#dalek really said: this is no war - its pest control
ayosdesignz-blog · 9 months
I don't think I'll ever get over the absolute sass and snark 2 primarily robotic alien species had against each other in Doctor Who.
You know the scene...season 2 episode 13...
Honestly they should have given us more of that.
Why didn't they give us more of that???
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abbygrabska · 1 year
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The Daleks advance upon us with cries of ‘exterminate!’
“Daleks!” I shout.
The aliens fall silent, taken aback.
“You’re called Daleks.” I walk towards them, “I know your name.” I take the lab coat off, “Think about it: how can I know that? A human… who knows about the Daleks. And the Time War. If you wanna know how, then keep us alive. That’s all I’m asking. Me and my friends.”
“Yeah, Dakeks. Time war. Us too.” Gabby gestures between her and Mickey.
Rajesh nods as well.
The black Dalek speaks to me, “You will be necessary.” it turns to one of the other Daleks, “Report: what is the status of the Genesis Ark?” “Status: hibernation.”
“Commence awakening.”
“The Genesis Ark must be protected above all else.”
The Dalek turns to the Genesis Ark which also emerged form the sphere. It clamps its suction arm to the side of the Ark.
Mickey continues to point his gun at them, “The Daleks, you said they were all dead.”
I shake my head, “Never mind that, what the hell’s a Genesis Ark?”
“Which one of you is least important?” “What’s that supposed to mean?” I ask.
The Dalek repeats the question.
“No, we don’t work like that. None of us.” “Designate the least important!” Rajesh steps forward, “This is my responsibility.”
I try to hold him back, “No, don’t!”
He ignores me and stands before the Dalek dejectedly.
“I er, I represent the Torchwood Institute. Anything you need, you… come through me. Leave these two alone.”
“You will kneel.” “What?”
“Kneel.” Rajesh kneels. The surrounding Daleks direct their eye stalks onto him.
“The Daleks need information about current Earth history.”
Yeah well i can give you a certain amount of intelligence, but nothing that will compromise Home Land security…” “Speech is not necessary. We will extract brainwaves.” The three Dalkes advance upon Rajesh and position their suction arms around his head.
“Don’t… I… I’ll tell you everything you need. No. No!” He shouts out in agony before the Daleks crush his skull. Mickey makes toward him but Gabby and I hold him back.
The Daleks let Rajesh’s blackened corpse fall to the ground.
“His mind spoke of a second species invading Earht infected by the superstition of ghosts.” “You didn’t need to kill him!” I exclaim.
“Neither did we need him alive.”
“Dalek Thay, investigate outside.” “I obey.”
Dalek Thay leaves the sphere chamber.
“Establish visual contact. Lower communications barrier.”
A projection appears in the area previously occupied by the sphere, showing Dalek Thay’s point of view. He meets with two Cybermen.
The three aliens argue.
I pick up my phone, but do not talk so I don’t draw attention to myself.
They speak about an alliance before the Cybermen are shot dead.
The Cyberman adresses the Daleks through the projection screen, “Daleks, be warned: you have declared war upon the Cybermen.”
“This is not war. This is pest control.” “We have five million Cybermen. How may are you?” “Four.” “You would destroy the Cybermen with four Daleks?!” “We would destroy the Cybermen with one Dalek. You are superior in only one respect.” “What is that?”
“You are better at dying. Raise communications barrier!”
The screen goes to static.
The phone call disconnects.
“Rewind image by nine rells.”
The Doctor is in frame in the background.
“Identify grid seven gamma frame.” They zoom in on the Doctor, “This male registers as enemy.”
I smile.
One of them turns to me, “The female’s heartbeat has increased. Identify him.” “Alright then… if you really wanna know… that’s the Doctor.”
The Daleks roll back sharply.
“Five million Cybermen, easy. One Doctor? Now you’re scared.”
Dalek Thay enters the sphere chamber, “Cyber threat irrelelvant. Concentrate of the Genesis Ark.” The black Dalek presses its suction arm to the side of the Genesis Ark.
Gabby looks at me, “Why are we being kept alive?” I speak after a pause, “They might need me.”
Whilst the Daleks are crowded around the Genesis Ark, Mickey and Gabby show me a yellow button, “We could transport out of here, but it only carries one each. And we’re not leaving you.” “Bravest humans I know.” “Well I can’t think what the Dalkes need with us. We’re nothing to them.” Mickey says.
“Speak for yourself, I don’t think the Daleks know which one of us,” Gabby gestures between herself and me, “is which.”
