#daminette role reversal
mochinek0 · 9 months
Daminette December 2023: 17-Bodyguard
Damian had heard the whispers and rumors when he first moved to Paris. Marinette Dupain-Cheng, the baker's daughter and fashion designer had been head over heels for Adrien Agreste, the model. That had been years ago. Some of their friends refused to believe she moved on from her gigantic crush. He had heard the whispers of how she babbled and froze with just a glance. How she had memorized his schedule and planned their future together. He had heard how she had fallen for him with a simple gesture of giving her his umbrella in the rain. The only thing that had ever stopped them from getting together was how blind Adrien was. He never saw Marinette was anything more than a friend and everyone knew it. That might have been true; all of it. Damian knew that Marinette no longer felt like that, if it had ever been true.
From what he observed, Adrien was the one now persuing the baker's daughter. If any of it had been true, Marinette had long moved on. Adrien was constantly trying to get her attention and would search the halls for her. If anything, the roles had reversed. Adrien Agreste now stalked Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
Adrien Agreste was still 'blind' in his book. The model took zero notice how Marinette reacted to being around him. He noticed the subtle flinches when Adrien called her name from down the hall. He noticed the terror in her eyes, before putting a smile on her face to greet a friend.
Damian froze the moment he saw her.
'Marinette? What is she doing here? I thought she couldn't have a pet in the bakery. Why is she in the pet store?'
His eyes followed her as she moved away from the front and towards the middle. She was almost hidden by the shelves.
"Marinette!" Adrien shouted, "Do you like hamsters, too?"
"Uh, sort of." she answered, weakly.
"They're amazing!" he cried back, getting closer to her and the hamsters.
Even from where Damian stood, he could see Marinette's eyes were searching for a way out; an exit. He quickly put down the giant bag of dog food and rushed over.
"There you are Marinette." he spoke, pulling her towards him.
"Damian!" Mari exclaimed, surprised.
"Did you get lost?" he asked, "I apologize for getting so busy."
"You work here?" Adrien asked, "Why?"
"I volunteer." Damian answered, "I donate to several animal charities nd I like to make sure all the equipment is up to date."
"We can go see the puppies on files now." The Wayne heir suggested, "You said you were looking for a guard dog?"
Marinette lit up quickly, realizing Damian was giving her a way out.
"I'm so glad you remembered." she smiled.
"A dog?" Adrien asked, confused, "What about the hamster?"
"Oh." Mari spoke, "Well, I do think hamsters are cute, but with how scattered brain I get, I might forget instantly. I could forget to feed it or accidentally kill it with a giant roll of fabric." causing the model to wince.
"A dog is better." Marinette stated, "Their routine would be my routine."
"But why a guard dog?" he questioned.
"Why do you have a bodyguard?" Damian asked.
"Huh?" confusing the model.
"Guard dogs keep their owners safe." the Wayne heir answered, "They are loyal to a fault and will attack, if necessary." pulling Marinette closer to him.
Marinette blushed at the closeness. She quickly placed a hand on his chest to get his attention.
"We should go look at those files." She suggested, "You mentioned....training and I wan to make sure they are trained before university."
"Of course." Damian replied, leading Marinette to the back room and away from Adrien's prying eyes.
Damian picked up a radio to give the other workers a warning about Agreste. On the security cameras, he watched as the blonde model turned away and walk out the store.
'Seemed Marinette was his only goal here.'
Marinette sighed in relief as Damian placed the radio down.
"Thank you, Damian." Marinette spoke.
He nodded his head in understanding.
"But how did you know?" Mari asked.
"You are uncomfortable with him." Damian stated.
Marinette nodded her head.
"You look scared when you hear him call out your name in school." Damian spoke, "Sometimes, you turn pale. Doesn't seem like he notices."
"I thought no one noticed." Marinette answered, with a smile, "Thank you so much."
Damian chuckled, "Now, would you actually like a guard dog?"
"I would love one," Mari sighed, "but since I still live with my parents-"
"The bakery." The Wayne heir concluded.
She nodded her head and gave a shrug. Damian went over to a drawer and pulled out some files for an adoption event taking place soon. Marinette looked at him confused.
"It would not matter if I brought another dog home. At this point, it's expected. You would just have to wait." Damian stated.
Marinette smiled happily, "Really?"
"Only if you do not mind coing over to bond with your dog." he declared.
Marinette hugged him and quickly felt him flinch.
"Sorry!" she cried, pulling away from him, "Um, I'll just look at these."
Marinette browsed over the files he had handed her. Damian could tell she was seriously considering the guard dog idea. She started by ruling out the smaller dogs, he expected someone like her to own. By the end of her selection, she had five folders left.
"What do you think, Damian?" Mari asked, "Is there any of them I should rule out?"
Damian looked over the folders. There was a Labrador, Golden Retriever, German Shepard, Doberman, and an Akita.
"Two of these would make great pets, but not guard dogs." He spoke, "I believe you should look online and learn more about them before deciding. You need to make sure you can take care of them. I don't just mean their diet and health. There are many people who return animals because they have gotten bored or because they didn't expect how much time they would have to use to train it."
Marinette smiled, "Thank you. I can tell you really care about these animals. I can let you know by the end of the week."
Mari stood up, ready to leave. She bit her lip in hesitation.
"Are you alright?" He questioned.
"Um." She began, "Nevermind. It's stupid."
"What is it?" Damian asked, "You clearly think it is important. Why do you hesitate?"
Marinette blushed, "Do you think, until I get a guard dog- Can you be my guard dog? Bodyguard! I meant bodyguard; not guard dog! At school! Keep Adrien away from me?"
Damian chuckled, "I wouldn't mind at all."
Mari lit up at his response, "Oh! I can bring you breakfast! Are there any pastries you prefer?"
"I prefer savory over sweets." he answered.
"I can make savory tarts for you." She replied.
With a nod, Marinette left the back room and quickly left the store.
'Guard dog, huh?'
Adrien looked around and spotted Marinette already at school. He couldn't wait to see her and talk to her more about hamsters. As he made his way towards her, he watched as she made her way over to Damian. To his surprise, and likely everyone's surprise, Marinette latched onto his arm. Damian didn't seem to mind and led her away.
Damian smirked as Marinette latched onto his arm. He had seen Adrien arrive and watched as Marinette quickly made her way over to him. He hadn't expected the physical contact, but after he initiated it yesterday, she likely expected it. Damian quickly led her away from prying eyes and hushed whispers. As they walked away, he leaned down to her ear.
"Woof." he barked.
He hadn't expected her to squeak, let alone blush. He chuckled as Marinette puffed up her cheeks and let go of his arm. Cheeks still flushed, she hurried into the school. Damian turned back and caught Adrien staring at them in shock. Damian sent a glare his way before following after Marinette.
TAGLIST: @maribat-calendar-events @animeweebgirl@a-star-with-a-human-name@meme991001@vixen-uchiha@abrx2002@alysrose-starchild@fandom-trapped-03@dood-space@moonlightstar64@saltymiraculer@marveldcedits20@09shell-sea09@icerosecrystal@animegirlweeb@insane-fangirl-of-everything@blueblossombliss@nickristus-dreamer@megawhitleycalderonpaganus@missmadwoman@meira-3919@princessdaisysolosyourfaves@blep-23@fangirlingfanatic@darkhinauniverse@ravenr22@im-a-satanic-ritual@ravennm84@bianca-hooks123@a-slytherinish-gryffindor@starling218
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raz-b-rose · 4 years
Daminette Reverse-Life AU
Hey guys, this is one of my oneshot fics that I also have posted on A03 and my first time posting on Tumblr so if anyone has any tips, I’d appreciate it. 
Marinette had been raised in what she would consider a deplorable manor unfitting even the strongest of beings. It was in a literal sense, a living hell. She had been driven to near death, not only with over exhaustion but botched training exercises as well. No matter how hard you push a child, physical limitations will always be a thing. 
