“Eh? No? I’m sure your thick, rich blood would season the dish to perfection though! ...Oh well, fine. I’ll let you do as you please this time. So, what should I do?”
You seem surprised at his willingness to help out.
“Hm? Of course I’ll help out! It’d be fun, kind of like we’re roleplaying as newlyweds! ー Ah! You can wear a frilly apron if you’d like!”
You shake your head.
“Geez. You’ve been so cold to me this whole time. I thought this would work fine as our first collaboration.”
*Chop chop chop*
“Oh? You’re starting already? ...Are you upset or something?”
*Chop chop chop*
“Hmー Fine, I guess it’s just my imagination then. You’re starting ty finely chopping up some onion and chicken breast, right? You can really tell you’re used to cooking.”
You tell him to start moving his hands as well.
“Yeah, yeah. I won’t just watch but get started on some of the preparations, okay?”
Laito grabs a frying pan.
“I’ll put the frying pan on the stove with a chunk of butter, then start melting it. ...Aah~ It’s starting to smell nice. Say? Don’t you think there’s something erotic about butter melting?”
You disagree with him.
“Eeh~? Don’t you think you’re a little stubborn today? You won’t play along with me at all.”
*Cling cling*
“Oh...Ah...I have to stir-fry all of the ingredients you just cut up, right? Roger~ I’ll put them in the pan just like you told me to.”
Laito adds the ingredients for the fried rice.
“Like this? What do we do afterwards?”
*Cling cling*
“You’re seasoning the whole thing already? Salt and pepper...and you’re adding ketchup as well? Fufu~ I love the color of ketchup. I kind of want to try putting it on you instead of my food and lap it up like that~”
You tell him off.
“Gosh...You really are strict today. Nfu~ Although I welcome that kind of ‘dominatrix’ (2) attitude with open arms~ If you’re going to scold me, I’d like of like it if you could also look down on me from abo...Aah...B-Bitch-chan? Giving me the cold shoulder hurts my poor little heart, you know?”
You continue to ignore him.
“Hello? Earth to Bitch-chan! ...Haah...Fine! I’ll stop saying things that’ll distract you from cooking! ...It’s just so boring when you won’t give me any attention. ...Hey, Bitch-chan! Cheer up, please!”
*Rustle rustle*
“I’m happy that you’re going out of your way to make this for me! I genuinely feel that way! So let’s have fun cooking, okay?”
You nod.
“You’ll forgive me? Nfu~ Thank you! I love how you’re so easy to win over~”
You get upset again.
“Hm~? Oh, you must be hearing things! I never called you ‘easy’ or anything! ...Well then, I’ll add in the seasonings and stir the whole thing around, okay? What else should I do?”
*Cling cling*
“Ah, you’re adding in the rice now, I see? ...Mmh~ Quick and easy chicken rice!”
“There we go, that should do for the inside part. Ahー I’ll transfer it into a bowl, okay? ...Which means it’s finally time to get started on the eggs, right?”
You nod and start cracking eggs before mixing them.
“Huh? You’re adding in a splash of milk with the eggs as well?”
You nod.
“Heeh...I learnt something new today. Eh? You don’t mind if do it? I suppose I’ll give it a shot as long as you give me some instructions!”
He turns on the stove again.
“First you pour the mixture into the pan, then carefully stir it up...”
*Thud thud*
“I have to turn off the stove as soon as it’s cooked halfway through, right? Hmー I guess that would be about now?” 
“Next I put the chicken rice from earlier in the middle. ...There. Now I have to fold over the egg but isn’t that surprisingly difficult?” 
You cheer him on.
“...’Good luck’, you say!? ...You turn into a horrible sadist at times, don’t you? Oh well, I’ll just think of this as part of the roleplay and enjoy it either way~”
Laito flips the egg so it’s all around the rice.
“...There we go! Mmh! It turned out nicely!”
You seem impressed.
“What’s wrong? Your eyes are nearly popping out of your head! Did you think I’d mess up, perhaps? Fufu~ Too bad~ I’ve got great fine motor skills.”
“There you go, I put it onto a plate for you. I think I’ll leave the finishing touches to you. ...Here, the bottle of ketchup!”
“You can write whatever you want! Whether it’s your feelings of love for me, or something you can’t bring yourself to say out loud otherwise. Your pick!”
