dhanilyman · 1 year
[text from Daisy] Dhani..you're not gonna believe what happened.
[text] It's good! It's a good thing this time! But you're still not gonna believe it.
[text] It's a good thing but I won't believe it...
[text] Are you pregnant? ;)
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lilylynch · 1 year
A continuation from HERE.
{Text from Lily}: You are sweet, but I just feel bad dumping my issues onto you. I know I need to get out of my head sometimes.
{Text from Lily}: You shouldn’t have to get used to it. I’ll be over in a few.
Lily put her phone away and ran her fingers though her hair a few times. Lily always loved her house, but now that Alfie was gone she felt like she was drowning in it. She was slightly happy she didn’t have her magic because she was sure she would have burned the house down by now.
So she had to get out of the house. She had to stop thinking of all the things Alfie left at the house. She needed to see Daisy, she was her best friend, her older sister, if anyone could make the pain go away, it would be her.
She walked quickly to Dakota’s house and the moment Daisy opened the door, the tears she’s been trying to hold back overflowed and she wrapped her arms around her sister. “I’ve made a mess of things, Daisy.”
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alfiexnorris · 1 year
It was early- too early for Alfie when he heard a knock on his door. He groaned and rolled over, hugging his pillow to his face and then hearing the knock again he sighed and got out of bed. He’d taken to sleeping nude, so he grabbed a pair of pants on the way to the door, jumping slightly ad he adjusted and then took the stairs down to the front door. “I’m coming!” he called as he stumbled down the stairs and when he was finally there he ran a hand through his messy hair and opened the door. “Shop doesn’t open till ten on weekends,” he said as he opened the door and then paused. Well, he definitely wasn’t expecting to see Daisy on his doorstep. And Daisy with food. “Uh, hey,” he said slowly as he rubbed his face “Um, you know Lily’s not... Here... Yeah?” he asked with a slight frown. 
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xdakotawintersx · 1 year
Saving Miss Daisy || Dakota & Daisy
Dakota had decided that whatever they did, they would do for Daisy. If that meant sacrificing someone else so that her punishments would be lighter than so be it. They would do whatever they had to do for her. That’s why they did what they did. That’s why they had the whip in hand. Their hand tingled from the slaps they’d doled out. 
They were striding through the crowd, when they spotted her. Their Daisy. They couldn’t give themselves away, so they dragged their fingertips across her back, but there was a gentleness there, reserved for her and her alone. They knelt down, slowly tugging one of the earplugs out of her ear. “I’m here,” they murmured, their eyes darting around them.
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violetxlynch · 1 year
Sometimes Violet wondered if coming to the island was a mistake- sure she got to see Lily, and Lily’s husband, and she had reconnected with Scott, which was wonderful, and she had Wednesday, and she was the top of her class in several of her classes because of her strong work ethic, but it seemed with the good came one very big bad. Her relationship with Daisy, which had never been particularly strong, was just getting worse. Violet would own up to her own shortcomings when it came to that, she knew that she had always pushed her sisters away when she was younger, especially after their father’s death; but it really felt like things had come to a head in the past few months. 
So seeing Daisy, it wasn’t one of her top priorities right now- so of course, while she was taking Wednesday on a walk through the shopping area, sipping her tea and listening to a podcast, of course, she’d see Daisy walking right towards her. She sighed deeply as Wednesday let out a bar and started wagging her tail, which, to the little dog was really a full body wiggle as she pulled towards Daisy. Way to make things weird Wednesday. She considered just scooping up the dog and walking away, but Daisy had obviously seen them, so she pulled her phone out of her pocket to pause her podcast, and then shoot Scott a quick ‘just so you know I ran into my sister’ text, so if she got into trouble again, he’d know why he had to come bail her out of trouble. 
“Hey,” was all Violet had to say as the two sisters approached, and Wednesday jumped on Daisy’s legs for attention. “Wednesday, no jumping,” she’d been trying to teach the dog that, but Pomeranians were sure stubborn. 
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lesliestedeman · 2 years
“No..don’t even start with me! You are fine and you know it” Daisy let out an exasperated sigh as Topaz once again flung himself onto her lap. Of course scattering her pencils everywhere and leaving a pile of sand in his wake, as apparently she had been just a launching pad and he was soon on his way once again. Shaking her russet head with a fond smile, the witch carefully brushed the sand from her sketch, her sigh this time one of relief when she saw nothing had been damaged. Content, she want back to drawing the cute little sandpiper who had been skipping and pecking closer and closer to her. Until it suddenly occurred to her that Topaz had been gone for quite a while…
“Ohhh noo…..” Daisy moaned, knowing this more than likely meant trouble with her little rascal. Closing her sketchbook, she jumped to her feet and started in the direction that the niffler had run off. “Topaz! You better not be bothering anyone! Or stealing anything…”
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“So this little guy belongs to you, does he?” Leslie stepped off his front porch, shutting the door behind him to keep the dogs inside. There weren’t many doors inside his bungalow style home, but the dogs were fairly well behaved. However, the little creature in the hammock between two trees in his ‘front yard’ wasn’t something he wanted to risk the dogs accidentally hurting. Especially Artemis, who was younger and more of the rodent hunting breeding.