She knew more ways to kill a man twice her size than there were types of ants that crawled the earth. She could be flawless in her execution of her skills, leaving very to no little trace or obliterating the enemy into submission to leave a message. She had conquered physical feats that many trained years to accomplish by age eight. 
She had the strength greater than the average fifteen year old girl, and the physical agility of an adult. Even after all this time, she continued to train constantly, adjusting to her ever changing and growing body. After all it has been trained into her since birth to be nothing but perfect. 
She had been trained to be the perfect lady in perfect society as the perfect assassin. Knowing every social cue in high society, from the perfect demur smile to using her words for political gains. She knew anything and everything a young girl raised in high society would be expected to know. She had been trained on any and all personalities needed for cover stories. She could be anyone she needed to be at the drop of a hat. She knew poisons, blades, and multiple languages. She knew various forms of fighting, having been trained to make a style all her own. The ultimate femfatale by age thirteen. No man would suspect her when she was older, much less when she was younger. 
Yes Marinette Cheng-Wayne was many things, and knew how to be anything she needed to be. However all this knowledge brought her to the one big question, so big that she found herself in an interesting situation. She felt her face muscles seized, eyes glazing over, the woman in front of her move out of focus. Who was Marinette Cheng-Wayne beyond the constant varying acts put on by what she deemed the situation needed. Even now she was acting at this stupid opening Gala. Even now she didn’t feel any form of joy the entire night. She felt drained. She felt irritated. She felt just, done.
Her dress was too big, and too impractical. Her hair hung too loosely around her neck, making her feel clammy and gross. Her palms were sweaty and she could feel what she knew was the start of a panic attack, and felt rather disgusted with herself for having one. She should be more controlled than this. 
Slowly she relaxes her face muscles into a resting scowl, she watches as the women she and her father were talking to exchange a side eye. Father looked at her in concern, after all she had stopped mid sentence. What she had been talking about, she didn’t have the care to remember, after all it was frivolous and ignorant on their end. 
“Marinette what’s wrong dear?” The oldest of the woman looks at her with lips downturned and parted, eyes wide, brow furrowed. Ah the perfect replication of concern. 
“Oh shove it Beatrice, like you actually care, which I know you don’t” the woman, Beatrice, gasps, covering her mouth with one gloved hand in dramatic shock. Marinette just snears in disgust. How would anyone answer her question if everyone around her put on an act?
“Marinette that was uncalled for,” Bruce scolds her, gently placing a hand on her shoulder, “Apologize.” His tone is firm, and she can already tell she is going to get a lecture when she gets home. 
Bruce has had it easy the last four years when taking her out in public. She had been good at putting her training to good use to fly under the radar of her father's social circles. Their nightlife activities is where he had put all his energy in reforming and refining her to a sense of morality, still a grey area in her mind, but a sense of morality nonetheless. She could see in his eyes that he was concerned and confused. 
Without another word she turns away from them, pushing her way roughly through the crowd, not caring about her actions at all anymore. She ignored the grunts and exclamations of annoyance in favor of distancing herself from all these people. She pulled to a stop when someone grabbed her by her arm, their hand warm and strong. 
“Whoa there babybird, what's got you in a huff?” She turns her glare on Grayson, mildly annoyed at his concern, even more annoyed that the one person who gave great advice was the one to stop her. She didn’t know what she wanted right now, and talking to Grayson felt like she would be stabbing herself with an emotional knife. 
“Let go Grayson, I just need out of this stupid place.” With a yank, she is free, moving a little faster towards the exit. She can hear his footsteps following behind her, annoying her further. If only she wasn't in this stupid dress, she could slip away. How did she get convinced to wear this contraption again? Her mother would be disappointed in her for not remembering. 
With a dramatic and resounding bang from the thrown open doors to the front entrance to the new Wayne building, she marches down the steps, past the remaining reporter's and flashing cameras. She just keeps going until she finds herself on the side of the Seine river. It smelled terrible and reflected oddly against the setting sun. She leans against the railing of the staring at the water drifting below. 
The fresh air felt nice against her flushed face and she could feel her heart rate returning to normal. Finally alone, she could start processing her mental breakdown. Given all the roles she's had to play in her life, it wouldn’t be a simple search either. The search for her true self. Who was she outside her parents?
She hears a set of steps making their way towards her. They were heavy but not because of weight but muscle mass. They belonged to someone tall as well. Her relaxing atmosphere crumbled around her. 
“Huh, hello are you lost?” She glances at the speaker, pleasantly surprised at her uninvited guest to her pity party. At least it wasn’t Grayson. He was around her age, close to six feet, his skin was a warm tone and blended well with the blue shirt he wore. His eyes were a startling green, not bright, but darker in a good way. His hair was styled into spikes, the gell glistening in the fading light. To say he looked good was an understatement. 
“Oh must not speak French,” he murmurs to himself, “Are you lost?” He asked again but in English this time.
“No, I'm not lost,” She answers in French, turning her gaze back to the sights in front of her. 
“Oh I’m sorry, I just assumed that a beautiful girl like you must have gotten lost going to a party or something” He fumbles for his words, clearly embarrassed. 
“I am in a predicament, but not one that would be as urgent as being lost” She can feel her face turning pink at his words. A beautiful girl. Well she knew she was beautiful, it's just rare to hear it from strangers on the street. 
“What's wrong?” He joins her in leaning over the water, he doesn’t look at her just stares into the depths of the river along with her. She studies him for a moment, watching as all traces of embarrassment vanish from his features, quickly replaced by intrigue and an emotion she had trouble placing. She turns back to the water confused at the things adding to her confusion. 
“Why do you want to know?”
“Well, I am a good listener, even if I can’t help, isn’t it nice to talk to someone sometimes isn’t it?” 
“How do you know you’re a good listener? I can’t imagine you were trained to listen well?” The boy chuckles softly at her words.
“I like helping people and listening to others' troubles is a good way to help. Takes no training at all to just listen.” He sends her a grin before turning away from her again.
“I’m confused.” She starts, frustration welling up within her. “I don’t know who I am.” Just as he said the boy didn’t respond, but Marinette could tell that he was listening, she so continued. She tucks a stubbornly loose strand of hair behind her ear.  
“I know a lot of things, and put on a lot of different acts all the time. I have had to be one way for my mother and another for my father. I have to act a certain way at my father's parties and at school and at work and with my brothers.” The words are just tumbling out like an avalanche. 
“I was talking to these rich women who like to behave like they're ignorant to life's pain and trials, and I had to pretend that I was too and it just pissed me off!” She reaches up to rub the spot on her chest where she had been stabbed three years ago. The scar surprisingly was small, and hidden by her dress. She watches as he switches between observing her and the water. His eyes kept straying to where her scar was, his expression surprising unreadable for her. 
“I- I just want to know who I am as a person, outside everything.”
“Well, I think that's going to be a difficult question to answer. After all everything we experience and know helps make us who we are.” She feels tears welling up in her eyes which just pissed her off more. 
“But I'm not what my mother raised me to be” She knows she's being defensive, but she needs this strange boy to know that isn’t who she wants to be anymore. 
“Then you have a part of the answer. Despite how your mom raised you you know that isn't who you are” He smiles widely at her, turning to lean his back against the railing, elbows propped up as well. She looks at him in surprise, eyes not leaving his own, even after he looked away in embarrassment. 
“Who do you think I am?”
“I don’t know you”
“No but I’m told first impressions tell you a lot about a person.” She can tell he's thinking; about what she doesn’t know but she hopes to get some more answers soon. She repositions her hair behind her ear once again. 
“I can’t tell you too much now but how about we go on a walk? Then I can tell you what kind of person I think you are at the end of the night” She smiles again, and she is finding that she doesn’t mind his smile, it has a certain charm to it after all.
“I would appreciate that,” she walks beside him, hands lifting the heavy navy fabric encasing her legs. “However I feel as though I am overdressed for such an activity as casual as a walk” He laughed again, why she didn’t understand. His laughter was contagious and she found herself smiling with him. 
“Do strangers' opinions matter to you?” 
