haeresys-realm · 10 months
Here lies the unpopular point of view so please DON'T answer me and try to start arguing with me if you disagree.
The Harbingers who enhanced themselves for ages? And here especially the one who survived for so long in Abyss being trained there? – phhht, what a joke! Here we have a new noname who will be represented as a god to sell his banner! Behold! That's who we all should admire! We didn't hear anything about him before but surpriiiise now he will be represented as a god-powered smth terribly special! Fuck it all. Let's humiliate Harbingers more and more just to make some new fucking charactes look more representative. That's so cringe and disgusting, I can't say anything else. And I am not even a fan of Childe.But I know that his power is about this of 6th Harbinger (as you remember, firstly it was HIM who was send to bring Scaramuccia back, heh.).
Oh that's for sure you will say that he's not a noname blahblah he's a hydro sovereign, but have we ever heard about such powerful entity in person of 2nd man in Fontaine before? But the Harbingers has their sourses of information from which they could know even how this world TRULY works and how to defend Celestia... And they don't know that it's not easy to fight Neuvillette? And this Neuvillette himself sitting under some childish girl, why do we have 2 Hydro archonts here, 2 brain parts for one archont? As they will say, you will eat it greratefully. Ok.
They showed us Tartaglia in a court in a resent teaser for...what?? Just to repeat Liyue defeat, with the Harbinger woman making all the job?! It's starting to be a pathetic cliche that makes him look as an idiot. But here in Fontaine it looks even much more cringing self-cloloning plot. Some shit with praising a new character because of his approaching banner at the cost of old characters, especially, Harbingers, reputation.
Yes, here I will remind you again how stupid they tried to make Dottore more weak just because one little loli said – I am a segment of Rukkhadevata but I hate you for making segments, delete them all or I will put all my country that (was rejecting you for all the time being) I've always defended even for the cost of my life in a danger by threating to break a Gnosis, lol. And he said ok, I am a god-powered genius, logical and sly-scheming scholar, but if the game developers say from your month that I should obey the plot cliches for immature audience just to make Nahida character look not that weak and defeated before me, just to sell her banner to admiring children, then it means I really have no choice but to submit it.
That's how it works. So many expectations. And such a shame as a result, just a piece of shit in a candy cover. I knew it but... It's still more that disappointing when you started to love some characters and hope for interesting plot without childish cliches.
But you can continue defending mhy for free the most of you always did. They will never thank you for it.
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emypony · 2 years
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look at them the scrunklies the blorbos the !!!
had so much fun doing this on stream, i hope i can actually finish it <3
but for now this shall work anyway i think they should hang out together at the beach and have a slushy drinking contest and get brain freeze
also like. for senti. mhy, , , why did you draw her outfit like that lmaooo
anyway! see you at the next stream <3
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sumerun · 2 years
sumeru archon quest act 2 appreciation post
HEAVY HEAVY spoilers warning, wall of text
note: i know the game said it wasn’t a time loop but for simplicity’s sake we’re keeping that phrase
honestly, i’m still riding the high of the archon quest so i will be very biased in my opinions LMAO. however from reading some friend’s and randoms’ opinions, i think we can all agree to a certain extent that this is one of the best if not the best archon quest to date. it’s such a mindfuck, wonderfully executed and so much more engaging. this is what inazuma should have been instead of the rushed mess that we got. i knew that the writing was going to improve bc MHY is no stranger to well-written stories (honkai, dainsleif’s and inazuma npc’s quests) but i certainly did not expect such drastic improvement this patch lmao.
first i want to go back and look at previous nations and why i hated the format of the missions. (to be fair i know that story-heavy live services games usually get better over time and not perfect the first few years but just using these points for comparison ;)). mondstadt and liyue, imo, is just there to set a foundation and test the waters. how the story was delivered was very boring. it’s pretty much: you walk here, read dialogue that most skip anyways, fight for 3 seconds, watch characters do the same 3 talking animation, cue cutscene, conclusion. look, i may be able to play visual novels for hours, but when i play genshin i expect something much more engaging than that okay lol. story is supposed to excite you, keep you immersed and encourage you to keep coming back to it. but i really didn’t feel that with mondstadt and liyue. most of the excitement were boss fights and cutscenes. if you asked me what happened in-between, i wouldn’t really remember much LMAO. inazuma was slightly better but followed a very similar format. i think we were all hyped from raiden shogun reveal and new region that we just kinda accepted whatever we got. Inazuma’s quests were better near the end with yae miko’s and raiden’s quest for certain though. building up to sumeru, we had a LOOOT of unanswered questions and no one seems to know or want to talk. this frustrated me a lot bc the only time we get to learn more about our sibling/khaenri’ah was through dain and that motherfucker appears like TWICE in the duration of one nation KJASEK. so as we enter sumeru we have a LOT of anticipation for something MORE, whether that’s through better quests or getting actual answers about the other sibling/abyss. inazuma is not completely flawed and is amazing in its own way but it should tell you a lot that I was already kinda done with the region by 2.4 ish.
now to actually talk about why i think act 2 was so good. i love time-loop like tropes ok? like a lot. it’s a complex trope to write and the audience can very easily get lost and frustrated trying to follow it. however, if developed with care, it’s extremely rewarding for both the writer and us pea brains gacha addicts. it’s not perfect as i think MHY could’ve done better than a “collective dream” as the reason for samsara. the conclusion was a tiny bit jarring with nilou being the host bc she barely appeared. but everything else was incredible. i appreciate that they tried to make that trope work within genshin’s lore. if anyone has ever watched madoka magica, i think it’s a great example of why time-loop like tropes are so good. simply, it’s disturbing. (madoka spoilers skip to next bold text if needed) the creator of madoka confirmed that homura has ran through at least 100 timelines to attempt to save madoka. when i watched it, i personally didn’t even get the hint that homura was stuck in a time-loop lmao. (end of spoilers). i like that the time-loop in genshin was similar to this. we sensed that something wack was going on. our memories are erased and we keep repeating the festival until the duo consistently retain their memories. nahida confirmed that they went through at least 20 time loops before realization. that is so eerie to me. i would legit question everything i ever knew about time and reality lmao. paranoia would overwhelm you and you can’t help but think if you’re truly of out the “dream”. if the duo wasn’t protected by plot armor, they could’ve been trapped there for an eternity. autonomy over your own life lost bc of some petty scholars. it’s that feeling of helplessness and trapped with no way out is what makes this quest so terrifying.
