#damn azula who gave u 3 moms?
ayoalex · 5 months
My brain is so funny, decided to rewatch ATLA (again) and for some reason got obsessed with Azula (I've always liked her tho, just... Something in my brain started itching this time around), so of course started reading meta analysis of her and azula centric fics and wanted to give my 2 cents (that no one asked).
After the Spirit Temple she just goes solo for like 2 months rewinding on what she saw there until she's like "I need to reinvent myself" and decided to get a buzzcut but like it's really fucked up and this one nice lady finds her like u find a stray cat with a really fuck up haircut and it's like "this kid is totally going through puberty but like... Mental illness" and decides to help her with the buzzcut.
So Azula finds herself helping this nice lady and her wife in their restaurant in some part of the Earth Kingdom.
She stills trains and pretty much continues evolving her bending but at the same time she does a lot of reflection about herself, her relationships with other people and her nation.
Without realizing she gets adopted by the lesbian couple. They are smart adults that saw a very much homeless kid and decided to give her love and shelter and Azula is weird and awkward about it at the beginning but this helps her realise a lot of things about her family.
So she's like soft now in the sense she just minds her own business and likes to pet cats around her neighbor but at the same time she's still a bit mean and quick with her tongue.
Her hair grows and one time she sees like someone from her past and boom, war flashbacks, buzzcut time once again but this time... She asks for HELP.
Basically I think Azula deserves and need a support system while healing.
Personally I think she ends up as a masc lesbian but I could be projecting.
She also goes back to Fire Nation with her two moms and presents them to her family and it's like
"Moms, this is Mother, Uncle and Zuzu" and it's a pretty awkward dinner for the 3 of them, Azula is having a blast and her 2 moms are loving seeing her baby pictures.
Also something something her and Toph are besties now.
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