You start decorating the top with ketchup.
“Oh? Just a regular heart? Oh well, that’s cute too, so I suppose I’ll take it. Well then, it’s done!”
*Dun dun dun*
“A gooey omurice filled with love!”
*Clap clap clap*
“It was fun making it together, wasn’t it? Made me feel like a newly wed couple. I would have loved to cover you in ketchup and gobble you up instead but...”
You puff out your cheeks.
“Oh come on, I’m just joking! Don’t glare at me like that! ...More importantly, let’s eat it while it’s hot! Come on, feed me! Aahn~”
You seem hesitant.
“You can do this much, right? Here. Aahn~”
“Aahn ...Mmh...Delicious! The half-boiled eggs really melt in your mouth! The chicken rice isn’t too strong in flavor either, which makes it easy to eat. ...No need to be so modest, it really does taste great! I’m sure you could serve this at a restaurant! Honestly, I feel bad getting this free. Ah, right! Should I pay you in some kind of way? I’ll do whatever you wish! As long as you beg for it, absolutely anything!”
You tell him it’s fine.
“Oh come on, there you go again~ I’m sure my greedy Bitch-chan has at least one or two things she wants, no? Come on, try asking me to eat you instead with that cute voice of yours!”
You shake your head.
“Look at you acting all pure and innocent again. ...Ah! Could it be that you’ve been acting cold to me the whole time on purpose? ...Geez, you little cutie~!”
You sigh.
“Hm...~ Let me think, if you can’t bring yourself to say it, perhaps I should take the initiative instead? To reward you for making me such a delicious meal. Say, I can order dessert as well, right?”
You tell him that there’s no time to make one. 
“Oh geez! You know exactly what I mean! You won’t need to prepare anything for it. There’s a sweet treat right in front of my eyes already after all~”
He wraps his arms around you.
“Please let me indulge in you fully once I’ve finished my plate~? I promise that I’ll make you feel heavenly to reward you for your efforts~”
ーー THE END ーー
Translation notes
(1) Omurice is a very popular and fairly easy Japanese dish consisting of fried rice (usually made with white rice, chicken, peas, onion and ketchup) which is then topped with an omelette. Some versions will cut the egg open and pour demi-glace sauce on top, but the top of also commonly decorated with more ketchup.
(2) He calls it ‘queenly’ attitude in Japanese. 
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atomic-taco-muffin · 1 year
please remake the Kanato nsfw twt links🙏🙏🙏
Since the recent news about Twitter and me not risking the so called "rate-limit" this will be the last of the Twitter porn series. If Twitter ever gets its shit fixed, then I will start it again. But until then, this is the last one
Kanato Twt Links (remake)
Warnings: What the title says.
Rating: NSFW under the cut
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Okay, in the last one, I said that he would be into food play but I couldn't find a video. This is the closest thing I could find for it.
I think he's the kind of guy who loves cumming in your mouth. He would practically train you to drink it whenever he wants you too
He HATES to admit it, but he loves it when you suck on his chest. His moans and whimpers are so cute
Yeah, he's the type of guy who would tie you up and use your body. And yes, there will be multiple bite and puncture marks as well.