“You could be… whate’er’s inside the Ark is waking up, and I’ve seen this happen before. The first time I saw a Dalek, it was broken. It was dying. But I touched it. The moment I did that… I brought it back to life.” I keep my voice low, “As the Doctor said… when you travel in time in the Tardis, you soak up all this background radiation. It’s harmless, it’s just there. But in the Time War, the Daleks evolved so they could use it as a power supply. If the Daleks have got something inside that thing that needs waking up…” “They need you.” Gabby says.
“But why would they build something they can’t open themselves?” Mickey asks.
“The technology is stolen. The Ark is not of Dalek design.”
“Then who built it?” I ask.
“The Time Lords. This is all that survives of their Home World.”
The four Daleks shuffle around the Ark.
“What’s inside?”
“The future.”
The Daleks back away from the Genesis Ark.
“Final stage of awakening.”
“Your handprint will open the Ark.” “Well tough ‘cause I won’t.” “Obey or the male and female will die.”
I immediately move to the Ark, “I can’t let them.” “Abby, don’t.”
“Place your hand upon the casket.”
“All right!” I turn to the Ark, “You’re gonna kill us anyway, so what the hell?” I turn back to the Dalek and stand right in front of it, “If you escaped the Time War, don’t you want to know what happened?” 
The Dalek starts to talk, but I interrupt, “What happened to the Emperor?” “The Emperor survived.” “‘Till he met me. Because if these are gonna be my last words, then you’re gonna listen. I met the Emperor. And I took the Time Vortex and I pulled it into his head and turned him into dust. Do you get that? The God of all Daleks… and I destroyed him.” I smile at the Dalek.
“You will be exterminated!”
“Oh now, hold on, wait a minute.” “Alert, alert, you are the Doctor.”
I smile in delight.
He saunters into the room, wearing his 3D glasses.
“Sensors report he is unarmed.” “That’s me. Always.” He says lightly.
“Then you are powerless.” “Not me.” He takes his glasses off with a flourish, “Never.” He turns to me, “How are you?”
I grin at him, “Way better now that you’re here.”
“Good! Mickity-McMickey! And Gabby the Genius! Nice to see ya!” He hugs them.
“Social interaction will cease!” “How did you survive the Time War?”
“By fighting. On the front line. I was there at the Fall of Arcadia. Someday I might even come to terms with that. But you lot ran away!”
“We had to survive.”
“The last four Daleks in existence. So what’s so special about you?”
I talk in a low voice, “Doctor, they’ve got names. And Dalek’s don’t have names, do they?” “I am Dalek Thay.” “Dalek Sek.”
“Dalek Jast.” “Dalek Caan.”
“So that’s it! At last… the Cult of Skaro. I thought you were just a legend.” He speaks in delight.
“Who are they?” I ask.
He strolls around them, “A secret order. Above and beyond the Emperor himself. Their job was to imagine. Think as the enemy thinks. Even dared to have names. All to find new ways of killing.”
Mickey gestures to the Ark, “But that thing, they said it was yours. I mean, Time Lords. They built it. What does it do?”
The Doctor glances at it, “I don’t know. Never seen it before.”
“What is it? What have you done?”
“Time Lord science will restore Dalek supremacy.”
“What does that mean? What sort of Time Lord science? What do you mean?”
“They said one touch from a time traveler will wake it up.” I tell him.
“Technology using the one thing a Dalek can’t do. Touch. Sealed inside your casing. Not feeling anything… ever… from birth to death, locked inside a cold metal cage.” He whispers, “Completely alone. And that explains your voice. No wonder you scream.”
“The Doctor will open the Ark!”
He laughs contemptuously, “The Doctor will not.”
“You have no way of resisting.” “Well… you got me there. Although… there is always this.” He takes his sonic screwdriver out of his pocket.
“A sonic probe?”
“That’s ‘screwdriver’.”
“It is harmless.” “Oh yes. Harmless is just the word. That’s why I like it. Doesn’t kill, doesn’t wound, doesn’t maim. But I’ll tell you what it does do, it is very good at opening doors.” He activates the screwdriver, and immediately, the doors explode inwards. Jake, his men, and the Cybermen leap into action, firing their guns at the Daleks.
The Doctor, Gabby, and I fling ourselves to the ground, trying to avoid the gun.
“Girls, get out!”
We make our way to the door. Mickey picks up a gun and starts firing anywhere.
The Doctor manages to reach us where we stand in the doorway, out of harm's way.
“Mickey, come on!” Everyone slips through the door before it closes, sealing both the Daleks and the Cybermen inside.
