#damion berger
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Damion Berger :: Bookworm, Le Roccabella, Monaco, 2004 - from In the Deep End series
Damion Berger :: Torpedo, Le Roccabella, Monaco, 2001 - from In the Deep End series
Damion Berger :: Katya, Monaco, 2001 - from In the Deep End series
source: Damion Berger website
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g00melo5-art-blog · 5 years
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‘Portugal’, ‘Portugal’ International Pyro-Melodic Firework Competition, Monaco, 2009
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almavio · 7 years
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© Damion Berger • In the Deep End - Lightbox, Stade Nautique Ranier III, Monaco 2002 
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crossconnectmag · 7 years
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“Black Powder” Photography by Damion Berger
Gunpowder, also known as black powder, is the earliest known chemical explosive. Following its invention in ancient China, the earliest documentation of fireworks can be traced back to the 9th century when they were first used by the Chinese to frighten away evil spirits and pray for happiness and prosperity.
Damion Berger (b. London 1978) is a photographer who’s artwork makes the viewer question the possibilities of photography and its relationship to time and movement. Operating between abstraction and conceptualism, his unorthadox approach to traditional photographic process typically employs long exposure and in-camera techniques to make photographic ‘recordings’ that probe the nature and convention of photography. At the heart of his practice are experiments in mark-making, quite literally painting with light – exploring the relationship between time, movement and light, his work flips the concept of the photographic moment on its head, rendering the invisible…visible.  Often printed in the negative, his photographs resemble layered line drawings and reference the historical evolution of photography whilst engaging in dialogue across broader artistic mediums.
He currently lives and works between New York and France.
Thanks Ricardo Pinto and Wired
Reflecting on the nature and form of fireworks and their role in contemporary culture, these photographs ostensively record worldly celebrations memorialized with pyrotechnics, from the inauguration of Earth’s tallest building in downtown Dubai to art performances in the Jardin de Tuileries.
Grand in both size and scale, these images are made using in-camera techniques such as long and overlapping exposures and unorthodox combinations of focus and aperture to select, sculpt and multiply the explosions onto a single sheet of film. They are printed back as negatives by making facsimile enlargements of the exposed film.
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Posted by Andrew
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newloverofbeauty · 3 years
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Damion Berger:  Sit Ups, Monaco  (1990s)
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uno-universal · 5 years
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Damion Berger
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aubreylstallard · 5 years
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Damion Berger
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coline-gauthier · 7 years
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Travail d’après photographie (Damion Berger, Hommage to Lartigue) sur “le temps recomposé”, linogravure
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MEL Magazine teach men to be men
My first introduction to Mel Magazine, a Dollar Shave Club owned magazine was a dynamically captured video which had nothing to do with shaving. The video followed the life of Damion a Manhattan native and Harvard graduate in his journey towards becoming part of the best Knight fighting team in the world.
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Interestingly in the video what caught my eye was not only the ridiculous Knight fights and the compelling story of this mild-mannered man, but in every shot of the Damion, he had a stunningly clean shave. Every single shot of him features a perfectly shaved faced, which subliminally ties their product; in this case, Mel Magazine is embedded the value of their product by associating a shaved face with this exciting and impressive man. This seemingly insignificant aspect of the story is the Trojan horse Berger suggests that every story should have. The video finally ends on the team losing a match against a team from New England but you walk away with a sense of awe, like “that guy is cool” and inherently feeling that sort of emotion for a person I don’t even know was the tactic Dollar Shave Club’s was going for. Because this guy is cool and the sport of Knight fighting is hardly known sharing this video brings a great deal of social currency, most people not having heard of this sport would be very visually impressed by it, making this video all the more shareable. Along with that learning that this sport even exists, perhaps for a person like me, who likes to fight and exercise it would have a great deal of practical value. But the largest contributing factor of this videos content marketing genius is that they were able to package the entirety of these marketing tools into a story and deliver that story without even a mention of the product, yet the product is visible in almost every scene of the film.
This is just one of many stories that are featured in Mel magazine, everything from interest pieces to sex life and relationships is featured in this GQ meets Men’s Health style magazine. The platform functions as a hub for male culture specifically men above the age of 21, whom not so coincidentally are the primary age demographic for the shaving goods. They include other lifestyle pieces more closely related to their demographics like “Why you’re losing more hair now” which obviously appeals to an older audience. The article then goes on to describes its causes and ways of looking good with balding. Again, they invite the idea of grooming a beard to compensate for hair loss ingraining their product within the narrative. As you scroll down the website each recommended articles ties back to either hair or a form of grooming which furthers a need for grooming products. The inclusion of a “Sex and Relationship” category on their website fundamentally touches on why men groom themselves, to begin with. Dollar Shave Club understands the motivation their consumers have for using their products and built another narrative around that. Sex and Relationships are also emotionally exciting and edgy things to talk about which garners more virality in social media. Even the idea of speaking about sex on a platform like this creates social currency, because of the edginess of the topic as well as relatability to most men.  They delve deeper into the edginess with articles like “To be monogamous or not to be monogamous” by exploring something that is often taboo in our society. 