He loves to dress you up in cute lingerie and (sometimes little accessories such as cat ears) just use your body to make him feel good. He's trained you so well
Dom him. Just...just do it. Trust me
In the rare instance that he's being soft and gentle, he will light some candles and let you ride him. But don't expect to be in charge the whole time. He will have his hands on your hips the entire time
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Route; Full Masterlist
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001. DIABOLIK LOVERS Haunted Dark Bridal [WIP]
002. DIABOLIK LOVERS More, Blood [WIP]
003. DIABOLIK LOVERS Vandead Carnival [WIP]
005. DIABOLIK LOVERS Lunatic Parade [WIP]
007. DIABOLIK LOVERS Chaos Lineage [WIP]
001. DIABOLIK LOVERS Do-S Kyuuketsu [WIP]
004. DIABOLIK LOVERS Character Song [WIP]
005. DIABOLIK LOVERS More, Blood [WIP]
006. DIABOLIK LOVERS More, More Blood [WIP]
007. DIABOLIK LOVERS Limited V Edition [WIP]
008. DIABOLIK LOVERS Bloody Bouquet [WIP]
009. DIABOLIK LOVERS Eternal Blood [WIP]
010. DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene [WIP]
011. DIABOLIK LOVERS Grand Edition [WIP]
013. DIABOLIK LOVERS Born to Die [WIP]
001. Official Tweets [WIP]
003. DIABOLIK LOVERS Visual Fanbook [WIP]
004. DIABOLIK LOVERS Anime Official Fanbook [WIP]
005. DIABOLIK LOVERS More, Blood Official Fanbook [WIP]
006. DIABOLIK LOVERS Vandead Carnival Official Fanbook [WIP]
007. DIABOLIK LOVERS 5th Anniversary Book [WIP]
008. DIABOLIK LOVERS Short Stories [WIP]
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Route Masterlist; Ray Tsukinami
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001. DIABOLIK LOVERS Haunted Dark Bridal [WIP]
002. DIABOLIK LOVERS More, Blood [WIP]
003. DIABOLIK LOVERS Vandead Carnival [WIP]
005. DIABOLIK LOVERS Lunatic Parade [WIP]
007. DIABOLIK LOVERS Chaos Lineage [WIP]
001. DIABOLIK LOVERS Do-S Kyuuketsu [WIP]
004. DIABOLIK LOVERS Character Song [WIP]
005. DIABOLIK LOVERS More, Blood [WIP]
006. DIABOLIK LOVERS More, More Blood [WIP]
007. DIABOLIK LOVERS Limited V Edition [WIP]
008. DIABOLIK LOVERS Bloody Bouquet [WIP]
009. DIABOLIK LOVERS Eternal Blood [WIP]
010. DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene [WIP]
011. DIABOLIK LOVERS Grand Edition [WIP]
013. DIABOLIK LOVERS Born to Die [WIP]
001. Official Tweets [WIP]
003. DIABOLIK LOVERS Visual Fanbook [WIP]
004. DIABOLIK LOVERS Anime Official Fanbook [WIP]
005. DIABOLIK LOVERS More, Blood Official Fanbook [WIP]
006. DIABOLIK LOVERS Vandead Carnival Official Fanbook [WIP]
007. DIABOLIK LOVERS 5th Anniversary Book [WIP]
008. DIABOLIK LOVERS Short Stories [WIP]
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taidana8 · 1 year
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"Zofie Mohn has probably landed the biggest commission of her young career. As an art student, she is tasked with portraying the sons of the famous politician Tougo Sakamaki. Not only will she be living with her employer until the completion of her assignment, but Zofie will also receive a scholarship to continue her studies at the prestigious Ryoutei Academy. Things couldn't be going better for her. But what was that saying again? If something is too good to be true, then it probably is."
This is Zofie. She is my new Diabolik Lovers OC, and I already love her. She is a free spirit with a dream of making a living through her art. The outfit she's wearing is her old attire.
If you have any questions about Zofie, feel free to ask me. :)
I will share her story and also some fan art of Diabolik Lovers.
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generic-dl-fan · 5 months
The lack of tagging key words on posts about Official DL content like art/tweets/ect or anything at all bothers me so much
Like thank you for posting pictures of (insert name of official art), now if only I could find it by looking it up
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rems-rp-account · 6 months
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Admin Info
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Hello, I go by Rem
I am 19
And go by any pronouns
Also, I am German, English is a second language to me, please be patient.
Rp Info
I am a literate RPer but I can do simpler styles as well.
I enjoy rping romance, angst, horror, and smut
Please note that I am busy on Monday-Thursday from 9am - 4pm with life stuff unless I state otherwise
Cc x cc, Oc x Cc, Oc x Oc are all welcome
We don’t have to rp within a fandom
The ones I am into right now are Bongou Stray Dogs and Daibolik Lovers.
