kyugens · 2 years
♡ + one of your favorite Itachi ships! Or Gaara ships!
send me a ship  –  still accepting!  –  @damnedreams
i’m still talking things over with mars about mengaa bc i’m madly in love with them... so i’m sticking with itachi. and my favorite ship for him is kakaita. so that’s what i’m talking about today. 🥰 disclaimer: age-gap. kakashi is older than itachi. obviously all answers are time appropriate, default set to blank period post part I / shippuuden era.
Who is the most affectionate?
Surprisingly, both of them are. I live for the idea of domestic kakaita and how comfortable they are around each other. They’ll have these lil moments of peace and quiet, and just lean into each other and enjoy some quality time together. They’ll always have some part of their bodies touching, it’s really sweet. They’ll be reading on the sofa, and their legs will be laced together. Or Itachi will nap on top of Kakashi’s chest listening to his heartbeat. I’d say Itachi is the one who seeks those moments more often, though.
Who initiates the handholding?
Kakashi. He’s all for the handholding even if they’re already all over each other. Like okay but give me More. And he’ll play with Itachi’s fingers while they’re talking or reading or just plain chilling. Itachi’s hands are very soft so that’s an added bonus.
Who worries more for the other?
Kakashi worries because sometimes he’ll look over at Itachi and there’s nothing in his eyes... He knows there’s not much he can do about it, especially because it’s directly related to Itachi’s family and it’s just outside of his grasp. Kakashi is always scared because he recognizes the self-harm tendencies in Itachi’s carelessness regarding his own life, in how arrogant Itachi can be about his abilities and whatnot. He can’t stand the idea of someone he cares about deliberately taking their lives, not again...
Who is more likely to ask for help?
Depends on what they’re asking help for, actually. But I’m going with Kakashi being more open to the idea because of his past experiences with Team Minato and how that changed him, even if they’re still alive in this setting. Itachi is reluctant because he can’t get behind bringing Kakashi into the mess that is his life, he feels it’s selfish of him to do so.
Who is the one always losing the keys?
Itachi. He’s always carrying misc. junk in his pockets, stuff he found on the street and picked it up bc it was shiny, plus he’s not that attentive to small objects. So at some point if falls upon Kakashi to keep track of the keys, Itachi will use the spare one they hide somewhere. He’ll lose that one too. lmao
Who leaves little love notes for the other?
Itachi. He’ll hide them between the pages of whatever book Kakashi’s reading, or roll them up with his scrolls so Kakashi finds it later. Sometimes it’s just doodles and some nonsense. 🥰
Who can’t sleep unless the other is there?
Neither of them can sleep when the other isn’t around, not once they get used to it. Itachi struggles with insomnia and the occasional night terror, while Kakashi has nightmares so bad he prefers not to sleep at all. When they’re together, they can relax and fall asleep in each other’s embrace.
Who is more likely to propose to the other?
Kakashi... It’s not to say that he is going to, but if it were to happen, Kakashi’s the one to propose. It gives him a sense of control? Idk if that’s the word, but it will put most of his worries at ease knowing that Itachi’s tied to him somehow.
Who introduced the other to their family first?
Kakashi will take Itachi to Sakumo’s stone, it’s pretty far off and isolated because of the whole ‘shame on him’ thing that led him to take this life, and Itachi will introduce himself and ask for his blessing. Itachi won’t properly introduce Kakashi to his parents because they’re not on good terms, but he will tell Sasuke about their relationship. Eventually. When he feels that Sasuke might not get as upset.
Who is more likely to play with the other’s hair?
Kakashi. He likes to run his fingers through Itachi’s hair and massage his scalp and nape. Itachi purrs like a kitten.
Who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated?
Kakashi. Itachi can’t cook for the life of him, and his priorities lay elsewhere, so he only eats when his stomachs grumbles and his throat feels weird. Kakashi takes it upon himself to fix that.
Who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other?
Itachi. Especially regarding Kakashi’s sharingan. Some random Uchiha will trashtalk him in front of Itachi but he ain’t having none of it. Back the fuck off, buddy.
Who is the most likely to prepare a surprise for the other?