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They relate this article to pretty much any man who’s been in a relationship since most men admit to having thoughts that question their monogamy. However, instead of being an article that simply says monogamy works, or it doesn’t; it dives into a deep conversation about the reasons why one man, formerly married to actor Olivia Wilde thinks monogamy doesn’t work. A man who was married to someone as beautiful as Olivia Wilde thinks that monogamy is unsustainable is an excellent conversation topic and is easy to relate, building social currency that way. Finally, the article takes the reader through this man’s upbringing to help the reader get a sense of where these ideas come from. Just like in the story of Damion the Knight, they paint an elaborate portrait of a “cool” type of guy, or simply someone you’d want to be more like which makes these stories much more interesting to read even if monogamy or battling in armor isn't your thing.
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lorca411 · 5 years
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corallorosso · 7 years
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Damion Berger
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g00melo5-art-blog · 5 years
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almavio · 7 years
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© Damion Berger • In the Deep End - Balancing Act, Monaco 2006
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diegoricol · 5 years
Diego Ricol Freyre recomienda:Diego Ricol recomienda: Ganadores LensCulture Black & White Awards 2018 concurso fotografía
Seguro que os sonarán más el concurso de LensCulture de fotografía de calle, de retratos o el de fotografía artística (de todos los cuales os hemos dado cuenta este año). Y es normal porque se trata de la primera edición del LensCulture Black & White Awards; Es decir, el nuevo certamen que premia las que para ellos son las mejores imágenes en blanco y negro del año.
Un total de 39 fotógrafos han sido destacados entre los ganadores y los finalistas de esta primera edición, todos ellos provenientes de 21 países de los cinco continentes que, según la organización, “demuestran de muchas maneras el poder visceral de la fotografía en blanco y negro para captar nuestros sentidos y emociones”.
‘One Decides, The Rest Follow’. De Fernando Morales Roca. Finalista en los LensCulture Black & White Photography Awards 2018
Además, citan al gran Robert Frank con aquello de “El blanco y negro son los colores de la fotografía” (una frase que recogimos aquí) para afirmar que, aunque “nuestro mundo existe en colores vibrantes, en blanco y negro vemos y experimentamos la esencia misma de nuestro entorno”. Así, estos nuevos premios se han creado para reconocer “a los fotógrafos que juegan con estas relaciones fundamentales y dinámicas entre la luz, la oscuridad y las sombras en todo tipo de fotografía, desde la calle a la moda, los retratos a las noticias y los eventos actuales, desde el arte experimental hasta el arte”.
Los ganadores, elegidos por un jurado internacional formado por ocho especialistas, son un total de seis fotógrafos entre los tres primeros de la categoría Series y los tres en categoría Individual, a los que se suman otros ocho Juror´s Picks elegidos individualmente por cada uno de los jueces, y 25 finalistas. Todas las fotos formarán parte de una exposición en la galería Aperture de Nueva York que se inaugurará en 2019.
De la serie ‘Citizens of Despair’ de Javier Arcenillas. Finalista en los LensCulture Black & White Photography Awards 2018
Por supuesto felicitamos a los ganadores, especialmente a Fernando Morales Roca y Javier Arcenillas, únicos españoles entre los elegidos (como finalistas), y os dejamos con las fotos ganadoras, recomendando como siempre una visita a la web para ver todas las imágenes elegidas.
