mari-kilkenni · 1 month
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These photos of Dalgliesh >>>> everything
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slow-burn-sally · 8 months
I know it's a tiny fandom, but was anyone going to talk about Miskin's cute lil 1970s street clothes outfit? Just me?
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redscharlach · 1 year
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Something for the Dalgliesh viewers. Everything's better with a bit of Bertie Carvel.
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proadhog · 9 months
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Dalgliesh gifset
which I'm never gonna finish
so here you are
in all his beauty,
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jaybeefoxy · 11 months
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Haven’t seen this one before. Thank you, Acorn TV. This is from the Acorn TV Twitter account. God, this man is delectable. Against that bloody car again...
@bluebox-girl @punnyadt-goreny 
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iainjclark · 1 year
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New painting! I loved Bertie Carvel's very sad, solemn performance as the poet-detective Adam Dalgliesh. I was trying to capture that expression here
This is acrylics on cold-pressed watercolour block.
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novemberhush · 1 year
I need all the Dalgliesh x Miskin fic!
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lizicia · 1 year
Hi, it's me, I have found another fandom of two emotionally repressed people who clearly love each other, yet cannot say it. I have only seen the series, so that is the basis for my characterisation. I also don't know how the Met works/worked in the 1970s, so let's just handwave some of that stuff.  
But I love Dalgliesh and Miskin, your honour, so I will leave this for the the tiniest of fandoms who also love repressed police poets and strong-willed women and who just need them to get together already.
This is post-series 2.
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procedurally · 11 months
crawling back to tumblr after many years away out of sheer desire to post about detectives somewhere centralized. do people still do those fandom intro posts??? i hope so!
hello, i'm procedurally, 30, eastern time zone, usa, detective enthusiast. i'm currently very into rivers of london, dalgliesh, and the lord peter wimsey books/70s adaptation. i'm happy to read gen, meta, and anything that rolls with canon ships, but i do also particularly ship peter/nightingale, dalgliesh/miskin, and wimsey/vane. i have also failed to recover from a soft spot for broadchurch hardy/miller. i really tried.
i also write fic here and there, using more appropriate capitalizations. feel free to shoot me a hello if we're in overlapping fandoms, or send a ship and prompt and i'll do my best to get around to it in a couple of days! (all prompts are good prompts, but if want a prompt for a prompt, consider: a favorite trope, or a line of poetry, or a setting. or more than one of those!)
august 2023 edited to add: all of the above still applies, but byf you should know i am one of many currently afflicted with good omens brainrot. only sort of sorry
tags of interest:
my fic (mostly random snippets)
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mari-kilkenni · 7 months
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Dalgliesh and these two are in the TV Choice Awards shortlist, and the voting is open till October 10th. Dalgliesh is nominated for the best drama, Bertie as the best actor and Carlyss as the best actress.
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slow-burn-sally · 7 months
Wait.. Adam & Kate end up together canonically?! Granted I personally haven't read any books (I don't mind spoilers), but from what I heard he marries some Emma person? Or maybe I made that up in my head lmao
One shot I'd love to read is one of them being drunk off their ass and the other one taking care of them🤭
DANG IT I think you're right. Thought I could swear to god I read something about Miskin maybe serving as a stand in for Emma? I could be totally wrong. Either way, if they don't carry on their romance in Series 3 I will throw an absolute fit.
I love that prompt! I will absolutely try to get that written. Thank you!
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thinkingonaname · 2 months
Hopefully this works.
The crossover I didn't know I needed. A lovely but also sad fic. For Endeavour keeping it canon. For Dalgliesh also, maybe timing might be a bit off.
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I feel this series of Dalgliesh has been somewhat style over substance. The sets and costumes looked great, and the directors certainly worked in lots of slow-mo and focus-pulling shots, but it felt a little light on actual characters.
The relationship between Dalgliesh and Miskin was probably the strongest part of the show, but in a murder mystery, you do need the characters of the week to be engaging as well, and none of the mysteries really grabbed me.
Also, Channel 5 needs to bite the bullet and air the stories as one episode instead of cutting them in half for two 1-hour episodes shown over two nights. It is essentially aiming for that classic ITV, 2-hour-long type of police drama, so just embrace it.