“Jake, check the stairwell. The rest of you, come on!” Mickey, Gabby, the Doctor and I run down a corridor. “I just fell, I didn’t mean it!”
“Mickey, without us, they’d have opened it by force. To do that, they’d have blown up the sun. You’ve done us a favor. Now run!”
Jackie and Rose are saved from a Cyberman by Pete. The exchange they have is sweet.
The Doctor opens the door to where the battle between the Cybermen and Daleks is taking place, peering into the lab, waiting for the right moment. He dives into the room, watched anxiously by me, wincing everytime a beam passes near him. He picks up two of the magnaclamps, using them to deflect the rays from himself. He makes back towards the door with them, dodging the beams. He trips over a Cyberman’s body.
“Come on, please.” I whisper.
He quickly gets to his feet and slips through the door to safety. I close it after him.
We open the door again and watch the Daleks open the roof.
“What’re they doing? Why’d they need to get outside?!”
“Time Lord science… What Time Lord science?” He takes his 3D glasses off, “What is it?” Dalek Sek elevates through the ceiling into the open air with the Ark. 
We run back through the corridor.
“We’ve gotta see what it’s doing, we’ve gotta go back up! Come on! All of you! Top floor!” The Doctor exclaims.
“That’s forty-five floors up! Believe me, I’ve done ‘em all.” Jackie says.
Jake pops his head out of the lift, “We could always take the lift…”
We finally step out of the lift on the top floor and rush to the window, the Doctor dumping the magnaclamps down on Yvonne’s desk as he goes. As the Genesis Ark spins, Daleks shoot out of it, more and more of them. The Doctor stares in horror, “Time Lord science… it’s bigger on the inside.”
“It’s a prison ship.” I realize. “How many Daleks?” Rose asks. 
Pete walks away from the window, “I’m sorry, but you’ve had it. This world’s gonna crash and burn. There’s nothing we can do. We’re going home. Jacks, Rose, take these.” He tosses them the yellow buttons.
“But they’re destroying the city!” Jackie protests.
“I’d forgotten you could argue.” He loops the button around her neck himself, “It’s not just London, it’s the whole world.” He takes her face in his hands, making her look at him, “But there’s another world, just waiting for you Jacks. And it’s safe. As long as the Doctor closes the breach. Doctor?”
The Doctor turns from the window with his 3D glasses on and a big grin, “Oh, I’m ready. I’ve got the equipment right here. Thank you, Torchwood!” He dashes to a computer, “Slam it down and close off both universes.”
I frown, “But we can’t just leave. What about the Daleks? And the Cybermen…?”
The Doctor stands, “They’re part of the problem. And that makes them part of the solution. Oh yes! Well?! Isn’t anyone gonna ask? What is it with the glasses?”
I grin, “What is it with the glasses?”
“I can see! That’s what! ‘Cause we’ve got two separate worlds, but in between the two separate worlds, we've got the Void. That’s where the Daleks were hiding. And the Cyberman traveled through the Void to get here! And you lot, one world to another, via the Void! Oh, I like that. Via the Void! Look!”
He puts the glasses on my face, “I’ve been through it. Do you see?” He dodges about so I can see that he is surrounded by floating green and red particles.
“Void stuff.”
“Like background radiation!”
“That’s it. Look at the others.”
I turn to look, Jackie is the only one not surrounded by the Void stuff.
“The only one who hasn’t been through the Void, your mother. First time she’s looked normal in her life.”
I giggle.
The Doctor dashes into the clear white area, I follow after.
“The Daleks lived inside the Void. They’re bristling with it. Cybermen, all of them. I just open the Void, end of verse. The Void stuff gets sucked back inside.” “Pulling them all in!”
“Sorry… what’s… what’s the Void?” Mickey asks.
“The dead space. Some people call it ‘hell’.” Mickey loops the button around his neck, “So… you’re sending the Daleks and Cybermen to Hell.” He looks at Jake, “man, I told you he was good.”
I look at him, “But it’s… like you’ve said, we’ve all got Void stuff. Me too, ‘cause we went to that parallel world.” I flex my fingers, watching the particles float around them. I pull the glasses off, “We’re all contaminated. We’ll get pulled in.”
He stands before me, “That’s why you’ve gotta go.”
I stare at him.
“Back to Pete’s world.” He points at Pete, “Hey, we should call it that: Pete’s World.” He turns back to me, “I’m opening the Void, but only on this side. You’ll be safe on that side.”
I continue to stare at him.
Gabby speaks up, “And then you close it. For good?”