Ganadores de la categoría Series
Primer premio: ‘The Valley of Shadows’ de Camillo Pasquarelli (Italia)
De la serie ‘The Valley of Shadows’ de Camillo Pasquarelli. 1st Place, Series, LensCulture Black & White Photography Awards 2018
De la serie ‘The Valley of Shadows’ de Camillo Pasquarelli. 1st Place, Series, LensCulture Black & White Photography Awards 2018
De la serie ‘The Valley of Shadows’ de Camillo Pasquarelli. 1st Place, Series, LensCulture Black & White Photography Awards 2018
Segundo premio: ‘Calcutta Enigma’ de Alexandre de Mortemart (Reino Unido)
De la serie ‘Calcutta Enigma’ de Alexandre de Mortemart Calcutta. 2nd Place, Series, LensCulture Black & White Photography Awards 2018
De la serie ‘Calcutta Enigma’ de Alexandre de Mortemart Calcutta. 2nd Place, Series, LensCulture Black & White Photography Awards 2018
De la serie ‘Calcutta Enigma’ de Alexandre de Mortemart Calcutta. 2nd Place, Series, LensCulture Black & White Photography Awards 2018
Tercer premio: ‘MUSE’ de Juul Kraijer (Holanda)
De la serie ‘MUSE’ de Juul Kraijer. 3rd Place, Series, LensCulture Black & White Photography Awards 2018
De la serie ‘MUSE’ de Juul Kraijer. 3rd Place, Series, LensCulture Black & White Photography Awards 2018
De la serie ‘MUSE’ de Juul Kraijer. 3rd Place, Series, LensCulture Black & White Photography Awards 2018
Ganadores de la categoría Individual
Primer premio: ‘Temporary Mother’ de Beth Caron (EE.UU)
Tiny Baby. © Beth Caron. 1st Place, Single Image, LensCulture Black & White Photography Awards 2018
Segundo premio: ‘Through the Looking Glass’ de Mikhail Grebenshchikov (Rusia)
Through the Looking Glass. © Mikhail Grebenshchikov. 2nd Place, Single Image, LensCulture Black & White Photography Awards 2018
Tercer premio: ‘Harsh Reality’ de Tonay Roy Sagar (Bangladesh)
Harsh Reality. © Tonay Roy Sagar. 3rd Place, Single Image, LensCulture Black & White Photography Awards 2018
Juror´s Picks
Serie ‘Nuclear Landscapes’ de Brett Leigh Dicks (EE.UU)
Photograph of First Atomic Bomb Detonation, Trinity Test Site, White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico. © Brett Leigh Dicks. Juror’s Pick, LensCulture Black & White Photography Awards 2018
Ground Zero, Trinity Test Site, White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico. © Brett Leigh Dicks. Juror’s Pick, LensCulture Black & White Photography Awards 2018
City Hall, Arco, Idaho. © Brett Leigh Dicks. Juror’s Pick, LensCulture Black & White Photography Awards 2018
‘The Vanishing AIDS Generation’ de Carol Allen-Storey (Reino Unido)
The Vanishing AIDS Generation. © Carol Allen-Storey. Juror’s Pick, LensCulture Black & White Photography Awards 2018
Serie ‘Pole Vault’ de Klaus Lenzen (Alemania)
De la serie ‘Pole Vault’ de Klaus Lenzen. Juror’s Pick, LensCulture Black & White Photography Awards 2018
De la serie ‘Pole Vault’ de Klaus Lenzen. Juror’s Pick, LensCulture Black & White Photography Awards 2018
De la serie ‘Pole Vault’ de Klaus Lenzen. Juror’s Pick, LensCulture Black & White Photography Awards 2018
‘Break’ de Joshua Sariñana (EE.UU)
Break. © Joshua Sariñana. Juror’s Pick, LensCulture Black & White Photography Awards 2018
Serie ‘Vessels’ de Damion Berger (Reino Unido)
De la serie ‘Vessels’ de Damion Berger. Juror’s Pick, LensCulture Black & White Photography Awards 2018
De la serie ‘Vessels’ de Damion Berger. Juror’s Pick, LensCulture Black & White Photography Awards 2018
De la serie ‘Vessels’ de Damion Berger. Juror’s Pick, LensCulture Black & White Photography Awards 2018
‘Untitled’ de Sara Jurado (Colombia)
Untitled © Sara Jurado. Juror’s Pick, LensCulture Black & White Photography Awards 2018
Serie ‘Under the Yuzu Tree’ de Feiyi Wen (Reino Unido)
De la serie ‘Under the Yuzu Tree’ de Feiyi Wen. Juror’s Pick, LensCulture Black & White Photography Awards 2018
De la serie ‘Under the Yuzu Tree’ de Feiyi Wen. Juror’s Pick, LensCulture Black & White Photography Awards 2018
De la serie ‘Under the Yuzu Tree’ de Feiyi Wen. Juror’s Pick, LensCulture Black & White Photography Awards 2018