“No,” She hesitates on finishing her sentence. He gives her an encouraging smile “But my Father’s and oldest brother’s do I guess” She kicks a leg out, watching her skirt lift but before settling back down. 
“Why is that?” She thinks over his question, reaching up to play with her hair. He pulls something from his pocket, his face flushed as he presents her with a hair tie. 
“Sorry, but it looks like you need it” 
“Thanks, My hair has been bothering me all night” 
“So why does your Father’s and brother’s opinions matter to you?” He asks again, while she ties up her hair, and she doesn't miss the way his eyes stay in her neck for a moment, or how he quickly averts his eyes. She can’t help but smirk. 
“My mother was-” She tries to find a word to describe her that a normal person would. “Strict. She expected a lot of things from me, unreasonable things. Her child was to take over for her father, unfortunately I was born a girl. Grandfather was not happy. So I was raised for her to prove herself.”
“I don’t think that's unfortunate, nothing wrong with being a girl after all”
“They would not agree,” She sighs, getting lost in the turret of recollections from her childhood. The harsh words, the degrading punishments, the unreasonable expectations. She spirals into her memories. She can feel the burn of metal against the bottom of her foot, the pain excruciating. And all because she couldn’t remember a few words of Russian. She was seven. 
“Hey, Hey! Are you ok?” She takes a shaky breath, meeting his eyes, nodding quickly. 
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine.” He takes her hand, gently leading her to a bench. He glances behind himself, looking at her in worry. 
“Wait here, I’ll be right back” He motions for her to wait before running off, She watches him turn the corner and out of sight. She looks back down at her hands, surprised that they were shaking violently. She hadn’t had this kind of reaction to her childhood in over a year now. She was pathetic and weak. Holding her head in her hands she continues to take deep breaths, thankful that at least she hadn’t started crying like last time. 
“You really scared me there” The boy was back, this time with a bottle of water and a damp rag. She tilts her head in thanks, taking the rag first, the temperature helping calm her down further. 
“And I didn’t know your name, so it took a few minutes to get your attention.” She laughs softly. 
“Hey that’s the first time you’ve laughed” She shouldn’t have looked at him then, because the look in his eyes left her breathless. They were soft and gentle, again holding that indecipherable emotion. 
“I don't laugh often.” She whispers, afraid to break the spell. She doesn’t want it to end, whatever this setting that had been created was. It was peaceful and never before had she felt more like herself than with this stranger. 
“And you name?” He whispers back, he continues to smile, taking her free hand. 
“That's a very beautiful name, it's French for ‘of the sea’. Do you know why the name was picked?” 
“My mother never said” As soon as she mentioned the woman again he was quick to change the subject, giving her the water. 
“Well my name in Damian”
“That means to tame”
“Does it? I’ve never actually looked it up before” They sit quietly, watching as the street lights slowly come on, the last of the light fading. 
“Will your parents worry about where you are?”
“No, as I’ve gotten older I get more of a free reign what about you?” 
“They aren’t worried, probably just annoyed because of how I left the Gala.”
“Earlier you said that your dad's opinion is important to you, why is that?” Damian asks the question for a third time, “If you don’t want to answer you don’t have to” he rushes to add. 
“No, it's fine Damian. When my mother handed me off to my father, it was an adjustment for both of us. He helped me change a lot of bad….habits,” she pauses to think about the last life she ever took. Just a few nights after she started living with Bruce. His was the only name she remembers, because Bruce had drilled it into her to never forget what she did. Gilbert Johnson. 
“How did he have to adjust?”
“Well he didn’t know I existed for eleven years, so that was a shock, and to get me in the state I was in….I was difficult and aggressive, fighting him at every turn.” And when she said fighting she meant literally. They would constantly get into scuffles, more so with her brothers, but Damian didn't need to know that.
“Nothing like I see now” Damian interjects. 
“Well it was thanks to his patience and love that I am the way I am now.” She shrugs. “So I try everyday to meet his expectations, to make him proud, because his disappointed face is awful” She thinks back to the Gala, about how she left, about how disappointed he looked. Her stomach turns at the thought of seeing him at the hotel tonight. 
“You seem to live you life by other people's expectations a lot” Damians slowly gains a look of horror, “I’m so sorry that came out so rude” 
“I’m not offended, it's true after all,” She waves off his concern. Silence drills over them, slowly gaining an awkward feeling to it. 
“What is your biggest dream?” He blurts out, bewildering her. 
“What is one thing you want to accomplish in life?”
“I don’t know, I haven’t really thought about what I want.” 
“Then there is another way to answer your question. What does Marinette want out of life? What brings you joy, excitement, or even helps you feel accomplished. Not saying that living to your fathers expectations are bad, but maybe try to find what you want” 
“You know Damian,” she smiles, swinging her legs back and forth, “You know something I don’t and I want you to teach me”
“What's that Marinette?”
She looks into his eyes again, finding that that shade of green is her new favorite color. He doesn’t break eye contact this time, she feels her lips quirk at his quickly reddening face. His jawline was attractive and she can see that he worked out regularly. Yes Damian was quite attractive, and she was never one to focus on such an attribute of another person, only to acknowledge it in a passing thought. Slowly she leans in, her quirked lips quickly turning into a predatory grin as he doesn’t back down. 
“Teach me how to live.” A heart beat of silence passes between them, she watches as many different emotions flash through his eyes, she doesn’t even realize she has started to cry until he reaches up to wipe the tears from her eyes. She blinks rapidly in surprise. 
“Marinette, you are an interesting girl. But something tells me you wont be in Paris forever” His hand stays on her face longer than necessary, hey gaze an overture of regret and longing. 
“True. I return to the states tomorrow.”  She can’t help but feel rejected before something even started. 
“That's quite the distance,” The look hasn’t left his eyes, “Marinette-”
“No its ok, I understand.” She hands him the rag and water, standing quickly, “Thanks for listening, I wish you the best '' She doesn’t make it very far before he's grabbing her hand.
“Thankfully we live in an age where long distance communication can be accomplished in seconds.”
“What reason do you have to do such a thing?”
“Because-” He starts to stutter, “You’re cute and I really want to keep talking to you” She can’t help but giggle, flushed from her cheeks to her toes in flustered joy. She is also enjoying his flustered state, he scratched the back of his head, but does not avert his gaze from her own. 
“I too find you attractive,” she gives a demur smile, enjoying the fluttering of her stomach. He is quick to take her hands again, leading her on an impromptu tour of the city, before she knows it, they are just a few blocks away from the new Wayne building. She uses her arm to stop him. 
“We best part ways here. There are bound to still be reporters around, don’t need them hounding you everyday just because you were seen walking with me.”
“Your life must be stressful” He reaches into his pocket again, this time however pulling out his phone, handing it to her to add her own contact. “I’ll text you when I get home, I know that dress doesn’t have pockets” 
“How do you know that?” Despite her protests, Alfred had insisted that one night being cell phone free wouldn’t kill her, especially in Paris. She still disagrees but nevertheless, the man had his ways. 
He winks at her, “Well Marinette, we still have a lot to get to know about each other, guess I’ll start with that my dream is to be a fashion designer.” 
“I can’t wait to hear about that.” She suddenly feels sad, holding her hands behind her back, staring at her shuffling feet. 
“And I can’t wait to hear about your dream Marinette,”
“I still don’t have one”
“I’ll help you find it” It almost looks like he's about to walk away, she has to find a way to make him stay a little longer. 
“Hey Damian, I surprisingly really like you, and thank you for talking with me.” her face is pink again, and she's finding it hard to look him in the eyes this time. 
He leans down his soft lips brushing against her cheek, “I really like you too Marinette, and we can talk any time you would like.” He whispers in her ear, giving her hand one last squeeze, before he's speed walking back the way they came, his ears red. 
Feeling much better than she did before, she reenters the lobby to find that the party has ended, her family standing around with the clean up staff, each looking agitated, her father and Grayson each on their phones. 
“Where have you been?” Her father demands as soon as he sees her, putting his ohone away. 