so that’s reason #1: time loop tropes are cool and it was executed well majority of the quest. reason #2: better audience engagement. aw man 100 chefs kiss to the teams that worked on this together. i don’t want to ramble but to summarize the following things really helped me stay engaged in the story:
- camera work: I might be very wrong there were some shot that utilizes actual camera techniques such as dutch angles and dolly zoom. subtle maybe but it was there. these are great for giving the feeling of uneasiness. and it was a great way to lead the audience too - dunyarzad: she was fleshed out very well! i was attached to her early on and even shed some tears during the dancing cutscene lmao she feels much more alive bc she had a purpose and relationships (nilou, dehya) that we care about. teppei lacked a lot of that and while i adored his character, i can’t deny that dunyarzad was more complex and believable - deduction mechanic: for once the player actively participates in the story!!!! it was so cool piecing things together. it helps making you feel like you’re a part of the mystery. aaaaanddd it confirms that the traveler is an established protagonist that actually speaks and not a piece of cardboard voiced by paimon. - battle of wits: we always see paimon solving issues via brute force but i think this is the first time we really get to watch them use their intelligence and observational skills to get out of this sticky situation. it was so refreshing to do a quest that was more mystery oriented. i definitely need more quests like this bc the dynamics/bonds between the duo truly shines here! - small little things such as art of young dunyarzad speaking to nahida, and mini-cutscenes of the duo time-looping to show quest progression. it helped liven the quest for me!
- traveler: traveler feels so much more human here. like I LOVED that they were mourning dunyarzad and angry at themselves for being unable to protect her. paimon has always spoken for them and we don’t really get to see traveler express their own thoughts and emotions a lot. I feel much more attached to the traveler bc of this imo. I’ve always seen them as a blank slate (and they are for the player but I see them more as an OC)
whether or not they're listening to our feedback regarding story (certainly not for character design oop), this is very exciting. i love the direction that they are going in in terms of storytelling and execution. this specific act is more story than action so it's possible that this gives MHY more leeway to be creative. but i'm gonna send them a fat feedback to make sure they keep some of the elements i mentioned bc i refuse to go back to the 40 minutes of pure dialogue and talking animations. the sumeru plot line has potential to be one of the best AND very dark thematically but will mhy actually do it??? we’ll find out in 3.1 and 3.2!
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hua-fei-hua · 1 year
alright whenever you have time (and also the energy) I would love to hear your thoughts on the lantern rite epilogue! Have a good day <3
we're going to pretend that people following me will care abt genshin 3.4 lantern rite spoilers so we're gonna put my entire deranged mess under a cut hahaha
*gently holds* MY XVS......
truly this lantern rite had EVERYTHING although truth be told, like, the way venti was kind of shoehorned in was a little disappointing. i felt a little bit baited by the way the 3.4 TRAILER HAD THAT ONE CUT RIGHT where it goes from VENTI PLAYING THE LYRE in the harbor to XIAO LOOKING UP AT THE FIREWORKS outside of wangshu inn, and then we see the xiao bit in the actual cutscene on day 2, but absolutely none of venti until the epilogue. and also we never see venti playing the lyre during the event story so it's like. whoever edited that pv absolutely had xv on the brain. like. what the hell was that it was magical i feel higher than a boat right now
BUT ANYWAY like i don't even care how obviously shoehorned in venti felt bc the interactions were all SO PERFECT i love love loved them. i loved the way hu tao just RAN INTO WANGSHU INN and started shouting for xiao, and then talked death to him until he was like "yeah sure i'll go to your dinner". they are so besties i love them their friendship is everything to me.
THE WAY. XV INTERACTED. IN FRONT OF US. xiao just like "well. um. there's this. um. um." TOTAL PANIC MODE n venti had to SAVE HIM with like "huuuh? did you forget already? i'm a bard!" like HELLO why do they need a COVER STORY why are they making up COVER STORIES TOGETHER WHAT WERE THEY DOING TOGETHER IN THE MARSH EARLIER like what kind of GAY SHIT--
also i'm pretty sure when xiao started explaining his relationship to venti, venti fluttered his lashes at him. like, i recorded the whole quest (bc i didn't last year with the final part n i REALLY WISH I HAD bc i STILL remember the dRAMATIC GASP i had when we had that one beiguang moment in the cutscene), and when i rewatched it earlier i was like. "HANG ON. DID HE JUST FLUTTER HIS LASHES" n rewatched it like three times. maybe my game was just stuttering BUT IT DEFINITELY LOOKED LIKE IT and maybe i'll gif it when i get home from work tonight
BUT ANYWAY (2) point is that the expression work this time was ON POINT like whoever's doing all that over at mhy hq needs to get a raise pronto. venti going (¬‿¬) at all the other immortals was so immaculate. you aren't subtle little man!!!
it's probably just shipper goggles on to an extent, but i feel like the xv implications were really strong this time around, with the parallels to that fontch guy's ancestor, and the guiping n everything... i'm kind of disappointed that we don't get to actually hear any of venti's unobstructed thoughts on xiao; like the ribbing n implications at the dinner are a lot of fun (like, they were totally making out in the marsh before dinner. we all know this. it's very clear imo), but it kind of makes me wonder why we can hear xiao like... do his Very Heavy Implying abt venti's importance to him (though again, he doesn't outright say anything-- we know the full extent n depth of xiao's feelings abt venti (romantic or not) bc we can read his character stories, so technically really he hasn't told us jack squat in the current canon timeline), but the best we get from venti are smug expressions. those expressions are very telling, ofc, but a very unhinged part of me wishes that mhy didn't feel the need to wrap up the xv in layers of allegory and metaphor and just outright heard one of them say, "this person is very dear to me." i know it's just the rabid shipper in me, and i need to be sedated, but i was really kind of hoping that we'd see the allegory w/the fontch guy's ancestor n madame ping lifted away at the end n, like, see or hear it be bound to xv outright. just for purely self-indulgent purposes o(--(
but anyway (3) i also love love loved all the playful ribbing, witty banter, and prev event callbacks btwn the characters!! hu tao n venti canonically making a pact to be poetry friends was SO GOOD you just KNOW hu tao is gonna commission venti to compose a JINGLE for wangsheng advertising purposes later, while zhongli n xiao are like, "this meeting never should have happened. we are all doomed." somehow i legitimately forgot that xq n venti know each other from irodori n was like, "...huh?" when xq mentioning knowing venti for like, a FULL two seconds. the way venti was like "damn you know i was right outside this entire time. can you believe the way some people ignore the wind?" n zhongli was like "hahaha (✿◡‿◡) the harbor is very busy this time of year (✿◠‿◠) it is very hard see or hear an individual person's whereabouts (^人^)"
AND ALSO. PAIMON BEING ELECTED AS THE "MOST DISTINGUISHED GUEST." PAIMON YOU GOT IN THE WAY OF MY DERANGED SELF-DELUSIONMENT MANY TIMES THIS LANTERN RITE BUT THAT WAS PRETTY FUNNY. i thought it was interesting how no one nominated venti. like i was kind of expecting xiao to do it (but ofc he nominates traveler) which is fair honestly, n then i was like "IS LUMINE GONNA NOMINATE VENTI????" but then she nominated paimon n paimon was like "wait... me?????" n it was just EXACTLY like a bunch of adults telling the little kid they are the most specialest ever n they should have the honor of doing The Thing. as that little kid growing up, i know the feeling very well lol
there are other bits i'm just,,, rotating around in my mind, like venti and kazuha hanging out on the alcor, the way xiao goes "i can't taste the difference in xiangling's special almond tofu" when you go visit him afterwards, ALL THE GANQING THAT HAPPENED IN THE MAIN STORY I'M SO HAPPY FOR THEM I'M SO HAPPY FOR ME I WON VERY HARD THIS LANTERN RITE, n like,,, yeah!!!!
