#dammit kai
kindaasrikal · 2 months
In dragons rising, Lloyd has three ages.
1) his mental age, probably early 20s
2) his physical age, probably mid-late 20s
And 3) the age he looks, which Arin and Sora has informed him is late 30s-40s
Yes, he did sit in his room and have another existential crisis.
And yes, he did ask both Zane and Kai advice on skincare. Right after trying to find some weird dragoni bull to maybe look his age. Instead he accidentally grew markings similar to Garmadon’s and he’s gonna cry again.
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zappedbyzabka · 3 months
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All photos (and a gif) of these karate men in one place
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dynamitekansai · 3 months
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WWE RAW (JUNE 17, 2024)
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dragons-library · 3 months
Reckless spoilers.
I can’t stop crying… but
From: I want to call you mine To: just call me yours
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aeroargonic · 3 months
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Do we vibe with mermaid Kai
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Okay, AU idea:
Everything's the same, but Kai has dragon blood in his veins and he has little dragon quirks and everyone chalks it up to him growing up in Ignacia.
Until one mission causes that final ounce of holding back to snap, and suddenly the ninja have this Large fire dragon looming over them protectively while the enemies are terrified and screaming and running and the others are left to wonder 'what in the actual-'.
Anyways, dragon thoughts.
This also goes with the observation of how good Kai is with dragons.
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 7 months
Btw why didn't lloyd or kai think of using a fake name when registering/in class?
Maybe it would have been a bit better because people wouldn't bully him immediately and olivia probably would have had a harder time spreading the truth because she first would need to prove that he actually is lloyd and where she knows that from
The jig would've been up almost immediately anyway because all Olivia would have to do is be like "Hey, that one kid with the green eyes? Yeah he's the reason your lives suck". A rose by any other name would still be just as green, in this case.
(...besides, we all know Lloyd has never been the best at coming up with fake names for himself anyway, and I wouldn't trust Kai with a cover story either :V)
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Okay guys. I tried the magnus protocol. This is going to do really bad things to my personality.
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Every day I wake up and I am continuously haunted by the Ninjago Movie body pillows.
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hecksupremechips · 6 months
Idk man I just need to hold hands with Kai Satou and I’ll be good
#yttd#he needs kisses yeah#ive just been watching his fondness events from your time to shine and theyre kinda making me feel things like damn i didnt expect#them to be as good as they are i guess it really shows how good these characters are man 😩#the nao ones really got to me cuz she calls him silly and kind and hes like 🥺🍳 just like absolutely clueless what to do with himself#he doesnt know how to socialize or receive compliments hes so unused to that shit#its like dammit give this man some kisses right the fuck now 👺👺👺#then idk he just has a really stupid sense of humor and chases reko around to tell her ghost stories cuz he likes them#and because he likes to be a menace#he accidentally becomes kannas mom and he wears a bucket in his head to match her#idk like i already liked him a lot when i initially played the game and then like recently introduced a friend to it#and she LOVED kai which was unsurprising to me lol and i was just like. yeah actually kai fuckin rules#and his past story made me feral and then yeah i discovered these fondness events and im like#okay so yeah hes the best character#or at least my second favorite character i still gotta keep shin on his pedestal#aaaaghhh its really hard deciding my favorite characters in this game theyre all so good like even the characters im not crazy about#are still really fucking good and yeah just like everyone feels important and well developed its very good#anyways i have such a type for pretty boys with big autism who were raised to be assassins but now theyre house husbands
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zappedbyzabka · 1 year
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mo-ok · 9 months
Buckle in folks i'm gonna talk about Lost Galaxy doing a shot for shot recreation of my favourite Gingaman scene and why i think PR missed the mark.
FIRST THINGS FIRST this scene goes for about 2 and a half minutes in Gingaman but is stripped back to about 50 seconds in LG. Gingaman gives this scene time to steep in its apprehension, it makes you hold your breath and WAIT. LG on the other hand is a rapid fire shot to the conclusion that leaves very little time to actually build up the emotion.
The first big cut we see is in how much time the big brothers are given to come into frame.