0 notes
rainstormcolors · 5 months
I decided to try watching Daibolik Lovers because I'm bored and it's kind of
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Master List
[7/142 total completed]
[1/31 complete]
Sakamaki Family
Karlheinz Sakamaki [wip]
Richard Sakamaki [wip]
Cordelia [wip]
Beatrix [wip]
Christa [wip]
Ririe (Shuu) Sakamaki [wip]
Reiji Sakamaki [wip]
Ayato Sakamaki [wip]
Kanato Sakamaki [wip]
Laito Sakamki [wip]
Subaru Sakamaki [wip]
Mukami Family
Ruki Mukami [wip]
Emilio (Kou) Mukami[wip]
Edgar (Yuma) Mukami [wip]
Azusa Mukami [wip]
Tsukinami Family
Giesbach [wip]
Krone [wip]
Felzein [completed]
Menae [wip]
Carla [wip]
Shin [wip]
Komori Family
Seiji Komori [wip]
Yui Komori [wip]
Other Characters
Burai [wip]
Zweig [wip]
Elberth [wip]
Yuuri [wip]
Count Walter [wip]
Reine de Aji [wip]
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Daibolik Lovers Media
[4/104 complete]
Games [wip]
001. DIABOLIK LOVERS Haunted Dark Bridal
002. DIABOLIK LOVERS More, Blood
003. DIABOLIK LOVERS Vandead Carnival
005. DIABOLIK LOVERS Lunatic Parade
007. DIABOLIK LOVERS Chaos Lineage
Drama CDs [wip]
001. DIABOLIK LOVERS Do-S Kyuuketsu
003. DIABOLIK LOVERS Character Song
004. DIABOLIK LOVERS More, Blood
005. DIABOLIK LOVERS Limited V Edition
007. DIABOLIK LOVERS Vandead Carnival
008. DIABOLIK LOVERS More, Blood Limited V Edition
009. DIABOLIK LOVERS More Character Song
011. DIABOLIK LOVERS Bloody Bouquet
013. DIABOLIK LOVERS Lunatic Parade
015. DIABOLIK LOVERS Sadistic Songs
017. DIABOLIK LOVERS Eternal Blood
018. DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene
019. DIABOLIK LOVERS Grand Edition
022. DIABOLIK LOVERS Chaos Lineage
023. DIABOLIK LOVERS Born to Die
024. DIABOLIK LOVERS More, More Bloodl
Manga [wip]
004. DIABOLIK LOVERS Fan-made Manga
Anime [completion in progress]
Diabolik Lovers (2013 • 2 seasons)
Official art/Merchandise
???. Chaos League Jewelry [complete]
???. Bloody Banquet (2024) [complete]
???. Merry Christmas (2014) [complete]
Music [wip]
001. BAD HOWLING-惡意共鳴-
002. Diabolik Lovers Bloody Scream
003. Diabolik Lovers Bloody Songs -SUPER BEST III-
004. Diabolik Lovers Bloody Songs -SUPER BEST Ⅱ-
005. Diabolik Lovers Bloody Songs -SUPER BEST-
006. Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE Soundtrack CD
007. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.1 Ayato Sakamaki (character CD)
008. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.10 Reiji Sakamaki (character CD)
009. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.2 Kanato Sakamaki (character CD)
010. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.3 Ruki Mukami (character CD)
011. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.4 Kou Mukami (character CD)
012. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.5 Laito Sakamaki (character CD)
013. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.6 Subaru Sakamaki (character CD)
014. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.7 Yuma Mukami (character CD)
015. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.8 Azusa Mukami (character CD)
016. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.9 Shu Sakamaki (character CD)