#asks#anonymous#(at my non genshin followers/mutuals) I'M SORRY FOR BEING DERANGED. EVEN THOUGH I'VE BEEN DERANGED FOR OVER A YEAR N A HALF#it's funny bc i never apologized for abruptly changing fandoms before gnshn. the shame of gacha gaming never dies lmao#ANYWAY i'm pretty sure venti just ate off of xiao's plate the entire dinner. 'let me get you another set of cutlery' says hu tao#'okay sure!' venti replies; already stealing xiao's chopsticks n eating all his food bc it's not like xiao's eating all that much#plus. i was thinking of that spices in the west event. n how to my surprise venti liked the almond tofu n grilled tiger fish...#been getting a lot of kudos on my xv fics these last few days hahaha; i mentioned to star yesterday that the saucy xv thing i wrote#waaaay back in late july is like 290 hits away from entering my top five ao3 fics by hits#and if that happened it would do what j/jk had never been able to do (which is break the b//nha chokehold over my hits stats)#(j/jk broke my records on bookmarks tho n i'm very proud of that i love you diner fic)#n star said we should throw a party if the saucy xv fic made it to top five n i was like.#a 'thank you to all the thirsty people for dethroning the shadow of b/nha that lives over me at all times' party????#n she was like 'yes. i think that is a wonderfully apt title' LOL#in the shower yesterday i was thinking abt the xvx week happening on twt n i Do have smth saved for the free day#this oneshot i started last july n then didn't finish until like two or three weeks ago but in the shower i was like#'muse... muse... you know it would be kind of fun if...' n i started thinking abt that livejournal au i came up w/as a joke months ago#so maybe i'll write smth real fast for that hahaha
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mlynar-nearl · 1 year
i find it astounding that you have a system for this. i mean, not to say that i pull randomly, i do save for mostly lims only (the only one i lack would be nian herself actually) but i am seldom ever able to save up that much (175?? insane), its mostly about 80 to 100 for each banner. although i will say that i did pull for certain characters i like or found meta like thorns/surtr/gnosis/passenger but it did cost me which means im always fumbling for pulls at the end of each limited banner. ever since w banner where i dumped over 200 pulls for pots (why??) i have been more stringent with my saving but ive never actually saved that much. do you have monthly card or is it just somehow pure f2p things (do you use op? im genuinely curious how do ppl save this much when im always poor) ?
ah and yes gachas are exploitative in nature, but at this point of time, it is what it is tbh, i only choose to whale in games where i genuinely like the game to bits (read: honkai) or i support them in other manners, such as merch (i buy the ak anniv boxes every year !) but yeah gachas are honestly very predatory now its scary ngl. but genshin is cool :) i dont play anymore but i might come back just for kaveh (,,,,i love him so much,,,) and abt mhy games i would rec tears of themis ! if you like pretty men yeah thats my only excuse </3 the men are pretty i am gay but i can sure as hell appreciate the very pretty men hehe. perhaps i will sleep soon it is almost 3.30am so its probably my last ask of the day (?) ty for the consistent replies !
yeah of course! i use monthly card which helps and i buy some stuff around the anniversaries and such which helps, but limiting my possible moves helps Psychologically.
funny you say that ab kaveh because my roommate lured me in to genshin with alhaitham. we call it alhaithamquest because i played the game to get alhaitham, build alhaitham, and put alhaitham in Situations. i am up to the last object on that list. i'm putting him in SO many situations. kaveh and alhaitham fascinate me. i love autistic characters and love/hate relationships and i love how kaveh asks if youre hired actors. i just wish more people in sumeru were dark-skinned...alhaitham should be brown...they couldnt make him a moc because then hed be the optimal character i Think. genshin's plot and such doesnt feel nearly as robust to me as arknights but it is good fun, and i cant begrudge it that. also i think it has some of the funniest plot setups ever because the whole "zhongli helps you plan his own funeral" thing is literally comic gold to me. i'm not taking genshin too seriously admittedly considering the Scatman Diluc Incident but i like it that way. keeps the brain mold away.
hope you sleep well btw<3
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 2 years
albedo and gorou for the opinion bingo?
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beebo my beloved everyone is wrong about you ♡ no seriously though the amount of times I've seen stuff about albedo wanting to destroy mondstadt its like... bestie were you even paying attention during his story quest. he doesn't really have wasted potential but he definitely doesn't have enough screentime, i actually screamed when i saw him during weinlesefest dhdhjsa. i love him but i dont think about him that much? he kinda just sits around in my brain politely. ♡♡♡
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GOROU MY BLORBO FROM MY EARLY BLOG DAYS!!! gets done so dirty why do you all love torturing him dhhdjdjs. mhy just straight up did him and kokomi dirty though sorry. major wasted potential and not nearly enough screentime for my boy!!!! :((( i dont like any of gorous popular ships im so sorry i cant see ittorou and i can only see him and kokomi as friends fhdej plus miko is miko. i mildly like kazugorou still though but like .. queerplatonicly? i think they should take naps on warm rocks together. otherwise i have nothing much to say he sits in my brain politely too :)
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keichanz · 3 years
you wouldn't be able to tell in my last post post about yrm but i'm on my fou rth glass of wine im reading fanfic an d i just had the most ridiculous fucking thought ever and if my own damn brain forced me to think this bullshit then im forcing you to think about it too and yeah i iknow that didnt make sense shu t up
so who was it that detrminede that all youkai had to be lik e animal based. like. is it set in stone that all youkai have to be some sort of animal like cat a dog a lizard wolf ect ect you knlw AND then ND THEN my brin was like what if. what if htey werent animals but everyday household objects and my brain just started fucking spitting shit at me like
lamp demon. carpet demon. table demon. fucking refrideragor demon and niOW I CANNTO STOP GIGGLING HALEP
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honeyboyfelix · 3 years
if you see me posting only about albedo for the next two weeks,,, im sorry
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opallllhehe · 2 years
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𝙎𝙤 𝙎𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙩 🐠🪸
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𝘋𝘰𝘭𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘴 𝘹 𝘎𝘯 (𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘯𝘦𝘶𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘭)
𝘞𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: 𝘓𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵-𝘪𝘴𝘩 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘰𝘶𝘵, 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘨𝘳𝘰𝘱𝘦, 𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘮𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘺 𝘴𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴
𝘚𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺: 𝘠𝘰𝘶’𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘳'𝘴 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥 𝘴𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘣𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘪𝘧𝘶𝘭 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘢 𝘴𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘯. ❤️
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“Oh Dolores!” You called out in a singsong voice.