“Around the city,”
“We need to talk about what happened tonight Marinette.”
“What's there to talk about, I got tired of playing the role,”
“What role?” Father asks in confusion.
“The perfect lady, who's polite and quiet. I may not have a clear idea on who I am, but it's not that.”  Everyone stills at that, exchanging uncomfortable and concerned glances. Bruce grabs her gently, leading the family into a private room to talk.
“Babybird, we all have to act at some point”
“But I act all the time” she exclaims in frustration, “I’m never not acting.” She can tell they don’t understand, that they don’t quite get it. But Damian does and that's all that matters right now. 
Grayson comes up to her, kneeling down to eye level, for which she levels a glare at him. She is no longer a child. “Marinette,” he sounds so gentle and soft. Very much like Grayson, and this is why she didn’t want to talk to him because she just knows she's going to cry. 
“You are strong willed, determined to the point of death, kind, selflessly serving those who need it, but you don’t play well with others.” 
“You’re a great artist, and care for animals with much more care than the average person.” Todd joins in now too, also coming down to eye level. 
“You’re smart, and have a quick wit because of that.” Drakes adds from across the room, clearly embarrassed, even more so when she finally starts to cry. 
Bruce takes the place of the other two boys, who move to hover on her sides. “You are an amazing person Marinette and you have overcome so much, don’t forget for a moment the person you have worked to become.” She launches herself between his open arms. “Always try to be yourself, I just ask that we keep it polite in public, you can have a bit of a tongue too” He brothers chuckle at that. 
“Whatever you say oldman.” 
“Go upstairs to get ready to leave, we have an early flight back home.” She is glad to leave, being vulnerable leaving her feeling raw and exposed. Once in her room, she is quick to snatch up her phone. She breathes a sigh of relief at the text from an unknown number. The night wasn’t a total waste after all. While Marinette now had a clearer picture of who she was she still needed a dream to strive for. She looks out her window, the lights inside her room making it difficult to see clearly, but the beauty of the city wasn’t completely lost. Out there somewhere was Damian, and maybe, just maybe, her new dream as well. It wasn’t clear in her mind quite yet, but she knew that he would play a part in it somehow. 
Flopping on her bed, she’s quick to text back, surprised when he sends a picture, and asks for one in return. She is pleased to see that in the picture he looks the same as when they met. She takes some time trying to get the right picture, never having taken one of herself before. 
“Demonette are you taking selfies?” She is ashamed to say she jumped at the sound of Todds voice, quick to turn a withering glare on him. 
“The hell Todd, I could have been changing. Ever heard of knocking?”
“Don’t ignore my question!”
“And don’t ignore mine!”
“Are you and mini supes like a thing now?” He barrels on, trying to grab her phone. 
“EW! That imbeciel, think again.” She rolls off the bed, quick to lock her phone, just in case. 
“What are you hiding” He growls, swiping at her hands, she dances around him, annoyed at being interrupted. 
"None of your business!" 
"Bruce Demonette is hiding something!" Now everyone was in her room, eyes darting between Todd and herself, to the death grip she has on her phone. 
"Jason you are an adult, act like it, leave her alone." Father groans, leaving the room with a shake of his head. 
"But she was taking selfies Bruce!" Todd shouts following after the patriarch. 
"Why were you in her room?" Drake asks in disgust. 
Grayson sends her an encouraging nod and a wink before closing the door behind himself. "She's sixteen Jason, what's so weird about that?" 
She feels her temper rising, face flushed at the fact that he saw through her so easily. She quickly chooses one of the  pictures she took, sending it to Damian along with an apology. 
Damian: It's ok. I don’t have siblings, sounds energetic. Thanks for the contact pic. 
Me: That would be an understated assessment of what kind of men my brothers are.
With a quick glance towards her door, she runs to lock it, before finally ridding herself of her dress. She could hear the texts coming in, but knew she had to clean her face off all the makeup before she did anything else. 
Damian:I have always wanted siblings
Damian: Just me and my mom though
Damian: Sorry that was insensitive
Me: Why would that be insensitive, you are simply stating a fact about your life. 
Me: And siblings are a nuisance. Constantly involving themselves in your personal business.
Damian: Ok. Did you get in trouble with your dad?
Me: No. 
Damian: That's good. 
Me: I’m not good with texting, I apologize for my awkwardness.
Damian: You are texting perfectly fine. 
Damian: What time do you leave tomorrow?
Me: 11:40 am. We will get back into Gotham around 4am a day behind. 
Damian: Wow you’re from Gotham. Hope you get there safe and stay safe.
Me: My safety is never a question, I am trained to adequately protect myself. 
Damian: lol if you say so 
 Marinette stares at the receding conversation, then at the time. She could always sleep on the plane. And who knows when she will be back in Paris again. Not anytime soon that's for sure.
Me: Can I see you tomorrow before I leave?
She doesn’t feel anxious often, but now is one of those times. The minutes drag by as she waits for his answer, illogically fearing she overstepped a line. Illogically because she thinks back to his lips on her cheek, hoping that she wasn’t misreading him. 
Damian: Mom’s cool with it. We own a bakery so we are always up super early. 
She can’t help the wave of relief at the response, or that the address is close enough for her to walk there without her brothers knowing.   
Me: I’ll see you tomorrow. You should sleep now to get enough sleep to function safely and properly. 
Damian: I am used to running on very little sleep, no need to worry about me. 
Damian: But I won't keep you up, see you tomorrow Marinette. 
She doesn’t sleep right away though, all the new emotions and experiences buzzing in her mind. So she stares at the ceiling until her brain forces her other functions to shut down and recharge. She awakes early, her bags packed and ready by the door, and family undisturbed as she slips out. She finds the bakery easily enough, the signage in a classic french design and the paint a calming green and beige. It was cute and quaint. 
Glancing through the window she sees Damian at the register, what looked like school books piled around him as he writes, pure concentration in the air around him. The bell alerts him to her presence as she enters the shop, his eyes meet her own and his face light ups. 
“Marinette you’re here so early”
“Sorry I didn’t text ahead, bakeries are known for opening early. It looks like I interrupted your studying.  
“It's fine, I was just getting ahead.” He puts everything away lightning fast, and she is impressed by the organization. “So you have a few hours before your flight leaves, would you like to come up?”
“Yeah, we live above the bakery.” Taking her hand, he leads her behind the counter, revealing a large kitchen and another door leading to a hallway. A woman was in the kitchen, her hair tied into a tight bun, her arms and face covered in flour and yeast. 
“Oh Damian is this your friend, Nice to meet you I’m his mom, Talia.” She was definitely his mother, the resemblance uncanny except for the green eyes, hers were brown. Her eyes showed her kindness and the smile lines on her face told Marinette what kind of woman she was. Damian was very lucky to have her. 
“Nice to meet you, my name is Marinette.” 
“You kids go up stairs and have fun, but no funny business.” She waves them off, turning back to the stone oven before pulling bread out. 
“Mom!” Damian hisses in embarrassment, he glanced at her before pulling her out of the kitchen. “Sorry about her”
“I do not mind, she seems very kind.” 
“Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don’t think too much fazes you, huh?” 
“No normally, I’m normally very guarded and hyper aware.”
“Sorry about that.”
“Nothing you can do about it, just a deeply ingrained habit” She looks around the small apartment, finding the simplicity and bright colors giving her a welcomed feeling. Surprising considering her preference for dark colors. “What a lovely home.”
“Thanks,” She follows him as he moves towards the set of stairs against the wall of the kitchen. “This is my room, sorry about the mess, I’m working on a project or two right now.”
She takes back what she thought about his organizational skills, the explosion of fabric, pins, and pattern paper covering the floor left much to be desired. The walls were covered in sketches, and not just of clothes but people and places too, as well as cut outs from magazines and fabric swatches. An older looking sewing machine sits on one desk while the other is full of books, pens and colored pencils. 
“Wow, I can see how passionate you are about your dream.” 