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jaybeefoxy · 11 months
Dalgliesh, series one
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Further to my fanfiction, I managed to finally binge watch the first series of Dalgliesh. It is a long time since I was moved to tears by something. There are spoilers under the cut, which is why I haven’t written them here but this episode was frankly so utterly destroying. Frankly, Bertie Carvel deserves all the accolades for his acting, his sensitive poetic rendition of a grieving man who is gradually realising what is important, and coming through his grief by the actions of those around him. My previous post said he was nuanced, and expressive, and he seems to really get under the skin of the character. P D James would have been proud of you, sir. I am certain of that. 
The end of A Taste For Death, where Dalgliesh walks into the nursery in his home killed me. The utter desolation of that man, looking at what could have been, my heart shattered for him, because I KNOW WHAT THAT FEELS LIKE. Losing a child, a much longed for and wanted baby, is devastating. The loss of hope and the feelings of isolation and vulnerability are nailed in this man’s expressions, his silences. When he picked up the baby cardigan, in gentle hands, I’m still weeping for the character and the situation and the loss. He doesn’t even have his wife to lean on, he lost both of them. Carvel plays this subtly, expressively and he nailed it. Boxing up the nursery equipment and the little clothes, making the decision to move on, it takes courage, and he played it perfectly. So perfectly I am now in bits. It is rare for drama to affect me so completely. It takes great acting to do that. Watch it but be warned, tissues are probably necessary.
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pubsinmovies · 1 year
Dalgliesh - Cover Her Face
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leupagus · 2 years
The worst part about getting fannish about a thing is that there's always a risk there's zero fandom for the thing
and hence nobody will appreciate my "Dalgliesh" fic idea where Miskin and Masterson have to pretend to be married for [MacGuffin] reasons, which leads to Dalgliesh being extremely normal and chill about it, including a scene where Miskin finds out that Dalgliesh can dance. I don't care why, I just want Miskin to get forced onto the dance floor only to find out her boss knows the waltz.
There will also be a scene in which Dalgliesh has been drugged for [MacGuffin] reasons and Miskin has just found out Dalgliesh is secretly a super famous poet:
The monitors beeped in a sort of sullen background chatter, like Kate's aunties whispering at a family dinner. She ignored them and squeezed his hand; it was still cold, but warmer than it had been in that alley. 'So you're a poet?' she said, aiming for 'cheerful' and probably closer to 'manic.' 'Hope that guy wasn't a fan.'
'One of them did try to stab me, in '72,' he mumbled, drowsy and drifting. 'He'd read one of my poems to his girlfriend as a method of proposing, and she turned him down. He was rather upset with me.'
'That's what you get for writing romantic poetry in this cruel modern world,' she said. 'Can't trust these artsy-fartsy types.' Kate hadn't been kidding, that day her and Masterson had their fight: she didn't think Dalgliesh was handsome, not really. But there was something about his face, the unsure jut of his chin as though he were constantly forcing his way through his own self-doubt. 
He smiled, his hand holding hers carefully. As though it were precious, more precious than that emerald necklace they'd just spilled so much blood to find. She wondered where it had ended up; hopefully in one of those bins in the alley, thrown out with the rest of the trash. She'd throw away a dozen of them, a hundred, millions, so long as Adam was all right, so long as he— 
'So other than failing love poems, what sort do you write?' she asked, keeping her voice light, keeping any sort of tremble out of it.
His eyes were still glassy and unfocused, but he frowned as if he were giving her question deep thought. 'I can't really remember any, except one,' he said. 'And it may not be entirely appropriate.' It took him a few tries to get out 'appropriate,' but he got there in the end.
'Go on, then,' she said, scooting the chair closer, laying her arm along the side of his bed. 'Amaze me with your genius.'
'Very well,' he said, voice catching on a yawn which he passed onto her, the bastard. 'Are you ready?'
'You want me to get out my notebook?' Kate asked, tugging her hand away to reach for her jacket and the notebook tucked in the pocket.
His hand tightened around hers, threading their fingers together. 'Not necessary.'
'Then get on with it. Sir,' she added, more for her own benefit than his.
He huffed and settled himself further into the bed, drawing her hand up to his chest. 'There was,' he began, 'An old man from Nantucket—'
Kate snatched her hand away. 'I'm resigning immediately,' she hissed, and he chuckled, his eyes slipping closed.
'Whither thou goest, Naomi,' he mumbled, so faint she could hardly hear over the clatter of her own heart.
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