You and Dolores had been together for a while and you had brought over some sweets for her as you just so happened to be the baker’s child.
Before you and Dolores had been together you had admired her beauty from afar, not daring to get close to her in fear of rejection, but in the end she heard all the little comments you had made about her, all of the little mumbles; all of the thoughts you had accidently said aloud.
She had known about your little crush.
In the end you guys ended up actually meeting after she had to run an errand over to the bakery— which Camilo had purposely set up— and you were the only one that happened to be behind the counter at the time.
Anyways- back to the origin-
You skipped to the same spot you and Dolores would meet at every evening— basket in hand— and spotted her sitting under the large oak tree, lightly reading.
Of course she had heard your loud voice and closed the book, slowly looking up as you got closer.
“Dolores! I managed to snag a bunch of treats from the bakery window before they noticed! And I made sure to grab the ones you said you had really liked last time! Though… when I go back I might be in a bit of a pickle… eheh~” Dolores softly smiled at your short ramble about snagging treats. She thought you were so cute, though she’ll never admit to it aloud.
You opened the top of the basket as you continued to talk about your day, earning subtle nods from Dolores every now and then. You took out a blueberry muffin, still freshly warm due to you rushing over before they had cooled, and took a bite out of the top of it.
“Hmm! M’ mhy god! Thehse are so ghood!” You gushed as your eyes practically sparkled.
“Oh, let me try.” Dolores softly spoke.
“M’kay.” You were about to hand the muffin to her when she leaned in and took a bite of it before you could hand it to her yourself.
‘Gh-! C-close!’ You felt your face heat up at the thought but quickly swatted it away. It was a nice day. With your beautiful girlfriend! Nice and peaceful.
But Dolores had heard the little sound of surprise you had made, even if you hadn’t.
“I, uh, think there’s another blueberry muffin in there if you want one.” You suggested it in case she liked the taste.
“We can just share this one.”
Were you dense?
Are you dense?
Well, I mean, you never really considered yourself dense, I mean, you were fine.
Well, I mean it’s more of-
Wait, shut up.
“Okay!” You sparkled at the thought and gave her a closed eye smile.
“Wait, stay still. You have some crumbs on your face.”
“Ah jeez, that’s embarrassing, sorry. I’ll get it, you don’t have to worry ‘bout it.” You aimlessly searched for the crumbs on your cheeks.
“No, no it’s okay I don’t mind. Plus, I can see them.” Dolores commented as she saw your struggle only grow.
As soon as she reached for the crumbs your brain had finally pinpointed the crumbs on your stupid face and you reached for them as well.
Instead of wiping them off your hand only ended up landing on top of Dolores’.
“Oh, uh, S-sorry Doll! My hand kind of went for the crumbs at the.. same.. time… oh god.”
What. Did. You. Do.
You looked up at Dolores only to see her sitting there with a bright red face as she let out a tiny squeak like a little mouse.
What was that!?
Why did you, I, WHAT-
“Ah! I- I’m so sorry! It just kind of slipped out, it fit so perfectly to me, y-like, you know, Dolores, Dolor, Dol, Doll—? E, eheh… S-Sorry…”
“N- No! it’s okay.. I kind of like it…” Dolores quietly admitted.
“Ah, okay! I, I'll call you Doll more often then!” You awkwardly yelled, redder than a tomato.
“I’m gonna kiss you now.” You softly grabbed her chin.
“Yeah I think you’d better get on with that now.” She replied.
You closed the distance, softly kissing her as you moved the basket over with your other hand so it wasn’t in the way. For some reason your make out sessions with her always got messy, and by the time you guys were done (making out) there was always a mess around you two, whether it be broken tea cups or smashed food.
Your thoughts were soon pulled straight from your brain as soon as Dolores stuck her tongue in your mouth and wrapped her arms around your waist and brought you on top of her.
“Mmmn—” you moaned into the kiss.
The two of you would frequently switch who was the dom and who was the sub, both of your personalities were just so mixable, and if you two were being honest, both of you never really even knew who was what most of the time.
All you two know is that you guys are making out.
You both reluctantly pulled away for a breath of air.
“Oh Doll, you have no idea—” you breathlessly growled as you grabbed her ass.
And of course with every action deserving a reaction, she squeaked.
And I guess we know who’s on top today.
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𝙃𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙮 𝙑𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨 𝙗𝙗𝙮'𝙨 ❤️
I hope you thoroughly enjoyed this story as it is one of the first requests I’ve done! Don’t be afraid to ask for more! I love feeding my babes content! ☺️❤️
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🚫𝘿𝙤 𝙉𝙤𝙩 𝙍𝙚𝙥𝙤𝙨𝙩🚫
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sunatooru · 3 years
Thanks for telling me ^^ and so my idea is kinda obvious, but still, i'd like to request headcanons or scenarios -you may choose- with Atsumu, Oikawa, Hinata or whoever that is that will act dramatic. So they have a girlfriend (you can make it gender neutral if you like) that has some crazy powerful telekinetic powers. It's so powerful to the point they can telekineticly heal injuries completely
Or if you would make it easier, just make them (the s/o) have an absolute level healing abilites (how did they found out? What would they do afterwards?)