“Yup, I want nothing more than to own my own line, and to see people wearing my designs.” She picks up a green knit sweater of one of his chairs, liking it for the color. It matched his eyes. It was soft and even smelled like him. 
“Do you like that one?”
“You can have it, I was just trying something new and really liked how it turned out.” 
“Are you sure you wont need it?”
“You can send me pictures if I need a reference, wow that sounded really flirty” He gives a nervous chuckle.
“Was it,” she's amazed by how easily ruffled he constantly became, “My mother never taught me how to flirt, so I don’t fully understand it” She continues to pick through his clothes, inspecting each piece. 
“I’m going to ignore that passing comment, and we flirted most of last night, at least I felt like we did” 
“Why do people flirt?” 
“To, huh, show another person they are interested in them, romantically.”
“Oh then I definitely flirted with you last night,” She spins around, pleased to find a red faced Damian awaiting her, “I am very interested, and it's all very new to me.”
“Wait, you’ve never liked anyone before?”
“No, but I am certain that a fluttering stomach, blushing and increased heart rate are signs of romantic interest. So I am certain that what I am feeling is accurate.”
“You are also not embarrassed easily,” Damian murmurs through his hands. 
“Do you not feel the same?”
“NO!” She jumps at the force of his answer, too surprised to process his answer before he is tumbling through his words, “no, what I mean is, yes I feel the same”
“Oh” This pleases her greatly. 
“I’m just scared about starting anything so quickly and with you leaving and everything.”
“Understandable, but I can easily fly over for holidays, I could even have my father transfer me to Paris. They do have an exemplary education system after all.” 
“You are taking this distance thing very well” 
“Well I will miss seeing you, but we will still be able to communicate.” She takes a seat beside him on his couch. 
He gives her a fond look before grabbing a paper bag, filling it with her new sweater and a few other items. “You are a very interesting girl Marinette.” 
Her phone rings, bringing her mood down, knowing it can only be her father. “Good morning father,”
“Marinette where are you?”
“I just stepped out for a moment, I’m heading back now.”
“Please let me know next time you are leaving,” She pauses for a moment, hearing real concern and fear in her father's tone. 
“I won’t willingly go back to her.”
“I know sweetheart, but I am afraid she won't give you a choice, and knowing where you are will put me at ease.”
“I promise to let you know next time father.” With that she hangs up, sharing an equally bitter sweet gaze with Damian. 
“I’ll walk you out, I can’t leave my mom alone with the bakery for too long sorry”
“I completely understand, thank you for the clothes,” 
Talia is waiting with a box of pastries, smiling sweetly before sending her off with a quick hug. “Take care of her Damian”
“Yes mom,” They exchange a hug, not too long or too short. 
“I’ll text you soon, thank you for making this visit a pleasant one Damian.” 
“Safe travels, bye Marinette.”
“Bye Damian.”
As she nears the awaiting car, she sees her father and Drake waiting for her on the sidewalk. Drake gave her box an inquisitive look.
“What do you have there?”
“Pastries for everyone, the owner was quite insistent” The men decide to think nothing of it, instead eager to get home and relieve the girls who stayed behind while they were gone. She stiffens when the car passes by the bakery, Damian walking out the door, meeting a girl with vibrant wavy hair and golden brown skin, along with a boy with slightly lighter skin tone and a ball cap. She wonders what kind of friends he has. 
“What is it Demonette? What's in the bag anyway?”
“How did you find time to go shopping?” Todd could try all he wanted, but he would get no fight from her. Not right now anyway, she felt too happy to ruin it. 
“I don’t know Todd, you’re the detective, figure it out.” She ignores his spitting anger in favor of continuing to stare out the window. The passing buildings and the eiffel tower left her feeling refreshed and born again, despite the age of the city. She had started her journey of self discovery only last night, and she felt satisfied so far.
“Father, I think I would like to attend school in Paris next semester” 
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silverwhiteraven · 5 years
MariBat DamiNette AU Prompt
So @scribble-blog answered a cute get-to-know-me prompt via 4-Truths-and-a-Lie, and whoever spotted the lie could give a DamiNette prompt. This is the one I brainstormed, here to share it as potential writing fuel for any other Maribat/DamiNette fans!
(I'm calling it the Black Cats and Robinettes AU because why Not? Couldn't think of anything else.)
The set-up is a bit of a Role-Reversal type deal with Bio!Dad/Adopted AU and Black Cat!Damien. (Original prompt is a First Meeting and this is the background I thought up.)
Damien is NOT the Son of Batman, rather, Marinette is, either biologically (potentially and maybe preferably with a different Mother as well) or via adoption like the other Bats. So Robin!Marinette, sweet! Still called Robin because thats the mantle's name, Robinette is just a nickname and, maybe, her future mantle if she decides to be like Tim and not fully change the name (sorry Red Robin). (Don't even ask me about the Dupain-Cheng parents, I don't feel like hurting them so they can simply exist as a seprate and happy entity away from all this.) She's still good, creative, and worthy of being Ladybug, since this isn't a personality-swap nor a full background-swap, she's just not Ladybug (yet? Maybe someone is a Temporary Ladybug or the Ladybug is not active due to no suitable potential holders) due to not living in Paris (yet??). Additionally, and again preferably, she's been raised by Bruce her whole life, so, if he's her Bio Dad, she wasn't a long-kept secret by whoever her mother is, if said mother is even in the picture.
But! Damian is still an al Ghul from still being Talia's son, and rather than his father being Bruce, it's a previous Black Cat holder (its perfectly logical to assume the Miraculous were still being used before Hawkmoth came about, seeing as they were being sought after during a war, meaning they had to have been active at some point during or just before said war for anyone to even know they existed and seek them. Plus, I trust that Master Fu still stuck to his duty of not just protecting the Miraculous, but also making sure they were used in times of need where they were needed). If not a Scary Bat to father an Assassin Demon Heir, then what else would be better but a Black Cat of Destruction? So Damien is likely either brought to Paris when Hawkmoth becomes active in order to get the Ring and take up his father's title, or, when the event that first gets Damien given to his father when he's 10, he's possibly given to Master Fu instead (because his father no longer has the Ring or Black Cat title to pass to his son himself). Maybe both since Hawkmoth appeared somewhere between our MCs' ages of 10 and 14 (canon does a terrible hob with timelines, I'm sorry). Bonus points if he gets adopted by the Dupain-Chengs.
THAT'S the background info I came up with, and the First Meeting can be caused by either the classic "Paris Class Takes Trip to Gotham or Vice Versa" or the slightly lesser known "Bats go to Paris and Stay to Help Because They Belatedly Learned About Hawkmoth Either from Being There Themselves or from a Received Message for Help". "Transfer Student" is also a wonderful option.
And, additionally, both 'Love at First Sight' and/or 'Slow-Burn via Distrust but Clear Foreshadowing of Future Love' are both valid vibes to have within a First Meeting deal.
Not sure what else to have so I hope y'all like it!! Stay tuned for any additions or future writings for this~!!
And, on a final point, Salt is optional, too!! Easy to slot it in or out of it, to each their own~!! 💛
(P.S: I also have a Kryptonian Marinette idea, yell at me if anyone wants to hear about it.)
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scribble-blog · 5 years
Black Cats and Robinettes- a Role Reversal AU
Thanks @silverwhiteraven for giving me such a lovely prompt to work with!!! Find it here if you’d like to take your own stab at it!
Some side notes: In this AU I picture Adrien as our wonderful spotted hero! With Damian as our wonderful Black Cat. Chloé absolutely has the Bee Miraculous a la Adrien, but never exposed her identity (somehow) and fights beside them regularly. Marinette is the biological daughter of Bruce, and has been raised by him since she was a baby! Dick is very protective of her, as are Bruce, Alfred, Jason, Steph, Babs, Tim, Cass, etc, etc... how she functions as Robin when none of them want her near crime is hilarious I bet. (We all know she’s got a will of titanium and none of them can stop her from doing anything she wants to.)