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We LINGER on Hyuuga coming up over the hill (where as Mike gets about 0.5 of a second). He's blurry, out of focus, framed by his brother and BullRiot as he stumbles over the hill. I'd love to tell you what Mike is doing, but the way Leo is holding the Magna Sword is just not working for the shot. It obscures Mike for too long, in a moment where him appearing is meant to be the reward for everything we've just been through.
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Both these guys have spent months being possessed/controlled by a vengeful alien and have only just regained control of their own bodies. Hyuuga's still getting used to walking again, every step a struggle but he's not stopping. Meanwhile Mike is walking slowly through the sand like a triumphant action hero, which is FINE, but this scene is meant to be bitter sweet. Magna Defender DIED so Mike could be here, its not meant to feel triumphant.
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Gingaman then gives us a great shot of Hyuuga, empty scabbard on his back (!!!), doing his best to keep staggering toward his team (very sad that LG cut this one out tbh)
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I dont have an issue with this shots recreation - in fact i think it kinda nicely shows the differences personality wise between the two characters. Hyuuga is apprehensive, he KNOWS what he's put everyone (particularly Ryouma) through. Mike is relieved - its over, he finally gets to be home. Where I DO have an issue with Mike's reaction though -
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is the complete disconnect between him and Leo. Leo missed his brother every single second that he was gone, he's still processing what he's seeing, and Mike just kinda... doesnt seem all that phased. It feels more like old friends seeing each other after some time apart, rather than brothers finally being reunited. Something else PR stripped from the scene was the camera angle differences. Ryouma is looking UP at Hyuuga, still not quite believing its really him - Mike and Leo are both on the same level.
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Again, Gingaman gives us time to linger, it makes us hold out breath just that little bit longer before finally breaking the tension (I had to cut out a significant portion of the build up to Ryouma's sprint/the amount of time spent on their hug). Whereas this is all Mike and Leo get - a nice moment, but overall lacking in emotional weight.
Thats the crux of the issue really - the lack of emotional weight. There is a Hyuuga shaped hole left in Gingaman. Every character has history with Hyuuga, he means something different to all of them, everyone misses him. Him coming back was a DREAM to them, something they all wanted but assumed they couldnt have. Meanwhile half the Galaxy Rangers barely know who Mike is, he means literally nothing to them outside of "guy who pulled out the Quasar Saber and then died". Like can you honestly tell me Mike coming back meant as much to Damon and Maya as Hyuuga's return meant to Hayate and Hikaru??
What sucks is this scene COULD have been just as impactful in LG, but they didnt do the groundwork or give Mike the build up he needed. I love Leo, I wanted to see him get his brother back, I wanted him to get that closure, but instead all he got was a hollow, lackluster recreation of one of my favourite scenes in the whole franchise.
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Prompt: Social Network
Characters: Aisha, Yasmine
Hey girl,
Wanted to say I’m sorry for how I treated you last year. Been talking to Moon and Sam, and…they rightfully called me on being a massive bitch. I guess I thought if I put everyone else down, people wouldn’t notice there’s a lot about me that’s fucked. Was still shitty, though.
Truthfully you’re tough as balls, and I admire it. Hope Santa Barbara’s treating you well and you’re still kicking ass. Maybe giving more wedgies to nasty bitches? I think you deserve it.
You don’t have to respond to any of this, btw. Just wanted you to know.
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kayzero · 10 months
i may have accidentally begun planning for my next Zero Escape longfic after ZWG.
(if zwg ever gets finished.)
and it’s all my Zecret Santa giftee’s fault.
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weekend-whip · 2 years
Ill gladly take the hug. Does Kai give the good hugs like the movie version? I want a warm kai hug,,,,
Legacy!Kai does indeed retain Movie!Kai’s notoriously good hugs with added warmth benefit~
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silversaucekai · 1 year
I have no appetite, I can’t sleep, I feel irritable, I’m clumsy and a bit confused, my chest hurts, I’m sweaty, I’m emotional, my joints hurt and feel sore, my body feels weak, but I guess it was allll worth it if you could come into work sick for a few days huh?
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