Sorry for the messy rambling, i was getting really excited haha😅😅 (rip english)
-🔆🔆 anon
Hii, I hope I did these okayyy, I just had Saiki k on my brain... if not I can totally write it again!! thank you for requesting xx
Warning: reader has telekinetic powers, fantasy
* he’s been complaining about his back the whole day
* Whining and groaning doing the tiniest of things and so you decide to fix him up
* He’s laying on his stomach on your bed dead
* “My back kills” he complains and at this point you’re tired of it
* “Tsumu stop whining gosh. Be quiet and let me get rid of the pain”
* He’s a little confused, probably thinks you’ll give him kisses like you usually do but what he doesn’t expect is you staring at his back and then going back to what you were previously doing
* “...babe...you didn’t do anything?” He furrows his brows and gets up to approach you
* “Yeah? So why aren’t you crying anymore?” You mindlessly say
* And then it hits him
* The pain? Gone
* He moves his body around, bending and turning to see if the pains truly gone
* “What? How...? What?”
* And then you freeze. You forget he never knew and now he’s looking expectantly for an answer
* And when you tell him, his jaw drops, he’s pacing around the room trying to understand this power you have
* You’ll regret telling him
* Every time he gets an injury he’s coming to you. A paper cut? “Babeeeee can you heal me?” He bit his tongue? “Bahhbe mhy tungh”
* You’re basically now his personal nurse
* You might let him suffer some injuries if he gets annoying
* you know his knee? The one that’s always injured and always wrapped in bandages ? Yeah, he’s overworking himself and it’s showing
* You watch him during late practice
* He’s wincing and scrunching his face but continues to act like it’s nothing
* “Tooru, you’re hurting yourself.” You scold but he ignores it, giving you a cheeky smile and telling you he’s okay
* It’s only you two in the gym now and he goes to serve
* You watch him throw the ball in the air and jump, but just when he’s about to, his knee buckles and he drops forward
* You rush to him and carefully lift him up
* You stare at him, concern laced in your eyes and he looks guilty
* “Can you move it?” You ask and he hisses when he tries
* “...Tooru...I, I can make it better...” he doesn’t understand, he follows your eyes that rest on his knee
* “Try again.” You request and he jumps up at the pain no longing there
* “What- how did you do that?” He jumps a few times, stretching his legs and bending his knees
* He’s so focused on moving that he doesn’t see you holding in your laugh
* “No wait stop laughing tell me how?” He smiles widely, hands resting on your shoulder
* He gasps so loudly when you tell him, hand slaps over his mouth and then screeches
* He’s honestly going through it, it’s like the stages of denial but instead stages of ‘my partner is an alien’ and we all know how much he loves aliens
* If you’re comfortable, he boasts this incredible news, telling everyone how amazing you are and that he’ll never feel any pain with you and even prompts Iwaizumi to hit him and let you fix his bloody mess
* Honestly though, he’s so thankful for your power because it’ll help him achieve his dream with you by his side
* This sunshine is forever getting hit by volleyballs and we all feel his pain
* He’s been calling on team members to help him receive
* Knees bent, arms ready and eyes determined as he watches the ball come to him
* You’re actually so worried whenever he trains or play, knowing how unlucky he gets with the balls hurting him and so you always try to be there to make any pain fade
* And he’s never noticed, never once questioned why he doesn’t feel as hurt when he gets hit, decides to believe he’s just strong bodied and pain does not exist to him
* However, once you were late to watch him play, which he was a little sad about, and the ball hit right in the stomach, he had to take a minute to compose himself, very confused as to why it hurt so much
* The pains still lingering when you arrive and of course you don’t know what happened before and can’t heal him
* So you’re just sitting there, cheering him and he smiles at you on and then the ball flies towards his face
* It’s almost in slow motion and you quickly decrease the pain with your mind as it bounces of his face
* You watch the team surround him and ask if he’s fine and he just looks towards you and sees how unconcerned you are and something clicks
* It’s you, something about you is making him not feel pain and then he recalls how you’re always there
* “That was a hard hit, how is your nose not bleeding?” His teammate asks and he suddenly feels very cocky and points to you
* “Babe, how’s your face?” You ask and he’s pulling you aside
* “How do you do it? Do you have powers? Can you, like, take away pain? Can you? You can! That’s so cool! Have you been healing me? Every time? Wow wow wow you’re so awesome!” His mind is spinning
* He’s beaming at you, slightly shaking your body as he understands this power you hold
* He might purposely get injured so you heal him, it’s exciting and he’s obsessed
* If he gets hit on court and feel no pain, he’ll find your face and shoot you a thumbs up, everyone else just watches in confusion
* You’ll probably let him feel the pain of a hit once, just to let him know that if he keeps doing it on purpose, you’ll make the pain worse (said with a smile of course)
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helianyx · 2 years
Genshin Impact Ask Game - Answered!
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1. How long have you been playing?
Right around launch, like, I think a couple days after?  I've definitely taken a few breaks though. (Most of which I regret because- please rerun your damn events MHY.)
2. Why did you start playing?
K-Kaeya... Several months earlier my nephew told me about it and we were checking out the website and I went big ol' heart eyes and whoo my interest was piqued.
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3. What is your AR?
I just hit 57 recently.
4. Who is your best character (build wise)?
Oof that's hard, because I am Not Smart when it comes to building. Zhongli and Kokomi are decently solid, so is Yae, but Xiao (newest) really got lucky with artifacts so I feel like he's got the most "concise", ‘doesn’t need a lot more tweaking’, build so far?
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5. Who is your worst character (build wise)?
Zhongli also exists here. His crit rate to dmg ratio is awful. But otherwise, so many 4*’s that are just straight up neglected. Pretty much all of them except Alloy and Yun Jin are fully uncapped though. We'll go with Alloy.
6. Who is your highest leveled character?
Uhh... Zhongli, Albedo, Kokomi, Tartaglia, Xiao, Kazuha, Yae Miko, Yoimiya, Traveler, and Qiqi are all 90.
7. What character do you main?
Maining a single character is such a foreign concept to me. Probably? I imagine? because I don't really do a whole lot of coop beyond just playing with my bff and we're always rotating our teams around however we please/need. But the above listed characters are most likely to get picked + Ayato (who I'm working on and is at 80 rn).
8. What is your main team?
Same as above, it changes a lot. Zhongli, Kazuha, Albedo, and Kokomi is 'one' of my main teams, but right now I'm playing around with Xiao, Ayato, Yae Miko, and Qiqi - or I swap around any of those eight however I need.