Damian stared coldly around the room, watching as Césaire fawned around Rossi like cheap desperate paparazzi to a B list movie star. While Chloé and Adrien kept to themselves, icy facades disdainful, the stumbling pack of idiots they had been forced to travel with seemed to orbit her as always, presenting themselves for her approval as she spun low after lie.
He’d tried, long before, back when the Liar had only just started at their school, to show them the truth. A common courtesy, as no hero should let people be swindled they way she got them- but as soon as they made it clear they preferred to follow her blindly instead of believing the facts he presented, he’d let them go.
How Rossi has managed, with her mean intellect, to actually secure them the trip to Gotham he would never understand. Presumably, the entirety of the actual work rested on the shoulders of Césaire, Lavillant, and possibly Lahiffe, but he had no intention of asking to find out.
Truly, he’d had no intention of being on the trip at all, but Sabine and Tom has insisted that he join the school trip and spend time with his peers.
They’d been the best things to ever happen to him, when they’d adopted him six years ago. It was difficult now to tell them no for anything.
No, Damian Dupain-Cheng would never deny them anything they asked of him. When Talia had realized her... partner had lost the Black Cat Miraculous she had hoped he would pass on to their son, to him, she’d killed him for the slight and left Damian in the nearest city. Apparently, his genes were too “sullied” for him to actually bear the weight of being Ra’s al Ghul’s heir, without the promise of the powerful object falling into the League’s lap. It was her last gift to her son that she let him live.
They’d found him his very first day. Sabine’s sharp eyes had noticed him picking the pocket of a woman outside her storefront, and when he’d tried to retaliate when she grabbed him-
Well. She’d won his respect, and some of his fear. And they’d put him in the bedroom at the top of their home, and somehow...
He’d never left. And he’d gotten the last laugh against his mother for it, when Master Fu had chosen him for the very Miraculous Talia had conceived him for.
He shook his heads away front the thoughts as their tour guides, he assumed, approached. Surely it was them, because every other person in this lobby had been studiously avoiding the group. He heard Rossi mention her ‘best friend’ Maria Wayne one more time and resisted laughter. She couldn’t even get the girl’s damn name right.
“Welcome to Wayne Enterprises, everyone,” the taller guide said, gesturing openly for them all to gather up. “My name is Richard. Together with Marinette, one of our interns, we’ll be guiding your tour today.”
He motioned to the much shorter girl, who appeared to be their age. Damian gazed curiously, watching as she flinched away slightly from their focus before stilling, and then looking up, proudly, an easy smile on her face. Her blue eyes practically sparkled.
“It’s a pleasure to be able to join you today,” She said in perfect French, and Damian felt gleeful as her eyes darted towards Rossi with the slightest visible distaste. “Richard can understand French, but doesn’t speak it quite as well, so I am here to act as a translator when needed. I believe the notes for your group mentioned that some of you are not yet fluent in English. I will be available during the tour for any possible questions you have that aren’t as easy to articulate in English.”
Her eyes finally met Damian’s in her final sweep, and he tried not to let his breath catch. She was pretty, yes, but the force of her gaze was intense and it made Damian’s heartbeat stutter. Fuck.
Richard stepped forward again. “Alright. If you all have your guest passes-“
The tour was fun and genuinely engaging, though he noticed several people uncomprehending as they couldn’t quite catch Richard’s words, and no one had been brave enough to speak to Marinette except for Chloé. She’d asked several times for the girl to clarify a point in French.
Which the girl did, cheerfully. It was always some part of information that sat on the edges of Rossi’s many lies, nothing to call her out entirely but enough that the Liar was spending whatever seconds she wasn’t panting after Richard she was glaring at Chloé and Marinette indiscriminately.
They stopped for lunch at the building’s cafeteria, and Damian quickly got his own food, sat down and Chloé and Adrien joined him. They weren’t quite friends- but they kept together in solidarity against the rabid pack. The silence as the age was as normal as the court Rossi held over at the table she’d chosen.
And then another tray joined them.
“So,” Marinette said in beside him. “I had a question for you three, since you seem- sharper than most of your classmates. Does she always-“ she gestured one hand loosely towards Rossi. “Do that?”
“Lie like her life depends on it?” Chloé sneered. “Sadly, yes.”
Marinette looked out over at the full table, growing rambunctious as Lila laughed at something or other. “Hmm. Well. Perhaps I can put an end to it. Also,” she reached across the table, the motion surprising Damian. “Why didn’t you tel me you two would be here! I could’ve made plans! You could’ve stayed with me instead of whatever hotel you guys had to rent out 15 rooms for.”
Adrien chuckled, meeting his eyes. “Damian, let me actually introduce you. This is Marinette Wayne, who we’ve been friends with since every fashion week since our parents first started dragging us to them.”
Marinette- Marinette Wayne looked at him, and then blushed as she offered her hand to him. He took it, shook once. “Damian Dupain-Cheng.” He hoped his heart wasn’t beating out of his chest.
“It’s wonderful to meet you, Damian,” she said kindly, and he knew he had a crush. Her eyes darkened and a grin stole across her face. “How would you like to help me prove to the people in your class that that girl is lying once and for all?”
And he knew he was in love.
TAGLIST: @ash-amg
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scribble-blog · 5 years
Black Cats and Robinettes part 2!!
BACK AGAIN WITH THE ROLE REVERSAL EVERYBODY!! As some side notes, despite trying super hard to keep Damian and Marinette’s core personalities intact despite them having very different origin stories, I’ve definitely made Marinette- a bit tougher I guess? This Marinette isn’t going to curb her words, especially not for people she doesn’t know at all (who are hanging off a liar hurting her friends). Likewise, Damian is definitely a bit softer around the edges. It comes from the years of having loving and present parents without a super hero life to keep his edge. That being said, I hope you enjoy!!!
“Lila!” He watched as Marinette approached their class, the bulk of them looking over towards her distrustfully. So, Lila has already been spinning bullshit about the girl, despite the fact that she was the Wayne heiress Lila claimed to be practically a sister to. “I don’t know why you didn’t tell me you were in town. I would’ve made sure to clear up my schedule to spend time with you!”
“Just watch this, Damian. She’s vicious.” Adrien told him, leaning over.
“I’m sorry? I think you’ve got the wrong person,” Rossi simpered.
“No?” Marinette tilted her head slightly. “I mean, I know it’s been a while, but surely you remember me. Marinette Wayne?”
Rossi’s eyes went wide.
“I thought you said her name was Maria?” Kanté questioned.
And then, before Damian’s eyes, Rossi did the stupidest thing he’d ever seen her do.
She doubled down.
“A childhood nickname,” she explained away, eyes narrowing slightly at the girl who’d come to cast her from her throne. “I’m so sorry, Maria, it’s just been so long! I didn’t recognize you.”
“But- like you said, it’s only been four months since your mother brought you to Gotham.” Marinette’s eyes had blown wide open, innocence dripping from her every word. “I haven’t changed that much, have I? I haven’t even gotten a haircut...”
Lila tried to laugh it off, but Damian saw several of the class giving her confused looks.
“Remind me how we met, Lila.” Marinette said suddenly. Her tone was still sweet, but something in her face had shifted.
“It was- at a Wayne Gala,” Césaire volunteered. “When you were both five. Your parents let you play together.”
“An incredible feat, given that my usual bedtime was right when the gala started until I was twelve, and I wasn’t even allowed to attend the gala until age ten.” Marinette’s voice was still honeyed, but she spoke like a cracking whip. The class was silent. “And about the “work” you’ve done with my family? Those green initiatives you helped us plan in coordination with Prince Ali of Achu?”
“The- the green initiatives?” Lavillant trembled. “The ones to plant trees in deserts and man made wastes to combat the destruction of ecosystems?”
“Oh, poor girl,” Chloé crooned lowly. Damian snorted.
“They don’t exist. The Wayne Enterprises website can direct you to a full list of every charity act committed by my family’s company. It lists every fundraiser and nonprofit organization that is founded, funded, owned or supported by us. You will not find those initiatives there.” Marinette was lethal. Whatever inner sunshine she carried within her seemed to have frozen over.
