#damm guess i now have to add more people to the tags.
revisionaryhistory · 4 years
Three Days ~ 78
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The sun shone brightly when we woke up. I made Emma coffee first and we sat at the bar with fruit and yogurt. I wasn’t particularly hungry. Nauseated, if I’m honest. Emma was going home today. Yes, it was only for a couple of days, but that wasn’t what the problem was. I was afraid of how I would feel when she left. We’ve been together almost a week. We said I love you. Went to a concert with her friends, planned a vacation with mine, and celebrated a month together. Everything is wonderful. I don’t know how it will be when she leaves. Will I be melodramatically sad, anxious, and insecure that while she’s away she’ll figure out she prefers to be without me, or when she leaves will I be glad to have my space back? Realistically, the panic is more likely to come when she leaves France and we’re apart for six weeks. Today’s just a preview.
Around noon Emma was ready to leave. She’d gone through the bags of new stuff and left what she wanted to take to France. No sense packing it home only to bring it back. Especially when she was dealing with her suitcase on the train. Early afternoon was the best time to get her back. I walked her downstairs to her Uber and stopped by the security office to find out where the parking garage was. The security guard walked outside with us and pointed to a keypad on a pole next to the building. I walked into the building hundreds of times and never really noticed the large panes of windows that matched my building was a garage door. The same code that worked on the outside door worked on the garage and my spot was the same as my apartment number. That’s easy.
The Uber driver took Emma’s suitcase and lifted it into the trunk while we said goodbye. “I love you and I’ll see you Thursday.”
Emma kissed me and patted my chest, “I’ll let you know when I’m home.”
“Thank you.” I’m always going to worry about her getting home safe. Can’t wait until there’s snow and she’s driving to work or worse, here. I kissed her again, told her I loved her and tucked her in the car. Stood on the sidewalk until she turned the corner too. Avoided going back upstairs by running across the street and getting a bottle of something. Didn’t really matter what. I wasn’t thirsty. Took a walk around the block to drink my bottle of whatever. Finally, throwing the bottle away in the garbage can at the end of the block, I headed back upstairs.
I walked in my door and stood there with my hands on my hips, waiting for something to happen. Everything looked the same. Felt the same. Not sure what I expected. The apartment wasn’t going to suddenly have a portal to hell open up in between the dining table and couch. If it happened, it would be in the guest bathroom. Maybe my closet. I checked both to be sure. Nope, no portals. What I did find in the master bath was a mauve lipstick kiss print on the mirror. It was at my eye level but on the edge close to the wall. I smiled, thinking how she would have had to crawl onto the counter to put it there. I imagined she’d get the same thrill when she found the notes I’d hidden at her place and school.
A little over two hours later my phone rang. The prettiest girl in the world was calling me, “Hello, beautiful.”
She grinned, “Hey, handsome.  I’m home.”
Emma turned her phone around to show me her family room. “I can see that. How was the trip?”
“What have you been up to since I last saw you?” The lilt of curiosity in her voice was funny.
“I’ve been busy. Checking email and seeing everything has changed.”
“You’re very flexible.”
“Not nearly as flexible as you, my love.” We shared a dirty smile. “Now, we’re shooting in Paris instead of London. Which is convenient and doesn’t require a flight. And tonight I’m having dinner with a former spy.”
Her eyes lit up, “That sounds fun.”
“It does.”  I agreed. “I’ve been trying to schedule something with him for a while. Finally worked out. It will be good to get in person and ask questions about all the shit I’ve been reading and watching.”
“I’m excited for you. You can get the psychological emotional part down. I imagine in person makes it easier to internalize.”
Not that I doubted, but she’d been paying attention when I’d talked. Her interest in the how and why of the craft side was as enjoyable for me as it was her. I wanted to show her more. I wanted to know about how she taught too, how she knew what to do and how she designed lessons. Which reminded me, “Add me to your online classroom so I can watch you teach.” There’s the added bonus of pretty much having her “on demand” if I wanted to see and hear her. I had the video from the party with her, Eli, and Boone too. That would make a long night alone a little more . . . stimulating.
We didn’t talk long. I was having an early dinner to allow plenty of time to talk and I needed to shower and get ready. Emma needed to unpack and start gathering things to repack. There’s also the part about she’d just left.
Dinner lasted much later than I’d anticipated. It was awesome. Dan told me stories and let me pick his brain. I told him about my part in the movie and he was able to give me some specifics. Not that I’d play the part exactly as he’d said, but I knew what to avoid, what wasn’t realistic. I liked that because a complete mismatch with reality could put me into my head and that’s the last place I wanted to be.
The next morning I hit the gym and had a good workout. Mirrors everywhere told me I needed more than a little personal grooming before leaving. A haircut was already scheduled and I called the salon to add on what I thought I needed. I had lunch with my manager to go over the next few weeks. I don’t have a full time PR person, but I do have a firm with which I contract. Emily had been in contact with them. About my girlfriend. Amazing how fast my mood went from good to not.