9. What are your spiral abyss teams?
People actually do that? /j (I don’t do that /nj)
10. Who is your favorite character?
Impossible! Gosh so many... Zhongli, Albedo, Xiao, Kaeya, Yae Miko, Kokomi, Lumine are up there, and Kazuha is like... the definition of a 'comfort character' to me, he's just so soothing. If I'm idling around, it's him, or Albedo out on screen. That said, Zhongli's aesthetics, his looks, everything about him is just so charming... 😩 Yeah, him, Kazu, Xiao and Albedo are definitely at the top. (For not playable characters though, I love Dain! And I have a stupid amount of love for Xavier and Enjou.)
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11. Who is your least favorite character?
Hm... From [current] playable characters, I really can't say. There are some I find a little annoying here or there, but it's usually something small like, I don't like their voice acting (RazorRazorRazorRazor). I can't stand Alice though. A lot of the concepts around her and snippets we’ve got so far bother me, but I'll try reserving judgment until she's actually in game.
12. What's your favorite part of the gameplay?
Exploration and everything that comes with it! Puzzles, treasure, staring off into the distance and going "gosh I can see [landmark from another country] from here!" Zigzagging between 'ooh what's that!' and 'ooh treasure!' and 'ooh challenge!' is so much fun exploring new areas. I also do enjoy like, 'new mechanics' that come with new areas...
13. What's your least favorite part of the gameplay?
But also 'new mechanics' that come with new areas. Even if I pretty much always get used to it and have fun, sometimes it's just A Lot. Also, Spiral Abyss can go die in a fire. Sick of so many cool events that could be added as extra permanent game modes being temporary.
14. What is your favorite cutscene?
They're all so good???? Right now the most recent one [2.7 with Xiao] lives rent free in my brain. But the post-Osial Liyue cutscene had me in such awe it’s unforgettable. Also that time Raiden Shogun almost cut Traveler's head off and Kazuha activated a second vision to save us? AUGH SO GOOD SO GOOD.
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15. Who is a character you don't have but want?
EULA. I just realized now with Xiao she's the only character I REALLY want but don't have now. (I'd like Venti and Raiden but not as much as I NEED Miss Eula.)
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16. Have you ever won a 50/50?
; ; yes! For a long time, the only 50/50 I won was Zhongli on his original banner and every time I lost after that I was just like "welp, I won ZHONGLI on 50/50 so I can't be too dissatisfied" (spoiler: i was, i worked my ass off for so many of these bitches 😩). But recently Ayato and Xiao both came on 50/50 too. 🥺<3<3<3
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17. Who was the first character you pulled?
Other than the "promoted" Noelle, Ningguang <3
18. Who was your first 5 star character?
19. If you're currently saving to pull for someone, who?
The rumored Su-inspired character... Or Baizhu... Characters that are very far off. I'm suffering from gambling addiction want-to-use-my-primos-itis.
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20. Do you prefer Mondstadt, Liyue, or Inazuma?
I think about this (amusingly) quite a lot when playing. They're all charming in their different ways... Mondstadt was where the adventure first began, and it's so idyllic and peaceful. It's PROBABLY my most preferred just on account of it being where I always go for this and that, or just to idle around at times. But Liyue isn't slouching here: I remember when traveling in Liyue, when something pulled us back to Mondstadt, I'd be like "Home<3<3<3" but just the same, when traveling in Inazuma, when something pulled us back to Liyue, I'd also be like "Home<3<3<3" X'D
On the other hand, Inazuma... is beautiful, but it doesn't invoke those kinds of feelings for me (we'll have to see how I feel once Sumeru drops XD). Instead there's just so much depth and SADNESS everywhere, which I appreciate a lot in it's own right. I'd say of the three, Inazuma is possibly the most "memorable"? At least in terms of like... pretty much everywhere I go there, all of these bittersweet memories from the questlines bubble up.
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sylvctica · 3 years
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I’ve been meaning to write this for a little while, it really is just a small thank you note to the community and all the people I have written with so far and see on my dash !
I’ve been wanting to get back into tumblr RPing for quite a few months but my creative juices have been stretched thin and far; although I love, love my albino baby boy and he’s still an active muse for me, he’s gotten to a very settled place in life and development. I was thinking of making a Genshin AU for him but honestly the inside joke is that he’s Razor due to albinism, lightning powers, and wolf theme.
So ... in comes Sylvie instead.
This is mostly just a history blurb of how Sylvie came to be more than anything -- but overall as well, I do want to thank you all for making my time on tumblr wonderful and helping me to flesh out Sylvie even further as a character that’s become immensely precious to me, especially when I didn’t expect them to.
Sylvie honestly was made as a self-indulgent whim on (checks TH creation date) March 14th cause I have brainworms for Zhongli and wanted to make a god character based off the big tree in Mondstadt ... so I sat down and doodled a reference sheet and out popped Sylvie with smaller ears. My friend then suggested Sylvie as a name and it stuck.
God, little did I know my thirst would explode into a full character that I am hungry to develop.
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(thanks me on march 14th. on a side note, thank you to everyone for putting up with my absolute thristy brainworms i have on frequent occasion. i formally apologize NFDHFNSFHSEFESG.)
At this point I was hungry for more Genshin lore, with the release of more info on Khaenri’ah, Celestia, and all that it made me want to explore it through a character that would’ve had personal experience with it -- especially with knowing that ex-gods were essentially exiled and we know of no other gods being around that aren’t the Archons. So ... why not one who was still around?
Ever since making more god-type OCs I’ve loved the aspect of exploring them and the dichotomy between being a god and being human, learning emotions and faults, and experiencing things (such as grief) when one didn’t have to before. Genshin opened up that door for me fully MFDSFSGHESGN; an ongoing lore means reactions in the moments, anticipation for future changes and so on, which to me is a buffet for my brain.
I’ve also dipped into fandom OCs before and I’m the type that when I make an OC for a fandom, I get fueled to make one that fits into the world, that feels like they’d exist in there, to cover every little hole if need be. I may be making them for my own reasons but god be damned if I don’t flesh them out and rip my fingers into them.
I would’ve wanted to bring Sylvie earlier to tumblr because tumblr to me is just as big a buffet; although I plotted a lot in my own corner in the 2 months before bringing Sylvie over, it is isolated plotting and I’ve always thrived off development through RP and other people (gestures to Hideki who’s full 7-8 years of development all came through tumblr) and I’ve met a lot of amazing people through here.
Lack of a faceclaim kinda put me off until I sat my ass down to look through historical manhwas and try my hand at editing them and pop here comes Sylvie to be slapped down on tumblr with me frothing at the mouth as I tuck u all into my pockets and the rest is history.
