#dammit kzi
keichanz · 4 years
you wouldn't be able to tell in my last post post about yrm but i'm on my fou rth glass of wine im reading fanfic an d i just had the most ridiculous fucking thought ever and if my own damn brain forced me to think this bullshit then im forcing you to think about it too and yeah i iknow that didnt make sense shu t up
so who was it that detrminede that all youkai had to be lik e animal based. like. is it set in stone that all youkai have to be some sort of animal like cat a dog a lizard wolf ect ect you knlw AND then ND THEN my brin was like what if. what if htey werent animals but everyday household objects and my brain just started fucking spitting shit at me like
lamp demon. carpet demon. table demon. fucking refrideragor demon and niOW I CANNTO STOP GIGGLING HALEP
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