“Seb, don’t make that face.”
“What face?”
“The annoyed one where you’re holding in a tirade.”
“I’m glad you recognize the precarious ground you’re standing on.” I drank the last of my wine and crossed my arms across my chest. “I’m going to sit here and be very quiet for a limited amount of time. Talk fast.” I don’t have many tirades. A big part of that is due to the relationship I have with Emily. She’s been with me forever. She knows when to push, when to back off, and when to let me have a tirade. Girlfriends are and always have been a tricky area. Usually, Emily wants me to be more open about a girlfriend. Much like what previous girlfriends wanted. That never turned out well for either of them. Emma was altogether in another class. I wasn’t sullen because I didn’t want to hear about what I should be doing. I was feeling protective and didn’t want business in my personal life. Same issue, different reasons.
“Everything is good. Emma is good. She doesn’t have much of a social media presence and hers is private. Family and friends sometimes tag her, but there’s nothing problematic out there. Once her name is out there she won’t be hard to find because you and several of your friends follow her. It’s a quick find that she’s a teacher, where she works, plays volleyball, has a twin, and has musician friends. She’s known by Pearl Jam fans. They’re protective of all the females in the band’s orbit. Best guess is anything negative is wiped quickly. We called Pearl Jam’s PR people and they’ve worked with her, so we don’t need to. Until something comes up and then we’ll probably have to work with you too. Unless you go silent again.”
I must have twitched.
Emily held her hands out like she was calming a wild animal. “Everyone’s a little concerned because you let Will post something. Oh, and any pictures of her in a bikini are always in a group.” She smiled comically and sat back.
“The ones she sends me are solos.”
“Good to know.”
I sat a second, my blood pressure dropping. “Okay.”
I nodded and shrugged, “I told Will to post the picture. Don’t know exactly why. I’m happy. I’m in love. I’ve grown. Past is past and I’m moving to the future. All of them.”
“So, the comments and everything. You’re okay?”
“No, Emily, I’m wonderful.”
I waited until I got home to call Emma. She hit voice call. I pouted even though she couldn’t see. “I am at Target replenishing my travel supplies.”
“Sounds fun! Are you in for shampoo and leaving with three hundred dollars worth of who knows what?” Isn’t that the way it usually works at Target?
“I have a list. I’m staying away from parts of the store I don’t need to be in.”
“Smart. What time do you have to be at the court?”
“We’re going to meet for dinner about five. Game at seven.”
“Give Sam your phone so I can pack and watch.”
“I bet if you ask nicely she’ll alert you when something big is going on.”
“I’m a decent multitasker.”
“How was dinner with a spy?”
"Dinner with a spy was" I shook my head and looked up, "fascinating. Books, even non-fiction, and video are good, but watching his expression and mannerisms was so cool. Especially when he had neither." I went on talking while she shopped. She laughed and gasped at the same parts I had. I was excited to see how I could incorporate this new knowledge. We hung up when she was checking out.
"Sorry about the loss." I cringed to soften the blow. I knew she didn't like to lose. Who does?
Emma growled, "Frustrating. I want a chocolate brownie or something."
"I think the bakeries are closed." It was a little after ten. "I'll get you one tomorrow."
"You're the sweetest."
"When will you be here?"
"Well before lunchtime. I got everything packed before the game. I'll shower tonight. Get up and be on my way. Do you have plans?"
"Yes. Vanity kicked in. I have a facial and haircut, before therapy. Want a facial?"
"No seaweed."
"Damm, that's what I booked for you."
I spent the morning packing. I’m not a heavy packer. I’ll wear the same thing over and over. I’m working so costuming will be taking care of most of my clothes. I’m invited to the fashion show. Being dressed is part of the package. Emma and I had made a list of places we wanted to see and things we wanted to do while in Paris. I composed an email and sent it on to the hotel’s concierge. I heard back almost immediately. They would create an itinerary and we could adjust it once we arrived. Perfect.
Emma would be back about noon. Our spa treatments and my haircut were set for three and my therapy appointment was around five. I cleaned up around the place. Nothing drastic. I had a cleaning service come in after I go away. I just make sure everything’s put away.  I had my suitcase closed and in the dining area when my text notification went off.
Emma ~ Are you home?
Sebastian ~ Yes.
Emma ~ Alone?
Sebastian ~ Yes.
 I am sensing something is about to happen.
Emma ~ When I get there would you like to play a game?
Sebastian ~ Yes.
 I neither know nor care what she’s talking about. It would be nice to know what I’m going to be playing, though.
Sebastian ~ Could I get more details?
Emma ~ Porn
Sebastian ~ You want to watch porn?
Emma ~ Pretend we're in one. Over the top, things that only work in porn, excessive moaning, name calling, filthy talk porn.
 Fuck. I’ve watched enough porn to know how this was going to go.
Sebastian ~ Yes, I would like to play.
Emma ~ I never doubted you.
Sebastian ~ Are you texting and driving?