Itachi. And it always works because he’s really good at keeping secrets, even from Kakashi. Which will taunt Kakashi to no end after said surprise is over, because he overthinks it.
Who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things?
Itachi. And he’s very serious about it. Kakashi thinks it’s silly but will comply. Won’t follow it through if the pinky promise is something he deems is going to lead Itachi astray, or harm him in anyway. I’m thinking too much about this, but it is what it is...
Who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch?
They always nap together because there’s no other option. I rest my case.
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sociieties · 2 years
" i don't know, " is the easiest reply, all encompassing and annoying all the same. menma, of all people, doesn't like i don't know answers, especially if he's the one giving them, thus the mild distress that shows on his face when he's asked if he and his brother are in deep shit.
in a way, they are. he doesn't know how they are, but they are.
sighing, he casts his attention away from sasuke, looking back over for naruto. he stands shortly after, taking a few steps into the water but not going any further than allowing gentle waves to lick at his ankles. " all i know is that i don't like it. i don't like that i can't remember the story and i don't like that it's a recurring dream. "
where did that idiot go...? / @damnedreams, continued.
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feelsofhiraeth · 2 years
♡ + mitsuri and Sasuke or sasusaku!
send me a ‘ ♡ ’ + a ship and i’ll tell you...
Who is the most affectionate?
mitsuri, for sure.  i mean...  it’s mitsuri!
Who initiates the handholding?
again, mitsuri.  but i think sasuke would snatch his hand back ):
Who worries more for the other?
i would say mitsuri, but i think sasuke would honestly worry about her as well?  but for the most i would say mitsuri.  she worries a lot in general.
Who is more likely to ask for help?
this is interesting because i think when it comes to things in general mitsuri would ask, but when it comes to training and sparring i think sauske would ask her to train with him and maybe teach him some techniques she knows?
Who is the one always losing the keys?
in a modern day au definitely mitsuri.  i bet sasuke buys her a lanyard to attach her keys on.  but you know sasuke always has his key so it’s okay.
Who leaves little love notes for the other?
again, mitsuri.  definitely mitsuri.  she’s just full of love.
Who can’t sleep unless the other is there?
oddly enough i want to say sasuke, and hear me out.  in the naruto verse he would have gotten so used to her being around him, so used to her pressence and used to her sleeping beside him.  she probably inched her way closer to him, probably tried to snuggle him multiple times during the night that it probably became routine for him to wake up to shove her away.  so imagine a day she’s not there?  it would probably be so weird for him.
Who is more likely to propose to the other?
mitsuri.  we already know this, but mitsuri, and she’d be dramatic with it each time.
Who introduced the other to their family first?
if it’s their naruto verse neither of them.  sasuke’s family is dead, of course, and mitsuri doesn’t talk with her family because of the abuse she went through.  in a different au where maybe sasuke’s family lived and mitsuri’s family is more like her canon family i honestly think sasuke would.  but i think it would be more like...  itachi stumbles across them, introduces himself and invites her back to the uchiha household to meet his parents.  so, actually itachi, lmao!
Who is more likely to play with the other’s hair?
weird, again, but i think they both would.  mitsuri would play with his hair because we all love sasuke’s hair, and i think sasuke would probably get used to moving her braids out of the way because they bounce around and probably hit him a lot.  plus i imagine she’d ask him to maybe brush the back of her hair for her, she’d be so sneaky with it.
Who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated?
mitsuri.  but, i also think sasuke would be mindful when it comes to mitsuri’s diet too.  like making sure she’s ate enough, that she doesn’t hold back on her diet and scold her if she has.  but mitsuri would make sure sasuke’s hydrated and all of that good stuff.
Who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other?
it really depends where they are in their relationship, and who the person is that’s being hostile or whatever.  in general, mitsuri, of course.  she’d stick up for him if a random stranger called him rude.  but if it was a really hostile situation i think sasuke would definitely step in.
Who is the most likely to prepare a surprise for the other?
mitsuri would prepare small surprises more often, i think sasuke would maybe prepare one big surprise now and again because mitsuri always surprises him. 