Leslie was dressed in a white short sleeve button up with a white tank top underneath and pink shorts and brown sandals. He was getting more used to the tropical island lifestyle. Getting a house that reflected that seemed to help. Getting used to such a minimalist way of living was difficult, after amassing a hundred years worth of his own things and keeping his mother’s modest few treasures safe. All of that gone in a matter of hours. It was still difficult to take.
“He’s a bit of a platypus meets a kiwi,” Leslie approached the niffler slowly, reaching in to pick him up, as Daisy approached the house, “Here we go, little fella... Mumma’s looking for you...”
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skyler-campbell · 1 year
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xdamienblackx · 1 year
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wade-jensen · 1 year
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the-institute-rpg · 1 year
Attention Faculty and Students
It appears that Professor Winters did not keep their claim busy enough, and the slave found time to write book excerpts and letters to a publisher. It is unfortunate that we have let a perfectly good slave slip through our grasp, but because the aforementioned publisher is now sponsoring her, Daisy Lynch can now afford the title of Mistress. I hope she takes advantage of her new position and remembers her place is now above her friends. Take care and enjoy yourself, Mistress Lynch.
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Shoulder to Cry On //Daisy+Dougal
The Scottish vampire got the news of Dhani leaving the island which made him a bit sad but also happy a good friend was leaving this horrible place. But that meant Daisy was all alone and he knew how close the two were that they were practically a married couple all these years of being together. She could use someone right now to grieve together of losing a good man. Luckily he still had her number and texted her that she should come over to his place for some tea and maybe some movies to watch together. This will be one of their first times spending it together alone but he knew the girl needed some attention.
When he heard the doorbell ring he walks over to the door with a small smile. "Glad you can come by lassy please come in I got the pot warming up for some tea and I do have a few snacks we can munch on." @daisyxlynch
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dhanilyman · 2 years
[text from Daisy] So..I guess you've probably seen him by now huh?
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[text] Yeah. Sorry, I just didn’t want you to think I was getting too involved or
[text] I wanted you to have some time to think, I guess.
[text] He’s doing well. That’s good. He looks good. The blond looks good. Haha.
[text] You wanna come over?
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lilylynch · 1 year
[text from Daisy] Lil, is everything okay? I’ve been hearing things that don’t sound very good.
{Text from Lily} I don't even know how to explain things, Daisy. I don't know how things got so... I don't even know.
{Text from Lily} I need my big sister.
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alfiexnorris · 1 year
Alfie was sore, sore and tired and sunburnt and so weak- so when the guards came to collect his group from the cells again, he groaned, sure they were in for another round, and when they came, he straightened his back and squared his shoulders, ready to take whatever punishment he had to take. What he wasn’t expecting though- was to get out to the quad and see a different group made up of masters, slaves, and claimed slaves. His eyes danced over the naked bodies, seeing people he recognized, he knew, tied and bound, however it wasn’t until he stopped walking that he realized he had no control over his movements. It was a sick feeling, and the feeling got even worse when he looked down and realized the bound and gagged woman at his feet was Daisy. Daisy, his sister in law. He looked away from her body and wanted to say something- anything, to promise he wouldn’t hurt her, but he couldn’t, the words wouldn’t come out. Instead, his hand, on it’s own accord, wrapped around a leather handle. He looked over at it, a leather flogger was in his hand, and without his consent, he brought his arm up and then down over poor Daisy’s body, leaving a number of red welts on her skin. Oh god- he was going to be sick. 
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xdakotawintersx · 1 year
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violetxlynch · 2 years
Violet knew this conversation had to happen, but she wasn’t looking forward to it. It was going to be messy and uncomfortable, and probably emotional- all things Violet hated, but it wasn’t fair to not have the conversation. So, she had texted Daisy and invited her to get a cup of coffee, and she waited, stirring the steaming cup of coffee while she waited. She sipped it and sighed softly before ripping at the muffin she’d also ordered and popped it into her mouth, sure the whole slavery thing sucked, but damn the food was good here. 
She perked up when she saw her sister walking towards the small outdoor table she’d gotten and she waved at her. “Hey,” she said, trying to get her eldest sister’s attention. She stood up and knowing Daisy would expect it offered a hug. “I ordered you a muffin and a tea- I hope that’s good for you?” she asked. 
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