#dailyprompt 2169
ijobcom · 5 months
Jetez-y un œil
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spirit-immersion · 3 months
Deus quer te usar. Você vai permitir?
Pr. helio peixoto filho Palavra de hoje: “Vendo ele a Pedro e João, que iam entrar no templo, implorava que lhe dessem uma esmola. Pedro, fitando-o, juntamente com João, disse: Olha para nós. Ele os olhava atentamente, esperando receber alguma coisa. Pedro, porém, lhe disse: Não possuo nem prata nem ouro, mas o que tenho, isso te dou: em nome de Jesus Cristo, o Nazareno, anda!” (Atos 3:3-6) O…
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taquela16 · 5 months
Bloganuary writing promptIn what ways do you communicate online?View all responses ~ My Life As A Mom
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makenzieswhimsy · 5 months
summer of 2014
What makes you feel nostalgic? Hearing Super Rich Kids by Frank Ocean throws me back into my best friends bedroom, June 2014, every time. It’s late morning and sunlight streams in through the massive windows to illuminate the mirrored wall on the opposite side. Sandalwood incense smoke billows up to caress the ivy hanging above, with the sunlight making the silver walls almost iridescent. Bowl…
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meska-short · 5 months
Nostalgie auf vier Rädern: Meine Liebe zum MINI
Was lässt dich nostalgisch werden? Nostalgie ist ein Gefühl, das oft unerwartet kommt, aber immer willkommen ist. Für mich als begeisterten MINI-Fahrer ist es der Blick auf meinen MINI, der mich in Wellen der Nostalgie schwelgen lässt. Dieser kleine, aber feine Flitzer zählt heute als Youngtimer und wird als moderner Klassiker gefeiert. Doch was genau weckt bei mir diese tiefe Sehnsucht nach…
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my-autistic-self · 5 months
Random Prompt #93
What makes you feel nostalgic? I feel nostalgic when I have a Samsung Galaxy flip phone and a Fujifilm Instax mini. They remind me of the simple things as a child, and I’m this old. Hehe. I never liked big-screen phones or wide-open phones to fit my pockets. I was planning to use the Fujifilm for collages or some sort.
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aldocerandaz · 5 months
Sentimientos recuerdos y experiencias: Un viaje al pasado
What makes you feel nostalgic? Estar con personas con las que sentimos experiencias fuertes, recordar y traer al presente cada momento me llenan de nostalgia y sentimiento. La Luna modera la oscilación de la Tierra sobre su eje, lo que lleva a un clima relativamente estable durante miles de millones de años. Desde la Tierra, siempre vemos la misma cara de la Luna porque la Luna gira sobre su…
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gospelmessengerblog · 5 months
Unexpected moments...
What makes you feel nostalgic? The little stupid things that happens in the course of a ordinary day. Things that can trigger a memory to explode in your mind. It can hit you in the middle of a busy day. Then you have to fight for self control. I am a little lost here. I have lost many people and even pets in my life, but trying to think of something nostalgic at a moment notice is…
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asareelijah1 · 5 months
What makes you feel nostalgic?
What makes you feel nostalgic? when you miss your childhood, people you know but haven’t seen in a while or the things that bring you comfort, like the nostalgic memories you feel when you listen to the songs you loved when you were littlewhen you miss your childhood, people you know but haven’t seen in a while or the things that bring you comfort, like the nostalgic memories you feel when you…
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instaviewpoint · 5 months
Memory Lane
What makes you feel nostalgic? Memory Lane January 03 2023 By Kimberly Mann Nostalgia hits home when we see material items from our past, smell fragrances that reminds us of time gone by, or when someone reminds us of a chance encounter full of memorable events while a certain song played on the radio. Anything that triggers the recall of past events can force the release of dopamine into…
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amethystamber87 · 5 months
Fleeting Thought #14
What makes you feel nostalgic? Two things make me feel nostalgic: movies and TV series. The first four seasons of Smallville take me right back to high school. I still can’t watch Waiting to Exhale, This Christmas, Friday After Next, and Poetic Justice nor the second season of Dead Summer because even though I like them they were some of my mama’s favorite films and I haven’t reached that level…
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favouriete · 5 months
My Childhood!
Hey, creative. What makes you feel nostalgic? Me: My Childhood!
What makes you feel nostalgic? There is no back and forth to it. Anytime I think about my childhood, I feel nostalgic. It’s a feeling I can’t avoid whenever I reminisce about those times.
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spirit-immersion · 3 months
Você nasceu para ser parecido com Jesus.
Pr. helio peixoto filho Palavra de hoje: “Porquanto aos que de antemão conheceu, também os predestinou para serem conformes à imagem de seu Filho, a fim de que ele seja o primogênito entre muitos irmãos.” (Romanos 8:29) Veja só o que a Bíblia nos declara: somos filhos de Deus, temos o DNA do nosso Pai celestial, somos irmãos de Jesus (pois Ele é o primogênito de muitos irmãos) e fomos chamados…
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taquela16 · 5 months
Road Trip
Bloganuary writing promptThink back on your most memorable road trip.View all responses ~ My Life As A Mom
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azroykusanagistudio · 5 months
What makes you feel nostalgic? Rediscovering retro style
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Best Memories
What makes you feel nostalgic? When I see some kids playing childhood games. When I see some old film. School and College whenever I visited them. Also a friend whom I met after a years. Take Care! Smile Always! Stay Happy and Healthy! Pray!
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