017. Diabolik Lovers MORE,BLOOD Original Soundtrack+Drama
018. Diabolik Lovers Original Soundtrack
019. Diabolik Lovers Sadistic Song Vol.1 Ayato Sakamaki (character CD)
020. Diabolik Lovers Sadistic Song Vol.2 Kanato Sakamaki (character CD)
021. Diabolik Lovers Sadistic Song Vol.3 Laito Sakamaki (character CD)
022. Diabolik Lovers Sadistic Song Vol.4 Shu Sakamaki (character CD)
023. Diabolik Lovers Sadistic Song Vol.5 Reiji Sakamaki (character CD)
024. Diabolik Lovers Sadistic Song Vol.6 Subaru Sakamaki (character CD)
025. Diabolik Lovers VERSUS SONG Requiem (2) Bloody Night Vol.1 Ayato VS Subaru
026. Diabolik Lovers VERSUS SONG Requiem (2) Bloody Night Vol.2 Ruki VS Azusa
027. Diabolik Lovers VERSUS SONG Requiem (2) Bloody Night Vol.3 Carla VS Shin
028. Diabolik Lovers VERSUS SONG Requiem (2) Bloody Night Vol.4 Reiji VS Kanato
029. Diabolik Lovers VERSUS SONG Requiem (2) Bloody Night Vol.5 Kou VS Yuma
030. Diabolik Lovers VERSUS SONG Requiem (2) Bloody Night Vol.6 Shu VS Laito
031. Diabolik Lovers Vol.1 Ayato Sakamaki (character CD)
032. Diabolik Lovers Vol.2 Kanato Sakamaki (character CD)
034. Diabolik Lovers Vol.3 Laito Sakamaki (character CD)
035. Diabolik Lovers Vol.4 Subaru Sakamaki (character CD)
036. Diabolik Lovers Vol.5 Shu Sakamaki (character CD)
037. Fanatic of Night
038. Guilty×Guilty!!!
039. Kindan no 666
040. Kyūai Labyrinth
041. Midnight Pleasure
044. Unlimited Blood
Other [wip]
001. Official Tweets
003. DIABOLIK LOVERS Visual Fanbook
004. DIABOLIK LOVERS Anime Official Fanbook
005. DIABOLIK LOVERS More, Blood Official Fanbook
006. DIABOLIK LOVERS Vandead Carnival Official Fanbook
007. DIABOLIK LOVERS 5th Anniversary Book
008. DIABOLIK LOVERS Short Stories
009. DIABOLIK LOVERS ZERO Voiced Interviews
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[2/7 complete]
Locations [wip]
Races [completed]
Endzeit [wip]
Fact/Vocabulary sheet [wip]
Timeline [wip]
Game guide
Richters writings
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raamitsu · 2 years
Bestie have you ever watched daibolik lovers? If you did whats your fav mine is yuma and ayato
GURL WHAT- 🧍🏻‍♀️
oh yeah btw i did, back in my teen age and i hated it 💀 it’s cringy to me bestie I’m sorry 😭
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atomic-taco-muffin · 1 year
Hello, happy new year:3 hope you doing great <33 can you do Mafia! Husband Subaru sakamaki x reader? (If you're comfortable) thankss
MMF! This is gonna have me and a lot of other people in a chokehold! Hope you enjoy! I’m gonna make these headcanons, I hope that’s okay with you
Mafia!Subaru Sakamaki x GN!Reader Headcanons
Warnings: Mentions of blood and violence but it’s mostly fluff
Rating: SFW
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Okay first off, this man has so many rings on his fingers it makes the veins on them look pretty! 
Not to mention the beautiful tattoos he has on his body. His favorite one is the one on his back. 
Anyway, onto how the two of you met and became the hot couple you are. 
So being the youngest in the mafia family, Subaru doesn’t have a lot of power which causes him to get teased by his brothers. Specifically Laito and Ayato.
Anyway, after a day of dealing with his brother’s bullshit, Subaru needed a night to relax. And what better way of doing that than heading to his favorite bar 
Just when he thought he was gonna have a calm night, a couple of douchebags decided to harass you which made Subaru pissed off (he a good boi! I love his man so much)
He warned said douchebags but did they listen? Nope! But thankfully, Subaru had a plan B. He always did. 
So after beating them shitless to the point where the blood made them unrecognizable, Subaru took you somewhere far away from them to give you some time to calm down. 
You thanked him and invited him to your place to share some food and get to know each other. 
Subaru immediately agreed, not wanting to go home just yet. 
The two of you spent all night talking and ended up falling asleep on each other. 
Subaru obviously hid the fact that he was in a mafia. He doesn’t want you finding out just yet. Only when he trusts you enough, he’ll tell you. 
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What kinda music do you listen to?
"I love pop and more up beat music, one of my favorite artists is cloudy Jane! <3"
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adiabolikpastel · 2 years
I have some ideas/headcanons about the different kingdoms and clans that are in the Demon World, (I hope you like them).
Vibora's kingdom is to the west of the Demon World.
Viboras are the closest allies of the vampires.
They possess a lot of political and economic power.
Their castle is known to be extremely beautiful and elegant (the bastards like to show off their wealth and good taste).
Viboras are famous for the beautiful flowers that grow in their lands, however, many of them are poisonous, (Reiji loves to study the effects that the poisons of these flowers have).