“Every word about knowing me or being my friend. Every word insinuating that she either is dating or is being courted by my brothers. Every implication that she has any sort of sway in this building or any connection in the slightest to my father- all lies. Despite what Lila has been telling you, I’ve never met her before she started lying about me and my family in front of my face today.
“I don’t care what else Lila has told you. I don’t care what she has promised to do for you. I don’t even care that you believed her. But if I ever hear another word about my family slip from your venomous mouth, snake,” Marinette spat contemptuously, “you will be served with several lawsuits for defamation from my family alone, ignoring what I’m sure I could rustle up from the plethora of names that you tried to claim a connection to in this building in my range of hearing.” She finished with the air of someone who knew she hadn’t landed the final blow, but was waiting for one last misstep to give her a reason to deliver it.
“How do we know that you’re actually Marinette Wayne?” Alya called out angrily. “You could just be someone who’s jealous after hearing about Lila and all of the things she’s done and the people she knows!”
There it was. He watched the unrestrained glee in Marinette’s eyes as she dismissively delivered her last shot.
“I don’t know. Try googling me.”
And then, without another word, she turned and walked very neatly back to their table, ignoring the attention she had garnered from the rest of the dining room. “So guys, do you have any free time during your trip? I feel like we should do dinner? We should do dinner.”
“That was incredible,” Damian breathed.
And then to his complete surprise, she flushed bright red. “Oh my god. I shouldn’t have-“
“You absolutely should have,” Chloé cut her off. “Rossi’s been lying about you for days now. It’s a miracle this is the first actual consequence.”
“Are you sure I wasn’t too harsh on everyone else though?” She asked. Her eyes were still on him.
Damian shrugged in response. “We’ve tried to tell them before. They chose her. This is their reward.”
“Think about it this way, Mari,” Adrien consoled her. “At least with your put down they have the chance to start being better people. If you had been nicer Lila could have turned it around somehow, like she always does.”
A sudden eruption of shouting came from across the room, and Damian looked over just in time to see Césaire throw a strong punch straight across Rossi’s cheek.
“Oooh, that’s gotta hurt,” Adrien said sympathetically. “Skulls are hard. Alya’s fingers could’ve broken.”
“I think she’s fine,” Chloé said dismissively as Césaire wound up for another, to be held back by Lahiffe.
“Dick’s gonna kill me,” Marinette groaned.
“I’m gonna do what, Sunshine?” Their other tour guide’s voice said brightly. “Congratulations, I sent a video to the family chat and now everyone is losing their minds.”
“Ghhhhhhh,” she moaned further, head sinking into her hands. “Tell my sisters I love them. Cass gets everything. Every brother is disowned.”
“Heartbreaking,” he said dryly, reaching out and snagging a french fry from her tray. Her hand stopped him with a quickness that startled Damian.
“Don’t touch.”
“Sheesh, Mari, alright.” He turned away, to face them. “Adrien, Chloé, good to see you again. Who’s this?”
“Damian Dupain-Cheng,” He introduced himself. “It’s easier to just say I’m their friend than it is to explain everything.”
“You are our friend, idiot,” Chloé threw a fry at him. “Honestly.”
“Hmm.” Richard- Dick? Marinette’s brother’s eyes lingered on Damian. He could feel himself being judged.
“Tell you what. I’m sure Alfred wouldn’t mind a few extra plates at dinner tomorrow, and honestly, I think any time spent away from that group is probably better-“ he sent a look over towards the class, now being barely restrained by Mme. Bustier, stepping between everyone. Her quick, quiet plaintive words were followed by an even louder, “You KNEW?” from Alya - “so how about I okay it with your teacher and you all come visit with Mari at the manor for the evening after your tours tomorrow?”
“You’ll okay it by Bruce too?” Marinette gave him a grin.
“It’s usually Dad,” Adrien said. “Why the name switch?”
“She’s upset with him for something, and since she’s the only one of us who actually calls him that, this is her best weapon,” Dick said with a grimace. “Yeah, yeah, Sunshine, I’ll get the okay for it.”
“Thank you!” She gave him a hug that looked bruising but Dick seemed to give what he got. A few joints cracked.
“Siblings,” Adrien sighed longingly.
“No thank you,” Chloé said disparagingly.
“Do I get a say in this at all?” Damian wondered to himself.
And he was resoundingly answered but four very emphatic No’s.
@thestressmademedoit @noirdots @ash-amg @ranger-gothamite @persephonebutkore @zalladane @athena452 @mewwitch @vixen-uchiha @redscarlet95 @mochegato @justafanwarrior @catcusxx @indecisive-mess-named-me @resignedcatservant @marinettepotterandplagg @myazael @mochinek0 @shizukiryuu @loveswifi @gm-nasai @peachedpocky @whatthefox22 @jardimazul @ladybug-182 @schrodingers25 @athena452 @dramatic-squirrel
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scribble-blog · 4 years
Black Cats and Robinettes part 3!!!!
Part 1   Part 2
Marinette eyed her brother balefully, even as she stuck another pin into the sleeve she was working on. “I don’t see how this is any of your business.”
“You’re my little sister,” Dick lamented. “I feel that it is completely my business to veto your budding love life.”
“The love life you know of,” Marinette muttered, ignoring Dick’s yelp as she stuck him with a pin. “Can you leave it be?”
“Can you leave him be?” Dick mocked her, rubbing the spot where she’d pricked him. 
“We’ve got more important things,” Marinette directed him to move, having him spin as her keen eyes watched. He did some light stretches to test the fabric, and she nodded. “Like, I don’t know, that hero Dad wants us to meet with?” 
“Hero schmero,” Dick grinned. “What are the volatile superhero politics of a different country compared to the love life of Gotham’s sunshine princess? And what are you going to have Alfred cook up to woo him tomorrow night?”
“Had it not been for the laws of this land, I would have slaughtered you,” She scowled, punching him. He just laughed in return.
Damian was not sitting on his bed mooning over Marinette Wayne.
No, Damian was staring out his window and mooning over Marinette Wayne. It was a small difference but it mattered, mostly because if he hadn’t been staring at the cloud cloaked sky and wondering if she had been flirting with him the rest of the day after her masterful takedown of Lila that had left the girl sobbing. She’d invited Adrien and Chloé, and him he supposed, to dine with her family the next night. She’d actually tried to include him in what could clearly have just been time for her to spend with her friends. 
What did it mean??
Staring out the window was nice, a sobering reminder that even if anything could come from this, Marinette Wayne was still the rich, beautiful, girl who was regarded as the Princess of Gotham. And he lived in Paris. 
And speaking of Paris, he caught the familiar movement of a red and a yellow suit, moving over the rooftops.
He couldn’t stop himself from standing up, a small intake of breath his only outward sign of surprise. Ladybug and Queen Bee? He watched them, spots and stripes, dart over a roof break, the streetlight filtering up and leaving them in stark definition. 
“Plagg,” Damian said, and the Kwami looked up from where he had retreated when it seemed clear that he was just going to pine over a girl for the whole evening. “Do you know why Ladybug and Queen Bee are here?”
“Why should I know that?” Plagg snacked on another piece of Camembert. Damian made a face, incredibly glad he’d started putting Camembert in double ziplock bags to keep from smelling like it constantly. “I’m your kwami, not theirs.”
“Claws out, Plagg.”
It was a simple matter to climb out of the window, and throw himself to the rooftops using the staff. 
He spotted them immediately, the familiar joking and banter that Queen Bee and Ladybug exhibited during battles easy to hear. But now, with them here, he honestly would have felt stupid if he hadn’t already known that there was magic that kept any casual comparisons from revealing their identities.
Of course, it was Adrien and Chloe. Of course it was his two friends. Out of all of the idiots in Paris, it had to be his two idiots who ran around in magical spandex fighting monsters with him.