Who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things?
of course it has to be mitsuri.  and she’d be so serious about it as well.
Who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch?
sasuke.  i can just see him watching her snoring, maybe drooling a little or giggling in her sleep and he just covers her with the blanket, muttering something about her catching a cold!
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musaics · 2 years
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@damnedreams​ Izuki decides to pay Li a visit!  “I’m sorry to disturb you…” Izuku politely interrupts, despite his anxiety telling him to stop and run,” b-but um….I greatly admire you and would love to speak with you when you’re available!” Not as a perfect as he practiced, but hopefully this was good enough for his idol.
There’s a cracking sound that originates from Li’s lower back before a sigh of pleasure leaves his lips.  Oh, sweet relief! Despite surgery and rehabilitation, the martial artist’s spine still caused him pain and presented with tightness at times. Perhaps the distressed expression he’d previously been wearing was what caused the mousy boy to approach him so hesitantly.   
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Li’s smile of relief immediately melts into one of soft encouragement. “Hello!”  He says, voice oozing with what he hopes sounds like comfort. It probably just sounds like excitement, though; He’s never had a fan before!  “You are not a disturbance by any means.  I am sorry if my expression made you think otherwise.”  
Li continues before the nervous boy can dwell on it. “I appreciate your kind words very much and I cannot wait to see what you are capable of.”  Meaning, he wants to learn more so that he can return the compliment! “What is it I can help you with, err. . ?” Oops, forgot to ask about a name!
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vsagis · 2 years
10. What energizes and drains them most? / 33. How do they learn about the world–what is their preferred learning style? Hands-on learning with trial and error? Research, reading, and note-taking? Observation or rote memorization? Inductive or deductive reasoning? Seeking patterns and organization? Taking things apart and putting them back together? Creative processing via discussing, writing about, or dramatizing things?
10. What energizes and drains them most?
seeing results is certainly motivating, whether it’s the results of his immediate actions or plans; that and — while i’m not sure it’s the exact way i’d put it — discovering something new. as in, a new interest in a person, an activity, a detail he missed before... it can easily turn into something that’s not that healthy, but hey, it works. as to what could drain him— probably the opposite, being stuck in the same place, with the same problem, etc.
33. How do they learn about the world? What is their preferred learning style? (...)
i would say most of his process would be observation and making conclusions. while taking notes was and still is a big thing for him, it’s primarily a way of arranging the information he already has, as in mentally labeling the facts and putting them in the corresponding ‘drawers’ in his mind. sometimes explaining certain problems to himself and walking himself through every step is helpful as well; this is where the infamous muttering to himself comes into play.
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spydcddya · 2 years
Do you have a routine that helps you prepare to work on your writing / If a reply isn’t coming easily do you draft it for later, delete and start over, chat with your writing partner for help, or something else?
@damnedreams  no longer accepting !
i don’t have a ritual of any kind really besides the beauty of soundtracks that help me set the tone for where i want to take a thread. if a reply doesn’t come easy to me i’ll immediately draft it (say hello to my 30 drafts in waiting &. inbox messages vying for my attention)  &. they’ll sit until i garner the muse for them but i do love to reach out to those partners  &. chit chat with them , let them know i’m not ignoring our thread ---  i just move like a turtle.  they have given me great suggestions though to help move my muse along.  this is the time i take to re-watch episodes or just listen to the sound of twilight’s voice  &.  that does a tremendous deal for me ( sub <3 ) but if i’m not engaged or distracted by any means  ,  i will lose my mojo quick  &.  take a century to get it back. 
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celestiel · 2 years
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𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮?