Vibora's territory is very similar in architecture and landscapes to modern Germany.
Viboras are also known to have some of the most luxurious districts in the Demon World, specializing in jewelry, fashion and perfumery.
The boutiques in vibora territory are the most exclusive and elegant.
Viboras are excellent swordsmen, they are also expert users of dark magic.
The wolf clan is located in the north of the Makai.
Their territories are surrounded by huge snow-capped mountains and inhospitable forests that almost no one dares to enter. Nevertheless, its districts are quite peaceful and beautiful, (if I had to compare the wolf territory with any real country, it would be Romania).
King Eberto's castle is located deep in the forest.
Wolves are excellent hand-to-hand combatants and their monstrous strength surpasses that of any demon.
Wolves sell the best meat in the Demon World.
Wolves suffer from the most brutal winters.
Adler territory is located east of the Makai.
Adlers have several natural wonders, their spectacular cliffs and beautiful beaches (mostly unspoiled) are a major tourist attraction.
Adlers have a powerful military force, however, they prefer to maintain good relations with the other clans and avoid conflict.
They are a fairly wealthy society due to the fact that their mountains are rich in precious stones.
The castle of the adler king is located on top of a cliff by the sea, (something very similar to the Cair Paravel castle from the Chronicles of Narnia).
The bat clan's territories are south of the Makai.
They are the richest and most powerful clan in the Demon World.
Their territories are the largest and have all kinds of landscapes; from forests, rivers and mountains to beautiful beaches.
Karlheinz is the only king to own two castles: the Sakamaki family castle and Eden, both located on top of a mountain so that everyone in the Makai can contemplate them in all their splendor.
Vampires, like viboras, are expert users of black magic.
It is well known that vampires traffic in human beings, they sell them as slaves to the other clans.
The Founders' territory is in the farthest part of the Makai, beyond the north.
The Banmaden is the largest castle in the Demon World and is on top of a cliff by the sea, (like the adler castle).
The Founders are separated from the rest of the Demon World thanks to the high and extensive mountain ranges that surround their territory, (something like the Carpathian Mountains in Romania).
The Founders are obviously the most powerful demons that have ever existed, and if it weren't for the endzeit they would still be ruling.
I know my descriptions must have been somewhat repetitive and boring, but in all the official CGs where Rejet shows us what the demon realm in Diabolik Lovers is like, there are forests, mountains, beaches, cliffs and waterfalls, (also, all the architecture reminds me a lot of the gothic architecture of Germany and other countries in Europe). I think Rejet's intention was to create a luxurious world full of nature and beautiful landscapes.
By the way, sorry for my shitty english.
Before I dissect and dive into this - lemme just say - you, my sweet anon, are a blessing.
Whomever you may be, thanks for sharing all of your thoughts with me. You have gone so far above and beyond - Reject needs to hire you now. The vivid picture you have painted with these ideas are simply *chef's kiss* beautiful.
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Due to the length of my response, I will place my thoughts under the cut.
I think that a lot of your ideas are spot on with them! Since the Vibora are the current 'heads' of the demon realm, it makes sense for them to have a more luxurious kingdom. Considering their main ruler is Burai - who is seen as this picture of pristine, it stands to say that their kingdom would be immaculate.
The thought that this kingdom feeds into the idea of Gluttony is a big thing for me. I feel like your head cannons align with that! Having extravagant buildings and their natural environment's flourish.
I simply adore the idea of the architecture you picked out - Germany is a perfect idea. There is such a balance of industry and nature. I feel like the Vibora are a perfect fit for that! They are modern, yet still in the old ways.
When I look at the Mukai, I think of it as something connected yet also completely disconnected from the Human World. We can see that similarities, yet their way of living is something that has evolved past what we have now - yet looks like something we used to know. If that makes any sense! The Vibora clan, in particular I believe, has this vibe the most.
Their way of living is both evolved beyond what human's have - yet if you give them a smart phone, they have no idea what that is. Something so primitive - yet advanced all at the same time. Their proficiencies in magic have advanced their society beyond what other's have.
This is mostly due to the involvement of their King. Burai is VERY involved in the affairs of his people. Simply for the fact that they are a reflection of himself. There are no slums in the Vibora Kingdom - like we saw in young blood - as Burai does not allow those types to live in his immediate presence. While I don't think their is a wall around the Kingdom - he does toy with the idea often.