There wasn’t any other explanation for why they would be in Gotham of all places. And if they were using the Horse Miraculous to return to Paris for akumas-
Damian scowled. And now they were going on a joy run around a city they had no business being in? If anyone else was able to make these connections like him-
“So,” a voice behind him interrupted his train of thought. “Are you just an opportunist in a cat costume trying to meddle in the Bat’s affairs? An amateur wannabe hero? Should I let Catwoman know she’s got a copycat running around Gotham?”
Damian spun. Behind him was a girl, shorter than him despite the clear platforms on the boots, dark green mask glinting in the low evening light.
“I thought capelets were out of fashion,” Damian said dumbly. The girl smirked at him.
“Well,” she shrugged, “It’s part of the Robin ensemble. And I sure as hell wasn’t going to deal with a full cape.” Her pose never faltered from battle-ready, despite her easy tone. “Now what’s a boy like you doing in a place like this?”
Damian spluttered. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me,” She nodded towards where Ladybug and Queen Bee had been, stepping forward, into his space. “You were following the two Parisian heroes. Don’t argue, I caught you at it. What do you want with them, catboy?”
Damian wished very desperately that his mask could keep him from blushing. Was there something wrong with him today? First Marinette Wayne, and now Robin? Batman’s partner? Why was he noticing how cute she was when he’d been pining after Marinette earlier? Was there something wrong with him?
“Well?” Robin challenged.
“I’m Chat Noir,” He started babbling. “I’m their partner too, but I didn’t know they were here in Gotham, and I’d prefer they didn’t-”
“Find out?” Robin grinned, backing away a step. “You scared they’ll be upset for the misunderstanding?”
Damian fought the urge to squirm under the blank white eyes of her mask. What to tell her? “They don’t know who I am, and I’d really rather not have to deal with revealing myself tonight.”
She leaned away, taken aback. “You don’t know who each other are? How do you get anything done?”
Damian laughed. “Honestly, we don’t. I’m thinking that’s probably why they’re here, isn’t it? To ask you and your group for help. That’s how you knew they were Parisian. They’re here to meet you.”
She finally dropped from her fighting-ready pose, tilting her head as she looked at him. “You’re pretty sharp. I wish I could trust you.”
And then she swung, and Damian jumped back automatically. She had a staff, an extendable one, and she knew how to use it. Before she could make another move, Damian swung himself out over the open street, dropping until his staff caught him, carrying him to the next rooftop over. 
“I don’t want to fight you!” He yelled back at her. He could practically see the way she rolled her eyes. Honestly, if this had happened to him back in Paris, he couldn’t say he’d be any less suspicious than she was, but it was still annoying him that she couldn’t just take his word for it.
Which meant that he had three options, he reasoned as they stood off against each other, the river of traffic between and far below them. He could try to fight her and possibly incur the wrath of the rest of Gotham’s vigilantes, which, no. He could try to run away and transform back, and give up this whole outing before making his way back to the hotel. Or he could go after Chloe and Adrien, possibly reveal himself and them to the vigilantes they were meeting with, but prove to Robin that he really wasn’t just some masked asshole making the best of the rooftops that night.
He wanted to groan as he watched her pull out a grappling gun. And he decided that sometimes, retreat really was the better part of valor.
He leapt for the next rooftop, only to have her swing in front of him. He tried to course correct, but she managed to block him, leaving him lunging for the next roof. 
He swerved the second he landed, immediately jumping again. He had super strength! It shouldn’t be hard to out distance her!
Except that whenever he thought he’d managed to get out of her sight, she’d corner him again.
Finally, he realized mid leap that she wasn’t trying to catch him. In fact, she was barey trying to chase him.
No, she was corralling him somewhere. He sprang from the edge, to another, and found out where she’d been forcing him.
Ladybug and Queen Bee were waiting there, along with two other masked individuals. Damian didn’t scowl when he heard Robin’s landing behind him, but it was a close thing.
“Oh my god,” one of the others whispered. “We have to tell Catwoman. It’s fucking genetic.”
“Shhhh,” the taller hushed. “Robin. I take it this is Chat Noir?”
“Yes,” Ladybug answered for him, green eyes burning into his. “Glad you made it, Chat.”
Ah. Okay. Damian could put off talking to them until later then. Thank god. But he turned back to Robin, one brow raised. “Good enough for you?”
“Oh,” Robin grinned, and despite being named for a bird, she looked like the cat that caught the canary. “What do you think we are? I’ve known you weren’t lying the whole time. Welcome to Gotham, Chat Noir.”
Her teasing smile made his heart stutter. He might honestly have gone a bit weak in the knees.
Gotham was trying to kill him, he realized. And it’s chosen method was flirty dark-haired girls who were out of his league and far more trouble than he thought.
@ash-amg  @vixen-uchiha @redscarlet95 @dramatic-squirrel @athena452 @novaloptr @bee-wrecker @constancetruggle @pr-y-sha
@thestressmademedoit @noirdots @ranger-gothamite @the-fair-maiden-of-fandom @zalladane  @mewwitch @mochegato @justafanwarrior @catcusxx @indecisive-mess-named-me @resignedcatservant @marinettepotterandplagg @myazael @mochinek0 @shizukiryuu @fancandi @fusser90 @loveswifi @gm-nasai @peachedpocky @danielslilangel @whatthefox22 @jardimazul @ladybug-182 @schrodingers25 @karategirl119 @smolplantmum @maribat-is-lifeblood @thebookwormfairy @sassakitty @area51qt @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @amayakans @dast218 @myvividreams @dorkus-minimus @alexandriamw @elmokingkong @tis-i-beanbandit
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scribble-blog · 4 years
Story Masterpost!
In an effort to stop having to link multiple times in each fic post, I’m going to try to keep all links archived here. I’m considering doing an additional post to catalogue each story’s tag list in a public space, where people can check if they’re already tagged for something or not. If that sounds cool to you let me know!
This post will be pinned at the top of my blog and updated each time I post something!
The Road Rises to Meet You (soulmate au redux)
(daminette, jondrien, chlogami)
AO3  ||  Part 1  ||  Part 2  ||  Part 3  ||  Part 4  ||  Part 5  ||  
Part 6  ||  Part 7  ||  Part 8  ||  Part 9
Soulmate AU
(daminette, jondrien, chlogami)
Part 1  ||   Part 2  ||   Part 2.5   ||   Part 3   ||   Part 4   ||   
Part 5   ||   Part 6   ||   Part 7   ||   Part 8   ||   Part 9   ||   
Part 10   ||   Part 11   ||   Part 12   ||   Part 13   ||   Part 14   ||   
Part 15   ||   Part 16 ALTangst   ||   Part 16   ||   Part 17   ||   Part 18   ||   
Part 19   ||   Part 20   ||   Part 21   ||   Part 22   ||   Part 23   ||   
Part 24   ||   Part 25   ||   Part 26   ||   Part 27   ||   Part 28  ||  
Part 29  ||  Part 30
Black Cats and Robinettes
(daminette, role reversal AU)
Part 1  ||   Part 2   ||   Part 3   ||   Part 4
Fake Dating AU
Part 1   ||   Part 2   ||   Part 3   ||   Part 4   ||   Part 4.5   ||   
Part 5  ||  Part 6  ||  Part 7  ||  Part 8
(gen, jason+marinette siblings, akumatized marinette)
Part 1  ||   Part 2   ||   Part 3   ||   Part 4   ||   Part 5
Drabbles/Oneshots (as of right now)
A Bird In the Hand  (chlodamian)
Party Games  (daminette)
Blind Date  (daminette)
Changeling  (undecided)
First Crush  (timari, one-sided daminette)
Christmas Spirit  (gen)
    Revenge (gen, continuation) 
Me, Choosing You  (LINK LEADS TO AO3)(jasonette, mythology au)
This Isn’t My Idea of Fun  (daminette, childhood enemies (sort of) au)
Looked Like You Needed An Out (timari, secret dating au)
Do You Love Me? (daminette, character death)
Java Jive (timari, coffee shop au)
Words Fail (jasonette, body art soulmate au)
Heist (daminette, miraculous thief au)
Teenage Escapades (daminette, high school secret dating au)
756 notes · View notes