Serie ‘Hasard Anticipé’ de Marina Black (Canadá)
De la serie ‘Hasard Anticipé’ de Marina Black. Juror’s Pick, LensCulture Black & White Photography Awards 2018
De la serie ‘Hasard Anticipé’ de Marina Black. Juror’s Pick, LensCulture Black & White Photography Awards 2018
De la serie ‘Hasard Anticipé’ de Marina Black. Juror’s Pick, LensCulture Black & White Photography Awards 2018
Más información | LensCulture Black & White Awards 2018
Foto de portada | De la serie ‘Citizens of Despair’ de Javier Arcenillas. Finalista, LensCulture Black & White Photography Awards 2018
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tiptysobongda · 6 years
IK Start vs Molde – Tip kèo bóng đá hôm nay – 30/10
IK Start vs Molde – Tip kèo bóng đá hôm nay – 30/10
Nhận định + Tip bóng đá IK Start vs Molde  - 01h00 ngày 30/10/2018. Khách oanh tạc
Đội hình dự kiến IK Start vs Molde
IK Start: Jonas Deumeland, Simon Larsen, Damion Lowe, Espen Hammer Berger, Elliot Kack, Eirik Wichne, Erlend Segberg, Aremu Afeez, Herolind Shala, Tobias Christensen, Adeleke Akinola Akinyemi
Molde: Andreas Linde, Vegard Forren, Lunan Ruben Gabrielsen, Kristoffer Haugen, Christoffer Remmer, Magnus Eikrem, Etzaz Muzafar Hussain, Eirik Hestad, Pawel Cibicki, Fredrik Aursnes ,Erling Haland,
Tip kèo và nhận định IK Start vs Molde
Chuyên gia TRUOCTRAN.COM nhận thấy việc chỉ còn hơn đội xếp sau là FK Haugesund về chỉ số phụ trong khi mùa giải năm nay cũng chỉ còn 4 vòng đấu nữa là kết thúc nên đội chủ sân Aker Stadion không được phép mắc bất kì sai lầm nào trong giai đoạn còn lại, đặc biệt là khi đối đầu với những đối thủ yếu hơn và trận đấu với IK Start ở vòng 27 này thì Molde buộc phải thắng nếu muốn tiếp tục nuôi hi vọng ở trong Top 3.
Chiến thắng 4/5 trận gần nhất tại giải VĐQG Na Uy, điều này đã giúp cho IK Start vươn lên vị trí 11 trên bảng xếp hạng. Tuy nhiên, lúc này đội chủ sân Sor Arena cũng chỉ hơn nhóm nguy hiểm đúng 3 điểm, vì vậy nếu không thể duy trì được phong độ đã thể hiện trong thời gian qua, IK Start hoàn toàn có thể đối mặt với nguy cơ xuống chơi ở giải Hạng Hai.
Về phía Molde, trận hòa 2-2 trước Sarpsborg 08 ở vòng đấu vừa qua đã khiến cho Molde bị các đối thủ xếp sau thu hẹp khoảng cách. Do đó trong những trận đấu còn lại ngoài việc hướng đến những chiến thắng, thầy trò huấn luyện viên Ole Gunnar Solskjaer cần cố gắng ghi thật nhiều bàn vào lưới đối thủ để cải thiện chỉ số phụ.Điều này sẽ giúp cho họ đạt được mục tiêu lọt vào Top 3 ở cuối mùa giải này.
Tip kèo châu Á IK Start vs Molde: Chọn Molde -1/2
Việc tỷ lệ châu Á được niêm yết ở mức 1/2:0 và vẫn đang có dấu hiệu giảm điểm ăn ở cửa trên đã cho thấy niềm tin của giới chuyên môn dành cho đội khách. Đó cũng là điều có cơ sở,khi Molde đã thắng kèo ở 3/5 trận đối đầu gần nhất của 2 đội cũng như 6/7 trận đấu gần nhất của họ.Do đó,chuyên gia TRUOCTRAN.COM đặt niềm tin vào đội khách Molde trong trận cầu sắp đến.
Tip kèo tài xỉu IK Start vs Molde: Chọn tài 2.3/4 bàn
Thống kê cho thấy, 5/6 trận gần nhất của IK Start và 3/5 trận gần nhất của Molde đã có tối đa 3 bàn thắng được ghi,4/5 trận đối đầu gần nhất của 2 đội cũng có kết quả tương tự.Cùng với đó là việc tỷ lệ tài xỉu ở mức 2.3/4 và đang có xu hướng giảm điểm ăn ở cửa tài cũng đã cho thấy niềm tin của giới chuyên môn về 1 trận cầu có nhiều bàn thắng.Vì vậy,chuyên gia TRUOCTRAN.COM tin vào cửa tài trong trận cầu này.
Tip tỷ số H1 IK Start vs Molde: 0-2
Tip tỷ số H2 IK Start vs Molde: 1-3
Lịch sử đối đầu IK Start vs Molde
Xem nguồn tại: http://truoctran.com/ik-start-vs-molde-tip-keo-bong-da-hom-nay-30-10 Theo nguồn: https://nhandinhbongdatruoctran.blogspot.com/2018/10/ik-start-vs-molde-tip-keo-bong-hom-nay.html
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seekingbeauty · 7 years
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Damion Berger shoots fireworks displays around the world in black and white. via https://www.wired.com/2016/07/damion-berger-black-powder/
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