I think that only demons who can maintain a beautiful form are allowed to call this place home. While not all of them are Vibora, the greater population is. If a demon cannot present itself in a dignified manner, they are not allowed to live within the kingdom's boarders.
The group of demon lords that I have thoughts about the least - and your head cannons got a good idea going! I think that the idea of them working more in a more natural environment checks out for them. When we think of a predator in nature, one of the top things people will say is a wolf.
Romania is so beautiful - and I think they embrace and build around nature, rather than try to be apart form it. That is an ideal location for the wolves! Building their communities as a part of their natural environment, and proving themselves by living in a more rough terrain.
While I do agree that there would be unity and peace under King Eberto, I think that fighting would be a traditional means of communication. Something like an unspoken language for all of them, that dictates a hierarchy. From all of the different major demon races, wolves are the only ones that actually have a pack. To them, there is nothing more important than their people. So, while there is no inner conflicts with one another, I think that authorities do get tested with the youth from time to time.
I think that, they more than any other, do not simply allow the child of their king to take over. While we do not know if Eberto is Gottfried's son, we do know that he is the current King. In the Wolf culture the strongest leads the pack. So, if Gottfried's children were not strong enough, they would not succeed their father.
Demons who are more in touch with their natural forms are the ones who live here. While that does not apply to those who would make trouble - more so those who simply wish to be in touch with their inner selves. So there are no rampaging demons - but do not be surprised if you see a more wolves, dogs, or cats before you see 'people'.
Oh my sweet birds~ I am sad that there is literally nothing on them - other than the fact that they exist. I have talked about them before: here.
The idea of their kingdom being full of wonder is what stands out to me! The views from high above the kingdom are like none other in the entire Mukai. They natural beauty of their territories' are awe inspiring. I love the idea of them having beaches! That's an idea I had never thought of, but can totally see.
As far as combat goes, I think that, yes they would have a notably capable military force. However, as you said, I think they would refrain from conflict as much as possible. They are truly neutral in fights, and while it was stated in Lost Eden that they were apart of the war, I feel they only get involved when they need to.
Money to them - isn't something they worry about. Sure, they kingdom stays thriving, but I believe it's mostly due to the individual work they put into it. My head cannon's for their society is a value of freedom. Their king does not force himself into their daily lives. He allows them to take care of themselves, and leaves it up to them to take care of their territory.
While sure there are rules in place, they are more so taught to the children and the way they are raised. They are brought up being taught that they are all individuals of a larger picture. That what they do matters and makes a difference for everyone - as such - be conscious of your decision. Live your desire's but do so in a way that wont harm others.
I agree that the castle of the king is up on a high location. It is rather large, but only for the fact that there is so much open space. The king does not keep himself locked away in the castle - rather - they move throughout the kingdom freely. Or they are simply away. I feel it can be a hard time to get ahold of him at times.
Most of the residence in this kingdom are some breed of bird based. While there are a few that make their homes on the ground, most of the citizens have wings to get form place to place. Since they have an ocean, there are also plenty of semi-aquatic races that call this home as well.
While they are definitely the richest and most powerful - they do not show it. Since Karlheniz prefers to work in private - his kingdom reflects that. He does not see to the matters of this people, and frankly because of that, things have gotten rather violent. While none of them dare to challenge him - I think that there would be conflict with the different territories.
This kingdom is where you would see an over arching lack of community - and that's mostly because of the lack of a leader. While Karlheniz does enforce his own will, he does not govern his people. They are simply not to mess with him, or declare fights with others without him. I like to think there is a council of all the different races in his kingdom who run things for their own unique race inside the kingdom.
They all meet with Karlheinz once in a while - or at least his image - and present matters to him. To which he will either deal with or ignore. These select few would have been picked by Karlheniz himself, and they would be the ones who live in the 'castle' which everyone can see and have access to.
I think that Eden castle is more Karl's personal estate - where he have all of his work done. This is where he would entertain other leaders from the major kingdoms -but not for his people. Billy the demon could not get into Eden so easily.
The idea that they traffic humans is perfect. I think that the members of this kingdom do the most harm to the human world. Whether it's through kidnapping or simply tormenting in their own world - the Bat Kingdom's people are ruthless to these lesser beings.