“The breach itself is soaked in Void Stuff, in the end it’ll close itself. And that’s it. Kaput.”
My eyes well up with tears, “But you stay on this side…?”
“But you’ll get pulled in.” Mickey points out.
The Doctor holds my gaze for a moment before he runs over to the magnaclamps.
I harden my face.
“That’s why… I got these. I’ll just have to hold on tight, I’ve been doing it all my life.”
I look at him, “I’m supposed to go.”
“Yeah.” “To another world, and then it gets sealed off?”
“Yeah.” He goes to another computer.
“No.” I shake my head, “I won’t.” A crash from outside shakes the building. “We haven’t got time to argue, the plans works, we go in. you too. All of us.”
“No. I’m not leaving him!” Rose looks at me, “But, I’d never see you again.”
I look at her, “You know I love you Rose, but he’s all alone. Not anymore though.” I back away from her, “He’s got me.”
I feel something loop around my neck, “What’re you…?”
Pete presses the button.
I look around, I’m in the parallel world.
I shake my head, and press the button.
The Doctor grabs me by the shoulders, stooping slightly so he can look me in the eyes, “Once the breach collapses, that’s it. You will never be able to see them again. Your family!”
My voice trembles, “I don’t wanna leave you again.”
He stares at me for a moment, before releasing his grip.
“So what can I do to help?” I hold his gaze.
He finally gives in, pointing to a computer, “Those coordinates over there, set them all at six.” I do as I’m told.
“And hurry up.” I lean over the computer, taking the button off my neck and throw it off to the side.
I look at the computer, “We've got Cybermen on the way up.” He runs over, “How many floors down?”
“Just one.”
The Doctor taps in a command on the laptop.
“Levers operational.”
The Doctor grins. “That’s more like it, bit of a smile!”
He picks up a magnaclamp and goes to me, “Hope and Glory, Mutt and Jeff, Shiver and Shake.” He hands me the magnaclamp.
We attach them to the wall next to the levers on the opposite side of the room. “Press the red button.” I do.
“When it starts, just hold on tight. Shouldn’t be too bad for us, but the Daleks and Cybermen are steeped in Void stuff. Are you ready?” We get into position by the levers.
I look out the window, “So are they.” The Daleks appear at the window.
“Let’s do it!” We push the levers upward and take hold of the magnaclamps.
The area is filled with the white light once more, but this time, there’s also the sound of a strong wind. The Daleks are sucked through the window, smashing through the glass as they are pulled into the white light and back into the Void.
We both hold onto the clamps tightly.
“The breach is open! Into the Void! Ha!”
The Doctor and I smile at each other as we are billowed by the wind. Suddenly there is a small explosion of sparks and the lever on my side moves back into the off position. 
“Turn it on!”
I reach for the lever while trying to maintain my grip on the clamp, but it is just slightly too far away. 
I eventually fall onto it. “I’ve gotta get it upright!” I push the lever upwards, groaning with the effort.
Once it’s upright the suction increases.
I have nothing to hold onto except the lever.
“Abby, hold on!”
The Void pulls at me.
I cry out.
He’s screaming now, “Hold on!”
I groan, my strength almost spent, the Doctor stares at me in terror, reaching out to me.
I cry out as my grip slips. I fly towards the void, but something stops me from getting sucked in.
“I’ve got you.” I hear a familiar voice whisper as the scene around me changes.
I look around at the scenery, I’m inside the tardis. I turn around to face the voice. “Rion?”
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He grins at me, with tears in his eyes, “You told me about this happening. But you never said how distraught he looked when you disappeared.”
“I guess I don’t like thinking about it, even in the future.” 
He looks toward the doors, “He’ll be here any moment, expecting the console room to be empty. He said you were alone when he came in, who am I to argue with the past?” He smirks, typing something into his vortex manipulator, before becoming serious, “You need to tell him that you need some time away from traveling, to heal. I know you think you’re fine, but you’re not. He’ll understand, and it’ll all work itself out.” He hugs me, “Spend some time with Juni, she misses you.” He presses a button on his vortex manipulator and disappears.
Just like he said, the doors open, I turn around. The Doctor stares at me, confused.
I smile at him, tearfully, “Hello Doctor.” He walks toward me slowly, almost like he thinks I’m not real.
I reach out and cup his face, he flinches slightly.
“You’re really here?” He asks, teary eyed.
I nod.
His hands tangle in my hair, pulling me into a passionate kiss.
I cling onto him tightly.
Leaving this shit on a cliffhanger to torture you fuckers :)
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