Emma ~ Traffic and voice to text. Delivery girl, booty call, escort? Me. This time.
Sebastian ~ I don't know yet.
Emma ~ Text when you do.
Sebastian ~ I love you.
Emma ~ I love you.
 Woman has been away for forty-eight hours and shows back up with this shit. I wasn't a sex-starved horn dog five minutes ago. I wonder what she's wearing? Delivery girl, booty call, escort. I like her choices. I have to seduce the delivery girl. Or be seduced. Booty call would be a repeat. Familiarity without expectations. There are zero expectations with an escort. Well, there are expectations, but only mine. I feel like it's a question of how selfish I want to be and what questions I want to answer after. Booty call it is!
I texted her my choice and that the door would be unlocked. I sat in the chair to wait. Patiently.
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rizarksworld-blog · 7 years
Bajillion Questions Meme
aRules: Answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions!
Tagged by @the-queen-of-thedas (appreciated ;v)
1. Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi, tho I will drink coke if theres none
2.Disney or DreamWorks: Before I would go DreamWorks but now its Disney made some guud stuff,so both
3.Coffee or Tea: COFFEE!
4.Books or Movies: Both
5.Windows or Mac: Windows. Never used Mac
6.DC or Marvel: Both
7.Xbox or Playstation: I can play games in both so,BOTH
8.Dragon Age or Mass Effect: ................both tbh
9.Night Owl or Early Rise: Night Owl
10.Cards or Chess: Both 
12.Vans or Converse: wut? converse i guess
13.Lavellan,Trevelyan,Cadash or Adaar: Adaar cuz gotta love the horn ladies
15.Dogs or Cats: cats tho i have a dog
16.Clear Skies or Rain: LET IT RAIN FOREVAH
17.Cooking or Eating Out: Both cuz they have the same end, Me happy with a full belly
18.Spicy Food or Mild Food: Everything but Spicy pls
19.Halloween/Samhain or Solstice/Yule/Chirstmas: Halloween and Chirstmas, I dont know the others
20.would you rather foverer be a little too cold or a little too hot: A little too cold
21.If you could have a superpower,what would it be: Full control of Time and its variants
22.Animation or Live Action: Animation
23.Paragon or Renegade: Paragon in the streets,Renegade in the sheets ayyy
24.Baths or Showers: Showers tho Baths seems nice
25.Team Cap or Team Iron Man: TEAM SPIDER-MAN
26. Fantasy or Sci-fi: Guess what,Both
27.Do you have three or four favorite quotes?If so,what are they?
-”We live in the shadows to serve the light”
-”Welcome to my reality”
-”Do you want to have a bad time?”
-”Can it wait for a bit?I am in the middle of some calibrations “
28.Youtube or Netflix: Youtube
29.Harry Potter or Percy Jackson: Harry Pottah!
30.When Do You Feel Accomplished: I have no clue
31.Star Wars or Star Trek: Guess what bro, Both
32. Paperback Books or Hardback Books: Hardback books are bae but I have both types in a shelf
33.Handwriting or Typing: Typing hurts less
34.Velvet or Satin: Depends,whats the number of defense in a armor with those?
35.Video Games or Movies: 99% Video Games
36.Would you rather be the dragon or own the dragon: BE(COME) THE DRAGON
37.Sunrise or Sunset: oH dAmm its dat boi!-> Both
38.What’s your favorite song: *prepares 9532975 km list* sit down this gonna take a while, Is someone bringing snacks?
39.Horror Movies, yes or no: NOPE 
40.Long or Short Hair: Never had Short hair so Long hair is the thing
41.Opera or Theater: Theater
42.Assuming the multiverse theory is true and that every story ever told has really happened somewhere,which one of the movie/book/tv show/game/etc worlds would you pick to travel first: I would go to my own fictional world
43.If you had to eat only one thing for the rest of you life what would it be: Fondue
44.Older guys or young S.O: How about none
45.If you could erase any show from TV history,what would it be: Drama shows,Reality shows,Gossip shows and the ridiculous shows full of woman who care only about clothes,botox ,make up and man (Im just done with those)
46.Singing or Dancing: Im bad at both
47.Instagram or Twitter: dont have any
48.Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit: ITS THE BOI -> Both
49.If you could create either a sequel or bring back any tv show/movie,what would you choose: I would like to see more of Bleach(the anime)
50.Who is your movie tv show character that you are looking up to and why: Im looking up to the ones in the games
51.If you were convicted of a crime,what would it be: Genocide
52.Anime-subbed or dubbed: subbed
53.City or countryside: City
54.What book have you read over and over: all the books that passed by my hand i read only once
55.What is your personality type: Lazy,sometimes sarcastic and extremely protective but Im a nice person I SWEAR
56.Who is your favorite fictional character: *looks at other 9532975 km list* there are too much bruh
My Question:
57.What is your favorite color/colors?
I tag: @nobletrevelyan, @mariani1234570 and @lieutenantastria27
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