If you’ve gotten to the end of this big blurb spiel, thank you!!! I feel like I can’t say thank you enough but I am genuinely happy; tumblr RP has been a big part of my life and a comfort and escape for years, so to be able to be back again with a fresh breath of air in a new OC and to see the wonderful writing and interpretations and characters from other people, the love poured into writing said characters, and to be part of chaotic shenanigans that eat at my sleep (with no regrets) ... I am happy. 
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tartagliaxx · 3 years
hey lei!! how are you and what are you doing rn? i'm currently procrastinating my school work T_T but its not like i'm totally wasting my time if i'm catching up with you :3c
lemme tell you about my performance it happened two days ago and we did it at a football game honestly for me it went pretty badly it wasn't a home game and we're not just doing flag work we all have to be in specific positions so doing it on a different field messed me up and my brain just shut off too cause i made so many mistakes that i usually wouldn't OTL its not too terrible though we played at the beginning so not many people were there to see it after that i actually ended up having a nice time!! it felt like a very teen thing to sit in the bleachers of a school game and eat and joke with friends it was a nice moment especially cause wasting my youth is something i end up thinking about often also theres this cute boy 😳😳 hes in band and was reading a webtoon in the bleachers his hair is growing long its reaching the back of his neck,,, i'm excited for the days we practice on a field cause i'll be able to see him then I wouldn't call this crush more like in interest or eyecandy 👁👁
chwkfjel i'm sorry for rambling enough my flag twerling stuff i remember you asked about my birthday i was born on the 25!! i keep wondering if i should pull for kokomi then or when her banner comes out if i lose the 50/50 i would be a lot madder if mhy denied her on the day i was removed from the womb!!- 🍰
i am currently in class akdbwjbdjnaba im p busy and i just want to write the rqs i got alr but i literally have my entire week packed w things to do for school. ugh. life sucks. BUT PLEASE— THE WAY MY HEART FLUTTERED AT THAT LAST LINE 🙈
umm maybe it didnt go as badly as you thought it did? who knows but at least its done!! im still v proud and happy for you bc you managed to get through it even if its v different from what u r used to :)) it’s a good thing that you enjoyed. i personally didnt do a lot when i was in hs so that’s a shame. fortunately for you tho, it seems u’ll have more opportunity to live your best teenage life <33
OMG A BOY. 👀 WHY DO I FEEL LIKE A MOM GIVING AWAY HER CHILD— anw,, he sounds,,, ok??? like i am looking at you two politely. but also,, you looking forward to seeing him and basically eyeing him… isnt that the definition of having a crush 😭😭😭 / hj N E WAY, since we were just talking abt teenage dreams and stuff— are you going to shoot le shot???? idk abt u but i’d at least befriend the guy if he reads webtoons and has long hair 😌 shame that all the guys nearby me are like, a solid -13/10
well, if u do lose 50/50, you can just count it as the gacha gods giving u a guaranteed 5* you actually really, really want for the future? i personally think that’s p pog but maybe that’s just me and my albedo fuelled brain talking shit 🙂
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ragnvdnir · 2 years
Ok i'm back to reply to your messages 😍
miss kamisato girly better come home but if she aint doing that you who who will : kazuha 😏 ay*to might just sign up in a business marriage to continue the bloodline 😌
Yes i hope i lose my 50/50 to that certain sweetie pie 2 😍 i've only won it one time with albedo and lost every other 50/50s with no diluc 😔 and c2 qiqi and keqing :') i have like cons for each standard 5* and i am still dilucless 😭
bc i was just in a village doing alright then i became your royal advisor over night and now im crazy like you 🧐 if i did get a hime cut irl we would be twinning 🤩 the queen and her royal adviser twinning in hairstyles (real!) Yes you're def dragging me to som crazy things 😭
This "betrayal" to are talking about means that i'd kick asses for you but i'd kick your ass too if i have to do it 😋😎
Yes i can see through your brain 😌 it's giving so much wide ass open minded vibes 💪 no but 😭 you're really successfully making everything sound funny or a joke everytime 😩
True abt vyn 🙄 man is allegedly aspiring to be an attention wh*re??? 🤨 Asking is easy but he wants to manipulate you instead 👮 yeah he may not physically be strong but he'd fit in a role to be proclaimed "dead" and the actual killer in the movie 😰
Today's generation must be smarter bc look at them not making the sweetie pie the standard 🤬 (this is a joke we def respect your ideal types ✌️😭) yall wilding when you can just settle for a simple but also luxurious life with Diluc Ragnvindr 😤💕
"maam this is mcdonalds" do you think you can stop me?? u lowly peasant of a cashier 🤨😎 can i just please order an extra large fries and a spaghetti with coke drink maam 😌 marius teases MC but he knows when 2 stop too when u literally cant take it 👍 cant let you die bc of him 💪 have fun having the stages of grief again 👍 she got engaged by default so that we would not try to endorse her to mhy as a potential lover character 🤬 they know they makin their side characters especially the women look good bc we cant date them 🙄
Also to the ppl cancelling Ein over using emojis: 🤺🤺🤺 dont you dare slander her humor 🤬🤬🤬 ur just jealous she's funnier than yall 🙄😤 (this is a joke again i dont do fights with ppl so pls ignore me 😎 i literally have no time to fight in nonsensical arguments) just keep using the emojis 😍😍😍 bc who are you to bow down to them 😋
No but about the ableist thing 😰 i kinda am frightened to whatever stuff that id do or say would come out of me bc i was ignorant of stuff
— 🍰.