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the italicized oh. often seen in romance novels and fanfics. when a character looks at someone, wondering why their chest tightens when they're near, why their heart beats quicken at the slightest touches, why they lose their breathe at the sight of them and suddenly realization dawns on them— oh. they've been in love for a long time now. 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐞𝐭, 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐝. though when you love, you fall deeply. 𝐢'𝐦 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐱𝐢𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞, and you're more inclined to fall in love with a longtime friend than a stranger. though, 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐮𝐫𝐞. and maybe if you have someone in mind, this is your sign to tell them.
tagged by: @purityran hehehehehuhuhuh tagging: @dvnities (u know im not picky girl hit me), @loetise @helreisa @ozumakis @heldwoven @heartsbreaking​ @vihilum​ @yoakkemae​ @damnedreams​ @dvarapala​ @ta1jutsu​ @shikeis​ 
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kunoichiblossoms · 2 years
@damnedreams​ (Hinata) ♥
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“He was unconscious when I found him,” Sakura said with a sigh, sounding a bit more exasperated than worried. This was just like Naruto, after all - Sakura always had to clean up after him. Honestly.
“Probably pushed himself too hard again, you know how Naruto can be. But he’ll be fine,” She added. Hinata always cared about those around her far too much. Sakura smiled; it was endearing. “I checked him myself, fixed him up. Now the hard part is getting Naruto to stay still and rest until he heals.”
Sakura finished writing her notes and put Naruto’s chart down before approaching Hinata.  The sun was just setting and Sakura was starving - she wasn’t even sure how Hinata found out Naruto was in the hospital, but she wouldn’t put it past Hinata to stay late into the night. “He won’t be awake until tomorrow. My shift’s done, how about you walk me out?” 
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bakgos · 2 years
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@damnedreams​ said : 💥 | SEND 💥 FOR A HEADCANON I’VE ALWAYS WANTED TO TALK ABOUT, BUT HAVEN’T HAD THE CHANCE TO YET. | still accepting!   
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          katsuki has long since scorned milk from cows ( hes not lactose intolerant but he did start developing a distaste for actual cow milk around 10 or 11 years old ) and has discovered a treat amongst oat milk. it adds a creamier taste to almost anything you pair with it and it lasts longer in the fridge , so you won’t see katsuki going back to regular dairy. he even asks for oat milk substitutes for when he gets tea or coffee from a restaurant & if they don’t have oat milk , he’ll just drink it black or without milk at all. he usually drinks his coffee black , but oat milk got him a little spoiled , so now he drinks it with a splash of it whenever he can. 
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sociietiesarc · 2 years
@damnedreams​ said: “how lucky are some people…whose lives have no fears, no dreads; to whom sleep is a blessing that comes nightly, and brings nothing but sweet dreams.” ( sasuke to suigetsu
knowing what sasuke speaks of does nothing but puts suigetsu more on edge. not for his own peace of mind, nor for sasuke’s, but for the general anger that suigetsu’s learned to quell over the years when it comes to the very people sasuke talks about now. how lucky they are / how suigetsu sometimes — most times think they don’t deserve such things. how nice a life must be to live one happily, with no nightmares or boogeymen haunting their sleep along with their awake. how lucky they must be. how nice that must be. how boring that must be. maybe it’s suigetsu’s long list of issues that make him think that way, to bring him to breathing out a dismissive laugh and wave his hand, eyes closed as he leans his head back out of nothing but pure amusement. suigetsu never knew peace, nor did he ever think too much about those who did. how lucky those people must be, and how broken suigetsu must be to never think of a could-be. his burning began long before orochimaru and all the horrors they followed; his burning began with a village and a genocide / and two / and three / and four / and a nation that began eating itself from the inside out long before suigetsu was born. his lack of peace came with a built in smoke detector that works like sugar and medicine being injecting directly into someone’s bloodstream. suigetsu’s dreads, although far and few between, are what kept him alive for so long. it’s what allows him to dream up his nightmares and know them not as nightmares, but of a very likely reality — ” lucky? ” suigetsu does not understand most things sasuke says. not when he’s talking like this. he doesn’t understand, but he stays anyway. laughs at wishful thinking, but he stays. still chooses to stick to uchiha like glue, something he promised all those years and years ago, but now at least it’s not out of spite. “ sasuke... who would you be without your nightmares? ”
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kyugens · 2 years
“ i’m too handsome to do paperwork. ” ( naruto to gaara )
house md sentences – no longer accepting.