This, I think, is because aside from the Bat clan - the demons of the kingdom are rather weak. They might find strength in numbers, but they are not too powerful. Not that something as weak as say a Lapin (rabbit demon) - but they are not strong.
With such a diverse landscapes, there are many different kinds of demon who call this kingdom home. While perhaps not the 'slums' of the Mukai, it's definitely the most crime ridden. Races that think for themselves and do not form lasting attachments thrive in this kingdom. In fact, a Bat demon is one of the more rarer sights to the population.
While their kingdom was great, all such things fall to ruin. The once immaculate buildings are now dilapidated and have crumbled to the ground. Since this kingdom lay beyond the mountains in the north, only those of the purest of bloods had made their homes here. The citizens have long since moved on from the area, having to make a home in the other kingdoms.
I think that the territory now lays abandon - a finally curtsy left behind by Karlheinz. While he did kill and de-throne their king, he left everything once that happened. Endzeit took the lives of the people who were of the blood. And the kingdom itself has become lost to history.
While there is no official cannon of this, I like to think there is an entire underwater kingdom in the Mukai. There are so many aquatic like demons that could exists, and I believe they have a home as well.
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Diabolik Lovers Zero Vol. 12 Azusa Mukami [Track 5]
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Original title: その肖像画は寄り添っていた
Source: Diabolik Lovers Zero Vol. 12 Azusa Mukami [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Kishio Daisuke
Translator’s note: I really like how several drama CDs have hinted at Azusa being artistic/enjoying stuff like painting or drawing so far! I haven’t played any of his game routes so I don’t know if it is mentioned there as well, but as a hobbyist artist myself, I think it’s really cute! It honestly fits him quite well too because a lot of people use art to cope with some sort of pain/struggle as well. If so, drawing is definitely a better way to handle it than hurting yourself. ;;
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5
Track 5: Said Painting Nestled Close
“...I should add just...a little more color to the...eyes...”
Azusa works on his painting.
“Oh...Also! The lips too...”
He adds another layer of paint. 
“Mmh. I’m almost done. ...Just keep still, okay? I’ll make sure you turn out incredibly cute.”
You smile, curious to see the end result. 
“Mmh~ Look forward to it, okay?”
*Scribble scribble*
“If your painting were to be the only thing to remain...and I were to be left behind while you are gone...I wonder what I would do...?”
You frown, asking Azusa what prompted this sudden thought. 
“Ah...I remembered the guy at the museum...What happens to a person when their precious someone suddenly passes away...leaving a large, gaping hole behind in your heart...?”
You struggle to answer his question. 
“If that were to happen...I honestly don’t know what I would do either...I’m sure I wouldn’t be able to burden said grief all by myself forever so...”
You get up from the chair and walk over to Azusa.
“Eh? ...Huh? I’m still working on the drawing...What’s wrong?”
You wrap your arms around him.
You reassure him. 
“Ah...Yeah...Right. You’ll be by my side...forever. ...Say, you won’t leave me no matter what?”
You promise.
“...Mmh. Right. Even if I were to end up in a similar situation as his...I definitely would not leave you all by yourself. ...Say, let’s promise to stay together forever...Face this way, okay? Mmh...”
“...Fufu~ You’ve turned red...all the way to your ears. So cute...But...This might not be sufficient...To ensure that our promise doesn’t disappear...I want to leave a mark on you personally.”
You agree.
“Mmh. Feel it plenty...Okay?”
Azusa bites you.
*Gulp gulp*
“Haah...It’s really sweet...Almost as if you were waiting...to have your blood sucked by me. However...These will probably fade in no time...”
You whine.
“Hehe~ Does it ache...? I’ll bite a little stronger, okay...?”
*Gulp gulp*
“Haah...Mmh~ You’re so cute...My fangs have left behind a deep mark. If the wound were to start to heal, beginning to fade away...I’ll put a new one, okay? So we can stay together, forever...”
*Rustle rustle*
“Shall we finish the painting tomorrow...? I’m pretty sure...Ruki will come and call us for dinner soon as well...Also...I want to stay snuggled up to you...just a little longer...”
You agree.
“Let’s be together, okay? ...No matter what happens...From here on out, for eternity..”
ーー THE END ーー
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