i hope so too, i like ayaka's playstyle so she better accept my proposal🙄 kazuha will surely go home if she didn't bc after all im guaranteed😏😏 and whos this ay*to trying to set an arrange marriage🤨🤨 tell him to do it or hes a scaredy cat🤷🤷
mr. diluc is playing hard to get, just be patient bc thats what i did even though i have to suffer months before i got him😗😗
oh wait you're from a village before becoming royal advisor??😲😲 why is this kinda familiar 🤔🤔
i was a girl in the village doing alright then i became a princess royal advisor overnight. now i gotta figure out how to do it right, so much to learn and see~
u should get hime cut🤨 we're best buddies so we have to show ppl we're true and legit💆💆 kicking asses for me? yes. kicking my ass? no🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️ i would run away if i have too my dear royal advisor ⁉️
sometimes i just wanna shut my mouth bc weird and corny jokes naturally comes out and i have to curl into a ball and cry on how cringy it is😔💔
ugh me and vyn being an attention seeker🤝 🤝🤝 we definitely deserve each other but my man vyn richter, manipulation is a no no or you will see a flying slippers and appliances coming your way🙆🙆🙆
agree, diluc set the bar too high to reach. diluc would do anything for you (yes we respect your opinions dont mind us! after all *glances at thoma* there's a certain malewife i would need in my life hehe)
me? a lowly peasant? i see🤔🤔 ill be looking for a new royal advisor. just ask my butler for your last pay check
i still refuse to believe that celestine is engaged 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
naurr bc i started overusing emojis with my irl friends as a joke. apparently, i never got away from it👀 i think emojis is a part of my life now😔💔
same same anon😭 i now have to prevent myself from doing things bc i wont know that i did something horrible until someone points it out or mentions them. im just glad that this is not twitter bc i will really get cancelled even tho i did that unknowingly😟😟 twitter is a scary place to be in and not to mention the toxic side of genshin fandom existing there😗😗
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mlynar-nearl · 1 year
the amount of pulls you just said was insane sorry, did you just say 290 for ling/lee? and 170 for gavalter/pozy? absolutely insane that is some. wow. (can i say anything i hand mhy my wallet like it is free)
ok but yeah i can see like.... why. i mean. i love old man nearl i want him, i want him now so i can finally get started on my nearl family agenda and have to m9/mod3/maxlvl everyone in the nearl family (i love them little lovelies) and i have only done this with nearlter but blemi needs rocks and i hate rocks i hate farming 1-7 with a passion i have literally postponed farming rocks so much i have like 7??? un-e2'ed 6*s just bcs they need rocks (and also bcs they are not meta lol)
ur wallet is terrifying. anyways will u max pot the old man? i feel like u wld tbh but like complete guess.
and yeah most ppl will talk abt honkais story instead since it is pretty good, but i like the gameplay very personally, like... im a sucker for good hack-and-slash games (that i can play on mobile bcs idh a pc oop) that also dont require *that* much brain and honkai has honestly filled up that for me lol. its nice its flashy i press buttons its a win-win
but yeah before that, for the longest time, it was just arknights that stuck with me and its really obvious why bcs its a really good game (even now ofc tho sss pains me in every way possible) and i still do is2 all the time for fun even tho ive maxed out my candle level for weeks alr like hell yeah !!! i love this game!!! i burn out sometimes but i usually get back within one or two events (hence my incomplete guide ahead + the one medal missing from lingering echos + i only completed medal set for tw on the rerun) but yeah i love arknights and sometimes i wish i had more friends to yell abt it !!! watched the concert (the one with phenomenal agents and i was rly sad that i couldnt talk abt it to anyone properly)
ah once again sorry for the length, but i would love to hear what other gacha games you play as well ! personally i am a gacha game only person (my standards are a bit low sometimes) and i dont play much outside of gacha tbh. ah and of course, have a nice day !
i pretty much only pull on limited banners which is why i could put in that many for gavial and pozy without dipping into the wallet that much. ling and lee, on the other hand, THAT shit hurted my money. for my arknights pulls i basically set myself a number of rules that rely on the slight delay between CN and global that let me think out ops in advance and such. essentially, i allow myself one operator release between limited banners to actually invest in, based on how they look, their mechanics, and what i like in a character. so mlynar is my one between gavialter/pozy and omertexas/penance, simple as. GG was a previous "one." so was surtr. unfortunately this system does mean i have to skip characters that i do like- for example, i prio'ed GG over gnosis and fiammetta, who i both really enjoy as characters- because i ruled that GG has the most utility that i can take advantage of in my average playstyle and her global range is just too good at covering for my smallbrain moments. so for that reason, i normally have around 17 ten-pulls saved for each limited banner including the free ones that you get (meaning i average around 175 pulls since i throw in a few singles to make it nice and even.) ling and lee were an exception since mr lee just decided to fight me on it. to this day the only operator released on a limited banner that hasn't come home is irene and that's because i put foresight in myself and reminded myself that gavialter and pozemka would be upcoming in a much shorter gap than between ling/lee and specalter/irene, and i would regret it if i went all in for irene. the primary goal is always the operator who will be impossible to get at any other time of the year. yes i plot these things that far in advance like a general going to war. it's how i Survive . i've been doing it pretty much since i started when the limited to save up for was W.
i don't intend to pull for maxpot on mlynar for this reason. even with him sitting at my all time favorite character in the game, it doesn't fit my standard of pulling. eyes are ahead to omertexas and penance once he's home. though i do have idle plans to use any royal guard tokens i get on him. i would like him to be maxpot someday but given that i generally roll with the broad goal of collecting as many characters as possible, it's incompatible for the moment.
rn i indulge at feh and genshin at the request of my friends who do play them. i do enjoy genshin and it's a fun time killer- it's a shame the fanbase is So. i try not to indulge in gacha games unless they're recommended to me by friends, and arknights was, in fact, a rec when it was fresh enough (i think right after partial necrosis dropped because i had the frostnova lore explained to me as a hook.) i started right at the tail end of nian's banner. most of the vibeo games i play are non-gacha to avoid the hurts to my wallet that mr lee put on it. at least with arknights i can feel like i'm actually paying them for a good game PFSDLGH.....
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alcoress · 2 years
IM REALLY GOOD I just had some pizza and I finished all my work for this week so I get to relax for the time being
I'm planning to run Raiden with bennet and xiao, I might put xingqui in their but his build isn't done and I have to shuffle around his artifacts
omg please post pics 🙏🏽😭 I feel like I know what you're talking abt but my brain won't connect everything
I'd most likely replace alloy with chongyun bc even if he doesn't have the same affect that her e does he'll still be really good to run with xiao
AND VENTI'S GETTING A RERUN?? isn't this like the 5th time he's gotten one 😭 why does mhy like him sm?? I'll most likely skip his one too I'm not really interested in venti but if they did a Klee rerun then I'd definitely pull
AJAJS THATS SO NICE??? wait how could you have finished all your work it’s Wednesday? is there not stuff that’s like,, idk reading for a class you have every day? is that just a college thing ? i don’t remember what high school class work was like tbh at this point 🧍
bennett xiao team should be rlly strong !! xingqiu and raiden pair well bc his ult cost is high too :) and pls i feel ur pain w shuffling artifacts, had to shuffle bennett’s artifacts last night bc i’m trying to switch him from a healing build to a damage build, since his ult should heal more than enough once i level it a bit more. also considering giving him blackcliff sword later to make him do more ult damage?
ok ok!! tonight i’ll take pics of her build/take a video and post it, and i’ll tag u
is chongyun gonna be a burst support on that team :0
also yeah this would be his? 3rd rerun or smth? iirc? it’s mostly bc we haven’t had a venti banner in a year + i think windburns was this time last year? not sure bc i started in june
0 notes