Gaara didn't bother looking up from his pile of paper, already used to the large number of documents that needed his signature that came with being a Kage. The only sounds that filled the room were his pen sliding across the pages and Naruto's groaning, which would get louder by the second as if that would probe a response out of Gaara. He looked at the Uzumaki from the corner of his eyes, a tad judgemental if that was ever in question, his lips pressed thinly against one another.  “ — Quit slacking off, Naruto. Kakashi will need your reports on today's mission. ”  He wondered if he could get Temari to come and bully Naruto into working, but bothering his sister on her day off seemed extreme... Sighing in defeat, the Kazekage finally looked at the other slouching over the table – he smiles, amused by the sight.  “ — If you finish your paperwork, we'll have time to... ”  He pondered, thinking of a tempting offer to propose.  “ — Well, what do you want to do? ”
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sociieties · 2 years
@damnedreams​: “ you and i both know the risks. we both know what people like them are capable of. tell me it’s all okay, and i won’t question you. but if it isn’t… we need to be ready. ” (hinata to neji!
truth be told, neji doesn’t like telling hinata when things are wrong, nor does he like lying to her. he’d rather deal with everything himself so she didn’t have to worry about it, but they’re long past the point of him being able to handle it on his own and the both of them know it. what with the sheer amount of people he’s upset over the years for his unwillingness to so much as acknowledge people for speaking to either him or hinata, the princess, crazy was one thing. this new development with the house and the rumblings of some plan he’s only just gotten an inkling about... things are far from okay. “ it’s not; hinata-hime, we have to go. now. ”
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feelsofhiraeth · 2 years
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“ did i disturb your training?  i’m sorry! ”
@damnedreams​​​​ ​​​     ♡’d​ ​​​     for a starter !
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musaics · 2 years
Continued from here w/ @damnedreams​ ‘s Katsuki!
Hinata casts her gaze to the ground to avoid the angry glare that she was sure was on this hero’s face.  It had to be— She could hear the aggravation in his voice as he calls his dispatcher.  She wonders how much more angry he’ll get when she informs him of us actual assignment. Hinata begins to dig in the small backpack she’d brought along to serve as a purse.
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“Umm, actually. . I think— I think you’ve been sent here for preventative measures.” She can feel her embarrassment taking shape in the form of a hot blush on her cheeks. “I’m, umm, a— A bit of a celebrity.” 
Ah, there it was.  Perfectly manicured nails latch onto the small photocard of herself. Retrieving it, she stares at the image.  She was in her usual Shinobi Sisters get up, giving a cute wink and a smile. Oh, how embarrassing this was! Gingerly, she holds it out for him to see.  Hinata still makes the effort to avoid his gaze.
“I’m. . I’m. a member of the pop group, Shinobi Sisters.  I think— I think you’re supposed to be my bodyguard, Mr. Dynamite.”
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crypticdeku · 2 years
@damnedreams​ (bakugo)
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“ you’ve risked enough just getting me out of there.”
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vsagis · 2 years
@damnedreams ♥’d for a starter
Izuku knows how it looks— or how it would look to the bystanders had they known who he is, the face under a mask that hasn't yet fallen and revealed the idendity of the villain known as Usagi. So even if he promised with a hand over his heart that the chaos unfolding on the streets is not of his doing, nobody would believe him.
Still, the truth is what it is, and it is one: this time Izuku is just another unlucky witness of yet another wannabe big villain attack.
Back pressed against the wall to avoid people ignoring the heroes orders and mindlessly trying to get away, he tries to move against the tide, towards a back alley he knows can give him some solitude he needs to disappear into the shadows. It's just a few steps left when a blur of color and motion tumbles from the exact same alley he was planning to turn into, revealing the criminal standing behind all this once it stops, just a feet or two away from Izuku.
Then, their eyes cross, and he knows. They know of each other, vaguely, but enough for the other villain to recognize Izuku's face and open his mouth— either to ask for help, or point the attention towards the bigger fish, or whatever else could be going through his mind. He doesn't get the chance to actually say anything, though, as what both can hear next is the distant sound of explosions, seeming to move closer. There isn’t enough time, and barely enough time for gestures, barely enough for Izuku to raise a finger and press it against his lips, as if commanding the man at his feet to stay silent.
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